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Article Ecdis Display Safety Settings and Alarm MGT

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I nternational Conference and Exhibition

The 14th I AIN Congr ess 2012

Sea mless Na vigation (C hallenges & Opportunities)
01 - 03 O ctober, 2012 - Cairo, Egypt
Concorde EL Salam Hotel

ECDIS Display, Safety Settings and Alarm Management

Captain Zakirul Bhuiyan, MSc, PGCE, AFRIN, AFNI
Senior Lecturer, Ship Simulation
Warsash Maritime Academy Southampton Solent University
Newtown Road, Warsash, Southampton SO31 9ZL, UK
Email: [email protected]

For the optimum situational awareness, navigators must recognise the level of display for objects
presented when using Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS). The appearance
and content of data displayed may be changed by the different settings as the display is generated in
line with IHO Presentation Library (S-52) specifications. Improper management of the system may
result in the anti-grounding alarms and other indications failing to activate as required for the safe
conduct of the navigation. Navigators must exercise extreme caution when using the scale or zoom
facility of the electronic charts. It is possible to zoom-in to a scale larger than that used in the
compilation of the data which could create a false impression about the reliability of the charted
information. Consequently, it could give a false impression of safe waters around the vessel where
some dangers may not be shown due to the limitations imposed by original chart scale.
Appropriate safety settings are of paramount importance for ECDIS display. Failings in appropriate
settings have recently resulted a few grounding incidents ( e.g. CSL Thames and LT Cortesia). The
values for the safety depth and safety contour must be understood and entered to achieve a sensible
and considered meaning. The navigators must remember that the display of underwater obstructions
or isolated danger symbols can change according to the settings of this safety contour which also
marks the division between safe and unsafe water. Additionally, the shallow contour could be
utilised to indicate the gradient of the seabed (adjacent to a channel) and the deep contour to indicate
the depth of water in which own ship may experience squat and interaction. This paper recognises the
limitations of ECDIS display, the significance of appropriate safety settings as well as the alarm

Keywords: ECDIS, safety settings, display information, accuracy, software updates, alarm
management, electronic navigational charts.

I nternational Conference and Exhibition

The 14th I AIN Congr ess 2012
Sea mless Na vigation (C hallenges & Opportunities)
01 - 03 O ctober, 2012 - Cairo, Egypt
Concorde EL Salam Hotel

Navigating a ship with an Electronic Chart Display and Information System (ECDIS) is
fundamentally different from navigating with paper charts. With ECDIS, navigators must recognise
the level of display and the objects to display for the optimum navigational information for any
situation. It is essential that the Masters, navigating officers, and ship-owners are aware of the
benefits of managing the chart display, safety settings, and alarm system of ECDIS. Improper
management of the system may result in the anti-grounding alarms and other indications failing to
activate as required for safe conduct of the navigation. The appearance and content of the chart data
displayed on ECDIS may change significantly from different settings as the display is generated as
per the specifications characterised by the IHO (International Hydrographic Office) Presentation
Library (S-52). Some of the examples are:
The Safety Contour, Safety Depth, Shallow Contour, Deep Contour set by the user.
The SENC (System ENC: a database, in the manufacturers internal ECDIS format)
information for display by the user. I.e. Base, Standard, Other and Custom display.
The Chart (Cell) Scale in use;
The cells used on the ECDIS to display and the features of those cells e.g. Scamin (Scale
Minimum) , Date Start and End attributes;
The difference in interpretation and implementation of the IHO Presentation Library
(S52) by various manufacturers;
ECDIS may be unable to correctly display the latest approved chart symbols, if the
software is not upgrade to the latest.

Safety Settings:
Appropriate safety settings are of paramount importance for ECDIS display. Failings in appropriate
settings have recently resulted a few grounding incidents (e.g. CSL Thames and LT Cortesia). The
navigators must understand the values for the safety depth, safety contour and set them properly to
achieve a sensible and well thought-out implication.
The safety contour marks the division between safe and unsafe water. If the navigator does not
specify a safety contour, this will default to 30m. When the safety contour is not displayed to the
specified value set by the navigator, then the safety contour is shown to the next deeper contour as per
the default layers in the electronic charts. Moreover, the contours may also differ between electronic
charts produced by different hydrographic offices. During route planning, an indication will be made
if the route is planned to cross the ships safety contour. At the time of route monitoring, ECDIS
should give an alarm if, within a specified time set by the navigator, own ship is likely to cross the
safety contour.
The division between safe and unsafe water is highlighted by chart colouring, with blue colour
used to indicate unsafe area and white or grey for safe area. The unsafe area may be further defined
with the selection of a shallow contour, showing dark blue in the shallow water and light blue
between the shallow water and the safety contour. The navigator must remember that displayed
underwater obstruction or isolated danger symbols can change according to the settings of the safety
contour. Furthermore, the safe water may also be sub-divided with the selection of a deep contour, in
which case the area between the safe contour and the deep contour will be coloured grey.
The shallow contour should be used to highlight the gradient of the seabed adjacent to the safety
contour and the deep contour to highlight the depth of water in which own ship may experience squat.
It is acknowledged that not all ECDIS manufacturers provide separate controls for safety contour and

