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Calpont InfiniDB Administrator Guide (For Version 1.0.3)

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Calpont InfiniDBTM

Administrator’s Guide
Release 1.0.3
Document Version 1.0.3-1
March 2010

3011 Internet Blvd., Suite 100 : Frisco, Texas 75034 : 214.618.9500 : fax 214.618.9599
[email protected] : www.calpont.com
Copyright © 2010 Calpont Corporation. All rights reserved.

InfiniDB and Calpont product names are trademarks of Calpont. References to other
companies and their products use trademarks owned by the respective companies and
are for reference purposes only.

The information in this document is subject to change without notice. Calpont assumes
no responsibility for any inaccuracies in this document.


Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms
of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.3 or any later version published by
the Free Software Foundation; with no Invariant Sections, no Front-Cover Texts, and no
Back-Cover Texts. A copy of the license is included in the section entitled "GNU Free
Documentation License".

Table of Contents

Audience ...................................................................................... i
Document standards .................................................................... i
List of documentation ................................................................. iii
Obtaining documentation ........................................................... iii
Documentation feedback ........................................................... iii
Additional resources .................................................................. iii

Chapter 1 Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview 1

Logging on and off the Calpont InfiniDB Console ....................... 1

Calpont InfiniDB Console tips ..................................................... 2
Help command ...................................................................... 2
Case sensitivity ...................................................................... 3
Recall command history ................................................... 4
Command repeat option ................................................... 4
Linux and Calpont InfiniDB Console command prompts ....... 4
Complete list of Calpont commands ........................................... 5

Chapter 2 System Maintenance 9

Upgrading Calpont InfiniDB ........................................................ 9

Calpont software .................................................................... 9
Upgrading Calpont InfiniDB ................................................... 9
Upgrading Storage .................................................................... 10
System and Module Operations ............................................... 10
Stopping the system or modules ......................................... 11
Starting the system or modules ........................................... 11
Restarting the system or modules ....................................... 11
Shutting down the system or modules ................................. 12
Altering the System Modules ............................................... 12

Table of Contents xiii

Chapter 3 System Status 15

Viewing system status .............................................................. 15

Viewing process status ............................................................ 16
Viewing network configuration ................................................. 17
Viewing module information ..................................................... 18
Monitoring module usage and threshholds .............................. 19
Module disk usage ......................................................... 21
Memory usage ............................................................... 21
Swap space usage ........................................................ 22
Disk thresholds .............................................................. 22
CPU thresholds .............................................................. 23
Monitoring alarms ..................................................................... 24
Viewing active alarms ......................................................... 24
Viewing archived alarms ..................................................... 25
Viewing top CPU users ....................................................... 28
Monitoring resource usage ........................................... 28

Chapter 4 Configuring System Status Monitoring 31

Management console overview ................................................ 31

Calpont configuration files ................................................... 31
Linux shell ........................................................................... 31
Configuring system .................................................................. 32
Setting server heartbeats .................................................... 34
Configuring Disk thresholds ................................................ 34
Configuring archived transaction log periods ...................... 35
Configuring modules ................................................................ 36
Configuring module CPU thresholds ................................... 36
Configuring module disk usage ........................................... 37
Configuring swap space usage ........................................... 37
Configuring alarms ................................................................... 38
Steps to configure alarms ................................................... 38
Configuring logging .................................................................. 38
Enabling and disabling logging ........................................... 40

Chapter 5 Importing Data 41

Import overview ........................................................................ 41

xiv Table of Contents

Estimating load sizes ........................................................... 41
Import Tasks ........................................................................ 41
Import process ..................................................................... 41
Directory structure ............................................................... 42
Copy source files ...................................................................... 42
Source file formats ............................................................... 42
Source file names ................................................................ 42
Import directory .................................................................... 43
Generate job file ....................................................................... 43
Import data ................................................................................ 44
Troubleshooting import ............................................................. 45
Number of error rows exceeds threshhold .......................... 45
Data mismatch ..................................................................... 45

Chapter 6 Transactions 47

Transaction overview ................................................................ 47

Transaction Maintenance ......................................................... 48
ACID Compliance ..................................................................... 48

Chapter 7 Performing Backup and Recovery 51

Backing up data ........................................................................ 51

Suspending database writes ............................................... 52
Backing up front-end database ............................................ 52
Backing up Calpont InfiniDB database ................................ 53
Resuming database writes .................................................. 53
Recovering from a backup ........................................................ 53
Restoring front-end database .............................................. 54
Restoring Calpont InfiniDB database .................................. 54
Transactions ............................................................................. 55
Saving Calpont Transaction Logs ........................................ 55
Replaying Transaction Logs ................................................ 55
Dropping the Calpont InfiniDB database .................................. 55

Chapter 8 Performance Tuning 57

Query Tuning Guidelines - Data Access Operations ................ 57

Operations used by Calpont InfiniDB include: ..................... 57

Table of Contents xv
Gathering Performance Metrics - calgetstats() ........................ 58
Gathering Performance Metrics ............................................... 59
Using /var/log/Calpont/debug.log ........................................ 59
Using calsettrace(1); ........................................................... 59
Using /var/log/mysqld.log .................................................... 60
Understanding Extent Map Range Partitioning ........................ 60
Scaling ..................................................................................... 61
For performance ................................................................. 61
For concurrency .................................................................. 61
For data capacity ................................................................ 61

Chapter 9 Configuring Modules 63

Before configuring modules ..................................................... 63

Module IDs .......................................................................... 63
Automatic configuration ...................................................... 64
Manual configuration ........................................................... 64
Adding modules ....................................................................... 64
Removing modules .................................................................. 66
Reconfiguring Modules ............................................................ 67
Starting modules ...................................................................... 68

Chapter 10 Operating Mode 69

Chapter 11 Decimal Scale 71

Enable/Disable Decimal Scale ................................................. 71

Set Decimal Scale Level .......................................................... 72

Chapter 12 System Utilities 73

configxml.sh ........................................................................ 73
colxml .................................................................................. 74
cpimport .............................................................................. 74
viewtablelock ....................................................................... 74
cleartablelock ...................................................................... 74

xvi Table of Contents

Chapter 13 Troubleshooting 75

UM memory exceeded error / distributed join performance 75

Error in TupleAggregateStep ............................................... 75
Circular join detected error: ................................................. 75

Appendix A GNU Free Documentation License 79

Table of Contents xvii

xviii Table of Contents

This guide includes information for installing, configuring, maintaining, performance

tuning, and troubleshooting Calpont InfiniDB.

Some of the content in this guide is only available with the Calpont InfiniDB
Enterprise Edition.

This guide is intended for database administrators and IT administrators who are
responsible for setting up and maintaining Calpont InfiniDB.

Document standards
The following typographical conventions and user alerts are used throughout this guide:

Table 1: Typographical Conventions

Item Description

Bold Typeface Characters you type exactly as shown.

For example: Type getLogInfo

You would type: getLogInfo

Bold Italic Used as a variable or placeholder. Type the appropriate replacement

Typeface text. Variables identified with more than one word are connected by

Type ID
You would type the ID number: 34878
Type IP_address
You would type the IP address:

Introduction i
Table 2: User Alerts

Item Description

Note: Informs you of helpful information.

Warning: Alerts you to possible hardware and/or software failures

that can lead to loss of data or corruption.

ii Introduction
List of documentation
The Calpont Database Platform documentation consists of several guides intended for
different audiences. The documentation is described in the following table:

Table 3: Documentation

Document Description

Calpont InfiniDB Minimum Lists the minimum recommended hardware and

Recommended Technical software specifications for implementing Calpont
Specifications InfiniDB.
Calpont InfiniDB JumpStart Provides quick setup tasks for installing and configuring
Guide software.

Calpont InfiniDB Installation Contains a summary of steps needed to perform an install

Guide of Calpont InfiniDB in a distributed configuration

Calpont InfiniDB SQL Syntax Provides syntax native to Calpont InfiniDB.


Calpont InfiniDB Concepts Guide Introduction to the Calpont InfiniDB analytic database.

Performance Tuning for the Provides help for tuning the InfiniDB analytic database
InfiniDB Analytics Database for parallelization and scalability.

Obtaining documentation
These guides reside on our http://www.infinidb.org/ and http://www.calpont.com
websites. Contact [email protected] for any additional assistance.

Documentation feedback
We encourage feedback, comments, and suggestions so that we can improve our
documentation. Send comments to [email protected] along with the document
name, version, comments, and page numbers.

Additional resources
If you need help installing, tuning, or querying your data with Calpont InfiniDB, you can
contact [email protected].

Introduction iii
iv Introduction
Chapter 1

Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview

The Calpont InfiniDB Console allows you to configure, monitor, and manage the Calpont
InfiniDB system and servers. This chapter explains how to use the Calpont InfiniDB
Console and gives a complete listing of Calpont commands. For more detailed
information, see the following chapters: Configuring Calpont InfiniDB, Monitoring
Calpont InfiniDB, and Managing Calpont InfiniDB System and Servers.

Logging on and off the Calpont InfiniDB Console

You can log on to the Calpont InfiniDB Console using a SSH client. This chapter
describes both processes.

If you use a SSH client to connection to a Linux shell, you run the Calpont InfiniDB
Console in the Linux shell. Many of the Linux-shell features are available to the Calpont
InfiniDB Console such as:
Entering partial command names to execute commands
Recalling previous commands using the Up and Down arrows
Using hot keys to edit and navigate commands
The following procedures explain how to log on and off of the Calpont InfiniDB Console.
You can choose to execute Calpont commands from a Linux prompt. See “Linux and
Calpont InfiniDB Console command prompts” on page 4.

To log on to the Management Console with SSH client:

1. Connect to Linux using your SSH client.
You will be prompted to enter a user name and password.
2. Type your Linux user name and password and press Enter.
The server factory defaults are:
User Name: root
Password: Calpont1
3. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole

Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview 1

The cmconsole prompt appears.
To log off of the Calpont InfiniDB Console:
1. At the cmconsole prompt, type exit or quit
The Linux prompt appears.

Calpont InfiniDB Console tips

The following tips and tricks help you use the Calpont InfiniDB Console.

Help command
The help command displays supported commands. You can view brief help definitions or
verbose definitions. You can also enter partial command names with the help command
to view verbose definitions.

To view HELP commands:

1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole
2. Type help
An alphabetical list of support commands appears with brief descriptions.

2 Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview

You can enter the help command follow by a command name or partial command
name to display the verbose description of the command.

For example, type help restartModule to get the verbose definition of the
restart server command as shown in the figure below.

