Patran 2010 Reference Manual Part 6: Results Post Processing
Patran 2010 Reference Manual Part 6: Results Post Processing
Patran 2010 Reference Manual Part 6: Results Post Processing
Reference Manual
Part 6: Results Postprocessing
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Results Postprocessing
Result Definitions 5
Result Types 5
Plot Definitions 6
Plot Attributes 8
Plot Targets 9
Results Label 11
Using Results 13
Create 13
Selecting Results 15
Edit Result Case Listbox 17
Result Layer Positions 19
Filtering Results 20
Default Settings 23
Use Templates 24
Modify 27
Post/Unpost 29
Posting/Unposting Plots 29
Posting/Unposting Ranges 31
Delete 32
Delete Plots 33
Delete Results 34
Spectrum/Range Control 34
2 Quick Plots
Overview 2
Animation Notes 6
Animation Options 7
Examples of Usage 9
3 Deformation Plots
Overview 2
Target Entities 4
Display Attributes 6
Plot Options 8
Examples of Usage 10
4 Fringe Plots
Overview 2
Target Entities 4
Display Attributes 6
Plot Options 8
Examples of Usage 10
Target Entities 4
Display Attributes 5
Plot Options 7
6 Marker Plots
Overview 2
Tensor Notes 4
Target Entities 6
Display Attributes 8
Plot Options 12
Examples of Usage 14
7 Cursor Plots
Overview 2
Creating and Modifying a Cursor Plot 4
Cursor Data Form 6
Cursor Report Setup 7
Cursor Report Format 8
Cursor Report Format 9
Format Strings 11
Variables 12
Sorting Options 14
Target Entities 15
Display Attributes 16
Plot Options 17
Examples of Usage 19
Create a Cursor Plot of von Mises Stress 19
Target Entities 5
Display Attributes 8
Plot Options 10
Examples of Usage 12
iv Results Postprocessing
9 Animation
Overview 2
Animation Options 5
Animation Interpolation 7
Animation Control 8
Examples of Usage 12
10 Reports
Overview 2
Selected Quantities 3
Target Entities 6
Display Attributes 8
Report Format 8
Format Strings 10
Variables 11
Sorting Options 13
Report Options 14
Examples of Usage 16
Create a Patran .nod Formatted File 18
Create a Patran .els Formatted File 21
View Global Variables in a Report 24
Reporting Element Nodal Data 25
11 Create Results
Overview 2
Combined Results 4
Derived Results 7
Max/Min 8
Average/Sum 9
PCL Expressions 9
User Defined PCL 12
Demo Results 16
Examples of Usage 17
12 Freebody Plots
Overview 2
Requirements 4
Description of Grid Point Force Balance (GPFB) Results 5
Description of Freebody Tool Plots 6
Select Results 8
Target Entities 10
Display Attributes 12
Tabular Display 16
Description: 17
Arguments: 17
Example 17
Examples of Usage 19
13 Numerical Methods
Introduction 2
Derivations 8
Derivation Definitions 8
von Mises Stress 9
Octahedral Shear Stress 11
Hydrostatic Stress 11
Invariant Stresses 12
Principal Stresses 12
Tresca Shear Stress 13
vi Results Postprocessing
Averaging 15
Element Centroidal Results 16
Element Nodal Results 18
Extrapolation 21
Shape Function 21
Average 21
Centroid 22
Min/Max 22
Examples 23
Coordinate Systems 27
Global System 28
Local Systems 28
Reference Systems 28
Analysis Systems 28
Unknown Systems 28
Element Systems 28
Projected Global System 29
Projected Systems 29
Patran Element IJK 30
Element Bisector (CQUAD4) 31
Material Systems 32
MSC Nastran CQUAD8 System 33
MSC Nastran CTRIA6 System 34
Validation Problems 6
Problem 1: Linear Statics, Rigid Frame Analysis 6
Problem 2: Linear Statics, Cross-Ply Composite Plate Analysis 11
Problem 3: Linear Statics, Principal Stress and Stress Transformation 19
Problem 4: Linear Statics, Plane Strain with 2D Solids 30
Problem 5: Linear Statics, 2D Shells in Spherical Coordinates 36
Problem 6: Linear Statics, 2D Axisymmetric Solids 42
Problem 7: Linear Statics, 3D Solids and Cylindrical Coordinate Frames 49
Problem 8: Linear Statics, Pinned Truss Analysis 55
Problem 9: Nonlinear Statics, Large Deflection Effects 60
Problem 10: Linear Statics, Thermal Stress with Solids 64
Problem 11: Superposition of Linear Static Results 68
Introduction to Results
1 Postprocessing
Overview 2
How this Guide is Organized 3
Result Definitions 5
Capabilities and Limitations 12
Using Results 13
Results Title Editor 37
2 Results Postprocessing
1.1 Overview
The Patran Results application gives users control of powerful graphical capabilities to display results
quantities in a variety of ways:
• Deformed structural plots
• Color banded fringe plots
• Contour line plots
• Marker plots (scalars, vectors, tensors)
• Cursor plots
• Freebody diagrams
• Graph (XY) plots
• Animations of most of these plot types.
The Results application treats all results quantities in a very flexible and general manner. In addition, for
maximum flexibility results can be:
• Sorted
• Reported
• Scaled
• Combined
• Filtered
• Derived
• Deleted
All of these features help give meaningful insight into results interpretation of engineering problems that
would otherwise be difficult at best.
The Results application is object oriented, providing postprocessing plots which are created, displayed,
and manipulated to obtain rapid insight into the nature of results data. The imaging is intended to provide
graphics performance sufficient for real time manipulation. Performance will vary depending on
hardware, but consistency of functionality is maintained as much as possible across all supported display
Capabilities for interactive results postprocessing also exist. Advanced visualization capabilities allow
creation of many plot types which can be saved, simultaneously plotted, and interactively manipulated
with results quantities reported at the click of the mouse button to better understand mechanical behavior.
Once defined, the visualization plots remain in the database for immediate access and provide the means
for results manipulation and review in a consistent and easy to use manner.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 3
How this Guide is Organized
Introduction to Results An overview of the Results application. It is important that first time users read this
Postprocessing thoroughly to fully understand how the Results application works. Important definitions
are defined to understand how results data are stored in the database and how they are
manipulated by the Results application. An overview of the operation of the Results
application is also provided to give a basic understanding of how to create and modify
result plots and how to post/unpost or delete existing plots and results data.
Quick Plots Eighty to ninety percent of all postprocessing needs are accessed through the default
Results application form. This chapter explains the Results application default form and
how to create quick fringe plots of any scalar data and quick structural static
deformation plots and modal style animations and combinations thereof.
Deformation Plots Detailed explanations of how to create and modify deformation plots as well as how to
change display attributes, target entities and other options.
Fringe Plots Detailed explanations of how to create and modify deformation plots as well as how to
change display attributes, target entities and other options.
Contour Line Plots Detailed explanations of how to create and modify contour line plots as well as how to
change display attributes, target entities and other options.
Marker Plots Detailed explanations of how to create and modify marker plots (scalar, vector and
tensor plots) as well as how to change display attributes, target entities and other
Cursor Plots Detailed explanations of how to create and modify cursor plots as well as how to change
display attributes, target entities and other options. Also instructions on how to create a
report from the cursor plot.
Graph (XY) Plots Detailed explanations of how to create and modify graph (XY) plots (including beam
data) as well as how to change display attributes, target entities and other options.
Animation Detailed explanations of how to create and manipulate animations of most plot types as
well as how to change display attributes and other options.
Reports Detailed explanations of how to create and display reports of results data as well as how
to change report formats and other options.
Create Results Detailed explanations of how to derive, combine and scale results data as well as how
to select target entities, define transformation, derivations and other options.
Freebody Plots Explains the capability to graphically display freebody diagrams and create new loads
and boundary conditions from MSC Nastran grid point force balance results.
4 Results Postprocessing
How this Guide is Organized
Numerical Methods Detailed explanations of the many numerical manipulations that are exercised in the
Results application. These include operations such as vector and tensor to scalar
calculations, extrapolation methods, coordinate transformations, results derivations and
averaging techniques.
Verification and Validation Verification and Validation problems are presented to validate and verify
postprocessing displays using standard and widely accepted engineering problems. This
is also a good source of example problems for learning to use the Results application.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 5
Result Definitions
Result Types
There are really only three results types, either scalar, vector, or tensor. Aside from these there are other
aspects of results data as stored in the database that need to be understood. The following table
summarizes these:
Term Description
Nodes/Elements Results are associated with either nodes or with elements.
Scalar Results Single results values associated with either nodes or elements. They contain a magnitude
only with no direction. Examples: strain energy, temperature, von Mises stress, etc.
Vector Results Results values with three (3) components each associated with either nodes or elements.
Vector results contain both magnitude and direction Examples: displacement, velocity,
acceleration, reaction forces, etc.
Tensor Results Results values with six (6) components each (typically comprising the upper triangular
portion of a symmetric matrix) associated with either nodes or elements. Examples: stress
and strain components
Real/Complex Number Results stored as real numbers have only single values associated with any node or element.
Complex numbers have two values associated with any node or element and are stored in
the database as real and imaginary parts or magnitude and phase.
Load Case A group of applied loads and boundary conditions which may produce one or more result
Results Case A collection of results as stored in the database (e.g., static analysis results, results from a
load step in a nonlinear analysis, a mode shape from a normal mode analysis, a time step
from a transient analysis, etc.).
Result Type Either scalar, vector, or tensor. Scalar results contain a magnitude with no direction such as
temperature, strain energy, von Mises stress, etc. Vector results contain both magnitude and
direction, such as displacement, velocity, and acceleration. Tensor results are symmetric
with six unique values (xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx) such as stress or strain at a point. Each Results
Case can have many Results types in them.
Global Variables Values associated with results cases as a whole rather than to individual nodes and elements.
Each result case may be associated with zero, one or more global variables, (e.g. time,
frequency, load case, etc.).
Primary Results Physical quantities which may contain several different secondary result types. For
example, stress is a primary result and von Mises stress is a derived or secondary result.
6 Results Postprocessing
Result Definitions
Term Description
Layer Positions The location where element results are computed for plates and shells which may be
homogenous or laminated. Other types of elements have a default non-layered ID. Beam
results can also be layered. Examples are top, bottom, and middle results of plate elements,
different locations in a beam cross section, etc.
Element Positions The location within the element (at a particular layered position for plates, shells, and
beams) where results are computed. These positions are the quadrature points, element
centroid, or nodal points. For beam plots, results at intermediate points along the beam can
also be displayed as long as the analysis code has computed results at those locations.
When postprocessing results, you should be able to answer these questions about any data that is to be
• Is the result type scalar, vector, or tensor?
• Is the result associated with nodes or elements?
• Is the result single-valued or complex (real/imaginary)?
• What layer-position does the result belong to?
• For element results, where in the element is the result computed?
Plot Definitions
The Results application provides various different plot types for results visualization. These plots,
sometimes referred to as tools or plot tools, allow graphical examination of analysis results using a
variety of imaging techniques and also simultaneous display of multiple plots to aid in the understanding
of interactions between results. The following table summarizes the plots available followed by a
description of each.
Deformation plots are used to display the current model and posted plot tools in a deformed state. Care
must be taken when applying other plots on a deformation plot when more than one deformation plot is
posted since multiple deformation plots can easily clutter the graphics. An optional display of an
undeformed model is controlled as an attribute of the deformation tool. The targeting of deformation
tools to anything other than nodes and elements or groups of nodes and element is not allowable.
