Capell Sped Resource Guide
Capell Sped Resource Guide
Capell Sped Resource Guide
We wish to thank the CAPELL Special Education Resource Guide Committee for its hard work and
dedication in the development of this guide. We would also like to thank the CAPELL members for their
input and Marie Salazar Glowski for her support on behalf of the Connecticut State Department of
This guide is dedicated to English language learners and those who help them to succeed in their education
and beyond.
Introduction ......................................................................................................................................... 4
Second Language Acquisition ............................................................................................................. 5
Frequently Asked Questions about Second Language Acquisition ..................................................... 7
Frequently Asked Questions From Across the Disciplines ................................................................. 8
A Word of Caution ............................................................................................................................ 11
Recommended Procedure .................................................................................................................. 13
Sample Parent/Caregiver Interview .................................................................................................. 15
Check List.......................................................................................................................................... 17
Assessments....................................................................................................................................... 20
Translation Resources & Services ..................................................................................................... 23
Terminology ...................................................................................................................................... 29
Overview of Legislation Pertaining to English Language Learners (ELLs) ..................................... 32
Appendix A: Connecticut English Mastery Standard ...................................................................... 34
Appendix B: LAS Links Proficiency Levels .................................................................................... 35
Resources .......................................................................................................................................... 36
Connecticut is committed to ensuring a free and appropriate public education for all students. This
includes providing equal access to English Language Learners (ELLs) who may also have special
learning needs or disabilities, and giving these students equal access to appropriate educational
services. The purpose of this resource book is to provide educators with information that will:
Explain the process and developmental stages of second language acquisition
Promote a collaborative approach among teachers, administrators, and other personnel involved in
the education of ELLs.
Create an awareness of the laws, regulations, and policies related to the educational rights of ELLs.
Give school personnel other resources to utilize.
This project began in response to the needs, interests, and concerns expressed by many educators
working with ELLs who were experiencing academic difficulties.
The Connecticut Administrators of Programs for English Language Learners (CAPELL) decided to
create this resource handbook to assist educators in meeting this need.
Self-confident students take risks with learning, get more opportunities to build
language skills, and are not as easily discouraged by errors.
The prior knowledge and experience of students help in their development of related
language, vocabulary, and concepts. Students from war-torn countries may experience
more difficulty developing the trust necessary for developing language-learning skills in
a new environment. Students with diverse cultural traditions may be able to strengthen
their language learning skills by contrasting their life experiences with their new
The home and family environment in which the student lives can greatly affect the
students academic success and educational experience. Students who have left family
members behind in their home countries may be unhappy. Students whose families are
experiencing financial and/or emotional difficulties may have trouble adjusting to the
new learning environment. Students who come from families that stress the importance
of education may have well-developed learning skills.
Cultural differences may influence students behavior in the classroom. Learning styles
may reflect cultural experiences. The role of parents in the educational process may also
reflect their cultural background and may differ from what is expected in American
Students who are successful in the learning environment or those who are encouraged to
succeed are usually motivated to learn. All other factors listed here also influence
Students who fear failure and the lack of social acceptance may experience anxiety that
interferes with their learning.
Students will usually thrive with a caring teacher who offers ample opportunities for
learning in a stimulating multisensory environment.
All students should be encouraged to model effective learning strategies and appropriate
classroom behavior for their peers. Language minority students are often influenced by
good learning techniques and appropriate behavior demonstrated by their peers.
A student whose first language and culture are appreciated and valued will develop a
positive self-concept and bring cultural richness to both the school and the community.
If a student sounds fluent in English, why is he or she still in the ELL program?
Conversational proficiency is the ability to use language in face-to-face communication which can take
one to three years. Academic proficiency is the ability to carry out school-related literacy tasks this
can take anywhere from five to ten years, depending on the individual student. A framework developed
by Jim Cummins, a researcher in second language acquisition, is often used to explain the difference
between conversational (BICS Basic Interpersonal Conversation Skills) and academic proficiency
(CALP Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency).
If a student has exited from an ELL program, why does he or she still have
problems with content?