Case sensitivity
Commands are not case sensitive; however parameters and device names, like server
and processes, are case sensitive. For example, the GetAlarmLog command can be
entered as getalarmlog.

Below are examples of the setsystemconfig command followed by the

ProcessHeartbeatPeriod parameter.


setsystemconfig ProcessHeartbeatPeriod 5
SetSystemConfig ProcessHeartbeatPeriod 5

Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview 3

Recall command history
To browse the history of commands entered, use the Up and Down arrow keys on your
keyboard to scroll through commands.

Command repeat option

You can run a command continuously using the “-r” option. This is useful to check
status in real-time mode.

The repeat option repeats a command every 5 seconds. You can change the repeat
interval to be between 1 and 60 seconds by adding the number of seconds after the

For example to repeat the GetProcess Status command every 2 seconds, type:
GetProcessStatus –r2

NOTE:To exit out of a repeating command, press Ctrl-C to exit back

to a Linux prompt, or Ctrl-D to return to the Calpont InfiniDB

Linux and Calpont InfiniDB Console command prompts

For easier command execution without going back and forth between Linux and the
Management Console, you can choose to execute Linux commands from the
Management Console or execute Calpont commands from a Linux prompt.

To execute a Linux system command from Calpont InfiniDB Console:

Type system (and the Linux command name) and press Enter. This processes the Linux
command and displays output to the console.

For example, to view the Linux manual for the copy command from the Calpont
prompt, type: system man cp

To execute a Calpont InfiniDB Console from the Linux prompt:

Type cmconsole Calpont_command

For example, to view the system status from the Linux command prompt, type

4 Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview

cmconsole getSystemStatus

Complete list of Calpont commands

Below are the commands you can run from the Management Console to configure,
manage, and operate the Calpont System.

Table 1: Calpont Commands

Command Description

? Help

addExternalDevice Add External Device to Configuration file

addModule1 Add a Module within the Calpont System

alterSystem- Disable a Module and Alter the Calpont System


alterSystem- Enable a Module and Alter the Calpont System


alterSystem- Reconfigure a Module and Alter the Calpont System


disableCoreDump Disable Core File Dumping on the system

disableLog Disable the levels of process and debug logging

enableCoreDump Enable Core File Dumping on the system

enableLog Enable the levels of process and debug logging

exit Exit from the Console tool

getActiveAlarms Get Active Alarm list

getActiveSQLStatements Get List Active SQL Statements within the System

getAlarmConfig Get Alarm Configuration Information

getAlarmHistory Get system alarms

getAlarmSummary Get Summary counts of Active Alarm

Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview 5

Table 1: Calpont Commands

Command Description

getCalpontSoftwareInfo Get the Calpont RPM detailed information

getCoreDumpConfig Get the System core file dump configuration

getExternalDeviceConfig Get External Device Configuration Information

getLogConfig Get the System log file configuration

getModuleConfig Get Module Name Configuration Information

getModuleCpu Get a Module CPU usage

getModuleCpuUsers Get a Module Top Processes utilizing CPU

getModuleDisk Get a Module Disk usage

getModuleMemory Get a Module Memory usage

getModuleMemoryUsers Get a Module Top Processes utilizing Memory

getModuleResourceUsage Get a Module Resource usage

getModuleTypeConfig Get Module Type Configuration Information

getProcessConfig Get Process Configuration Information

getProcessStatus Get Calpont Process Statuses

getSystemConfig Get System Configuration Information

getSystemCpu Get System CPU usage on all modules

getSystemCpuUsers Get System Top Processes utilizing CPU

getSystemDisk Get System Disk usage on all modules

getSystemInfo Get the Over-all System Statuses

getSystemMemory Get System Memory usage on all modules

getSystemMemoryUsers Get System Top Processes utilizing Memory

getSystemNetworkConfig Get System Network Configuration Information

getSystemResourceUsage Get System Resource usage on all modules

6 Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview

Table 1: Calpont Commands

Command Description

getSystemStatus Get System and Modules Status

help Get help on the Console Commands

monitorAlarms Monitor alarms in realtime mode

quit Exit from the Console tool

reconfigureModule1 Reconfigure a Module within the Calpont System

removeExternalDevice Remove External Device to Configuration file

help Get help on the Console Commands

removeModule1 Remove a Module within the Calpont System

resetAlarm Resets an Active Alarm

restartModule Restarts the Processes within the Module

restartSystem Restarts the Processes within the Calpont System

resumeDatabaseWrites Resume performing writes to the Calpont Database

setAlarmConfig Set a Alarm Configuration parameter

setExternalDeviceConfig Set a External Device Configuration parameter

setModuleTypeConfig Set a Module Type Configuration parameter

setProcessConfig Set a Process Configuration parameter

setSystemConfig Set a System Configuration parameter

shutdownNode Shutdowns a Node within the Calpont System

shutdownSystem Shutdowns the Calpont System

startModule Starts a stopped Module within the Calpont System

startSystem Starts a stopped Calpont System

stopModule Stops the processing of a Module within the Calpont Sys-


stopSystem Stops the processing of the Calpont System

Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview 7

Table 1: Calpont Commands

Command Description

suspendDatabaseWrites Suspend performing writes to the Calpont Database

system Execute a system shell command

1. These commands are not supported in a Shared-Nothing configuration. A message will

be issued to the console stating “command not supported in a shared-nothing configura-

8 Calpont InfiniDB Console Overview

Chapter 2

System Maintenance

This chapters describes how to upgrade Calpont InfiniDB software and how to use the
Calpont InfiniDB Console for server operations.

Using the Calpont InfiniDB Console, you can perform the following system and server
operations: stop, start, restart, and shut down.

Upgrading Calpont InfiniDB

Calpont issues new releases and software patches as needed to fix issues or provide
better performance. You should only upgrade Calpont InfiniDB when you are directed to
do so by technical support.

Calpont software
There are two Calpont software packages that you can patch:
Calpont Platform Software - This software configures the modules and
provides the Calpont performance capabilities and Calpont InfiniDB Console
When advised by Calpont Technical Support, you should apply recommended patches.

Upgrading Calpont InfiniDB

The Calpont System should be taken offline. The front-end database and Calpont
database should both be backed up before you upgrade Calpont InfiniDB. During an
upgrade, Calpont InfiniDB keeps and uses the existing Calpont.xml file.
1. Stop Calpont InfiniDB. See “Stopping the system or modules” on page 11.
2. Back up front-end database and Calpont database. See “Performing Backup and
Recovery” on page 51.
3. In a browser address window, go to ftp://ftp.calpont.com and press Enter.
4. Download the RPM(s).
5. Unextract the RPM zip file.

System Maintenance 9
The install program launches and places a shortcut on the desktop.
6. Install the upgrade. Please see the “Calpont InfiniDB Installation Guide” for
installation/upgrade instruction.

Upgrading Storage
The Calpont System is typically configured with RAID 0+1 or commonly called RAID10,
which is a stripe of mirrors and the system is partitioned with logical unit numbers
(LUN). To better understand when additional storage capacity is needed, “Performance
Tuning” on page 57

System and Module Operations

You can stop, start, restart or shut down the system and individual modules. In most
cases Calpont recommends shutting down the system as opposed to modules.
Additionally, you can disable and enable modules.

When you stop a module and do a system restart, the stopped module is started. If you
disable a module and then restart the system, the disabled module does not restart,
but stays offline until you enable it.

In the case that you want to disable or enable a module and bring the system back
online quickly, you can use the AlterSystem command.

There following options are available when stopping the system or servers:
Graceful - Processes perform any gradual shutdown processes they might need.
Forceful (Default option) - Processes are stopped no matter what state they are
Install - This option is only used when stopping the system so that new Calpont
Software can be installed. This option brings down all processes except the
Management Console.
Acknowledgement Yes - The system informs you when the operation has been
successfully or unsuccessfully performed.
Acknowledgement No (Default option) - The system returns a success message
when the command is received, but the operation might still be processing.

10 System Maintenance
Stopping the system or modules
Stopping the system or modules does not shutdown the hardware, but only stops the
application processes. The platform process that supports the Management Console and
System Alarms remain active. If you want to stop the system or server and immediately
start the processes again (typically if the system or a server hangs), you can restart the
system or servers as shown in the section “Restarting the system or modules” on
page 11.

To stop the system:

1. From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type stopSystem
2. Press y
The system processes stop.
To stop a server (you must specify the server you want to stop):
1. From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type stopModule server_name
Example: stopModule UM2
2. Press y
The server processes stop.

Starting the system or modules

You can start the system or module application processes with the following commands:

To start the system:

From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type startSystem
The system processes start.
To start a module (you must specify the server you want to start):
From the Calpont InfiniDB Console,type startModule server_name
Example: startModule UM3
The server processes start.

Restarting the system or modules

When you want to stop and immediately start application processes, you can perform a
restart. You restart the system or modules application processes with the following

To restart the system:

System Maintenance 11
From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type restartSystem
The system processes stop and restart.
To restart a module (you must specify the module you want to start):
From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type restartModule
Example: restartModule UM3
The module processes stop and restart.

Shutting down the system or modules

When you perform a shutdown, all Calpont processes are stopped and the modules in
the system are powered off. You should shutdown the system and/or modules when
hardware maintenance is required.

To shutdown the system:

1. From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type shutdownSystem
2. Press y
The system is shutdown.
To shutdown a module (you must specificy the module you want to shut down):
1. From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type shutdownNode module_id
Example: shutdownNode PM3
2. Press y
The module processes stop and the module is shutdown.

Altering the System Modules

When you want to quickly disable or enable a module and restart the system, you can
do it with the following commands:

To disable a module and restart system:

1. From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type alterSystem-disableModule
Example: alterSystem-disablemodule PM2, PM3
2. Press y
The module is disabled and the system is restarted.

12 System Maintenance
To enable a module and restart system:
1. From the Calpont InfiniDB Console, type alterSystem-enableModule
Example: altersSystem-enableModule PM@, PM3
2. Press y
The module is enabled and started as part of the system.

System Maintenance 13
14 System Maintenance
Chapter 3

System Status

The Calpont InfiniDB Console allows you to monitor the system without using a third-
party Network Monitoring System (NMS). Calpont recommends you use a third-party
NMS for more detailed system monitoring. The system is set up with factory defaults.
To configure system monitoring, see “Configuring System Status Monitoring” on
page 31.

Viewing system status

The system status shows the status of the system and all equipped servers. The table
below shows the available system and server statuses.

To view the system status:

Type getSystemStatus
The system and server status appears.