Deformations may be used to display any nodal vector data.
Fringe plots map color to surfaces or edges based on the result data defined for the tool. Fringes are
developed from nodal-averaged scalar values. Fringes may be plotted on the model’s element faces or
edges. The fringe tool will supersede all existing or default color and shading definition for the entities
at which the fringe is targeted.
Contour Line plots display contour lines representing result data selected. Contours line plots are
developed from nodal-averaged scalar values. Contour lines may be plotted on the model’s element faces
or edges.
Marker plots display nodal or element based scalar, vector or tensor results as icons or arrows at the
result locations. Markers may be targeted at model features such as nodes, corners, and edges or faces of
elements. Individual scalar, vector and tensor plots are described below but are known generically as
marker plots.
Cursor plots display nodal or element based scalar, vector or tensor results as labels. There are three
types of cursor plots: (1) Scalar, (2) Vector or (3) Tensor. Scalar, vector and tensor result quantities are
displayed as one, three and six labels, respectively. Labels may be targeted at model features such as
nodes and elements. Cursor plots are interactive and the labels are displayed on the model as the user
selects the entities. The result value labels maybe displayed in a spreadsheet and written to a file, if
Scalar plots display nodal or element based scalar data and are considered special types of marker plots.
Scalars may be colored and scaled based on value and may be targeted at various model features such as
node, faces and edges of elements, and corners.
Vector plots display nodal or element based vector data as component or resultant vectors and are
considered special types of marker plots. Vectors may be colored and scaled based on magnitude and may
be targeted at various model features such as node, faces and edges of elements, and corners.
Tensor plots display an iconic representation of a symmetric tensor and are considered a special type of
marker plot. Tensors may be oriented in the axes of principal stress or the tensor’s defined coordinate
system. Tensors may be defined by element- or nodal-based tensor data. Nodal tensors are mapped from
8 Results Postprocessing
Result Definitions
element tensors and are used when a tensor marker tool is targeted at other tools. Tensors may be targeted
at nodal- and element-based model features.
Animation of most plot types is fully supported. Deformations can be animated in modal or ramped
styles as well as true deformations from transient analyses. Animations from other plot types can
accompany a deformation animation such as a stress field fringe plot or they can be animated separately
from the deformation. Animation can be turned on or off from any existing plot or can be designated at
creation time or when modifying a plot. The number of animation frames and other parameters such as
the speed of animation are all easily controllable.
Freebody plots display a freebody diagram on a selected portion of the model. The plots are in the form
of vector plots showing either the individual components or resultant values. Individual components that
make up the total freebody diagram can also be plotted separately such as reaction forces, nodal
equivalenced applied forces, internal element forces and other forces such as those from MPCs, rigid
bars, or other external influences. New loads and boundary condition sets can be created from a freebody
Graph plots are XY plots generally consisting of a results value versus some variable such as time or
frequency or possibly a model attribute such as distance from a hole or edge or another results value.
Plot Attributes
The Results application provides the means of Creating, Modifying, Deleting, Posting and Unposting
these plots as well as means for dynamically manipulating these plots for interactive results imaging.
Each plot created has assigned attributes which determine its characteristics. All plots have the following
Attribute Description
Name A unique user-definable string descriptor to identify the plot tool. If no plot name is
specified a default name is used. The default will be used each time unless the user
specifically defines a unique name.
Type One of the plot tool types described in Plot Definitions, 6.
Result(s) A results case or a list of results cases and the corresponding result type which the plot
tool is to display.
Target Onto where or to what entities the plot is to be displayed. This is either on a model feature
such as nodes, elements, or on another plot tool.
Display Attributes Each plot type has specific settings to control how the plot is to be displayed. These
include such things as component colors, titles, label, rendering styles and a myriad of
other attributes.
Animation Attributes Attributes to describe whether the tool is to be animated and how the results are to be
mapped to animation frames. For instance, is the animation modal or transient and how
many frames will be used for the animation?
Posting Status Each plot is either Posted (displayed) or Unposted (not displayed) with the exception of
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 9
Result Definitions
Plot Targets
Result plots may be displayed on selected model entities or other selected plot tools. The model based
targets may be defined by a list of posted groups, by all posted entities in the current viewport, or by
individual nodes or elements or by elements with certain attributes. The model entities and tools which
may act as targets for Results application plots are described below.
Elements indicate that results will be displayed on all selected elements of the model. For graphs and
reports the information can be extracted from the centroid, the element nodes or element data as stored
in the database.
Free faces describe those element faces common to only one element. This includes faces lining the
outside surface of a model or those inside surfaces exposed to internal voids. Free faces are appropriate
targets for displays such as fringe plots which are normally displayed on the surface of the model or on
a cutting plane through the model.
All Faces display results on each face of each element.
Free Edges display results on edges common to only one element. Use this target type when displaying
results on the same edges which are used to draw the model when Free Edge is selected as the finite
element display method.
All Edges display results on all element edges. Using this target selection allows mapping of results onto
a wireframe representation of the model.
Nodes display the selected results at each nodal location of the model. Tensor and vector plots may all
be displayed at nodal locations.
Corners display the selected results at nodes which are common to only one element. Tensor and vector
plots may all be displayed at corner locations.
Paths display the selected results along a defined path. The path can be defined as either a series of beams
or element edges, geometric curves, or selected points (either geometric or FEM based). This target type
is used with Graphs plots.
The following table summarizes the valid targets for all plot tools. When specifying target entities in most
cases you must specify both the target entities to which the plot will be assigned and the attributes or
additional display information. The table below shows target entity versus attribute and which plots types
10 Results Postprocessing
Result Definitions
are valid (D=deformation, F=fringe, Cl = Contour Lines, S= Scalar, V=vector, T=tensor, Cu=Cursor,
G=graph, R=report).
Edges/ Beams
Elem. Nodes /
Free Edges
Free Faces
All Edges
All Faces
All Data
Current Viewport D,S,V,T,R F,Cl,S,V F F,S,V,T F D,S, V,T,R S,V,T R
Nodes D,S,V,T,
Elements D,S,V,T, F,Cl F F F R
Groups D,S,V,T,G,R F,Cl,S,V F F,S,V,T F D,S,V,T,G,R S,V,T G,R
Materials D,S,V,T,G,R F,Cl,S,V F F,S,V,T F D,S,V,T,G S,V,T G,R
Properties D,S,V,T,G,R F,Cl,S,V F F,S,V,T F D,S,V,T,G S,V,T G,R
Element Types D,S,V,T,R F,Cl,S,V F F,S,V,T F D,S,V,T S,V,T R
Paths G
Other Definitions
Term Definition
Post To graphically display the plot or plots.
Unpost To remove the plot or plots from the graphical display.
Range A Patran database entity defined by a series of number and threshold values for each level
within a range. Ranges are used to map spectrum colors to results values. A spreadsheet
form is available to control range levels.
Viewport Range The range entity currently assigned to the Patran viewport.
Auto Range A range which is not a database entity but is automatically calculated for a plot based on the
results values. This type of range may be manipulated dynamically to change the range
extremes and the number of intermediate levels.
Extrapolation Methods of converting results values from certain element locations to other locations
(, converting results at Gauss points to nodal values).
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 11
Result Definitions
Term Definition
Averaging Methods of converting several results associated to the same physical location to a single
results value such as when results at nodes have contributions from all connected elements.
Derive Methods of converting results values, for instance, when calculating von Mises stress from
stress tensor components.
Interpolation Methods of calculating new results values between existing locations of results values. For
example: displaying more frames of animations than results cases available.
Coordinate Methods of transforming results values with magnitude and direction attributes into
Transformation alternate systems.
More detailed information on the numerical methods can be found in Numerical Methods (Ch. 13).
Results Label
Patran displays results labels on plots so that all labels are started at the free end of the line segment (away
from the node or element centroid); and continue to the right, independent of the arrow. Often the label
is obscured.
For vector and tensor plots, you can now set the label to appear at the free end of the line segment, and
position it so that it appears centered with respect to the arrow. All labels are pushed “away” from the
segments (i.e., an arrow that goes from the screen center to the left will have the label end at the
arrowhead instead of the begin at the arrowhead, as in the past). To enable the label placement feature,
you need to add a preference to the Patran db using:
from the patran command window input text data box. This will remain in effect for the life of the
When the "VECTORTEXTCENTERED" preference (524) is in effect, the label text associated to results
vectors, result tensors, lbc marker "arrows", property "arrows", and arrow created using
• are not rendered until the end of the viewport rendering. The text that is attached to an arrow is
drawn at a location so that the free end of the vector receives the text. The hang point of the text
is translated (in the 2d world) such that the center of the box enclosing the text (text box) is
contained in the line of the (2d) vector and the edge of the text box is just touching the free end.
• are suppressed (not rendered) if the free end of the vector to which the text is attached is
occluded. That is, if the z-depth of the device coordinate for the free endpoint is greater than the
current z-depth for the device x,y (something eclipses the end of the vector tail) then the text is
suppressed. This does not apply if the viewport was rendered entirely in wireframe mode. All
vector text is considered visible if the viewport was rendered in wireframe mode.
12 Results Postprocessing
Capabilities and Limitations
Action Description
Create This action is used to create Results visualization plots sometimes referred to as tools.
Creating a plot will result in a graphical display with the exception of creating reports and
deriving results. If you try to create a plot that already exists, you will be prompted for
overwrite permission.
Selecting Results and Sometime it is necessary to select only certain Results Cases or to filter the Results Cases
Filtering Results specifically for more precise control when creating plots. A special form allows you to do
this easily and efficiently as well as view all Results Cases available to you.
Modify This action is used to modify existing Results visualization plots or tools. This action
performs identically to the Create action with the exception that no overwrite permissions
will be asked if plot tools already exist that are being modified.
Post/Unpost This action is used to graphically display (post) or graphically remove (unpost) existing
Results display plots or ranges/spectrums from the computer screen. The plots and ranges
are not physically removed from the database with this operation. Only their graphical
display is recalled or removed.
Delete This action is used to delete existing Results visualization plots and for deleting result
cases and result data associated with result cases from the database. Use this option with
care. Some operations may not be undoable.
Spectrum/Range Control There is a form which allows the currently posted spectrum to be changed and
manipulated as well as deleted or new ones created. There is also a form which allows for
control over which range (numbers) are assigned to newly created plots and also control
over each color bar of the spectrum for the currently posted plot or plots. See
Spectrum/Range Control, 34.
Animation Control These are forms for setting up and controlling certain aspects of an animation. See
Animation (Ch. 9) for details.
Creating a plot generally involves four to six basic steps (although it may vary from plot type to plot
type). For simple plots where it is acceptable to use all default values then the Quick Plot option is all
14 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
that is needed. The icons on the top of the form give access to all controls necessary. For full control of
most plots the steps are:
Action: Create
Object: Deformation
STEP 2: Select a Results Case from this listbox.
