Power Flow Analysis by Ramaswamy Natarajan
Power Flow Analysis by Ramaswamy Natarajan
Power Flow Analysis by Ramaswamy Natarajan
Power System
Ramasamy Natarajan
Practical Power Associates
Raleigh, North Carolina, U.S.A.
ISBN: 0-8247-0699-4
Marcel Dekker, Inc.
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tel: 212-696-9000; fax: 212-685-4540
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Anthony F. Sleva
Sleva Associates
Allentown, Pennsylvania
Mohammad Shahidehpour
Illinois Institute of Technology
Chicago, Illinois
Power engineering is the oldest and most traditional of the various areas within
electrical engineering, yet no other facet of modern technology is currently
experiencing a greater transformation or seeing more attention and interest from
the public and government. Power system engineers face more challenges than
ever in making their systems not only work well, but fit within the constraints and
rules set down by deregulation rules, and meet the needs of utility business
practices and consumer demand. Without exaggeration, one can say that modern
power engineers could not possibly meet these challenges without the aid of
computerized analysis and modeling tools, which permit them to explore
alternatives, evaluate designs, and diagnose and hone performance and cost with
Therefore, one of the reasons I am particularly delighted to see this latest addition
to Marcel Dekker's Power Engineering Series is its timeliness in covering this
very subject in a straightforward and accessible manner. Dr. Natarajan's
Computer-Aided Power Systems Analysis provides a very complete coverage of
basic computer analysis techniques for power systems. Its linear organization
makes it particularly suitable as a reference for practicing utility and industrial
power engineers involved in power flow, short-circuit, and equipment capability
engineering of transmission and distribution systems. In addition, it provides
sound treatment of numerous practical problems involved in day-to-day power
engineering, including flicker and harmonic analysis, insulation coordination,
grounding, EMF, relay, and a host of other computerized study applications.
H. Lee Willis
Power system planning, design, and operations require careful analysis in order to
evaluate the overall performance, safety, efficiency, reliability, and economics.
Such analysis helps to identify the potential system deficiencies of a proposed
project. In an existing plant, the operating limits and possible increase in loading
levels can be evaluated. In the equipment failure analysis, the cause of the failure
and mitigating measures to improve the system performance can be studied. The
modern interconnected power systems are complex, with several thousand buses
and components. Therefore, manual calculation of the performance indices is time
consuming. The computational efforts are very much simplified due to the
availability of efficient programs and powerful personal computers.
Several power system studies are performed to evaluate the efficient operation of
the power delivery. Some of the important studies are impedance modeling, load
flow, short circuit, transient stability, motor starting, power factor correction,
harmonic analysis, flicker analysis, insulation coordination, cable ampacity,
grounding grid, effect of lightning surge, EMF analysis, data acquisition systems,
and protection coordination.
Finally, I wish to thank many great people who discussed the technical problems
presented in this book over the past several years. These include Dr. Sakis
Meliopoulos of Georgia Tech; Dr. T. Kneschke and Mr. K. Agarwal of LTK
Engineering Services; Mr. Rory Dwyer of ABB Power T&D Company; Dr. R.
Ramanathan of National Systems & Research Company; Mr. E. H. Camm of S&C
Electric Company; Mr. T. Laskowski and Mr. J. Wills of PTI; Mr. Lon Lindell of
SKM System Analysis; Dr. C. Croskey, Dr. R. V. Ramani, Dr. C. J. Bise, Mr. R.
Frantz and Dr. J. N. Tomlinson of Penn State; Dr. P. K. Sen, University of
Colorado; Dr. M. K. Pal, a Consultant from New Jersey; Dr. A. Chaudhary of
Cooper Power Systems; Dr. J. A. Martinez of Universiat Politechnica De
Catalunya, Spain; Dr. A. F. Imece of PowerServ and many more. Finally, sincere
thanks are due to Rita Lazazzaro and Barbara Mathieu of Marcel Dekker, Inc., for
their help in the preparation of this book.
Ramasamy Natarajan
Series Introduction
1. Introduction
1.1 Power System Studies
2. Line Constants
2.1 Overhead Transmission Line Parameters
2.2 Impedance of Underground Cables
8. Harmonic Analysis
8.1 Harmonic Sources
8.2 System Response to Harmonics
8.3 System Model for Computer-Aided Analysis
8.4 Acceptance Criteria
8.5 Harmonic Filters
8.6 Harmonic Evaluation
8.7 Case Study
8.8 Summary and Conclusions
Power system planning, design and operations require careful studies in order to
evaluate the system performance, safety, efficiency, reliability and economics. Such
studies help to identify the potential deficiencies of the proposed system. In the
existing system, the cause of the equipment failure and malfunction can be
determined through a system study. The modern interconnected power systems are
complex, with several thousand buses and components. The manual calculation of
the performance indices is time consuming. The computational efforts are very
much simplified in the present day calculations due to the availability of efficient
programs and powerful microcomputers. The following study tools are used for
power system analysis.
Digital computer - The main frame computers are used in power system
calculations such as power flow, stability, short circuit and similar studies. The
introduction of cheaper personal computers with the graphics capabilities has
reduced the computational costs. However, the results produced by the programs
are sophisticated and require careful analysis.
Transient Network Analyzer (TNA) - The TNA is a very useful tool to perform
transient overvoltage studies. The TNAs are small-scale power system models with
computer control and graphic capabilities. The TNA allows the use of statistical run
on the switching studies using circuit breakers. With the introduction of transient
programs such TNA studies can be efficiently performed with personal computers.
There are several power system studies performed to evaluate the efficient
operation of the power delivery [1,2]. Some of the important studies are:
• Impedance modeling.
• Power flow analysis.
• Short circuit studies.
• Transient stability analysis.
• Motor starting studies.
• Power factor correction studies.
• Harmonic analysis.
• Flicker analysis.
• Insulation coordination.
• Cable ampacity analysis.
• Ground grid analysis.
• Lightning surge analysis.
In this book, the nature of the study, a brief theory involved, practical examples,
criteria for the evaluation and typical computer software used in the evaluation are
described in a step-by-step manner for easy understanding.
Line Constants (Chapter 2) - The overhead transmission lines are supporting the
current carrying conductors. The conductor diameter, the resistance, the distance
between conductors, the distance of the conductors from the earth, the skin effect
factor, the soil resistivity and the frequency of the currents are some factors related
to the line parameters. Accurate value of the line constants are required for the
power flow, stability, voltage drop calculations, protection coordination studies and
other power system studies. The approach to the computer-aided calculations is
presented in this Chapter.
The underground cables are more complex than the overhead lines and the
parameter calculations involve the thickness of the insulation, shield and the various
materials involved in the construction. The approach to parameter evaluation and
examples are presented. The cable parameters are used in all kinds of power system
analysis. The calculated impedance values are presented in tables related to the line
or cable location. Sometimes there may be many line or cables involved in a system
and the parameters are presented in the impedance diagrams. Such diagrams will be
very useful in the system analysis.
Power Flow Analysis (Chapter 3) - Power flow studies are used to determine the
voltage, current, active and reactive power flow in a given power system. A number
of operating conditions can be analyzed including contingencies such as loss of
generator, loss of a transmission line, loss of a transformer or a load. These
conditions may cause equipment overloads or unacceptable voltage levels. The
study results can be used to determine the optimum size and location of the
capacitors for power factor improvement. Further, the results of the power flow
analysis are the staring point for the stability analysis. Digital computers are used
extensively in the power flow study because of the large-scale nature of the problem
and the complexities involved. For the power flow analysis, the acceptable voltage
levels are derived from the industry standards. The line and transformer loadings
are evaluated according to the normal, short-term emergency and long term-
emergency ratings.
Motor Starting Studies (Chapter 6) - The majority of the load in the industrial
power system consists of three-phase induction and synchronous motors. These
motors draw five to seven times the rated current during energization and this
causes significant voltage drop in the distribution system. If the terminal voltage
drop is excessive, the motor may not produce enough starting torque to accelerate
up to rated running speed. Also, the running motors may stall from excessive
voltage drops or under voltage relays may operate. Further, if the motors are started
frequently, the voltage dip at the source may cause objectionable flicker in the
residential lighting system. By performing the motor-starting study, the voltage-
drop-related issues can be predicted. If a starting device is needed, the required
characteristics and rating can be determined. Using a computer program, the voltage
profile at various locations of the system during motor staring can be determined.
The study results can be used to select suitable starting device, proper motor
selection or required system design for minimizing the impact of the motor starting.
• Sustained overvoltages.
• Resonance frequencies of both high and low voltage capacitor banks.
• Voltage magnification at low voltage capacitor banks.
• Back-to-back capacitor switching.
In this Chapter, these aspects of the power factor correction are discussed.
Flicker Analysis (Chapter 9) - There are several industrial loads such as arc
furnace, traction load, a particle accelerator and motor-starting condition. If the
process of applying and releasing a load on a power system is carried out at a
frequency at which the human eye is susceptible and if the resulting voltage drop
great enough, a modulation of the light level of incandescent lamps will be detected.
This phenomenon is known as flicker. This Chapter evaluates the techniques for the
calculation of the voltage drop and using the frequency data in a graph to assess the
voltage flicker level. Also, certain measures to control the flicker in the power
system are discussed in this Chapter.
In order to calculate the above quantities, data for the soil resistivity, fault current
magnitude and duration and the geometry of the ground grid are required.
Lightning Surge Analysis (Chapter 13) - The lightning surge is one of the
major sources of external disturbance to the power system. The lightning surge can
strike the power system as a direct stroke or as a back flashover strike. The surge
current through the system depends on several factors such as the tower and
conductor configuration and the tower footing resistance. The system performance
is analyzed for the overvoltages without and with lightning arresters. The benefit of
having lightning arresters in the system to control the adverse effects of lightning
surges is demonstrated.
EMF Studies (Chapter 14) - Electric and magnetic fields exist wherever there is
electric power. Field calculation approaches are discussed both for the overhead
lines and underground cable circuits. The acceptable levels of radiated fields are
Data Acquisition Systems (Chapter 15) - The data acquisition techniques are
used to evaluate the power system performance under various conditions. When
there are several parameters to be measured in a system, a simple data acquisition
system can perform this function. When fast transients are to be measured, data
acquisition systems are used along with very small time step. There are several
types of data acquisition system software available for various applications. Also,
there are different communication protocols available to perform the data transfer.
In this Chapter, the following important data acquisition systems will be analyzed:
• Load flow analysis - To make sure that the line and transformer loadings are
within acceptable limits.
• Short circuit studies - To make sure that the circuit breaker ratings and relay
settings are performed to meet the new load flow conditions.
• Transient stability studies - To ensure that the system is stable under desired
operating and some contingency conditions.
• Cable ampacity studies - To select the 138 kV cable.
• Ground grid analysis - Ground grid for the substation and generating station
and related safety performance.
• Protection coordination studies - To get all the relay settings.
• Switching surge analysis - For insulation coordination.
ST Unit
MVA = 70 170 MVA
13.8 kV 13.8kV/13.8kV/138kV
Three Winding Transformer
200 MW 200 MW
200 MW
200 MW
Line 4
Figure 1.2 One-Line Diagram of the Proposed Generating Plant and Ring Bus
Transmission line parameters are used in the voltage drop calculations, load flow,
stability analysis, short circuit study, line loading calculations, transient analysis and
the performance evaluation of the lines under various loading conditions. The line
parameters are evaluated based on the installed line and tower configuration data.
The basic theory of line parameter calculations is involved and is explained well in
Reference [2]. The line constant calculation procedures suitable for computer-aided
analysis are discussed in this section.
Series impedance - The general method is well suited for the calculation of the
overhead line parameters as described in [1]. This procedure is explained using a
three-phase, 4 wire system shown in Figure 2.1. The voltage drop along any
conductor is proportional to the current. In steady state, the relation between the
voltage drop, impedance and the current is given by:
[—] = [Z] [I] (2.1)
[—] = jco[C] [V] (2.2)
2.8M ° 4k
•T 15. 9M
18 4M
13. 4 M 1
r >r 1 1.
Figure 2.1 A Three-Phase, 4 Wire Overhead Transmission Line
where the self impedance (Zjj) and the mutual impedance (Z;k) are:
— + AXii) (2.3)
The earth affects the capacitance of the conductor since its presence alters the
electric field of the conductor. In charging a conductor above the earth, there is a
potential difference between the conductor and the earth. In order to calculate the
capacitance of the conductor to earth, a fictitious conductor is assumed below the
earth's surface at a distance equal to twice the distance of the conductor above the
ground. Now if the earth is removed, the midpoint provides an equi-potential
surface. The fictitious conductor has a charge equal in magnitude and opposite in
sign to that of the original conductor and is called the image conductor.
a— (2.6)
hj + hk . xik
Cos (p - - c Sin (p — - (2.9)
Dik Dik
The above procedure can be extended for multi circuit lines. Carson's equations
for the homogeneous earth are normally accurate enough for power system studies.
Shunt capacitance - The capacitance between the phase conductor and the
ground can be calculated knowing Maxwell's potential coefficients. Maxwell's
potential coefficients [P] and the voltage [V] are given by:
where Q is the charge per unit length of the conductor. The diagonal elements PJJ
and the off-diagonal elements are calculated using the following equations:
1 2 hi
Pii= - In—^ (2.11)
27tsO ri
— (2.12)
V Zll Z12 I
Vc Z21 Z22
where V and Vg are system voltage and ground conductor voltages respectively.
Since Vg = 0, then:
dV i
=(Z11 -Zl2Z 2 2 Z2l)I (2.16)
For the capacitance calculations, the same type of approach can be used. The
impedance components calculated using the above approach accounts for the
ground conductor effects.
Effective self and mutual impedance - If the self (Zjj) and mutual impedances
(Zik) of the individual conductors are known, then the effective self and mutual
impedance of the phases can be expressed as:
Zs Zm Zm
Zeq Zm Zs Zm (2.17)
Zm Zm Zs
s =• ' a2 (2.22)
where a = e1 * and a2 = e"j27t 3. Using the above transformation, equation 2.1 can
be transformed to provide the symmetrical component relation given by:
~ (2.23)
Typical line parameters - The calculated line parameters can be verified with
the typical parameters available from the literature. Such parameters are available
from system analysts working on the line design and calculations. Some typical
parameters are listed in Table 2.1.
Data for parameter calculations - The required data for the calculation of the
line parameters include the conductor details and tower configuration as listed
The necessary conductor data is usually available from the manufacturers and
typical values for the following types are presented in Tables A-l through A-8.
Table; Description
A-l High Strength (HS) steel conductor.
A-2 Extra High Strength (EHS) steel conductor.
A-3 Aluminum Conductor Alloy Reinforced (ACAR).
A-4 Aluminum Conductor Steel Reinforced (ACSR).
A-5 Aluminum Weld Conductor (ALUMOWE).
A-6 All Aluminum Conductor (AAC).
A-7 All Aluminum Alloy Conductor (AAAC).
A-8 Copper Conductors.
The required tower configuration data has to be from the specific installation.
Typical tower configurations are available from various books and
manufacturer's catalog.
Example 2.1 - A typical two-pole high voltage dc circuit is shown in Figure 2.3.
The conductor and tower configurations are:
The input parameters for the calculation of the line constants using the
electromagnetic program are presented in List 2.1.
41 M
21 M
List 2.1 Input Data for Line Constants Program (Edited Version)
(Courtesy of H. W. Dommel, Output from Overhead Line Parameters Program)
2 1.14E-09 7.92E-09
1 4.281430E-1 2.13E-10
5.98E-11 3.78E-12
2 4.28E-11 9.15E-09 -2.13E-10
5.98E-11 1.31E-25 -3.78E-12
2 6.67E-02 8.51E-02
2.40E-01 7.11E-01
1 1.287834E-0 3.53E-04
1.21E-03 1.04E-02
2 1.33E-02 1.65E-02 -2.69E-05
6.85E-03 4.75E-01 1.05E-02
The horizontal and vertical position of the conductor is shown in Figure 2.1. The
calculated line parameters are:
The horizontal and vertical position of the conductor is shown in Figure 2.4.
>k *
_ A
| I
OO A k
O'o B o'o-r-
4.4M A
o'o c 31 3M
-Jk°'°C I
26. 3M
22 M
>f w w >f ^
Figure 2.4 Three-Phase Double Circuit, Tower Configuration for Example 2.3
A1 A2
There are other configurations for laying the cables in the conduit or pipes. Each
configuration has advantages and disadvantages. However, the impedance
calculation procedure is the same. For discussions on the cable applications, see
Reference [4]. For a three-phase circuit with shielded cables, the symmetrical
component parameters can be calculated as follows.
Xnn = 0.0377 [4.681 + 0.610J loge (0.1 29<Jp~) + 0.6 10 log
= 0.0181 + j0.037?[ 4.68+ 0.6101oge{ } ] (2.33)
3 2
Zj = [Zaa -Z ab -- — JOhms/lOOOfeet (2.34)
->£-> an
ZQ =[Z a a +2Z a b -- ] Ohms/1 000 feet (2.35)
Example 2.4 - Calculate the positive and zero sequence impedance of three 115
kV cables laid horizontally with a spacing of 8 inches. The sheaths are solidly
grounded at both ends of the cable. The cable is a 750 kcmil compact round
aluminum conductor with a 0.10 inch thick lead sheath. The resistance of the
conductor is 23 (a-Ohm/feet and the resistance of the sheath is 142 u-Ohm/feet.
The resistivity of earth is 100 Ohm-m. The thickness of the insulation is 0.85
inch. The geometric mean radius of the conductor is 0.445 inch. Also, calculate
the positive and zero sequence impedances using the EMTP program. Compare
the results. Calculate the charging capacitance values.
Mutual impedance of the phase conductor (Zab) per equation (2.29) is:
Self impedance of the neutral conductor (Znn) per equation (2.32) is:
Mutual impedance of the ground conductor (Zmg) per equation (2.33) is:
1. Consider the double circuit line shown in Example 2.3 (also see Figure 2.4).
The line is to be operated at 138 kV with the same conductor positions.
Calculate the line parameters of the 138 kV in Ohms and in P.U. The phase
conductor is 550 kcmil from Table A-6. The neutral conductor is 3/8 HS
from Table A-l. Compare the calculated values with the typical values.
4. Compare the properties of the neutral conductor of the overhead system and
the sheath used in the underground cable system.
Calculate the self and mutual impedances in Ohms. Also, calculate the self
and mutual charging capacitance in microfarad.
The bulk electrical power is generated by three main methods: hydro sources, coal
fired stations and nuclear generating stations. Isolated power supplies are obtained
from diesel engine driven generators, wind electric generators, solar panels and
batteries. The bulk power is generated at 4.16 kV, 13.8 kV, 18 kV or 22 kV and is
stepped up to high voltages for transmission. The load centers are usually located
away from generating stations. Therefore, the power is transmitted to the load
centers and is stepped down to distribution level. The load is supplied at various
voltage levels. The load may be residential, industrial or commercial. Depending on
the requirement the loads are switched on and off. Therefore, there are peak load
hours and off peak load hours. When there is a need, power is transmitted from one
area to the other area through the tie lines. The control of generation, transmission,
distribution and area exchange are performed from a centralized location. In order
to perform the control functions satisfactorily, the steady state power flow must be
known. Therefore, the entire system is modeled as electric networks and a solution
is simulated using a digital program. Such a problem solution practice is called
power flow analysis.
The power flow solution is used to evaluate the bus voltage, branch current, real
power flow, reactive power flow for the specified generation and load conditions.
The results are used to evaluate the line or transformer loading and the acceptability
of bus voltages. In general the power flow solutions are needed for the system under
the following conditions:
In order to solve for the power flow solutions, it is necessary to model all the
networks, generators, transformers and shunt capacitors. The approach to the
modeling and the analysis of large-scale power flow solutions are presented in this
Chapter. Some related definitions are given below.
Area - A section of a large power system or the power system of one power
Contingency - An event involving the loss of one or more elements (such as a line,
transformer, circuit breaker or generator), which affects the power system.
The formulation of the power flow problem can be shown using a three-bus
example shown in Figure 3.1. Let the bus voltages be VI, V2 and V3. The currents
injected at the three nodes are II, 12 and 13. The line admittance values are Ya, Yb
and Yc respectively. The shunt admittance at the bus locations are Yl, Y2 and Y3
respectively. The power flow problem is to solve for the bus voltages, branch
currents, and real and reactive power flows through various branches. The relation
between the bus voltages [V] and the branch currents [I] are given by [1]:
II 13
12 ^
Yb Yc
—1 1
Yl [
Where [ Y] is the bus admittance matrix of the system, which can be set up from the
power system network. The matrix equations are to be solved for the variables. In
order to simplify the solution approach, the solution variables are described by the
following four quantities.
P = Real power
Q = Reactive power
V = Magnitude of the bus voltage
u = Angle of the bus voltage
Then, the current is expressed as:
(P-JQ) +J5
-e J (3.3)
To solve the power flow equations, two of the four variables must be known at each
bus. The following three type of buses are defined.
Load bus (Type 1) - In a load bus, the real power (P) and the reactive power (Q)
are known. The variables V and o are not specified.
Generator bus (Type 2) - In a generator bus, the voltage (V) is kept constant and
the output power (P) is fixed. These two items are controlled by the excitation
system and the governor. The unknown variables are Q and O .
Type Bus P Q Y_ 5_
1 Load bus Known Known Solve Solve
2 Generator bus Known Solve Known Solve
3 Swing bus Solve Solve Known Known
The objective of the power flow study is to evaluate the two quantities at each bus
that is not specified. The equation 3.2 is a set of linear equations. Introduction of P
and Q produces a set of nonlinear complex equations. Therefore, the solution
approach is by the iteration method.
Formulation of the [Y] Matrix - The admittance matrix [Y] is required to solve
the equation 3.2. The formulation of the admittance matrix is shown by using an
example in Figure 3.1. The Y's are admittance of various branches or shunts, V's are
the voltages and Fs are currents. The equations are written as:
Where Vi's are the node voltages (i = 1,2, 3). The above three equations can be
written in matrix form as:
Ya + Y b + Y l -Yb - Ya VI
-Yb Yb+Yc + Y2 - Yc V2 (3.7)
-Ya -Yc Yc + Ya + Y3 V3
The [Y] matrix is symmetrical and the diagonal elements contain the admittance of
all the branches connected to the node. The off diagonal admittance element is due
to the outgoing branch to the k-th node. This procedure is easy to implement
through a computer program to form the [Y] matrix for the given network. By
solving the equation 3.7, the branch currents can be evaluated.
The load flow problem is complex, since all the quantities (V, I, kVA, and Z) are
complex numbers. Further, the known and the unknown variables are not the same
in all the equations. Therefore, there is a need to adjust these equations accordingly.
The introduction of (P + jQ) in these equations introduce nonlinearity, making the
solution approach difficult. The basic solution approaches are illustrated using a
three-bus problem. In order to make the solution approach simplified, the resistance
and the shunt capacitance are neglected. Consider a three-bus problem as shown in
Figure 3.2. Bus 1 is the swing bus with voltage magnitude and the angle specified.
Bus 2 is a generator bus with P specified. Bus 3 is a load bus with P and Q
specified. Voltages V2 and V3 are to be obtained by the solution. The system
equations are written for bus 2 and bus 3 as:
12 = P2/V2 (3.9)
V 2 = — V 2 - (Y21V1-Y23V3) (3.10)
The equation contains V2 on both sides and hence can be solved only by iteration
techniques. Substituting the known parameters, equation (3.10) can be rewritten as:
V2 =
— — + 5 + 10V3 (3.11)
V3 = — — + 10 + 10V2 (3.12)
201V3 )
V1 = 1.0PU V2
= 5PU
PI P2= 1.1 PU
Y = 1 0 PU 4_ Y=10PU
P3 = -1.3PU
There are several approaches to solve these equations. The solution approaches are
shown using the three-bus example.
V2 (n) = - -
(n) _ i f -1.3
The calculated voltages are said to converge, if the voltage values get closer and
closer to the actual solution. The criterion satisfying the desirable accuracy is called
the convergence criterion. Comparing the calculated voltage and the previous bus
voltage can perform a voltage check. If the difference is within the specified limits,
then the power flow solution can be accepted.
An example voltage tolerance can be 0.0001 P.U. The voltage V2 and V3 during
the iteration procedure using the Gauss approach is shown in Table 3.1.
Iteration V2 V3
1 1.0733 0.9350
2 1.0312 0.9618
3 1.0521 0.9428
4 1.0379 0.9518
5 1.0450 0.9454
7 1.0402 0.9484
8 1.0425 0.9463
9 1.0409 0.9473
10 1.0417 0.9466
11 1.0412 0.9469
The Gauss solution converges slowly. Other acceptance criteria for large-scale
power flow problems are the calculation and comparison of real power for all the
buses. The difference in the power between iteration n and (n-1) is called the
mismatch power and if this quantity is within specified limits (generally in the range
of 0.01 to 0.001 P.U.), then the solution is acceptable.
1/1.1 x
V2 = — ( + 5 + 10(1.0) ) =1.0733P.U (3 19)
15 1.0
1 / -1.3 v
V3 = —( + 10 + 10(1.0733) ) =0.9717P.U (320)
20 i.o
Table 3.2 shows the calculated bus voltages using the Gauss-Seidel iteration
Iteration V2 V3
1 1.0733 0.9717
2 1.0556 0.9558
3 1.0463 0.9499
4 1.0431 0.9478
5 1.0419 0.9471
7 1.0415 0.9469
8 1.0414 0.9468
9 1.0413 0.9467
It can be seen that this solution approach converges faster than the Gauss method,
since the updated values are used in each iteration.
P 1 = V 1 ( Y 1 1 V 1 + Y 1 2 V 2 + Y13 V3)
P2 = V2 (Y21 VI + Y22 V2 + Y23 V3) (3.21)
P3 = V3 (Y31 VI + Y32 V2 + Y33 V3)
where [J] is the Jacobian matrix. For the three bus power flow problem, the voltage
of the swing generator is specified as VI = 1.0 P.U. and is constant. Therefore,
AV 1 = 0 and therefore, the equation (3.22) reduces to:
AV2 V2 -1 AP2
-[J] (3.25)
AV3 V3 AP3
This is the basic equation for the calculation of the Newton-Raphson method. For
the three-bus system, the derivatives for the Jacobian matrix are calculated as:
- Y23V2 (3.27)
= Y32V3 (3.28)
= Y31V1 + Y32V2 + 2Y33V3 (3.29)
Using the V2 = V3 = 1.0 and the admittance values for the branches, the Jacobian
matrix and the inverse are obtained as:
10 10 0.2 0.2
W= 10 15
0.2 0.3
Proceeding in the same way as outlined above the iteration procedure will give a
solution. The Newton-Raphson solution approach is much faster than the other
The fast decoupled load flow - One of the main issues with the Newton-Raphson
method is the need for evaluating and inverting the Jacobian matrix. For an n bus
system, the size of the matrix is (2n-ng-2) , where ng is the number of generator
buses. Further, the Jacobian matrix must be recalculated and inverted for each
iteration. Therefore, there is a need for simplified approaches to solve the power
flow problem. A closer examination of the power flow problem will reveal the
Therefore, the full derivative equation can be decoupled into two equations as:
AP = [—] M (3.31)
AQ = -[—] AV (3.32)
Solving for A5 and AV:
ap .1
A£ = [—] AP (3.33)
dQ 4
AV - -[—] 'AQ (3.34)
The sub matrix involved in equation (3.33) and (3.34) is only half the size of the
Jacobian matrix. Further approximations and rearrangements will create the
following equations:
A P - [Bp] A6 (3.35)
A Q = [Bq] AV (3.36)
Ap (3.37)
AQ (3.38)
The array [Bp] and [Bq] has to be formulated and evaluated only once unless phase
shifting transformers are present in the system.
The power flow cases are generally classified as design cases, contingency cases
and extreme contingency cases. The definition of the individual case and the
acceptable performance under the given operating case has to be considered.
Base case - A base case is a design requirement case with all the equipment
operating within the normal ratings. This is applicable for peak and off peak load
conditions. The system voltage at all the buses will be within ± 5% [2]. But in
many cases a much lower margin may be specified by the utility. The base case
criteria are applicable for all the planning studies of the bulk power system.
Contingency case - A contingency case is a power flow case with one component
outage, followed by fault clearing. The fault may be any one of the following:
Contingency cases must have all lines loaded within short-term emergency ratings
and all other equipment loaded with long term emergency ratings. Allowable system
voltages are within a range of 0.95 P.U. to 1.05 P.U. It is expected that within 15
minutes all line and cable loading can be reduced to within the long term emergency
ratings by adjustment of phase shifting transformers and/or re-dispatch of
generation. Sometimes, a contingency analysis is performed using the entire system.