Table 1: System and Module Statuses

Status Definition

Active The system, server, or Network Interface Card (NIC) is available to

process database requests.

Auto Disabled Disabled as a result of a server failure.

Auto Init Auto initilization mode during a fault recovery.

Auto Offline The system or server is offline due to a fault.

Degraded The server is active, but the performance is degraded. A server is

degraded when a NIC is not working.

Down Failing to communication via ping command.

Failed A stop/start/restart request for the system or a server failed.

System Status 15
Table 1: System and Module Statuses

Status Definition

Initial Initial state after a system reboot or install and before any action is

Man Disabled Disabled as a result of executing the altersystem-disableModule


Man Init Manual initialization mode during a start or restart command.

Man Offline The system or server was taken offline with the stop or shutdown

Up Successfully communication via ping command.

When all servers are active, then the system status is active. If one server is man
offline and the others are active, the system is man offline. All equipped servers must
be active before the system is shown as active.

Viewing process status

The Process Configuration data is stored in the ProcessConfig.xml file in the /usr/local/
Calpont/etc directory.

To view process status:

Type getProcessStatus
The processes status appears.

The table below shows the supported process states.

Table 2: Process Statuses

Status Definition

Active The process is functional and ready to process.

Auto Init Auto initialization mode during a fault recovery

Auto Offline The process is offline due to a fault.

16 System Status
Table 2: Process Statuses

Status Definition

Busy Init The process is performing an initialization task at startup time

before going to the ACTIVE state.

Failed A stop/start/restart request for a process failed.

Hot Standby The Process is functional in a standby/ready state in case a failover


Initial State after a system reboot or install and before any action is taken

Man Init Manual initialization mode during a start or restart command

Man Offline The process was taken offline with the stop or shutdown command.

Standby Init Manual initialization mode during a start or restart command of a

Hot Standby process.

Viewing network configuration

The network configuration lists the servers and status of the NIC cards.

To view network system configuration:

Type getSystemNetworkConfig
The system and server status appears.

Term Definition

Device Name The server configuration type. Example: DMs, UMs, and PMs.

Device The server configuration type and unique numbering scheme. Exam-
Description ple: Director Module #1.

NIC ID This field shows the available NICs on each server.

Host Name Host name of each server.

IP Address IP Address of each server.

NIC State A NIC is either UP or DOWN.

System Status 17
Viewing module information
The module configuration provides the server names and IP addresses for all modules.

To view the module configuration:

Type getModuleConfig

18 System Status
Monitoring module usage and threshholds
This section explains the module thresholds that are monitored by Calpont InfiniDB and
how to view them.

To view module usage and threshholds:

Type getmoduletype

System Status 19
20 System Status
Module disk usage
The file systems on each local server can be monitored for the percentage used. There
are three thresholds you can set for the disk usage for each server: Critical, Major, and
Minor. When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued.

The alarms that are issued when the configured disk file system usage crosses each
threshold are shown below:
DISK_USAGE_LOW is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
DISK_USAGE_MED is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
DISK_USAGE_HIGH is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
These same alarms are cleared as the usage percentage starts going down. The clearing
is done in this manner:
DISK_USAGE_HIGH is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold ServerDiskCriticalThreshold
DISK_USAGE_MED is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold ServerDiskMajorThreshold
DISK_USAGE_LOW is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold ServerDiskMinorThreshold

See “To configure the module disk usage:” on page 37.

Memory usage
The memory usage can be monitored for the percentage used. There are three
thresholds you can set for the disk usage for each server: Critical, Major and Minor.
When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued.

The alarms that are issued when the configured disk file system usage crosses each
threshold are shown below:
MEMORY_USAGE_LOW is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
MEMORY_USAGE_MED is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
MEMORY_USAGE_HIGH is set when usage percentage goes above threshold

System Status 21
These same alarms are cleared as the usage percentage starts going down. The clearing
is done in this manner:
MEMORY_USAGE_HIGH is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below
the threshold ServerMemCriticalThreshold
MEMORY_USAGE_MED is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below
the threshold ServerMemMajorThreshold
MEMORY_USAGE_LOW is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below
the threshold ServerMemMinorThreshold

Swap space usage

The swap space usage can be monitored for the percentage used. There are three
thresholds you can set for the swap space usage for each server: Critical, Major, and
Minor. When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued.

The alarms that are issued when the Configured Disk File System usage crosses each
threshold are shown below:
SWAP_USAGE_LOW is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
SWAP_USAGE_MED is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
SWAP_USAGE_HIGH is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
These same alarms are cleared as the usage percentage starts going down. The clearing
is done in this manner:
SWAP_USAGE_HIGH is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold ServerSwapCriticalThreshold
SWAP_USAGE_MED is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold ServerSwapMajorThreshold
SWAP_USAGE_LOW is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold ServerSwapMinorThreshold.

Disk thresholds
You can set thresholds to alert you when a specified percentage of a file system is being
used on a server.

There are three thresholds you can set for the disk usage for each server: Critical,
Major, and Minor. When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued.

22 System Status
The alarms that are issued when the Disk File System usage crosses each threshold are
shown below:
DISK_USAGE_LOW is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
DISK_USAGE_MED is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
DISK_USAGE_HIGH is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
These same alarms are cleared as the usage percentage starts going down as shown
DISK_USAGE_HIGH is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold RAIDCriticalThreshold.
DISK_USAGE_MED is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold RAIDMajorThreshold.
DISK_USAGE_LOW is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold RAIDMinorThreshold.

CPU thresholds
You can set thresholds to alert you when the CPU usage on a server reaches a specific

There are four thresholds for the server CPU usage: Critical, Major, Minor and
MinorClear. When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued. To disable thresholds, set
the thresholds to 0.

The alarms that are issued when the Server total CPU usage crosses each threshold are
shown below:
CPU_USAGE_LOW is set when CPU goes above threshold
CPU_USAGE_MED is set when CPU goes above threshold
CPU_USAGE_HIGH is set when CPU goes above threshold
These same alarms are cleared as the CPU usage starts going down. To prevent alarm
thrashing, the clearing is done in this manner:
CPU_USAGE_HIGH is cleared when the CPU usage goes below the threshold

System Status 23
CPU_USAGE_MED is cleared when the CPU usage goes below the threshold
CPU_USAGE_LOW is cleared when the CPU usage goes below the threshold

Monitoring alarms
Alarms are triggered when system, servers, processes, or hardware are down, power on
test has warning, process fail or time out, or when threshold percentages are met.
These thresholds are set for the following:
Module disk usage
Memory usage
Swap space usage
RAID usage
CPU usage
This section explains how to view alarms, and describes the alarm definitions. To
change default thresholds, see “Configuring System Status Monitoring” on page 31.

Viewing active alarms

To view active alarms:
Type getActiveAlarms
Below is a sample alarm file.

24 System Status
Viewing archived alarms
Alarms are archived each day at midnight. The Calpont system saves seven days of
alarm history.

To view historitcal alarms:

Type getAlarmHistory (yyyymmdd)
In place of the date, you can type today to get the alarm log for the current day.
Example statements:
getAlarmHistory today
getAlarmHistory 20070923

Table 3: Alarm Definitions

Description Definition

Alarm ID#1 CPU_USAGE_HIGH The usage on the indicated CPU has exceeded
its high threshold

System Status 25
Description Definition

Alarm ID#2 CPU_USAGE_MED The usage on the indicated CPU has exceeded
its medium threshold

Alarm ID#3 CPU_USAGE_LOW The usage on the indicated CPU has exceeded
its low threshold

Alarm ID#4 DISK_USAGE_HIGH The usage on the indicated disk drive has
exceeded its high threshold

Alarm ID#5 DISK_USAGE_MED The usage on the indicated disk drive has
exceeded its medium threshold

Alarm ID#6 DISK_USAGE_LOW The usage on the indicated disk dr ive has
exceeded its low threshold

Alarm ID#7 MEMORY_USAGE_HIGH The usage on the indicated memory has

exceeded its high threshold

Alarm ID#8 MEMORY_USAGE_MED The usage on the indicated memory has

exceeded its medium threshold

Alarm ID#9 MEMORY_USAGE_LOW The usage on the indicated memory has

exceeded its low threshold

Alarm ID #10 SWAP_USAGE_HIGH The usage on the indicated swap has

exceeded its high threshold

Alarm ID #11 SWAP_USAGE_MED The usage on the indicated swap has

exceeded its medium threshold

Alarm ID #12 SWAP_USAGE_LOW The usage on the indicated swap has

exceeded its low threshold

Alarm ID #13 PROCESS_DOWN_AUTO Process is auto out-of-service

Alarm ID #14 MODULE_DOWN_AUTO Module is auto out-of-service

Alarm ID #15 SYSTEM_DOWN_AUTO System is auto out-of-service

Alarm ID #16 POWERON_TEST_SEVERE A Module Power-On Severe Warning error

occurred. Test failures indicate that the sys-
tem is running in a degraded state

Alarm ID #17 POWERON_TEST_WARNING Warning error occurred. Test failures indicate

that the system is running with little or no
degradation in performance

26 System Status
Description Definition

Alarm ID #18 HARDWARE_HIGH A hardware device's resource has exceeded

its high threshold

Alarm ID #19 HARDWARE_MED A hardware device's resource has exceeded its

medium threshold

Alarm ID #20 HARDWARE_LOW A hardware device's resource has exceeded its

low threshold

Alarm ID #21 PROCESS_DOWN_MANUAL Process is manually out-of-service

Alarm ID #22 MODULE_DOWN_MANUAL Module is manually out-of-service

Alarm ID #23 SYSTEM_DOWN_MANUAL System is manually out-of-service

Alarm ID #24 SWITCH_DOWN_AUTO Switch is auto out-of-service

Alarm ID #25 STORAGE_DOWN_AUTO Storage Unit is auto out-of-service

Alarm ID #26 PROCESS_INIT_FAILURE Process Initialzation failed or timed-out

Alarm ID #27 NIC_DOWN_AUTO NIC Interface is auto out-of-service

Alarm ID #28 DBRM_LOAD_DATA_ERROR Error occurred during loading DBRM data

Alarm ID #29 INVALID_SW_VERSION Invalid software version found on a module

which doesn’t match the version running on
the Director Module

Alarm ID #30 STARTUP_DIAGNOSTICS_FAILURE A failure occurred when the system startup

diagnostics was executed on a module. Log
files can be viewed for details on the failure

Alarm ID #31 CONN_FAILURE A connection failure occurred that could

affect the performance of system processing.