More Help:
Plot Types:
• Quick Plots (Ch. 2)
Show As: Resultant
• Deformation Plots (Ch. 3)
• Fringe Plots (Ch. 4)
• Contour Line Plots (Ch. 5)
• Marker Plots (Scalar, Tensor, Vector) (Ch. 6)
-Apply- Reset All
• Cursor Plots (Ch. 7)
• Graph (XY) Plots (Ch. 8)
• Animation (Ch. 9)
• Reports (Ch. 10)
Note: A separate chapter is dedicated to
describe in detail the creation and
manipulation of each plot type.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 15
Using Results
Important: Plots can be optionally named and saved in the database and subsequently recalled and
graphically displayed. If no name is given, a default name is assigned. If a new plot is
created without specifying a name, the default will be overwritten each time. Overwrite
permission will be asked if a name is given and it already exists.
Selecting Results
For all operations you must select results from a listbox. What results are displayed in this listbox is
somewhat dependent on the result type (static, transient, etc.) or the number of subcases, time, frequency,
or load steps associated with these results and how they have been filtered. When multiple subcases, time,
frequency, or load steps are present, the display in the Select Result Cases listbox will display a title such
as LoadCase x, n of n subcases or something similar indicating that there are multiple sets of
results for this Result Case.
16 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
When multiple results exist for any given Result Case, an additional button and toggle appear on the
form. One allows for filtering and selecting the desired subcases which will appear selected in the listbox
and the other determines the appearance of these multiple results in the listbox itself.
This button icon brings up the Select Result Cases
form to allow for selecting and filtering of the results
cases based on various criteria such as a global
variable (time). Once the filtering has been done
only those results that passed the filter criteria will
be selected for subsequent postprocessing. See
Filtering Results, 20.
Once Result Cases have been selected and filtered, the Result Case name will be updated to show how
many subsets of that Result Case have been selected. The name will appear something similar to
LoadCase x, m of n subcases. If the Abbreviate Subcases toggle is then turned OFF, only those
subcases selected through the filtering mechanism will be highlighted in the listbox. How to filter results
is explained in Filtering Results, 20.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 17
Using Results
Be aware that when selecting multiple Result Cases, such as for a transient animation, that the selected
result type to plot must exist in all Result Cases selected. Otherwise an error message will result and no
plot will be displayed until the Result Case selection is modified to meet this criterion.
Static Sub...
This is a...
As the toggles for each variable are turned on and off, the display in the "Sample Select Result Cases
Listbox Entry" textbox is updated immediately. The delimiters between each variable in the display may
be set to a text string or turned completely off. The up/down arrows may be used to control the order that
the fields appear in.
The form protects against rendering blank result case labels by not allowing you to turn off all show
variable toggles. If you manually try to set all of the toggles off the "Subcase ID" toggle will be
automatically set on. If the "All" toggle is turned off, then all variables, except "Subcase ID" will be
turned off.
18 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
This editing process allows you to create a non-unique list of result case labels. You are responsible for
changing the initial selection to form unique result case labels. A name/label pair defines each item in the
"Select Result Cases" listbox
The form buttons function are as follows:
• "The "Defaults" button will restore the form the default values..
Note: Default toggle, order, and delimiter settings may be driven through a new settings.pcl parameter,
default_result_case_layout. If this parameter is not set, it defaults to:
An exact match for each field keyword is expected. Any other text between the field names is assumed to be
delimiter text. If a field name is missing, its corresponding toggle is turned off. The order that each field
appears on the form coincides with the order the field keyword appears in this parameter.
• The "Reset" button will restore the form to the state it was in when it was opened, or the state at
the last "Apply".
• "The "Apply" button will save the current settings, and update the "Select Result Case(s)" listbox
back on the parent (Results) form. The edit form remains open. See the next page for an
example of "Apply".
• "The "OK" button does everything the "Apply" button does, then closes the edit form.
• "The "Cancel" button does a reset, then closes the form.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 19
Using Results
At Point C
At Point D
At Point E
Select the position(s) you wish to be used in
At Point F any subsequent plot. You may select multiple
At Z1 layers for any single Result Case or you may
At Z2 pick a single layer for use when a single or
multiple Result Cases are selected.
Action Description
Maximum If multiple layers or multiple Result Cases have been selected, then this option will search
through all layers/Result Cases and extract the maximum value encountered for the
subsequent plot. The value used in the search is the Quantity selected for resolution such as
von Mises for tensor results.
Minimum This is identical to Maximum except the minimum is extracted.
Average Instead of extracting a maximum or minimum, values are averaged from each layer or
Result Case based on the Quantity selected and graphically reported. Averaging is only
performed over the number of actual layers or Result Cases that contained results at any
entity. That is if 4 layers were selected and node 1 had three layers of results and node 4 had
four layers of results, node 1 would be averaged only over the three that actually existed and
not the four selected.
20 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
Action Description
Sum This option simply sums all values of the requested Quantity from each layer or Result Case
and reports that value in the subsequent plot.
Merge This option will use the first existing value encountered from any particular layer or Result
Case. For instance if both top and bottom stresses are selected then only the top will be
reported. This is useful for layers that are associated with certain element types. That way
a layer with shells, a layer with solid, and a layer with beam elements can all be displayed
simultaneously on the graphics screen in one operation.
Note that when performing maximum/minimum extractions or averaging and summing that the
following procedures are performed in order:
1. The selected Quantity of interest is calculated for all layers or Result Cases selected,
first performing any transformations, scaling, and averaging, or extrapolation as
requested in the Plot Options. Quick Plot operations use standard defaults for all plot
2. Once the Quantity of interest is calculated for all selected layers or Result Cases, the
maximum/minimum extraction, averaging or summation is performed and reported in the
subsequent plot.
Note that this operation is different than what the results derivations do in Derived Results, 7.
These operations are scalar based, meaning that the maximum, minimum, average, or sum
operations are done based on the requested scalar quantity.For instance, you would not be able to
properly calculate von Mises stress at the neutral axis of a beam in pure bending by selecting the
top and bottom layers and requesting an average where the expected von Mises stress should be
zero. The von Mises will be calculated at top and bottom and then averaged. For this type of
operation where the components of a vector/tensor need to be averaged or summed before the
requested result quantity is calculated or the vector/tensor components based on maximum or
minimum comparisons of the requested scalar quantity are required, you must use Derived
Results, 7.
Important: It is important to note that if multiple Result Cases have been selected and only a single
layer exists or has been selected that the default plot will result in a maximum plot of all
selected results.
Filtering Results
Filtering results is accomplished from the Select Result Cases form which is accessible
from the Results application when the first icon button (Select Results) is active and
multiple subcases exists. An icon button appears when Result Cases are in their
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 21
Using Results
abbreviated form to access the filter form which can also be accessed by clicking on the Result Case
Filter Clear Remove Any subcases highlighted in the listbox below can be
removed by using this button.
This form is expandable to allow you to view the entire Result Case names and global variable if
The different filter methods are explained in Table 1-1.
Table 1-1 Filter Methods
Method Description
Global Variable Any global variables associated with the selected Result Case will show up in the Variable
option menu. Select the one you would like to filter with, change the criteria using the Value
option menu and enter the value or range to filter by. Press the Filter button to complete the
filter action. Press the Apply button at the bottom of the form to activate the filtered subcase
String Enter a string and use wild cards (the * character) to filter results. For example if you wanted
all subcases with the string Time in it then you would use *Time* as the string with wild cards
on each end of the word. Press the Apply button at the bottom of the form to activate the
filtered subcase selection.
Subcase IDs Subcases can be filtered on Subcase IDs by entering the appropriate IDs. To select separate
IDs, separate them by spaces (1 3 5). To select a range use a colon between the numbers (1:5).
To select by increments use two colons, for example: 1:10:2, which interpreted means select
subcases one through 10 by twos. Or use any combination of spaces and colons between
subcase IDs to select as many as you wish. Press the Apply button at the bottom of the form
to activate the filtered subcase selection.
All No filter method is selected. No options are available. Simply press filter and all subcases
will be selected from whatever primary Result Case is selected. Press the Apply button at the
bottom of the form to activate the filtered subcase selection.
Important: Only one Result Case can be filtered at a time. If you need to filter subcases from more
than one Result Case then you will need to perform the operation once for each Result
See The settings.pcl file (p. 47) in the Patran Reference Manual. It is possible to toggle back and forth
from abbreviated form and full form at any time by pressing the icon button shown here.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 23
Using Results
Default Settings
For all modes of the Results application (selecting results, target entities, display attributes, plot options,
and animation options) logical defaults have been set. In general, when an option on a form is changed,
it remains until the user modifies or resets it. On the bottom of the Results application form is a Reset
button that will restore default settings. Pressing the Reset button only affects the particular plot type
currently set.
In some instances it is possible to modify these defaults to the user’s preference. Not all default attributes
and setting can be altered by the user since certain dependencies exist on result types and available
options. However for display attributes, default setting may be altered in a template database. This
template database can then be saved and made available to all users that wish to use the altered default
attributes. See The Template Database File (md_template.db) (p. 56) in the Patran Reference Manual
In order to accomplish this, the standard Patran database is pre-loaded with invisible plot tools called
MSC_Initialize. There is one for each plot type (Deformation, Fringe, Vector, Tensor, Graph). This
plot is never visible to the user but default display attributes are extracted from these plot tools.
Toggles the form to change display attributes for all plot types.
To modify the default display attributes, you simply need to modify the MSC_Initialize plot tool
for the plot type in question. These basic steps need to be followed:
1. Open a Patran database that already has a model and results or simply create a new database and
model using Demo results (See Demo Results, 16.)
24 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
2. Create a plot of the type you wish to modify with the display attributes that you want. A PCL
command will be issued in the command line window of Patran. It will also be output to a session
file typically called (the version number may vary).
3. Either edit the session file or edit the PCL command from the command line by replacing the plot
name (which will probably be blank something like default_XXX where XXX is Fringe,
Tensor, Vector, etc.) with the name MSC_Initialize. See the example below.
4. Also edit this PCL command such that it is a modify command as opposed to a create command.
5. Close down the current database and open a new blank database.
6. Run the edited session file or re-issue the PCL command to modify the MSC_Initialize plot
7. Save this database as the new template.db.
Display attributes for this modified plot tool have now been set.
As an example, say that the default display attributes for a deformation plot are to be modified. The
following PCL command is issued when creating a deformation plot with the desired attributes:
The PCL command should then be edited as follows:
Note that the only modifications are to change the create to modify in the PCL function name and enter
the name of the plot tool MSC_Initialize twice. This PCL command should then be issued either
via a session file or directly from the command line after opening a new empty database. The above
example simply sets the undeformed line style to dashed as opposed to the standard solid line.
Use Templates
This Action menu provides the means to select and use Results Templates to make Deformation Plots,
Fringe Plots, Marker Vector Plots, Marker Tensor Plots, Graphs, and Reports.
The menu is similar to the Create menus, except that the Results Display Attributes and Plot Options
icons and associated menus have been replaced with a Display Templates icon and associated menu. The
Display Attributes and Plot Options values will be determined by the Results Template selected instead
of the many individual menu settings on the Display Attributes and Plot Options forms of the Create
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 25
Using Results
For Results plots (Deformation, Fringe, Marker Vector and Marker Tensor) you may chose a title either
from the template or as determined by the load selection on the Select Results form. Either can be edited
once selected by the corresponding switch for “Title From:” “Template” or “Load Selection”.
Graphs do not use titles.
26 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
STEP 2: Select the type of plot for which you will use a
Once a plot has been created, it may be modified using the Modify action on the Results application form.
It is only necessary to actually modify a plot if it has been optionally named and saved in the database.
