Feature Writing Sample
Feature Writing Sample
Feature Writing Sample
A veteran gardener creates a new landscape for the next phase of her life.
rish Johnson spent more than 25 years designing, plant- matter of days.” Despite the upheaval, Trish would do it again.
ing, and caring for the grounds around the unusual By starting over, Trish and Bob got a fresh landscape that will
earth-bermed home she shares with her husband, Bob, take them into retirement and beyond. They have reshaped
in rural Dakota County. Not surprisingly, she felt both panic the outdoor spaces around their home into a series of decks
and nostalgia as she watched heavy equipment smash the and gardens that feel comfortable whether it’s just the two of
firepit where her toddlers made their first s’mores. Workers them having coffee in the morning or a crowd of 60 for a back-
yanked out the bridal wreath spirea her daughters often used yard barbeque. Their new landscape gives them a cabin-like
to make flower crowns, along with hundreds of shrubs, trees, retreat without the drive, and expands their living space enor-
and perennials Johnson had carefully planted and cultivated mously for at least six months a year.
over the years. Moreover, the new landscape complements and
“Having an existing landscape removed in its entirety is a big enhances the appearance of their distinctive home, and
move, visually and psychologically,” says Trish, a Master most important to Trish, it blends seamlessly into the
Gardener. “Except for what I potted and saved, it was gone in a countryside around them.
Changes in hardscaping and plants indicate changes in function. Trish takes a rare break. Bottom: Rugged materials enhance the kitchen.
January/February 2008 21
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Clockwise from top left: Karl Foerster grass; Liatris spectata ‘Alba’ from Trish’s white garden; copper-capped pillars add a vertical accent to the water feature;
wooden grates provide a geometric element to the deck and can be expanded as the trees grow; perforated copper leaves create sound and reflect light.
January/February 2008 23
take 2 Clockwise from top left: Sedum grow around flag stones;
the family fire pit; trees to grow through the deck; a copper
frame and bright pots create a charming sitting area.
Fill from a newly dug pond helped raise the property’s elevation so hardscaping and plantings could be added.