It is likely to take anywhere from five to ten years for students to demonstrate mastery at the cognitive
academic language proficiency (CALP) level. Therefore, it is important for the general education
teacher to recognize that exited ELL students will need ongoing support as they continue to work
toward grade-level performance.
What is the process for entering and exiting the ELL program?
The Home Language Survey should be administered to each student registering in Connecticut public
schools. If the Home Language Survey indicates a language other than English, the student should be
screened for ELL services. If students qualify for ELL services they are assessed on an annual basis to
determine progress. When a student meets the Connecticut English Mastery Standard (See Appendix) he
or she exits the ELL program.
How long do we wait before referring an ELL student for possible special education
A referral to special education can be made by a parent at anytime. A Planning and Placement Team (PPT)
meeting must be held upon a parents referral for a special education evaluation. There is no time
restriction for staff referring an ELL for evaluation when:
An early intervention process (see page 14) has been followed within a systematic framework such as
Scientifically Researched-Based Intervention (SRBI).
Interventions, instructional strategies, and program options implemented have proven unsuccessful.
Can ELLs who have had little or no previous formal education in their home countries
be referred for special education?
Yes, but if the disability requiring special education services is due to lack of instruction in either reading or
math, then the child cannot be identified as a child with a disability under IDEA. While a students previous
formal education history will likely affect the students academic performance in United States schools,
limited schooling in and of itself does not constitute a true disability. However, since many countries do not
offer special education alternatives, students with special needs are frequently excluded from school in those
countries. These students may not have received appropriate services. In other cases, the students difficulty
in a U.S. school may be the result of a lack of formal education rather than disability.
How should special education teachers, ELL teachers, general education teachers,
and speech and language pathologists work together as a team?
Ideally, collaboration is occurring to shape a program of services for which all children can benefit from
the expertise these individuals provide. Yet, it becomes more important for focused conversations to
begin around an individual student as soon as the student begins to exhibit academic difficulties. In the
case of preschool children, the collaboration should be no different and should begin to be more
individually focused as soon as the child exhibits developmental delays. The expertise of educators in
different disciplines can help establish changes in the curriculum, develop appropriate strategies to help
the ELL student, and monitor student progress. A team approach promotes support for differentiated
instruction and the sharing of ideas and materials. The team can also determine timelines for further
action and the need for further assessment.
What should teachers do if a language minority student, who has never been
designated as an ELL begins to exhibit difficulty in the classroom?
Students who have never been identified as ELLs may perform below grade level during the time it
takes to achieve age-appropriate levels of cognitive academic language proficiency (CALP). These
students continue to need support from their classroom teachers as they further develop and refine
their language and academic skills.
If research indicates that it can take from five to seven years (or longer) to acquire
cognitive academic language proficiency, shouldnt we wait that length of time
before referring a student for special education?
No. ELL students may exhibit disabilities at any point in the process of acquiring a second language.
Should ELL and special education staff members coordinate common services?
Yes. Service coordination is critical to the success of ELLs with special needs; they have legal rights
to both services.
A Word of Caution
Avoiding Over-identification
Language learning takes time; it is normal for ELLs to need many years to become proficient in the
English language. ELLs should not be considered deficient simply because they are not yet
proficient in English, in the same way that a native speaker of English should not be considered
deficient simply because they have not yet learned calculus!
Research in second language acquisition states that most ELLs learn basic conversational language
relatively quickly (1-3 years) , but take much longer to master academic language ( 5-7 years or
longer). Therefore, we cannot assume that because an ELL is having academic difficulties, the ELL
has a disability. Here is a summary of characteristics of typical ELLs which may be mistaken as signs
of learning or behavioral disabilities:
Learning Issues (What it may seem like)
Language disorder
Withdrawn behavior
Aggressive behavior
Avoiding Under-identification
Even though it takes time to learn a language, we need to recognize that some ELLs, just as students
in the English-speaking population, do have disabilities that may make them eligible for special
education. As mentioned above, because it is difficult to determine if an ELLs difficulties stem from
learning a new language or from a true disability, some school districts are reluctant to consider
referring ELLs for special education services until the student has been learning English for a predetermined number of years usually two or three. This practice of waiting a number of years before
referring a student for special education services is detrimental to ELLs who may truly have
Here are some possible reasons for initiating a special education referral for an ELL:
The ELL is exhibiting the academic/behavioral difficulties in both first and second languages.
