Romance Sample2
Romance Sample2
Romance Sample2
(Available on Wattpad)
When we arrived at school it seemed like everyone was buzzing.
Hes so hot! A tall, thin blonde exclaimed amongst her friends. I looked over
toward the student parking lot and there he was.
Sitting on his black Volvo with a pair of black sunglasses and headphones.
Look, there he is. Gabe said to me as he pointed inconspicuously.
Harry was trained on my face. I could hear my heart practically beating out of my
chest as he approached me, the closer he got the more intimidated I felt by his
height shadowing over me. I smiled politely but was disappointed when his vision
left my eyes to Gabriel behind me. Harry angrily pinned Gabe with a harsh gaze.
Come with me. He spoke quickly before I even had a chance to respond. He
clasped my hand and led me to the forest behind our school.
I looked over my shoulder and it seemed like the whole student body was looking
at us. Some jealous and disgusted others looked panicked probably fearing hed
hurt me.
We escaped into the darkness of the trees looming overhead.
Why... Why did you bring me here? I stuttered looking at him as he guided my
hand to the back of his neck. Which was quite hairy.
I needed someone to keep me company while I skipped classes. He winked. I
laughed hard causing him to smirk.
Oh no, I do not skip classes and what a horrible first impression youre trying to
Oh please, all these little wankers here already had an opinion about me before I
walked through the school doors. This probably just satisfies their preconceived
notions. He spat. I widened my eyes as I watched him take off his sunglasses.
The sunlight peeking through a few branches reflected off his eyes revealing
shimmering almost jade colored orbs. I stared into them making him grin. He
leaned into my ear and held my hand firmly in place at the nape of his neck.
You have a thing for my eyes dont you? He whispered. I swallowed hard and
tried to back away from him but his grip on my hand tightened and he placed his
free hand on the small of my back.
Your eyes are gorgeous but I really do have to get to class. I tried to hurry away
from him but he wouldnt let go. He stared into my eyes hungrily before pushing
me further into him allowing my body to press up against his cut one.
Wheres the fun in being a good girl? He winked challenging me.
I thought for a moment and came up with nothing.
Exactly, so lets go. He said grabbing my hand once again and leading me
further into the woods. I dug my combat boot heel into the dirt and stopped him.
What about your car? I asked trying to return back to the school grounds and
eventually escape to class. His chest bounced as he chuckled.
Itll be fine in the parking lot. He said turning once again to lead me.
What... What about your classes? Wont your parents be mad you didnt attend?
Im sure my mom will get over it. He said jokingly. I took a few deep breaths and
it seemed like there was nothing else I could do but enjoy the day with a beautiful
Wait, how do you even know where youre going? Didnt you just move here last
Late nights are kind-of my thing. I love exploring the city when the commoners
are asleep. He shared.
What have you uncovered so far about Yermin falls nightlife? I asked,
Its really, really... Dark. For lack of a better confession, I assumed. I laughed as
he continued through the trees.
Its really dark? Wow, I never wouldve guessed that. I sarcastically remarked.
He looked back over his shoulder and flashed me a toothy grin.
down on his pink bottom lip and looking back up at me eyes glossing in the
morning rays of sunlight.
This boy was down right sexy.