Energy Flow Lesson
Energy Flow Lesson
Energy Flow Lesson
Ecosystem Energy
Standard: Strand 4:Concept 5:
PO 4. Diagram the energy flow in an ecosystem through a food chain.
Objectives: SWBAT
Identify what happens to energy in the food chain through
labeling a food chain.
Identify producer, primary consumer, secondary consumer, and
tertiary consumer.
Essential Question: What happens to energy in the food chain.
PowerPoint: Ecosystem Energy flow
Guided energy notes for students
Teacher Will:
Begin with asking them a bell work question on previous notes:
What is the difference between population/community.
Pass out guided notes.
Ask students to write essential question.
Go over PowerPoint and answering the main questions in the
notes with the students.
Students will:
Answer bell work question
Fill in guided notes
Answer Essential question at the end of class.