Then, the following types of cases are found in the results.
Cases with overloaded lines - If there are overloaded lines or transformers, then
the line overloading can be brought to the normal ratings using transformer tap
changing or other control actions. The normal rating has to be achieved in 15
minutes (if the overload exceeds the STE rating) or in 30 minutes if the overload is
within LTE rating.
Cases with overloads lines and voltage deviated buses - Actions required as
Not converged cases - The power flow solution is not converged for the given
contingency case.
Islanded cases -During islanded operation, the system parts into two or more
sections and each section may tend to have overvoltage or undervoltage problems
depending on the amount of generation available in each section.
The not converged and the islanding cases are not acceptable. All the cases require
careful analysis in order to avoid any loss in the system performance.
Multiple contingency cases - Sometimes more than one fault occurs in a power
system due to a common cause (for example a lightning strike) or for other reasons.
Though the power systems are not designed for multiple contingencies, the power
system planners need to know the effect and remedial approaches for such events.
Some of the multiple contingencies are:
In case the voltage limit is not specified, it is a good practice to use a maximum and
minimum voltage of +5% and -5% of the nominal voltage respectively. In extra
high voltage systems, an upper voltage tolerance of+10% is often used.
Loading levels - The loading levels of transmission lines, cable circuits and
transformers are usually given as nominal ratings. In the case of emergency
conditions, the short term emergency rating (STE) and long-term emergency ratings
are used, which are defined below.
Nominal rating - The nominal rating is the continuous loading that causes rated
temperature at the specified ambient conditions. The nominal rating of a
transmission line is given by:
Line rating =>/3 (kV)(kA), MVA (3.39)
The system voltages encountered in the power flow problems vary from high
voltage to extra high voltage levels. In such complex problems, it is advantageous to
use per unit system to represent and solve the power flow problem. System studies
are usually performed using 100 MVA base. The voltage at each level is used as the
base voltage at that circuit. The required data are bus data, load data, generator data,
branch data, transformer data and area exchange data. The required data in each
category is outlined below [5].
Bus data - The bus data describes the bus location and the voltage in kV and per
• Bus number.
• Bus name.
• Bus type (swing bus or generator bus or load bus).
• Real part of the shunt admittance.
• Reactive part of the shunt admittance (reactive or capactive).
• Per unit voltage and angle.
• Bus voltage in kV.
The bus number and the bus name are used to keep track of the power flows and
current flow in various branches to the given bus.
Load data - The load data are used to represent the load at various bus locations.
Usually, the constant MVA load representation is used. Sometimes, the constant
current or constant impedance type of load model can be used. The load data
• Bus number.
• Load identification number.
• Area number.
The load data are used in the programs in any one of the following load types.
where the constants A through F are defined based on the nature of the load (such as
residential, industrial or agricultural).
Generator data - Through the generator data, the machine power capabilities are
expressed along with the MVA base. The arrangement of data is as follows:
• Bus number.
• Generator number.
• Generator power in MW.
• Maximum power of the generator in MW.
• Generator reactive power in MVAR.
• Maximum reactive power in MVAR.
• Minimum reactive power in MVAR.
• Generator resistance in P.U.
• Generator reactance in P.U.
• Base MVA of the generator.
Branch data - The branch data provide the line impedance and the line charging
data. The data consist of the following:
Transformer data - The transformer impedance is expressed along with the branch
data. However, the transformer tap changing data are expressed in this part as:
Area data - If the power flow data have several areas, then the required
identifications are provided as:
• Bus number.
• Number of the swing bus.
• Net exchange leaving the area in MW.
• Exchange tolerance in MW.
The presence of the dc lines and the switched shunt data require special
considerations. Once the raw data are entered in the required format, the program
using suitable commands can read the data. Then the power flow is solved and
the data are saved as a digital file. There are several formats for transporting or
presenting the load flow data file. The required data consist of solved load flow
cases for peak load conditions and off-peak conditions. Usually the data are
supplied in IEEE common data format specified in reference [5]. Also, the
various programs have the capability to convert from one format to the other.
Consider the IEEE six bus power flow case given in Reference [4]. A one-line
diagram of the system is shown in Figure 3.3. The system contains six buses, four
generators seven branches and five loads. The bus data, branch data and the
generator data are given below. The system data are prepared and the power flow
are solved using the PTI's PSS/E program [6].
- Load
Branch Data
Bus I Bus J R, P.U X, P.U. B, P.U. Rating,MW
1 2 0.025 0.1682 0.259 175
2 3 0.0238 0.2108 0.3017 75
3 4 0.0328 0.1325 0.0325 75
4 5 0.1021 0.8957 0.2406 100
5 6 0.213 0.8957 0.2406 75
6 2 0.1494 0.3692 0.0412 75
6 3 0.1191 0.2704 0.0328 75
Generator Data
The calculated power flow results can be compared with the results of the six-bus
system provided in the reference [4].
C O N T I N G E N C Y E V E N T S X-- O V E R L O A D E D L I N E S 1
OPEN LINE FROM BUS 2 [BUS2 13.800] TO BUS 3 [BUS3 13.800] CIRCUIT 1
C O N T I N G E N C Y E V E N T S X-- O V E R L O A D E D L I N E S 2
C O N T I N G E N C Y E V E N T S X-- O V E R L O A D E D L I N E S 3
C O N T I N G E N C Y E V E N T S X-- O V E R L O A D E D L I N E S 4
OPEN LINE FROM BUS 3 [BUSS 13.800] TO BUS 4 [BUS4 13.800]
C O N T I N G E N C Y E V E N T S X-- O V E R L O A D E D L I N E S 5
OPEN LINE FROM BUS 2 [BUS2 13.800] TO BUS 6 [BUS4 13.800] CIRCUIT 1
1*BUS1 13.8 2 BUS2 13.8 1 197.0 200.6 175.0 110.2
C O N T I N G E N C Y E V E N T S X - - O V E R L O A D E D L I N E S 6
A multiple contingency analysis was not performed in this case, since the test
system itself is very small. In large-scale problems, it is necessary to perform such
an analysis.
The basis of the power flow problem suitable for the large-scale analysis is
presented in this Chapter. The approach to formulate the power flow problem, the
various solutions approaches, the acceptance criteria for the solutions and the
required data for the analysis are discussed. The IEEE six-bus power flow problem
is taken and the solution is presented along with discussions. For further analysis
and theory reference [7] is recommended.
1. What are the three type of buses used to define the power flow problem? Is it
possible to solve the power flow problem without such definitions?
2. What are the different approaches available for solving the power flow
problem? Compare the different techniques and select the most efficient
3. If there is only one source and the loads are connected to the power system
in a radial manner, is it still necessary to define the three types of buses and
the usual power flow solution approach? If not, how can you handle the
power system problem with only one source?
4. The IEEE 24 bus system data for the reliability test are available in
Reference [3]. Study the data and simulate the power flow and validate the
Bus Data
Bus Type G, P.U B,P.U. kV Voltage, PU
1 2 0 0 16.5 .040
2 1 0 0 230 .000
3 1 0 0 230 .000
4 1 0 0 230 .000
5 2 0 0 18 .020
6 1 0 0 230 .000
7 1 0 0 230 .000
8 2 0 0 13.8 .020
9 1 0 0 230 .000
Branch data
Generator Data
Pg.min Pgmax Qg,min Qg.max
1 2 0 0 16.5 1.040 0.06
5 163 0 0 230 1.000 0.12
8 85 0 0 230 1.000 0.18
The power flow through various branches is given in the table below. Prepare the
power flow data and solve the power flow problem and compare the calculated
and the benchmark results.
In a power system short circuits occur once in a while due to lightning, flash over
due to polluted insulation, falling of tree branches on the overhead system,
animal intrusion and erroneous operations. When the fault current magnitudes are
significant, it can cause damage to equipment and explosion if the fault is not
cleared for prolonged time. Also, electrical fires and shock hazards to people are
possible in a faulted power system. Therefore, it is important to design the power
system such that the fault is isolated quickly to minimize the equipment damage
and improve personnel safety.
Short circuit studies are performed to determine the magnitude of the current
flowing throughout the power system at various time intervals after a fault. The
magnitude of the current through the power system after a fault varies with time
until it reaches a steady state condition. During the fault, the power system is
called on to detect, interrupt and isolate these faults, The duty impressed on the
equipment is dependent on the magnitude of the current, which is a function of
the time of fault initiation. Such calculations are performed for various types of
fault such as three-phase, single line to ground fault, double line to ground fault
and at different location of the system. The calculated short circuit results are
used to select fuses, circuit breakers and protective relays. The symmetrical
component model is used in the analysis of the unsymmetrical faults with mutual
The short circuit current contributions are from the utility sources, generators,
synchronous condensers and induction motors. Typical current waveforms during a
short circuit are shown in Figure 4.1 for various types of contributing sources.
1 1 .--1-
Iac = e Td" + (4.1)
.X d X d xd d
r( 1 1 JL
Idc = (V2) — e'Td (4.2)
c + Idc (4.3)
The reactance values are expressed in per unit in the above equations and the
calculated currents will be in per unit. An example is presented at the end of this
Chapter to show the generator short circuit currents.
Induction motor load - The fault current contribution from an induction motor is
due to the generator action produced by the load after the fault. The field flux of the
induction motor is produced due to the stator voltage and hence the current
contribution decays very rapidly upon fault clearing as the terminal voltage is
Source data - The utility source is represented by a per unit impedance which is
equivalent to the maximum short circuit MVA level available from the utility at the
point of common coupling. The minimum source impedance is used in the short
circuit current calculations for relay settings. The source impedance data is usually
provided by the system/utility.
Example 4.1 - The three-phase and one line to ground fault short circuit duties of a
230 kV, 3-phase power system is 671 MVA and 738 MVA respectively. Find the
symmetrical component impedance values on a 100 MVA base.
_~ = 78.8 Ohm
MVA,3ph 671
X = - =57.5 Ohm
0 MVA, slg MVA,3ph
Transmission lines - The transmission lines are represented by positive and zero
sequence impedance values. The approach to calculate the transmission line
constants and typical values are presented in Chapter 2. In transmission lines it is
assumed that the positive and negative sequence impedance values are equal.
Cable data - The cable impedance values are presented by the positive and zero
sequence impedance values. The calculation procedures are discussed in Chapter 2.
3-Phase % Impedance
kVA X/R Ratio Range
112.5 3.0 1.6-6.2
150.0 3.5 1.5-6.4
225.0 4.0 2.0-6.6
300.0 4.5 2.0-6.0
500.0 5.0 2.1 -6.1
750.0 6.0 3.2-6.6
1000.0 7.0 3.2-6.6
1500.0 7.0 3.5-6.8
2000.0 8.0 3.5-6.8
2500.0 9.0 3.5-6.8
The impedance values for the transformers above 2.4 kV are listed in Table 4.2.
For the calculation of the line to ground fault short circuit currents, the zero
sequence connection diagram for certain transformers are required.
Note: Use average value as typical data and on machine MVA base.
The motor resistance can be calculated using the X/R ratio curve given in ANSI
Standard 242. Sometimes, the motors in each substation are lumped by type and
size and a single per unit impedance is determined based on the lumped kVA.
If = — (4.4)
Phase to ground fault - Where one phase conductor is shorted to ground. The fault
current magnitude is given by:
If =
(Z + zE z )
\ 2 + 0}
(L +L
(4 5)
Where Zi, Zi and Zo are the positive, negative and zero sequence impedances
Double line to ground fault - Where two phase conductors are shorted to ground.
The positive sequence current magnitude is given by:
(4 6)
zZ 0/rz
+z '
The three-phase fault currents are the highest and least for phase to ground fault.
However, the phase to ground fault current can be the highest under certain
circumstances such as:
The momentary or first cycle, the interrupting and the symmetrical short circuit
currents are calculated to meet the circuit breaker selection and relay applications.
The impedance of the equivalent network is established and is converted into per
unit at each fault point. The first cycle fault current is calculated using the pre fault
voltage and the impedance at the faulted node. The approximate calculated first
cycle fault current for comparison with the circuit breaker capability is obtained by
using a 1.6 multiplier specified in ANSI C37.010-1989. The total three phase
symmetrical fault current (Isc tot) is:
Epu L6
Isc tot Ibase (4.7)
This current magnitude is compared with the latching current rating of a circuit
breaker and the instantaneous rating of the relay settings.
The multiplying factors are plotted in ANSI C37.5-1979 for two specific
• Fault fed predominantly from generators for three-phase faults (8, 5, 3 and 2
• Fault fed predominantly from networks with two or more transformations for
three phase and line to ground faults (8, 5, 3 and 2 cycles).
Short circuit calculations for low voltage circuit breaker applications - The
impedance diagram for evaluating the short circuit current at the faulted point
developed. The rotating machine impedance values used without multiplying
factors are shown in Table 4.4. The resistance values are also calculated using the
Short circuit current calculation for relay applications - For the instantaneous
relay setting, the fault current magnitude from the momentary duty is used. For
other applications with a time delay, the steady state symmetrical fault currents are
calculated and used. The impedance for the transformer, overhead line and the
cables are obtained for the steady state conditions. The motor contributions are
neglected. For synchronous machines the steady state reactance can be used. In this
case it can be seen that the dc component has almost decayed to zero and it is not
considered. The required symmetrical fault current is obtained by using the E/Z
method. In many power system and industrial set ups, the source impedance is
different for peak and off-peak conditions. Therefore, the maximum and minimum
fault currents are to be calculated and the relay settings should be verified for both
Impedance diagram - The impedance diagram is derived from the one line
diagram by modeling the circuit elements by the respective impedance. The
impedance magnitude used for the fault calculation depends on many factors which
are discussed in the circuit breaker current rating calculations. This is important for
the reactance of the rotating machines (see Table 4.4). Once the fault location and
type of short circuit is identified, then the corresponding impedance diagram is
developed. This concept is demonstrated with the help of an example.
Per unit quantities - For a balanced three-phase system, the relation of three-phase
kVA, line to line voltage, base current and base impedance are defined as:
Base kVA
Base current = —T= (411)
(BasekVA) 2
Base impedance = (4 12)
For changing the P.U. impedance from the given base kV to new base kV:
Xnew (Xgiven) (4.13)
When both the kVA and kV are new, then the new P.U. impedance can be
calculated using the following equation:
There are several programs available to perform the short circuit studies. These
programs can be used to perform the following data-related operations.
The input data to these programs can be entered interactively or presented in ASCII
data files or through graphic interface. The output of the short circuit study includes
the following.
The user selects the necessary short circuit results at appropriate buses and
Example 4.3 - An industrial power plant is shown in Figure 4.3. The 230 kV
source has a three-phase circuit current rating of 28,000 A. The step down
transformer (Tl) is 100 MVA, 230/24 kV, 0.10 P.U. reactance, delta/wye-
grounded with an X/R ratio of 20. There is a 500 MVA standby generator
connected to the 24 kV bus. The reactance of the generator is 0.2 P.U with X/R
ratio of 20. Transformer T2 is 75 MVA, 24/4.16 kV, delta/wye, 0.11 P.U.
reactance with X/R ratio of 30. There are two 2,000 hp, 0.9 power factor, Xd" =
0.2 P.U, Xd1 = 0.26 P.U. with X/R ratio of 20. The low voltage system contains a
transformer T3, 4.16 kV/600 V, 0.08 P.U reactance and X/R - 30. There is a low
voltage motor at the 600 V bus with a rating of 400 hp, Xd" = 0.3 and X/R = 30.
Perform a short circuit study using computer-aided software and determine the
short circuit currents at Fl and F2. Also, show the step-by-step calculations.
Compare the results.
Solution - The reactance of all the passive elements are listed below. A 100 MVA
base is used in the calculations.
Momentary fault current calculations - For the momentary or first cycle short
circuit calculation, induction motors less than 50 hp are omitted. For the 400 hp
motor, X = 1.2 Xd" = (1.2) (75 P.U.) = 90 P.U. The reactance of the source,
generator and the induction motors are identified in the impedance diagram for the
first cycle or momentary short circuit calculations, in Figure 4.4.
24 kV
4.16 kV
M2 Ml
0.00896 P.U
The symmetrical first cycle or momentary short circuit current at the faulted point
Fl is calculated as:
Ibase at the 4.16 kV bus = 100 MVA/( >/3 )(4.16 kV) - 13.879 kA
Isym = (13.879kA) =78.3 kA
The peak value of the momentary short circuit current is (1.6 x 78.3 kA) 125.3 kA.
0.00896 P.U
1795 P.U
The resistance circuit for the interrupting duty calculation is presented in Figure 4.6.
Using the reduced R, the X/R ratio is calculated at the faulted point Fl.
The corresponding NCAD ratio is determined from C37.010. The NCAD ratio for
X/R ratio of 33.24 is 0.96.
Short circuit calculation for low voltage circuit breaker applications - The
impedance diagram for evaluating the short circuit current at the faulted point F2
is shown in Figure 4.7. The impedance at F2 = (1.4698 + j 9.4817) P.U. =
9.5949 P.U. The base current at 600 V is 96.2278 kA. The short circuit current at
F2is 10.41 kA.
2.5 P.U
Figure 4.7 Impedance Diagram for the Low Voltage Short Circuit Current Study
Source data as per List 4.1. - From Bus, to Bus, Voltage, Base MVA, Xd", X/R,
X on 100 MVA Base.
List 4.1 Source Data
Xd" Zon 100 MVA Base
From Bus To Bus kV Base MVA P.U X/R P.U
Source Bus 1 230 11154 28 20 (0.00045 +J0.00895)
Generator 1 Bus 5 24 500 0.25 20 (0.0025 +j 0.05)
Motor M 1 Bus 9 4.16 2 0.2 20 (0.5 + j 10)
Motor M2 Bus 10 4.16 2 0.2 20 (0.5 + j 10)
Motor M3 Bus 11 0.6 0.4 0.3 30 (2.5+J75)
Feeder data as per List 4.2. The assumed impedance values are low and are not
used in the step-by-step calculations. From Bus, to Bus, Voltage, Length in Feet, Zl
or Z2 in P.U, ZO in P.U.
Line Length
From Bus To Bus kV Feet Z l o r Z 2 , P.U. ZO, P.U.
Bus 1 Bus 2 230 125 (0.0 + j 0.01) (0.0 + j 0.03)
Bus 3 Bus 4 24 125 (0.0 + j 0.01) (0.0 + j 0.03)
Bus 4 Bus 5 24 125 (0.0 + j 0.00022) (0.0 + j 0.00065)
Bus 4 Bus 6 24 250 (0.0 + j 0.00043) (0.0 + j 0.001 30)
Bus? Bus 8 4.16 250 (0.0 + j 0.01445) (0.0 + j 0.04334)
Bus 8 Bus 9 4.16 130 (0.0 + j 0.00751) (0.0 + j 0.02254)
Bus 9 Bus 10 4.16 150 (0.0 + j 0.00867) (0.0 + j 0.026)
Transformer data as per List 4.3 - Primary Bus, Connection, Voltage, Secondary
Bus, Connection, Voltage, MVA Base, Z1/Z2 on 100 MVA Base, ZO on 100 MVA
The program calculates the short circuit components at each bus location for the
various fault duties along with the summary for each type of calculations. The
summary of the typical output listing is presented below.
Fault current for the low voltage circuit breaker applications as per List 4.4.
The list includes the Bus Number, Bus Name, Voltage, Fault Current for Three-
Phase, X/R Ratio, Fault Current for SLG, X/R Ratio.
List 4.4 Fault Current for the Low Voltage Circuit Breaker Applications
Fault current for momentary or first cycle as per List 4.5. The list includes the
Bus Number, Bus Name, Voltage, Fault Current for 3-Phase, X/R Ratio, Fault
Current for SLG, X/R Ratio. The fault current magnitude is 1.6 times the short
circuit at the fault location.
Fault current for interrupting as per List 4.6. The output contains the Bus
Number, Bus Name, Voltage, decrement ratio, Fault Current for three-Phase, X/R
Ratio, Fault Current for SLG, X/R Ratio.
The results from the step-by-step calculations and the computer-aided analysis are
compared at the faulted points Fl (node 8) and F2 (node 11).
In the step-by-step calculations, the cable lengths are ignored. Therefore, the
calculated short circuit currents are higher than the values from the computer-aided
Using series reactors, high impedance transformers and high resistance grounding
can control the short circuit current in the power system. The series reactor can be
used in the generator circuits, bus bars, feeders and in the shunt capacitance circuits.
There are advantages and limitations to these approaches. With the application of
shunt capacitor banks for power factor correction, there is always the inrush current
issue during energization. Also, the outrush current from the capacitor banks is a
concern when a line circuit breaker closes in to a nearby fault. In order to limit both
the inrush and outrush currents series reactors are used. Three schemes of series
reactors for shunt capacitor application are discussed.
Scheme 1: Series reactor with each capacitor bank - Such a scheme is shown in
Figure 4.8. In order to satisfy the criteria (Iph . f) to less than 2.0E+7, there will be
two reactors with two capacitor banks.
Scheme 2: Series capacitors for inrush and outrush requirements - The required
scheme is shown in Figure 4.8. The reactor size for each capacitor bank will be
small to limit the inrush current. A third reactor will be used to limit the outrush
Scheme 3: Reactor to limit outrush current and breaker to limit the inrush current -
The inrush current can be controlled by using circuit breaker with controlled
switching or by using closing resistor/inductor. The outrush current can be
controlled by using a series reactor. Such a scheme is shown in Figure 4.8.
Example 4.4 - In order to demonstrate the circuit breaker selection and the
application of series reactor for the current limiting a shunt capacitor bank, a case
is presented. The circuit breaker is chosen to meet this application and the short
circuit current magnitudes are calculated if the required current specifications are
met. Then a reactor is chosen in series with the circuit breaker and the procedure
is repeated. The system is a 230 kV, 60 Hz, three-phase with a short circuit rating
of 40 kA. The circuit breaker has to be selected for capacitor switching
application. The capacitor is available in two banks each of which is 60 MVAR.
Scheme 2
L2 L1, L2 , L3- Series Reactors
C1, C2 - Capacitance
Scheme 3
L2, L3 - Series Reactors
C1, C2 - Capacitance
Solution - The circuit breaker is intended to switch 120 MVAR shunt capacitor
banks and should meet the performance criteria described in ANSI C37.06 [7].
The desired performance specifications of the circuit breaker to meet the
capacitor switching application (definite purpose) of the 230 kV systems are:
Figure 4.9 Fault Outside the Circuit Breaker Without Series Reactor
The expected outrush current magnitude and frequency, for a single 60 MVAR,
230 kV capacitor bank is given by:
/-< _ MVAR 60
= 3 MFD
2 >r(60) x k V 2 2 ;r(60) x 2302
V 230 k V x • / r
TI pk --_--^=__--54.1kA
_ V/V3, 5111.A
.T _
= 15.3kHz
2 ^L f x C 2 > /36.1//Hx3//F
An inductance of 10^ H for the bank and 0.261 JU H/ft with a 100 feet cable
length is used (IEEE C37.012-1998).
'min 7
2n x2 xlO
With current limiting reactor - The equivalent circuit with a series reactor in
the shunt capacitor circuit is shown in Figure 4.10. For the proposed 230 kV, 60
MVAR bank the minimum reactor needed is:
230 kVx
min ~
= 1.5 mH
2 ;r(2x!0 7 )
For the high outrush current to occur, a breaker must close into a fault very close
to the 230 kV substation. A series inductor of 3 mH is selected for the 230 kV
circuit and the corresponding Ipk and the frequency of oscillation are given by:
= 6kA
f = = 1.68 kHz
2 Af x C 2 ^3000 y u H x 3
This peak current and the frequency of oscillation are below the ANSI C37.06
values. Therefore, the circuit breaker is acceptable for the energization of the
230 kV, 60 MVAR shunt capacitor bank.
C1 = 60 MVAR
From this example, it is clear that series reactors can be useful in shunt capacitor
circuits to limit the fault current magnitudes and in the protection of circuit
Example 4.5 - Consider a 800 MVA, 13.8 kV generator with the following
Solution -
Xd" = (0.210)1 -^- | = 0.02625 P.U.
v j
X'd = (0.330) = 0.04125 P.U.
f 100^1
Xd = ( 1 . 8 2 0 ) =0.2275 P.U.
The ac components of the generator short circuit currents are:
Id = = 4.3956 P.U.
V y
" ^
— (TdO") = 0.02215 s = 1.3287 cycles
Ibase = 4.18kA
lac = (28.3667 P.U.) (4.18 kA) = 118.6814 kA
Idc = (A/2) (38.10) e ~Td Where Td in cycles is (0.33 x 60) 19.8 cycles.
Therefore, in the generator circuit there are both ac and dc current components
present as shown.
1. The three-phase short circuit rating of a 230 kV, 60 Hz system is 670 MVA.
The single line to ground fault rating is 600 MVA. Calculate the source
impedance values on a 100 MVA base. State the assumptions made, if any.
2. The three phase short circuit rating of a 345 kV source is 20,000 MVA and
the single line to ground short circuit MVA is 15,200 MVA. Calculate the
sequence impedance of the source in P.U. on a 100 MAV base.
4. Calculate the total fault currents due to a 3-phase fault at the open terminals of
a generator at 1.6 cycles. The name plate specifications of the generator are
500 MVA, 13.8 kV with the following parameters:
5. What are the different types of faults in a power system? What is the role of a
neutral conductor in the power system?
6. Why is it necessary to select a circuit breaker based on the short circuit current
Overhead line impedance between Bus 1 and Bus 2 on 100 MVA base:
Z = (0.0120 +j 0.0820) P.U.
Draw the one-line diagram of the system and state the assumptions. Calculate
the short circuit currents at each node and select the circuit breaker ratings at
appropriate locations. Also calculate the voltage drop at various locations. If
the voltage profile is not acceptable, suggest suitable remedial actions.
Compare the calculated results with a computer program output.
C1 = 60 MVAR C2 = 60 MVAR
Transient stability studies are related to the effects of transmission line faults on
generator synchronism. During the fault the electrical power from the nearby
generators is reduced and the power from remote generators remains relatively
unchanged. The resultant differences in acceleration produce speed differences
over the time interval of the fault and it is important to clear the fault as quickly as
possible. The fault clearing removes one or more transmission elements and
weakens the system. The change in the transmission system produces change in the
generator rotor angles. If the changes are such that the accelerated machines pick up
additional load, they slow down and a new equilibrium position is reached. The
loss of synchronism will be evident within one second of the initial disturbance.
Faults on heavily loaded lines are more likely to cause instability than the faults on
lightly loaded lines because they tend to produce more acceleration during the fault.
Three phase faults produce greater accelerations than those involving one or two
phase conductors. Faults not cleared by primary faults produce more angle
deviations in the nearby generators. Also, the backup fault clearing is performed
after a time delay and hence produces severe oscillations. The loss of a major load
or a major generating station produces significant disturbance in the system. In the
power system, the various electrical phenomena occur in different time frames as
shown in Figure 5.1. These include:
i i
Q^ 1C 0.1 10 100 1000 10" 106 10?
1 Da 1
1cy cle 1 Mn 1 Hour V Week
The switching surges are studied using the electromagnetic transients program. The
power system swings are studied using the transient stability program. The transient
stability studies are performed as a part of the planning to the addition of new
generators, transmission lines and power factor correction equipment. The system
response is usually nonlinear and hence the transient stability simulations performed
for one condition can not apply to a similar condition in another part of the network.
Therefore, various operating conditions are studied during the transient analysis.
* (E1-E2)
P - Real (Ell ) = Real[El- -
El (El E2)
P = Sina + -—j—— Sin(S-a) (5.2)
= (5.3)
This is the generator electrical power, where 5 is the rotor angle. This is a sine
function as shown in Figure 5.3. The operating point occurs where the electrical
power output of the generator Pe is balanced with the mechanical power (Pm). A
change in the angle away from the operating point will result in a power imbalance,
which acts to accelerate or decelerate the rotor. The Pmax point is the maximum
power possible from the generator. The (0 through 90) degree is the steady state
operating range in a stable mode. The (90 through 180) degree is the unstable
operating region of the generator. The steady state operating limit is obtained from
equation (5.3) given by the relation:
S. o 4n
Point • X
O on
/ \_
n on -
/ \
(D 30 60 S)0 120 150 180
Angle, Degree
dP (El E2)
— =0= ^ iCos£ = 0 (5.4)
d^ X
This occurs when o = 90 degree. The maximum power Pmax is:
Ell |E2
max X
The transient stability analysis refers to the immediate effects of transmission line
disturbances on generator synchronism [1]. The three types of transient
disturbances of importance are load changes, switching operation and faults in
subsequent circuit isolation. In order to demonstrate the concept of transient
stability using equal area criteria, a disturbance due to load change is considered. A
sudden load increase can result in transient disturbance. In Figure 5.4, point 1
(angle o \) shows the operating point of a generator on the power angle curve with
load 1 and point 2 (angle 8 2) shows the operating point at load 2. Because of the
inertia of the rotating parts of the machine and the internal voltage of the generator,
the rotor angle does not change momentarily to operating point 2. Instead, the
differences in the power input and output are used in accelerating the generator
rotor. In this process, the rotor angle overshoots to point 3 and comes back to
This condition is shown in Figure 5.4, where 8 3 is greater than 90 degrees but is
stable because o 3 is less than o 4 the critical angle for the load 2. With load 2, the
angle settles to S 2 with a stable operating point. If the angle at point 3 exceeds the
angle at point 4, then there may not a stable operating point.
