Smita Rani Senapati has been offered the position of Principal at Maa Annapurna School of Nursing starting August 17, 2015. The terms include a one year contractual position, renewable by mutual agreement, at a salary of Rs. 20,000 per month. She must abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and accept that her contract can be terminated with one month notice or without notice for misconduct or incompetence. Smita Rani Senapati has accepted the position under these terms.
Smita Rani Senapati has been offered the position of Principal at Maa Annapurna School of Nursing starting August 17, 2015. The terms include a one year contractual position, renewable by mutual agreement, at a salary of Rs. 20,000 per month. She must abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and accept that her contract can be terminated with one month notice or without notice for misconduct or incompetence. Smita Rani Senapati has accepted the position under these terms.
Smita Rani Senapati has been offered the position of Principal at Maa Annapurna School of Nursing starting August 17, 2015. The terms include a one year contractual position, renewable by mutual agreement, at a salary of Rs. 20,000 per month. She must abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and accept that her contract can be terminated with one month notice or without notice for misconduct or incompetence. Smita Rani Senapati has accepted the position under these terms.
Smita Rani Senapati has been offered the position of Principal at Maa Annapurna School of Nursing starting August 17, 2015. The terms include a one year contractual position, renewable by mutual agreement, at a salary of Rs. 20,000 per month. She must abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and accept that her contract can be terminated with one month notice or without notice for misconduct or incompetence. Smita Rani Senapati has accepted the position under these terms.
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Smita Rani Senapati
Surada (Paik Street) Dist: Ganjam Odisha Cell: 08260737217 Sub: Offer for Appointment With reference to your application we are pleased to offer you the post of Principal at our Maa Annapurna School of Nursing on the following terms and conditions. TERMS AND CONDITIONS: 1. You will be joining in our Institution w.e.f. 17th August 2015. 2. You shall be on contractual condition for a period of One year from date of joining which may be further extended on mutual agreement. 3. Your Salary will be Rs. 20,000.00/- (Twenty Thousand) consolidated per month. 4. The management shall be entitled to terminate the contract and remove from your post with a prior notice of 1 (One) month or without any notice subject to any act of disobedience, indiscipline, insubordination, incivility, insobriety, dishonesty or other serious misconduct or incompetency in discharging your duty or involvement in unlawful acts under any statute or the breach of contract. 5. You have to give an undertaking in writing at the time of joining to remain abide by the rules and regulations of the Trust / Institution and other rules / instructions issued from time to time. (APPOINTING AUTHORITY) Chairman Acceptance by the Candidate: I do hereby accept your offer of appointment on the terms and conditions as above which I have gone through and understood the contents therein. I undertake and declare to remain abide by the above terms and conditions in connection to my appointment. Date:17/08/2015 Senapati Place:Bhubaneswar