The ELL teacher supports the position that the ELL is performing differently from his/her
cultural peers.
The ELL displays very little or no academic progress resulting from appropriate instructional
strategies, alternative instruction, or academic interventions.
Parents confirm the academic/behavioral difficulties seen in the school setting.
School personnel such as tutors and aides confirm the academic/behavioral difficulties seen in
the classroom setting.
Recommended Procedure
It is suggested that the procedure outlined in the following Early Intervention Flowchart be used to
determine if, in fact, a special education referral is warranted for an ELL. The steps are similar to the
steps for native speakers of English, with three notable differences:
At every point in the process, the ELL staff should be involved. It is often the ELL staff that
best knows the strengths and limitations of the ELL, and can help determine if the difficulties
the ELL is experiencing are excessive when compared to other ELLs of similar background.
Teacher continues to
implement effective
interventions and
monitor students
Teacher requests assistance from the in-school problemsolving team which must include the ELL teacher and input from the
parents or family (including information from the Sample
Parent/Caregiver Interview Form), and interpreter, as needed. Parents
may be invited to this meeting.
Teacher continues to
implement effective
interventions and
monitor students
Teacher continues to
implement effective
interventions and
monitor students
ELL continues to experience difficulty after team generated interventions are implemented.
In-school problem -solving team reconvenes, reevaluates intervention plan, and assesses student progress.
In-school problem -solving team reviews results from language assessment and
arranges for Pupil Personnel Team (PPT) meeting (must include the ELL
* During this process, if a parent refers his/her child for a special education evaluation, the district may
not delay holding a Planning and Placement Team (PPT) meeting to discuss the referral.
4. Was there any interruption in your childs education? ________ If so, for how
5. Was your child in a rural or urban setting?______________
6. What was the length of the school day?__________
7. Did your child attend school daily/consistently?__________
8. In what month did the school year begin?___________
9. In what month did the school year end? _____________
10. When were school vacations? ______________________________
11. Has your child ever had difficulties learning?___________________ If yes, please explain
12. Has your child ever received special services (teachers) to help his/her learning?____________
If yes, please explain briefly______________________________________________________
13. Is there anything more you would like to tell us about your childs prior school experience?
Parent /Caregiver Questions
1. In what language would you like to receive written information from the school? ______________
2. In what language would you prefer to communicate orally with school staff? __________________
a. A complete profile has emerged and no factors (high degree of mobility,
missing parent(s), poverty, poor attendance, etc.) that could possibly
contribute to the students difficulty have been identified.
Find information about personal and/or family factors if any item has been
checked no.
3. Has the students health data, both past and present, been investigated and
a. A complete health profile has emerged and no factors (impaired hearing or
vision, chronic dental pain, malnutrition, post traumatic stress syndrome,
etc.) that could possibly contribute to the students difficulty have been
Find information about physical and psychological factors if any item has been
checked no.
4. Have the students school records (past and present) been located, reviewed
and analyzed? If past records are not available, have other means of gathering
this data been implemented?
a. Has the student participated in a quality bilingual/ESL program(s) in
previous years (see question #1 above)?
b. Has the student had the benefit of uninterrupted formal schooling
throughout his/her educational career?
c. Has the students previous schooling been at the same level of rigor as
his/her current schooling?
d. Does the language of instruction in the students previous schooling match
the language of instruction in the students current learning environment?
Find information about previous schooling factors if any item has been checked
L2 = English
Yes No
A Checklist
5. Has data been collected, reflecting both strengths and difficulties,
A Checklist
8. Have appropriate interventions, capitalizing on students strengths and
Notes or Comments:
If many of the answers to these questions are yes and the student continues to
experience difficulty, staff should consider that the student is experiencing
difficulty outside the realm of normal development and achievement that is
typical for English Language Learners. In such a case, a request for special
education evaluation would be warranted.
L1= First (home) language
L2= English
Checklist adapted with permission from Barbara Marler, Consultant at the Illinois Resource Center.
