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Windshield Survey

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Windshield Survey: Flint, MI

Rachel Fox
Ferris State University

Windshield Survey
As a public health nurse, being informed and knowledgeable of a communitys strengths,
weaknesses, and needs is imperative. While there are many ways in which the nurse may gather
this information, conducting a thorough windshield survey is one way to subjectively identify
areas of focus for the community. Once the boundaries and types of citizens living within the
community are identified, the nurse may begin to plan and implement interventions to work
towards an increased level of health or wellness. Following is a discussion on different aspects to
consider when defining a community, and ways in which national health initiatives can be
incorporated into nursing care at the local community level.
One of the broadest definitions of a community according to Harkness & DeMarco is, a
group of people sharing common interests, needs, resources, and environment; an interrelating
and interacting group of people with shared needs, and interests ( p. 187, 2012). However,
within this definition is a description of different aspects and defining characteristics of a
community. For example, a geopolitical community is defined by a specific area with
boundaries, not necessarily by the characteristics of its citizens. Comparatively, a
phenomenological community is defined by a group of people who share common interests or
beliefs (Harkness & DeMarco, p.189, 2012). It is possible for a phenomenological community to
exist within different geopolitical boundaries. The group of people who make up the community
may be to referred to as an aggregate, and may include those who work or vacation within the
community but do not necessarily live there (Harkness & DeMarco, p. 189, 2012). It is important
for the public health nurse to identify the boundaries and characteristics which define the
community they plan to work with when in the planning stage.

Community Health
According to Green & Mckenzie, community health is, the health status of a defined
group of people, or community, and the actions and conditions that protect and improve the
health of the community (para. 1, 2002). Public health nursing may identify areas in a
community that require assistance and teaching for its citizens in an attempt to follow or meet
national standards. One way this is accomplished is through health promotion. Green &
McKenzie note that educational, social, and environmental supports help to encourage
individuals and/or groups to implement changes towards an increased level of health. Changes
may be made in areas such as: lifestyle, selfcare, mutual aid, participation in community or
political action (rules and policies) to influence health (Green & Mckenzie, para. 24, 2002). A
public health nurse has tremendous opportunity to affect and influence an individual or group
among many different areas and level of care.
Community as Client
As a public health nurse, one of the greatest challenges in community nursing is
stimulating and gaining participation in initiatives. The community members may play an active
role in identifying needs, planning, and implementing measures to achieve set goals. Harkness &
DeMarco identify one strategy to enlist the community as a partner in the change process sis the
formation of a coalition, task force, [or] committee (p. 155, 2012). The combined efforts of these
coalitions may make a community goal easier to obtain and provide a platform leadership team
to oversee efforts.
Healthy People 2020 Leading Health Indicator & Nursing Role
According to Healthy People 2020, the program was built on a conceptual framework
influenced and led by other federal health initiatives and reports, such as the Institute of

Medicine (U.S Department of Health and Human Services, 2015). The information gathered and
gaps identified in previous reports has led the way for Healthy People 2020 to focus their efforts
on areas they call Leading Health Indicators. . These indicators focus on many aspects of
individuals health that ultimately influence the overall health of the community. There are
certain indicators focused on vulnerable populations within the community such as: mental
health, substance abuse, maternal, infant, and child health, injury and violence, and access to
health services.
One aspect of this community that would benefit from the influences of a public health
nurse is mental health. According to Healthy People 2020, areas for mental health focus on
suicide and adolescents who experience major depressive episodes (U.S Department of Health
and Human Services, 2015). They have numerous data to support the need for a focus in these
areas, among other community mental health concerns. The public health nurse may implement
mental health interventions among all levels of prevention.
As mentioned by Harkness & DeMarco, primary interventions in community mental
health may include things such as: educating families and communities about mental health
issues or symptoms, fostering support services for these groups, and offering caregiver support
(p.460, 2012). Secondary prevention interventions may include screening for suspected mental
health disorders, or referring clients for diagnostic assessments. Finally, tertiary services include
offering support groups for those with mental health issues, or teaching health promotion during
rehabilitation sessions (Harkness & DeMarco, p. 460, 2012).
Communitys Risks
The geopolitical community discussed in this survey is within the boundaries of Flint,
Michigan. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Flint has 3,065 persons per square mile, and