Table 4: Alarm Severity

Severity Description

Critical A condition occurred that requires immediate

attention and could result in loss of data.

System Status 27
Table 4: Alarm Severity

Severity Description

Major A condition occurred that impairs service and

needs attention.

Minor A condition occurred that hasn’t impaired ser-

vice, but needs attentions so that it doesn’t
impair service in the future.

Warning A condition has occurred that ......

Info Information only.

Viewing top CPU users

You can view the top users on a single module or the top users on all modules in Calpont
InfiniDB. The default is to display the top five users, but you can specify to display a
range from 1-10 processes. Processes that use less than 1% CPU are not displayed.

To monitor top users on a single module:

Type getmodulecpuusers module_ID
For example, to monitor to the top CPU users on Director Module 1, the command is:

getmodulecpuusers dm1

To monitor top users on Calpont InfiniDB:

Type getsystemcpuusers

Monitoring resource usage

You can monitor the system CPU usage, memory, cache and swap space for the system
by module.

To monitor system resources:

Type getsystemresourceusage

28 System Status
System Status 29
30 System Status
Chapter 4

Configuring System Status Monitoring

This chapter describes how to configure the system, processes, servers, CPU usage, disk
usage, RAID, memory usage, and swap space.

For more information about monitoring the system, “System Status” on page 15, and
for a complete list of Calpont Commands, see page page 5.

Management console overview

This chapter explains how to configure the following:

Calpont configuration files

When you configure the system using the Management Console, the changes are stored
in XML files that reside in the “etc” directory. Some of these configuration items are
updated by Calpont Processes and the Calpont postConfig script at installation time.
AlarmConfig.xml - Alarm configuration file.
Calpont.xml - System and module configuration file.
ConsoleCmds.xml - Management Console tool help file.
ProcessConfig.xml - Process configuration file.

Linux shell
You need a SSH client to connect to the Linux shell. Once you are connected to the
Linux shell, you enter the command to run the Management Console and it runs in the

Configuring System Status Monitoring 31

Linux shell. Many of the Linux-shell features are available to the Management Console
such as:
Entering partial command names to execute commands
Recalling previous commands using the Up and Down arrows
Using hot keys to edit and navigate commands
For tips on using the Management Console, “Calpont InfiniDB Console tips” on page 2.

Configuring system
You can modify the following system settings: the heartbeat period and counts, RAID
thresholds, monitoring, alarm, and logging configurations. The system configuration
file also displays the current software and hardware versions used with the Calpont
Database Platform. This can be useful troubleshooting information.

Most of the data in the configuration file is stored in the Calpont.xml file located in /
usr/local/Calpont/etc directory. Some data is extracted from other sources when the
getSystemConfig command is executed.

To view the system configuration:

1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type getSystemConfig and press Enter.

32 Configuring System Status Monitoring

3. The system configuration appears.

Configuring System Status Monitoring 33

Setting server heartbeats
Heartbeat monitoring occurs between servers in the Calpont Database Platform. The
server heartbeat settings are the same for all servers in the Calpont Database Platform.

The server heartbeat period refers to how often the heartbeat test is performed. For
example, if you set the period to 5, then the heartbeat test is performed every 5

The server heartbeat count refers to how many failures in a row must take place before
a fault is processed. To disable heartbeat monitoring, set the period to -1.

To set the server heartbeat period and count:

1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type setSystemConfig ServerHeartbeatPeriod n (where n=
number of seconds) and press Enter.
A message appears when the period is successfully set.
3. Type setSystemConfig ServerHeartbeatCount n (where n= number
of failures) and press Enter.
A message appears when the count is successfully set.

Configuring Disk thresholds

You can set thresholds to alert you when a specified percentage of a file system is being
used on a server.

There are three thresholds you can set for the disk usage for each server: Critical,
Major and Minor. When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued. To disable thresholds,
set the threshold to 0.

The alarms that are issued when the Disk File System usage crosses each threshold are
shown below:
DISK_USAGE_LOW is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
DISK_USAGE_MED is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
DISK_USAGE_HIGH is set when usage percentage goes above threshold
These same alarms are cleared as the usage percentage starts going down as shown

34 Configuring System Status Monitoring

DISK_USAGE_HIGH is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold RAIDCriticalThreshold.
DISK_USAGE_MED is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold RAIDMajorThreshold.
DISK_USAGE_LOW is cleared when the usage percentage usage goes below the
threshold RAIDMinorThreshold.
The system configuration parameters are:
To configure Disk thresholds:
1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type setSystemConfig RAID(Minor/Major/Critical)Threshold
n (where n= percentage of file system used) and press Enter.
A message appears when the threshold is successfully set.
For example, to modules to issue a disk usage medium alarm when the file system is
25% full, enter the following command:

setSystemConfig RAIDMajorThreshold 25

TIP: When setting thresholds, minor should be less than major, and
major should be less than critical.

Configuring archived transaction log periods

You can change how often the transaction log file is archived by configuring the
systemconfiguration file. The default period is set to 10 minutes. You can select
between 0 and 60 minutes. For more information about transaction logs, see “/usr/
local/Calpont/datan where n represents unique directories such as data1, data2, etc.
Copy all the files and directories in each numbered data directory.” on page 54.

To modify archived transaction log period:

1. Connect to Linux using your SSH client.
You will be prompted to enter a user name and password.

Configuring System Status Monitoring 35

2. Type your Linux user name and password and press Enter.
A Linux prompt appears.
3. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
The cmconsole prompt appears.
4. Type setsystemconfig TransactionArchivePeriod (log
period) and press Enter.

Configuring modules
You can configure the following module items:
CPU thresholds
Disk monitor file system usage
Disk thresholds
Module memory thresholds
Module swap thresholds

Configuring module CPU thresholds

You can set thresholds to alert you when the CPU usage on a module reaches a specific
percentage. For more information about CPU Thresholds, see “CPU thresholds” on
page 23.

There are four thresholds for the module CPU usage: Critical, Major, Minor and
MinorClear. When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued. To disable thresholds, set
the thresholds to 0.

To configure the CPU thresholds:

1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type setServerConfig (server name) ServerCPU(Clear/
Minor/Major/Critical)Threshold n (where n= percentage of CPU
usage) and press Enter.
The CPU threshold is set and a message appears.
For example, to set a server alert to Minor at 50%, type the following:
setServerConfig CD1C ServerCPUMinorThreshold 50.

36 Configuring System Status Monitoring

TIP: When setting thresholds, minor should be less than major, and
major should be less than critical.

Configuring module disk usage

The file systems on each local server can be monitored for the percentage used. For
more information about server disk usage, see “Module disk usage” on page 21.

To configure the module disk usage:

1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type setServerConfig (server name) ServerDisk(Minor/
Major/Critical)Threshold n (where n= percentage of disk system
used) and press Enter.
The server disk usage threshold is set and a message appears.

TIP: When setting thresholds, minor should be less than major, and
major should be less than critical.

Configuring swap space usage

The swap space usage can be monitored for the percentage used. There are three
thresholds you can set for the swap space usage for each server: Critical, Major and
Minor. When a threshold is crossed, an alarm is issued. To disable thresholds, set the
thresholds to 0.
For more information about swap space usage, see “Swap space usage” on page 22.

To configure the server swap space usage:

1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type setServerConfig (server name) ServerSwap(Minor/
Major/Crictical)Threshold n (where n= percentage of swap space
used) and press Enter.
The server swap space usage threshold is set and a message appears.

Configuring System Status Monitoring 37

TIP: When setting thresholds, minor should be less than major, and
major should be less than critical.

Configuring alarms
In this chapter, you learned how to configure the system and servers to trigger alarms
for specific events or conditions. You can also set the total number of alarms that can
be triggered in a 30-minute period. The Calpont system comes with a pre-configured
alarm file, stored in the CalpontAlarm.xml file, that has the threshold setting for all
alarms at 100. This means that an alarm can be triggered a maximum of 100 times in 30
minutes before the alarm quits being triggered.

To disable a specific alarm from being reported, set the alarm threshold to 0.

Steps to configure alarms

To configure alarms, you use the setalarmconfig command with the Alarm ID#, and the
parameter to be changed.
1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type setAlarmConfig (alarmID#) Threshold n (where n=
maximum number of times an alarm can be triggered in 30 minutes), and press
For example, if you want to change Alarm ID#23 to have a threshold of 25 you would
type the following at the Calpont prompt:
setAlarmConfig 23 Threshold 25.

Configuring logging
The Log Configuration can be displayed using the following command:

There are 5 levels of logging:


38 Configuring System Status Monitoring


Each server within the Calpont System can have a different levels configured. These
five levels are supported through the Syslog functionality. So this means that the Syslog
service should always be running on the servers.

The Log Configuration can be enabled and disabled using the following commands:
EnableLog, DisableLog. These five logging levels can be individually enable and
disabled or you can enable and disable all five by entering "all" for the log level.

Messages are identified by a unique number. In the following syslog message, items 1-4
are generated automatically by syslog and items 5-8 come from the message object

1. Date & time

2. Host of origin
3. Subsystem name
4. PID
5. Seconds and microseconds of message
6. Session ID, transaction ID & thread ID
7. Message severity level - A single character message-class prefix:
D - debug
I - info
W - warning
E - error
C - critical
8. Subsystem ID - A 2-digit subsystem ID.
9. Message number - A 4-digit error number. Error message ID's (and thus error
message texts) can be shared across subsystem boundaries. This allows reuse of
common error messages.
10. Message text - formatted error text after all positional arguments have been

Configuring System Status Monitoring 39

These log file are stored on each server in /var/log/Calpont directory.

Enabling and disabling logging

To enable logging:
1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type enableLog (module_ID)(log_type) and press Enter.

For example, to enable Crictical logging on server PM1, the command is: enableLog
PM1 Crictical.

To disable logging:
1. At the Linux prompt, type cmconsole.
2. Type disableLog (module_ID)(log type) and press Enter.

For example, to disable Info logging on server PM1, the command is:
disableLog PM1 Info.

40 Configuring System Status Monitoring

Chapter 5

Importing Data

This chapter describes how to import data into the Calpont System. This includes data
migrations from other systems or periodic updates during the maintenance window.

Import overview
Before importing data, you must complete the Calpont Installation as documented in
the Calpont InfiniDB Installation Guide. This includes creating a Calpont system catalog
and creating the tables in which you want to import data.

Estimating load sizes

Business requirements for data latency drive the size of data loads. If access to new
data is needed every 30 seconds, then data should be loaded in smaller loads so that it
can be written to the database quickly and available for queries.

