Tracking Pyp Recommendations - Sheet1
Tracking Pyp Recommendations - Sheet1
Tracking Pyp Recommendations - Sheet1
Standard A1
There is close alignment between the educational beliefs and values of the school and those of the programme.
2. The school further promote student inquiry and the Standard A3-c
development of critical thinking skills across all
classes and subject areas.
Standard A2
The school promotes international-mindedness on the part of the adults and the students in the school community
1. The school continues to make it a priority to acquire Standard B2-1, B2-6, Many library books have been purchased recently (all Further book orders? Mother tongue resources?
resources that offer access to a variety of cultures,
B2-7, B2-11
orders coming from teachers). In most cases,
perspectives and languages.
teachers have specifically ordered to support a UoIs
(early years book ordered).
2. The school continues to find ways to make visible A4
UoI sharing. Christmas concert. Poetry slam. BookWe need to make clear student voices.
the diversity of cultures and perspectives of all
week readings & events.
constituents in the school.
Process of revising school mission has included
diverse community voices. Reading relay day. Family
potluck in June. PTA meetings.
Standard B1
The school demonstrates ongoing commitment to, and provides support for, the programme through appropriate administrative structures and systems, staffing and
New PYPC appointed with job description and release
hours. Pedagogical leadership team works together to
implement programme.
Standard B2-6
Standard C1
A comprehensive, coherent, written curriculum, based on the requirements of the programme and developed by the school, is available to all sections of the school
Standard C2
Standard C2-9a
PD each year (prior to start of year) at 2-day, wholeschool retreat on concept based learning, teaching
thinking and task design (working in transdisciplinary
Ongoing. 2014/15 academic year focused on vertical
and horizontal articulation. Age appropriateness and
relevance considered in changes.
Subject specific mini programme of inquiry work done
in PE and art.
UoIs for Turtles and Dolphins separated.
Turtles and Dolphins to have their own UoIs.
In trimester 1, 2014 the review of the Programme of
Inquiry started with the new PYPC.
The school has implemented a system through which all teachers plan and reflect in collaborative teams.
Standard C1-c
Standard C3
Teaching and learning at the school empowers and encourages students to become lifelong learners, to be responsible towards themselves, their learning, other people and
the environment, and to take appropriate action
Standard C3-13
Standard C4
There is an agreed approach to assessment, and to the recording and reporting of assessment data, which reflects the practices and requirements of the programme.
1. The teachers with the PYP coordinator, continue to Standard C4-b, C4-3,
develop formative and summative assessments that
effectively provide evidence of the concepts,
skills, and attitudes learned during the units of
2. The teachers look for ways to involve students in
Standard C4-8
peer- and self-assessment strategies so that they
grow as independent learners.
3. All teachers continue to develop systems for
Standard C4-5,
recording and storing evidence
of student learning so that it is accesible, as
appropriate, to students, parents, and teachers.
Make clear that every unit must include peer and selfassessment through the process.
Standard D1
Students learn to choose to act, and to reflect on their actions, so that they contribute to their own well-being and that of the community and the environment.
Two service learning coordinators have taken on the Further develop ways that service becomes part of
task of developing service learning. Whole-school PD the process of learning (an adaptation of the
on service learning at 2-day staff retreat (including
curriculum) not an additional assignment (product).
action cycle) prior to start of year (Aug 2014).
Teachers have identified one UoI in the year where
they will focus on service.
We are maintaining our relationships with our service
partners: City parks (park clean-up/leaf raking in
autumn and maintenance of small garden in botanical
area), DAROM (countrywide community clean-up) &
Sierra Leone fundraising (sponsored fun run, bake
sale, coin collections) and exploring how such
relationships can support student learning.
The PYP service learning coordinator visited two
regional International schools to learn about service
learner at their schools.
Standard D2
In the final year of the programme, all students complete a programme-specific project that allows them to demonstrate a consolidation of their learning, in the case of PYP
and MYP, and demonstrate the extension and development of their learning in the Diploma Programme.
The PYP exhibition becomes a requirement in the
year subsequent to authorization.
Standard C4-9