Load 1
Figure 5.4 Power Angle Curve, Equal Angle Criteria During Load Change
Oscillatory stability - A machine being transiently stable on the first swing does
not guarantee that it will return to the steady state operating point. System effects
such as sudden changes in load, short circuits and transmission line switching not
only introduce transient disturbances on machines but also give rise to less stable
operating conditions. For example, if a transmission line is tripped due to a fault,
the resulting system may be much weaker than the pre-fault condition and
oscillatory instability may result. The oscillation may decrease and the machine may
become stable. Sometimes the oscillations may increase, leading to loss of
synchronism. In either case, the oscillatory mode is undesirable.
The term Kl is called the synchronizing power that acts to accelerate or decelerate
the inertia towards the synchronous operating point. The synchronizing coefficient
Kl is the slope of the transient power angle curve.
dP El E2
Kl = Cos 5 (5.9)
d5 X
El = Internal voltage behind transient reactance, P.U.
E2 - Bus voltage, P.U.
X = (Xd' + Xe) = Series reactance between the terminal voltage and the
infinite bus, P.U.
Xd' = Generator transient reactance, P.U.
8 = Angle between El and E2
The swing equation governs the power system dynamic response with a frequency
given by:
This is called the natural frequency of the local mode. This frequency of oscillation
is usually 0.5 Hz to 2.5 Hz.
Kl.* 1 - 0 5 *'- 0 ) Cos(25) = 1.73
(0.25 + 0.30)
Where HI and H2 are the inertia constants of system 1 and 2. If there are many such
areas present in a power system, then a computer-aided solution can be obtained.
Tie Line
The purpose of the transient stability analysis is to study the stability issues of the
generating units for disturbances on the interconnections with the main grid. The
stability of the generating units will depend on the dynamic characteristics of the
entire grid as well as those of the generating units connected to the system.
Consequently it is necessary to model the dynamics of the entire power system
along with load flow for the maximum load conditions. Sometimes it may be
necessary to analyze the stability issues of a lightly loaded system as well. The
transient stability performance will be assessed in accordance with the utility's
standards for planning and operating criteria. The stability cases are classified as
either design requirement cases or extreme contingency assessment cases.
Design requirement cases - These are cases for which the stability of the bulk
power system shall be maintained. These cases include the following contingencies:
All generating units shall remain stable following a permanent three-phase fault
on any transmission element with normal fault clearing and with due regard to
reclosing facilities.
Extreme contingency assessment cases - These are cases for which the extent of a
widespread system disturbance is to be determined, even though extreme
contingencies have low probabilities of occurrence. These cases include a
permanent three-phase fault on any generator, transmission circuit, transformer or
bus section, with delayed fault clearing. The critical clearing times to maintain
stability should be determined for these cases.
Critical fault clearing times - The critical clearing time is the maximum allowable
time that a fault can be sustained without the synchronous generator becoming
unstable. Typical fault clearing times are:
• For a three-phase fault, the typical maximum fault clearing time (including the
relay operating time plus circuit breaker opening time) is 8 cycles.
• For a double line to ground fault, the typical maximum fault clearing time,
including the breaker failure is 17 cycles.
Assessment of the rotor angles for stability - As per classical stability theory, the
generator will be stable for steady state rotor angles below 90 degrees and unstable
for above 90 degrees. However, the rotor angles can swing into the unstable region
during transient conditions and will be back in the stable-operating region. In the
transient stability studies, the relative rotor angles are monitored with respect to the
swing generator. Depending on the rotor angle oscillation, the generators can be
stable, unstable or oscillatory. Typical rotor angle plots for the above three
conditions are shown in Figure 5.6. If the rotor angle swings around 90 degrees and
decays very rapidly, then the generator is stable. If the rotor angle goes beyond 180
degrees in the first cycle, then the generator is unstable. If the rotor angle continues
to oscillate without damping, then the generator is oscillatory. The unstable and
oscillatory cases are unacceptable.
i i i i i i n
Type of generator units - Several type of generating units are used for power
production depending on the type of fuel used. The fossil, nuclear, combustion
turbines, hydro unit, combined cycle units and the diesel generators are used in
power production. Typical characteristics of these units are discussed below.
Nuclear steam units - Nuclear units are either light water reactor (LWR) or
pressure water reactor (PWR) units.
Combustion turbine units - The combustion turbines are designed to burn liquid,
gas fuel or natural gas. These units can be either industrial or jet engines. Therefore,
generally high speed engines are used.
Hydro units - These generator units are used for conventional or pumped storage
applications. The conventional hydro units may be low head, medium head or high
head. The pumped storage units are used as peaking units. Water is pumped from
the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir during off peak hours. During peak hours,
the water in the upper reservoir is used to produce electricity. Hydro power is the
cheapest and cleanest form of electrical energy.
Combined cycle units - In the combined cycle units, the gas turbine is used to
operate as the main power generating unit. The exhaust heat of the gas turbine is
used in a steam boiler to operate a steam turbine generator. Therefore, the overall
efficiency of the combined cycle generation is higher than the other forms of
Diesel engines - For emergency and standby production of electricity, small diesel
engine driven generators are used.
Symbol Description
MVA Generator MVA Rating
T'do Direct axis transient time constant, second
T"do Direct axis sub-transient time constant, second
T'qo Quadrature axis transient time constant, second
T"qo Quadrature axis sub-transient time constant (second)
H Inertia constant (machine MVA base) MW/s-MVA
Classical H D Xd'
Laminated rotor
without damper H D Xd Xd' Xq Tdo1
Generator with
damper windings H D Xd Xd1 Xd" Xq Xq' Xq" Tdo'Tdo" XI
Solid rotor H D Xd Xd' Xd" Xq Xq' Xq" Tdo' Tdo" Tqo' Tqo" XI
Solid rotor with
mutual reactance H D Xd Xd' Xd" Xrm Xq Xq' Xq" Tdo' Tdo" Tqo' Tqo" XI
The classical model is used whenever the machine data is not available in detail.
The solid rotor model is used when the machine data is available. Further the
saturation model is used in the detailed studies. Solid rotor generators are suitable
for high speed applications, where the forces on the rotor are significant. The round
rotor motors are constructed in all MVA ranges. Typical machine data for various
round rotor machines are presented in Table 5.1.
The salient pole generators are used in low speed hydro generators, synchronous
condensers and synchronous motor applications. Typical machine data for various
salient pole machines are presented in Table 5.2.
The voltage regulator output is used to control the exciter which may be a
separately or self excited dc machine. The exciter saturation function is defined as
SE. In Figure 5.10, A and B are defined as the excitation output voltage on constant
resistance load saturation curve and the air-gap line respectively. Then the
saturation factor SE is defined as:
SE =• (5.12)
This constant is used for the alternator rectifier exciters, because exciter regulation
effects are accounted by inclusion of synchronous reactance and commutating
reactance voltage drops in the model.
Type 3, static exciters with terminal potentials and current supplies - In this
type of exciter, the required dc power is supplied though transformer and rectifiers.
The ceiling voltage of this type of exciter will be very high. Otherwise, the
functions of this type of exciter are similar to type 1. Figure 5.12 shows the transfer
functions of the type 3 excitation system. The other exciters performing the same
type of functions are Type ST1, Type ST2 (a compound source rectifier exciter)
and Type ST 3 (with a controlled rectifier).
vref vs Regulator
r r 1 sT
+ A
Lafd Ifd
In addition to the above excitation models, some old systems still use the old IEEE
exciter models published in the IEEE Committee report on "Computer
Representation of Excitation Systems". These models should be converted to the
revised models if possible. Whenever the parameters of an exciter are not available,
a simplified exciter model may be used. Typical parameters for an exciter are:
Power system stabilizer - Even with the presence of automatic voltage regulators
there will be local and inter area oscillations. In order to control such oscillations,
the power system stabilizer is used. A block diagram of a power system stabilizer is
shown in Figure 5.13 which is used to provide supplementary signal to the voltage
regulator for the improvement of the oscillatory behavior. The commonly used PSS
input signals are frequency, rotor speed and accelerating power. The lead-lag
network provides the lead over the dynamic frequency range of interest for phase
compensation. Depending on the need, two or three stages of lead-lag networks are
used. The typical parameters used in a PSS stabilizer are given by:
Kq =3 T2 T4 = 0.025 s
Tq = 1 . 0 s Tl T3 - 0.25 s Limits = ± 0.5
Typical parameters of the various IEEE excitation system models are presented
in Table 5.3.
All single shaft governor and prime mover characteristics can be modeled using the
block diagram shown in Figure 5.15. In this general case, any of the poles or zeros
of the gate or valve servo or the steam or water supply may be zero. Because of the
limiter between the servo and the energy system transfer functions, each of them
must be realizable. Typical governing system models and data are presented in
References [4,5]. The most common type of speed-governing system for steam and
hydro turbines is mechanical-hydraulic control and electro-hydraulic control. If the
governor parameters are not readily available, then typical data can be used. Some
of the typical models used for steam turbine units and the parameters are available
in Reference [4].
Turbine Governor Inertia
Speed Control
Speed Governor • —
Speed Governing System
Shaft Fbwer
Hydro units - The typical turbine governor models suitable for the hydro
generators are discussed in Reference [4]. Depending on the level of detail needed
several models are available for the hydro units. Typical parameters of the hydraulic
turbine units are listed in Table 5.4.
TR (second) 5 2.5-25.0
TG (second) 0.3 0.2 - 0.40
TP (second) 0.04 0.03 - 0.05
DELTA 0.3 0.2- 1.0
SIGMA 0.05 0.03 - 0.06
Load models - The bus voltage and the frequency are not constant during system
disturbances. Therefore, the load models can have significant effects on the time or
frequency domain results. Then the real and reactive power components of the load
can be represented by the following equations:
P - (A + B V + C V2)
Q = (D + EV + F V 2 )
Where the constants A through F are selected based on the type of load such as
residential, industrial, or agricultural. The parameter V is the per unit voltage. In the
stability analysis the change in the load due to frequency change is very small
compared to the effects due to the voltage. Therefore, after neglecting the frequency
effects, the load can be expressed as [7]:
The relation between the load MVA and the various types of load are shown in
Figure 5.16. In the power flow analysis, the constant MVA load model is used. In
the power system stability analysis, the constant current model is usually used.
Figure 5.16 Relation Between the Load MVA and the Bus Voltage
The generator, exciter and the governor models discussed are based on the IEEE
models. Every software has specific models based on the requirement and the
user has to follow the program instructions accordingly.
Numerical methods for the solution of time domain solutions - The following
analytical approaches are used in the dynamic analysis. The specific approach and
the usefulness are discussed below.
Transfer functions - The system can be expressed into differential equations and
the transfer functions can be identified. Again such an approach is suitable for small
Block diagrams - The system can be identified into small block diagrams and can
be analyzed. For large-scale networks such a procedure is time-consuming and
difficult to follow.
Feedback control system - Using the state variable approach, the components can
be identified with suitable transfer functions. Then the data for the components can
be identified for each of the system components.
Eigenvalue analysis - The differential equations can be used to solve for the
eigenvalues and the eigenvectors. Depending on the location of the roots, the
stability of the system can be assessed. For large-scale problems this requires
careful consideration. For small networks, this approach is suitable and amount of
graphical support requirement is less.
Fault type and locations - The various types of faults and the location of the
faults are needed in identifying the dynamic stability case list. Some of the faults
to be used in the selection of the case list are:
When a large system is given, these cases are not easy to identify when hundreds of
buses and lines are present. Also, a large number of cases will arise if the above
Fault clearing times - The following typical fault clearing times are used.
Primary fault clearing time — 6 cycles
Backup fault clearing time =16 cycles
The customer specifications for fault clearing are always valuable data.
0 01 0.2 5
Time, second *•
Backup fault clearing - If the primary relaying fails to clear a fault, then the
backup fault clearing is performed by the appropriate backup relay. In such a
condition, the fault is present in the power system for longer time duration and
possibility to go into the unstable operation is higher. In such cases, sometimes the
critical fault clearing times are studied. Critical fault clearing time is the time at
power system will become unstable, if the fault is not cleared.
• Rotor angle.
• Bus voltage.
• Bus frequency deviation.
• Generator field voltage.
• Generator field current.
• Generator power.
• Generator reactive power.
• Generator rotor speed.
• Branch flow (P, Q and MVA).
The rotor angles and the voltages are very important parameters for assessing the
stability of the generator and the system.
Example 5.2 - Consider the IEEE six bus power flow case given in Reference
[8]. A one-line diagram of the system is shown in Figure 5.18. The system
contains six buses, four generators, seven branches and five loads. The bus data,
branch data and the generator data are given in Chapter 3. The load flow analysis
is performed for this system in Chapter 3. Now consider the generator and exciter
dynamics data for the power system components. The generator dynamics data
are assumed to be of the same type, except for the H constants. An example
printout of the generator data and the exciter are given in List 5.1. The load is
modeled using constant MVA in the power flow analysis. The load is converted
into constant current load for the stability analysis.
Solution - The following two case studies are presented to demonstate the time
domain analysis of the stability. The study was performed using the PTI's PSS/E
program [10].
200.0 0.00000+J 0.12000
Since this is a very small system, severe fault such as a three-phase bus fault may
lead to the entire system becoming unstable. Therefore, a fault condition is chosen
with a loss of 60 MW generation out of the total of 690 MW. The following steps
are involved in the simulation:
Bus4 Bus6
= Load
Figure 5.19 Rotor Angle (the falling curve) and the Voltage Plots (the oscillatory
curve) without Automatic Voltage Regulator
(Courtesy of Power Technologies, Inc, Output from PSS/E Program)
Figure 5.20 Rotor Angle and the Voltage Plots with Automatic Voltage Regulator
(Courtesy of Power Technologies, Inc, Output from PSS/E Program)
As indicated above, several types of faults can be simulated and the system stability
can be assessed. Also, the effect of any parameter can be studied using the time
domain analysis.
The theory of steady state stability and transient stability is presented in the Chapter.
The importance of the swing equation in assessing the system stability is discussed.
The generator models, exciter models, governor models, induction motor models
and load models suitable for power system stability analysis are discussed. Typical
data for various models are indicated. The IEEE six-bus system is used to
demonstrate the unstable and stable conditions using a practical stability program.
1. What are the two types of stability encountered in power systems? If the
system is oscillatory, then under what category can this be analyzed?
2. There are two small power systems with HI and H2 values of 4.0 and 5.0
respectively. The reactance of the tie line interconnecting the areas is 0.6 P.U.
The voltage El and E2 are 1.03 P.U and 1.02 P.U respectively. The load angle
is 15 degrees. Calculate the frequency of inter area oscillation.
3. A small power system X is connected through a tie line with a reactance of 0.5
P.U. to another power system Y. If there is a sudden loss of load of 0.1 P.U. on
100 MVA base, calculate the power variation through the tie line. Calculate the
frequency of oscillation in the tie line during the disturbance. The voltages in
the X and Y systems are 1.0 P.U. and 1.01 P.U. respectively. Use a 100 MVA
4. There are two generators operating under identical conditions delivering the
same P at Vt =1.02 P.U. One machine is operating at 0.85 lagging power factor
and the other machine is operating at 0.85 leading power factor. If there is
three-phase fault at the terminal of the machine, then discuss the stability
5. Consider a generator with specifications 300 MVA, 13.8 kV, 0.85 power
factor and 3,600 rpm. The moment of inertia of the turbine generator is
600,000 Ib-ft . Calculate the inertia constant H on the generator MVA base and
at 100 MVA base. When the unit is delivering 120 MW, a three-phase fault
occurs. Calculate the speed of the generator unit at 10 seconds, if the over
speed relay did not trip the unit out of service.
6. Discuss the following terms from the power system stability point of view.
7. What are the different approaches available for solving the stability
problems? Compare the different techniques and recommend the most
efficient approach.
9. "Procedures for the Exchange of Power Plant and Load Data for
Synchronous Stability Studies," IEEE Committee Paper, IEEE
Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-100, No. 7,
July 1981, pp. 3229-3242.
Design A motors usually have low rotor resistance, single cage type with
excellent running characteristics. The starting current is high with moderate
starting torque. Typical loads are fans, blowers and pumps.
Design B motors are of the double cage type with high rotor resistance and are used
for full voltage starting. These motors have about the same starting torque as design
A, but somewhat lower performance at the operating point, and the same
applications as design A. This is the most commonly used squirrel cage motor.
Design C motors are also double cage design with higher rotor resistance than
design B, with better starting torque, drawing relatively low starting current. The
applications are constant speed loads such as conveyors and crushers.
Design D motors have higher starting torque than all the squirrel cage motors using
a high rotor resistance. They have low efficiency and are used for high inertia loads
such as die-stamping machines, punch presses and shears.
Design E motors are energy efficient and are not available widely. These motors
are intended to provide better efficiency than Design B motors. A 200-hp design E
motor has an efficiency of 95.8% as opposed to 95% efficiency for a standard
motor. The difference is greater for smaller motors. Also, the locked rotor current
of Design E motors are much higher than standard designs. Such a design will result
in a larger voltage drop during motor starting.
The online starting of any of these motors draws significant starting current
producing voltage drop. Therefore, some of the motors are provided with starters
and online starting requires careful consideration.
Full voltage starting is most commonly used because of its simplicity and low cost.
In this case the motor is connected to the power system through a circuit breaker.
With this method, the inrush current drawn from the line, the sudden application of
A frequent problem has been failure to start when the motor coupled to its load is
energized for the first time. Typically the motor appears to start smoothly, then is
tripped off line by relay action before it reaches full speed. When the starting time is
prolonged enough to exceed the permissible locked rotor time, the relay can operate
even though its time current curve is at all points above the motor starting curve.
Some of the effects of starting a large motor are presented below.
Motor terminal voltage - During the starting, the motor terminal voltage should
be maintained at approximately 80% of the rated voltage for type B motors having a
standard 150% starting torque at full voltage with a constant torque load applied. A
81.6% rated voltage will develop a torque T = 0.8162 x 150% = 100%. Also, in
every case the starting time has to be evaluated for the 11 damage limit of the motor.
Effect of motor starting on other running motors - Motors that are running
normally on the system will slow down in response to the voltage drop occurring
when a large motor is started. The running machines must be able to reaccelerate
once the machine being started reaches the operating speed. If the voltage drop is
very severe, the loading on the running machines may exceed the breakdown torque
at the reduced voltage. The decelerating machines may impose heavy current
demand to produce excessive voltage drop.
Heavy starting currents - In the case of design B motors, the pullout torque is
200% of the rated torque. If the motor terminal voltage falls below 71% of the
rated voltage the motor may stall. This is based on the assumption that the
developed torque is proportional to V . If other than design B motors are used on
the system, a similar criterion can be established to evaluate re-acceleration
following a motor starting.
Effect on control devices - The control devices are not required to pick up at
voltages below 5% of the rated name plate value. The dc control devices can
operate at 80% of the rated voltage. Critical control operations can therefore
encounter difficulty during the motor starting period if the voltage drop is excessive.
The actual drop out voltage of industrial contactors is 60% - 70% of the rated
system voltage.
The online switching device can be a molded case circuit breaker, or oil-immersed
circuit breaker, or air break circuit breaker, either held closed magnetically or
latched in. For a given rating, the oil-immersed circuit breaker has a lower initial
cost but requires greater maintenance. For some applications the choice of the
circuit breaker is determined by the interrupting rating of the system.
According to the IEEE Standard 399 a motor starting study should be performed if
the motor horse-power exceeds approximately 30% of the supply transformer base
kVA rating if no generators are present. For smaller horse power motors, a study is
needed depending on the daily fluctuation of nominal voltage, size and length of the
cable, load rating, regulation of the supply voltage, transformer impedance and tap
ratio, load torque and motor torque.
If generation is present and no other sources are involved, a study is required if the
motor horse-power exceeds 10% to 15% of the generator kVA rating. The
acceptable minimum voltages under various operating conditions are listed in Table
Table 6.1 The Acceptable Voltage Levels During Motor Starting
fxl ^ ^1
Tst (1st}2 , sc 2 sc
-X sf (6.3)
Tf v I f yJ
V v
If y V
Using the above relations, the starting current and the starting torque can be
evaluated if the full load current, short circuit current, slip at the rated load, the full
load torque and the fraction of the voltage applied are known.
Shunt capacitors to reduce the starting current - The shunt capacitors can be
used across the motor terminals to reduce the reactive component of the current
during the starting. Experimental results on a 2-hp, 220 V, 7 A, 3,600 rpm, wye
connected, three-phase induction motor show significant reduction in the line
currents. The starting currents without and with shunt capacitors are listed in Table
The shunt capacitors can cause ferroresonance when interacting with the magnetic
circuit of the induction motors. Therefore, the shunt capacitors has to be switched
off as soon as the starting is completed. However, switching off the shunt capacitors
requires further consideration from the transient recovery voltage point of view.
T ( ^2
st 2 I Isc
= X Sj
2 2
- = x (6) (0.03)
Solving for x, the required transformer tapping, x = 0.56 or 56%
sf = I - II ^^ I 0.033 = 0.275
Source data - The utility source is represented by a per unit impedance which is
equivalent to the short circuit MVA level available from the utility at the point of
common coupling. The minimum capacity of the source is used in the short circuit
impedance calculations. The source impedance data is usually provided by the
utility. Whenever the exact data is not available, typical generator data can be used.
Transmission lines - The transmission lines are represented by positive and zero
sequence impedances. The approach to calculate the transmission line constants and
typical values are presented in Chapter 2.
Cable data - The cable impedances are presented by the positive and zero sequence
impedance values. The calculation procedure is discussed in Chapter 2.
Induction motors -The rotor design of the induction motor is such that there is
significant dependence of the rotor resistance on the motor speed. The effect must
be included in any motor model intended for the starting analysis. A typical
equivalent circuit used to represent the single cage induction motor is shown in
Figure 6.2. Rl and R2 are stator and rotor resistances per phase. XI and X2 are the
stator and rotor leakage reactance per phase respectively. Xm is the magnetizing
The motor data required for the simulation of starting characteristics are the horse
power rating, rated voltage, synchronous speed, moment of inertia of the rotating
parts, type of the motor (single cage or double cage) and locked rotor code. The
squirrel cage rotor windings are designed to provide proper running performance as
well as the starting duties. In order to limit the starting kVA to meet the design
specifications, NEMA has established starting kVA standards, each identified by a
code letter which is stamped on the motor name plate. The value is expressed in
kVA/hp. The recommended kVA/hp values are listed in Table 6.3.
Usually the motor ratings are expressed in horsepower and there is a need to
convert the same into kVA rating. The kVA and the horse-power relation is given
(hp) (0.746)
KVA = (6.5)
(PF) (Efficiency)
The power factor of the motor during starting is required and the following typical
values can be used if the data is not readily available.
The motor models are available in graphical form either in metric or FPS units.
Example motor data are shown in Table 6.4.
Table 6.4 Example Motor Model Suitable for Motor Starting Analysis
Hp = 1000 Voltage = 4.160 kV Current = 117 A Speed = 1800 RPM
Power factor = 0.90 Efficiency = 0.98 Wk 2 = 7500 Ib-ft
Speed, P.U. Torque, P.U. Current, P.U. Power Factor
0.0 1.5 6.2 0.22
0.1 1.45 6.1 0.22
0.2 1.38 6.1 0.23
0.3 1.34 6.0 0.24
0.4 1.39 5.9 0.25
0.5 1.47 5.8 0.26
0.6 1.63 5.5 0.27
0.7 1.86 5.2 0.29
0.8 2.20 4.8 0.36
0.9 2.25 4.2 0.40
0.95 1.65 3.2 0.72
0.975 1.25 2.0 0.93
1.0 0.0 0.2 0.10
0.0 0.0
0.1 0.01
0.2 0.05
0.3 0.10
0.4 0.15
0.5 0.25
0.6 0.36
0.7 0.48
0.8 0.65
0.9 0.78
0.95 0.92
Motor switching data - During the simulation, the motor has be switched on at a
suitable time. This can be performed using a time-dependent switch or voltage-
dependent switch. For the time domain simulations, a time-dependent switch is
Controller data - The motor starting involves the direct switching or switching
through a suitable control device such as:
The control function may be voltage, speed or time. Depending upon the program
capability these functions are implemented.
There are several approaches available to calculate the voltage drops in the feeder
circuits. The impedance method, the short circuit kVA method, the (R + j X)
method and the load flow solution using computer-aided analysis are some of the
commonly used methods. The technique involved in various approaches is
discussed below. The computer-aided approach is discussed in a later section.
The impedance method - In this approach, the impedance of various lines and the
transformers are calculated using the equation:
Z(Ohms) = (6.6)
The impedance of a line in one kV (kVl) to another kV (kV2) is converted using
the equation:
Short circuit kVA method - The short circuit kVA of the system at the motor
terminals is calculated using the formula:
100 (kV Abase)
KVAsc = (6JO)
— z%—
Usually the motor short circuit rating can be calculated from the name plate data.
Then the voltage drop at the terminal during the motor starting is given by:
The initial conditions of power system operation have influence on the voltage
drops calculated. The initial conditions may be due to the nature of the existing load
in adjacent buses, running motors and initial bus voltages.
Type of load - The presence of constant impedance loads such as lights, resistors,
reactors and lightly loaded motors does not have significant influence on the
calculated voltage drop. Also, the constant current loads have a combination of the
above loads plus loaded motors do not affect the voltage drop calculations.
However, fully loaded motors will have certain influence on the calculated voltage
Loaded motors at unity power factor - If there are large number of fully loaded
induction motors or synchronous motors at unity power factor, then the operation of
these motors will have significant effect on the calculated voltage drop. An
approximate mathematical relation can be presented for the modified voltage drop
(Vm) as:
0.65 x Initial kVA I
Vm = x Voltage Drop with no Initial Load (6.12)
Generator kVA J
The application of this must be done carefully, if the calculated voltage drop is over
30%. Under such conditions, the running motors will stall drawing significant
current and additional voltage drop. Also, the contactor may drop isolating the
motors from service.
Leading power factor motor loads - In some cases synchronous motors may be
running with leading power factor. In such cases, the reactive power supplied from
the source produces a smaller voltage drop. The mathematical relation representing
such a condition is given by:
The acceleration time of the motor shaft during starting can be calculated by solving
the equation of motion given by:
1 T dco
The time required to accelerate from the speed fo\ to &>2 is:
tm-) J d(D
t =ft- (6.15)
In order to find the value of this integral, it is necessary to know the motor torque
(T) and the load torque (Tl) as a function of speed. In the simplest case, when the
motor torque and the load torque are constant, then:
( 0)2 ~col)
A? = JT —--— (6.16)
w 2?rN
=-- <6-17>
The total inertia J is represented by Wk . Simplifying the equation (6.16) using
these terms,
At = - (6.18)
During the starting of a motor, the terminal voltage will drop and the corresponding
torque will be less. Therefore, suitable correction factor has to be applied to account
for the torque reduction. The motor terminal voltage and the accelerating torque are
given by :
Input kVA
Motor terminal voltage = V 1- (6.19)
Input kVA + KVAsc
Where KVAsc is the short circuit rating of the source. The net motor torque (Tr)
can be calculated by:
The net accelerating torque is the difference between the resultant motor toque and
the load torque. In order to improve the accuracy of the calculated acceleration
time, a reduced time step is required. The calculation procedure is explained using
an example.
Example 6.3 - Consider a 500-hp, 460 V, 1170 rpm, 3 phase induction motor for
an application with torque speed characteristics as shown in Table 6.6. The
combined inertia of the motor shaft and the load is 3,500 Ibs-ft . The short circuit
kVA of the system is 35,000 kVA. The input to the motor at rated load is 450 kVA.
Calculate the acceleration time in seconds using a step-by-step approach.
Table 6.6 The Speed Torque Characteristics of the Motor and Load in P.U.