If access to new data is needed within 24 hours, then data can be loaded overnight in
larger data loads.

Import Tasks
Perform the tasks below to import data:
Copy data files to be imported into the correct directory
Generate job file
Import data

Import process
Calpont InfiniDB does the following during the import:
Reads data
Transforms the data into a column orientation
Tokenizes data values
Load tokenized data into database

Importing Data 41
Directory structure
The directory structure below is created when Calpont InfiniDB is installed. This
structure must be maintained to successfully import data. You perform the bulk load
process on the Performance Module with the DDLProc and DMLProc processes active
(typically the first Performance Module).

./job - Contains the job description XML files that map tables and columns.
./data//import - Contains the data files to be imported.
./log - Contains the log file for each executed job and error logs if applicable. The file
extensions are .log and .err.
./process - Contains the temporary process files.

Copy source files

Source files need to be formatted, named correctly, and placed in the Calpont import
folder for Calpont InfiniDB to import the data.

Source file formats

The default delimiter is the ‘|’ (pipe) character.

You can configure the system to accept other formats by providing an optional
delimiter paramenter during the import. For most character delimiters, use -d and the
delimiter character.

-d ,
-d ~

For special characters such as tab, single quote, or tilde, add a backwards slash “\” and
then the special character. Note: If you use the backwards slash for special characters,
it must be wrapped in a single quotes. The examples for each are as follows:

-d ‘\t’
-d ‘\~’

Source file names

The source files must be named with the table name that the data should be imported
into. Example: nation.tbl

42 Importing Data
If source data resides in a different directory, you can use the ln command tp create a
symbolic link “import” instead. For example:

ln -s /mnt/source /usr/local/Calpont/data/bulk/data/import

Import directory
You must place source data to imported into the following directory:


Generate job file

You must create an XML job file for tables that you are loading before you can import
data. You should create a new job file before each bulk load.

To generate the job file for all tables:

At the Linux prompt, type: /usr/local/Calpont/bin/colxml schema_name

Use the -t option for specific tables.

The job file is named Job_(id#).xml and placed in the job directory. The default name
is: Job_299.xml.

The table below lists additional parameters that you can use when creating the job file.
For example, to change the delimiter from the default | Pipe Bar to a tilde:

/usr/local/Calpont/bin/colxml schema_name -d \~

Table 1: Optional job file parameters

Parameter Definition

-d Delimter type. See “Source file formats” on page 42.

-e Max errors allowed before aborting

-j Job ID

-l Load table name

-n Name in quotes

-p Path

Importing Data 43
Table 1: Optional job file parameters

Parameter Definition

-s Description in quotes

-t Table Name

-u User

-b Debug level

Import data
Calpont InfiniDB uses the cpimport utility to import data. This file is located in the
following directory:


You must specify the job ID when importing data.

To import data:

At the Linux prompt, type cpimport -j jobID#

where jobID is the number of the job number from the colxml execution

and press Enter.

Example: cpimport -j 299

Normally you will not need to specify any other parameters to cpimport, as the XML job
file contains the details of the job. In some cases you may see an incremental
performance increase by raising the number of parsers threads (the –w option). Users
are strongly encouraged to perform a full backup of the database before experimenting
with any of the cpimport options.

You can get a list of the other optional parameters by typing ‘cpimport –h’. Note that
some options are not implemented on the 32-bit architecture builds.

44 Importing Data
Troubleshooting import
If the import terminates abnormally, an error code and a brief description are
displayed. Go to the log directory and open the error log file in a text editor to view
more detailed information.

The error log file be logged to a file named Job_(id#).err. Example: Job_299.err.

Successful imports will be logged to a file named Job_(id #).log. Example:


In both files, the job ID is the same as the job ID of the XML job file.

Below are some possible errors that you might encounter.

Number of error rows exceeds threshhold

Error message “Total number of rows exceeds the maximum error number specified in
the job description file”.

The maximum errors defaults to 10. Increase the maximum errors by using the -e
parameter followed by the maximum number of rows.
1. At the Linux prompt, type cpimport.sh -e (number of rows) and
press Enter.

Data mismatch
When the data to be imported does not match up correctly with the table in which it is
to be imported, the rows are saved into a new file labeled with the table name and
.bad. For example: nation.tbl.bad. These tables are saved in the /import directory.

You can review the bad data in the files, make changes to the data to be imported, and
re-run the import.

Importing Data 45
46 Importing Data
Chapter 6


This chapter describes how transactions are handled in the Calpont System.

Transaction overview
Calpont InfiniDB processes Insert, Update, and Delete statements through transactions
such that changes to the database are not made visible to other queries unless a
commit statement has been issued.

The commit may be applied automatically or may be explicitly issued depending on

client configurations external to Calpont InfiniDB. The current setting can be viewed
via the following command:

mysql> show variables like '%autocommit%';

show variables like '%autocommit%'
| Variable_name | Value |
| autocommit | OFF |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The current setting can be changed by one of the following commands:

mysql> set autocommit = on;
mysql> set autocommit = off;

Execution of concurrent DML statements is limited in this release of the Calpont

InfiniDB product to ensure data consistency under all cases. Additional transactions
beyond the first will wait until the first transaction has committed before executing.

Transactions 47
Transaction Maintenance
In the event that you wish to roll back a transaction for another session, the following
procedure can be used:
1. Verify that there are outstanding transactions:
verID = 223
TxnID SessionID
------- -------
223 1

2. Verify that there are outstanding transactions that exceed the time limit set in the
Calpont.xml config file:
1 timed out transaction(s).
sessionid 1 txnid 223 valid TRUE time_t 1246470554 tdiff 30 ctime Wed Jul 1
12:49:14 2009

3. Roll those transactions back:

/usr/local/Calpont/bin/sessionWalker -r
1 timed out transactions.
sessionid 1 txnid 223 valid TRUE time_t 1246470554 tdiff 30 ctime Wed Jul 1
12:49:14 2009

You can place this command in a cron script to automatically roll back transactions that
run longer than you have configured, but you should consider all the effects of such a

ACID Compliance
Database systems deliver ACID behavior:
Atomicity: Either all the tasks in a transaction must be done, or none of them.
The transaction must be completed, or else it must be undone (rolled back).
Consistency: Every transaction must preserve the integrity constraints - the
declared consistency rules - of the database. It cannot place the data in a
contradictory state.

48 Transactions
Isolation: Two simultaneous transactions cannot interfere with one another.
Intermediate results within a transaction are not visible to other transactions.
Durability: Completed transactions cannot be aborted later or their results
discarded. They must persist through (for instance) restarts of the DBMS after

The key to support ACID behavior related to Atomicity and Isolation will be
accomplished for the Calpont Engine a custom implementation of concurrency control
to support consistent read behavior in support of Isolation and rollback in support of
Atomicity. Calpont InfiniDB provides the most commonly use Isolation level of Read
Committed which ensures that any query is consistent as of the start of the query and
won't see any partially entered data that is added after the query starts.

The most important benefit of Calpont InfiniDB's versioning is that reads are never
blocked. That is, one session can read (an older) versioned block while another session
is simultaneously updating that block.

Both Rollback (Atomicity) and Consistent Read (Isolation) support are implemented by
retaining prior versions of data.

Datatype consistency is supported through the DDL and DML. Constraints are not

Durability is supported through the transaction log and checkpointing (saves to disk at
appropriate points).

Transactions 49
50 Transactions
Chapter 7

Performing Backup and Recovery

This chapter explains how to perform a full Calpont InfiniDB data backup and how to
perform a recovery in the event of a disk outage or other catastrophe. It explains how
to recover data to the point of the last full backup or perform a point-in-time recovery.

This chapter will also describe dropping the Calpont InfiniDB database to start from the

Backing up data
To create a full data backup, you must back up the front-end database and the Calpont
database from the same point in time.

To back up your data, perform the following procedures which are explained in more
detail later in this chapter:
Suspend database writes
This process suspends database writes to ensure data consistency during the
backup process, but allows users to continue to query the database.
Back up front-end database
This process backs up the users, and their database objects that connect to the
Calpont InfiniDB Platform.
Back up Calpont InfiniDB Platform database files
This process backs the Calpont InfiniDB Platform database files.
Resume database writes
This process is done after front-end database and Calpont InfiniDB backups are
complete and allows users to write to the database.

Performing Backup and Recovery 51

Suspending database writes
You must suspend database writes when backing up your data to ensure data

NOTE: If a user attempts to write to the database during a backup,

Calpont generates an error message, but the backup process is not
affected. Calpont allows queries during the back up process.

To suspend database writes:

1. Connect to the Director Module 1, or your OAM Module using a SSH client.
2. Type your Linux user_name and password.
A Linux prompt appears.
3. [root@server]# cmconsole
The Calpont InfiniDB Console prompt appears.
4. calpont>suspendDatabaseWrites
A confirmation message appears.

Backing up front-end database

You should back up your front-end database using the procedures and instructions for
that vendor.

Calpont InfiniDB doesn’t implement anything unique into the MySQL front-end and the
following directory may be backed up in lieu of previously established procedures:


cp -rp /usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db /mnt/InfiniDB/backup/frontend

Note: The -rp options are for copying directories recursively and saving
ownership information.

If selected databases are to be backed up only, then the database directories within
the above directory may be backed up instead.

52 Performing Backup and Recovery

Backing up Calpont InfiniDB database
This process creates a full Calpont database backup by copying all the DBRM and DB
(data) files. Because you can have multiple files being copied from multiple directories,
you should label your backups so that you can restore them to the proper directory in
the event of a failure.

Copy all files from Performance Module 1.

To backup the Calpont database:

Copy the entire directory structure of each of your DBRoots to backup storage.
These directories are listed in the /usr/local/Calpont/etc/Calpont.xml file in
the SystemConfig section. Usually they will look like /usr/local/Calpont/datan
where n is a number starting at 1. Depending on your configuration you may also
have important system data in a directory called simply /usr/local/Calpont/
data. You should also backup this directory if it contains any important files for
your installation (e.g. bulk load scripts).

Resuming database writes

When you have finished backing up your MySQL database and the Calpont database,
resume database writes.
1. Connect to the Director Module 1, or your OAM Module using a SSH client.
2. Type your Linux user_name and password.
A Linux prompt appears.
3. [root@server]# cmconsole
The Calpont InfiniDB Console prompt appears.
4. calpont>resumeDatabaseWrites
A confirmation message appears.

Recovering from a backup

If you have a hardware failure and need to recover from a backup, perform the
following procedures which are described in more detail later in this chapter:

Performing Backup and Recovery 53

Restore front-end database
Restore Calpont database

Restoring front-end database

Restore your front-end database using the recommended procedures.

