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Oct2015 Epistle

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First Presbyterian Church

Wadesboro, NC
Inside this issue:
Notes from Janice

Mission News

Memorial Gifts

Koinonia Kids

Childrens Book

Member Care

Worship Assistants

Bridal Shower

Session Meeting

Special Offerings

Anson Crisis Ministry 4

Financial Report

Presbyterian Historical
Autumn Choir

Flower Calendar


October 2015

Eight Week Bible Study

COVENANT speaks to an enduring commitment between God and
Gods fruitful people. Its a promiseto live in a loving relationship
with and for each other.
So the purpose of COVENANT
BIBLE STUDY is to engage participants in conversations about
this unique and special relationshipas well as our relationships
with each other and the world
around usas we study the Bible


STUDY is to deepen our understanding of scripture while also
helping us respond together in answering Gods call to a faithful life
in Jesus. So it embraces a learning experience that builds trust in
others and confidence in scripture
for each participantleveraging
not just scriptural examples but
also personal memories of Gods
faithful love.

It helps participants; through sharing and conversation; apply the

COVENANT is based on the un- Bible to their personal story.
derstanding that it is through com- Which not only helps cultivate a
munitythrough shared reflection lifelong trust in God, it helps each
and engagementthat we can
participant discover the Bible as a
best discover the Bibles transfriend for life; In-depth study; An
formative power. It is rooted in the accessible message.
simple idea that we live well when Come and join the group, every
we love well.
Tuesday @ 11:30 a.m. and 6 p.m.
in the Church library.

Sunday is
October 4!

Celebration of Veterans Planned at FPC

Plans are underway for a service and covered dish meal on
Sunday, November 15, in honor and memory of veterans in
our community. Please ask others that you know who served
in the military to attend. This will be during the regular worship time and following with the meal in the Fellowship Hall.
More information will follow. Please contact Bonnie Morgan if
you would like to help with the program or if you have suggestions.

First Presbyterian Church

Wadesboro, NC

October 2015

Notes from Janice

The Chancel Choir has begun rehearsing the Christmas cantata The Christmas Story by Tom Fettke and
Thomas Grassi. It is a story of promise, joy, love, faith, worship and a baby who is God's great gift of salvation. We have openings for all voices! If you like to sing, come and join us on Wednesday nights at 7:00!
Invite a friend!
Our Handbell Choir has also begun working on Advent/Christmas selections and other new music. We will
be using special techniques including "singing bell". When using the singing bell technique, the handbell is
carefully touched around the rim with a hardwood mallet. Come and try ringing bells! You'll love it!

Rehearsal Times
Handbell Choir: Wednesdays at 6:00 PM
Chancel Choir: Wednesdays at 7:00 PM
Cherub Choir: Sundays at 9:45 AM

Mission Committee News

CropWalk will be Sunday, October 18, beginning at 2 p.m. at First Baptist Church and ending at Sacred
Heart Catholic Church. Inter-Church Council is taking the lead this year. We hope to have a lot of participation from First Presbyterian members. Church World Services is always there when theres a catastrophe
and we want to do our part to help. Please come by the church and pick up materials for the CropWalk
Belk Charity Day is Saturday, November 7 from 6-10 a.m. at Belk stores. Tickets are $5. All monies raised
will go to mission work. This is the biggest charitable fundraiser Belk stores does. Remember, gift cards
will be given out to the first 100 customers at every store. One regional winner will receive a $1000 gift

Memorial and Honorary Gifts

Music Fund

Organ Fund

In Memory of Jeanne Price

In Memory of Toni OKeefe


(Ted Gardners daughter)

Pam Vernon


Childrens Ministry

Calvin & Sandra Catoe

In Memory of Jeanne Price

Leigh Hildreth


In Memory of Jeanne Price

Kay Cameron-Conner

Leigh Hildreth

First Presbyterian Church

Wadesboro, NC

October 2015

The Bear Who Shared

By Catherine Rayner
Norris the Bear has been patiently waiting for
the last ripe fruit to fall from the tree. He is not
the only one. Tulip the Raccoon and Violet the
Mouse have also been waiting. Read the book
to find out who gets the fruit and what happens to it.