28 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
Otherwise the Create action can be used exclusively. Default plots can be overwritten with the Create
action. To modify a named plot, follow these general steps:
Results Display STEP 1: Set the Action to Modify and select an Object (the plot
type) from the Results application form.
Action: Modify
Object: Deformation
STEP 2: Select the named plot to be modified.
Load Case 1
Load Case 2 STEP 5: Modify the plot attributes and other
Load Case 3 options if desired (optional).
STEP 7: Press the Apply button on the bottom of the form. The
plot will be modified and displayed if not already.
Select Deformation Result
Deformation, Translational
Deformation, Rotational
Important: It is suggested to only modify plots that have specifically been given names. It is not
necessary to modify the default plots. Default names are given to the plots when no
specific name is specified. The Create action continually overwrites these default plots
with their corresponding names, therefore it is not necessary to use the Modify action on
Posting and unposting of plots to the graphics viewport(s) can be performed. Posting or unposting of
ranges and their corresponding spectrum is also allowable. See the next section Posting/Unposting
Ranges, 31.
Posting/Unposting Plots
Once a plot or set of plots has been created, they may be posted (displayed) or unposted (removed) with
the Post action on the Results application form. (This is also true for Ranges. SeePosting/Unposting
30 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
Ranges, 31 and Spectrum/Range Control, 34 for more detail. Multiple plots may be posted
simultaneously. To post or unpost a plot, do the following:
Results Display
Action: Post
Object: Plots STEP 1: Set the Action to Post and the Object to Plots from
the Results application form.
Existing Plot Types STEP 2: Select the plot(s) to be posted. Use the shift key to
select multiple plots and/or the control key to select non-
FRI_default_Fringe continuous selections.
These buttons either deselect all plots from the list box, select
all plots in the listbox, or select only those plots posted to the
current viewport. respectively.
Select None
Select All
Select Posted STEP 3: Press the Apply button on the bottom of the form.
The plots will be posted (displayed) and those that were
deselected will be unposted.
When multiple viewports are in use, make sure that you make the viewport to which you want to post the
plots active. The current viewport always has a red border around the graphics. To change the current
viewport, place the cursor in the border of the graphics window (the cursor will change to hand icon) and
click the mouse button. The Post/Unpost listbox plot will update itself to show what plots are posted to
the currently active viewport.
By default all posted plots will be re-posted when a database is opened. This can be overridden by using
a special setting parameter in the settings.pcl file. The function is
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 31
Using Results
The default is TRUE. See The settings.pcl file (p. 47) in the Patran Reference Manual.
Important: Most plots can be targeted to or displayed on a deformed shape plot. When more than
one deformation plot is posted, those plots that have been targeted at deformed plots will
be displayed on all deformed plots that are posted unless specified differently under the
Target Entities.
Posting/Unposting Ranges
Each plot created is assigned a range according to the results values it is associated with. It is possible to
put up multiple plots that are associated with varying types of results. It is possible that the result values
from each plot vary by orders of magnitude (displacement and stress for example). Posted plots will
always take on the color spectrum currently posted. This means that some plots may turn monochrome
if their results values are outside the range of the color spectrum posted. You may post and unpost the
32 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
ranges associated with the various plots that are posted. Each posted plot associated to a color spectrum
will be updated accordingly.
Results Display
Action: Post
Object: Ranges STEP 1: Set the Action to Post and the Object to Ranges
from the Results application form.
Tool defining Viewport Range STEP 2: Select the range to be posted. Only one range
can be selected and posted at any one time. There will be
FRI_stress a range for each plot posted unless deleted by the user.
FRI_deformation This is a list of existing plot tools and not a list of actual
ranges. The range associated with the selected plot tool
will be assigned to the current viewport.
The plot whose range is currently displayed is noted at the
bottom of the spectrum on the graphics window.
More information on how the Results application uses ranges can be found at the end of this chapter in
Spectrum/Range Control, 34.
Two items may be deleted: Plots and Results (see Delete Results, 34).
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 33
Using Results
Delete Plots
Plots that have been created and stored in the database can be deleted and removed from the database.
Results Display
Action: Delete
Object: Plots STEP 1: Set the Action to Delete and the Object to Plots
from the Results application form.
Existing Plot Types STEP 2: Select the plot(s) to be deleted. Use the
shift key to select multiple plots and/or the control
DEF_default_Deformation key to select non-continuous selections.
Delete Results
Results can be removed from the database with this function. Both Result Cases and/or the results data
associated with Result Cases can be deleted. Please note that any Result Cases deleted will cause Result
Case selections to be reset.
Results Display
Action: Delete
Object: Result Cases STEP 1: Set the Action to Delete and the Object to Result
Cases or Result Data from the Results application form.
-Apply- STEP 3: Press the Apply button on the bottom of the form.
The results will be deleted.
Spectrum/Range Control
A range is a set of numbers or range of numbers each assigned a specific color to be displayed in the
viewport on a color spectrum bar. The colors in the spectrum bar and the number of ranges assigned to
them correspond to the color bands plotted graphically on the finite element model to indicate levels of
stress, displacement or other results quantities.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 35
Using Results
Selecting and manipulating the active range and/or spectrum is done in the Ranges and Spectrums forms,
which are accessible by two different methods. Most plot types allow for manipulation of the range and
spectrum directly from their Display Attributes form:
Results Display
Action: Create
Object: Fringe The Display Attribute icon for most plot types will
allow access to manipulate the spectrum and range
assigned to the current viewport.
Show Spectrum
The Ranges button will bring up the Set Range form
which will allow for assignment of a new range to the
Spectrums... Ranges... current viewport and spectrum.
Define Range...
The Define Range button will bring up the Ranges
form for definition of new ranges. Display>Ranges
(p. 408) in the Patran Reference Manual.
36 Results Postprocessing
Using Results
Access to the Spectrum and Range forms is also available under the Display pull-down menu on the main
Patran form. Creation and modification of the actual spectrums and ranges is done in these forms which
are described in Display>Ranges, 408 and Display>Spectrums (p. 405) in the Patran Reference Manual.
Things to note about ranges for the various types of result plots:
1. By default, a new range will be assigned to every plot created if an existing one has not been
selected. The range will be assigned to the current viewport. The name of the range will be the
plot type with the plot name concatenated, e.g., FRI_default_Fringe, VEC_myvector.
2. If you wish to assign a certain range to a new plot at creation time, simply select the range from
the listbox as shown on the previous page. The range will remain as defined unless the Overwrite
Range Values toggle has been set ON. If ON, then new maximum and minimum values will be
calculated based on the result values and a new range calculated for the selected named ranged.
This will permanently change the range until changed again; so care should be taken when using
this option. This is true under the Modify Action also.
3. Although many plots may be displayed simultaneously, only one spectrum and range is available
for display in the current viewport at any one time. By default the range of the last plot created or
posted will be displayed. Any existing, posted plots will take on the color spectrum of the posted
range. This can cause some plots to appear monochrome indicating that their result values are
outside the range of the current spectrum, either above or below it. This is done to avoid confusion
and misinterpretation of results.
4. Any existing range may be selected as being the active range by posting it to the screen. There are
two ways to change the current range posted to any particular viewport. The first is under
Viewport/Modify on the main Patran form. See Viewport>Modify (p. 325) in the Patran Reference
Manual. Using the Viewport/Modify or Range Update forms will assign the range to the currently
posted plots (The spectrum legend can also be controlled. The second method is done directly in
the Results application under the Post/Ranges action/object. See Post/Unpost, 29. A list of ranges
is not supplied here, but a list of posted plots. By selecting one of the posted plots, its assigned
ranged will be posted. Any other plots posted will update to reflect the posted range.
5. If you delete a plot, the associated range with the same name will NOT also be deleted. You will
need to physically delete it under the Define Range form.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 37
Results Title Editor
The readonly version of the Results Title Editor form is shown below.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 39
Results Title Editor
The writable version of the Results Title Editor form is shown below.
Sample Title
Title Selection
The Results Title Editor form has three main regions. Each region, and its usage are described below.
The Sample Title textbox shows the current title similar to how it will look on the Results plot. If the
Main Title variable is enabled, the string <Main Title> is shown to indicate that the main title will appear.
The Main Title is the first title line. It includes the Patran version and the date and time of the plot.
40 Results Postprocessing
Results Title Editor
Any enabled Results variables, are replaced by the Variable description shown in the Title Selection
region. Any enabled pre-text or post-text is shown as it appears in the Title Selection region. Any
variables with enabled As Is/NA have (AsIs/NA) appended to the variable description. Any enabled new
lines cause a new line to be started.
The text in this region is updated each time a change is made in the Title Selection region, either by
switching a toggle or by pressing the keyboard Enter button while focus is in one of the databoxes.
This textbox is readonly, however the cursor may be used to set the insertion position, which is then used
as the insertion point for subsequently enabled variables. This procedure is explained in the Variable
Insert Location section.
The Title Selection region is where most of the user interaction will occur. Control over which variables
and text are included in the title is provided here. At the top of this region a set of column headings
describe the meaning of the items in the rows below. Due to the number of items, a scrollframe is used
to keep the form size reasonable. The scrollframe has three regions each with a line separator. At the top
there are controls to set all of the toggles in the middle region either ON or OFF. Controls for all variables
except Main Title are in the middle region. The bottom region provides control for the Main Title and
two General Text entries.
The toggles in the Show column control the display of the information in each row. If the toggle is off
in a row, none of the information in that row is shown. If a toggle is on, the enabled information in that
row is shown. The toggles in the Show Pre-text column control the display of any text entered in the
corresponding Pre-text databox. The databoxes in the Pre-text column provide a means of entering text
to precede each variable. In a given row, if the Show toggle and the Show Pre-text toggle are enabled,
the text in the Pre-text databox will be inserted before the variable. The text in the Variable column
provides an easy-to-recognize meaning for the variable in each row. It is also the text that appears in the
Sample Title as the variable value.
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 41
Results Title Editor
The toggles in the Show Post-text column control the display of any text entered in the corresponding
Post-text databox. The databoxes in the Post-text column provide a means of entering text to follow each
variable. In a given row, if the Show toggle and the Show Post-text toggle are enabled, the text in the
Post-text databox will be inserted after the variable.
Show As Is/NA only comes into consideration if a variable’s value is AsIs or blank “”. The toggles in
the Show As Is/NA column control the display of the value of certain variables depending on their value.
For example, if the Averaging Domain value is blank "" or AsIs, its value will not be shown unless its
Show As Is/NA toggle is enabled. Note that many of the variables do not have a Show As Is/NA toggle.
This is because a value of AsIs has no meaning for these variables.
The toggles in the New Line column control the insertion of new line control variables. In a given row,
if the Show toggle and the New Line toggle are enabled, a new line will be inserted after the variable and
its post-text. Note that there is a 10-line limit to Results titles, which limits the number of new lines to
nine. A counter is provided next to the New Line column heading for reference. No more than nine new
lines will ever be entered into the title. No more than nine New Line toggles will ever be enabled in rows
that also have the Show toggle enabled. Enabled New Line toggles in rows with disabled Show toggles
do not affect the count.
All of the Show, Show Pre-text, Show Post-text and Show As Is/NA toggles in the middle region of the
scrollframe may be turned ON or OFF by using the toggles labeled All in the top scrollframe region.