Speed Motor Load
Increment Torque,% Torque, % %kVA
0 to 20% 84 5 550
20 to 40% 93 8 540
40 to 60% 120 20 525
60 to 80% 175 30 480
80 to 100% 167 45 350
Solution - One iteration of calculation is shown below and the table of results is
calculated using a spread sheet.
Motor full load torque (5250 x 500 hp/1170 rpm) = 2239.3 Ib-ft
Net torque (84% - 5%) = 79%
Net torque (0.79 x 2239.3 Ib-ft) - 1769.1 Ib-ft
In smaller power systems with one or two generators, the source impedance is
significant and a motor starting will result in the drop in the speed of the generator.
Usually, the generators are equipped with automatic voltage regulators and
governors. The motor starting performance depends on the type of voltage
regulator. With normal regulators there will be some voltage drop during the motor
starting. With high-speed regulators, the performance will be better and with extra
high speed regulation will be still better. It is necessary to perform motor starting
studies modeling both the generator and motor to be started.
There are several programs available to perform the motor starting analysis. In
order to perform the analysis the dynamic torque speed relation needs to be
resolved. Figure 6.3 illustrates the torque speed characteristics of a typical induction
motor. One is the torque characteristic of a motor and the other is the load
characteristic. The difference between the two torque curves represents the net
torque available to accelerate the motor. The point of intersection of these two
curves represents the steady state operating point. The dynamic equation of the
motor starting function is given by:
a, 2H
3 -
2.5 -•
Q. J
1.5 -
1 -
0 -
C) 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Speed, P.U
Figure 6.3 Speed Torque Characteristics of the Motor and the Load
The accelerating torque of the motor varies as a function of the motor terminal
voltage, motor rotor current and the motor speed. As the motor accelerates, both the
current and the power factor change, affecting the terminal voltage. Therefore, in
the motor starting simulation the following steps are used to solve equation (6.21).
• Solve the power flow equations to get the terminal voltage at time t = 0.
• Assume an initial motor speed.
• Calculate the motor current, torque and terminal voltage using the power flow
and the equivalent circuit.
• Integrate the shaft dynamic equation to a new rotor speed.
• Calculate the slip and R2/s terms.
• Increment the time step and repeat the entire calculations till the steady state
speed is reached.
Usually the motor starting analysis programs have a motor model library and a load
model library. The user can select the available data or can edit the existing data to
meet the data requirement. The load models are available for typical loads such as
fans, pumps, compressors, blowers and motor generator set. During the simulation
the necessary parameters are monitored in order to assess the effectiveness of the
motor starting. Some of the parameters useful for the motor starting evaluation are:
The plots can be examined to evaluate the acceptance of the starting condition. The
program output report contains the following:
Using both the graphical and report results the performance of the motor starting
can be evaluated.
Solution - The data is prepared interactively and the motor starting study is
performed. The Power Tools for Windows Program is used for the motor starting
study [3]. The input data listing is presented as a part of the output. This enables
verification of the accuracy of the data. The input data include the source,
transformer, cables, motor and the load models. The output includes the motor
starting characteristics in time domain and the performance at the operating point.
The time domain plot is presented for the motor speed in Figure 6.5. The motor
speed slowly increases to rated speed in 7.33 seconds. The motor terminal
voltage drops to 4 kV and then starts increasing, see Figure 6.6. The drop is
around 4% and is acceptable. The current during the starting is 6 P.U. and drops
to nominal value at the end of the start time and is shown in Figure 6.7. The
motor power factor is shown in Figure 6.8. The power factor increases from 0.2
to 0.8 during the starting process. Finally, the accelerating torque is shown in
Figure 6.9.
69 kV
_JL jr I
T1 T2
20 TX A PRI FEEDER 15601 -94.1 307 -99.9
50 HBUS TRANS. 15601 -94.1 307 -99.9
1800 -
1600 ^^
1400 ^^
Q. 1200 - ^^
1000 -
« 800 - /
co 600 - /
400 /
200 ^^
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time, Second
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 7.11 Frequency Domain Results at the 13.8 kV Bus; Damping R = 9 Ohm
r 3
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 7.12 Frequency Domain Results at the 13.8 Bus with no Damping R
-—- ^
Current A
Ann - \
mn -
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time, Second
3 4 5
Time, Second
The concepts involved with motor starting are discussed with respect to various
motor designs. The criteria for motor starting are stated very briefly. The starting
methods used are outlined. The system data required for motor starting analysis are
presented with example data. The various voltage drop calculation approaches are
discussed for motor starting analysis along with computer-aided analysis. An
example analysis is presented along with the output report and some important
2. Consider a motor supplied from a source with a short circuit capacity of 40,000
kVA. The rating of the motor is 1500 hp, 4.16 kV, 0.9 power factor, 1800 rpm
with a WK2 of 10,200 lb-ft2. Assume a torque speed and kVA characteristics as
given in the example calculations. Calculate the acceleration time of the motor
using the step-by-step approach.
3. What is the effect of inertia on the motor starting? Explain this in terms of a
very large inertia constant versus a smaller inertia constant.
5. A 2 MW, 4.16 kV, 1,800 rpm induction motor is running at the operating
point. Another motor is to be started in a nearby location with the torque speed
characteristics and load characteristics as given in the typical data. The motor
to be started is a 1.5 MW, 4.16 kV, 1200 rpm, three-phase induction motor.
The short circuit rating of the source is 750 MVA. Simulate the system using a
motor starting or dynamics program. Assess the starting condition and
recommend which remedial measures are needed, if any. State the assumptions
6. What is the difference between the simulation of a running motor and starting
motor using a dynamics program?
3. Power Tools for Windows Program, SKM Analysis, Inc., Manhattan Beach,
Most of the industrial loads such as induction motors are operating at moderately
low power factor. Around 60% of the utility load consists of motors and hence
the overall power factor of the power system is low. The system power factor is
given by (see Figure 7.1):
where P and kVA are the real and apparent power respectively.
Figure 7.1 Relationship Between Real, Reactive and Apparent Power (KVA)
The relation between the power factor and the Q/P ratio is shown in Table 7.1.
From Table 7.1, it can be seen that even at 90% power factor the reactive power
requirement is 48% of the real power. At low power factors, the reactive power
demand is much higher. Therefore, some form of power factor correction is
required in all the industrial facilities. The power factor of any operating system
can be lagging or leading. The direction of active and reactive power can be used to
determine the nature of the power factor. If both the real and reactive power flow in
the same direction, then the power factor is lagging. If the reactive power flows in
the opposite direction to that of the real power, then the power factor is leading. A
typical lagging power factor load is an induction motor. A typical leading power
factor load is a capacitor. Some typical plant power factors of industrial plants are
presented in Table 7.2.
Example 7.1 - The power factor of a 100 kVA load is 0.8. It is necessary to
improve the power factor to 0.95. What is the rating of the shunt capacitor bank?
Local capacitor bank - An example of local capacitor bank application for the
power factor correction is shown in Figure 7.3. In this scheme, individual loads
are provided with separate capacitor banks, mainly suitable for industrial loads.
The localized power factor correction can be expensive.
ne- c
Loads o
The benefits due to the power factor correction for the utility are: release in
system generation capacity, savings in transformer capacity, reduction in line loss
and improved voltage profile. The benefits due to power factor correction to the
customer are: reduced rate associated with power factor improvement, reduced
loss causing lower peak demand, reduced loss, reduced energy consumption and
increased system short circuit rating. A case study is presented demonstrating
the study approach [9].
Low voltage filter banks - There are low voltage filters located at 13.8 kV level,
very close to the 230 kV bus. The 13.8 kV plant consists of two 6-pulse rectifiers
with a total load of 42 MVA. A 17.5 MVAR of harmonic filter tuned to 5th (4.65
MVAR, 63.95 MFD, 4.53 mH & 9 Ohm), a 7th (4.55 MVAR, 63.95 MFD, 2.31
mH) and a 11th (8.9 MVAR, 115.6 MFD, 0.507 mH) harmonics are present as
shown in Figure 7.5. The utility supplies the load through a 25 MVA, 230
kV/13.8 kV, three-phase transformer. The operating power factor of the plant is
0.95. In order to achieve this objective and reduce the harmonics the tuned filters
are used.
Rectifier A
The single tuned filters at 7' and 111 harmonic frequencies reduce the harmonic
components at those dominant frequencies. Initially the 5 harmonic filter was
also a single tuned filter. In such a configuration, the damping available in the
filter circuit was minimal and there were current magnification problems. In order
to increase damping and control current magnification problems, the fifth
The acceptable power factor is 0.95 for many utility applications. Sometimes a
higher power factor may be specified. In order to have the power factor
correction capacitors operate satisfactorily, the following additional factors
should be met:
Frequency scans are used to analyze the harmonic impedances and the resonant
or natural frequencies of the system to determine the voltage amplification
effects. The resonant frequencies will be excited during an event, such as
switching and could cause voltage amplification at these frequencies. In a
Where MVARsc is the short circuit rating of the source at the 230 kV bus and
MVARc is the rating of the capacitor bank. The frequency scan analysis was
performed by injecting a 1.0 A current at the 230 kV bus. The frequency domain
results are monitored at the 230 kV bus and 13.8 kV bus. The summary of the
results are presented in Table 7.3, along with the expected resonant frequency
calculated using equation (7.2).
Example 7.2 - The short circuit current at a 230 kV bus is 40 kA. The power factor
at this location has to be improved by installing 60 MVAR shunt capacitors. What
is the new resonant frequency at this bus location?
The short circuit rating of the source = (1.732) (230 kV) (40 kA) = 15,934 MVA
MVAc = 60
6000 I
uu 4000
< 3000
tu I
Q- 2000-
1000 -i
/ x
/ \
10 15 20 25
Figure 7.6 Frequency Domain Results at the 230 kV Bus (no Capacitors)
(Courtesy of EMTP Users Support and Maintenance Center)
2 40
UJ 30
10 15 20 25
Figure 7.7 Frequency Domain Results at the 13.8 kV Bus (no Capacitors)
(Courtesy of EMTP Users Support and Maintenance Center)
With shunt capacitor banks at the 230 kV bus, the frequency scan plot is shown
in Figure 7.8, the dominant harmonic frequency numbers are 3.2 and 5.8. The
corresponding frequency plot is shown in Figure 7.9 at the 13.8 kV bus with
dominant frequencies at 3.8 and 5.2. It can be seen from Table 7.3, that in all the
cases fi and f? are close to each other, but are not equal to each other. Therefore,
there is no danger of any harmonic resonance at the 13.8 kV bus.
1000i i
2 BOO'
0 |
UJ 1
0 600
< /'
CL 400 1
2 i
\ j\
/ v.v i \
_..,/^// s~~-
0 10 15 20 25
Figure 7.8 Frequency Domain Analysis at the 230 kV Bus with 105 MVAR
(Courtesy of EMTP Users Support and Maintenance Center)
< 20
10 15 20 25
Figure 7.9 Frequency Domain Result at 13.8kV Bus; 105 MVAR at 230 kV Bus
Consider the presence of capacitor banks at the high voltage and low voltage
power systems as shown in Figure 7.10.
C1 C2
f -
Figure 7.10 Circuit for the Analysis of Voltage Magnification
Voltage magnification will occur at the low voltage capacitor banks when the
natural frequencies fi and f 2 are equal, the switched capacitive MVAR is
significantly higher than the MVAR of the remote capacitor and the equivalent
source of the remote source is weak. In order to evaluate the voltage
magnification phenomena a 10 Volt source was applied at the 230 kV bus. The
frequency response at the 13.8 kV bus was recorded with various capacitor bank
values at the 230 kV bus. The voltage magnification plot at the 13.8 kV bus with
105 MVAR shunt capacitors at the 230 kV bus is presented in Figure 7.11.
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 7.11 Frequency Domain Results at the 13.8 kV Bus; Damping R = 9 Ohm
0 5 10 15 20 25
Figure 7.12 Frequency Domain Results at the 13.8 Bus with no Damping R
The possibility of high steady state and resonant overvoltages caused by the
capacitor energization is a matter of practical importance. The steady state
voltage following the capacitor energization can be calculated using the
following equation (7.3):
Xs ^
Vbus = Vpl1 1 + (7.3)
where Xs is the reactance of the source, Xc is the reactance of the capacitor bank
and Vp is the bus voltage before energization of the capacitors. Using the source
impedance and capacitive reactance values at the 230 kV bus, the sustained
overvoltage magnitudes are evaluated. This disregards any adjustment in
generator excitation.
The three-phase short circuit rating at the 230 kV substation without shunt
capacitors is 4,092 MVA. The corresponding source reactance is 12.92 Ohm. For
all available combination of shunt capacitor ratings at the 230 kV substation, the
steady state voltages are calculated and presented in Table 7.4, column 2. Also,
the calculated voltages at Wheeler, Sieler, Larson and at the 13.8 kV bus using
the EMTP are presented in Table 7.4.
The surge arrester rating at the 230 kV is 180 kV. The MCOV rating of the
arrester is 144 kV. This rating is very close to the steady state voltage of the
system with switched capacitors at no-load. Suitable overvoltage relaying is
recommended to avoid this operating condition.
Transient recovery voltage (TRV) - The TRVs are the voltages measured
across the circuit breaker poles after opening. The severity of the TRV depends
on both the magnitude and the rate of rise of the voltage across the opening
circuit breaker poles. Based on the ANSI standard C37.09, the circuit breaker
switching capability is tested at the maximum TRV of 2.5 P.U. The TRV
voltages experienced in the fault clearing is less than 2.5 P.U.
Example 7.4 - Show the concept of back-to-back switching with two 60 MVAR
capacitor banks without series reactor and with series reactor in the switching
circuit. Assume the necessary parameters and explain.
C1 = 60 MVAR C2 = 60 MVAR
Solution - The inrush current magnitude and frequency at the 230 kV bus back-
to-back configuration is calculated as shown below.
2" = 2~ = 3.0 //F
/ 2;r(60)230 Z
( C l xC 2 ) (3x3)
(10 + 10 + 25.6+85) fM
\ / I f\ O /~\1
230kVx r
f = -, =11.4 kHz
2 ^131.6 //Hx 1.
This frequency is high for the capacitor switching applications, the acceptable
value being 4,250 Hz.
With series reactor in the capacitor bank circuit: In order to control the
inrush current during the energization of the second bank, when the first bank is
already in service, a current limiting reactor is required. A circuit switcher can
be used for this application with 20 mH in the series circuit during the
energization. The inductor is short circuited immediately after the energization.
The peak current and the frequency of oscillation are given by:
20131 //H
surge = 1 15. 8 Ohm
Vpk 230kV x
Ipk = 1.63kA
zsurge 115
= 0.916 kHz
2 V 20132 /" H x 1-5
This peak current magnitude and the frequency of oscillation are acceptable.
Circuit Switcher
with Series Reactor
C1 = 60 MVAR C2 = 60 MVAR
This example shows the concerns during the energization of shunt capacitors in
the back-to-back configuration and the approach to control the transients.
In this Chapter, the power factor correction aspects are studied using shunt
capacitor banks. The installation needs to investigate the following additional
factors as discussed above:
• Harmonic resonance.
Voltage magnification.
Sustained overvoltages.
• Switching surge and insulation co-ordination.
Back-to-back switching.
A systematic study of the above aspects will be helpful in avoiding any unexpected
problems after installation of the capacitor banks.
2. Explain what happens if capacitor banks are added to improve the power
factor above unity.
3. In a 230 kV, three-phase power system, the short circuit current is 30 kA.
120 MVAR shunt capacitors are added to improve the power factor. In the
distribution system very close to this high voltage system, there is a filter
bank at 4.16 kV tuned to 4.9th harmonic. Is there any technical problems due
to the installation of the high voltage capacitor bank?
4. The short circuit current at a 115 kV bus is 25 kA. There is a shunt capacitor
bank of 50 MVAR for power factor correction. Due to a field testing operation
25 MVAR additional capacitor banks are available at the 115 kV bus. What are
the harmonic frequencies under both operating conditions? Is there any danger
to operate the system with the 25 MVAR configuration?
Until the 1960s the main harmonic sources in the power system were arc furnace
and a very few converter loads. With the thyristors and static power supplies many
variable speed drives were introduced in all industries in the 1970s. With the
increase in the converter load in the power system, several new problems became
noticeable such as:
There are several harmonic sources in the distribution systems. These are loads
with nonlinear characteristics. The converters, pulse width modulated converters,
cycloconverters, arc furnaces, static var compensators and switched mode power
supplies are typical nonlinear loads producing harmonics. The typical harmonic
frequencies and the corresponding magnitudes produced by various harmonic
producing equipment are listed below.
Converters - A typical six pulse converter is shown in Figure 8.1. This type of
ac to dc converter is used in variable speed drives, battery charging applications
and HVDC circuits. In the converter circuit each pair of thyristors is triggered
and conduct until they are reverse biased. If a thyristor is triggered at zero firing
angle, it acts exactly as a diode.
h=kq±l (8.1)
Ih = Ii/h (8.2)
The harmonic contents of a six pulse converter are listed in Table 8.1 [1].
fh=fi(kq ± l ) ± 6 n f 0 (8.3)
Arc furnace - The harmonic produced by an electric arc furnace is very difficult to
predict due to the variation of the arc impedance on a cycle by cycle basis.
Therefore, the arc current is non-periodic and the analysis show both integer and
non-integer harmonic. The harmonic content is different both for melting and
refining periods. Table 8.3 presents the harmonic contents of the arc furnace
operation [1].
Harmonic Order in %
Furnace Condition 1 2 3 4 5 7
Initial Melting 100 7.7 5.8 2.5 4.2 3.1
Refining 100 - 2.0 - 2.1 -
Static Var Compensator (SVC) - The thyristor controlled reactor with fixed
capacitors has been used to control the power factor of the electric arc furnaces and
similar distribution loads to reduce the voltage flicker. Since the thyristor controlled
reactor current is adjusted to correct the power factor, the harmonics are produced.
Typical harmonic components produced due to the operation of a static var
compensator are listed in Table 8.4 [1].
Switched mode power supplies - In all personal computers, the switched mode
power supplies are used. These are very economical designs in which energy is
stored in a capacitor and discharged in order to get a dc voltage through an
electronic circuit. Since the load seen by the ac side is capacitive, the current flow
is not continuous. The typical harmonic components due to a switched mode power
supply are shown in Table 8.5 [1].
1 100 3 13.78
5 5.05 7 2.59
9 1.57 11 1.05
13 0.75 15 0.57
17 0.44 19 0.35
21 0.29 23 0.24
25 0.20
5 60.6 7 37.0
9 15.7 11 2.40
13 6.30 15 7.90
The effect of harmonics on the power system depends on the frequency response
characteristics of the system. Some of the important contributing factors are
discussed below.
System short circuit rating - A system with a large short circuit capacity will
produce a low voltage distortion. A system with a lower short circuit rating will
produce a large voltage distortion. The system short circuit rating depends on the
amount of generation, transmission voltage level, number of parallel lines and
other system characteristics.
Series resonance - The series resonance is the result of the series combination of
the capacitor banks and the transformer inductance as shown in Figure 8.3. A series
resonant circuit offers a low impedance path for the harmonic currents and traps any
harmonic current at the tuned frequency. The series resonant circuit will cause
voltage distortion.
The resonant frequency (fo) for both parallel and series resonance is given by
Equation 8.4.
The power system can be modeled for analysis with the aid of harmonic analysis
programs. The available libraries include harmonic source data, cable data, line
data, transformer models and load data. The general data requirements can be
Source data - The required source data include node number, bus name, voltage
amplitude, angle. (Repeat the data for three phases).
Source impedance - The source impedance data are branch name, voltage, MVA
base, from node, to node for three phases, Rl, XI, RO, XO.
Line data - The required line data are line name, bus name, line length in miles.
Capacitor data - Capacitor name, bus name, 3-phase KVAR, voltage in kV.
Linear load data - Node name, voltage in kV, KVA, power factor.
Nonlinear load data - Node name, bus name, kV, KVA, % of peak load.
The data are prepared in order as per the program requirement and then executed to
get the output.
Power factor - When installing a filter bank for controlling the harmonic currents,
the capacitor banks improve the power factor of the system. Most utilities like the
customer to operate the load at a power factor of 95%. Sometimes, a better power
factor is prescribed.
Current distortion limits - The IEEE Standard 519 intents that the customer be
responsible for keeping the current harmonic components within acceptable limits.
The current harmonic is defined in terms of the total demand distortion based on the
customer load demand. Faced with a proliferation of harmonic-producing loads,
utilities attempt to use IEEE 519 to limit harmonics from individual customers or
even individual loads. However, this approach has limitations because the voltage
distortion on the utility system is also a function of the system frequency response
characteristic, and harmonic sources from all customers. Total Demand
Distortion (TDD) is defined as:
H I.
TDD = (8.5)
h = 2 V L, demand
where IH is the harmonic current for a specific harmonic. Large customers face
stricter limits because they have more impact on voltage distortion. The
acceptable TDD is listed for system voltages less than 69 kV in Table 8.7. The
harmonic filters are designed using R-L-C components. The allowable overload
limits of the capacitors based on IEEE Standard 18, 1992 [5] are:
KVAR - 135%
RMS voltage = 110%.
Peak voltage = 120%
RMS current - 180%.
Filtering the dominant harmonics can reduce the effect of harmonics. There are
several filters available to perform this function. The single tuned notch filter and
the high pass filter are two commonly used devices [1-3].
Single tuned filters - A single tuned or a notch filter can be used to filter
harmonics at a particular frequency. Figure 8.4 illustrates a common single tuned
notch filter to control a single harmonic. The impedance characteristics of the
filter are also shown in Figure 8.4. The following variables are used to describe
the filter.
MVARC = (8.6)
o - (8.7)
Q = (8.8)
Where MVARc = Rating of the filter bank
Xc = Reactance of the inductor
fo = Resonant frequency of the filter
Q = Q factor (typical value of 20 to 150)
The tuned frequency and the operating point may change due to temperature,
tolerances and change in the supply frequency. But the single tuned filter is the
simplest device for harmonic control.
High pass filter - The frequency of the high pass filter, the optimal factor m, and
the MVAR of the capacitor bank are required. The MVARc is given by equation
(8.6). The other parameters are given by:
o - 2 7i CR
m = (8.10)
R2 C
fo is the resonant frequency and m is the optimal factor (1 to 3). A typical high
pass filter and the frequency response are shown in Figure 8.5. As can be seen
from the frequency response, the high pass filter reduces the impedance at high
harmonic orders to lower values. This filter is more efficient in reducing the
harmonics across the entire frequency spectrum.
Frequency —>
Figure 8.5 High Pass Filter and Frequency Response Characteristics
C1 C2 | C
The use of an inductor in series with a capacitor results in a voltage rise at the
capacitor terminals given by:
V,sys (8.11)
Where n = Tuned impedance harmonic number of the frequency
Vsys = System line to line voltage, kV
Vc = Capacitor line to line voltage, kV
Total Demand Distortion (TDD) - The total demand distortion is the total
harmonic current distortion and is defined as:
2 2 2 2
f I 9 + K +I 4 +....In
TDD = — (8.15)
where I?, 1$, U... In are the individual rms harmonic current components and Itoad is
the maximum load current at the point of common coupling.
Frequency domain analysis - The filters are added to the power system to
improve the power factor as well the harmonic performance. The addition of
shunt capacitors introduce resonance peaks in the system. The resonant harmonic
number (h) can be calculated using the equation:
where MVARs is the short circuit rating of the system and MVARc is the rating of
the shunt capacitor.
In a system with many components, the resonant peaks can be predicted using the
frequency scanning approach. By this method, one Ampere of current is injected at
the bus where the harmonic source is connected. The frequency domain
characteristics of the system are typically plotted up to 3,000 Hz. If the impedance
value at some harmonic h is less than 1.0, then the filters are attenuating currents at
that harmonic. If the impedance value is greater than 1.0, then the filters are
amplifying the harmonic. A near zero value on an amplification curve indicates a
series resonance (see Figure 8.3). This is the value where a filter branch is tuned to
provide maximum attenuation. A sharp maximum amplification curve indicates a
parallel resonance (see Figure 8.2). This occurs at a harmonic where the net
resonance of a filter branch is capacitive and equal in magnitude to the system or
transformer reactance. The network model is given by:
Where [Q] is the incidence matrix used to represent the network connectivity.
The frequency scan analysis is performed through repeated solutions of equation
(8.17) for each of the selected frequencies. Equation (8.16) provides a clear
frequency dependent version of the equation (8.15) where h is used to denote the
harmonic frequency in P.U.
The plant load consists of several induction motors and variable speed motor
driven loads at 4.16 kV, 660 V and 480 V levels. Due to the operation of an
induction motor and variable speed drives, the system power factor is low.
Further, the measurements show that there are harmonic current flows at various
buses. The existing plant load is 12 MW and the operating power factor is 79%.
The required capacitor bank size is 6.6 MVAR.
'Source B
69 kV
20 MVA 20 MVA
4.16kV m
6.6 MVAR
Other Loads -±-
2x200hp 2x1250hp
dc Motors Motors
The short circuit ratio corresponding to the maximum load current at the point of
common coupling is identified in Table 8.8.
The acceptable harmonic limits can be read from Tables 8.6 and 8.7.
Power factor correction - The average load of the plant is 12 MW. The
corresponding power factor is 79%. In order to correct the power factor to 97%
Filter design - The 5 harmonic is the dominant in the distribution system of the
plant. Therefore, in order to reduce the harmonic contents, the capacitor bank can
be tuned with suitable reactor as a fifth harmonic notch filter. The filter consists
of 490 MFD/phase capacitor banks with 0.3275 mH/phase inductor tuned to
4.7 harmonic frequency. The connection diagram of the filter circuit is shown in
Figure 8.8. The connection is wye, ungrounded in order to use the unbalance
detection scheme.
Va L
Unbalance ^~
Detector ^-
VC L r\.
Figure 8.8 Fifth Harmonic Filter
Total harmonic distortion (THD) of the voltage - The calculated value of THD
of voltage and the acceptable values are presented in Table 8.10.
Case Description THD, % THD, %
1 Both sources are present 0.84 5
2 Source A is out of service 0.86 5
3 Source B is out of service 1.22 5
4 Both sources are present + C 0.5 5
5 Source A is out of service + C 1.53 5
6 Source B is out of service + C 2.18 5
7 Both sources are present + filter 1.32 5
8 Source A is out of service + filter 1.32 5
9 Source B is out of service + filter 1.39 5
Total demand distortion - From the calculated harmonic currents, the TDD is
calculated for all 9 cases at the point of common coupling. The 5 and ?' harmonic
components are dominant and are compared with the allowed values in Table 8.11.
From Table 8.11 it can be seen that without shunt capacitors, the individual
harmonic components and the TDD is within acceptable limits. With shunt
capacitors, the 5th harmonic level and the TDD is not acceptable. With the 4.71
harmonic filter, the TDD levels are acceptable.
10 20 30 40 50 60
Figure 8.9 Frequency Scan Result With Both the Sources Present
(Courtesy of Electrotek Concepts, Output from TOPS Program)
In this Chapter, the harmonic sources and the harmonic amplitudes are identified
from the system's operational point of view. The acceptable voltage distortion
and total demand distortion are presented from IEEE Standard 519. The
approach to correct both the power factor and limit the harmonics simultaneously
using filtering devices is discussed. The design of harmonic filters and approach
to assess the effectiveness of the system is also discussed. A practical example is
presented and the harmonics analysis using the frequency scan, voltage
magnification, voltage distortion and current demand distortion are illustrated.
"+OU V
13.8RV hp
69 kV Nonlinear
r\ Circuit B reaker Load
^ £ \ *
* £ t
.A. \ -A.
I oad
TR1 1 TR2 |
•1 /~\ l\ ^\ / A I r—«^xx-v/-> k.
Figure 8.10 Power System for Example 8.1
Solution -
10,000 kVA
I(fullload) = —7^ = 418 A
Isc (at 13.8 kV level) - = 5,225A
b) Isc at 480 V level
I(fullloadat 480V) =-^ = 1,203 A
1,203 A
Isc (at 480 V level) - = 20,050 A
TDD (at 480 V level) - 100 - 11.97%
I(loadat480V = 900A)(480V)
I (load at 13.8kV) = - = 31.3A
Isc 5,225 A
= 167
Iload 31.3
The acceptable TDD is 15% and for 5th and 7th harmonic it is 12% .
Isc 20,050A
-(480 V level) = — = 22.3
Iload 900
The acceptable TDD is 8% and for 5th and 7th harmonic it is 7% at the 480 V level.