The following are some of the assessments available for gathering additional information to help in
determining whether an ELL is eligible for special education. When assessing an ELL to determine if
he/she has a disability that would require special education, evaluations must be selected that are not
discriminatory on a racial or cultural basis. When a non-discriminatory evaluation instrument cannot
be found, the decision-making team must be made aware of the limitations of the instrument.
Additionally, as mentioned earlier, the school must ensure that the evaluations are administered in the
language most likely to yield accurate information on what the child knows and can do academically,
developmentally, and functionally, unless it is clearly not feasible to provide or administer. It is
important to remember that tests normed solely on native English-speaking students have limited validity
for ELLs and must be viewed in that light. Using more than one measure or assessment to determine
whether a child has a disability and to determine an appropriate educational program is required. Tests are
only one source of information, and therefore, it is required to gather evidence from multiple sources (such
as past educational history, teacher input, etc.) as noted earlier in this guide.
This is not an exhaustive list of assessments, but rather a starting point. Other assessments that may be
helpful in gathering information about ELLs should be added as the assessments are developed.
Norm Referenced Assessments
Aprenda is a Spanish achievement test for native speakers of Spanish from kindergarten through grade nine.
It is available through Harcourt Assessment, Inc. Aprenda III was introduced in 2005. It is used to assess
student achievement and critical thinking skills in reading, math, language arts, science, and social sciences.
Batera Woodcock Muoz Revisada
This is a test in Spanish available through Riverside Publishing. It parallels the Woodcock-Johnson, which
is described below, with both an academic (Pruebas de Aprovechamiento Revisada) and a cognitive
(Pruebas de Habilidad Cognitive Revisada) section.
Bilingual Verbal Ability Test (BVAT)
Available through Riverside Publishing, the BVAT is a test to evaluate a bilingual students academic
readiness, assist in placing a bilingual student in an appropriate program, and plan a suitable program for the
student. The overall test score is based on the students knowledge and reasoning skills using both English
and his/her native language. It is available in the following 15 languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French,
German, Haitian-Creole, Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Spanish, Turkish, and
mailing address:
CyraCom A translation company that serves the medical/health care field primarily, but is also used by
schools and public service organizations, etc.); provides oral interpretation by phone and written document
translation; you become a client.
email: [email protected]
phone: 800-713-4950
fax: 520-745-9022 5780
mailing address:
North Swan Road
Tucson, Arizona 85718
Language Line Services A translation company (oral and written) that serves many fields; you open an
account with them to begin using their services.
email: [email protected]
phone: 1-800-752-6096, option 2
mailing address:
World Headquarters
Language Line Services
1 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Bldg. 2
Monterey, CA 93940
Language Services Unlimited (LSU) A translation company (oral and written) that serves many fields.
email: [email protected]
phone: 770-682-5497 or 770-682-6581
Interpreters & Translators, Inc. (ITI) A translation company (oral and written) that serves many fields.
email: [email protected]
phone: 860.647.0686, toll-free: 800.648.0686
fax: 860.646.3590
office hours: 8am-5pm EST, M-F
mailing address:
International Institute of Connecticut, Inc. A non-profit, non-sectarian social service agency dedicated to
the needs of immigrants, refugees, and their families. Services include: immigration citizenship and counseling,
refugee resettlement, matching grant program, employment training programs, Human Trafficking Project,
interpreter/translation services, immigrant court representation, English as a Second Language, community
education, and training.
website: OR
email: [email protected]
Main Office
Stamford Office
22 Grove St., P.O. Box 1090 330 Main St., 3rd Floor
Stamford, CT 06902
Hartford, CT 06106
Tel. (203) 965-7190
Tel. (860) 692-3085
Fax. (203) 425-8927
Fax. (860) 692-3089
Hartford Office
Global Link Translations and Interpreting Services A translation company that began its work primarily in
the medical field and who now serves clients including hospitals, businesses, Massachusetts and Connecticut
State Agencies, attorneys, human service agencies, and school systems; provides on-site interpreters.