Member Care
Koinonia Kids
Scripture: All the families
of earth will be blessed because of you. Genesis
Theme: God promises to
be with us.
October 7: A Chair for My Mother by Vera B. Williams

October 14: Two Homes by Claire Masurel

October 21: The Gardner by Sarah Stewart
October 28: Water, Come Down! The Day You
Were Baptized by Walter Wangerin, Jr.
Down the hall a celebration is in full swing. Join us
as we explore Gods gift of family!
See you on the rug!
Mrs. Babbs

The Member Care Committee would like
to thank everyone who attended the
Fish Fry on Sunday, September 27 &
Bring-A-Friend Sunday on September
20. Please plan to attend the Family Fall
Fun Night on Saturday, October 24 at
Brenda Morgans. The festivities will
begin at 6 p.m.

First Presbyterian Church

Wadesboro, NC

Financial Report

Worship Assistants

Each week, the church needs

$2,685.39 to meet budget for the
General Account. Below is a list
of what the church received in

Nursery Volunteers

Scott & Shannon Thomas

Ashley Haynes & Kaye Ratliff
Jason & Holly Kiker
Luke & Anne Hyatt


Dylan Trexler
Trent Trexler
Katie Haynes
Ansley Kiker

John Edwards
Foyle Hightower
Bob Stowe
Scott Thomas
Calvin Catoe
Joe Keith
Tony Phillips
Bryan Trexler

Jim Boylin
Eddie Huntley
Ashe Ratliff
Glenn Trexler
Danny Deese
Alex McLeod
Jim Strayhorn
Hugh Wallace

Note: Ushers, you need to be at

the church by 10:45 a.m. If you
cannot, it is your responsibility to
get a substitute.

Flower Calendar





Dianne Deese


Shirley Harward

October 2015

The Women of the Church are

sponsoring a Bridal Shower on
Sunday, October 4 from 2:304:00 p.m. in the fellowship hall
honoring Sarah Strayhorn and
Matthew White, who are planning
a late October wedding. Please
mark your calendars and plan to
attend. The couple are registered at Belk and Crate and Barrel.

The next Stated Meeting

of the Session will be
Sunday, October 11.
Minutes of the
September meeting will
be posted in the
Handbell Room.

Autumn Choir
Childrens Choir:
Sundays at 9:45 a.m.
Handbell Choir:
Wednesdays at 6 p.m.
Chancel Choir:
Wednesdays at 7 p.m.

Anson Crisis Ministry:

The October need is grits or

August 2


August 9


August 16 $2,831.00

August 23 $1,978.00
August 30 $1,735.00
$10,741.56 was needed for this
period, and the church received
$14,537.00. The shortage as of
September 1, 2015 was
The North Carolina Presbyterian
Historical Society will hold its Fall
Annual Meeting on Saturday, October 10, at the historic Summerville Presbyterian Church in Harnett County, near Lillington. Registration is $20, which includes
Our speakers will be from the
State Historic Preservation Office
in Raleigh.
Fifty-three Presbyterian churches
in North Carolina are on the National Register of Historic Places,
but how are small congregations
to preserve them? Come to discuss this important issue. The
schedule, registration form, and
address are on our website at
www.ncphsociety.org, or contact
Program Chair Sam Martin at
(910) 428-4165.

October 4

Peacemaking Offering

October 25

10-A-Meal Hunger

2014 Crop Walk participants. We hope to have an even bigger turnout this year! Crop
Walk is October 18 at 2 p.m., beginning at First Baptist Church.

First Presbyterian
Wa d e s b o r o , N C
P. O. Box 351
208 South Greene Street
Wadesboro, NC 28170

a Christian community of
faith and caring
Phone: 704-694-3818
[email protected]
Web: www.fpcwadesboro.org

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