Socio Economic Status Scale
Socio Economic Status Scale
Socio Economic Status Scale
By B. Kuppuswamy (1962)
- was developed for only those subjects who reside in urban areas
- This scale contains
• Manual
• two information blanks (one for the person-concerned and second for the
father or guardian) and
• Score card
- The social stratification is based on three main variables:
• Education,
• Occupation and
• Income
- For each factor there are seven plausible alternatives which can be selected by the
potential subjects.
- the range of scores which can be obtained is from 3 to27
- The norms which were established can only be applicablefor urban population and
cannot be used for a rural population
- In addition to this, the highest levelof income which is shown by Kuppuswamy is also
inconsistent across various economic groups in the present time
- Scoring: The information is collected in the devised Information-blanks and with the
help of the score card the status score is obtained. On the basis of the total score, the
respective class is found out.
Class Categorization
- attempts to examine the socio.-economic status for the rural or mixed population only
- This scale consists of a manual and one information blank
- This scale has nine factors which assess the socio-economic status of the individual:
• Caste;
• Occupation;
• Education;
• Social participation;
• Land;
• House;
• Farm powers;
• Material possession and
• Family
- This scale does not emphasize the economic aspect and canonly be used for rural
- The reliability of the scale was found to be very high(r = 0.93).
- Scoring: After filling the information-blank, and scoring the individualitems, the total
score is summed up.With the help of the key provided inthe manual, total score is
interpretedin terms of the class:
Class Categorization