2. The simple notch filter is effective at only one frequency. What dictates the
filtering frequency? Are there any mechanisms to alter the filtering frequency?
I 138 KV
10 MVA 10 MVA
5 MVAR 5 MVAR Load
Filter Reactor
Rated reactance mH
Tolerance %
Fundamental current A
Harmonic current A
Lightning impulse withstand kV
Energization transient kV peak
5. IEEE Standard 18, IEEE Standard for Shunt Power Capacitors, 1992.
List 8.1 Voltage and KVAR Ratings of Capacitors (from IEEE Std 1036)
13,280 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 1 95 and 125
13,800 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 1 95 and 125
14,400 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 1 95 and 125
15,125 50, 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 1 125
19,920 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 1 125
19,920 100, 150, 200, 300 and 400 1 125 and 150
In recent years there has been a great amount of interest in power quality. Limiting
the lighting flicker to acceptable levels is an important aspect of power quality.
Typical causes of flicker are fluctuating load, sudden increase or decrease in load,
switching power supplies and energization or de-energization of inductive or
capacitive loads [1]. Examples of fluctuating loads are electric arc furnaces, arc
welders, accelerator type of pulsating loads, elevator, hoist, crane, X-ray equipment,
reciprocating pumps and compressors. Frequent starting of large motors can also
cause flicker in the loads connected to the same distribution system. There were
several attempts to study flicker effects due to the operation of fluctuating loads.
Usually, the flicker effects are studied for a load in the time or frequency domain
utilizing the measured voltage signals. Such an approach is suitable only for existing
loads. The flicker calculations are presented here from the performance data of the
load. Some of the loads that cause flicker are discussed below.
Arc furnace - Steel production with electric arc furnaces is vital to the
infrastructure of industrialized countries. As is well known there are three types of
electric furnaces: resistance, induction, and arc. The resistance furnace produces
limited flicker due to the resistive nature of the load. Most induction furnaces
operate at high frequency and therefore are connected to the power system through
frequency converters and present a constant load. Three-phase electric arc furnaces
are extensively used to make high quality steel with significant melting capacities.
Traction load - The electric traction systems are supplied from three-phase system
through single-phase transformer. The static converters on board electric trains are
supplied through single phase ac. Power demand at the traction power stations
fluctuate considerably according to the train schedule. Typical power demand of an
electric train is shown in Figure 9.1.
10 15
Time, Hours
I ' I
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0
Motor starting - There are several industrial facilities and commercial loads (such
as elevators) with large motors. When these induction motors are started they cause
significant voltage drop in the distribution system. When these motors are started
very often or in sequence the voltage drop occurs at a frequency. Such voltage
drops cause flicker to residential customers and are discussed in Chapter 6.
If the process of applying and releasing a load on a power system is carried out at a
frequency at which the human eye is susceptible and if the resulting voltage drop is
great enough, a modulation of the light level of incandescent or fluorescent lamps
will be detected. This phenomenon is known as flicker and is a matter of great
concern when operating fluctuating electric loads. The degree of susceptibility is
not readily determinable in the case of flicker. Therefore, the voltage drop in the
power system due to the operation of a fluctuating load is calculated along with the
frequency of fluctuations in order to estimate the flicker levels using the industry
standards. The following assumptions are made in flicker analysis:
Let the source voltage per phase at the transformer be E and the voltage at the low
voltage bus be V per phase. The corresponding phasors are shown in Figure 9.3.
Let the per phase real and reactive power drawn by the load be P and Q
respectively. From the phasor diagram the following relations can be written:
_ R P + XQ
5V = (9.5)
AV is the flicker voltage drop and 6V is the phase angle flicker. Since R is usually
small, AV is proportional to Q. Therefore, by increasing the reactive power Q by
providing shunt capacitors the voltage profile can be improved. The shunt capacitor
bank located at the low voltage bus can be tuned to any frequency to reduce the
effect of that particular harmonic. The phasor relations in the presence of capacitor
currents for a random load value are shown in Figure 9.4.
The frequency of flicker levels due to various fluctuating loads is shown in Figure
9.6 which is from IEEE Standard 519 [7]. Depending on the load, the frequency
and magnitude of acceptable and objectionable flicker levels can be chosen. Some
definitions related to flicker are given below.
Phase flicker: The flicker effects caused due to the variation of the phase angle
between the supply voltage and load current.
Data from the existing arc furnace - In order to perform the flicker analysis of an
existing arc furnace the following data or measurements are required.
Using the above data for the voltage fluctuations, the corresponding frequency can
be calculated and compared with the values from the industry standards to evaluate
if the flicker is acceptable or not.
Data for the planning studies - In the case of planning studies, the stimulated or
measured performance characteristic of the load or equipment is needed. Such data
are available from the manufacturer of the arc furnace equipment. The data include
the following:
Two 20 MW electric arc furnaces, total of 40 MW are supplied from the substation
through a 230 kV overhead transmission line. The length of the transmission line
from substation to the arc furnace installation is 4 km. A one-line diagram of the
power system for the arc furnace is shown in Figure 9.7.
; ) i «j I i * I I 4 I4 | ji* >*
230 KV/22.8 KV
22.8 KV BUS
Tap Changer
By varying the position of the transformer tap changer, the output voltage can be
varied to the required values. There are two 2 MVA, 22.8 kV/0.44 kV, 60 Hz,
three-phase transformers (T4 and T5) supplying the station loads. Transformer T6,
with a rating of 1.5 MVA, 22.8 kV/2 kV, 60 Hz, three-phase, supplies power to an
oxygen plant. In order to reduce the harmonics caused by the arc furnace, a tuned
filter is installed as shown in Figure 9.7. The capacitors of the filter provide
significant reactive compensation to reduce the flicker effects. The impedance data
of the various power system components shown in Figure 9.7 are:
The performance data of the arc furnace transformer tap-changer position 1 are
shown in Table 9.1.
The voltage drop at operating point 15 (see Table 9.1) of the transformer tap-
changer position 1 is calculated from equation 9.4 for P = 20.91 MW (6.97
MW/phase) and Q = 8.76 MVAR (2.92 MVAR/phase). The calculated voltage
drop is 2.3 kV and the corresponding percentage voltage drop is 1.7 %. The
calculated phase angle flicker 5V is 4.6 kV and the corresponding phase angle
change A5 is 1.9 degrees. The voltage drop at the 22.8 kV bus and the 230 kV bus
are calculated for the furnace operation without a compensator and with a 15
MVAR compensator. The frequency range of the voltage fluctuations for an arc
furnace load is (0.167 - 1.67) fluctuations/s (see Figure 9.6). From Figure 9.5, the
threshold of perception in percentage voltage change is (0.4% - 0.5%) and the
threshold of objection is 1.1%. The calculated percentage voltage changes at the
22.8 kV bus are plotted and the following ranges are identified:
• No flicker region.
• Border line of visibility.
• Flicker region.
The acceptable ranges of operation are the no flicker range and border line of
visibility. The calculated ranges are shown in Figures 9.8 through 9.10 for
various voltage tap positions of the arc furnace transformer.
Flicker due to one furnace without compensator - The flicker voltage drop at
the 22.8 kV bus at various load conditions and tap positions is shown in Figure
9.8. The flicker voltage drop due to the operation of the furnace alone without
capacitive compensation falls within the flicker region for all the tap positions
and load levels. The corresponding phase angle deviation is shown in Figure 9.9.
The phase angle deviation will not produce significant flicker.
The calculated flicker voltage drop at the 230 kV bus due to the operation of the
furnace alone is shown in Reference [4]. It can be seen that the furnace can handle
a maximum of 14 MW with tap-changer position 1 without exceeding the flicker
limits. Evidently, the arc furnace operating range is severely restricted if the flicker
limits are observed.
10 15 20 25
Effect of two simultaneous furnace loads - A typical load cycle when two
furnaces operate simultaneously is shown in Figure 9.11. Arc furnace 1 operates
in the melting mode for about 100 minutes at three control settings. Then furnace
1 goes into the refining mode for a duration of 14 minutes. Simultaneously,
furnace 2 is switched into the melting mode. The real power, reactive power and
the demand MVA of both furnaces, the filter MVAR and the resulting total flow
at the 22.8 kV bus when both the furnaces are in operation are:
Figure 9.10 Flicker Voltage Drop at the 22.8 kV Bus With Filters
The calculated flicker voltage change at the 22.8 kV bus is 0.49% per phase. This
flicker voltage change is within the flicker limits. The corresponding flicker voltage
drop at the 230 kV bus is 0.13% and this value is also within the allowed flicker
limits. Therefore, when both furnaces are in operation simultaneously, for the load
conditions shown in Figure 9.11, the flicker can be controlled within the allowed
1 16.08 4.71
2 15.14 4.70
3 14.30 4.68
4 12.82 4.67
5 11.83 5.52
6 9.40 5.43
7 7.35 5.36
The above values correspond to the borderline of visibility. Any attempt to draw
more power by the furnace will produce flicker.
In order to limit the flicker to an acceptable value of 1.1% voltage drop at the 230
kV bus with capacitive compensators, the following operational limits apply. When
only one furnace is in operation, the maximum permissible operating power (P) and
reactive power (Q) levels that can be attained without causing flicker at the 230 kV
bus are listed in Table 9.3.
1 26.10 17.17
2 24.10 17.12
3 22.27 17.07
4 18.95 17.03
5 14.57 17.69
6 10.64 9.66
7 7.66 7.30
The above values correspond to the borderline of visibility at the 230 kV bus. Any
attempt to draw more power by the furnace will produce flicker. From this study it
can be seen that one furnace can be operated at over its intended range of load
levels without causing flicker at the 230 kV bus.
The power and reactive power fluctuations cause flicker and can be compensated to
reduce the voltage fluctuations. In order to absorb the undesirable real power
swings, the use of a motor generator set, switching resistance or Superconducting
Magnetic Energy Storage (SMES) system can be used. To control the reactive
power variations static var controllers are used.
Motor-generator set - Any pulsed load real power requirements can be supplied
from a motor generator set operating as a buffer device between the power supply
and the pulsed load. These machines are equipped with large flywheels on the shafts
in order to store and discharge transient energy pulses. The generator can pick up
speed and store energy in the flywheel during the invert cycle of the pulsed load.
During the convert or rectify part of the cycle, the stored energy is released from the
flywheel and the generator speed falls. Thus, the storage and discharge of energy
through the flywheel generator on a regular basis ensures power fluctuations are not
transmitted to the utility side of the power system. The initial cost of the motor-
generator set including the installation is significant. Also, rotating machines need
considerable maintenance. Further, the running cost of the motor-generator set will
be appreciable and may include a full time operator attendance. Furthermore, the
reactive power requirements of the M-G set and the load must be supplied from the
utility or through shunt capacitors.
Switched resistance - The reverse power flow to the utility (from the load such as
an accelerator) can be absorbed by suitable switching resistances connected
between the phases and ground. The maximum power rating of the resistance bank
will be equal to the peak power during the negative cycle and the amount of energy
wasted will be significant. Further, the dissipation of the heat developed in the
resistance will need careful consideration.
with L being the inductance of the coil and I the current through the coil. Energy
exchange between the coil and the ac system can be achieved through solid-state
converters. It may be possible to control both real power and reactive power
through the use of four quadrant converters.
A Static Var Controller (SVC) - Since the power factor and the voltage profile
change dynamically, thyristor switched capacitors are suitable for dynamic reactive
power compensation and power factor correction. These devices need minimum
maintenance and produce minimum harmonics. A typical SVC scheme is shown in
Figure 9.12. The filters can be tuned to mitigate the dominant harmonic frequencies.
The location of the SVC which can supply the required reactive power and perform
harmonic filtering should be close to the pulsed load which is the source of the
Figure 9.12 SVC For a Fluctuating Load
In this Chapter, the nature of fluctuating loads as the source of flicker is identified.
A mathematical model for flicker analysis is presented. Based on the industry
standards, the acceptable flicker levels are presented. A case study is presented for
an ac arc furnace load and the flicker calculations are shown. This approach can be
used for any type of flicker calculations. However, suitable judgement needs to be
used in using the flicker curve and the conclusions on specific installations.
1. Is it possible to control the flicker effects using static capacitors? Discuss the
limitations, if any.
4. What is the difference between the ac arc furnace and the dc arc furnace?
Which one is more efficient? What are the other factors used in the selection of
the arc furnace?
Direct solution - Using electrical equivalent circuits of the network, the integro-
differential equations are written. The equations are solved for closed form solution
in time domain. In the complex cases, Laplace transformation, Fourier
transformation and Z-transformation can be used to derive a time domain solution.
Once the transfer function is represented in an equation, then the time domain
solution can be calculated and plotted. This procedure is suitable for small
Fault clearing - When a fault (such as three-phase fault or a single line to ground
fault) occurs in a power system, the current or voltage in some parts of the system
exceeds the nominal values. The relaying identifies such condition and opens the
appropriate circuit breaker to clear the fault.
Back up fault clearing - When a fault occurs in a power system and the relay
close to the fault fails to act, then the relay in the next section acts and clears the
fault after a time delay. This is called back up fault clearing.
A one-line diagram of the given system is prepared for the switching surge study.
The components of the system are identified and the data are verified. The
following assumptions are made in the switching surge modeling and analysis:
• The switched lines are considered to be unloaded, since such conditions exist
in the power system during initial energization and in the event of line outages
and subsequent restoration.
Source - The model consists of the appropriate source impedances and an ideal ac
voltage source. The remote sources are represented by a Thevenin equivalent,
which is calculated from the three-phase short circuit current and single line to
ground fault current values as shown below:
X, =V ph /I scc . 3 (10.1)
X, + X2 +Xo-V p h /I a l (10.3)
It is assumed that X] = X2. Using a X/R ratio for the source, the equivalent source
resistance is calculated.
Example 10.1 - The three phase and SLG short circuit currents at a 138 kV
substation are 18,000 A and 15,000 A respectively. Calculate the source impedance
at the substation and represent the source by a suitable transient model.
Solution - The positive and zero sequence impedances are calculated below.
It is assumed that X] = Xi. Using a X/R ratio of 10, the positive and zero sequence
resistance values are calculated.
The source voltages of the equivalent generator are represented as a cosine wave
C <BUS-xKAmplitude<Frequency<-TO:PhiO<—0=PhiO<-Ignore-><—Tstart<—Tstop
14 GENA 112.676 60. 180. 0. -1. 9999.
14 GENB 112.676 60. 60. 0. -1. 9999.
14 GENC 112.676 60. -60. 0. -1. 9999.
In the case of the delta connection, the program requires that a path to ground be
provided. A floating delta is not allowed since the voltages are defined with respect
to ground. If a transmission line is connected to the delta side, the line charging
capacitance provides a connection to the ground; otherwise, a value of 0.003 micro-
Farads is used.
Example 10.2 - Consider a 50 MVA, 138 kV/25 kV, delta/wye transformer with a
reactance of 10%. The resistance is calculated based on a typical X/R ratio of 20.
Calculate a model for a transient analysis.
The saturation characteristics from the output of the transients program are:
Xm=-(Xo-Xl) (10.5)
Cs = -(C 0 + 2 Cl) (10.6)
Cm=-(C0-Cl) (10.7)
For the energization study, the circuit breaker closing and the opening times are
specified. For de-energization studies, the circuit breaker is closed to begin with and
the opening times are specified. An example circuit breaker model for energization
is shown below between nodes Cl and C2:
C BUS->BUS-><—Tclose<—Topen< le 1
CIA C2A 13.031E-3 9999999 0 3
C1B C2B 13.711E-3 9999999 0 3
C1C C2C 12.308E-3 9999999 0 3
The data required for the statistical switching are mean closing time, standard
deviation, delay time for the dependent switches and the number of times the
closing operations are to be performed. A typical standard deviation value of 1.0 ms
for each of the three switches is used. The delay time between phase A to B and
phase A to C are taken as 0.0 ms and 0.5 ms respectively. A mean closing time of
13.0ms is used.
Shunt reactors - The extra high voltage overhead lines produce significant reactive
power due to the phase to ground charging shunt capacitance. Also, due to the
Ferranti effect, the open end of the overhead line experiences a higher voltage than
the sending end voltage and this may exceed the allowable voltage tolerances.
Therefore, shunt reactors are used to compensate the reactive power requirements
and to retain the open-end voltages within specified limits. A fixed or switched
reactor can be used from the operation point of view. Typical values of shunt
compensation range from 40% to 80%. However, in all the circuits the harmonic
resonance has to be assessed in all operating conditions. Further, the fixed reactors
can cause resistive and reactive power loss at all loading conditions. Based on these
considerations the required switchable and fixed reactors are chosen. The
calculation and modeling of a shunt reactor are illustrated through an example. An
example shunt reactor is shown in Figure 10.2 (a).
Example 10.3 - Consider a 100-mile-long three-phase overhead line for a 500 kV,
60 Hz, and three-phase transmission system. The line charging is 2.1 MVAR per
mile. What is the value of the fixed shunt reactor to compensate 20% of the line
charging? Present a model for the transient analysis.
Solution - The reactance and the resistance of the shunt reactor are calculated in
Figure 10.2 Single Phase Representation of Shunt Reactor and Filter Bank
Capacitor or filter bank - Shunt capacitors are used in the power system for
power factor correction applications. The filter banks are tuned reactor and
capacitor combination used to correct the power factor and control the harmonics
simultaneously. Knowing the component ratings, such filter banks can be
modeled for the transient analysis. An example 4.9th harmonic filter bank with a
rating of 4.65 MVAR, 13.8 kV, 4.53 mH (1.708 Ohm) and 63.95 micro-Farad is
represented for transient analysis as follows between node Al and ground. A 5
harmonic filter bank circuit is shown in Figure 10.2 (b).
Input and output data - The mathematical model/numerical data described above
for the various components are combined into a complete input file for the
switching surge analysis. The data is organized in the following manner:
System used in the study - A case study is presented with a 345 kV source
represented at 1.0 P.U. A three-phase simulation circuit for the system is shown in
Figure 10.3. The parameters of the 203 km overhead line given at 60 Hz are:
203 KM
Phase A
345 kV Line ENDA
Phase B
10.3.1 Energization
Effect of line models - The overhead line was modeled using various numbers of pi
circuits and the overvoltages were studied. Also, the symmetrical component model
was used in the energization study. The calculated overvoltages at both ends of the
line are listed in Table 10.1.
Table 10.1 Voltages in P.U. at Both Ends of the Line for Different Line Models
Phase A
Time, s
Phase B
Time, s
Phase C
Figure 10.5 Voltages at the Open End of the Line During Energization
With sixteen pi circuits, the overvoltage magnitudes are the maximum. With two or
four pi circuit models the deviation in the result is not significant. With a
symmetrical component model the calculated overvoltages are much less than the pi
circuit model. These results are presented to show the sensitivity of the model
towards the output results.
Table 10.2 Voltages in P.U. at Both Ends of the Line for Different Time Steps
From the calculated overvoltages, for delta t <50 microseconds, the results are
practically identical. With a time step of 100 microseconds the deviation become
noticeable, but the results are still acceptable.
10.3.2 De-energization
The circuit breaker is open in order to de-energize the lines. The breaker is opened
at a specific time and the electrical circuit opens at respective current zeros in
various phases. The voltage wave at the open end of the line is presented in Figure
10.6. It can be seen that the voltages go to the dc mode and line charges stay on the
lines. This is due to the presence of the charging capacitance of the transmission
lines. Another waveform of importance is the transient recovery voltage (TRV)
across the circuit breaker. The TRV waveforms are shown in Figure 10.7. The
maximum overvoltage and the TRV during de-energization are 2.1 P.U. and 2.5
P.U. respectively. If the TRV magnitudes exceed the circuit breaker allowed
ratings, then there may be a restrike at the circuit breaker blades.
3.00 -r-
10.3.3 Reclosing
This is the process of reconnecting the three-phase source to the transmission line
with trapped charges in the line by closing the circuit breaker. Such an operation is
performed in order to minimize the time of discontinuity in the service. In this case
the lines are reclosed with -0.9, -0.8 and 0.8 P.U. voltages. The voltages at the open
end of the line are produced in Figure 10.8. The overvoltage magnitudes in the line
at the switch end and at the line end are listed in Table 10.3.
From Table 10.3, it can be seen that the maximum overvoltage magnitudes due to
the presence of trapped charges are 2.839 P.U. The corresponding overvoltage
magnitude in the absence of trapped charges is 2.873 P.U.
Figure 10.8 Voltage Waveforms at the Line End During Energization with Trapped
Charges in the Line
It is assumed that a single line to ground fault occurs at one phase of the open line,
in phase A. The circuit breaker is open and the voltage waveforms are studied. The
phase voltages at the end of the line are illustrated in Figure 10.9. It can be seen that
the voltage of the faulted line is zero and the unfaulted lines have a maximum of 2.5
P.U. The circuit breaker TRY voltage waveforms are shown in Figure 10.10. The
maximum TRY is 2.4 P.U.
Time, s
Source Fault
Breaker with Stuck Breaker
Consider two lines connected to the source as shown in Figure 10.11. If there is a
fault at the open end of the line and the circuit breaker B fails to clear, then the
circuit breaker A is operated to clear the fault. Such an operation is called back
up fault clearing. The switching surge results are similar to the fault clearing
cases and are not shown.
The allowed peak switching surge voltages are compared with the calculated
switching surge voltages. In all the cases, the peak switching surge voltage has to be
less than the allowed switching surge voltage.
Transient Recovery Voltage (TRV): The TRVs are the voltages measured across
the circuit breaker poles during opening. The severity of a TRV depends on both
the magnitude and the rate of rise of the voltage across the opening circuit breaker
poles. Based on ANSI Standard C37.09 [4], the allowable TRV values for various
circuits are given in Table 10.4.
Base peak voltage of the 345 kV system = (V2/V3) 345 kV = 408 kV.
Reclosing: The overvoltages produced due to reclosing is 2.839 P.U. and exceeds
the switching surge capabilities of most of the 345 kV system equipment. As noted
above the approach to reduce the switching voltages with trapped charges are
discussed in section 10.6.
Fault clearing - The overvoltage produced due to fault clearing is 2.5 P.U. with a
TRY of 2.18 P.U. These voltages are not acceptable.
Switching Surge
Arrester Size Discharge Voltage (on 145 kV Rase)
The surge arrester will conduct during energization, reclosing and whenever the
switching surge sparkover voltage exceeds 2.18 P.U. It should be noted that surge
arresters are often used even if the transient overvoltages are moderate, because of
the resulting risk reduction. Also, the surge arrester is very viable equipment in
handling the overvoltages due to lightning surges.
Many approaches are used to limit the switching transients at the source. Some of
the approaches used are application of synchronous closing, pre-insertion resistors,
pre-insertion inductors, shunt reactors in high voltage circuits and series inductors in
low voltage circuits. Some approaches are discussed below.
Va, P.U. Vb, P.U. Vc, P.U.
At the switch end 1.519 1.470 1.581
Line end 1.752 1.621 1.610
The maximum overvoltages at the line end without and with closing resistor in the
circuit breaker are 2.873 P.U. and 1.752 P.U. respectively. The transients with pre-
insertion resistor are within acceptable limits.
Series inductor - In the capacitor switching and substation short circuit current
reduction applications, series inductors are used. The approach to use a series
inductor in short circuit current reduction is discussed in Chapter 4.
Synchronous closing control - For this type of application, the circuit breakers are
timed on pole-by-pole basis using an electronic control circuit. Using such circuit
breakers, the poles are closed at receptive voltage zeros and this approach reduces
the energization transients significantly. In shunt capacitor banks and transmission
lines, synchronous closing is used effectively to control the high frequency
oscillations. For transformers and shunt reactors, the synchronous closing is used to
switch these devices at the voltage peaks in order to reduce the high magnitude,
heavily distorted inrush current associated with the magnetic circuits. The inrush
current can cause difficulties for the system protection and often require filtering of
harmonic components or time delays in protective relays. Peak voltage closing
would eliminate offset flux conditions and result in a smooth transition to
magnetizing current flow [10].
3. The 345 kV power system used in the example study is to be equipped with
shunt reactors with a rating of 25% of the line charging MVAR. Calculate the
rating of the shunt reactors at the two ends of the line. Perform an energization
study and evaluate the effect of shunt reactors on the transient overvoltage.
9. IEEE Standard C62.22, IEEE Guide for the Application of Metal Oxide
Surge Arresters for Alternating-Current Systems, 1991.
12. IEEE Standard 18, IEEE Standard for Shunt Capacitors, 1992.
From the basic heat transfer theory, the temperature drop ( A T) across a heat path
having a thermal resistance (Rth) is given by the Fourier Equation:
= WRth (11.1)
Equation (11.1) is analogous to Ohm's Law, where the voltage drop (Av),
corresponds to temperature drop ( A T), the current flow (I) corresponds to watts
flow (W) and the thermal resistance (Rth) corresponds to electrical resistance (R).
The analogous Ohm's Law is given by:
Therefore, in order to evaluate the cable temperatures, the heat loss components and
The inverse of the thermal conductivity is the thermal resistivity (pth= 1/K) with unit
meter-°C/Watt. Then the thermal resistance can be calculated as:
Rth = ^~ (11-4)
R = PL
— (H.5)
where p is the electrical resistivity. If the conductor loss (We) can be expressed in
terms of the current (I) and the ac resistance (Rac) as per equation (11.6):
We = I2 Rac (11.6)
If Rth is the thermal resistance of the conductor at ambient temperature, then the
temperature rise associated with the conductor loss can be written as:
Then the ampacity of the conductor can be calculated using the equation (11.7) as:
1= (11.8)
V Rac Rth
The same principle can be applied to any cable conductor to calculate the ampacity
for the given circuit and ambient conditions. For one-dimensional heat flow
analysis, equation (11.1) can be used and the corresponding thermal equivalent
circuit is shown in Figure 11.2.
We I Wd Ws Wp Tc-Ta
f (60-20)
1 = = 500 A
(40xlO" 6 )(4)
Heat sources - The losses (heat sources) in the cable system are:
Then the total conductor losses (We) per foot is given by:
Wc = 3I 2 Rd C (l+Y c ) (11.10)
Where Yc is the correction factor for the skin effect and eddy current losses. The
factor Yc is evaluated using the equations given in Reference [2]. Knowing the total
length of the cable circuit, the total copper losses can be calculated.
Dielectric Loss - In high voltage cables, the insulation of the cable is similar to the
dielectric in a capacitor with the ground acting as an electrode. When subjected to
an alternating current, the dielectric is charged and then discharged in every cycle.
Since the insulation is not a perfect dielectric, a small portion of this charging
energy is dissipated in the form of heat. The dielectric loss (Wd) per foot is
calculated as [2]:
0.00276 E 2 ef tan 0
Wd = 7 N— v(11-11)
' 2 T +D A '
10 D
The dielectric losses vary as the square of the voltage and are not a function of the
load current. Typical dielectric constants and dissipation factors for various
insulation materials are presented in Table 11.1.
Example 11.2 - In a 345 kV, 60 Hz, 2500 kcmil shielded cable conductor system,
the insulation thickness is 1.035 inch. The dielectric constant of the material is 3.5
and the dissipation factor is 0.0027. The diameter of the conductor is 1.824 inch.
Estimate the dielectric loss per foot for the cable.
0.00276 — (3.5)(0.0027)
Dielectric loss = - 3 . 1 4 Watts/foot
10 i L824
Shield loss - The shield is used in high voltage cables to prevent excessive voltage
stress on voids between conductor and insulation. In other words, the shield is
provided to confine the dielectric field within the cable. The shield losses are a
function of the load current and are due to eddy current and hysteresis losses. If the
shield is grounded at more than one point, the hazard due to the induced voltage rise
is minimized. However, a circulating current occurs in the shield producing
additional I R losses and heat. For a three-phase system of cables installed in an
equilateral position with spacing S between the cables, the total losses are given by
the following:
W s = 31 R s (11.12)
Rs (11.13)
I = Phase current, A
Xm = 52.92 log (S/rm), Micro-Ohms/foot
There are other methods of calculating the shield losses based on different
assumptions and one such approach is described in Reference [2].
Pipe loss - The pipe or conduit is a cylindrical envelope around the cables, carrying
the dielectric fluid. Since the three-phase cable is installed in a magnetic conduit,
eddy current and hysteresis losses are produced in the pipe. The equation for the
pipe losses (Wp) per inch due to a balanced three-phase system with three
conductors is given by [2]:
Therefore, knowing the cable current and mean pipe diameter, the total pipe
losses are calculated.
Total Loss - The sum of the conductor loss, dielectric loss, shield loss and the pipe
loss gives the total loss in a cable installation. The calculated load components are
used to evaluate the temperature rise in the cable circuit.