Calpont InfiniDB doesn’t implement anything unique into the MySQL front-end and the
following directory may be restored in lieu of previously established procedures:


Example to remove and restore:

rm -rf /usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/*
cp -rp /mnt/InfiniDB/backup/frontend/* /usr/local/Calpont/mysql/db/

Note: The -rf options are for removing directories recursively and not prompting
for removal. The -rp options are for copying directories recursively and saving
ownership information.

If selected databases are to be restored only, then the database directories within the
above directory may be restored instead.

Restoring Calpont InfiniDB database

To restore the Calpont database, you must copy the following files and directories from
the backup directory to the Performance Module in which DDLProc is active.

To restore the Calpont database:

1. Ensure the InfiniDB system is not active.
2. Copy the data files and directories back to their original location.
/usr/local/Calpont/datan where n represents unique directories such as data1,
data2, etc. Copy all the files and directories in each numbered data directory.

54 Performing Backup and Recovery


Saving Calpont Transaction Logs

DDL and DML statements are written to transaction logs and written by the currently active
Performance Module. These logs allow you to review or replay statements as needed.

Transaction logs can be copied off of the production server as needed.

The following table lists the file names and the directories where the files are located.

Table 1: Transaction Logs

Default Name Default Directory

data_mods.log /usr/local/Calpont/data1/systemFiles/
data_mods.log.timestamp /usr/local/Calpont/data1/systemFiles/

Replaying Transaction Logs

The transaction log allows you to review or replay statements.

Transaction logs are archived every 10 minutes. See “Configuring archived transaction
log periods” on page 35 for instructions on changing the archive period.

If copying transaction log files back to the source directory, be aware that some
transaction log files may be more current on the target directory and should not be

Dropping the Calpont InfiniDB database

If you need/want to go back to "square one", that is, restore the system to the same
condition as when you first installed Calpont InfiniDB, the following steps should be fol-

Performing Backup and Recovery 55

1. In MySQL identify all the Calpont InfiniDB tables. For each of these tables: 'drop
<table> restrict;'.
Note: The 'restrict' option will speed up the drop table, but should only be used
in anticipation of deleting the Calpont InfiniDB database.

2. Use calpontConsole to stopSystem.

3. Identify each of your DBRoots, possibly by going through the Calpont.xml file.
For each of these roots, 'rm -rf <root>/000.dir'.
4. Locate the DBRM persistence files, usually in /mnt/OAM/dbrm and remove all of
5. Erase the InfiniDB shared memory, '/usr/local/Calpont/bin/clearShm'.
6. Use calpontConsole to startSystem.
7. When the system is fully up, at the Linux prompt build a new Calpont InfiniDB
System Catalog: '/usr/local/Calpont/bin/dbbuilder 7'.
The system is now ready for the creation of tables.

56 Performing Backup and Recovery

Chapter 8

Performance Tuning

This chapter describes the methods of tuning Calpont InfiniDB performance.

Query Tuning Guidelines - Data Access Operations

Calpont InfiniDB does not use traditional index or table scan operations. Neither
operation exists within the Calpont InfiniDB system.

Operations used by Calpont InfiniDB include:

Full Column Scan - an operation that scans each entry in a column using all
available threads on the Performance Modules. Speed of operation is generally
related to the size of the data type and the total number of rows in the column.
The closest analogy for a traditional system is an index scan operation.
Partitioned Column Scan - an operation that uses the Calpont InfiniDB Extent
Map to identify that certain portions of the column do not contain any matching
values for a given set of filters. The closest analogy for a traditional row based
dbms is a partitioned index scan, or partitioned table scan operation.
Column lookup by row offset - once the set of matching filters have been
applied and the minimal set of rows have been identified, additional blocks are
requested using a calculation that determines exactly which block is required.
The closest analogy for a traditional system is a lookup by rowid.
These operations are automatically executed together in order to execute appropriate
filters and column lookup by row offset. This set of operations makes up the work
issued from the User Module to the set of Performance Modules in support of a given
step in a query.

Performance Tuning 57
Gathering Performance Metrics - calgetstats()
The calgetstats() function is used to provide information on the last query executed
within a given session.
select calgetstats();

mysql> select count(*) from part;

| count(*) |
| 200000000 |
1 row in set (0.48 sec)

mysql> select calgetstats();

| calgestats()
| Query Stats: MaxMemPct-0; NumTempFiles-0; TempFileSpace-0MB; PhyI/O-0; CacheI/

. . . continued:

BlocksTouched-97658; CasPartBlks-0; MsgBytesIn-2MB; MsgBytesOut-0MB| 1242146662
640516 |

1 row in set (0.00 sec)

The output contains information on:

MaxMemPct - Peak memory utilization on the User Module, likely in support of a
large (User Module) based hash join operation.
NumTempFiles - Report on any temporary files created in support of query
operations larger than available memory, typically for unusual join operations
where the smaller table join cardinality exceeds some configurable threshold.
TempFileSpace - Report on space used by temporary files created in support of
query operations larger than available memory, typically for unusual join
operations where the smaller table join cardinality exceeds some configurable

58 Performance Tuning
PhyI/O - Number of 8k blocks read from disk, SSD, or other persistent storage.
In most cases, the quantity of individual I/O operations are far fewer than the
number of blocks; Calpont InfiniDB will read as many as 512 blocks together in
one I/O operation.
CacheI/O - Approximate number of 8k blocks processed in memory, adjusted
down by the number of discrete PhyI/O calls required.
BlocksTouched - Approximate number of 8k blocks processed in memory.
CalPartBlks - The number of block touches eliminated via the Calpont InfiniDB
Extent Map elimination behavior.
MsgBytesIn, MsgByteOut - Message bytes in MB sent between nodes in support of
the query.

Gathering Performance Metrics

Using /var/log/Calpont/debug.log
At the default trace level, Calpont InfiniDB records each statement being executed
within the debug.log along with the start time and end time of the query. This
information is stored in the /var/log/Calpont/debug.log file on the User Module
executing the query.

Additional information can be emitted with other trace levels set by calsettrace();

Using calsettrace(1);
The calsettrace(1) function enables more detailed information to be stored within the /
var/log/Calpont/debug.log on the User module executing the statement.

The argument (1) enables output of this file, while (0) will turn off creation of the file.
Enabling or disabling of creation of this file is at the session level. Other trace levels
should only be set under instruction from Calpont support.
select calsettrace(1);

Note that setting calsettrace(1); will cause each statement to have warning
information available. A sample warning might be:
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.06 sec)

Performance Tuning 59
Issue of the
Show warnings;
command will present the same information as 'select calgetstats();'

Using /var/log/mysqld.log
Additional logging information related to the interface between MySQL and Calpont
InfiniDB is emitted in the /var/log/mysqld.log file on the User Module executing the
statement. The information presented here does not present a full picture of
operations executed in support of a query but may be used under instruction from
Calpont support.

Understanding Extent Map Range Partitioning

The ExtentRows parameter defines the size for ranges of rows (default 8 million) called
extents, which have the following characteristics:
1. All column files for an extent are created on the same mount point.
2. The extent is dynamically mapped to a given Performance Module at run-time.
3. The minimum value and maximum value for each column in an extent is
recorded as a result of scanning the column. Scanning an extent is typically a
sub-second operation, with the overhead of persisting the min and max values is
less than 2%.
4. The minimum and maximum values are cleared from an extent if the data within
that extent, but would be re-populated by the next scan of an extent.
The Extent Map stores minimum and maximum values within each Extent of data that
covers 8 million rows. For data that is loaded as it is created (a real-time or near real-
time), unique identifier fields and date fields generally follow ascending patterns that
allow different min and max values for each extent that allows for elimination of
significant blocks.

60 Performance Tuning

For performance
When query response times perform slowly due to the amount and complexity of
queries, you add Performance Modules to the system.

For concurrency
As the number of Calpont InfiniDB system users increases, you can add User Modules to

The number of User Modules is based on the number of users and the size of
intermediate and final result sets.

For data capacity

As data is added to the database, the system can require additional disk arrays. As disk
arrays are added, the cache ratio changes and additional user modules are required to
efficiently access data. In some cases, additional disk controllers must be added. The
total of arrays needed is highly dependent on a customer's clustering of data and the
types of queries. The arrays added is probably consistent with the initial ratio.

Performance Tuning 61
62 Performance Tuning
Chapter 9

Configuring Modules

This chapter describes how to add, remove, and reconfigure Calpont InfiniDB modules.
The primary reason for adding and reconfiguring modules is to improve performance or
add redundancy.

Additionally, you may want to remove modules not in use or take modules offline that
need hardware or software updates.

You can configure modules using the Calpont InfiniDB Console commands. This chapter
provides the instructions for both.

Before configuring modules

Before configuring modules, it is highly recommended that you shut down the database
and backup up the Calpont System and the database. See “Performing Backup and
Recovery” on page 51 for instructions.

Ensure you have the user ID and password for all modules that will be added, removed,
or reconfigured. The Calpont default user ID and password are:

NOTE: After adding modules, update the NMS system so that new
modules are monitored as part of the system.

While removing modules, the NMS may issue an alert that servers are
no longer functioning on the network.

Module IDs
Modules in the Calpont System are identified by the following 2-character module types
followed by a unique number.
UMnn— User Module
PMnn— Performance Module

Configuring Modules 63
For example, the Calpont System defaults the first User Module to UM1. When another
User Module is added, it defaults to UM2, and so forth.

Calpont always picks the first available module ID in the series. For example, if you
have PM1, PM2, PM4 and you select to add a new Performance Module, Calpont names
the new module PM3.

Automatic configuration
Automatic module configuration is less labor intensive when you accept the Calpont
defaults. It allows you to configure more modules with fewer commands. Automatic
configuration does the following:
Creates module IDs
Adds multiple modules of the same type with one command
Removes multiple modules of the same type with one command
Reconfigures the last module added

Manual configuration
You have the option of manually configuring modules; however, it requires entering
more data with additional commands. Manual configuration allows you to do the
Create your own numbering scheme adhering to the module identification
format previously described in this chapter
Add specific modules one at a time
Remove specific modules one at a time
Reconfigure specific modules not with the reconfigure command, but in a 2-
step process. Remove the specific module and then add that module back as a
different module type.

Adding modules
Adding Performance or User Modules effectively adds more processing power to the
Calpont System. See “Performance Tuning” on page 57 to learn more about which types
of modules you can add to increase the performance or concurrency of your system.
You can add Director Modules for redundancy.

