Quality Management Framework

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Quality Management Framework

Key aspects of the approach to quality management at UWS include:

• Drawing upon Australian and international knowledge and experience to inform
improvement approaches, via membership of networks such as the Canadian
Quality Network of Universities and targeted partnerships with Australian and
overseas universities and systems;
• Integrating a comprehensive system for tracking data and feedback on
performance with action plans to deliver results, by working with key stakeholders;
• Linking University strategic directions with concrete action plans and resources for
• A focus on assuring the quality of the student’s total experience of university –
both the learning experience and the broader campus experience;
• Responding to feedback from students and staff on ways to improve services and
courses and keeping the University community informed of those responses.
Quality assurance at UWS is embedded in the University’s ongoing strategic and
operational planning, accreditation, reporting and review processes.
The University seeks to ensure that its core activities of learning, research and
engagement are working productively with the direct support of enabling services
including the Library, information technology, financial management, student services
and administration to achieve its mission and strategic directions.
As the diagram below indicates, the University’s Plan, Implement, Review and
Improve (PIRI) cycle seeks to ensure that its direction-setting and resourcing
processes, core activities of learning, research and engagement, its enabling systems
and infrastructure are continuously tracked and improved, as well as focused,
synchronised, mutually reinforcing and productive.

UWS Plan, Implement, Review, Improve (PIRI) Cycle


Improve Plan


Review Implement


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