The heat generated by the losses in various components is conducted through the
thermal resistances. In Figure 11.2, the thermal resistance components are shown
for a typical cable installation. The thermal resistances are for the cable insulation,
the jacket, the air space in the conduit, the conduit, the concrete and the surrounding
earth. The thermal resistance is equivalent to the thermal Ohm-feet and has the unit
of degree C-feet/W. The thermal resistance components are described below.
Resistance between cable and conduit - The air space between the cable and the
conduit is usually surrounded by the air medium and offers a resistance to the heat
flow. The resistance value depends on the cable diameter, conduit diameter, the
number of conductors in the conduit and ambient temperature of the medium.
Resistance due to cooling oil - Sometimes, the cables are installed in a pipe
surrounded by a cooling oil circulated under pressure. The thermal resistance value
depends on the cable and pipe diameters and the type of cooling oil.
Thermal resistance of the backfill material - The low voltage cables are buried
in backfill materials. Such arrangement provides a different thermal resistance to the
heat flow.
Thermal resistance between the conduit and the earth - The final thermal
resistance to the heat flow to the earth is between the conduit and the earth. The
thermal resistivity of the soil and the depth of burial have a greater influence on the
numerical value of the thermal resistance.
Using the thermal analysis of the cable (see Figure 11.2), the total losses in the
system due to the conductor I2R, dielectric, shield and pipe losses are calculated for
the desired length of the cable circuit. Also, the thermal resistances of all the
relevant layers involved in the heat dissipation are calculated as explained above.
In the thermal equivalent circuit, the heat sources are We, Wd, Ws and Wp. The
thermal resistance Rx corresponds to the medium surrounding the pipes; air or
water or thermal backfill material. For the temperature rise calculations an
appropriate medium surrounding the cable pipe is selected. Using the basic
principle outlined in equation (11.1), the temperature values at the pipe (Tp), shield
(Ts) and at the conductor (Tc) are calculated from the thermal equivalent circuit
shown in Figure 11.2, using the following equations:
The temperature calculations in the presence of various media surrounding the cable
pipe are discussed below.
When several cable circuits are installed adjacent to each other, the temperature
rise of each circuit is affected by the mutual effects. The solution involves the use
of simultaneous equations since the ampacity of the cable circuit installations
depends on the current through each cable circuit. It can be seen that the ampacity
of the cables located in the center of the installation will be less than the ampacity of
the cables located on the top. Therefore, the computer-aided approach is used in
the calculation of the ampacity of large number of cable circuits.
Cable installation - The cables are usually installed under the surface for all the
urban applications involving the distribution systems. In generating stations and
certain other applications, the cables are installed in the aerial trays. In the under-
the-surface burials the following are commonly used:
Figure 11.4 shows the directly buried three cables and directly buried using cables
in the duct bank in the concrete. In several applications the number of cables placed
close to each other interact causing temperature rise on other cable circuits.
The data required for the cable ampacity calculations and the temperature rise are
discussed below. The data are related to the system, duct bank, cable location,
cable construction and installation.
O 0 0
with Three
Figure 11.4 Directly Buried Cable (A) and Buried Cable Using a Duct (B)
System data - The basic system data identifies the system voltage, frequency
and the ambient conditions.
Duct bank or backfill data - The duct bank data provides the coordinates of the
cable locations. The required data are (refer to Figure 11.5):
Conduit and cable location data - The number of conduit locations and the
corresponding coordinates are required.
"" ^s_*|
* Xr J
Conduit and pipe data - The conduit and the pipe dimensions are required in
the loss calculations and the temperature rise calculations.
Conductor data - The conductor and the cable-related data are identified as
• Conductor type.
• Conductor size, kcmil.
• Electrical resistivity, cmil.Ohm/ft.
• Temperature for electrical resistance, degree C.
• Zero of temperature coefficient of resistance, degree C.
• Skin effect correction factor.
• Relative transverse conductance factor.
• Diameter of the conductor, inch.
• Diameter over conductor screen, inch.
• Dielectric constant.
• Dissipation factor.
• Thermal resistivity, degree C-cm/W.
• Thickness of insulation, inch.
• Diameter over insulation, inch.
• Diameter over insulation screen, inch.
• Diameter over sheath bedding, inch.
Cable circuit data - The data of the cable circuits are identified next.
The cable ampacity program is prepared to assist the evaluation and design of
practical underground systems. The programs are available to support different
cable types ranging from single conductor and pipe type to three-phase cables.
There are different types of installations such as air media, water media, back-fill
conditions and duct banks. The program has to identify each cable with its own
installation and cable types. In certain studies at the beginning of the project, there
may not be enough data and the program has to offer default dimensions and data to
perform preliminary calculations. Also, the cable parameters are very tedious to
input and sometimes, a library data may be helpful in preparing or editing the
needed data for the analysis. Offering a complete library of cable data is a very
extensive effort. The steady state and transient results are always useful. The steady
state results are always in the tables, while the transient results are in the graphic
There are cable ampacity programs available for the transient analysis as well. In
summary, these programs can be used to evaluate the following:
Some of these programs can display the conduit or pipe location drawings and the
outputs in the graphic format.
Steady state analysis - The steady state thermal analysis results include the
maximum possible ampacities with the maximum desired temperature limits that
can be set on unequally loaded cables. The program has to calculate the conductor
temperatures when the cable ampacities are specified. Also, the steady state cable
ampacities are to be calculated while the current through the other cables are
known. Usually, the normal rating, short-term emergency rating and long-term
emergency rating of a cable are used in the utility applications. The later ratings are
developed by the utilities based on their own program or by measurements. For
definitions of these terms, see Chapter 3. The normal and emergency temperatures
of the conductor for various cables are presented in Table 11.3.
Example 113 - Calculate the cable ampacity of a three-phase 132 kV system when
Solution - The input data is prepared in a systematic manner and the data are
presented on an item-by-item basis.
List 11.1 Program Input Parameters for the Cable Ampacity Calculations
Location Number 2
X Coordinate = 17.0 inch
Y Coordinate = -38.0 inch
A cable ampacity program was used in the calculations and the output of the
program is presented below.
Ckt Yc Ys Yp qe qs
1 0.0260 0.1439 0.0000 1.1403 1.1403
2 0.0278 0.1518 0.0000 1.1477 1.1477
System Data
The calculated temperature rise of the conductor and the duct are given in the
summary along with the current and MVA rating of the cable. Based on the analysis
criteria, the applicability of the cable can be assessed. The location of the duct bank
and the respective coordinates are shown in Figure 11.6.
#1 #
t \.
1 ^"^ Backfill ^^ 1
^ <----^
1 Q"±
9 ,
< 24.2" ^j
1. What are the sources of heat in a pipe type cable? If the cable is directly buried
in backfill material, then identify the heat loss components.
2. What are the thermal resistance components responsible for the temperature
rise in a directly buried cable?
3. Is it desirable to leave the cable circuits just on the surface of the earth without
any support or backfill material? Explain.
In a balanced three-phase power system, there will not be any ground currents
during normal operation. However, in the event of system faults, there will be
significant currents through the neutral conductors and ground paths. Such fault
currents tend to increase the voltage on the surface of the substation and equipment
connected to the substation. In order to limit the voltage rise on the surface and
equipment, loops of ground grids are introduced below the surface of the soil. The
ground grids are designed to limit the voltage on the surface and on the equipment.
The allowable touch and step voltages in a substation area, and the ground grid
design to limit the step and touch voltages are discussed in this Chapter. Since the
ground grid design and evaluation procedure involves significant mathematical
background, computer programs are used to perform such calculations. The
required input data and the output data available from such programs are also
discussed in this Chapter. The acceptable step and touch voltages are calculated
based on the IEEE standard 80 [1]. The objective of a ground grid design is to limit
electric shock related accidents. The circumstances leading to the shock accidents
• Duration of the fault and body current for a sufficient time to cause harm at
the given current intensity.
Allowable limits of body current - The safety issues under study depend on the
magnitude and duration of the current flowing through the vital areas of the body.
The threshold of perception is generally agreed to be at current flows of about one
mA. Higher currents of the order of 9 to 25 mA may be quite painful and may
result in lack of muscular control sufficient to make it difficult to release an
energized object held by the hand. For greater current, muscular contractions may
make breathing difficult.
However, at still higher currents, death may occur due to a heart condition known as
ventricular fibrillation. Hence, the threshold of ventricular fibrillation is of major
concern; if shock currents can be kept below this value, deaths or injury will be
avoided. Much higher currents can be tolerated without causing fibrillation if the
duration is very short. Dalziel [1] concludes that 99.5% of all men could withstand,
without ventricular fibrillation, currents determined by the equation:
Ib = KA/ts (12.1)
Equation 12.1 is based on tests in the range of 0.03 to 3.0 seconds duration.
Usually, the primary fault clearing time is used. Where fast-operating protective
devices can be relied upon to limit fault duration, the corresponding fault clearing
time can be used.
Vstep70 = (1000 +6 C s p s )—r— (12.3)
The K factor can be calculated using the IEEE standard 80 graph reproduced in
Figure 12.2. The factor K is given by:
P ~ P,
K= (12.4)
P + Ps
p = Soil resistivity at a depth hs, Ohm-m
Allowable touch voltage - If a person standing one meter away from the
substation equipment touches the substation equipment, then the voltage
experienced is the touch voltage. This condition is illustrated in Figure 12.3. The
allowed touch voltage (VtoUch 50 and VtoUch 70) for the 50-kg and 70-kg person can
be calculated using the following relations:
Figure 12.1 The Concept and Equivalent Circuit of the Step Voltage
1.0 *"
I I i i i I i i i I T i
0 0.04 0.08 0.12 0.16 0.20 0.24
h, (METERS) »•-
Figure 12.3 The Concept and Equivalent Circuit of the Touch Voltage
Solution - With only one layer of soil, the allowable touch and step voltages are:
The reduction factor (Cs) is calculated from Figure 8 of the IEEE Standard 80,
page 41, Cs = 1.0.
Vtouch 50 = ( 1000 + 1.5 (1 .0)(40.8))
6(1.0)(40.8))-7=- = 323v
It can be seen that a layer of crushed stone on the surface helps to increase the
allowable touch and step voltages.
Using the above approach the allowable step and touch voltage limits are
determined. The grounding system can be designed such that the step and touch
voltages are kept within the calculated safe limits. The analysis consists of the
following steps:
Soil resistivity - The first step in the design of a grounding system involves
investigation of soil characteristics at the station, often to a reasonable depth. The
average resistivity of the various soils is given in Table 12.1.
The potential rise of a grounding system during ground fault conditions is directly
proportional to the resistance of the grounding system. Resistance of the grounding
system is also important for the satisfactory operation of over current devices.
Hence, it is essential to predict the resistance of the grounding system before its
actual installation. Electrical resistivity of the soil can be measured by tests, using
Effect of voltage gradient - The ground resistance is not affected by the voltage
gradient unless it is greater than (2 - 3) 103 Volts/cm. When this value is exceeded,
arcs will start at the electrode surface and progress into ground so as to increase the
effective size of the electrode which the soil can withstand. Since the substation
ground system is normally designed to keep gradients well below these critical
values, the resistance and resistivity can be assumed to be unaffected.
Effect of moisture - The resistivity of the soil rises abruptly when the moisture
content falls below 22% by weight. It is therefore necessary that the electrode
system should be buried deep enough to ensure contact with permanently moist soil.
Where this is not possible, greater dependence will usually be placed on a well-
distributed system of vertical rods bonded to the ground grid and reaching deep
layers. Crushed rock coverings, usually about six inches in depth are helpful in
retarding evaporation of moisture and thus limiting the drying out of the top layer.
Effect of temperature - Resistivity of soil rises abruptly when the temperature falls
below 32°F. The ground grid electrode system should extend below the frost line
wherever feasible to minimize seasonal variation of the grounding system
resistance. Further, the overall resistance of the ground grid varies with season due
to the summer and winter temperature variations.
Assess the type and location of those ground faults that are likely to produce the
greatest flow of current between the grounding grid and surrounding earth
producing the greatest rise in grid potential with respect to remote earth.
Calculate the fault current division factor Sf for each of the faults selected and
establish the corresponding values of symmetrical grid current Ig.
For each fault, based on its duration time, determine the value of decrement factor
to allow for the effects of asymmetry of the fault current wave.
That portion of the symmetrical ground fault current (Ig) that flows between the
grounding grid and surrounding earth. It may be expressed as:
Ign^Dflg (12.8)
Different types of faults may occur in the system. Possible types of ground faults
include the following:
In a power system, it may be difficult to determine the type of fault and location that
will result in the maximum flow of current between the ground grid and the
surrounding earth. In this analysis, the single-line-to-ground and the double line-to-
ground faults are considered. The effect of the fault resistance is negligible. The
zero sequence current for a single line-to ground fault is given by:
T =
o :(X1 + X2 + XO): (12-9)
For a double line-to-ground fault:
I =V ^ (12.10)
0 X l ( X O + X2) + X2XO
The values X,, X2, and X0 are computed looking into the system from the point of
fault. Knowing the zero sequence fault current, the total fault current can be
calculated. Computer programs are available to calculate the various fault currents
Conductor size - Each element of the ground system including grid conductors,
joints, connecting ground leads and grounding electrodes should be designed to
resist fusing and mechanical deterioration of electric joints under the most
adverse combination of fault currents and fault duration. The conductor should
have sufficient conductivity so that it will not contribute substantially to dangerous
local voltage differences. The area of the copper conductor and its points against
fusing can be determined from the following equation [2]:
A=lKfJT (12.11)
v ^
where I = Rms fault current, A
A = Area of the conductor, circular mils
tc - current duration, seconds
Kf = Constant from the following Table 12.2
Usually the conductor size is selected based on standard annealed soft copper wire
with brazed joints on ambient temperature (Ta) of 40°C and maximum temperature
(Tm) of 450°C. Knowing the magnitude of the current and time duration the
required conductor area can be evaluated. The material constant various conductors
are presented in Table 12.2.
Example 12.2 - Determine the conductor size for a grounding grid with a
maximum of 20,000 A. The fault duration is 3 seconds.
Solution - Using equation (12.11) and K = 7.01 from Table 12.2, the conductor
size is:
A = (20,000 A) (7.01) V3 =243,000 circular mils
Ground grid potentials - The step voltage, the touch voltage and the ground grid
potential rise are evaluated for each substation grid. Equations used to calculate the
step, touch and mesh voltages include geometric factors Km (for touch and mesh
voltage) and Ks (for step voltage). A grid irregularity factor K;, is incorporated into
the step, touch and mesh equations to compensate for assumptions and
simplifications made in development of the equations.
To compensate for the fact that the mathematical model of N parallel conductors
cannot fully account for the effects of grid geometry, the formula K; = /172n +.656
has been introduced. The step voltage can be calculated by using the equation
defined in IEEE Standard 80-1986.
\r . =^V V • —2. / 1 0 1 0\
VstCp JS.S iv] (LZ..LZ.)
Where L = Lc+Lr (with ground grid and no ground rod)
n V2h D+h 2D 3D
To compensate for the fact that the mathematical model of N parallel conductors
can not fully account for the effects of grid geometry, the formula Kj = 0.172 N
+.656 has been introduced. In the design of a ground grid, local gradients should be
kept under control for personnel safety.
Transfer voltages are more difficult to limit and usually require isolation or
other special treatment.
The touch voltage (Vt) at any distance (x) from the perimeter conductor is
calculated as follows:
l , (h + x ) ( D + x ) 1 (2D + x)
V t = — In--^- - + ~ln 2 D 7n
hdD *•
The mesh voltage tends to be highest in the mesh rectangle nearest to the perimeter.
The mesh voltage at the center of the mesh is:
l 2
Km = ( —Ini I ° (2.16)
In 16hd JtH
Design of ground grid system - The design of a grid will start with an inspection
of the layout plan for equipment and structures. A continuous cable should surround
the grid perimeter to enclose the area as to avoid current concentration. Within the
grid, the conductors are laid in parallel lines at uniform spacing. The conductors
should be located along rows of structures or equipment.
For more complex schemes involving several crossing wires or multiple rods, the
mutual influence of the individual elements enter the picture. The resistance of an
intermeshed horizontal ground grid network can be written as follows:
pp 2L L
Rll = - (loge - + Kl-7=-K2) (12.19)
Where ai = Va*2z for conductors buried at depth of z meters or
ai = a for conductors on earth surface
2a = Diameter of the conductor, m
A = Area covered by conductor, square meters
Ki, K 2 = Coefficients from IEEE Standard 80, Figure 18
The combined resistance of several closely spaced ground rods is expressed as:
R11 + R22-2R12
The coefficients KI and K2 are dependent on the grid geometry, primary the length
to width ratio of the ground grid, and are determined from Figure 18 of IEEE
standard 80. Extending the concept of mutual resistance between elements to
evaluate the resistance of a grounding system comprised of several interconnected
ground grids:
There are several programs available to perform the grounding grid analysis or
design. These programs analyze the substation grounding grid design, given the
total electric current injected into the grid. The grounding grid can be single or
multiple structures. A multiple grounding structure can be two or more
embedded system of conductors, which are not electrically connected. Some of
the grounded grids are:
The required data for the program for the analysis include the following:
T1 >,
1 1:K >< K ^
ir i
F2 F5 F6 _
F3' —
s:5 k V
The soil resistivity at a depth of 3 feet is 30.1 Ohm-m. The resistivity of crushed
stones used on the surface of the substation is 2,500 Ohm-m. The maximum fault
current through the ground grid is 13,000 A. The fault is cleared in 12 cycles. The
substations will be installed with 6 inches of crushed rock on the surface. The three
substations are interconnected and the dimensions of the interconnection cables are:
Solution - The output of the program is presented in List 12.1. The output contains
all the input data and the calculated parameters. Based on the results, the three
ground grid designs are shown in Figures 12.5, 12.6 and 12.7 respectively. The
corresponding interconnections are shown in Figure 12.8. The summary of the
results from the program output is:
2 ,
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I 18, 9
U t-
144' r
C1 0
9 10
4 ?n
1 ?
/ 5 8
4 3 ^I 6 r
Example 12.4 - Consider a grounding grid located in a 130 feet by 40 feet area
with grid conductors at 19 feet spacing. A bare 4/0 AWG copper conductor is
used. The soil resistivity of the upper layer soil is 51.14 Ohm-meter and the
lower layer is 920.6 Ohm-meter. The depth of the upper layer is 10.05 feet. The
surface resistivity of the crushed rock layer is 2,500 Ohm-m. Calculate and plot
the potential profile at the substation and discuss the results [4].
Solution - The potential profile and the allowed touch voltage magnitudes are
calculated using a ground grid design program [5]. The potential profile at the
ground grid location is shown in Figure 12.9. The summary of the results is:
Increase the grounding area - The most effective way to decrease ground
resistance is by increasing the area occupied by the grid. Deep driven rods may or
may not decrease appreciably the local gradients, depending on the method used.
Usually, the substation location determines the available area.
Improvement of gradient control - If the mesh voltage is higher than the allowed
touch voltage, a modified ground grid can be designed by subdividing the meshes.
Koch's measurement results provide a valuable relation between various mesh
voltages and the ground grid potential rise. The result is available for various mesh
sizes as shown in Figure 12.10 [1]. In order to control the mesh voltage rise usually
additional grid conductors are added at the required locations. Then using Koch's
test results, the mesh voltages are calculated and compared with the allowable touch
Example 12.5 - A ground grid is shown in Figure 12.11 with 3 conductors on each
X and Y direction. The ground potential rise of the grid is 2,200 Volts. The
allowable touch voltage in this location is 700 Volts. Calculate the mesh voltage
rise and compare it with the allowable touch voltage. If the mesh voltage rise is not
acceptable, use the Koch's results to refine the ground grid design.
41 43 41 43
The voltages in the meshes marked by B, C and D are within allowable touch
Diverting of part of the fault current to other paths - The available fault current
magnitude may be reduced by connecting overhead ground wires of transmission
lines. In connection with the latter, the effect on fault gradients near tower footings
should be weighed.
Example 12.6 - The source voltage of the system is 13.2 kV, three-phase. The
maximum short circuit rating of the system is 250 MVA. A one-line diagram of the
system where the ground currents are evaluated is shown in Figure 12.12. The
maximum grid current magnitude is needed to design a new grounding grid at the
480 V level. The required current is calculated using a short circuit program. The
following assumptions are made in this study:
13.2 kV Source
Solution - The following data is used in this study to evaluate the maximum ground
grid currents in the example system.
Isolating Transformer
Rating = 2 MVA
Voltage =13.2kV/480V
Connection = Delta/Wye
Impedance = 6.5%
Grounding impedance for remedial case = 0.0 and 0.34 Ohm
A short circuit calculation program is used to evaluate the short circuit currents. The
output data are presented for both of the cases below.
Case 1. Estimate the short circuit current and current contribution to the ground
grid with Rg = 0.0 Ohms in the isolating transformer circuit.
Program Output
Fault Current Magnitudes, A
Bus L-L Voltage 3-Phase Line-Ground
Utility 13200V 10935
Sour 13200V 10579
480VBus 480V 37974 339701
Case 2. Estimate the short circuit current and current contribution to the ground
grid with Rg = 0.34 Ohms in the isolating transformer circuit.
Program Output
Fault Current Magnitudes, A
Bus L-L Voltage 3-Phase Line-Ground
Utility 13200V 10935
Sour 13200V 10579
480VBus 480V 37974 814
The various current components during the short circuit at the 480 V bus are listed
From the above list it can be seen that the maximum ground current depends on the
value of the transformer grounding impedance. With a solidly grounded neutral, the
ground grid current magnitude is very high and hence a large ground grid will be
required. In order to control the ground grid currents an impedance is recommended
in the transformer neutral circuit. The resistance is chosen such that the current
through the neutral circuit is above 500 A, in order to operate the protection
devices. With 0.34 Ohm resistor in the neutral circuit the ground grid current is 407
The fundamentals involved in the design of a grounding grid are analyzed in this
Chapter. The calculations of the allowable step and touch voltages are illustrated
with suitable examples. The use of a computer-aided design is presented with an
example. The effect of multiple grounding grids on the value of ground resistance to
remote earth is shown using an example. The approaches to improve the grounding
grids using various methods are presented. For additional readings on the grounding
and power system transients Reference [6] is an excellent source.
2. Calculate the conductor size for a ground grid to withstand a maximum current
of 25,000 A. The fault clearing time is 25 cycle.
5. Sometimes several ground grids are joined together to get an overall lower
resistance with respect to the remote earth. In the event of a fault in one
substation, what is expected in the other substations in terms of touch and step
1. IEEE Standard 80, Guide for Safety in Substation Grounding, June 1986.
The power system performance is evaluated for the steady state, temporary
overvoltages, switching overvoltages and fast front transients. Switching, faults and
lightning surges cause the overvoltages in a power system. In this Chapter,
overvoltages due to lightning surges are evaluated in the power system from the line
protection and safety points of view. Specifically, overvoltages due to lightning
strike are important in the insulation coordination and insulator flashover.
Therefore, this type of study is used to specify the surge arrester specifications for
system protection and optimum location of the arrester. Also, based on this study
sometimes the surge capacitors are installed to reduce the rate of rise of the surge
voltages. In this Chapter, the type of lightning surges, the effect of these surges on
the power system, the system modeling and example studies without and with
lightning arrester are presented.
The lightning surges interacting with the power system can be identified as direct
lightning stroke or back flashover.
y) + 2Cx
Ds (13.1)
Where C = V* 2 + ( h ~ y ) 2 (13.2)
G1 G2<? Cloud
R (max)
T y
A, B, C = Phase Conductors, Gl, G2 = Ground Conductors
Figure 13.1 Example for the Calculation of Maximum Lightning Current in the
Case of a Direct Stroke on a Phase Conductor
Is - (13.3)
The current source representing the lightning surge is dependent on the geometry
of the tower configuration. The field data shows that the lightning on the phase
conductor is responsible for overvoltages in about 90% of the cases.
Example 13.1 - Calculate the lightning strike current for a 345 kV system, with h
= 49.4 m, y = 42 m and x = 2.05 m. Is this a significant current to do any damage
to the tower, insulator or conductor?
Solution - Using equations 13.1 through 13.3, the equivalent current can be
This is a significant current on a 345 kV system. This type of current flow on a 345
kV system can cause considerable damage if the system is not protected
Back flashover - Lightning strokes are of very high potential with the capacity
to discharge hundreds of kilo- Ampere with low-rise time. The surges can strike
overhead neutral wires, towers or phase conductors and may produce
overvoltages sufficient to cause sparkover across the insulators. Since most of the
stroke current flows into the ground during the back flashover, the tower footing
resistance has a major impact on the overvoltages generated. The back flashover
causes a line to ground fault that will be cleared by a circuit breaker. A line
outage will result until the circuit breaker is reclosed. Typical range of lightning
surge characteristics causing the back flashover is:
The surge current from the tower or the neutral conductor to the phase conductor
is characterized by a sharp rise time and much smaller magnitude of the order of
10 to 20 kA.
The models are identified for each of the power system components used in the
transient simulation.
Circuit breaker - Depending on the nature of the study, the circuit breakers can be
represented as time-dependent or voltage-dependent switch.
Transformer - The model for multi-phase systems can be the typical two winding
transformer described in Chapter 10. For other transformers a capacitance
representation is adequate. Sometimes a damping resistor is used across the
Transmission lines or cables - If the surge impedance and the travel time is
available for the phase conductor and the ground conductor, such a model is
suitable for lightning surge analysis. Phase conductors and shield wires between
towers are represented individually in order to include the effects of tower
resistance and associated grounding effects. The insulators are represented with the
flashover characteristics. Figure 13.3 shows the model for line conductors, shield
conductor, insulators, the tower and the tower footing resistance [1]. The required
line parameters can be determined by using a line constants program utilizing the
tower configuration and conductor geometry. The surge impedance is defined by:
Zs = - (13.4)
where L and C are the inductance and capacitance of the line per unit length. The
corresponding wave speed is given by:
line length
Travel time = (13.6)
where the line length is known. Typical surge impedance of the line conductors
varies from (250 to 500) Ohms, while the ground mode surge impedance is around
700 Ohms. The surge impedance of the cables is much lower.
— Capacitance
Surge Impedance
of the Tower
Resistance of
the Tower
Figure 13.3 Model for Line, Insulators, Tower and Tower Footing Resistance
A typical transmission line model suitable with the lightning surge propagation is
shown in Figure 13.3 [1].
Towers and tower footing resistance - The steel towers are usually represented by
a surge impedance and the velocity of propagation. The tower footing resistance
varies from 10 Ohms to 100 Ohms. The surge impedance of the tower depends on
the geometry of the structure. The travel time is obtained by dividing the height of
the tower by the speed of light. In the case of wooden towers, a parallel combination
of resistance and capacitor can be used. This leakage impedance can vary
significantly depending on the temperature and moisture content in the air.
Substation buses and cables - Though the buses and the cables in the substation
are of very short length, sometimes they are represented in the transient analysis.
Such modeling plays an important role when comparing the performance of the air
insulated bus versus the gas insulated substation (GIS) arrangement. The other
substation equipment such as circuit breakers, instrument transformers and the step
down transformers are represented by the stray capacitance to ground. Typical
capacitance values of substation equipment [1] are presented in Table 13.1.
Capacitance to Ground, pF
Equipment 115kV 400 kV 765 kV
Disconnect switch 100 200 160
Circuit breaker (dead tank) 100 150 600
Bus support insulator 50 120 150
Capacitive PT 5,000 5,000 4,000
Magnetic PT 500 550 600
Current transformer 250 680 800
Auto-transformer 3,500 2,700 5,000
Point by point model - The model for the transient's program is selected by using
a type 92 nonlinear device with the following characteristics:
Current, kA 10
The device goes into the conduction mode when V > Vbreakdown and stops
conduction when the current reaches zero. The point-by-point data for the surge
arresters are available from the manufacturer's data sheet. Sample point-by-point
data for a 230 kV metal oxide surge arrester are given below.
Current, kA Voltage, kV
1.5 379
3.0 401
5.0 414
10.0 440
20.0 488
40.0 546
This type of data can be readily used for the simulation in a suitable format.
Where q = 26 for zinc oxide arrester. For gapped silicon type of arrester q = 6. In
order to use this model the following parameters are required.