64 Configuring Modules
WARNING: Before adding a Director Module to the Calpont System,
you must install and configure the front-end DBMS on the server.

When Calpont adds multiple modules of the same type with one command, it defaults
the module IDs. To add modules using your own modules IDs, you must add modules one
at a time.

NOTE: When adding Performance Modules with multiple NICs, you

must add the host name for all NICs. If you do not, the add module
process will fail with invalid parameters.

To add a module to the Calpont System through the CalpontConsole:

1. Log on to the Calpont InfiniDB Console.
2. Do one of the following:
To accept default module IDs and add multiple modules, type AddModule
module_type number_of_modules IP_address_or_host_name
(separated by commas) RPM_ package_server root_password
For example, to add two Performance Modules with host names
SRVCPT1 and SRVCPT2, with RPM package “calpont-1.0-1.i386.rpm”
located in the root directory, type the following:
AddModule PM 2 SRVCPT1, SRVCPT2 /root/calpont-1.0-
1.i386.rpm Calpont1
To create IDs manually one at a time, type
AddModule module_ID IP_address_or_host_name
RPM_package server root_ password
For example to add one User Module number 1285 with host name
SRVCPT1 using RPM package “calpont-1.0-1.i386.rpm” in the root
directory, type the following:
AddModule UM1285 SRVCPT1 /root/calpont-1.0-
1.i386.rpm Calpont 1

Configuring Modules 65
The Calpont.xml is updated to add new modules, the appropriate files are
installed to the new modules, and the modules are rebooted.
3. At the prompt, select Yes to start new modules and press Enter.
If you do not want to immediately start new modules, select No and press Enter.
See “Starting modules” on page 68 to start modules at a later time.

If the module addition fails, the Calpont InfiniDB Console displays an error
message. Additional details are located in the Calpont Log Files on the
Director Module.

Removing modules
You can remove modules from the system when they are no longer needed or in the
event that they need to be taken offline for hardware updates. You must stop the
system before removing modules. See “Stopping the system or modules” on page 11.

You can quickly remove multiple modules from the system by accepting default module
IDs. This removes the last modules added to the system.

You can also choose to remove specific modules individually by module ID.

NOTE: You cannot remove the last DM, UM, or PM module.

To remove a module using the CalpontConsole:

1. Log on to the Calpont InfiniDB Console. See “Logging on and off the Calpont
InfiniDB Console” on page 1.
2. Do one of the following:
To remove the last modules added to InfiniDB, type
RemoveModule module_type number_of_modules
For example, to remove two Performance Modules, type the following:
RemoveModule PM 2
To remove a specific module, type RemoveModule module_ID

66 Configuring Modules
For example to remove one User Module with module ID UM1285, type
the following:
RemoveModule UM1285

Reconfiguring Modules
An important feature of the Calpont System is the ability to tweak performance by
reconfiguring existing servers in the Calpont System. To increase concurrency,
reconfigure Performance Modules to User Modules. To increase performance,
reconfigure User Modules to Performance Modules. For additional information see
“Performance Tuning” on page 57.

You must stop the modules before reconfiguring them. See “Stopping the system or
modules” on page 11.

If you want to reconfigure a specific module, you can select that module, but Calpont
will name the new module with the first available ID in the series.

If you want to reconfigure a specific module and give it a specific numbering scheme,
do not use the following steps to reconfigure modules. Instead remove the specific
module from the system and then add it back to the system as another module type.

To reconfigure a module using Calpont InfiniDB Console:

1. Log on to the Calpont InfiniDB Console. See “Logging on and off the Calpont
InfiniDB Console” on page 1.
1. Do one of the following:
Type ReconfigureModule module_type
To reconfigure a User Module to a Performance Module, use the
parameter UM. To reconfigure a Performance Module to a User Module,
use the parameter PM.
For example to change the last User Module added to the system to a
Performance Module, type the following:
ReconfigureModule UM.
Type ReconfigureModule module_ID
2. At the prompt, select yes to configure the module.

Configuring Modules 67
If you do not want to immediately start the new module, select No and
press Enter. See “Starting modules” on page 68 to start the server at a
later time.

If the module reconfiguration fails, the Calpont InfiniDB Console displays

an error message. You can find additional details in the Calpont Log Files
located on the Director Module.

Starting modules
You can start inactive modules at any time. If you do not know the module IDs of the
modules to be started, type getsystemstatus at the Calpont InfiniDB Console to
locate inactive modules with their module IDs.

To start a module:
1. Log on to the Calpont InfiniDB Console. See “Logging on and off the Calpont
InfiniDB Console” on page 1.
2. Type StartModule module_ID
For example, to start module UM1, type the following:
StartModule UM1

68 Configuring Modules
Chapter 10

Operating Mode

Calpont InfiniDB has the ability to support full MySQL query syntax through an operating
mode. This operating mode may be set as a default for the instance or set at the ses-
sion level.

Please refer to the Calpont InfiniDB SQL Syntax Guide for setting the session level oper-
ating mode.

To set the operating mode at the instance level, specify infinidb_vtable_mode on the
command line or in my.cnf. If not specified, the default is 1 (distributed mode).

On command line:
~/mysql/libexec/mysqld --xxxxxx --infinidb_vtable_mode=value

In my.cnf file (/usr/local/Calpont/mysql):


where value is:

0) a generic, highly compatible row-by-row processing mode. Some WHERE
clause components can be processed by InfiniDB, but joins are processed
entirely by mysqld using a nested-loop join mechanism
1) (the default) query syntax is evaluated by InfiniDB for compatibility with dis-
tributed execution and incompatible queries are rejected. Queries executed in
this mode take advantage of distributed execution and typically result in higher
2) auto-switch mode: InfiniDB will attempt to process the query internally, if it
cannot, it will automatically switch the query to run in row-by-row mode.

NOTE: For more information on supported query syntax for modes 0 and 2, please refer
to the MySQL 5.1 SQL Syntax Guide.

Operating Mode 69
70 Operating Mode
Chapter 11

Decimal Scale

Calpont InfiniDB has the ability to support varied internal precision on decimal

infinidb_decimal_scale is used internally by the InfiniDB engine to control how many

significant digits to the right of the decimal point are carried through in suboperations
on calculated columns. If, while running a query, you receive the message ‘aggregate
overflow’, try reducing infinidb_decimal_scale and running the query again. Note that,
as you decrease infinidb_decimal_scale, you may see reduced accuracy in the least
significant digit(s) of a returned calculated column.

This decimal scale may be set as a default for the instance or set at the session level.

Please refer to the Calpont InfiniDB SQL Syntax Guide for setting the session level
decimal scale.

11.1 Enable/Disable Decimal Scale

To enable/disable the use of the decimal scale at the instance level, specify
infinidb_use_decimal_scale on the command line or in my.cnf. The default is 0 (dis-

On command line:
~/mysql/libexec/mysqld --xxxxxx --infinidb_use_decimal_scale=value

In my.cnf file (/usr/local/Calpont/mysql):

infinidb_use decimal_scale=value

where value is 0 (disabled) or 1 (enabled).

Decimal Scale 71
11.2 Set Decimal Scale Level
To set the decimal scale at the instance level, specify infinidb_decimal_scale on the
command line or in my.cnf. If not specified, the default is 8.

On command line:
~/mysql/libexec/mysqld --xxxxxx --infinidb_decimal_scale=value

In my.cnf file (/usr/local/Calpont/mysql):


where value is the amount of precision desired for calculations.

72 Decimal Scale
Chapter 12

System Utilities

There are several system utilities that are useful in the operation of Calpont InfiniDB.

The script ‘configxml.sh’ reads and sets values in the Calpont.xml file. It must be run
on the active performance module.

To read a value:

#./configxml.sh getconfig SystemConfig SystemName

Current value of SystemConfig / SystemName is caldb01

To set a value:
WARNING: Do not make changes to the Calpont.xml file unless directed to do so by
Calpont service engineers. Incorrect settings can render your system unusable and
will require a service call to correct. Setting a value should be performed when
the system is stopped.

Please see the stopSystem and startSystem commands in <??? link ????> for infor-
mation on stopping and starting the system.

# ./configxml.sh setconfig SystemConfig SystemName caldb02

Old value of SystemConfig / SystemName is caldb01

/usr/local/Calpont/etc/Calpont.xml backed up to /usr/local/Calpont/etc/


Old value of SystemConfig / SystemName is caldb01

SystemConfig / SystemName now set to caldb02

System Utilities 73
colxml creates an XML job file for your database schema before you can import data.
You should create a new job file before each bulk load. For more information on
colxml, please see the “Generate job file” on page 43.

cpimport is used to import data into Calpont InfiniDB. You must first create a new XML
job file using colxml. For more information on cpimport.sh, please see the “Import data”
on page 44.

If an import is aborted or fails, this utility will allow you to view any current active table locks
still held by the import.

Any active table locks still held by an aborted or failed import can be cleared using this utility.
The format of this is cleartablelock schemaname tablename.

74 System Utilities
Chapter 13


UM memory exceeded error / distributed join performance

InfiniDB dynamically determines the table with the largest cardinality for use in its dis-
tributed join operation. Using the correct large side table can make a significant dif-
ference in how the query performs and, in some cases, whether the query can be run
within available resources. There are cases where InfiniDB will not predict the correct
large side table. For these cases, the behavior can be overridden using the
INFINIDB_ORDERED hint which will use the first table in the from clause as the large
side table. For example, the query below will use lineitem as the large side table.

select /*! INFINIDB_ORDERED */ count(*) from lineitem, supplier where l_suppkey =

s_suppkey and l_shipdate <= '1998-12-31' and s_suppkey <= 10000;

Error in TupleAggregateStep
If a query is executed that receives the InfiniDB error “The error came from
TupleAggregateStep”, an aggregation overflow has occurred. Modifying the
infinidb_decimal_scale value from its default (usually 8 unless an override has been
made) may assist in getting the query to execute successfully. Please see the “Decimal
Scale” on page 71 for further guidance.

Circular join detected error:

If a query is executed that receives the InfiniDB not supported error with a "Circular
join detected" warning message, there is likely a cross-table equal comparison involved
in the query. InfiniDB cannot handle this statement by default. However, adding a "+ 0"
to one side of the cross-table comparision will hint InfiniDB that the comparison is a
cross-table equal comparison, rather than a join, and allow the query to be processed.

