Lesson Plan MBC 2

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Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F
Year: 4

Date: 28/08/15 Time: 11.45 12.25 pm

Learning Area: Health Topic: Protective Behaviours

(Networks- safe and unsafe secrets)
Curriculum content description: (from ACARA)
Being Healthy safe and active (ACCPPS035)
Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel
uncomfortable or unsafe.

Students prior knowledge and experience:

Students already have a good understanding of the topic and will be participating in their
second lesson for the selected topic.
Students have already been given examples of safe and unsafe secrets and have completed
several worksheets on feeling safe.
However, previous lessons will be summarised as a refresher and for those who may have
been absent.

Learning purpose:

Recognising physical responses that indicate they are feeling uncomfortable or

Identifying and practising appropriate responses to unsafe situations in relations to
drug and drug use.

Learning objectives:


On completion of this lesson,

students will be able to:

(Explain how you will know that lesson

objective have been achieved / monitor
student learning)
- Students will be actively contributing to
group conversations and offering
- Students completing and engaging in
set topic.
Student learning will be monitored by:
- Looking for indicators of restlessness and
preventing the distractions occurring (eg.
Removing items off the desk, if they are
constantly fidgeting)
- Looking at eye contact and body
language to ensure students are on track

(What will students know and be able to do

at the completion of the lesson specific,
concise and attainable objectives)
- Identify examples of safe and unsafe
- Understand the importance of a network
- Be able to identify their own network
- Understand what qualities are required
for someone to be on a network.

and listening.
Asking the students question on the set
topic to help keep them engaged and
stimulate thinking processes.

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment
will be required)
- Learning environment will need to be quiet, so that all students can hear and actively
participate without distraction.
- Students will need their protective behaviours activity booklet
- Colouring pencils/textas
- Worksheet with outline of hand to identify network
- Holding Hands lesson plan resource book

Catering for diversity

(detail any adjustments considerations for

educational/resource adjustments)

Minimal culture diversity in the classroom that will affect teaching

Students struggling to comprehend information will be given additional help if
required (ie. One on one learning at their desk)
Repeat information to help students absorb what is being said or in case they
missed anything


Learning Experiences:




1. Introduction: (How will I engage the learners?)

Get out Protective Behaviours Health booklet.
Regain attention by using clapping method or hands on heads.
Refresh over what has previously been taught
Safe/unsafe secrets
- Ask questions about what is a safe and what is an unsafe secret.
- Elaborate both for the students again, in case they have forgotten, were
absent or could not hear the speaker.
- A safe secret is something you feel comfortable to keep to yourself and
is not harmful to yourself or anybody else.
(Give examples from activity 5 worksheet (98) and ask for their opinion,
safe unsafe?)
- An Unsafe secret is something you do not feel comfortable to keep
because it makes you feel unsafe or unsure of yourself, it could be
something that is harmful to yourself or someone else.
Discuss that in this lesson students will be required to think about who
they can talk to if
they feel unsafe.
2. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help the
students achieve the learning objectives? What tasks and activities will
the students be involved in to help achieve the learning objectives?)
- Ask for suggestions on who they might be able to talk to and write a
brainstorm on the board.
- Explain to the students that not everyone will have the same network of
people to talk to, not everyone will have the same family members and
that the network is only for people that they feel safe around.
- Ask why it is a good idea to identify their network of people
Someone might need help in a hurry or may be upset and not able to
think clearly.
- Hand out hand template and allow students time to write in 5 people that
they think that they would feel safe to talk to.
Show example of completed one.
- Once they have written down 5 contacts ask them why it is important
to have more than one person to talk too.
One of the adults may not be available at the time or may not be able to
- Ask them what we can do if there is no one in our network that we feel
comfortable to talk to of if none of them are available then who they
could talk to
Suggest kids helpline, give brief overview, if they are ever worried about
something, feeling unsafe or dont know who they can talk to then they
can call them on ______________
3. Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it
to the lesson objectives?)
- Hand out letters for them to give to their network to ask and inform them
that they are part of their network.
- Ask the students questions on what they have learnt today and why it is

important to identify their networks.

Lesson Evaluation:
Overalll the lesson worked quiet well however timing was a slight issue as it was a forty
minute lesson and students were held back from their Indonesian class. Students
participated well and I felt as though they really enjoyed the lesson. Next time I will try and
make lesson objectives a little clearer and utilise the whiteboard better to ensure
instructions are written and clear for all students.

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