Time, Microsecond
Time step and simulation duration - The accuracy of the digital simulation can
be affected by the time step that is too large or too small. The time step depends
on the type of the surge, the minimum length of the travelling modes and other
Calculation of the tower top voltages - Due to lightning strike on the tower,
shield conductor or directly to phase conductors there will be a current flow
through the tower to the ground. The tower is a metallic structure with a definite
resistance and hence there will be a voltage at the tower top with respect to the
ground. It is estimated that 40% of the lightning strokes hit the conductor in the
span and 60% of the strokes hit the tower. If the tower top voltage exceeds a
critical limit then there will be a flashover across the insulator to the phase
conductor. Therefore, the tower top voltage is an important factor in the tower
design and the selection of the insulators. An approximate estimation of the tower
top voltage (Vt) can be performed with reference to Figure 13.6 as described
I A/
Zg + 2Zy
¥= (13.10)
T z s; Z T +R
Example 13.2 - Calculate the tower top voltage of a 230 kV tower using the
following parameters. Zs - 350 Ohm, ZT = 200 Ohm, R - 10 Ohm, Tt = 0.3
microsecond, TO = 2 microsecond. The current through tower is 10 kA.
(350) (200)
Z = = 93.3 ohm
350 + 2(200)
(2) (200)
" _
~ "
The lightning surge analysis is performed using the Electro Magnetic Transients
program [8]. The following assumptions are made in this analysis in order to
simplify the overall complexity.
• The overhead lines, bus and the cables are modeled using the surge
impedance and the travel time.
• The system resistance is ignored.
• The effect of corona is neglected.
• The effect of mutuals are neglected.
• A single phase model is used.
Example 13.3 - The one-line diagram of the 230 kV system for the surge analysis is
shown in Figure 13.7. The various transmission line sections, bus and cable are
modeled using surge impedance and wave travel time. The appropriate surge
impedance and travel time involved in various sections are listed in Table 13.2.
Solution - The standard lightning wave is switched on to the line at bus 3 location
using a time-dependent switch. The lightning surge is assumed to hit the phase A
conductor directly. The following two cases are considered.
Case 1: No surge arrester present at bus 6 location (Figure 13.7, ignore SA).
Case 2: Lightning arrester is present at bus 6 location. A 192 kV/phase surge
arrester with MCOV of 152 kV is used in this example.
The time domain waveforms are studied at various locations. Figure 13.8 shows the
waveform at bus 6 for case 1. The peak voltage magnitudes due to the lightning
currents are of the order of 2,000 kV (10.7 P.U.). Such overvoltage magnitude can
cause flashover across the insulator and failure. Figures 13.9 and 13.10 respectively
show the voltage waveforms at bus 6 and bus 7 when a surge arrester is present at
bus 6. At bus 6, the voltages are clamped to 400 kV which is higher than the
breakdown voltage of the 230 kV surge arrester. But as can be seen at bus 7
(transformer location) the voltage magnitudes are higher than the surge arrrester
breakdown voltage because of the travelling wave reflections. The summary of
results for the cases 1 and 2 are presented in Table 13.3.
=- - ict ^Rt
It can be seen from the results of case 2, that the overvoltage magnitudes are
controlled by the surge arrester at bus 6 to 2.13 P.U. But the overvoltage
magnitudes at the transformer bus 7 is 4.26 P.U. The allowed fast front transient
for a 230 kV surge arrester is 2.6 P.U. Therefore, in order to protect the
transformer adequately, another set of surge arresters are needed at the
transformer location, namely at bus 7.
o c;nn nnn
9 oon ooo -
o> NV/AV
2 f \
o 1 000 000
cnn nnn /
n _
0.00000 0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008 0.00010
Time, Second
0.00000 0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008 0.00010
Time, Second
Discussions - This is a very simplified approach for the lightning surge analysis.
However, the results are useful in understanding the behavior of the power
system during lightning strike without and with surge arresters. The accuracy of
the results is limited due to the following reasons:
• At fast front transient level (10 kHz to 30 MHz) the line resistance becomes
fairly high, due to the skin effect in the conductors.
• When the flashover across the insulator occurs, the travelling waves will take
the path of the tower. This simulation involves the tower and the tower
footing resistance.
Example 13.4 - Using the single phase model discussed above, prepare a muti-
phase model for the lightning surge analysis. Include a ground conductor with a
surge impedance of 755 Ohm. The lightning surge hits phase A. Perform the
analysis without and with surge arresters at bus 6.
Solution - A three-phase four wire system model for the lightning surge analysis
is presented in Figure 13.11. A 10 Ohm resistance is used to represent the tower
and the tower footing resistance. The mutuals are neglected. The following two
cases are simulated using the Electromagnetic Transients Program [8].
Case 3: No surge arrester present at bus 6 location (Figure 13.11, ignore SA).
Case 4: Lightning arrester is present at bus 6 location. A 192 kV/phase surge
arrester with MCOV of 152 kV is used in this example.
The time domain waveforms are studied at various locations. Figure 13.12 shows
the waveform at bus 6 for case 3. The peak voltage magnitudes due to the lightning
currents are of the order of 2,000 kV (10.7 P.U.). Figures 13.13 and 13.14
respectively show the voltage waveforms at bus 6 and bus 7 when a surge arrester is
present at bus 6 for case 4. At bus 6, the voltages are clamped to 400 kV, which is
higher than the breakdown voltage of the 230 kV surge arrester. But it can be seen
at bus 7 (transformer location) that the voltage magnitudes are of the order of 3.73
P.U. These results are similar to the results from the single-phase model.
Vb SA tq
Cb bt
ti Ct
o c;nn nnn
o nnn nnn i\
r~S \_~,
1 nnn nnn
0.00000 0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008 0.00010
Time, Second
400,000 -
0 0.00002 0.00004 0.00006 0.00008 0.0001
Time, Second
The risk assessment due to lightning surges can be estimated based on the
historical data on the number of lightning days per year for a given location and
the critical current due to lightning on the phase or ground conductor. The
insulator withstand voltages are known. Based on the critical current magnitudes
on the system, the probability of exceeding the flashover voltage of the insulator
can be evaluated. Knowing the risk, the loss of load probability can be estimated.
The assessment approach is approximate since many of the variables involved are
not easily measurable.
The direct stroke and the back flashover lightning strokes on the power system
are discussed in this Chapter. An approach to estimate the current magnitudes
due to the lightning stroke on the power system is identified. The power system
model suitable for the lightning surge analysis is discussed and some examples
are presented to show the simulation approaches. The effect of surge arresters to
control the overvoltages within allowed levels is shown through simulation
100 microsecond
3. In Example 1 if the surge current is 110 kA, calculate the tower top voltage. Is
this a voltage magnitude that can cause any severe damage to any component
or equipment?
4. In theory and calculations the discussion are on a single lightning strike and
the system protection related issues. Is there a possibility of multiple lightning
strikes at the same location? What are the expected consequences?
Electric field - The voltage in an electric circuit produces an electric field with
respect to the earth. The electric field is measured in kV/m. This is shown in Figure
14.1, with the switch open, with no current flow to the load. The electric fields are
Magnetic field - The current through a conductor produces a magnetic field. The
magnetic flux density is measured in Wb/m . This is shown in Figure 14.2 with the
current flow to the load and magnetic field production. The magnetic lines are
EMF study - Electromagnetic field study includes both the electric and magnetic
field analysis.
Right of way - The corridor through which a transmission line is installed is called
the right of way. This area is considered to be owned by the transmission company,
where the fields may be allowed to be higher than in residential or other working
I 1 11
Switch Open
•Magnetic Field
i Switch Closed
I ! I ! I ! I !l ! T Current I
./ \
Source Voltage Electric Field
Figure 14.2 Electric & Magnetic Field when a Load is Supplied from a Voltage
Cell stimulation - The fundamental quantity in the cell stimulation is the induced
electric field in the tissue. With the external electric fields, the source impedance is
very high and hence a constant current situation arises. Therefore, it is a common
practice to work in terms of current density as the basic parameter in characterizing
the cell stimulation effects. When touching objects in an electric field it is necessary
to distinguish between transient micro-shocks and persistent stimulation that may be
caused by the steady state currents. Sensations due to the steady state current may
occur at the point of contact, usually in the hand or arm. The magnitude of the
current at the point of contact depends on the impedance of the object and the body
resistance of the person. In general, the electric fields are strong enough to cause
noticeable effects only in close proximity to the exposed electric equipment.
Tissue currents - The expected current through the body of a man holding a wire
electrode is about 0.4 mA through 1.8 mA at 60 Hz. Medium levels for women are
two thirds those for men. The current through the body depends on the resistance
and insulation level to the ground. The typical current density and the expected
stimulation on the body are presented in Figure 14.3 [3]. At very low currents, the
effect is to produce stimulating sensations such as tingling, hair raising and
flickering in the eye area. At higher currents the nerve and the muscle stimulation
effects will be noticed. At much higher currents, the heart functions are affected.
Heart Fibrillation
Since the harmful heath effects are suspected, there are attempts to set the standards
limiting the magnitude of the magnetic field at the edge of the right of way [1-3].
The guidelines are presented in Table 14.1.
These levels are allowable within the right of way of an electric line and do not have
any connection with the exposure to humans. Further, it can be seen that the
guidelines are based on experience/measurements.
Electric fields - The electric field strength is measured in kV/meter between two
points in the air, one meter apart. The limits applied in certain states are presented
in Table 14.2 [1-3].
It can be noted that these limits are not based on any scientific reasoning. These
guidelines are presented to show the existence of the problems and the approach
towards a solution.
Then there are situations where the exposure to a high dose of field for a short
duration and so on. Table 14.3 presents the limit of exposure under various working
conditions for both the electric and magnetic fields [2].
Table 14.3 Limit of Exposure for the 60 Hz Electric and Magnetic Fields
(A) - The short-term exposure electric field can be calculated using the formula (t)
(80)/E where t is the exposure duration in hours and E is the electric field
strength in kV/m.
(B) - Maximum exposure is 2 hours per workday.
(D) - Recreation area and meeting grounds.
(E) - These values can be exceeded if necessary precautions are taken.
The magnetic field at a point P(x,y) due to a current carrying overhead conductor
including the earth return current is given by:
n =1
2 2
V(x-xn) +(y-yn) (14.3)
2 2
mi = y ( x - xn ) + ( y - y n + a ) (14.4)
71 UQ Of
These equations are valid for field points above or near the earth's surface. If the
currents through the conductors are known, the coupling current induced in all the
conductors are calculated considering Carson's equations to evaluate the self and
mutual impedance. The matrix is given by:
[I] 1-1
=[Z]-[V] (14.7)
The coefficients of the impedance matrix [Z] are defined by Carson's equations. I is
the phase current and the currents induced in the conductors.
where C is the capacitance of the conductor with respect to the earth. If there are
several conductors, with capacitance Cij and Vj is the voltage of the j-th conductor
to ground, then the sum of the charges (Qi) is given by:
Qi =ZCijVj (14.9)
The contribution from the charge Qi on conductor i and from charge -Qi on the
image of this conductor (see Figure 14.4) to the field strength E at point P is given
Qi Hi
Ei =—- — kV/m (14.10)
where Hi and Xi are the vertical and horizontal distances to the point of
measurement. The magnitude of the total electric field at point P can be obtained by
summing all the electric fields due to various conductors.
Qi (due to conductor i)
Hi I ^x
—I >
Types of overhead Lines - The overhead lines can be classified into single circuit
and double circuit lines. A typical single circuit line is shown in Figure 14.5 with
phase conductors A, B, C and neutral conductor N. A double circuit line is shown
in Figure 14.6. The phase conductors are arranged as ABC, ABC with neutral
conductors on the top. The same phase conductors can be re-arranged as ABC,
CBA with neutral conductors on the top. It can be shown that the field effects can
Data for field calculations for the overhead lines - The field magnitudes can be
calculated using the programs available for this application. The data requirement
for the field calculations are:
i k
2.8M ° i
23 4M
15. 9M FAc
I 18 4M
13. 4 M 1
>r >r T ™ ^
o'o c
-x-o'o c
V 31. 3M
.3M 3|
i^ 400mm
22 M
26. 3M
>f I V W <^
Magnetic field - There are several approaches available for the reduction of
magnetic fields near the overhead transmission lines. Each approach has its own
merits and drawbacks. The magnetic field produced is a function of phase current,
geometry of the phase conductors and shield wires. Some of the available methods
for the reduction of the magnetic field are:
• The closer the phase conductors, the lesser the magnetic field. But the distance
between the conductors is decided based on the system voltage.
• The conductor height from the ground level is an important factor in the
magnetic field level. The larger the distance of the phase conductor from the
ground, the lesser will be the magnetic field at the ground level. However, the
conductor clearance is related to the system voltage and cost of the tower.
• In double circuit lines, the spacing (ABC, ABC versus ABC, CBA) plays an
important role in reducing the magnetic field. The ABC, CBA scheme
produces lesser reactance and cancellation of some magnetic fields, resulting in
the reduced field at the ground level. Also, the direction of the current in the
double circuit line is another factor in the magnetic field production.
Electric field - The electric field is produced due to the phase voltage and there are
only limited approaches to minimize the effect of electric fields. Some of them are:
• In the double circuit configuration, the low reactance connection (ABC, CBA)
provides a lower electric field at ground level.
Calculate the electric and magnetic fields due to the three phase circuit at a height
of 1.5 meters from the ground level. The phase currents are 500 A.
Solution - The input parameters for the calculation of the electric fields using a
computer-aided analysis is shown in List 14.1. The problem is solved using the
Corona and Field Effects Program from Bonneville Power Administration [4].
The data for the three-phase conductors and the corresponding position in the tower
with respect to Figure 14.5 are shown in the input data. Also, the starting point, the
height for monitoring the electric and magnetic fields are chosen. The calculated
The calculated electric field alon g the X direction is shown in Figure 14.7.
-*- —*.
E 1 X" ^s.
^ nQ ^S
0> p, p.
c \^
' n4
u] n i ^^
0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance, Meters
It can be seen that the electric field decreases very rapidly as the distance increases
from the tower and the conductors. The maximum electric field observed in this 230
kV, single circuit case is 1.022 kV/m. The magnetic field calculations are
performed and the output is shown in List 14.3.
The magnetic field is plotted along the X axis in Figure 14.8. It can be seen that
the magnetic field decreases in the horizontal direction away from the tower. The
maximum magnetic field observed in this 230 kV single circuit case is 30 mG.
10 15 20
Distance, Meters
For underground cables the magnetic field computations are complex due to the
presence of solid dielectric and grounded shields [1]. When the shield is grounded,
a path will be provided for the induced currents to circulate. This type of
construction will increase the losses, but decrease the electromagnetic field
produced by the underground cable conductors. The magnetic field equations
without the image terms and with no shield currents are:
3 n
B X = Z (-2x10° )lJ -rH (14.11)
-3 (x"x~)
By = Z (-2x10 ) In (14.12)
Type of underground circuits - There are several cable configurations used for the
distribution system, high voltage system and extra high voltage system depending
on the system voltage and the power to be transmitted. Typical systems are
discussed below from the EMF point of view.
Solid dielectric cable - In this system, three single conductor cables are placed in a
conduit or directly buried in a backfill material. Each phase conductor is insulated
with PVC or equivalent material, then covered with a thermo-setting semi
conducting material which is bonded to the insulation. This bundle is then covered
with a shield and wrapped with a jacket.
Paper insulated, extruded dielectric cables - This type of cable system consisting
of either three single cables or one bundle of three conductor cable is used for
distribution applications. The three-phase cables consist of sector shaped
conductors, each insulated with paper and shielded with metallic tapes. All three
phases are then assembled together with shield and jacket arrangement.
Self-contained oil filled cables - The three-phase cables are placed in a pipe and
oil is filled. The oil is circulated in a low-pressure situation and is used up to 230
kV levels. The steel pipe provides a short circuit for the flux lines and hence the
EMF effects are reduced.
High-pressure oil filled pipe type cables - This system consists of a steel pipe,
High-pressure gas filled cables - In this system each phase conductor consists of
two concentric pipes, the inner being the conductor and the outer containing the gas
insulation. The outer casing depends on the specific installation.
To demonstrate the application of cables with respect to the field problem, two
cable sections arranged in cable trays are shown in Figure 14.9 .and 14.10
respectively. In Figure 14.9, six cables are utilized in horizontal position and two
cables per phase are used in parallel. The conductors are placed in ABC, ABC
configuration. In Figure 14.10, the conductors are placed in ABC, CBA
configuration. In this arrangement there will be a certain amount of field
Example 14.2 - Consider a cable tray carrying six cables arranged in the sequence
ABC, ABC. The line voltage of the cables is 13.8 kV. The phase currents in various
conductors are 1368 A, 1681 A, 1667 A, 1366 A, 1684 A and 1324 A. The sensors
to monitor the electric and magnetic field are installed at a height of 2 meters above
the ground level. Prepare the input data for the calculation of the electric and
magnetic fields. Calculate both the electric and magnetic fields and show the plots
as a function of distance. The sheath and the tray current are ignored.
List 14.4 Input Data for Field Calculations for Example 14.2
PH.A-1 0.17 15 1 1.151 0 7.968 0 1.368 0
PH.B-1 0.5 15 1 1.151 0 7.968 240 1.681 240
PH.C-1 0.83 15 1 1.151 0 7.968 120 1.667 120
PH.A-2 1.17 15 1 1.151 0 7.968 0 1.366 0
PH.B-2 1.5 15 1 1.151 0 7.968 240 1.684 240
PH.C-2 1.83 15 1 1.151 0 7.968 120 1.324 120
The data for the six cables and the corresponding position in the tray with respect to
Figure 14.9 are shown in the input data. The calculated electric field magnitudes
and the angles are displayed in List 14.5.
10 15 20 25 30
Distance, Meters
As can be seen, the electric field is relatively smaller, since this is a 13.8 kV cable
system. The field magnitude decreases as the observer moves away from the cable
location. The magnetic field is calculated and the magnitudes and the angles are
displayed in List 14.6.
The magnetic field is plotted in Figure 14.12 along the X-axis to show the decay of
the field with the distance. The maximum magnetic field calculated for the example
14.2 is 236.2 mG. This is a significant magnitude, since the currents through the
cables are over 1 kA per phase.
0.0000 -
(D 5 10 15 20 25 30
Distance, Meter
Magnetic field - The underground lines that effectively shield the magnetic field is
the oil-filled pipe type cables. The steel pipe surrounding the cable circuit provides
a short circuiting path for the magnetic flux lines. In the case of distribution cables,
sometimes the sheaths are grounded at regular intervals. In such systems, there will
be a current flow in the sheaths in the opposite direction to that of the phase
currents. Such a system has reduced magnetic fields. However, the system losses are
increased. Single point grounded sheaths or ungrounded cable circuits have no
means to reduce the magnetic fields. Some of the other approaches to reduce the
magnetic fields are:
Electric field - The electric field is produced due to the phase voltage and there
are only limited approaches to minimize the effect of electric field. In the double
circuit configuration, the low reactance connection (ABC, CBA) produces a
smaller electric field at the ground level.
Relation between the electric field and charging current - The electric field
induces a surface charge on an exposed conducting body and results in currents
inside the body. The relation between the surface charge density and the surface
electric field (E) is given by:
0 = eO E (14.13)
J =JC080E (14.14)
1 = j(oe0lEds (14.15)
Relation between the magnetic field and the magnetic flux density - The
relation between the magnetic field (H Ampere/m) to the magnetic flux density (B)
is given by:
B =u0urH (14.16)
2 dB
2;iRE =TIR — (14.17)
For a conductivity of V, the induced current density due to a sinusoidal field is
given by:
J =—— (14.18)
In an electric field, the current density depends neither on the tissue conductivity
nor the size of the body. For the magnetic field, the current density depends on the
conductivity and the size of the body.
The fundamentals of the electric and magnetic fields due to the overhead
transmission lines and underground cables are discussed in this Chapter. The
limiting values used as the guiding magnitudes in different states are presented. The
approach to the field calculations is presented and discussed. The subject is an
evolving one and is controversial since health issues are related.
2. Using the single circuit 230 kV systems shown in Figure 14.5, calculate the
electric and magnetic fields at current levels with 0.25 kA, 0.5 kA, 0.75 kA
and 1.0 kA. Compare the results and discuss the observations. What is the
role of the magnitude of the current in the electric and magnetic fields?
4. Using the double circuit 230 kV systems shown in Figure 14.6, calculate the
electric and magnetic fields at current levels with 0.25 kA, 0.5 kA, 0.75 kA
and 0.1 kA. Compare the results and discuss the observations for the ABC,
ABC scheme. What is the role of the magnitude of the current in the electric
and magnetic fields? Repeat the procedure for the ABC, CBA configuration.
Are there any important observations from this study?
5. Calculate the electric and magnetic fields for the 230 kV system shown in
Figure 14.5 using as the height of the lowest conductor 20 meter instead of
13.4 meter. Change the height of the other conductors according the present
spacing requirements. Calculate the electric and magnetic fields for a current
of 0.5 kA and compare the results.
6. What is the difference between the electric field and the magnetic field?
Discuss the health effects due to the field.
7. How can you represent the field problem from a substation? How is the
substation problem different from the transmission line field problem?
Computer-aided data acquisition systems are very useful in several areas of the
power system such as:
Steady state data acquisition - In a power system, the steady state power flow
quantities such as voltages, currents, real power, reactive power and power factor
are important at the given bus location. In a generating station, the terminal voltage,
currents, real power, reactive power, power factor, speed, field voltage and field
current must be known. Until a few years back, electromechanical or electronic
instrumentation was used to display the required quantities. In generating stations
and other substations, the instrumentation panels occupy considerable space.
Further, the use of display panel meters is suitable for only steady state readings.
The data has been entered into the logbooks manually for future use. In a computer-
aided data acquisition scheme, the steady state readings can be acquired
simultaneously from various instrument locations and can be saved for future
analysis. The space required for such a system and operator effort will be very
minimal. The computer-aided data acquisition offers good accuracy throughout the
range of measurement.
A block diagram of a typical data acquisition system is shown in Figure 15.1. The
sensor or the transducer is a device to convert the power system quantity to be
measured to a voltage signal that can be handled by the computer system. The input
signals are derived from sensors installed in the power system to be monitored.
Typical sensors used in the power system applications are:
Personal Data
Printer Computer Storage
Signal conditioner - The electrical signals generated by the sensor often need
conditioning before they can be measured by an analog to digital converter. The
signal from the sensor may require amplification, filtering, and/or linearization
before further processing. Some sensors require an excitation source or biasing
before measurement. A typical example is a torque sensor, which requires its own
power supply in order to generate an output proportional to the rotor torque.
Usually, the conditioning of the signal is performed at the data acquisition board or
at the sensor.
Multiplexer - The signal from a sensor can be measured using an analog to digital
converter. In a power system the number of signals to be monitored are too many
and it is not economical to have an analog to digital converter for each channel.
Instead a multiplexer can be used to switch scanning each sensor-input channel and
connecting the input to the selected analog to digital converter channel. Both the
multiplexer and the analog to digital converter are timed using the ac power supply.
Usually, a multiplexer is suitable for switching 16 signals.
Computer Ground
Figure 15.2 Single-Ended Input Signal Configuration
To A/D
Signal ^ V V V~| Computer Ground
Lead R
Ground I
Turnkey software - These programs are designed for specific applications and may
have graphical interface or data display options. Often the display may emulate a
standalone instrument. The user of the software can monitor the performance of a
specific function with the use of the turnkey software. The program is not suitable
Add-on tool software - The Visual Basic add on modules are available from
various software companies and these modules can be used in spreadsheet programs
to perform data acquisition functions. This type of approach can result in a better
output display as well as data for future analysis. An example display window of an
add-on tool software in a spreadsheet environment is shown in Figure 15.4 [4].
Such software gives the capability of visualizing the data, analysis and the results in
one window. This type of application is user-specific and is developed as a virtual
instrument. Once the add-on programs are installed in order, then the user can
perform the monitoring activities with little effort.
Source code software - When the source code is available, then the developer can
perform various functions to meet the specific applications. The electromagnetic
transients program is an example source code supplied with a hardware or software
key. Usually, the executable versions of the software are provided and the user may
not be able to alter the code.
The output from the data acquisition board has to be transmitted to the personal
commuter for further processing and storage. Both serial and parallel bus
approaches are commonly used for data transmission. The concept of serial bus is
illustrated in Figure 15.6. In this approach, one byte of data is broken into 8 bits and
is transmitted bit by bit and is assembled again in the receiving end. In this process,
the data get corrupted or lost and other problems may arise in the large-scale data
transfer. Therefore, there were several improvements performed over the serial bus
concept and hence several versions of the bus are available. The concept of parallel
bus is shown in Figure 15.7. In this method, there are eight wires connected
between the sending and receiving end and the bits are transferred simultaneously.
Therefore, the data transfer will be fast in this method compared to the serial bus
arrangement and requires more wires and is more expensive. There are several bus
arrangements available for data acquisition applications in both the serial and
parallel configurations as identified below.
Byte Byte
al a2 al a2 a3 a4 a5 a6 a7 a8 al a2
a3 a4 r\
r\ U
r\ U c\ n
r\ U n*
UU* a3 a4
a5 a6
a5 a6
a? a8 Sending Receiving a? a8
Rnn ^ ,
' fc
Byte a? ^
a3 C
al a2 E al a2 Receiving
End a3 a4 E
w a3 a4 End
a5 a6 fe a5 a6
a'7 fe a? a8
al a8
a8 E
Peripheral Component Interface (PCI) - This bus was released in 1992 and
provides higher processing throughput. The typical characteristics are presented in
Table 15.1.
Universal Serial Bus (USB) - The USB was developed to run multiple peripherals
without adding additional boards and performing program changes. With a USB
bus up to 127 individual peripheral devices can be added. The USB bus
automatically takes care of the power requirements and eliminates the need for
power supply to each peripheral device. Also, the USB provides a two-way
communication channel between the PC and the peripheral devices. Usually, one or
two USB ports are attached to the motherboard of the PC and then multiple devices
can be connected to the system using USB hubs and repeaters. The USB cable must
be less than 5 meters in length and has a maximum speed of 12 Mb/s. This bus is
used to connect key boards, mouse, bar code readers and printers to a PC. The same
USB can be used for data acquisition applications.
RS-232: This protocol was introduced in 1960 and is widely used for data transfer.
Since the data through a single wire is vulnerable to degradation, RS-232 systems
are recommended over short distances up to 50 feet and at speeds up to 20 kb/s.
This bus can be used for data acquisition applications and there are improved
versions. Then the RS-422 protocol was later developed with expandable protocol
strength of the serial bus. It enables the serial data to be transmitted over great
distances (4,000 feet) at very high speeds (10 Mb/s). Further development in this
area is the serial bus RS-485 which was designed to address the problem of
communication between multiple devices on a single data line. Some of the
specifications of the RS-232 and associated buses are presented in Table 15.2.
Depending on the type of data acquisition, the acquired data will be stored
immediately. In the cases of steady state analysis, the additional parameters required
for the analysis can be calculated and displayed. In the case of transient analysis, the
time domain plots can be produced from the raw data. If a frequency domain
analysis is required, it can be performed using the menu options available from the
program. Any other data analysis required by the user can be performed in the same
computer or in a different computer. A typical time and frequency domain analysis
of a voltage signal is shown in Figures 15.10 and 15.11.
Wireless data acquisition systems - In this type of system, the data are
transferred in real-time through a secured frequency link to a wireless modem
connected to the microcomputer. Its wireless design enables it to transmit through
buildings, walls and floors and makes it convenient for remote locations. The
wireless system is a new class of data acquisition tool that uses a highly noise-
immune radio transmission technique, instead of wire and cables, to transmit real
time data to a host computer. The wireless logger is ideally suited for real time,
PC-based data acquisition applications where quick, convenient setup in difficult
or hostile areas is important. One of the units marketed by Fluke [4] has the
following features:
The base unit consists of a wireless modem and a data logger for windows
application software which supports up to 20 satellite instruments from a single
base station. The software offers increased efficiency by allowing the PC to
gather data in the background, while freeing the user to work with a word
processor, spreadsheet or other program in the foreground.
These large-scale data acquisition systems are suitable for power system
monitoring and control applications.
RF Through
Control Host
Center ^ Server
Figure 15.8 The Concept of Data Acquisition and Analysis Using the Internet
\ X X X X \
-V- \
\ \ \ \
Example 15.1 - Show the data acquisition application using a scope meter. This
example is about the power and grounding audit of an industrial facility using a
scope meter for time and frequency domain analysis.
The power and grounding audit consists of checking each and every power and
grounding connection in an industrial facility. This is complicated when the
system is a looped distributed network from the reliability point of view.