mailing address:
email: [email protected]
Global Link Translations
phone: (413) 737-1888
Andrew M. Scibelli Enterprise
fax: (413) 737-0188
1 Federal Street, Building 101
Springfield, MA 01105
Global Link Language Services, Inc. A multilingual communication agency that provides translation,
interpreting, and localization solutions to a wide variety of clients primarily in the business sector.
email: [email protected]
phone: (617) 451-6655
fax: (617) 451-6644
mailing address:
mailing address:
159 W 25th Street, 6th Floor
New York, NY 10001
American Translation Association (ATA) A professional association founded to advance the translation and
interpreting professions and foster the professional development of individual translators and interpreters. Its
10,000 members in more than 90 countries include translators, interpreters, teachers, project managers, web,
and software developers, language company owners, hospitals, universities, and government agencies. You can
find a translator or interpreter using their searchable online directory of translator and interpreter services.
email: [email protected]
phone: (703) 683-6100
fax: (703) 683-6122
mailing address:
Language Bank at the Red Cross provides language and translation services in various activities of American
Red Cross. Volunteers also assist with translation for emergency and other various community needs.
email to [email protected].
Stamford Office
39 Leroy Ave
Darien, CT 06820
Phone: 203-655-2586
Fax: 203-655-2589
Email: [email protected]
Office Systems an entire description of services is not accessible at this time as the website is under
construction. For more information, please call (860)635-8485. Contact person, PJ Kamani, stated that they are
one of the largest services in the state of CT that does interpreting/translation work and that they have
experience translating in schools. There is no website for this company at this time, it is recommended that
interested parties call to inquire about the details regarding their range of services, primary costumers, and the
proficiency requirements of their interpreters and translators.
phone: (860)635-8485
mailing address:
Office Systems
750 Main Street, Rm. 1010
Hartford, CT 06103
Call Your Regional Education Service Center (RESC) and inquire about services:
Link to Connecticut RESC-Alliance and Map of CT RESCs -
Area Cooperative Educational Services (ACES)
general contact info for ACES:
Capitol Region Education Council (CREC) for questions regarding interpreter /interpreting
service needs, such as oral translation at parent meetings or evaluations conducted by bilingual
personnel in schools in the CREC region (Greater Hartford area), contact Gio Koch, Recruitment
and Brokering Coordinator at CREC. CREC does not provide written translation services.
phone: 860-509-3686
email: [email protected]
general contact info for EASTCONN:
376 Hartford Turnpike
Hampton, CT 06247
phone: (860) 455-0707
email: [email protected]
Education Connection, Danbury Office for interpretation needs (in Portuguese and Spanish) in
Birth to 3 and School Readiness programs only, contact Catia Monaco at Education Connection.
phone: 203-791-1904, x 142
email: [email protected]
general contact info for Education Connection:
Litchfield Office:
Danbury Office:
44 Hatchetts Hill Rd
Old Lyme, CT 06371
phone: (860) 434-4800
fax: (860) 434-4837
email: [email protected]
William Wuyke (860)439-2555, [email protected], independent contractor/consultant for
translation/interpreting work. Please direct questions concerning his services directly to him.
general contact info for LEARN:
Eneida Silva clinical psychologist and certified school psychologist; independent contractor for bilingual
psychological and achievement evaluations and translations in Spanish.
Hartford Office address:
Mijoba Communications, LLC is a multi-faceted consultation firm with a special focus upon linguistic,
cultural and ethnic diversity as such issues are manifest in social, health, educational and business
environments. The firms linguistic services include interpreting and translation, with a specific emphasis on
Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. At the present time, much of its work is conducted for the healthcare
industry, providing businesses with services for their employees to ensure adequate provision of health care.
Document and other translation services are also available as needed.
(Nadesha Mijoba is the founder, president, and CEO of Mijoba Communications, LLC.) For questions
regarding Mijoba Communications services, language proficiency requirements of its interpreters and
translators, etc., please contact the firm.