The bottom scrollframe region provides control for the Main Title and two General Text entries. The
Main Title has already been described. The General Text entries provide a means of adding text to the
title that is not associated to any variable. The General Text Start entry will appear at the start of the title
while the General Text End entry will appear at the end of the title. Their Show toggles control their
42 Results Postprocessing
Results Title Editor
When its parent form opens the Results Title Editor form, the current title is decoded and the Title
Selection region toggles and databoxes are set. If no variables are found, the entire title is entered into
the General Text Start databox.
The Action region has five buttons. The Defaults button sets the title to the default variables, pre-text’s,
post-text’s, AsIs/NA and new line settings for the Results tool type. All current settings are overwritten.
The Apply button applies the current title selection to the Results tool and leaves the form open. The
OK button applies the current title selection to the Results tool and closes the form. The Apply button on
the Attributes form must be selected to see the title update in the graphics viewport. The Reset button
resets the title to the variables, pre-text’s, post-text’s, AsIs and new line settings it had when the form was
last opened or when the Apply button was last selected. The Cancel button closes the form with no
The settings.pcl preference:
pref_env_set_string( "results_title_editor_defaults",
"my_defaults" )
may be used to override the standard defaults. If defined, and the function specified exists, the function
will be called whenever the Defaults button is pressed. The prototype for this function is given below.
An example of this function will be provided.
button is pressed. The prototype for this function is shown below. An example of this function will be
FUNCTION my_defaults( tool_class, var, description, show,
showPrefix, prefix, @
showSuffix, suffix, asIs, position, newLine
* FUNCTION my_defaults
* Returns default values for a given input variable.
* All output variable values will already have been set to the
Patran defaults.
* This function needs only to modify those that the user wants
* Input
* tool_class_in class name of tool type (default ==
* One of the following from
* var A variable name
* One of the following from "res_display.h":
* #define RES_DISP_TITL_VAR_GV "$GV"
44 Results Postprocessing
Results Title Editor
To use the simple function, place the following definition in the Patran settings.pcl file:
pref_env_set_string( "results_title_editor_defaults", @
" simple_user_default_function " )
and make the function available by either compiling it in Patran using !!input or compiling it outside of
Patran into a .plb and using !!library in Patran.
FUNCTION simple_user_default_function( @
tool_class_in, var, description, show, @
showPrefix, prefix, showSuffix, suffix, @
asIs, position, newLine )
* Simply change the prefix and description of
* some of the variables.
SWITCH( var )
prefix = "My Language A Code:"
description = " My Language Code Name"
prefix = " My Language Group:"
description = " My Language Group"
prefix = " My Language DbName:"
description = " My Language Database Name"
prefix = " My Language DbPath:"
description = " My Language Path Name"
pref_env_set_string( "results_title_editor_defaults", @
" complex_user_default_function " )
SWITCH( tool_class_in )
46 Results Postprocessing
Results Title Editor
tool_class = tool_class_in
show = TRUE
showPrefix = FALSE
showSuffix = TRUE
suffix = ", "
asIs = FALSE
position = 0
newLine = FALSE
/* Set show. */
SWITCH( var )
show = FALSE
show = FALSE
/* Set showPrefix. */
SWITCH( var )
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 47
Results Title Editor
showPrefix = TRUE
/* Set asIs. */
SWITCH( var )
asIs = TRUE
/* Set position. */
SWITCH( tool_class )
SWITCH( var )
position = 1
position = 2
position = 3
position = 4
position = 5
position = 6
position = 7
position = 8
position = 9
position = 10
position = 11
position = 12
48 Results Postprocessing
Results Title Editor
SWITCH( var )
position = 1
position = 2
position = 3
position = 4
position = 5
position = 6
position = 7
position = 8
position = 9
position = 10
position = 11
position = 12
position = 13
position = 14
SWITCH( var )
showSuffix = FALSE
showSuffix = FALSE
/* Set suffix. */
SWITCH( var )
suffix = ": "
suffix = "Mode ,"
/* Set newLine. */
Chapter 1: Introduction to Results Postprocessing 49
Results Title Editor
SWITCH( var )
newLine = TRUE
50 Results Postprocessing
Results Title Editor
Chapter 2: Quick Plots
Results Postprocessing
Quick Plots
Overview 2
Quick Plot Usage 4
Animation Notes 6
Examples of Usage 9
2 Results Postprocessing
2.1 Overview
Quick Plot is the default object of the Create action in the Results application and is designed to meet the
needs of 80-90% of all postprocessing.
Quick Plot allows a user to quickly display a deformed plot, a scalar fringe plot, or a modal or ramped
style animation. Both vector and scalar data can be animated, either separately or simultaneously.
Transient animations are not supported from Quick Plot. For transient animations or more complicated
postprocessing needs such as coordinate transformations or other derivations, the user will need to
change the object to the specific type of plot to be created.
Quick Plot is designed to use all default settings for display attributes, target entities, and other options.
By default the plot will display on everything posted in the current viewport. The display attributes for
deformations, fringe plots and animations are also the default settings used under the Display Attributes
forms for deformations (p. 6) and fringes (p. 6) plots. Animation defaults are explained later in this
chapter. See Animation Notes, 6.
The goal of Quick Plot is to give the user a quick, meaningful plot without having to worry about making
sure all attributes, settings, and coordinate transformations are set properly. When fringe plots of element
components are displayed using Quick Plot, the component data is oriented in a reasonable coordinate
system to assure a meaningful plot whenever possible. The definitions of reasonable coordinate systems
are as follows:
1. Element based result component data will be left in the coordinate system in which they were
imported with the exception of two dimensional elements (plates, shells) that are oriented in an
element connectivity based system. In this particular case, the component data will be
transformed to the Projected Global system for fringe plot display.
2. For one dimensional (1D) and three dimensional (3D) elements, the Projected Global system is
the Global system and therefore no projection is performed.
3. If data are in an Unknown coordinate system, no transformation will occur. If the Unknown
system happens to be an element system, then nodal averaging may not be correct, resulting in a
meaningless plot. This puts the burden on the user to ensure correctness.
4. If data are in the Global system, a user defined Local, or an analysis specific projected system,
then no transformations will occur.
5. Nodal based results are not effected by any transformations.
For more detailed definition of these coordinate systems see Coordinate Systems, 27.
Display attributes are accessible from Quick Plot for modification as explained in the next section.
No modifications can be made directly in Quick Plot for other plot options such as coordinate
transformations as explained above. However you can change the Quick Plot default for two commonly
used parameters. These parameters are the Coordinate Transformation and the Averaging Method. They
are modified in the settings.pcl file. See The settings.pcl file (p. 47) in the Patran Reference
For Coordinate Transformations use the setting
Chapter 2: Quick Plots 3
Results Display These two button icons are for access to Display Attribute options.
See Display Attributes, 6 for deformations, and Display Attributes,
Action: Create 6 for fringes.
For more information on the use of these button icons, see the appropriate section.
Selecting Results, 15
Animation Options, 5.
The derivation of each scalar quantity from either a tensor or vector that is available in the Quick Plot
application is described in detail in Derivations, 8.
It is important to note also that when deriving a scalar quantity for a fringe plot from an element based
vector or tensor that results are averaged at the nodes due to the contributions from the surrounding
elements. The default is to derive the desired quantity from the tensor or vector quantities (such as von
Mises), then to average at the nodes. By default the averaging is done over all entities. This default
Averaging Method can be changed with a settings.pcl parameter. See Overview, 2.
When multiple layers exist for a specific Result Case and quantity, five additional options are also
presented to the user from the Position button. These are Maximum, Minimum, Average, Sum, and
Merge. By selecting one of these layers, the minimum, maximum, average, sum or merging of all layers
will be calculated for display in the subsequent plot. These plots may be more computationally intensive
and take longer to display the final plot due to the results extraction of the maximum, minimum or
average for all layers. The results of these derivations are not stored in the database. Use the
Create/Results action and object to perform this task. See Result Layer Positions, 19 for more details.
Fringe plots and deformation plots created from the Quick Plot form are assigned default names that can
be seen when the object is changed to Deformation or Fringe or from the Post and Delete forms. These
names are default_Deformation and default_Fringe. The Quick Plot form will always
operate on these named plots. If more than one viewport is open then the default names are incremented
such as default_Deformation2, default_Deformation3, etc.
6 Results Postprocessing
Animation Notes
Animation Options
This form is accessible from the Quick Plot form in the Results application when the Animate toggle is
turned ON. It allows for modification of the display attributes of the animation before the animation is
created. The default setting is shown in the following form.
8 Results Postprocessing
Animation Notes
If this toggle is OFF and a fringe result has been selected to animate with a deformed shape, the resulting
fringe plot will appear static during the animation. It will not change from frame to frame. If ON, it will
change frame to frame if a fringe result has been selected from the Quick Plot form. The default is ON.
Number of Frames 8 Enter the number of frames for the animation to build.
The default is 7. There is no currently imposed limit to
the number of frames that may be used. The more
frames used, the smoother the animation will appear,
Apply however practical limits such as available memory and
model size will quickly dictate the limit.
The Apply button will create the plot or animation. Note that the plot or animation will occur by pressing
the Apply button in either state that the form appears. In order for there to be any animation the Animate
toggle must be turned ON from the Select Results form. Otherwise only a deformed or static fringe plot
will appear.
Chapter 2: Quick Plots 9
Examples of Usage
Z 36656.
Y 23343.
4. Change the Animation Method from Modal to Ramped. This will u Ramped
allow animation from ZERO to +MAX as opposed to the default -
MAX to +MAX of the selected results quantities.
5. Press the Apply button.
Chapter 2: Quick Plots 13
Examples of Usage
4. Press the Apply button. Both the fringe and deformation plots will
animate together in a linear fashion. Apply
4. Turn the Animate Fringe toggle OFF on the Animate Options form. Animate Fringe
5. Press the Apply button. The fringe plot will remain static as the
deformation animates. Apply
4. Turn the Animate Fringe toggle OFF on the Animate Options form. Animate Deformation
5. Press the Apply button. The fringe will animate on the static deformed
shape of the model. Apply
Deformation Plots
Overview 2
Target Entities 4
Display Attributes 6
Plot Options 8
Examples of Usage 10
2 Results Postprocessing
3.1 Overview
For an overview of how the Results Application works please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing,
1. To specifically make or modify a deformation plot, select Create or Modify from the Action pull-down
menu on the Results application form; and select Deformation from the Object pull-down menu.
Selecting Results, 15
Target Entities, 4.
Display Attributes, 6.
Plot Options, 8.
Animation Options, 5.
There is only a slight difference between Create and Modify. The main difference is that Create must be
used to make a new deformation plot and Modify is used to change an existing one. If you try to modify
an existing plot with Create you will be asked for overwrite permission, whereas Modify assumes that
the action is desired, so no overwrite permission is requested.
Toggles the form to select results for deformation plots. This is the default mode of the Deformation
For both Modify and Create the same basic operations and options are available. To create or modify a
deformed plot the following basic steps must be followed:
5. Optionally select the target entities, change display attributes, or invoke other plot
options by changing these settings using the three middle icons at the top of the
form. These are described in detail later in this chapter.
6. If animation is desired, turn the Animate toggle ON in the main form where results
are selected and optionally change animation options with the right most icon at the
top of the screen. For detailed explanations of animation options see Animation
Options, 5 and Animation Control, 8
7. Press the Apply button when ready to create the deformation plot.
To modify an existing deformation plot, simply follow the above procedure with the Action set to
Modify. However, you must first select an existing plot using the Existing Deformation Plots button on
the main form where results are selected. When an existing deformation plot is selected, all results,
attributes, and options in the various widgets associated with that plot are updated to reflect that plot’s
settings. You may then proceed to modify the plot.
