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Math 6 Course Syllabus

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Welcome to 6th Grade Math!

Dear Student and Parent,

A new school year is upon us and I would like to take this opportunity to
welcome you to Anchor Bay Middle School South. There is much to learn this
year about mathematics and your new environment! I would encourage you
to ask many questions and seek solutions to the real life experiences you will
encounter in mathematics and your middle school life. My duty is to make
sure you are learning and to grow your brain I am also here to support
you, not just academically, but socially and emotionally too. It is so
important that you feel comfortable communicating with me. Please dont
hesitate to contact me when you feel like you need a little extra help
Looking forward to our year together!
Mrs. Prokop
Contact Information
Colleen Prokop
cprokop@abs.misd.net (Please try this method first, because I can access my e-mail at
4th hour prep between 11:10 and 12:40 (includes lunch)
http://cprokopabmssouth. weebly.com

Class Description
The sixth grade mathematics course covers units such as Numbers, Ratios, Geometry
and Measurement, Statistics, and Algebra. Within each unit students are exposed to real
world situations and problem solving experiences based on the National Common Core

Standards for Mathematics. Students have opportunities to work through problems with
models and manipulatives to develop concepts. Students then move from concrete
manipulatives to algorithms to help problem solve.

The Policy for a Powerful and Productive Pupil

Mrs. Prokop expects Pupils to:

Punctually and regularly attend class

Prepare (Plentiful preparation prevents poor performance)
Positively Participate
Persist with Patience
Take Pride in your Product (make sure its all yours and it is your best effort)

The student is graded on class assignments (learning experiences that can only be done in
class), homework assigned Monday through Thursday (homework means work done at
home), weekly quizzes, and unit tests. Tests make up 55% of the final grade. Quizzes are
worth 20% of the final quarter grade, and classwork and homework make up the remaining
Please see the grading scale in the student handbook to determining letter grades.

Late Work and Absent Work

Students lose 10% of their graded paper for each day the paper is late. After 5 days, the
student receives a 0 if the work is not received.
Each day a student is absent, they have a day to make up the work. Please check the
weebly site to see what you have missed in your absence or check the class calendar
located in our room.

Quality and Integrity of Math Work

Students are expected to be honest and fair. Cheating of any kind, from talking during tests,
using cheat sheets, copying a friends homework, taking pictures of documents, or posting
your homework will result in zeros for all involvedboth provider and recipient.
Students are expected to show work. I will not take homework that has answers only. I need
to be able to follow the students logic through a problem to remediate misunderstanding.
Students failing to show work will receive 10% off each day until the work is submitted with
work included.

Supply List
Students should come to class each day with a

Checking pen (not a highlighter)
And paper

Additional supplies that are not required, but would be helpful include:

Pencil sharpener
Box of tissues

After school tutoring is available on Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday afternoons until 4 p.m.
Lunch tutoring is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays.
If math becomes difficult, please try to attend several times a week until your questions are
Parents, if you wish to know whether or not your child has attended tutoring, records are
kept in the office. Students are required to sign in for tutoring and documentation is on file.

Please return this page by ___________________________________.

I have read Mrs. Prokops Math Syllabus. Because I want my brain to grow
and I want to empower myself to successfully solve my own problems, I will
do my best to follow the Policy for a Powerful and Productive Pupil.

Student Name (print)

Student Signature


I have read and am aware of Mrs. Prokops course syllabus. I will contact
Mrs. Prokop with any concerns for my child.



Parent Signature


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