[email protected]
or [email protected]
phone: 860-535-2274 (CT); 401-663-4471 (RI)
860-535-2774 fax
mailing address:
Connecticut Administrators of Programs for English Language Learners (CAPELL) neither endorses any of the above
mentioned companies, agencies, services, or individuals, over the other, nor do any references herein to them or to
specific commercial products, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer or otherwise, constitute any
endorsement or recommendation by CAPELL. With respect to the services provided by these groups and any written
document translations produced by these groups, neither CAPELL nor its members make any warranty or assume any
legal responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, product, or process. CAPELL is
not responsible for the contents of any of the websites of the companies, agencies, services, or individuals listed above
through referenced links. The responsibility for content rests with the organizations who are providing the information.
Specific questions regarding a document should be directed to the appropriate organization and not necessarily to the
CAPELL webmaster. CAPELL is not responsible for the accessibility to persons with disabilities of any off-site pages
referenced through links.
This list is intended as a resource list only. CAPELL strongly advises its members and our colleagues to observe the
requirements of the No Child Left Behind Act (2001), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (2004),
confidentiality and privacy laws, and the translation guidelines (equal access guidance) set by the Department of Justice
(Civil Rights Division) according to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. For the full document go to the Federal
Register: - Guidance to Federal Financial Assistance Recipients
Regarding Title VI Prohibition Against National Origin Discrimination Affecting Limited English Proficient Persons.
AMAO - Annual Measurable Achievement Objectives: Within Title III of NCLB, each state is
required to measure and report the linguistic progress, linguistic proficiency, and academic progress of
BICS- Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills: Often described as social or conversational
language, this term was developed by Jim Cummins (1984) to distinguish types and levels of language
proficiency. BICS skills can be developed in relatively short period of time, whereas Cognitive
Academic Language Proficiency takes much longer to achieve.
Bilingual Education - An educational model designed to educate students in two languages, one
being the native language and the other being English. In Connecticut there are two types of bilingual
programs that are commonly used: Transitional Bilingual and Dual Immersion programs. In
Connecticut, whenever it is ascertained that there are in any public school within a local or regional
school district twenty or more eligible students classified as dominant in any one language other than
English, the board of education of such district shall provide a program of bilingual education for such
eligible students for the school year next following. (Bilingual Education Statute: Section 10-17E-J).
bilingual The ability to use two languages fluently.
CALP- Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency is the term coined by Jim Cummins (1984) that
refers to the language ability required for academic achievement in a context-reduced environment. It
is the language students need to read and solve math problems, navigate social studies texts, analyze
English literature, write science lab reports, etc. It takes a significantly longer period of time to
develop than does social language.
code switching - Using two different languages within the same conversation. The term is used to
describe any switch among languages in the course of a conversation, whether at the level of words,
sentences or blocks of speech. Code-switching most often occurs when bilinguals are in the presence
of other bilinguals who speak the same languages (NCELA website).
comprehensible input - Krashens theory that language presented to a language learner needs to be
made meaningful through modifications, such as adjustments to rate and content of speech, visual
connections, and scaffolding.
dominant language - The language in which the speaker has greater proficiency and/or uses more
often (NCELA website).
Dual Immersion/Dual Language/2 Way Bilingual Programs - An educational model that promotes
bilingualism by teaching students content in two languages. These programs are designed for both
language majority and minority students, with the goal being the development of bilingualism, biliteracy, and cross-cultural understanding.
English Mastery Standard The standard for mastery, in terms of English language proficiency and
academic achievement, set by the Connecticut State Department of Education. See Appendix A.
English Language Learner (ELL) - refers to a student who is in the process of learning English as an
additional language.
English as a Second Language/English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESL/ESOL) - refers to
specialized English instruction provided to ELLs within the districts ELL and/or bilingual program.
This support typically includes content-based instruction so that ELLs are learning English while
developing skills to assure success in subject areas. Program models vary among districts.
L1- Refers to a students first language. This can also be referred to as home language.
L2- Refers to a students second language.
language loss/attrition- The loss of ones native language as an additional language is learned or
language proficiency - The degree to which a persons language skills are developed, regardless of
how the skills were learned or acquired.
language proficiency tests - Tests designed to measure the fluency and accuracy with which a person
uses the various language components, such as listening, speaking, reading, writing, and
comprehension. In Connecticut, the LAS Links, an language proficiency test, must be administered
annually to all English Language Learners.