Troubleshooting 75
For example, the query below receives will not run as written.

mysql> select count(*)
-> from customer,
-> supplier,
-> orders,
-> lineitem
-> where c_custkey = o_custkey and
-> l_orderkey = o_orderkey and
-> l_suppkey = s_suppkey and
-> c_nationkey = s_nationkey and
-> o_orderdate >= date '1997-01-01' and
-> o_orderdate < date '1997-01-01' + interval '1' year;
ERROR 138 (HY000):
The query includes syntax that is not supported by InfiniDB.
Use 'show warnings;' to get more infomation.
Review the Calpont InfiniDB Syntax guide for additional
information on supported distributed syntax or consider
changing the InfiniDB Operating Mode (calpont_vtable_mode).
mysql> show warnings;
| Level | Code | Message |
| Error | 9999 | Fatal parse error in vtable mode: Circular join
| detected. |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Adding the + 0 (bolded in the statement below) to the c_nationkey = s_nationkey com-
parison will allow the query to run.

mysql> select count(*)

-> from customer,
-> supplier,
-> orders,
-> lineitem
-> where c_custkey = o_custkey and
-> l_orderkey = o_orderkey and
-> l_suppkey = s_suppkey and
-> c_nationkey = s_nationkey + 0 and

76 Troubleshooting
-> o_orderdate >= date '1997-01-01' and
-> o_orderdate < date '1997-01-01' + interval '1' year;
| count(*) |
| 36449 |

Troubleshooting 77
78 Troubleshooting
Appendix A

GNU Free Documentation License

GNU Free Documentation License

Version 1.3, 3 November 2008

Copyright © 2000, 2001, 2002, 2007, 2008 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://

Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document,
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This License is a kind of "copyleft", which means that derivative works of the document
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License, which is a copyleft license designed for free software.

We have designed this License in order to use it for manuals for free software, because
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GNU Free Documentation License 79

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80 GNU Free Documentation License

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You may copy and distribute the Document in any medium, either commercially or
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You may also lend copies, under the same conditions stated above, and you may
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If you publish printed copies (or copies in media that commonly have printed covers) of
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Cover Texts, you must enclose the copies in covers that carry, clearly and legibly, all

GNU Free Documentation License 81

these Cover Texts: Front-Cover Texts on the front cover, and Back-Cover Texts on the
back cover. Both covers must also clearly and legibly identify you as the publisher of
these copies. The front cover must present the full title with all words of the title
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Copying with changes limited to the covers, as long as they preserve the title of the
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If the required texts for either cover are too voluminous to fit legibly, you should put
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If you publish or distribute Opaque copies of the Document numbering more than 100,
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It is requested, but not required, that you contact the authors of the Document well
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You may copy and distribute a Modified Version of the Document under the conditions
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copy of it. In addition, you must do these things in the Modified Version:

A. Use in the Title Page (and on the covers, if any) a title distinct from that of
the Document, and from those of previous versions (which should, if there were
any, be listed in the History section of the Document). You may use the same
title as a previous version if the original publisher of that version gives permis-
B. List on the Title Page, as authors, one or more persons or entities responsible
for authorship of the modifications in the Modified Version, together with at

82 GNU Free Documentation License

least five of the principal authors of the Document (all of its principal authors, if
it has fewer than five), unless they release you from this requirement.
C. State on the Title page the name of the publisher of the Modified Version, as
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D. Preserve all the copyright notices of the Document.
E. Add an appropriate copyright notice for your modifications adjacent to the
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F. Include, immediately after the copyright notices, a license notice giving the
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G. Preserve in that license notice the full lists of Invariant Sections and
required Cover Texts given in the Document's license notice.
H. Include an unaltered copy of this License.
I. Preserve the section Entitled "History", Preserve its Title, and add to it an
item stating at least the title, year, new authors, and publisher of the Modified
Version as given on the Title Page. If there is no section Entitled "History" in the
Document, create one stating the title, year, authors, and publisher of the Doc-
ument as given on its Title Page, then add an item describing the Modified Ver-
sion as stated in the previous sentence.
J. Preserve the network location, if any, given in the Document for public
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tions given in the Document for previous versions it was based on. These may be
placed in the "History" section. You may omit a network location for a work that
was published at least four years before the Document itself, or if the original
publisher of the version it refers to gives permission.
K. For any section Entitled "Acknowledgements" or "Dedications", Preserve the
Title of the section, and preserve in the section all the substance and tone of
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L. Preserve all the Invariant Sections of the Document, unaltered in their text
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M. Delete any section Entitled "Endorsements". Such a section may not be
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N. Do not retitle any existing section to be Entitled "Endorsements" or to con-
flict in title with any Invariant Section.
O. Preserve any Warranty Disclaimers.

GNU Free Documentation License 83

If the Modified Version includes new front-matter sections or appendices that qualify as
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You may add a section Entitled "Endorsements", provided it contains nothing but
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You may add a passage of up to five words as a Front-Cover Text, and a passage of up to
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The author(s) and publisher(s) of the Document do not by this License give permission
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You may combine the Document with other documents released under this License,
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notice, and that you preserve all their Warranty Disclaimers.

The combined work need only contain one copy of this License, and multiple identical
Invariant Sections may be replaced with a single copy. If there are multiple Invariant
Sections with the same name but different contents, make the title of each such
section unique by adding at the end of it, in parentheses, the name of the original
author or publisher of that section if known, or else a unique number. Make the same
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In the combination, you must combine any sections Entitled "History" in the various
original documents, forming one section Entitled "History"; likewise combine any
sections Entitled "Acknowledgements", and any sections Entitled "Dedications". You
must delete all sections Entitled "Endorsements".

84 GNU Free Documentation License

You may make a collection consisting of the Document and other documents released
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You may extract a single document from such a collection, and distribute it individually
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A compilation of the Document or its derivatives with other separate and independent
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If the Cover Text requirement of section 3 is applicable to these copies of the

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Translation is considered a kind of modification, so you may distribute translations of
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If a section in the Document is Entitled "Acknowledgements", "Dedications", or

"History", the requirement (section 4) to Preserve its Title (section 1) will typically
require changing the actual title.

GNU Free Documentation License 85

You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Document except as expressly
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Moreover, your license from a particular copyright holder is reinstated permanently if

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The Free Software Foundation may publish new, revised versions of the GNU Free
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Each version of the License is given a distinguishing version number. If the Document
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"Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site" (or "MMC Site") means any World Wide Web
server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for
anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such

86 GNU Free Documentation License

a server. A "Massive Multiauthor Collaboration" (or "MMC") contained in the site means
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"CC-BY-SA" means the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license published
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"Incorporate" means to publish or republish a Document, in whole or in part, as part of

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An MMC is "eligible for relicensing" if it is licensed under this License, and if all works
that were first published under this License somewhere other than this MMC, and
subsequently incorporated in whole or in part into the MMC, (1) had no cover texts or
invariant sections, and (2) were thus incorporated prior to November 1, 2008.

The operator of an MMC Site may republish an MMC contained in the site under CC-BY-
SA on the same site at any time before August 1, 2009, provided the MMC is eligible for

GNU Free Documentation License 87

88 GNU Free Documentation License

ad-hoc query
A customized query that cannot be determined prior to the moment the query is
issued. Typically a SQL statement.

business intelligence (BI)

The process of receiving business data that is reliable, consistent, understandable,
easily manipulated and timely. With this data, business users are able to conduct
analyses that yield overall understanding of where the business has been, where it
is now and where it will be in the near future. Business intelligence serves two
main purposes. It monitors the financial and operational health of the organization
(reports, alerts, alarms, analysis tools, key performance indicators and dash-
boards). It also regulates the operation of the organization providing two- way
integration with operational systems and information feedback analysis.

Calpont InfiniDB Console

The user interface to communicate with the Calpont Stack through commands
entered as lines of text from the keyboard.

column-based relational database

A database that is structured by column instead of by row.

COTS (commercial off the shelf components)

Computer products that are available for sale to the general public and designed to
be easily installed and compatible with other system components.

cron (Command Run ON)

A daemon that is used to execute scheduled tasks. You can use cron to automate tasks
to perform periodic backups or data loads.

Glossary 89
data definition language (DDL)
A language used by a database management system which allows users to define
the database, specifying data types, structures and constraints on the data. Exam-
ples are the CREATE TABLE, CREATE INDEX, ALTER, and DROP statements.

data manipulation language (DML)

Commands that manipulate data within existing database objects. Examples are

data warehouse
A data warehouse is a database geared towards business intelligence require-
ments. The data warehouses are updated on a periodic basis and contain historical
information that enables analysis of business performance over time.

DDL (See data definition language)

DML (See data manipulation language)

DNS (See domain name server)

A set of network addresses that can directly transmit to each other on the same
network without using a router.

domain name
The name given to a specific IP address so that people can recognize and remem-
ber it easier.

domain name server (DNS)

A program running on a server which automatically translates domain names into
their correct TCP/IP addresses.

90 Glossary
A network point that acts as an entrance to another network. The computers that
control traffic within your company's network or at your local Internet service pro-
vider (ISP) are gateway nodes.

host name
The name of a computer that has two-way access to other computers on the Inter-

IP address
Every computer on a network has a unique IP number which is four sets of num-
bers divided by period with up to three numbers in each set. (Example: Many computers also have a domain names that is easier to remem-

NIC (network interface card)

Computer hardware that provides physical access to a network. Many servers provide
more than one NIC so that a server has multiple ports accessing a network.

NMS (network monitoring system)

Software that monitors the components in a network.

redundant array of independent disks (RAID)

A means of storing data on multiple hard disks that appears to the operating sys-
tem to be a single logical hard disk. By placing data on multiple disks, the opera-
tions of accessing data is balanced for improved performance.

SSH (secure shell)

A set of standards that allows a secure channel between a local and a remote com-
puter using authentication methods.

The means of creating smaller strings of input characters to represent larger
strings. The smaller strings or tokens use less memory and space.

Glossary 91
92 Glossary

active 15, 16
AlarmConfig.xml 31
alarms 38
auto offline 15, 16

Calpont Console 15
Calpont Platform Software 9
Calpont.xml 31, 32
case sensitivity 3
command repeat option 4
ConsoleCmds.xml 31
CPU thresholds 23, 36

Director Module 65

failed 15, 17

getLogConfig 38
getsystemstatus 68

heartbeat monitoring 34

man offline 16, 17
memory usage 21

Index 93
NMS 15, 63

ProcessConfig.xml 16, 31

Restart ServerRestart System 11

setAlarmConfig 38
Shutdown ServerShutdown System 12
Start ServerStart System 11
Stop ServerStop System 11
swap space usage 37

94 Index

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