Practical measurements were made in a system shown in Figure 15.9 [5]. The
voltage measurements were made using a hand-held digital multi-meter. The
current measurements were made using clamp-on current transducers along with
a digital multi-meter. The neutral current waveforms were measured using Fluke's
scope meter. The data was down loaded to a laptop computer and plotted using a
spreadsheet program. The line to neutral voltage, line to ground voltage, the neutral
to ground voltage in the ground loop, the neutral to ground voltage in the local
circuit, the ground current in the loop ground circuit and the ground current in the
local ground circuit were measured. Also, the waveform analysis of the neutral
currents was performed.
A typical measured ground current using the Fluke's scope meter is shown in Figure
15.10. In this waveform, the time between the peak to peak (one cycle) is
approximately 5.5 ms. This is the typical third harmonics at 180 Hz. The
magnitudes are very small. The corresponding frequency domain analysis is shown
in Figure 15.11. The dominant harmonics are due to the third at 180 Hz (third
harmonic) and at 300 Hz (fifth harmonic).
16 24 32
Frequency Number
This example shows that the scope meter is a useful tool for conducting a few
measurements and analysis. Also, the scope meter can be a valuable device for
troubleshooting and field measurement where on-the-spot measurements are
The circuit diagram used to generate the ring wave and the resulting waveform as
recommended by the standard is shown in Reference [6]. The high-voltage power
supply of this setup can deliver a variable dc voltage of up to 10 kV. This supply
can be used to charge any one of the three IEEE Standard 587 circuits. When the
charging is completed, the test voltage can be isolated using the appropriate switch
and the voltage pulse can be delivered to the output terminals upon actuation of the
surge switch. For the studies described here, the load resistance is 122 Ohms.
The voltage across the load or varistor was measured with a high-voltage probe.
The current probe monitored the current through the varistor. Both signals were
displayed on a storage oscilloscope and the waveforms recorded using a Polaroid
camera. Also, the displayed results were transferred to the personal computer
through the GPIB bus for further analysis and data storage.
The digitizing oscilloscope was operated in triggered mode, with the trigger event
coming from the observed transient. In this mode, samples of the input are
continuously acquired until the external trigger event occurs. Upon triggering, the
input data can be viewed both before and after the trigger event. Through menu
selections on the oscilloscope control panel, 64 data points were selected for pre-
trigger events. The remaining 1984 sample points occurred after the trigger event
for each channel. After the oscilloscope captured the transient event, it was
transferred to the personal computer through the GPIB bus. A GPIB interface card
plugged into an expansion slot of the PC provided this capability. The
manufacturer of the adapter card provided necessary routines and illustrative
software programs.
0 0
-200 -40
-400 -80
Figure 15.12 Voltage Across the Varistor and the Current Through the Varistor
In order to show the usefulness of this approach, Figure 15.12 shows the voltage
across the varistor and the corresponding varistor current waveform. The first peak
of the voltage wave is approximately 600 V, with a corresponding varistor current
ofover 100 A.
Computer-aided data acquisition systems are critical for the successful monitoring
and operation of the integrated power system. The steady state and transient state
data are acquired depending on the system requirement. The hardware requirements
of typical data acquisition systems are sensors, signal conditioners, multiplexer,
analog to digital converter, communication bus and a microcomputer with suitable
memory. The communication buses are either serial bus or parallel bus. Serial buses
are commonly used in the application of the data acquisition systems. The parallel
buses are somewhat expensive but are faster. Depending on the type of input signal
and grounding, the signal can be connected as a single ended or in differential
mode. There are programs available to perform turnkey software, language interface
software, add-on tool software, source code software and virtual instrumentation
software. The time and frequency domain analysis is commonly performed from the
analysis point of view. Some examples of the data acquisition applications are
2. What are the different types of software available to perform data collection?
4. Consider a wind farm with a 250 kW induction generator supplying the output
at 480 V, three-phase. The step up transformer is 1 MVA, 480 V/13/8 kV,
delta/wye connected. There is a need to monitor the overall performance of this
generator and the generated power supplied to the grid. Design a data
acquisition system identifying the sensors and the channels required.
In a power system, the protective devices are used to protect the system in the
event of a fault. The function of protective devices in a power system is to detect
system disturbances and isolate the disturbance by activating the appropriate
circuit-interrupting devices. A protection coordination study is required to
properly select the protective devices and specify the necessary settings so that
the intended goals will be achieved. In the classical studies, the time current
coordination was performed using the manual methods. With the introduction of
personal computers in the workplace along with software to perform the
coordination functions, computer-aided approaches are now used. Selectivity,
coordination, speed and reliability are the important features of the protection
devices as explained below [1,2].
Speed - Speed is the ability of the relay to operate in the required time period.
The speed is important in fault clearing since it has direct impact on the damage
done due to the short circuit current. The ultimate aim of protective relaying is to
disconnect the faulted equipment as quickly as possible.
• If the primary protection fails, a back-up protective device will remove the
fault. An upstream device that acts as the primary device in its zone usually
provides the back-up function. Therefore, the current coordination is
required between the primary and back-up protective devices.
The most convenient way of determining the proper ratings and settings of
protective devices such as low voltage power circuit breakers, fuses and relays is
by plotting the time-current curves. These curves are drawn on standard log-log
graph and illustrate the time-current characteristics of each of the protective
devices as well as the protective criterion to be met. Thus, such curves illustrate
the time-current coordination between devices. Time-current curves are generally
drawn up to the maximum available fault current level for the system being
Although the time-current curves may be drawn, this step is not necessary if the
protective devices involved are all overcurrent relays. Instead, it is possible to
determine the selectivity by comparing at most three critical values of fault
current and the associated relay operating times. Sometimes, the relay settings are
determined based on analytical calculations.
The primary function of a protective device is to protect the circuits and equipment
during abnormal operating conditions. Therefore, it essential to know the equipment
protection boundaries to determine the necessary settings. The maximum load
current and the short circuit current determine the maximum upper boundaries of
the current sensitivity within which the circuit protective devices must operate. The
required operating boundaries are given by:
• Operating conditions.
• Minimum protection level.
• Equipment withstand level.
Induction motors - The full load current of a motor can be determined from the
Permissible overload for motors - This is a function of the motor service factor
and temperature. For a service factor of 1.1, the overload capability will be 1.1 per
Minimum protection requirement - For motors 600 V and below the NEC [3]
requires overload and overcurrent protection. The required overload protection for
motors is given by:
Sometimes, additional protection limits are given for multi-speed motors and other
special motors. The phase overcurrent devices are set to trip at the following limits:
If the overload and short circuit protection is part of a controller, the short circuit
protection can be set to 1300%.
Motor withstand level - This is the maximum allowable stall time, the time up to
which the motor can continue to operate in stalled condition before damage occurs.
This time is expressed in seconds.
Transformers - The full load current of a transformer can be calculated using the
I (full load) = -/= (16.2)
AA - Self cooled ventilated dry type AFA - Fan cooled ventilated dry type
OA - Self cooled, oil SA - Self cooled, silicone
VA - Self cooled, vapor CFA - Fan cooled, oil
VFA - Fan cooled, vapor CFOA - Fan and oil pump cooled, oil
The transformer capability is the full load amperes multiplied by the cooling factor
and temperature rise factor, if any.
Article 240-100 of the 1999 National Electrical Code [3] states that, for
overcurrent protection of feeders above a nominal 600 volts, 'In no case shall the
fuse rating in continuous amperes exceed three times, or the long-time trip
element setting of a breaker six times, the ampacity of the conductor'. The code
contains tables of ampacity ratings published by the Insulated Power Cable
Engineers Association (IPCEA). Article 450-3 of the 1999 NEC provides
detailed requirements for transformer protection. These requirements for
protective device ratings or settings in multiples of full load current are presented
in Table 16.2.
It should be noted that NEC code permits a primary feeder protective device to
offer the defined transformer primary protection. In some cases a circuit breaker
and the associated relaying can be used to protect several transformers.
The ANSI curve, which can be shown on the time current curves, represents the
amount of mechanical and thermal stresses a distribution power transformer is
required to withstand without any damage as specified by ANSI Standard
C57.12, 1973 [4]. The ANSI standard C57.109 [5] defines the short circuit
through fault withstand current and time limits for four categories of transformers
(see Table 16.3).
(1) - Choose the smaller value
Zt - Transformer impedance in per unit based on self cooled rating
Zs - System per unit impedance on transformer base
X - (Chosen per unit base current)"
# - These points define an I2 t curve in the short time region which is
from 70% to 100% of maximum through fault current for category II
and 50% to 100% for category III and category IV.
Table 16.4 The Current Through Transformer Windings During Faulted Conditions
A^ L-L
0.87 ~~*\ """K
-< A
AA 0.87
-£ -£ 0.87
Cables - The full load current is determined by the size of the cable conductor and
the derating factors as given by the industry standards. There are several types of
cables available for the low-voltage, medium-voltage and high-voltage applications.
The overload capability of the cable depends on the installation media and the
loading factor. The permissible overcurrent setting is as per NEC article 240-3,
1999 [3].
There are several computer programs available for the protection coordination
analysis of power system applications. Such programs include short circuit analysis
and device time current characteristics. The main purpose of the protective
coordination software is to produce one-line diagrams, calculation of relay settings
and time current coordination drawings. Software will contain features to model
various protective devices, equipment damage curves and store the data for future
use. Using the software, the device characteristics can be called from the library
and used for the coordination studies. These programs are used in the utility,
industrial, commercial and other power supply installations.
Graphical display - The one-line diagram of the electrical circuit and the device
coordination curves can be displayed on the graphical monitor for demonstration.
Such a display helps to identify the necessary corrections to be performed before
getting a printout of the diagrams or graphs. Also, the one-line drawings can be
prepared with the calculated relay settings. Such an approach eliminates the need to
deal with the drawing office. Further, the graphical drawings can be expanded to
view the details using the zoom function.
One-line diagram - A one-line diagram of the electrical circuit for which the
coordination is performed is always needed for report preparation. The software can
be used to prepare the one-line diagram with the necessary devices shown. Such an
approach eliminates the need to deal with the drawing office support for the
protection study.
Project data files - A database is a method of storing digital data. The database
can be structured to store all the necessary device characteristics, short circuit data
and coordination data. These programs can perform calculations of the inrush
current, device settings and project details. The project data can be copied from
one computer to another for analysis.
Device library - These programs are equipped with a large library of data from
various manufacturers. The library includes models for overcurrent relays, ground
relays, static trip breakers, molded case circuit breakers, data for cable damage
curve, data for transformer damage curve, motor overloads and reclosers. The
programs use curve fitting techniques to model the time curve coordination
characteristics. Such data libraries are very useful in performing the coordination
studies since the verified data are readily available.
Interactive data entry - It is not always possible to have the data available from
the device library for the selected study. If the data are not available and if the
equation or graphical data are available, then the data can be entered interactively.
The data points can be entered item by item and can be saved for future use. The
software also provides the opportunity to modify the data by changing the device
The one-line diagram of the power system for which the coordination study is
performed is required and should clearly identify the following:
• Incoming circuits.
• Transformer voltages, MVA, connection (delta/wye etc.), grounding and
ground protection.
• Protection relay designation number.
• Fuses or circuit breakers in the incoming lines.
• Secondary bus voltage, breakers and fuses.
• Circuit breaker specifications.
• Feeder and distribution protection devices.
• Motor control centers and breaker or fuse ratings.
The short circuit results are needed from the protection coordination study. Some
programs can perform the short circuit calculations and can use the results in the
protection coordination studies. Some of the required data and the corresponding
conversion to get the data suitable for protection study are discussed below.
Transformer data - The transformer nameplate data are required for the relay
coordination analysis. Whenever the complete data are not available, then the
library data can be used knowing the MVA rating of the equipment. An example
of data for the transformer is presented in Table 16.5.
Rated Inrush
Description kVA kV A P.U. Z, % Connection
The transformer nameplate data are then converted to get the necessary details
for the relay coordination studies. Such data include the ANSI curve at the
primary and the secondary inrush current. The transformer damage curve can be
constructed based on the ANSI standard C57.109. An example damage curve for
a 2000 kVA transformer is shown in Figure 16.1. The rated current of this
transformer is 278 A as is shown. The rated secondary current of this transformer
is 2,405 A. The inrush current of this transformer is around 20,000 A and is
shown in the graph.
Motor data - The nameplate details of the motor are collected and the rated
current and locked rotor current values are identified. An examples of data is
presented in Table 16.6.
Using these data, the locked rotor current, momentary and interrupting current
contributions for a short circuit are calculated for the protection study.
Cable data - There are several types of cables available for all types of power
system application. The manufacturer data are to be followed closely to ensure
the accurate specifications. An example of cable data is presented in Table 16.7.
Qty/ Allowed
Description Volt Phase Size Length Material Temp.
Circuit breaker data - For low voltage applications there are circuit breakers
with static trips, ground fault protectors, molded case circuit breakers and power
circuit breakers. The nameplate specifications of the circuit breaker are collected
for the protection study. Sample data are shown in Table 16.8.
|278 A .
2000.0 kVA
Type: DT
100 Pri Conn Delta
Pri Tap -2.50 %
Sec Conn Wye-Ground
Sec Tap 0.00 %
TX Inrush
0.10 X
0.5 1 10 100 1K 10K
Figure 16.1 The Transformer Damage Curve and the Related Data
(Courtesy of SKM System Analysis, Inc., Output from Power Tools for Windows
Using these data, the necessary data for the circuit breaker relaying are identified.
The relaying may be phase overcurrent relay, ground fault relay or both. Sample
time current coordination characteristics of the overcurrent relay for a circuit
breaker are shown in Figure 16.2.
0.5 1 10 100 1K 10K
B-SWBD1.tcc Ref. Voltage: 480 Current Scale X 10 1
Extremely Inverse
Very Inverse
Sample data for overcurrent relay setting are presented in Table 16.9.
Usually the time overcurrent curves are identified for each relay location before
performing the coordination studies.
Fuse data - A fuse is a device with a fixed continuous current rating with a
definite interrupting current rating. There are a variety of fuses available for the
power system applications both in the low-voltage and medium-voltage levels.
There are two types of fuses used in the power system protection, the current
limiting type and the expulsion type. The current limiting fuses are capable of
melting and clearing high fault currents faster than 0.01 second. The expulsion
type fuses in general do not limit current and must wait until the first natural
current zero before the fault clearing. The fuses are used for the protection of
transformers, motors and other loads in individual circuits. Sample time current
coordination curve of a fuse is shown in Figure 16.4.
Example 16.1 - Consider a radial power system supplied from a 13.8 kV source.
The step-down transformer (TX E) is 3,000 kVA, 13.8 kV/4.16 kV, delta/wye-
grounded. The high voltage fuse is (F4) is rated to 4.16 kV, frame 250 A. The
distribution transformer (TX G) is 2,000 kVA, 4.16 kV/480 V, delta/wye-
grounded. The fuse in the transformer circuit (F TX G) is 600 V, frame 150 A.
The circuit breaker (LVP5) is 600 V and frame 400 A. The motor controller
(M28) is rated for 600 V and frame 250 A. The circuit is connected to a 250 kVA
motor load. Perform a study using computer-aided software.
SM-4, 50E
Sensor/Trip 50.0 A
0.5 1 10 100 1K 10K
Fuse.tcc Ref. Voltage: 4160 Current Scale X 10 1
Then the program is executed and the output results are obtained. The program
output contains the following:
• One-line diagram of the system, including the relay settings, shown in Figure
• The settings of the protective devices, shown in Table 16.10.
• The time current coordination curve (TCC), shown Figure 16.7.
The TCC curve of the transformer (damage curve), the fuse (F TX 3), circuit
breaker (B-SWBD1) and the circuit breaker (LVP1) are presented in the same
007-TX E PRI
Pri CT 400 A
Sec CT 1 A
LTPU 2.6
INST 20.0
CL-14, 250E
Frame 250.0 A
T Sensor/Trip 250.0 A
F TX G SEC CL-14, 150E
Frame 150.0 A
Sensor/Trip 150.0 A
027-DSB 3
Frame 400.0 A
Sensor/Trip 300.0 A
LVP5 Settings
Thermal Curve (Fixed)
028-MTR 28 B INST (4.5-10 x Trip) 9.0
Device Name: CIO Bus Name: BLDG 115 SERV TCC Name: Mtr28.tcc
Description: Cable Damage Curve Bus Voltage: 4160V
Size: 1/0
Material: Copper Cont . Temp; 150 deg C.
Qty/Ph: 2 Damage Temp: 190 deg C.
Device Name: R7 SEC Bus Name: BLDG 115 SERV TCC Name: Mtr28 .tec
Manufacture: SIEMENS Description: SECONDARY
Sub Type: ISGS 1A
Class Description: ISGS Bus Voltage: 4160.0V
AIC Rating: N/A Fault Duty: 7019. 1A
Current Rating: 400A / 1A Curve Multiplier: 1.00000
Setting: 1) LTPU 2.6 Test Points:
2) INVERSE 1.85 82. OX, 11.334s
3) INST 20.0 (S5.0X, 2.398s
Adder: 0.5000 Shifter: 2.0000
Device Name: M28 #3 Bus Name: 028-MTR 28 B TCC Name: Mtr28 .tec
Description: Motor Starting Curve Bus Voltage: 480V
Rated Sized: 250KVA (1 of 1 Plotted)
FLA+Load Adder: 300.7A + O.OA Inrush: 0.0 (O.OA!
Power Factor: 0.830 Starting Time: 5.00s
Efficiency: 0.93 Full Voltage (Square Transient)
Device Name: MCP M28 #3 Bus Name: 028 -MTR 28 B TCC Name: Mtr28 .tec
Manufacture: CUTLER-HAMMER Description: 250A (1250-2500A
Sub Type: MCP
Bus Voltage: 480.0V
AIC Rating: 30 Fault Duty: 21503.0A
Frame: MCP 480V 250A 30kA Curve Multiplier: 1.00000
Current Rating: OA / OA FLA: 0.OA
Setting: 1) INST (1250-2500A) 2185A
69 kV
4. Identify all the leading programs available for the protection coordination of
industrial systems. Can these programs serve the purpose of performing
similar studies for transmission systems? Explain your answer.
5. What are the graphical features required for the protection coordination
6. Compare and discuss the outputs from the protection coordination program
and the output results of manual calculations.
7. Power Tools for Windows, SKM Systems Analysis, Inc., Manhattan Beach,
The circuit breakers used in the power system applications are classified into two
categories in the ANSI Standard C37.06, 1979 as general purpose and definite
General purpose circuit breakers - These are used for the switching of lines,
transformers, reactors and buses. The preferred ratings of such circuit breakers are
from ANSI Standard C37.06, Tables 1, 2 and 3 representing the indoor, outdoor
and gas insulated switchgear as follows.
Table 1 Preferred ratings for indoor circuit breakers (4.76 kV through 38 kV).
Table 2 Preferred ratings for outdoor circuit breakers 72.5 kV and below,
including circuit breakers in gas insulated substations (15.5 kV through
72.5 kV).
Table 3 Preferred ratings for outdoor circuit breakers 121 kV and above, including
circuit breakers applied in gas insulated substations (121 kV through 800
Definite purpose circuit breakers - These are used for the switching of shunt
capacitors. Preferred ratings of such circuit breakers from ANSI standard C37.06,
Tables 1 A, 2A and 3A for indoor, outdoor and gas insulated switchgear are:
The surge arresters are used to protect the power system equipment from
overvoltages produced due to switching and lightning. Before the 1980s the gaped
silicon carbide arresters were used. Then the Metal Oxide Varistors (MOV) were
introduced in the 1980s for the same applications. Presently MOV arresters are used
in the protection of overhead lines, underground cables, transformers, circuit
breakers, shunt capacitors and other power system equipment. The following MOV
surge arrester ratings are reproduced from IEEE standard 141.
Shunt capacitors are used for power factor correction in all levels of power system
voltages. The preferred shunt capacitor ratings are reproduced from IEEE Standard
103 6 in Chapter 10.
2. IEEE Standard 141, Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for
Industrial Plants, 1993.
3. IEEE Standard 1036, IEEE Guide for Application of Shunt Capacitors, 1992.
Table 1A
Preferred Capacitance Current Switching Ratings for Indoor Oilless Circuit Breakers
Table 2A
Preferred Capacitance Current Switching Ratings for Outdoor Circuit Breakers 72.5 kV and Below,
Including Circuit Breakers Applied in Gas Insulated Substations
Circuit Breakers
Rated Definite-Purpose Circuit Breakers Rated Capacitance
Capacitance Switching Current
Switching Shunt Capacitor Bank or Cable
Current Back-Back
Shunt Capacitor
Bank or Cable Inrush Currei
Rated Rated Short- Overhead Isolated
Maximum Circuit Rated Continuous Line Current Current Current
Voltage Current kA, Current Amperes, Isolated Current Amperes, Amperes, Amperes, Peak Frequency
kV.rms rms rms Amperes, rms mis rms rms Current kA Hz
15.5 12.5 600, 1200 250 100 400 400 20 4240
15.5 20.0 1200, 2000 250 100 400 400 20 4240
15.5 25.0 1200, 2000 250 100 400 400 20 4240
15.5 40.0 1200, 2000, 3000 250 100 400 400 20 4240
25.8 12.5 1200, 2000 160 100 400 400 20 4240
25.8 25.0 1200, 2000 160 100 400 400 20 4240
38.0 16.0 1200,2000 100 100 250 250 20 4240
38.0 20.0 1200, 2000 100 100 250 250 20 4240
38.0 25.0 1200, 2000 100 100 250 250 20 4240
38.0 31.5 1200, 2000 100 100 250 250 20 4240
38.0 40.0 1200,2000, 3000 100 100 250 250 20 4240
48.3 20.0 1200, 2000 10 100 250 250 20 6800
48.3 31.5 1200, 2000 10 100 250 250 20 6800
48.3 40.0 1200, 2000, 3000 10 100 250 250 20 6800
72.5 20.0 1200, 2000 20 100 630 630 25 3360
72.5 31.5 1200,2000 20 100 630 630 25 3360
72.5 40.0 1200, 2000, 3000 20 100 630 630 25 3360
MCOV FOW Discharge Peak KV at Indicated Impulse Current for an 8/20 Wave SSP
kV, rms kV, rms kV.peak 1.5KA 3kA 5kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA kV, Peak
3 2.55 9.1 6.9 7.2 7.5 8.0 9.0 10.3 6.3
6 5.10 17.9 13.6 14.2 14.8 15.8 17.7 20.3 12.4
9 7.65 26.6 20.2 21.1 22.0 23.5 26.4 30.2 18.4
120 98.00 311.0 244.0 257.0 266.0 283.0 315.0 351.0 231.0
132 106.00 340.0 264.0 280.0 289.0 306.0 342.0 381.0 249.0
144 115.00 368.0 287.0 303.0 314.0 332.0 369.0 413.0 271.0
168 131.00 418.0 326.0 345.0 357.0 379.0 421.0 470.0 308.0
172 140.00 446.0 348.0 368.0 381.0 404.0 448.0 502.0 330.0
180 144.00 458.0 359.0 380.0 392.0 417.0 463.0 517.0 339.0
192 152.00 483.0 379.0 401.0 414.0 440.0 488.0 546.0 360.0
228 182.00 571.0 447.0 474.0 489.0 520.0 578.0 645.0 424.0
MCOV = Maximum continuous over voltage
FOW = Front of wave protective level
SSP = Maximum switching surge protective level
MCOV FOW Discharge Peak KV at Indicated Impulse Current for an 8/20 SSP
kV, rms kV, rms kV.peak 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA kV, Peak
3 2.55 10.4 6.6 7.2 7.5 8.0 9.3 10.8 5.9
6 5.10 18.9 13.1 14.2 14.8 16.2 18.2 21.2 11.7
9 7.65 30.5 22.0 23.5 25.0 260 31.5 38.0 20.0
120 98.00 390.0 284.0 304.0 321.0 336.0 406.0 490.0 260.0
MCOV = Maximum continuous over voltage
FOW = Front of wave protective level
SSP = Maximum switching surge protective level
MCOV FOW Discharge Peak KV at Indicated Impulse Current for an 8/20 Wave SSP
kV, rms kV, rms kV,peak 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA kV, Peak
3 2.55 12.5 9.5 10.0 10.5 11.0 13.0 15.3 8.0
6 5.10 25.0 19.0 20.0 21.0 22.0 26.0 30.5 16.0
MCOV = Maximum continuous over voltage
FOW = Front of wave protective level
SSP = Maximum switching surge protective level
MCOV FOW Discharge Peak KV at Indicated Impulse Current for an 8/20 Wave SSP
kV, rms kV, rms kV,peak 1.5kA 3kA 5kA 10 kA 20 kA 40 kA kV, Peak
3 2.55 . - - -
6 5.10 17.4 13.0 14.0 14.7 16.2 18.1 21.1 11.7
MCOV = Maximum continuous over voltage
FOW = Front of wave protective level
SSP = Maximum switching surge protective level
Circuit breaker test values - The circuit breakers used in the power system
applications are classified into two categories in the ANSI Standard C37.06,
1979 as general purpose and definite purpose [1]. The schedule of dielectric test
values for both categories are presented in the same standard. These values are
reproduced below.
Table C-l Schedule of dielectric test values and external insulation for ac
high voltage circuit breakers (4.76 kV through 800 kV).
Table C-2 Schedule of dielectric test values for circuit breakers applied to
gas insulated substations (72.5 kV through 800 kV).
Power transformer test voltages - The test voltages for the power transformers
are presented in Table C-3, from the ANSI Standard C57.12.00 [2].
Test voltages for gas Insulated substations - The test voltages for the gas
insulated substations are presented in Table C-5, from the ANSI Standard C37.122
Test voltages for oil-immersed transformers - The test voltages for the oil-
immersed transformers are presented in Table C-6 from the ANSI Standard 141 [5].
The values in the parentheses are for the distribution transformers, instrument
transformers, constant current transformers, step- and induction voltage regulators
and cable pot heads for distribution cables.
BIL for power circuit breakers, switchgear assemblies and metal enclosed
buses - The test voltages for the power circuit breakers, switchgear assemblies and
metal enclosed buses are presented in Table C-7, from the ANSI Standard 141 [5].
Impulse test levels for dry type transformers - The test voltages for the dry type
transformers are presented in Table C-8, from the ANSI Standard 141 [5].
Surge arrester - The withstand voltages of the surge arrester for various duties are
presented in Tables B-l through B-5.
3. ANSI Standard C57.21, IEEE Standard for Terminology and Test Code for
Shunt Reactors Rated Over 500 kVA, 1990.
4. ANSI Standard C37.122, IEEE Standard for Gas Insulated Substations, 1993.
6. IEEE Standard 1036, IEEE Guide for Application of Shunt Capacitors, 1992.
Table C-2 Test Voltages for Circuit Breakers in Gas Insulated Substations
(1) = With circuit breaker
(2) = Withstand voltage from terminal to terminal on one phase with circuit breaker open
46 250 275 - - - 95
69 250 275 _ . 95
350 385 - - - 140
Notes: Columns 5 and 6 provide phase to ground test voltages for wye-connected
Insulation Class Low-Frequency Test BIL and Full Wave Chopped Wave
Crest Crest Minimum Time to
(W) (kV) (kV) (kV) Flashover, micro-s
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
15 34 110 130 2
Notes: (1) = Wye connected shunt reactors for operation with solidly grounded
Substation Test Values Disconnect Switch Open Gap Interrupter Open Gap
Rated Field
Rated Tests Low Sw
Max Rated Low Freq Sw Impulse Freq Impulse Low Freq Impulse Impulse Low Freq Sw Impulse
Voltage B I L k V Withstand kV Withstand Withstand kV Withstand kV Withstand Withstand Withstand Withstand Withstand
kV rms Crest rms kV Crest rms Crest kV rms kV Crest kV Crest kVrms kV Crest
72.5 300 140 * 105 330 154 300 140
72.5 350 160 * 120 385 176 350 160
121 450 215 * 160 495 236 450 215
121 550 260 * 195 605 286 550 260
145 550 260 * 195 605 286 550 260
145 650 310 * 230 715 341 650 310
169 650 310 * 230 715 341 650 310 -
169 750 365 * 270 825 401 750 365 -
242 750 365 * 270 825 401 750 365 -
242 900 425 * 320 990 467 900 425 -
362 900 425 720 320 990 467 800 900 425 800
362 1050 500 825 375 1155 550 900 1050 500 900
550 1300 615 1050 460 1430 676 1175 1300 615 1175
550 1550 740 1175 550 1705 814 1300 1550 740 1300
800 1800 860 1425 645 1980 946 1550 1800 860 1550
Voltage Voltage
Voltage rating BIL rating BIL rating BIL
(kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV) (kV)
2.4 45 23 150 115 550
4.16 60 34.5 200 138 650
7.2 75 46 250 161 750
13.8 95 69 350 230 900
14.4 110 92 450 345 1300