Our Firm Foundation
Our Firm Foundation
Our Firm Foundation
Photo: PhotoDisc
August 2002
William Covert
Thoughts on Christs prayer in John 17
Defending the Faith . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Newswatch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Letters to the Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
The Purification
of Gods Church
Harvey Steck
Misdirected Zeal
When God purges His floorwhen His people face a life-ordeath decision whether to obey Gods Word or to follow their
human impulsesthen the genuine wheat will be made plain
for all to see.
Word or to follow their human
impulsesthen the genuine wheat
will be made plain for all to see:
The days of purification of the
church are hastening on apace. God
will have a people pure and true. In
the mighty sifting soon to take
place we shall be better able to
measure the strength of Israel. The
signs reveal that the time is near
when the Lord will manifest that
His fan is in His hand, and He will
thoroughly purge His floor. . . .
The Lord has faithful servants, who in the shaking, testing
time will be disclosed to view.
There are precious ones now
hidden who have not bowed the
knee to Baal. They have not had
the light which has been shining
in a concentrated blaze upon you.
But it may be under a rough and
uninviting exterior the pure
brightness of a genuine Christian
character will be revealed.
Testimonies, vol. 5, 8081.
Gods people must not only
know His will, but they must
practice it. Many will be purged
out from the numbers of those who
know the truth, because they are
not sanctified by it. Review and
Herald, May 24, 1887; see also The
Great Controversy, 625.
Multitudes Lost
Tragically, we are warned that
multitudes will be shaken out
during this terrible ordeal:
Much so-called Christianity
passes for genuine, faithful soundness, but it is because those who
profess it have no persecution to
endure for the truths sake. When
How to Be Secure
In closing, we must remember
that there is no need of discouragement. If we will choose the straight
and narrow path of repentance and
consecration, we will be secure in
the terrible shaking to come.
Know Gods Word and Obey
ItWe are living in perilous
times, and as we draw near the
close of earths history, there will
be no safety for those who do not
become familiar with the Word of
God. I would warn the disciples of
Christ of the impending days of
Photo: PhotoDisc
Ron Spear
Advent Parallels
As we study and research the
great gift of the Testimonies for the
Church, we note again and again
the parallels of the Seventh-day
Adventist movement with the
church in Egypt and in the wilderness. In Testimonies, vol. 5, 217, we
find Gods prophet repeatedly
reminding us of these similarities:
I am filled with sadness when I
think of our condition as a people.
The Lord has not closed heaven to
us, but our own course of continual
backsliding has separated us from
God. Pride, covetousness, and love
of the world have lived in the heart
without fear of banishment or
condemnation. Grievous and
presumptuous sins have dwelt
among us. And yet the general
opinion is that the church is
flourishing and that peace and
spiritual prosperity are in all her
The church has turned back
from following Christ her Leader
and is steadily retreating toward
Egypt. Yet few are alarmed or
astonished at their want of spiritual
power. Doubt, and even disbelief of
the testimonies of the Spirit of God,
is leavening our churches everywhere. Satan would have it thus.
I have been shown that the
spirit of the world is fast leavening
the church. You are following the
same path as did ancient Israel.
There is the same falling away from
your holy calling as Gods peculiar
people. You are having fellowship
with the unfruitful works of
darkness. Your concord with
unbelievers has provoked the
Lords displeasure. You know not
the things that belong to your
peace, and they are fast being hid
from your eyes. Your neglect to
follow the light will place you in a
Our Kadesh-Barnea
Had Adventists, after the great
disappointment in 1844, held fast
their faith, and followed on unitedly in the opening providence of
God, receiving the message of the
third angel and in the power of the
Holy Spirit proclaiming it to the
world, they would have seen the
salvation of God, the Lord would
have wrought mightily with their
efforts, the work would have been
completed, and Christ would have
come ere this to receive His people
to their reward.
But in the period of doubt and
uncertainty that followed the
disappointment, many of the
Advent believers yielded their
faith. Dissensions and divisions
came in. The majority opposed
accept this truth, lay at the foundation of a large share of the opposition manifested at Minneapolis
against the Lords message through
Brethren [E. J.] Waggoner and [A.
T.] Jones. By exciting that opposition Satan succeeded in shutting
away from our people, in a great
measure, the special power of the
Holy Spirit that God longed to
impart to them. The enemy prevented them from obtaining that
efficiency which might have been
theirs in carrying the truth to the
world, as the apostles proclaimed it
after the day of Pentecost. The light
that is to lighten the whole earth
with its glory was resisted, and by
the action of our own brethren has
been in a great degree kept away
from the world. Selected Messages,
book 1, 234235.
Wake Up!
God is calling to spiritual Israel
to wake up! Will our people now
hear His call and respond?
Many have for years made no
advancement in knowledge and
true holiness. They are spiritual
We live in a time in history when revisionists mold the truths of the past
into almost unrecognizable shapes.
This book, Back To Our Future, represents a gold mine of biblical studies
many of the ideas which formed the bedrock truths of nineteenth century
back-to-the-Bible Protestant thought.