Language Assessment System (LAS) Links The language proficiency test produced by
CTB/McGraw-Hill, used in Connecticut, to measure yearly progress in acquiring English as an
additional language. This proficiency test is also available in Spanish.
LEP-Limited English Proficient - Is a term often used by the federal government and some states to
identify those students who are not yet proficient enough in English to succeed in English-only
classrooms without ESOL/Bilingual education support. In Connecticut and many other states, the term
ELL is preferred.
LTSS- Language Transition Support Services: In 1999, the Connecticut General Assembly revised
the states bilingual education statute. One provision mandates that students who do not meet the
English mastery standard on the annual assessment, at the end of 30 months in a transitional bilingual
education program, must receive language transition support services (LTSS) until they meet the
Native/First/Home language- The language a person acquires first in life; it is sometimes called a
mother tongue. see L1
Primary language - The language in which bilingual/multilingual speakers are most fluent, or prefer to
use. This is not necessarily the language first learned in life (NCELA website).
Second Language Acquisition - The process by which a person acquires a second language.
Sheltered Content Instruction Instructional techniques and strategies that enable ELLs to learn
academic subject matter in English.
SIOP- Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol is a research-based and validated model of sheltered
instruction. The SIOP model helps teachers plan and deliver lessons that allow ELLs to acquire
academic knowledge as they develop English language proficiency.
Transitional Bilingual Education Programs (TBE) - A bilingual program model in which students
are taught through two languages: English and the students native language. The primary purpose of
this type of program is to transition students to an all English academic program when he or she is
proficient enough in English to be successful in the monolingual general education program. In
Connecticut, students are allowed a maximum of 30 months in a TBE program. Students who do not
meet the English mastery standard after 30 months can receive Language Transition Support Services
(see LTSS above).
Lau v. Nichols:
Suit filed by Chinese parents in San Francisco in 1974 that led to a landmark Supreme Court ruling that
identical education does not constitute equal education under the Civil Rights Act. School districts must
take affirmative steps to overcome educational barriers faced by non-English speakers (Lyons, 1992).
Castaeda v. Pickard:
In 1981, in the most significant decision regarding the education of language-minority students since
Lau v. Nichols, the 5th circuit court established a three-pronged test for evaluating programs serving
English language learners. According to the Castaeda standard, schools must:
Connecticut Laws:
In 1977, Public act 77-558 was passed and the regulations were developed and became effective on
November 1, 1977, regarding bilingual education. Under state statutes any school or school district with
20 or more ELLs who speak any one language in a school building must provide a bilingual education
In 1999, this act was revised and encoded as section 10-17e-j, inclusive, of the Connecticut General
Statues. The State Department of Education (SDE) issued guidelines for the provisions of the law
referring to implementing Language Transition Support Services beginning in 2002. All children who
are indentified as Limited English Proficient are covered by bilingual legislation. (adapted from the
Connecticut State Department of Education website)
Appendix A
Connecticut English Mastery Standard
Grades K-2
Grades 3-8
Grade 9
Grades 10-12
*Grade 9 ELLs may be tested with the Grade 8 school-secure version of the CMT 3 for the
purpose of exiting from ELL programs. Districts must contact the CT State Department of
Education to obtain a copy of this version (Form M) of the test.
Note: Students who take the CMT MAS or CAPT MAS will still need to take the regular CMT
or CAPT in writing and perform at the Basic level or higher in order to meet all academic
exit criteria.
From the Connecticut State Department of Education website:
Appendix B
LAS Links Proficiency Levels
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
A Level 4 student communicates effectively in English across a range of gradelevel appropriate language demands in the school context, even though errors
occur. The student exhibits productive and receptive control of lexical, syntactic,
phonological, and discourse features when addressing new and familiar topics.
Level 5
Reprinted with permission from the LAS Links Interpretation Guide, CTB McGraw-Hill, 2005.
CAL: The Center for Applied Linguistics aims to promote and improve the teaching
and learning of languages, identify and solve problems related to language.
CAPELL: The Connecticut Administrators of Programs for English Language
Learners provides information to administrators and teachers of English Language Learners (ELLs).
Connecticut State Department of Education: This site has many references,
documents and statistics about English language learners. It is very current and has excellent links to
law and resources.