41.5% of its citizens living below the poverty level; both of these values are significantly above
the state of Michigans average (U.S. Census Bureau, 2013). According to the American
Psychological Association, socioeconomic status affects overall human functioning: our
physical and mental health, the neighborhoods in which we live, our daily activities, and our
access to resources. [A] low socioeconomic status and its correlates, such as lower education,
poverty, and poor health, ultimately affect our society as a whole (para. 2, 2015). Because of the
low socioeconomic status of much of Flint, MIs population, the community is at an increased
risk for vulnerable populations and health risks. Some of these risks include: substance abuse,
increased violence, poor housing, and decreased access to healthcare resources. There are
numerous ways in which public health nursing can make a great impact and improvement in
these areas.
A community such as Flint, Michigan has many aspects that may benefit from having a
strong influence on public health nursing/care. Providing citizens with resources to be utilized
during times of hardship may help the city shift towards a more positive and prospering
environment. Furthermore, providing support and structure to those in need may help improve
the socioeconomic status of the community and add to an improved environment. Areas of focus
may include things such as: mental health, alcohol/substance abuse, violence, housing, and
access to healthcare. As the community identifies these needs, a coalition can be formed to help
work towards a common goal.

Windshield Survey
Housing and zoning
Free-standing homes
are dilapidated,
unkempt, and even
appear abandoned
(although occupied).
Local homes appear
to be approx. 1,2001,400 square foot,
usually single story,
approx. 40-50 years
old. Many apartment
complexes that appear
to be in reduced
Open space
There is a local school
with playground area,
fenced and
surrounded by
barbed-wire. There is
a park near Hurley
hospital that appears
in well condition,
open grass, but no one
is seen there.
Easily identified by
major freeways and
signage. Condition of
streets, homes, and
progressively changes
as boundaries are

Bar, Down the
Hatch seen with

Many seen walking or
biking. Many at bus
stops pending public
transportation. Major
highways in close
proximity: 475, 75,
69, for those who
drive. Roads have
many potholes/cracks.

Race and ethnicity

African American and
Caucasian citizens
visualized. Many
ethnic hair
businesses seen.

Service centers
Children are seen
playing at the local
high school. Physician
offices are seen in
small, previously
residential areas.
Community mental
health and Planned
parenthood easily
accessible. 2 major
local hospitals.
Stores and street
There are all age
groups seen from the
streets during the day.
Many congregated in
large groups. Many
convenience stores,
grocery stores are on
outskirts. Distance to
grocery stores may be
a concern for those
who lack
Signs of decay
Poor condition of
buildings, homes,

Religion and politics

There are Christian
churches seen.
Baptist, Lutheran
denomination. The
parking lots are
empty. However,
signage appears up to

Health & morbidity

Unable to identify any
visible signs of
abuse. Many liquor
stores noted. Two
major hospitals within
3 miles. (McLaren,

Some homes have
visible satellite dishes.

people outside.
with groups outside.
Children at local high

streets. Trash on side

of streets. Many
businesses. Some
commercial offices
near residential

A few billboards are


There are old obsolete

antennae on some

American Psychological Association. (2015). Violence and Socioeconomic status. Retrieved
from http://www.apa.org/pi/ses/resources/publications/factsheet-violence.aspx
Green,L. & Mckenzie, J. (2002). Community health. Encyclopedia of Public Health. Retrieved
from http://www.encyclopedia.com/doc/1G2-3404000207.html
Harkness, G. & DeMarco,R. ( 2012). Community and public health nursing: Evidence for
practice. (2nd ed.). Philadelphia, PA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
U.S. Department of Human Services. (2015). Healthy People 2020: Mental health. Retrieved
from http://www.healthypeople.gov/2020/leading-health-indicators/2020-lhitopics/Mental-Health
United States Census Bureau. (2013). Flint (city), Michigan: People quick facts. Retrieved from

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