The author covers a wide variety of biblical topics such as the significance
of Jesus, His First and Second comings; Sabbath vs. Sunday issues; the issue of Gods love vs.
eternal hell fire as it relates to the nature of man and fallen angels; the issue of the great
apostasy in historical Christianity, and much more. Back To Our Future is written in characteristic nineteenth century Adventist style, which appears quite controversial by todays ecumenical standards. Nonetheless, the hardhitting biblical truths bear repeating. This is an
excellent biblical resource that has long been out of print. We hope that this book will bring
you closer to God through Jesus Christ.
Paperback, 534 pages, 2001
Catalog #
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Inspired Definitions
So, let us go to the inspired
writings for some definitions
beginning with The Desire of Ages,
280: A legal religion can never
lead souls to Christ; for it is a
Photo: PhotoDisc
As Filthy Rags
The Bible, of course, provides
many examples of persons who
were in this tragic condition, trying
An Attitude Problem
Those ministers and church
members who are so quick to hurl
the epithet legalist at those of us
who still believe in the principle of
obedience are making clear their
ignorance of an important truth,
that legalism is not an action; it is an
attitude. The same identical action
can be either legalistic or an act of
true faith and obedience, depending on the attitude of the heart.
Paul makes this clear in what he
calls an allegory of Hagar and
Sarah in the fourth chapter of
Galatians. He refers to the birth of
Ishmael to Hagar, and of Isaac to
Sarah, and describes the first
experience (of Hagar) as legalism
and the second (of Sarah) as faith.
But we must delicately and
chastely ask, Was the action of
Abraham that resulted in the birth
of Ishmael any different than the
action of Abraham that resulted in
Ellen G. White
Family Heritage Books
Pathways to Health and Happiness (a magabook
edition of Ministry of Healing) explains how to apply
the principles of health reform in everyday life. An
invaluable resource and guide to better health!
Addresses the areas of stress management, weight
loss, child training, depression, and more!
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Sale ends August 30. See page 3 for shipping and sales-tax information.
Throughout this earths history, God has entrusted to His people the
task of bearing witness to all the sad, lonely, angry, sick, hurting people
of this world. What are Gods methods for this endeavor, and how can
we better fulfill the mission we have been given? Let us strive to live
for Him and to share His goodness with everyone we see each day.
Bible Marking
Sanctify the Lord God in your
hearts: and be ready always to give
an answer to every man that asketh
you a reason of the hope that is in
you with meekness and fear.
1 Peter 3:15. We need to be able to
give an answer for our faith.
Marking your Bible can give you
the edge you need. It takes work,
but the rewards are worth all the
We pray that you will be blessed
by these studies. As you mark them,
may you be encouraged to spend
more time in Gods Word and to
search out the hidden things of
God. Always be sure to look for
opportunities to share them with
The Editors
Photo: Corbis
Children of Promise
Code: CP
CP1: Deuteronomy 7:68.
In choosing Israel, the fewest people, God had a plan.
CP2: Isaiah 43:910.
He intended that His people would be a light to the rest of the world.
CP3: Exodus 19:46.
By following Gods directions, Israel was to become a wonderful
witness of His power and His grace.
CP4: Nehemiah 1:89.
When the Israelites strayed into disobedience, God gave them a choice,
to either return to Him or be scattered among the heathen.
CP5: Daniel 9:56, 1012.
After long patienceeagerly awaiting the repentance of His people that
He might gather them back to HimselfGod finally allowed them to be
taken into Babylonian captivity.
CP6: 2 Chronicles 6:3739.
When Israel repentedconfessing and turning from their sinsGod
permitted them to return to their own land.
CP7: Daniel 9:24.
God gave Israel 490 years to demonstrate their change of heart and
willingness to obey Him.
CP8: Daniel 9:2627; see also Matthew 23:3624:2.
Because they returned to their former ways, God told them that Jerusalem and their temple would be left desolate.
CP9: Matthew 21:43.
Jesus sadly told the wayward people of God that the kingdom would
be taken away from them and given to others who would bear His
CP10: 1 Peter 2:710.
Peter tells us to whom the kingdom has now been given.
CP11: Romans 9:8.
Paul clearly defines who are now the children of the promise.
CP12: Galatians 3:2829.
What a privilege and opportunity we have been given!
CP13: 1 John 5:34.
If we love God, we will, by faith, overcome in every area of our lives,
and then our witness of Gods power and His grace will be more
effective. !
Revelation 17
Now, let us begin our study on
one part of the book of Revelationchapter 17which distinctly
reveals to us how close we are to
the end. This chapter depicts a
worldwide religious/political
union, and in particular the woman
(false church) sitting on a scarlet
beast, decked out with the world,
full of filthiness and abominations
of erroneous doctrines, the mother
and Diligence
in Christian Workers
Ellen G. White
Create in me a clean heart.
