Welcome To Coolidge Intermediate Roberts' Class Syllabus 2015-2016

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Welcome to Coolidge Intermediate

Roberts Class Syllabus 2015-2016


Ms. Roberts


4th Grade ELA Classroom

Phone: (248) 547-1700
Email: [email protected]
Class Website: http://robertsfourthgradeela.weebly.com/
Room: 203
I love forward to partnering with families and supporting your child. I am very excited for the
2015-2016 school year!
Team Teaching
When your child is in my classroom will be begin each day with a Morning Meeting which includes: A
greeting, sharing, and whole group activity ended with a message. While in my classroom students will
work on ELA (English Language Arts)- Reading, Writing, and Word Study. In the afternoon your child will
go to Ms. McMullen for Math, Social Studies, and Science. Your child will always return to my class for a
Closing Circle and end of the day routines.

Supplies Needed for ELA / Homeroom

As always, your student will need certain supplies during the school year; any extras are greatly
appreciated and will become part of our communal classroom supplies.

3 Durable folders- Students are responsible for their classroom work and the folders help them stay
organized and makes it easy to refer back to work
2 Spiral notebooks- Students need notebooks to respond to their reading and a notebook for writing
1 Binder (1-inch) Students will create writing goals and need a binder in order to hold their work and
#2 Pencils
Highligherst- Students will be editing their work and each others

All week we have practiced SOAR expectations and will follow the expectations as well in the classroom.
Students created their hopes and dreams for the school year and together we are creating our classroom
rules. Our classroom rules will create an environment that will help us reach our classroom goals.
A Job Well Done
Class Jobs
Positive calls home
Staff Recognition

Ms. Roberts meeting
Behavior Think Sheet
Parent contact
Loss of privileges
Disciplinary Action (referral to Mr. Bruner)

I will be sending a Classroom Newsletter out every Monday. You can review this newsletter via email, our
class website, or hard copy. In addition, I will use a Communication Folder to communicate with you, as
well as send home any homework, paperwork, or notices from the school. Please review the contents of
the Folder and make any comments on the paper inside. This Communication Folder routine will begin
during the second week of school. Also, remember to contact me which is most convenient for you.
Students are learning how to use their lockers this year. Any support from home (if you have a
combination lock for practice) is much appreciated! Student lockers should be for coats and backpacks
only, as well as extra supplies. Students may access their lockers at the beginning and end of the day,
and before and after lunch. Cell Phones must be kept in their lockers on silent until the end of the day.
Absent Work
It is very important that students attend school every day. In the event that a student must be absent,
families need to notify the office. Each child must be take responsibility for checking with a tablemate to
find out what was missed. There will be an Absent Work tray near my desk. If what was missed is still
unclear, students may see me for help. If a student is out sick for an extended period for any reason,
please let me know and we can arrange for work to get home to you.
Bathroom Breaks
Fourth graders will receive bathroom breaks before school, in the morning, and in the afternoon.
Snack will not be provided, but students are permitted to eat a peanut-free snack in the
afternoon.Snacks must be healthy-please do not send pop, chips, or candy. Students are allowed to
keep water bottles labeled with their name under their desks. On students birthdays, you are welcome to
send a treat in with them so long as it is peanut-free.

Bell Schedule
First Bell 7:40am
Tardy Bell 7:45am

4th Grade Lunch 10:40 - 11:10

Student Dismissal 2:40 pm
Early Monday Dismissal 2:10 pm
Half Day Dismissal 10:43 am
Specials Schedule
Monday Art 12:10-12:50
Tuesday Music 8:40-9:10
Wednesday Music 8:05-8:35
Thursday Gym 8:40-9:10
Friday Gym 9:15-9:45
* Make sure your child wears/brings gym shoes on Thursday/Friday. Gym shoes may be stored
in their lockers.

Class Website
Visit our website at http://robertsfourthgradeela.weebly.com/

Family Involvement
Families are always welcome to take part in our classroom activities throughout the year. Family support
is very important at home as well as in the classroom. Here are some ways you can join us:
Volunteering to help in the classroom
Reading aloud to students
Donating materials such as snacks, supplies, or surplus books and magazines
Coming to special events and performances
ELA Outline

Reading Units
Launching Strong Reading Habits
Analyzing Characters
Informational Reading
Exploring and Creating Poetry

Writing Units
Personal Narrative
Persuasive Writing
Literary Essay
Nonfiction Writing Matters
Exploring and Creating Poetry
Research Writing Matters

Word Study
Will be done every week, focusing on different spelling patterns.
Assignments & Homework
Daily objectives aligned with the Common Core, the agenda for the day, and any homework will be
written on the board each day when students enter the classroom.
For ELA, students are expected to read 20-30 minutes at home every school day.

Thank you for taking the time to read this syllabus with your child.

Please complete this Page and return it by Wednesday, September 16th!!

Ms. Roberts

Student Signature: ________________________________

Parent Signature: _________________________________
Family Survey
In order for me to learn a little bit more about your family, please complete this survey and return it by
Wednesday, September 16th.
Childs Name: ________________________________________
Parent/Guardian name(s): ____________________________________________________________

Primary contact
Phone number: __________________________________________________
Email: __________________________________________________________
Would you prefer to receive our newsletter via email, website, or hard copy? (circle one)
Your insights about your child are very important and useful to me as I get to know him/her and will be
held in confidence. We will have other chances to talk, but I invite you to jot down whatever youd like me
to know as the new year starts.

1. What would you like me to know about your child?

2. Are there specific things you would like me to see them get support with this year?

3. What do you and your family enjoy doing together?

4. What Holidays do you celebrate at home?

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