Company Law - Meetings & Proceedings

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Meetings of a company
may be classified as
Statutory meetings…
 A public company limited by shares or a
guarantee company having share capital
is required to hold a statutory meeting.
Such a statutory meeting is held only
once in the lifetime of the company.
Such a meeting must be held within a
period of not less than one month or
within a period not more than six months
from the date on which it is entitled to
commence business
Statutory report
 The report forwarded to every member of
the company by the board of members at
least 21 days before the actual date of the
 Procedure of the meeting….
 List of the members
 Discussion of matters relating to
formational aspect
 Adjournment
Annual general
 Must be held by every type of company,
public or private, limited by shares or by
guarantee, with or without share capital or
unlimited company, once a year. Every
company must in each year hold an annual
general meeting. Not more than 15 months
must elapse between two annual general
 Time and place of meeting
 21 days notice
Extraordinary meetings
A meeting for transacting some urgent
or special business which cannot be
postponed till the next AGM.
Requisites of a valid
meeting are….
 Notice of meeting – should contain the
details of place, date, hour & purpose.
 Quorum for the meeting – minimum no.
of members that must be present to
constitute a valid meeting. Minimum 5
for public company and 2 for any other
 Chairman or the presiding officer must
be present in the meeting.
 Minutes of the meeting.
 An authority who can represent and vote
for another person at a meeting is called
a proxy.
 Proxy to be in writing
 It should be deposited 48 hours before
the meeting.
Voting and Poll
 The questions which generally come for
consideration at the general meeting of
a company are presented in the form of
proposals called ‘motions’ and when this
motion is carried, it becomes a

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