Lesson Planning 2
Lesson Planning 2
Lesson Planning 2
The importance of planning for teaching and learning cannot be overstated. Planning the
learning process means that the lesson outcomes can be achieved. Effective teachers
cite planning as the most important part of the work they do.
Learning outcomes
On successful completion of this topic you will:
AITSL Standards
Focus Questions
While there are a range of lesson planning formats the Lesson Planning notes from the
School of Education indicate the headings under which you must structure your lesson
plans while on Professional Experience. Examples of other lesson plans are in
Groundwater-Smith et al, p217-223.
Essential Reading
Groundwater-Smith, S., Ewing, R. and Le Cornu, R. (2015). Teaching: Challenges and
dilemmas. 5th Ed. South Melbourne: Cengage Learning Australia. ISBN
9780170246620 - Chapter 8
Learning Activities/Tasks
Task 4 (External Students)
Develop a lesson plan based on one of the following. Be careful when considering your
lesson outcome(s). Remember the objective is linked to the evaluation. How will you
know the students have achieved the lesson objective? Remember questioning.
Lesson Plan
Name: Tanya Senter
Day: M T W T F
Year: 7
Date: 03/09/2015
Time: 12:17-13:21
Topic: Water
Year 7 students have been working on the topic water in the world for
the past 5 weeks and during their learning process, they have developed
different prior knowledge on the nature of water scarcity and ways of
overpowering it.
Learning purpose:
description here)
Learning objectives:
educational/resource adjustments)
Learning Experiences:
1. Introduction:
3. Lesson conclusion: (How will you summarise the learning and relate it
to the lesson objectives?)
Lesson Evaluation:
(Reflect on the lesson. What worked? What did not work? What would you change? Why?)
Everything that was planned for this lesson plan worked. The students worked
really well and they behaved really well when I was teaching the lesson. The only
thing that I would change would be my tone of voice. I need to improve on my
teachers voice and try to speak louder and clearer.