By default a deformation plot with the name default_Deformation will be created unless the user
specifically gives a different name. Multiple deformation plots can only be created and posted by giving
separate names. Multiple deformation plots can be posted to the same viewport or to separate viewports.
Each viewport can have its own set of deformation plots or other plot types posted. This is also true for
animation of these plots. Only animation in the same viewport will be synchronized.
Each plot can have its own attributes. Each plot can also target or be displayed on separate entities and
have its own associated options. These are detailed in the next sections.
4 Results Postprocessing
Target Entities
Toggles the form to select target display entities for deformation plots.
The following table describes which entities deformation plots can target:
Entity Description
Current Viewport By default all deformation plots are displayed on all finite element entities displayed in the
currently active viewport (the entire displayed model).
Nodes Individual nodes may be selected on which to display the deformed shape. You may type in
any node numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to
include the word Node in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Node 1 5 55 100 etc.). To
select all nodes use the syntax “Node 1:#.”
Elements Individual elements may be selected on which to display the deformed shape. You may type in
any element numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to
include the word Elem in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.). To
select all elements use the syntax “Elem 1:#.”
Groups Deformation plots can be limited to only selected groups. A listbox will appear allowing
selection of the groups to which the deformation plot will be applied. This is handy in that the
same finite element entities can belong to multiple groups. Only those groups selected will be
displayed in a deformed condition while all other non-selected groups will remain in their
undeformed shape and retain their own display attributes.
Materials Deformation plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain material
properties assigned to them. A listbox will appear allowing selection of the materials for whose
elements will be displayed in a deformed shape.
Properties Deformation plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain element
properties assigned to them. A listbox will appear allowing selection of the properties for
whose elements will be displayed in a deformed shape.
Element Types Deformation plots can be limited to only certain element types also.
Chapter 3: Deformation Plots 5
Target Entities
In addition to displaying a deformation on selected entities, you may also specify the entity attributes.
These are explained in the following table:
Attribute Description
Elements This is the default attribute. This simply means that deformation plots will show the nodes in their
deformed positions with the element connectivity following them, thus showing a true deformed
Nodes Nodes as the attribute will only display the nodes in their deformed state without the element
connectivity. The nodes will be displayed as small circles for better viewing.
Important: Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for the deformation
plot until the user physically changes it.
6 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
The following table describes in detail the deformation display attributes which can be modified:
Attribute Description
Deformed/Undeformed The deformed and undeformed plots can be colored in any of 16 distinct colors as
Color displayed by this color selection widget. The deformed and undeformed plots can have
different colors assigned to them.
Render Style Render styles are Wireframe, Free Edge, Hidden Line, and Shaded and can be applied
to both the deformed and undeformed shapes. The default is Wireframe which displays
all visible finite elements. Free Edge displays only those edges that pass the feature
angle setting. Hidden Line hides finite elements that are behind other. Shaded will be
displayed with the selected color setting.
Line Style The styles of the lines plotted for the deformed and undeformed shapes can be set to a
solid line or variations of dotted lines.
Line Width The thickness of the lines in the deformed and undeformed plots is set with this
attribute setting.
Scale Interpretation The visual amount of deformation is set with this parameter. The deformation can be
scaled relative to the model size (Fraction of Model Size) or can be a truly proportional
representation (True Multiplier) of the actual values. The default is Fraction of Model
Scale Factor The scale factor for both the Fraction of Model Size and True Multiplier are set in this
databox. The defaults are 10% (0.1) for Fraction of Model Size and 100% (1.0) for
True Multiplier.
Show Undeformed This is a toggle to control the display of the undeformed shape. If the toggle is ON then
the undeformed shape will also be plotted along with the deformed shape. If the toggle
is OFF, then no undeformed shape will be plotted. Bear in mind that only one
undeformed shape can be displayed in the same viewport at the same time if they are
targeted at the same entities. You may not see changes to the undeformed shape if
another plot has an undeformed shape plotted also.
Title Editor Selecting this button opens a form that allows the deformation plot title to be edited.
See Results Title Editor, 37.
Show Title If this toggle is ON, then a title for the deformed plot is displayed. Otherwise no title
is displayed.
Chapter 3: Deformation Plots 7
Display Attributes
Attribute Description
Lock Title If this toggle is ON, then the title for the deformed plot is not modified by results form
selections. Otherwise some results form selections modify the title.
Maximum Label Display If this toggle is ON, then the maximum value in the selected results set is displayed in
the viewport. Otherwise it is not displayed. For transient results or when multiple
subcases have been selected, the maximum value is the maximum encountered in all
the subcases.
Label Style Label styles may be changed such as the label color, format (fixed, integer, or
exponential), and the number of significant digits.
Important: Once display attributes have been selected, they will remain in effect for the deformed
plot until the user physically changes them. Also changes to undeformed tool attributes
may not be visible if multiple deformation plots are posted to the same viewport.
8 Results Postprocessing
Plot Options
The following table describes the deformation plot options which can be modified:
Option Description
Coordinate Transformation Vector results to display deformed plots can be transformed into any of the
following coordinate systems: any user defined local system (CID), the projection
of any CID, the Patran Global system, and the nodal (analysis) coordinate system.
See Coordinate Systems, 27 for a definition of each of these coordinate systems.
The default is no transformation. Resulting deformation plots should look the same
no matter what coordinate system they are in as long as the resultant or all
components are plotted. Where coordinate transformations play a role for
deformed plots is when individual components are masked out and then
transformed to another coordinate system.
Scale Factor An additional scale factor can be given to scale the results plot above and beyond
the scale factor available in the Tool Attributes form. This scale factor has the
effect of simply scaling the results up or down by the specified amount.
Complex No. as If complex results exist this option will be visible and specifies how and what you
would like to view from results that exist as complex numbers. The options are
Magnitude, Phase, Real, Imaginary, and Angle. It is not recommended to calculate
invariants (e.g., von Mises) from complex results because the phase is not
accounted for. Phase (this is specific to Deformation Plots, Fringe Plots, and
Marker Plots) If the user selects Phase their results will be generated in degrees.
Phase If Phase is selected, results will be generated in degrees. This is specific to
Deformation Plots, Fringe Plots, and Marker Plots.
Chapter 3: Deformation Plots 9
Plot Options
Option Description
Existing Deformation Plots This listbox displays all existing deformation plots. You may select one of these
plots from the listbox and all settings of that plot including plot attributes, target
entities, option, and selected results will be restored. This is an easy mechanism to
help make many plots with the settings of an existing plot without modifying the
selected plot. When the Action is set to Modify, this listbox appears under the
Select Results display of the Results application form also.
Save Deformation Plot As Deformation plots can be saved by name and recalled later for graphical display.
Multiple deformed plots can be saved in the database and displayed
simultaneously. Be aware that when multiple deformed plots are display
simultaneously there could be some display problems. These deformation plots
can be posted/unposted and deleted as explained in Post/Unpost, 29 and Delete, 32
respectively. Once a plot has been created and named it retains all results,
attributes, target entities, and options assigned to it. If no plot name is specified a
default is created called default_Deformation. As long as no plot name is
specified, the default_Deformation will be overwritten each time a plot is
created or modified.
Important: Once plot options have been selected, they will remain in effect for the deformed plot until
the user physically changes them.
10 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
4. In the Display Attributes for creating Fringe plots, make sure the Show on Show on Deformed
Deformed toggle is turned ON.
5. Press the Apply button for the fringe plot with the Animate toggle OFF.
Z 36656.
Y 23343.
4. Press the Animation Options icon button and then select a global variable (time) to
animate by. Make any other optional modifications you want.
5. Press the Apply button. This method also works with load steps, frequency steps,
or simply with multiple load cases that you may wish to animate. Apply
3. At the bottom of the Select Results form change the Show As pull down Show As:
menu to Components.
4. Select or de-select the components that you wish to be used in creating XX YY ZZ
the deformation plot.
5. Press the Apply button.
Figure 3-6 Two Deformation Plots in Separate Viewports, 2nd Bending Model in Wireframe
and 3rd Bending in Free Edge Display.
4. Press the Apply button at any time to see the results of your
modifications. Apply
2. On the Select Results form for Deformation plots, set the Show As Show As: Component
pulldown to Component.
3. Turn OFF the components that you wish to suppress. XX YY ZZ
4. Go to the Plot Options form.
5. Set the Coordinate Transformation to CID and graphically select the CoordinateTransformation :
coordinate system of interest.
6. Press the Apply button. Only the non-suppressed components of the
deformation plot will be displayed. Apply
Fringe Plots
Overview 2
Target Entities 4
Display Attributes 6
Plot Options 8
Examples of Usage 10
2 Results Postprocessing
4.1 Overview
For an overview of how the Results Application works please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing,
1. To specifically make or modify a fringe plot select Create or Modify from the Action pull-down menu
on the Results application form; and select Fringe from the Object pull-down menu.
Selecting Results, 15
Target Entities, 4.
Display Attributes, 6.
Plot Options, 8.
Animation Options, 5.
A fringe plot is like a contour plot where wide color bands each representing a range of results values are
plotted onto the finite element model. They differ from contour plots in that no control over the width of
the color band is allowed. The color bands cover the entire finite element model.
There is only a slight difference between Create and Modify. The main difference is that Create must be
used to make a new fringe plot and Modify is used to change an existing one. If you try to modify an
existing plot with Create you will be asked for overwrite permission whereas Modify assumes that the
action is desired, so no overwrite permission is requested.
Toggles the form to select results for fringe plots. This is the default mode of the Fringe form.
For both Modify and Create the same basic operations and options are available. To create or modify a
fringe plot the following basic steps must be followed:
4. If more than one layer is associated with the results, select the layer (using the
Position button) you wish to plot. These can be top or bottom results of shell
elements, beam locations or laminate layers.
5. Optionally change the result Quantity. This is only possible if the selected result
allows for this. If a tensor or vector result has been selected, it must be resolved
to a scalar value. The various resolutions are:
6. Optionally select the target entities, change display attributes, or invoke other plot
options by changing these settings using the three middle button icons at the top
of the form. These are described in detail later in this chapter.
7. If animations are desired, turn the Animate button ON in the main form where
results are selected and optionally change animation attributes with the right most
icon at the top of the screen. For detailed explanations of animation options see
Animation Options, 5 and Animation Control, 8
8. Press the Apply button when ready to create the fringe plot.
To modify an existing fringe plot, simply follow the above procedure with the Action set to Modify.
However, you must first select an existing plot using the Existing Fringe Plots button on the main form
where results are selected. When an existing fringe plot is selected, all results, attributes, and options in
the various widgets associated with that plot are updated to reflect that plot’s settings. You may then
proceed to modify the plot.
By default a fringe plot with the name default_Fringe will be created unless the user specifically
gives a different name. Multiple fringe plots can only be created and posted by giving separate names.
Multiple fringe plots can be posted to the same viewport or to separate viewports. Each viewport can have
its own set of fringe plots or other plot types posted. This is also true for animation of these plots. Only
animation in the same viewport will be synchronized.
Each plot can have its own attributes. Each plot can also target or be displayed on separate entities and
have its own associated options. These are detailed in the next sections.
