Glasses Frame Detection With 3D Hough Transform

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Glasses Frame Detection with 3D Hough Transform

Haiyuan WU, Genki YOSHIKAWA, Tadayoshi SHIOYAMA, Shihong LAO and Masato KAWADE
Dept. of Mechanical and System Engineering, Kyoto Institute of Technology,
Matsugasaki, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-8585, Japan.
Information Technology Research Center, OMRON Corporation, Japan.
e-mail: [email protected]

This paper describes a method to detect glasses frames
for robust facial image processing. This method makes use
of the 3D features obtained by a trinocular stereo vision
system. The glasses frame detection is base on a fact that
the rims of a pair of glasses lie on the same plane in 3D
space. We use a 3D Hough transform to obtain a plane in
which 3D features are concentrated. Then, based on the
obtained 3D plane and with some geometry constraint, we
can detect a group of 3D features belonging to the frame of
the glasses. Using this approach, we can separate the 3D
features of a glasses frame from the ones of facial features.
The characteristic of this approach is that it does not require
any prior knowledge about the face pose, the eyes positions,
and the shape of the glasses.

1. Introduction
A robust facial image processing system ought to work
correctly under a large variety of environments, such as different lighting conditions, changing of face pose or scale,
and wearing glasses or not. In many cases, the performances of the facial image processing system are affected
by the presence of the glasses. To make a facial image
processing system more robust, it is helpful to detect the
glasses. Several researches on the detection of glasses using the edge information from a monocular image have been
reported[1] [2].
Assuming the face in the input image is in front pose
and the face region has been detected, Jiang[1] have
proposed a judgment method to decide whether or not a face
wears glasses by checking six measures of edge information
within several regions near the eyes. This method only gave
information about the existence of the glasses, did not detect
the position and the shape of the glasses.

in Wakayama University, Japan

Jing[2] have developed a glasses detection algorithm with a deformable contour based on both the edge features such as strength, orientation and the geometrical features including convexity, symmetry, smoothness and continuity. However, because this method requires that the face
is frontal and the eyes position is known, the scope of this
algorithms application is limited.
This paper presents a new method to detect glasses
frames and separate it from the facial features using stereo
facial images. We investigated the 3D shape of a various
kinds of glasses, and discovered that the rims lie on a same
plane approximately, while the other facial features do not.
From this fact, we consider that the rims should be able to
be detected by nding out a group of 3D features that lie on
the same plane. The Hough transform is a powerful tool to
detect the specied geometrical gures among a cluster of
data points. In this paper, We use a segment-based trinocular stereo vision system VVV to detect the 3D features of objects (eyes, nose, mouth, glasses frames, etc.). And we use a
3D Hough transform to determine the plane containing the
rims from the detected 3D data. Based on the determined
3D plane and with some constraints on the geometric relation, we rst detect a group of 3D features belonging to the
rims, and then separate the ones of a glasses frame. Since
we do not make any assumption about the face pose, the
shape of the glasses, and do not require any prior information about the position and the shape of the facial features,
the proposed method would be very useful in a wide range
of face image applications where the detection of glasses
is required. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of this method.

2. 3D Feature Reconstruction
Tomita are developing a versatile 3D vision system
VVV (Versatile Volumetric Vision)[4] [5] [6] which consists
of ve subsystems: a trinocular stereo camera subsystem, a
stereo vision subsystem that reconstructs 3D information of
a scene, an object recognition subsystem, a motion tracking

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subsystem, and a model building subsystem which generates object models from the all-around range data.

If we consider a three-dimensional space dened by the

three parameters , , and , then, any plane in X-Y-Z space
corresponds to a point in this -- space. Thus, the 3D
Hough transform of a plane in X-Y-Z space is a point in - space.
Now considering a particular point B(x b , yb , zb ) in XY-Z space. There are many planes that pass through this
point. All these planes can be expressed with the following
equation from eq (1):
= xb sin cos + yb sin sin + zb cos

(a) lower

(b) central

Thus all planes that pass the point B(x b , yb , zb ) can expressed with a curved surface described by eq (2) in --
If we have a set of 3D data points (x i , yi , zi ) that lie on
a plane having parameters 0 , 0 , and 0 , then for each 3D
feature point we can plot a curved surface in -- space
that describes all planes that pass it. However, all these
curved surfaces must intersect at the point P ( 0 , 0 , 0 ),
because it corresponds the plane that all the 3D feature
points fall on.(Figure 3(b))
Thus, to nd the plane where a group of 3D data points
fall on, we set up a three-dimensional histogram in --
space. For each 3D data point, (x i , yi , zi ), we increment
all the histogram bins that the curved surface describing all
planes that pass (xi , yi , zi ) crosses. When we have done this
for all of the 3D data points, the bin containing ( 0 , 0 , 0 )
will be a local maximum. Thus, we search the -- space
histogram to nd the local maximum to obtain the parameters of the plane.

(c) upper

Figure 1. An example of stereo facial images.


Data arc

Data points

Data vertex

Figure 2. Geometric features generated from

the 3D data points.
Figure 1 shows an example of the stereo image set taken
with the VVV system (480 640 pixels, 256 gray-levels).
We use the VVV system to reconstruct two kinds of 3D
features as shown in Figure 2. One is 3D data points
(xi , yi , zi ), i = 1 . . . n. The other is 3D segments, such
as 3D data vertex and 3D data arc. The 3D data points are
reconstructed based on segment-based stereo vision. The
3D segments of straight lines and arcs are generated as geometrical 3D data points. A data vertex is dened as an end
point and two tangent vectors. A data arc is dened as the
end point and two vectors given by the circle. With this system, we can obtain the useful 3D features of eyelids, irises,
lips, and glasses frames.