This is beginning right, at the very
foundation of Christian character;
for out of the heart are the issues of
life. If all, ministers and people,
would see to it that their hearts are
right with God, we should see
much larger results from the labor
put forth. The more important and
responsible your work, the greater
the necessity that you have clean
hearts. The needed grace is provided, and the power of the Holy
Spirit will work with every effort
you make in this direction. If every
child of God would seek Him
only by our efforts to bring ourselves into harmony with the great
moral standard which will test
every mans character. We need to
open our hearts to the influence of
the Spirit, and to experience His
transforming power. The reason
that you do not receive more of the
saving help of God is because the
channel of communication between
Heaven and your own souls is
clogged by worldliness, love of
display, and desire for supremacy.
While some are conforming more
and more to the worlds customs
and maxims, we should be molding
our lives after the divine Model.
And our covenant-keeping God
will restore unto us the joys of His
salvation, and uphold us by His
free Spirit.
Then will I teach transgressors
thy ways, and sinners shall be
converted unto thee. The nearer
we live to God, the more we shall
be able to accomplish for our fellow
men; for the Lord will work with
our efforts. Your hearts are too cold
and unimpressible; they should be
all aglow with the love of Jesus.
While hungering and thirsting for
salvation yourselves, you will have
a longing desire to aid in saving
precious souls; and your humble,
pathetic appeals to those out of
Christ will move hearts. How can
The Need of a
Spiritual Awakening
Ellen G. White
with us of a truth. We need to
consecrate ourselves and all we
have to the service of God.
In every church there is need of
a spiritual awakening; for many
who profess to be Christs servants
are obeying the dictates of a natural
heart. They do not the works of
God. They have not a saving faith
in Him whom the Father hath sent.
Oh, if they could only understand
that by their waywardness, their
inconsistency, their half-hearted
service, they are denying their
Redeemer and putting Him to open
There are many who do not
possess that faith in Christ which
would constitute them lights in the
world. They are satisfied to stand
on a low level. To them the Saviour
says, I counsel thee to buy of me
gold tried in the fire, that thou
mayest be rich; and white raiment,
that thou mayest be clothed, and
that the shame of thy nakedness do
not appear; and anoint thine eyes
Serious defects are seen in the characters of some who join the
church. Those who admit them say, We will first get them into
the church, and then reform them.
Photo: PhotoDisc
Ellen G. White
Willing Service
The response came not only in
liberal offerings of treasures to
meet the expense of the building,
but also in willing service in the
various lines of Gods work. Hearts
were filled with a desire to return
to the Lord His own, by consecrating to His service all the energies of
mind and body. Those upon whom
had been placed burdens of state,
determined to labor heartily and
unselfishly, using for God the skill
and ability He had given them.
Davids exhortation to Solomon,
and his appeal to the burden
bearers of the nation, should be
Implicit Obedience
To all engaged in His service,
the Lord gives wisdom. The
tabernacle to be borne from place
to place in the wilderness, and the
temple at Jerusalem, were built in
accordance with special directions
from God. Throughout the ages,
God has been particular as to the
design and the accomplishment of
His work. In this age, He has given
His people much light and instruc-
The Responsibilities
of Burden
Working With
the Lord
Photo: PhotoDisc
ever, by divine Providence, this period of time has been a total blessing, as I have come to read and understand our Bible. More specifically
that the Father God, through His
powerful Spirit teaches those whose
hearts and spirits are broken and
contrite with repentance at sin committed against Him!
Your book Final Conflict Between
Truth and Error by Ellen G. White has
left me speechless, blessed and increased in faith at the clarity, knowledge and insight shes been blessed
to skillfully articulate.
The book was not mine and regretfully had to be returned to its
owner. My prayerful request is for,
if possible, this letter to be placed
before the proper person beseeching
with all my heart of a complimentary
CD, Illinois
From Overseas
I received the five issues of the
January 2002 of Our Firm Foundation.
What else can I say but a million
thanks for the magazines. I will
surely share them with others. Yet, I
will have to copy about 20 more of
this as this is just too important an
issue not to share with others.
I hope and pray that God will
bless you more as you continue to
provide more timely articles in our
endtimes will be always my prayer.
JB, Philippines
Im grateful for your kindly reply
to my first letter. God bless you for
sending the interesting tracts and
I am a college student and havent
money to buy a Bible. Therefore, if
you are able, please send me the Holy
Bible, and also, if possible, Last Day
Events and Counsels on Diet and Foods.
TT, Ethiopia
I am very glad to say thanks for
your packet which has arrived here
safely composed of a book of 32 lessons.
The National Sunday Law book is
a very exceptional book. I have
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Change Service Requested
We are excited about our new brochure on The Law of God. This tract
presents the Ten Commandments as found in Exodus 20:217 in comparison
with the Ten Commandments as changed by man. The simple gospel is also
presented to the readers, and they are encouraged to submit their request for
a free copy of Final Conflict Between Truth and Error, a free Bible course,
and/or a free Panorama of Prophecy CD.
There are two ways you can distribute this brochure:
1) You can sponsor a bulk mailing
to every home in a given postal route or
ZIP code area, which is an excellent
tool to uplift the Law of God
perhaps even more effective than the
newspaper ads. The cost to send this
colorful tract out, including postage,
will be about 20 each.