Contact: Marie Salazar Glowski, Bilingual/ELL Education
Bureau of Curriculum and Instruction
Connecticut State Department of Education
165 Capitol Avenue
P.O. box 2219
Hartford, CT 06145
Telephone: (800)713-6750
Email: [email protected]
ConnTESOL: Connecticut Teachers of English to Speakers of Other
Languages, the local affiliate of national TESOL. Provides an annual conference and resources to all
teachers of English language learners (ELLs).
IRC: The Illinois Resource Center: Since 1972, the Illinois Resource
Center (IRC) has provided assistance to teachers and administrators serving linguistically and culturally
diverse students. With support from the Illinois State Board of Education, the IRC has emerged as a
major statewide intermediate service agency, and its educational and professional development
programs have helped thousands of teachers throughout Illinois and the nation to develop effective
instructional practices for language minority students.
NABE: The National Association for Bilingual Education is a professional association
of teachers, administrators, parents, policy makers, and others concerned with securing educational
equity for language minority students.
NCCRESt: The National Center for Culturally Responsive Educational Systems, a
project funded by the U.S. Department of Educations Office of Special Education Programs,
provides technical assistance and professional development to close the achievement gap between
students from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and their peers, and reduce
inappropriate referrals to special education. The project targets improvements in culturally responsive
practices, early intervention, literacy, and positive behavioral supports.
NCELA: The National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition and
Language Instruction Educational Programs is funded by the U.S. Department of Education
(, Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic
Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (OELA) ( to
collect, analyze, and synthesize information about culturally diverse students.
NWREL:- The Northwest Regional Education Laboratory has numerous resources
for educators, policymakers, parents, and the public. These resources include products such as
publications, professional development tools, and teaching aids. NWREL also offers research-based
services to schools, districts, and states that are designed to improve educational results. Other
resources include events, such as conferences, workshops, and trainings, along with various
newsletters, periodicals, and policy briefs.
OCR: The Office for Civil Rights, U.S. Department of Education, has
responsibility for enforcing Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. OCR investigates allegations of
civil rights violations and initiates investigations of compliance with federal civil rights laws in
schools that serve special students populations, including language-minority students. The office has
developed several policies with regard to measuring compliance with the Lau v. Nichols decision. For
more information, see OCRs resources about ELLs.
OELA: ( The Office of English Language Acquisition, Language
Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students in the U.S.
Department of Education was established in 1974 by congress to help school districts meet their
responsibility to provide an equal education opportunity to English language learners.
TESOL: Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages is a professional
association of teachers, administrators, researchers, and others concerned with promoting scholarship,
the dissemination of information, and strengthening of instruction and research in the teaching of
English to speakers of other languages and dialects.
Becker, Helene, with commentary from Else Hamayan, Teaching ESL K-12: Views from the
Classroom, Boston, Heinle & Heinle, 2001.
Cloud, Nancy, Special Education Needs of Second Language Students, in Genesee, Fred (editor),
Educating Second Language Children: The Whole Child, the Whole Curriculum, the Whole
Community, Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Cummins, Jim, Language, Power and Pedagogy: Bilingual Children in the Crossfire, Multilingual
Matters, 2000.
Hamayan, Else, Barbara Marler, Cristina Sanchez-Lopez, and Jack Damico, Special Education
Considerations for English Language Learners: Delivering a Continuum of Services, Philadelphia,
Caslon Publishing, 2007
Rhodes, Robert L., Salvador Hector Ochoa, and Samuel Ortiz, Assessing Culturally and Linguistically
Diverse Students: A Practical Guide, Guilford Press, 2005.
Robertson, Kristina, How to Address Special Education Needs in the ELL Classroom. (2007)
Roseberry-McKibbin, Celeste, Multicultural Students with Special Language Needs-Practical
Strategies for Assessment and Intervention, Academic Communication Associates, 1995.
Rodriguez-McCleary, Bethrica and Teddi Predaris, The LEP-Special Education Interface: Building
Bridges, A presentation at NABE 2002 (National Association for Bilingual Education) by Fairfax
Public Schools, Fairfax, VA.