4 Results Postprocessing
Target Entities
Toggles the form to select target display entities for fringe plots.
The following table describes in detail to which entities fringe plots can be targeted. Fringe plots can only
be plotted onto elements or surfaces of elements.
Entity Description
Current Viewport By default fringe plots are displayed on all finite element entities displayed in the currently
active viewport. The only exception to this is when layered results exist and are associated to
only certain element types. Then only those elements will display the fringe plot.
Elements Individual elements may be selected on which to display the fringe plot. You may type in any
element numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to
include the word Elem in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.).
To select all elements use the syntax “Elem 1:#.”
Groups Fringe plots can be limited to only selected groups. A selected group or groups must have
elements in them otherwise the plot will not appear. A listbox allows selection of the group(s)
to which the fringe plot will be applied. This is handy in that the same finite element entities
can belong to multiple groups. Only those groups selected will be displayed with a fringe plot
while all other non-selected groups will remain unaffected and retain their own display
Materials Fringe plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain material
properties assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the materials for whose
elements will be targeted for a fringe display.
Properties Fringe plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain element
properties assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the properties for whose
elements will be targeted for a fringe display.
Element Types Fringe plots can be limited to only certain element types also.
In addition to targeting the above entities for a fringe plot, the fringe plot can be isolated to attributes of
the entities as described in the following table:
Attribute Description
Free Faces By default all free faces of the target entities will display the fringe plot.
Faces The fringe display will be plotted on all faces of every element for the target entities.
Chapter 4: Fringe Plots 5
Target Entities
Attribute Description
Free Edges This will display a fringe plot on the edges that only have one common element. This results
in a 1D line or edge type fringe as opposed to a 2D surface display and will generally give you
the outline of your model.
Edges This will display a fringe plot on all the edges of every element. This results in a 1D wireframe
fringe type plot as opposed to a 2D surface display.
Target By default, fringe plots that are to be displayed on the deformed shape will be displayed on all
Deformations deformation plots posted. You can select which deformation plots to target the fringe plot to
by selecting deformation plots form this listbox. This listbox will only appear when more than
one deformation plot exists and is posted.
Important: Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for the fringe plot
until the user physically changes it.
6 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
The following table describes in detail the fringe display attributes which can be modified:
Attribute Description
Show Spectrum This toggle will remove or display the spectrum bar on the right of the current viewport.
If the spectrum does not disappear from the graphics screen when the toggle is OFF, make
sure other plots also do not have the spectrum turned ON.
Spectrum This button will bring up the Spectrums form from which you can set the spectrum for the
current viewport or create new spectrums. This form operates independently of the Results
application. Therefore you do not need to press the Apply button in the Results application
to effect changes in the spectrum. To learn more about changing the spectrum see
Display>Spectrums (p. 405) in the Patran Reference Manual.
Range This button will bring up a subordinate form for reassigning the range to the current
spectrum in the current viewport. See Spectrum/Range Control, 34 for details. Also from
this form you can invoke the Ranges form for creating and modifying new ranges. To learn
more about changing ranges see Display>Ranges (p. 408) in the Patran Reference
Style Four fringe styles are available. The default is a Discrete/Smooth plot which will give
distinct color bands which begin and end sharply. Continuous style will blend the colors
together giving a smoother transition between color bands but no distinctive beginning or
end to any particular color band. The Element Fill style will simply color code each
element. Discrete/Flat is similar to Discrete/Smooth but may give a better or worse image
depending on the graphics device.
Shading On true color machines, fringe plots may be shaded. On machines that do not support true
color, a shaded fringe plot will not look good at all. Best results are with Hardware
Rendering on true color machines.
Element Shrink You can display a fringe plot with the elements shrunk a certain percentage. It is best to
Factor experiment with this.
Fringe Edges The edge color display of the fringe plot can be changed as desired.
Display (Edges) The edge display is simply the display of the finite element mesh or the display of the free
edges of the model. You can choose to display either of these or none at all.
Style (Edges) The styles of the edge lines plotted on the target entities can be set to a solid line, or
variations of dotted lines.
Chapter 4: Fringe Plots 7
Display Attributes
Attribute Description
Width (Edges) The thickness of the edge lines on the target entities is set with this attribute setting.
Title Editor Selecting this button opens a form that allows the fringe plot title to be edited. See Results
Title Editor, 37.
Show Title If this toggle is ON, then a title for the fringe plot is displayed. Otherwise no title is
Lock Title If this toggle is ON, then the title for the fringe plot is not modified by results form
selections. Otherwise some results form selections modify the title.
Show Max/Min Label If this toggle is ON, then the maximum and minimum values of the selected results set are
displayed in the viewport. Otherwise they are not displayed.
Show Fringe Label If this toggle is ON, then the fringe label will be displayed.
Label Style Label Style controls are used to define the format and color of the range labels. The range
labels are now styled independent from the plot's value labels. The range label color, font
size, format (i.e. fixed, exponential, integer) and number of significant digits can be
Show on Deformed The fringe plot will be displayed on the deformed shape of the model if a deformation plot
has also been posted the current viewport. The fringe plot will display on all deformation
plots if more than one is posted to the viewport by default. If this is not desired, see Target
Entities, 4.
Important: Once display attributes have been selected, they will remain in effect for the fringe plot
until the user physically changes them.
8 Results Postprocessing
Plot Options
The following table describes in detail the fringe plot options which can be modified:
Option Description
Coordinate Transformation Vector and tensor results to display fringe plots can be transformed into any of the
following coordinate systems: any user defined local system (CID), the projection
of any CID, the Patran global system, a material coordinate system, element IJK
coordinate system or the nodal (analysis) coordinate system depending on the type
of result (vector, or tensor). See Coordinate Systems, 27 for a definition of each of
these coordinate systems. The default is no transformation, which will plot data in
the coordinate frame as stored in the database. Typically the solver code will
calculate results at nodes in the analysis coordinate system specified by the user.
These can vary from node to node. Element data can be stored from the analysis
code in any coordinate system. Note also that the analysis translators that import the
results data into the database can transform results. Check with the appropriate
translator guide.
Scale Factor This scale factor has the effect of simply scaling the results up or down by the
specified amount. This will have an effect on the fringe plot but will not effect the
spectrum range values.
Filter Values By specifying a filter value, a gate will be used to keep values below a maximum,
above a minimum, between a certain range, or at the exclusion of certain values.
The default is none. If filtering is used, only those elements which pass the filter
gate will display a fringe plot on them. In other words, the fringe plot will not be
displayed on elements that don’t pass the filter test completely.
Averaging Domain For element based result quantities that must be displayed at nodes, an averaging
domain must be used since more than one result will exist for each node. There is a
contribution from each element attached to any particular node. By default all
entities which contribute are used. Alternatively, you can tell the Results
application to only average results from those elements that share the same material
or element property, are from the same target entities, or have the same element
type. For more details, see Averaging, 15.
Chapter 4: Fringe Plots 9
Plot Options
Option Description
Averaging Method The method in which certain results are determined can make a difference to the
actual displayed plot. This is important when derived results from element based
tensor or vector results are used such as von Mises stress or Magnitude
displacements, For instance, if you average at the nodes first and then derive the
desired quantity, you may get a different answer than if you derive first and then
average. It is left up to the user to decide which is correct. For more detail see
Averaging, 15.
Extrapolation Method Many times, element based results that are to be displayed at nodes exist at
locations other than the nodes such as at integration points. Various methods are
available to the user to extrapolate these results out to the nodes. For more details,
see Extrapolation, 21.
Complex No. as The Real component of a complex number is the default by which results will be
postprocessed. To force the postprocessor to use a different quantity such as
Magnitude, Imaginary, Phase, or Angle, set this option pull down menu. This
option will only be available if a complex result has been selected. It is not
recommended to calculate invariants (e.g., von Mises) from complex results
because the phase is not accounted for.
Use PCL Expression The results can be modified with a user defined PCL expression.
Define PCL Expression For more details, see PCL Expressions, 9.
Existing Fringe Plots This listbox displays all existing fringe plots. You may select one of these plots
from the listbox and all settings of that plot including display attributes, target
entities, option, and selected results will be restored. This is an easy mechanism to
help make many plots with the settings of an existing plot without modifying the
selected plot. When the Action is set to Modify, this listbox appears under the Select
Results display of the Results application form also.
Save Fringe Plot As Fringe plots can be saved by name and recalled later for graphical display. Multiple
fringe plots can be saved in the database and displayed simultaneously. Be aware
that when multiple fringe plots are displayed simultaneously there could be some
display problems if they are displayed on the same entities. These fringe plots can
be posted/unposted and deleted as explained in Post/Unpost, 29 and Delete, 32
respectively. Once a plot has been created and named it retains all results, attributes,
target entities, and options assigned to it. If no plot name is specified a default is
created called default_Fringe. As long as no plot name is specified, the
default_Fringe will be overwritten each time a plot is created or modified.
Important: Once plot options have been selected, they will remain in effect for the fringe plot until
the user physically changes them.
10 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
Z 36656.
Y 23343.
5. (Optional) If more than one deformation plot exists and is posted to the
viewport, you can optionally specify on which deformation plots to
display the fringe plot. This is done under the Target Entities option.
Otherwise the Fringe plot will show on all Deformation plots posted.
6. Press the Apply button with the Animate toggle OFF.
Z 36656.
Y 23343.
3. (Optional) If the selected result has more than one layer associated with
Position...(at Z1)
it, select the layer from the result Position pull-down menu.
4. (Optional) If the result is a vector or tensor, select a resolved scalar
Quantity: von Mises
results value from the results Quantity pulldown menu (such as von
Mises stress or Magnitude displacement).
5. Turn the Animate toggle ON. (If the Animate toggle is OFF then the Animate
resulting plot will simply plot up a maximum plot of all selected Result
Cases and will not animate.)
6. Press the Animation Options icon button.
7. Select a Global Variable (time) to Animate By. Make any other optional
Animate by: Global Variable
modifications you want.
8. Press the Apply button. This method also works with load steps,
frequency steps, or simply with multiple load cases that you may wish Apply
to animate.
3. Type a name in the Save Fringe Plot As databox. Save Fringe Plot As:
4. Then press the Apply button. The plot is now saved under a specific
name which can be recalled (posted/unposted) graphically when desired. Apply
4. Press the Apply button at any time to see the results of your
modifications. Apply
5.1 Overview
For an overview of how the Results Application works, please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing,
1. To specifically make or modify a contour line plot, select Create or Modify from the Action pull-down
menu on the Results application form and select Contour from the Object pull-down menu.
Selecting Results, 15
Target Entities, 4.
Display Attributes, 5.
Plot Options, 7.
Animation Options, 5.
The lines rendered in a contour line plot show the locations within the model where a specific result value
exists. Contour line plots can be rendered with and without labels. Characters (e.g. a, b, c, etc.) are used
for the contour line labels. When labeling is turned off, you must use the contour line color to determine
the numerical value each line represents by matching the color with the viewport’s spectrum range. Since
there can be only one spectrum for all plots shown within a Patran viewport, you will see that the contour
line values are indicated with characters placed at the mid-location of the spectrum’s numerical intervals.
