Lesson Plan Math
Lesson Plan Math
Lesson Plan Math
Day: M T W T F
Date: 28/08/2015
Year: PP
Topic: Addition
(from ACARA)
ACMNA 289- Compare, order and make correspondences between collections,
initially to 20, and explain reasoning
ACMNA002- Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero,
initially up to 10 and then beyond
ACMNA004- Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing
ACMMG006- Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer,
heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language
Learning purpose:
Learning objectives:
educational/resource adjustments)
- Addition problem expressed theoretically as an equation to accommodate
visual learners.
- Addition problem expressed practically in the form of block towers to
accommodate kinesthetic learners.
- Dice with large amount of sides to increase complexity of equations for
advanced children.
- Dice with small amount of side to decrease complexity of equations for
children learning basics.
Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction:
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
Students benefited from the hands on activity, being able to visualise the concept of
addition aided many of the students that struggled with it initially.
Giving students the ability to extend themselves using a dice with larger size meant
that the activity was still engaging for them. Some had never dealt with such large
numbers in an addition equation before meaning that the activity tested them and
seemed new and exciting.
Giving students that struggled with the concept of addition smaller sided dice meant
that they could focus on developing their understanding rather than also dealing
with larger unfamiliar numbers
Next time I will distribute equipment AFTER instruction to ensure that all attention is
directed at me for the demonstration and instruction.
Next time I will execute this kind of lesson on the mat to make it easier on me for
demonstration, and the students for completing the lesson to eliminate issues with
eye contact during explanation and problems with die falling off the tables and into
other students areas.