I nternational Conference and Exhibition

The 14th I AIN Congr ess 2012
Sea mless Na vigation (C hallenges & Opportunities)
01 - 03 O ctober, 2012 - Cairo, Egypt
Concorde EL Salam Hotel

safety depth value, some have a common or a linked control. Some flexibility of the system is lost
when there is only one common control for Safety Depth for both the safety depth and the safety
contour. In such cases, the navigator must decide the value to be given for safety depth i.e. draught
or draught plus an allowance for UKC (Under Keel Clearance)? Author recommends that the safety
contour value should be used for the safety depth on ECDIS with such feature.
Where the manufacturer provides for separate controls for safety depth and safety contour, the user
can substantially increase their situational awareness by choosing, for example, values as indicated in
the Figure 1 below:

Figure 1: Recommended Safety Settings on ECDIS

(Source: Bhuiyan, Z., 2010. Implementing ECDIS training for navigation officers. Seaways- Nautical Institutes
international journal, May 2010).

Unlike paper charts where source data diagrams are mostly provided, ENCs (Electronic Navigation
Charts) do not provide this information. Instead they provide the navigator with a facility to examine
reliability and quality of source data by means of CATZOCs (Category of Zone of Confidence). This
gives an estimate of the reliability of data related to five quality categories for assessed data
(CATZOC A1, A2, B, C and D) and a sixth category for data which has not yet been assessed. It is
also recommended to consider these CATZOC features while determining a ships safety settings.

Display of SENC Information

Chart objects and information available for display are sub-divided into three categories:

base display;
standard display;
all other information.

I nternational Conference and Exhibition

The 14th I AIN Congr ess 2012
Sea mless Na vigation (C hallenges & Opportunities)
01 - 03 O ctober, 2012 - Cairo, Egypt
Concorde EL Salam Hotel

The base display is an absolute minimum and cannot be reduced. Its use may be helpful for initial
appraisal in the planning stage as well as when moving the chart display to allow a faster regeneration of the display. It is not intended for safe navigation. ECDIS should present the standard
display at any time by a single operator action. The standard display, as defined in the ECDIS
Performance Standards, does not necessarily display all the chart objects necessary for safe navigation
under all circumstances, e.g.
Spot soundings - display may be preferred to assist monitoring integrity of position;
Underwater obstructions - useful to know if it is intended to anchor.
These and other objects are all listed or classified as All Other Information display.
Different manufacturers provide different facilities for managing the display of chart objects and chart
information. Control of individual groups of objects, e.g. spot soundings, tidal diamonds, place
names, may vary according to each ECDIS manufacturer. Selection of certain layers of information
or objects for display becomes more obvious with experience but until then navigators will need to
understand the layer selection requirements for an efficient navigational display. Mariners need to
remember Displaying everything, without seamanlike consideration, should not be an option.
With some systems, it is possible to run a complete safety check for any hazards along the planned
route at any time during the route planning process and on completion of planning. However, this
functionality varies among the different makes. Mariners using ECDIS are reminded not to rely solely
on automated voyage planning and monitoring checks and alarms. Some ECDIS appear only to
undertake route check functions on larger scale ENCs and therefore alarms might not activate. This
may not be clearly indicated on the ECDIS display. Mariners should always undertake careful visual
inspection of the entire planned route using the other/all display mode to confirm that it, and any
deviations from it, is clear of dangers. (NAVAREA1 Warning 317/10)

Guidance on the accuracy of ENCs:

The IMO Performance Standards for ECDIS require that the latest edition of information originated
by a government authorised hydrographic office must be used which must conform to the standards
laid down by the IHO. Furthermore, only officially approved vector charts should be used with
ECDIS if it is to comply with the performance standards. Navigators should interrogate the quality of
the vector charts that complies with IHO standards and therefore enables the user to assess the quality
of the hydrographic data used to compile it.
Navigators must exercise extreme caution when using the scale or zoom facility of the electronic
charts. It is possible to zoom-in to a scale larger than that used in the compilation of the data which
could create a false impression about the reliability of the charted information. Consequently, it could
give a false impression of safe water around the vessel where some hazards to navigation may not be
shown due to the limitations imposed by original chart scale. It could also give the impression that the
position of charted features is known to a greater degree of accuracy than is in fact the case. In the
event that the chart is not displayed at the compilation scale (In ECDIS the Scale at which the Chart
data was compiled) and is therefore not compatible with the selected usage (e.g. coastal or approach),
then an over-scale or under-scale warning is displayed.
The hi-tech appearance of an electronic vector chart interfaced with systems such as GNSS (Global
Navigation Satellite System) could mislead the user to believe that the charted data is more accurate
than it really is. Another important feature that could lead to human/operator error where the users
need to be very careful is known as Scamin (Scale Minimum). Scamin is an optional attribute by the
chart producer (defined by IHO S57) that can be used to label ENC chart features to be suppressed
above a certain display scale. The main function of Scamin is to de-clutter the chart display, enabling
the user to focus on the most useful navigational information for the display scale in use. Scamin may

