Lesson Plan
2 syllables
4 syllables
6 syllables
8 syllables
2 syllables
Modified Cinquain
Line 1: 1 word title (noun)
Line 2: 2 descriptive words (adjectives)
Line 3: 3 words that express action
Line 4: 4 words that express feeling
Line 5: 1 word (synonyms or reference to title in line 1)
Due to the structured nature of the cinquain form, teachers often choose to introduce
a modified version of the cinquain. Using the modified cinquain with less-experienced
students and offering more experienced students the option to use either form, frees
students to choose words for expression rather than for mechanics.
Student Objectives
Write a cinquain poem
Understand and identify different parts of speech, such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs
Understand and use synonyms and other parts of speech to write cinquain poetry
Discuss with students how and why the modified version of the cinquain might have evolved
(counting syllables made the form very difficult, and so on). Accept any answers students
can justify.
1 noun/topic
2 adjectives that describe the topic
3 words that express action
4 words that express feeling
1 word that refers to the title
Modified Cinquain
Ra/di/ant, bright
Stream/ing, pour/ing, soft/ly
Al/ways makes me hap/py
1 noun/topic
2 adjectives that describe the topic)
3 words that express action
4 words that express a feeling
1 word synonym that refers to the title
2 syllables
4 syllables
6 syllables
8 syllables
2 syllables
Poetry Practice
Have students work individually or in pairs to choose another topic from the generated topic
list on the board. Then have them create a cinquain poem as independent practice.
Remind students that each line in a cinquain poem should begin with a capital letter and that
other forms of punctuation, such as commas, may be added to clarify the meaning and improve
the flow of the poem. Further emphasize that more-experienced writers should pay attention
to the function and syllable count of words and phrases in order to ensure their poem fits the
cinquain format.
As students write, encourage them to brainstorm to find words and phrases that communicate
and fit the structure of their cinquain poem.
Have students revise their work in order to improve understanding and flow by adding,
deleting, consolidating, and rearranging words as necessary.
Practice fluency by having students read their poems into a tape recorder. Save their best
readings. Make the recordings available for other classes and/or grade levels to check out
and listen to.
Publish grade or class books on the same topic. For instance, if you are studying plants,
one group might write a cinquain about trees, another about flowers, and another about
cacti. Compile all of the poems into a book titled Plant Life and place the book in your
school library.