4. Glasses Frames Detection

4.1. Obtaining a 3D plane of the rims
With the 3D Hough transform, we can nd the global
maximum frequency F req max in the -- space from the
extracted 3D data points (x i , yi , zi )i = 1 . . . n. Then we
choose N points of the local maximum that the frequency
is bigger than F req max 0.9. Let f req(n , n , n ); n =
1, , N be the frequency of each point. We select the 3D
plane as the rim plane from the maximum of frequency accumulation value of a n(= 1, , N ) point and its vicinities
as following.


3. 3D Hough Transform


A plane P in X-Y-Z space can be expressed with the following equation:

= x sin cos + y sin sin + z cos



where (, , ) denes a vector from the origin to the nearest point on the plane (Figure 3(a)). This vector is perpendicular to the plane.

f req(n + , n + , n + )

=4 =1 =1

Here,  is done at intervals of every 1 mm.  and 

are done 4 degree notch, respectively.

4.2. The algorithm of rims detection

Based on the rim plane, we determine some restricting
conditions that considered both the geometric characteris-

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tics of the rims, and the error included in the 3D data points.
The 3D segments that met all the following conditions are
selected as candidates of rim.
(1) The 3D segment is circular or straight line.
(2) If the 3D segment is circular, then the radius of the circular segment is more than 10 mm.
(3) If the 3D segment is straight line, then the length of the
straight-line segment is more than 5 mm.
(4) The mean value of the distance between all of the 3D
data points of the 3D segment and the rim plane is less than
5 mm.
From the selected candidates of 3D segments, we use the
following conditions to detect the parts of rim.
(1) The 3D segment is a long segment (length 20mm),
and the scalar product between the normal vector of the rim
plane and vector of the 3D segment is more than 0.9.
(2) If it is a short segment, rst, we connect it with the
nearest 3D segment, which has similar tangent vector, until
the length of connected 3D segments is more than 20 mm.
Then, we calculate the scalar product between the normal
vector of the rim plane and vector of the connected 3D segment as a long segment.

4.3. The algorithm for glasses frames detection

To detect segments that compose glassess frames includes all the rims, bridge and earpieces. We rst project
all 3D Data points on the glasses rim onto the rim plane.
Next we determine the rim region, which is dened as the
smallest rectangular region on the rim plane that just contains all the projected 3D Data points of the rim. Then, from
all of the 3D segments that were obtained with the VVV system, the 3D segments that met all the following conditions
are detected as parts of glasses frames.
(1) At least one of the 3D data points of a 3D segment is lies
within the rim region when projected onto the rim plane.
(2) At least one of the 3D data points of a 3D segment that
the distance between the rim plane and it is less than 3mm
or, if it is one the camera side relative to the rim plane, the
distance between it and the rim plane is less than 10 mm.

5. Experiments and Results

We have applied our glasses frames detection algorithm
to some stereo face images to test its performance. The images contain faces of 19 people. Each person wore 3 kinds
of glasses and took face images under 9 kinds of pose. The
trinocular stereo camera system of the VVV was calibrated
before taking stereo images. The baseline between the upper and the lower camera is about 30 centimeters and the
distance between the baseline and central camera is about
16 centimeters. The distance between the cameras and the
face is about 1 meter.

Figure 4 shows some example results. In gure 4, (a)

shows the central image of the stereo image set, and the face
in different pose, and wearing different glasses, (b) shows
the reconstructed 3D features, and (c) shows the extracted
feature points of the glasses.
The successful rate of the glasses detection only the
frames were 80%, and the detection rate of glasses frames
including some eyelids or irises was about 90%. The processing time is about 3 seconds on a PC with a Celeron533

6. Conclusion
This paper has described a new method to detect the
glasses frames from stereo face images using a 3D Hough
transform. The experiment results have shown that the proposed method is able to separate the glasses frames from
the face images without the restriction of the face pose, the
position of eyes, and the shape of glasses.
Acknowledgement: We would like to thank Dr. Y.
SUMI and F. TOMITA at 3D Vision System Research
Group, Intelligent Systems Institute, National Institute of
Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan.

[1] X.Jiang, M.Binkert, B.Achermann, H.Bunke, Towards
Detection of Glasses in Facial Images, Proceedings of
13th ICPR, 1998.
[2] Z.Jing, R.Mariani Glasses Detection and Extraction by
Deformable Contour, Proceedings of 14th ICPR, 2000.
[3] S. Lao, Y. Sumi, M. Kawade, F. Tomita, Building 3D
Facial Models and Detecting Face Pose in 3D Space
Proceedings of the Second International Conference on
3-D Digital Imaging and Modeling, 1999.
[4] F. Tomita, R & D of Versatile 3D Vision System
VVV, Proceedings of IEEE International Conference
on SMC, 1998.
[5] Y. Sumi, Y. Kawai, T. Yoshimi, F. Tomita, Recognition
of 3D Free-form Objects Using Segment-based Stereo
vision, Proceedings of ICCV98, 1998.
[6] Y. Kawai, T. Ueshiba, Y. Ishiyama, Y. Sumi and F.
Tomita, Stereo correspondence using segment connectivity, Proceedings of 13th ICPR, 1998.

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(a) Polar coordinate expression of a 3D plane

(b) -- space

Figure 3. 3D Hough Transform.

(a) The central image of the stereo image set

(b) The reconstructed 3D features

(c) The extracted feature points of the glasses

Figure 4. Some experimental results.

1051-4651/02 $17.00 (c) 2002 IEEE

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