I nternational Conference and Exhibition

The 14th I AIN Congr ess 2012
Sea mless Na vigation (C hallenges & Opportunities)
01 - 03 O ctober, 2012 - Cairo, Egypt
Concorde EL Salam Hotel

affect the display as it removes certain information from the display if best scale chart is not being
used i.e. safety critical information may be removed from the display. When in use, this feature
should provide Scamin filter warning to the users. Navigators should always check the passage
plans at compilation scale before use and during route monitoring. Zoom in/out function should only
be used for short periods of time.
When monitoring a route, the prudent navigator must always maintain a check on the integrity of the
displayed position of own ship. When the source of the displayed position is the own ships GNSS,
there is always a possibility that the position displayed may not coincide with the ships actual
position in relation to the chart or the charted hazards. A check may be made quite simply by utilising
one or any of the following:

manual position fixing (visual/Radar);

look out of the window;
comparison of ARPA overlay of a fixed mark with the charted position;
comparison of a radar overlay with conspicuous land or fixed targets;
observation of a parallel index on the radar display to monitor comparison with planned
monitoring the depth shown by echo sounder where appropriate;
checking the track history;

The need to keep ECDIS software updated:

If ECDIS software is not upgraded to read ENCs based on the latest version of the ENC Product
Specification or to use the latest version of the S-52 Presentation Library then the ECDIS may be
unable to correctly display the latest approved chart symbols. If an ECDIS is unable to interpret and
draw any newly introduced chart symbol, it will display a question mark (?) instead. Additionally
there will be a possibility that alarms and indications for any newly introduced features may not be
activated even though they have been included in the ENC. Because of this, the IMO have issued
guidance on the maintenance of ECDIS software in Sn.1/Circ.266.
A list of the current IHO standards relevant to ECDIS software is maintained in the ENC/ECDIS
section of the IHO website (IHO Publication S-66). ECDIS users should ensure that their ECDIS
software always conforms to the latest IHO standards. This can be accessed from the about function
in the software or from the ECDIS manufacturer.
An ECDIS anomaly is an unexpected or unintended behaviour of an ECDIS which may affect the use
of the equipment or navigational decisions by the user. The UK Marine Information Note (MIN) 406
Reporting Operating Anomalies Identified within ECDIS describes the procedures for the reporting
ECDIS anomalies in accordance with IMO MSC.1/Circ.1391. Navigators must use the quickest
means of communication available to send the required information to the Maritime & Coastguard
Agency in the UK or similar organisations overseas so that an appropriate action can be taken to
rectify the anomalies. Some examples of the ECDIS anomalies are:

A failure to display a navigational feature correctly;

A failure to activate alarm correctly;
A failure to manage a number of alarms correctly.

I nternational Conference and Exhibition

The 14th I AIN Congr ess 2012
Sea mless Na vigation (C hallenges & Opportunities)
01 - 03 O ctober, 2012 - Cairo, Egypt
Concorde EL Salam Hotel

The Alarm Management on ECDIS:

From navigators perspective, ECDIS alarm management is very critical as
it could vary from manufacturer to manufacturer;
the level of control over alarms may vary from being very detailed control to minimal
some manufacturers allow the mandatory alarms to be disabled; and
some even allow choice of chart scale for alarm checking.
The five mandatory alarms (indicated by audible means or audible and visual means indicating a
condition requiring attention) are:
crossing safety contour;
deviation from route;
positioning system failure;
approach to critical point; and
different geodetic datum.
The guard zone (also known as Safety Frame) provides the user with an advance warning of
dangers/cautions. The user sets the dimensions of this guard zone which must be altered according to
the prevailing circumstances to prevent unnecessary alarms or to give adequate warning. The
navigators need to remember that not all dangers are enclosed by a contour and guard zone remains
active even if it is not selected to display on the screen. In order for the alarm system to be properly
effective (when the route is being monitored) the own ships guard zone must be set in a seamanlike
manner, i.e. with a sensible time or range warning depending on proximity to hazards and planned
speed etc. It is recommended to set the guard zone As large as possible as the circumstances allow.

It has been recently observed that many navigators have a tendency to put too much reliance on
ECDIS with a potential to threaten the safety of navigation. Navigators should always cross check
ECDIS information with the other sources and most importantly, a visual lookout, as human eyes are
the most valuable tool at a navigators disposal. ECDIS is a valuable asset in assisting navigators and
allowing them more time to maintain a proper lookout by providing them with more detailed
situational awareness. However, until used accurately and properly, ECDIS may contribute to
accidents rather than preventing them.

The author would like to thank his colleague Abdul Khalique, Principal lecturer, Warsash maritime
Academy for his valuable time to go through the article and kind help in commenting on it.

IHO Publication S-66. Facts about Electronic Charts and Carriage Requirements. Edition 1.0.0
January 2010
IMO RESOLUTION MSC. 232(82) adopted on 5 December 2006:
Adoption Of The Revised Performance Standards For Electronic Chart Display And Information
Systems (ECDIS). [On line]. Available at:
Marine Information Notes 406 issued by UK MCA: Reporting Operating Anomalies Identified within

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