Lesson Plan Math

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The key takeaways from the lesson plan were to teach practical strategies to solve addition problems and use direct comparisons to decide quantities using appropriate language.

The teacher used hands-on activities with blocks to represent addition equations. Students rolled dice to generate numbers and built towers of blocks to represent the sums.

The teacher provided different sized dice - larger dice increased complexity for advanced students, and smaller dice decreased complexity for beginners. Equations were presented both theoretically and practically using blocks.

Lesson Plan

Day: M T W T F

Date: 28/08/2015

Learning Area: Mathematics

Curriculum content description:

Year: PP
Topic: Addition

(from ACARA)
ACMNA 289- Compare, order and make correspondences between collections,
initially to 20, and explain reasoning
ACMNA002- Connect number names, numerals and quantities, including zero,
initially up to 10 and then beyond
ACMNA004- Represent practical situations to model addition and sharing
ACMMG006- Use direct and indirect comparisons to decide which is longer,
heavier or holds more, and explain reasoning in everyday language

Students prior knowledge and experience:

(Outline what the students already know about this topic)
- Most students can count to 20 with ease
- Majority of students can cope with sums that result in 10
- Some students are able to cope with sums that result in higher numbers

Learning purpose:

(May refer to the Elaborations of the curriculum content

description here)
To teach practical strategies used to solve the addition of small groups of
numbers and o teach direct comparison and the appropriate language associated.

Learning objectives:


On completion of this lesson,

students will be able to:

(Explain how you will know that lesson

objective have been achieved / monitor
student learning)
- Towers made reflecting the given
- Worksheet filled correctly
- Order of towers/equations from
largest to smallest correct

(What will students know and be able to do

at the completion of the lesson specific,
concise and attainable objectives)
- Complete an addition equation
by adding two given numbers
- Represent the equation in a
practical form
- Represent the problem as an
equation given the template
- Compare theoretical and
practical results
- Use language associated with
measurement (taller, shorter,
larger smaller etc.)

Preparation and Resources:

(Detail what resources will be used and what other preparation of the learning environment
will be required)
- A4 template for demonstration
- Large dice for demonstration
- Markers for demonstration
- Worksheet providing template for addition equations (attached)
- Blocks
- 6,9 and 20 sided die
- Stationary

Catering for diversity

(detail any adjustments considerations for

educational/resource adjustments)
- Addition problem expressed theoretically as an equation to accommodate
visual learners.
- Addition problem expressed practically in the form of block towers to
accommodate kinesthetic learners.
- Dice with large amount of sides to increase complexity of equations for
advanced children.
- Dice with small amount of side to decrease complexity of equations for
children learning basics.


Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction:

(How will I engage the learners?)

Students should be sitting in small groups

I am trying to build a city of tall towers, but I need your help.
You will be given a dice.
Roll the dice twice to find the two numbers that you will add together to
create your towers.
Lets do the first one together.
Demonstration on the board
Where does the number go when you roll the dice for the first time?
Where does the number go when you roll the dice the second time?
What do I do to find the last number?



2. Sequence of learning experiences: (What will you do to help

the students achieve the learning objectives? What tasks and
activities will the students be involved in to help achieve the
learning objectives?)

1. Give each student a dice (type of dice depends on the capability

2. The dice is rolled once.
3. This is the number that begins the equation and is inserted into
the template given.
4. The student should then collect this number of blocks and begin
creating the tower.
5. The dice is rolled once again.
6. This is the number that will be added to the first and is inserted
into the templet given.
7. The student should collect this number of blocks and ADD them to
the tower that has been created.
8. The student should then count the amount of blocks that the
tower is comprised of.
9. This number should be inserted into the template given to solve
the equation.
10.Students then take their tower apart and continue until the
template is full.

3. Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and

relate it to the lesson objectives?)
1. Students should now choose which equation ended with the
tallest tower/highest number.
2. The student may then create this tower once more.
Which tower was tallest?
Why is this so?
What is the last number of the equation made up of?

Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)

Students benefited from the hands on activity, being able to visualise the concept of
addition aided many of the students that struggled with it initially.
Giving students the ability to extend themselves using a dice with larger size meant
that the activity was still engaging for them. Some had never dealt with such large
numbers in an addition equation before meaning that the activity tested them and
seemed new and exciting.
Giving students that struggled with the concept of addition smaller sided dice meant
that they could focus on developing their understanding rather than also dealing
with larger unfamiliar numbers
Next time I will distribute equipment AFTER instruction to ensure that all attention is
directed at me for the demonstration and instruction.
Next time I will execute this kind of lesson on the mat to make it easier on me for
demonstration, and the students for completing the lesson to eliminate issues with
eye contact during explanation and problems with die falling off the tables and into
other students areas.

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