The contour line value is the average of its interval’s maximum and minimum range values. If a Fringe
plot is also shown in the viewport, its color bands relate to the range of values represented by each color
Only the two options, Create and Modify, exist for the Action method of the tool. The functional
difference between these is as follows. Create must be used to derive a new contour plot whereas Modify
is used to change an attribute of an existing contour plot. If you choose to Modify an existing plot, you
can identify the existing plot by pressing the Existing Contour Plot button on the top of the form.
After you set the Action to either Create or Modify you will need to perform the following steps to
completely define your contour plot.:
1. Select a Result Case or Cases from the Select Results Case(s) listbox. See
Selecting Results, 15 and Filtering Results, 20. for a detailed description of this
2. Next, select a contour result type from the Select Contour Result listbox.
Chapter 5: Contour Line Plots 3
3. If the result is associated to positions within your simulation model (e.g. layer,
shell, or beam section positions), you should select the Position button and
specify the position for the result type.
4. A result Quantity can be optionally selected. This will cause Patran to calculate
this quantity from the result type you have selected in step 2 above.
5. After performing steps 1-4 you have now defined the numerical value the contour
plot will represent. To specify which portion of the model plot will be rendered
(i.e. plot target), its graphical display attributes, or to further specify various
numerical operations that you would like to apply to the result data you will need
to select the second through fourth icons respectively.
6. If a contour animation is desired, select the Animate button. For a detailed
description of the animation options, see Animation Options, 5 and Animation
Control, 8
7. Press the Apply button when you are ready to create the contour plot.
When creating a contour plot you can specify its name so you can define multiple contour plots with
varying definitions. The plot name is entered within the Plot Options sub form (i.e. the fourth icon
described in step 5). If you do not specify a name the default name, default_contour,will be used.
Multiple contour plots can only be created and posted by defining separate names. Multiple contour plots
can be posted to the same viewport or to separate viewports. Each viewport can have multiple plot types
posted within it.
The following sections discuss in detail the various options that are found in the plot sub forms that
correspond to the steps shown above.
4 Results Postprocessing
Target Entities
Toggles the form to select target display entities for Contour plots.
The following table describes in detail to which entities Contour plots can be targeted upon. Contour plots
can only be rendered on element entities.
Entity Description
Current By default, Contour plots are displayed on all finite element entities displayed within the current
Viewport viewport.
Elements Individual elements may be selected for the Contour plot. You may enter the element ids
manually or select them graphically. Be sure to include the word Elem in front of the ids you
enter (e.g. Elem 1, 5, 55, 100:102 etc.). To select all elements use the following syntax. “Elem
Groups Contour plots can be rendered on selected groups. The selected group(s) must contain elements.
Materials Contour plots can be rendered upon finite elements which have a specific associated material
Properties Contour plots can be rendered upon finite elements which have a specific associated element
property set.
Element Types Contour plots can be rendered upon specific element types (e.g. Quad4, Hex8, etc.).
Chapter 5: Contour Line Plots 5
Display Attributes
Toggles the form to show the available display attributes for the Contour plot.
The following table describes the Contour display attributes which can be modified:
Attribute Description
Spectrum / Constant The radio buttons, Spectrum and Constant, allow you display contour lines with either
a spectrum of colors relative to their numerical value or as a single color respectively.
Show Spectrum This toggle will remove or display the spectrum bar within the current viewport. If you
set the toggle off and spectrum is still displayed, check if you have other plots posted
in the viewport. If there are other plots, you will need to set this toggle off for all plots
posted in the viewport.
Show Viewport Legend This toggle will remove or display the legend that is shown in the lower right hand
corner of the viewport. This legend displays the plot name and which entity contains
the maximum and minimum result values. If you set the toggle off and the legend is still
displayed, check if you have other plots posted in the viewport. If there are other plots,
you will need to set this toggle off for all plots posted in the viewport.
Spectrum This button will activate the Spectrum form. This form allows you to select an existing
spectrum to be associated to the current viewport. It also allows you to define a new
spectrum. Since this form is independent of the Results application, you will not need
to press the Apply button on the Results application to effect changes to the spectrum.
To learn more about changing the spectrum see Overview (p. 2) in the Results
Range This button will activate the Range sub form. This form allows you to assign an existing
range to the viewport’s spectrum. See Spectrum/Range Control, 34 for details. The
form also allows you to modify an existing range or create a new range. To learn more
about ranges see Overview (p. 2) in the Results Postprocessing.
Element Edges This button allows you to change the color that the element edges are rendered with.
Display (Element Edges) This pop down button allows you to select which element edges are rendered. The
selection includes Free Edges and Element Edges which cause either the elements free
edges or all element edges to be rendered respectively.
Style (Element Edges) The Style pop down button allows you to control the line type that is used to render the
element edges. The selections are solid, dashed, dotted, and dot-dash line styles.
Width (Element Edges) This pop down button allows you to control the thickness of the rendered element
6 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
Attribute Description
Contour Style The Contour Style pop down button allows you to control the line type that is used to
render the contour lines. The selections are solid, dashed, dotted, and dot-dash line
Contour Width This pop down button allows you to control thickness of the contour lines.
Title Editor Selecting this button opens a form that allows the contour plot title to be edited. See
Results Title Editor, 37.
Show Title If this toggle is ON, then a title for the contour plot is displayed. Otherwise no title is
Lock Title If this toggle is ON, then the title for the contour plot is not modified by results form
selections. Otherwise some results form selections modify the title.
Show Max/Min Label If this toggle is ON, the maximum and minimum value of the selected result type will
be displayed. Their value labels will be rendered in a color different than all other value
Label Frequency As you adjust the Label Frequency slider from 0 to Max the spacing between the
contour line labels will decrease therefore increasing the label density. To turn off
contour labeling adjust the slider to zero. Zero label frequency is the default frequency
Label Style Pressing the Label Style button causes the Contour Label Style form to appear. The
form allows you to modify the label color, format (e.g. fixed, exponential, and integer),
and significant figures of the plot’s range and maximum/minimum labels.
Show on Deformed If this toggle is set ON, the Contour plot will be targeted on the model’s posted
deformed shape. By default, the Contour plot will display on all deformation plots
posted in viewport. If this is not desired, see Target Entities, 4 for further options.
Chapter 5: Contour Line Plots 7
Plot Options
Toggles the form to select numerical plot options for Contour plots.
Option Description
Coordinate Vector and tensor results can be transformed into any of the following coordinate
Transformation systems. The AsIs coordinate system, any user defined local system (CID), the projection
of any CID, the Patran global system, material, element IJK, or the default coordinate
system. See Coordinate Systems, 27 for the description of each coordinate system type.
AsIs is the default option.
Scale Factor The scale factor is a numerical multiplier that is applied to the data after all other
numerical operations have transformed the raw analysis data to its final form.
Filter Values By specifying a filter value, you can create a gate that will be used to include values
below a maximum, above a minimum, between a certain range, or exclude a range of
values. The default option is none. If filtering is used, contour lines will only be rendered
on elements that contain values allowed by the filter.
Averaging Domain For element based result quantities that must be displayed at node locations an Averaging
Domain must be specified. As the element’s analysis result is moved to the element’s
node locations multiple values can occur at nodes that are shared by adjacent elements.
The Averaging Domain options describe to Patran which of the multiple result values you
want to resolved to a single value. For more details, see Averaging, 15.
Averaging Method The Averaging Method describes to Patran the order of operations that will be applied to
the selected results data and the operation type that will be used to resolve multiple values
to a single value at the model’s node locations. For example, the Derive/Average option
will cause the user specified quantity derivation (e.g. Principal stress, extract the x-
component of translational displacement) to occur first, before a simple average is
applied to resolve multiple results that occur at the shared element’s node locations. For
more details see Averaging, 15.
Extrapolation Method Many times, element based results must be moved from their initial element location to
another location (e.g. element integration points to element node locations). The
Extrapolation Method defines which algorithm will be used for this operation. For more
details, see Extrapolation, 21.
Complex No. as If the result value you have chosen to post process is complex, then an option button will
appear that allows you to show the results real, complex, magnitude, or phase
8 Results Postprocessing
Plot Options
Option Description
Use PCL Expression This toggle button will activate the Define PCL Expression button
Define PCL The sub form that will appear when you press this button will allow you to further modify
Expression the selected result data by applying a user defined PCL expression. For more details, see
PCL Expressions, 9.
Existing Contour Plots This listbox displays all existing Contour plots. If you select an existing plot from the
listbox, the plot’s definition will be used to define each sub formsub form’s various
Save Contour Plot As Contour plots can be saved by name and recalled later for editing. Saved Contour plots
can be posted, unposted and deleted as shown in Post/Unpost, 29 and Delete, 32
respectively. Once a plot has been named, its definition is automatically persisted in the
Patran database when you hit the Apply button to create the plot.
Chapter 5: Contour Line Plots 9
Contour Plot Example
2. Next, select the Stress Tensor result type from the Select 2DContour
Result list box.
3. (Optional) If the selected result has more than one layer associated with
Position...(at Z2)
it select the layer using the layer Position button.
4. Select the Y Component from the Quantity pull down option menu.
Quantity: Y Component
5. Press the Apply button with the Animate toggle OFF to create the plot.
Marker Plots
Overview 2
Target Entities 6
Display Attributes 8
Plot Options 12
Examples of Usage 14
2 Results Postprocessing
6.1 Overview
Marker plots are scalar, vector and tensor plots. For an overview of how the Results Application works
please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing, 1. To specifically make or modify a marker plot select
Create or Modify from the Action pull-down menu on the Results Display form; and select Marker from
the Object pull-down menu. Then set the marker type to Scalar, Vector, or Tensor from the Method pull-
down menu.
Selecting Results, 15
Target Entities, 6.
Display Attributes, 8.
Animation Options, 5.
Scalar plots are scalable colored markers of various forms, e.g. triangles, squares, diamonds which
represent the selected scalar result quantities displayed at nodes and elements.
Vector plots are similar to deformation plots except that instead the representation of the results is
displayed as three arrow (vectors) at right angles to one another representing each coordinate
contribution. The component vectors can also be resolved into a resultant vector. Any deformation plot
can also be represented as a vector plot. There are of course other applications for vector plots such as
viewing principal stresses.
Tensor results are similar to vector results except they have six components associated with them (the
upper triangular portion of a 3x3 matrix). Typically results for tensor plots are component stress.
There is only a slight difference between Create and Modify. The main difference is that Create must be
used to make a new marker plot and Modify is used to change an existing one. If you try to modify an
existing plot with Create you will be asked for overwrite permission whereas Modify assumes that the
action is desired, so no overwrite permission is requested.
Toggles the form to select results for marker plots. This is the default mode of the Marker plot form.
Chapter 6: Marker Plots 3
For both Modify and Create the same basic operations and options are available. To create or modify a
marker plot the following basic steps must be followed after setting the marker type (Scalar, Vector, or
1. Set the Action to Create or Modify, the Object to Marker and the Method to
Scalar, Vector, or Tensor.
2. Select a Result Case or Cases from the Select Results Case(s) listbox. See
Selecting Results, 15 for a detailed explanation of this process as well as Filtering
Results, 20.
3. Select a result from the Select Scalar/Vector/Tensor Result listbox.
4. If more than one layer is associated with the results, select the layer (using the
Position button) you wish to plot. These can be top or bottom results of shell
elements, beam locations or laminate layers.
5. Optionally change the result Quantity. This is only possible if the selected result
allows for this. If either a tensor or vector result is selected for a scalar marker plot
then it must be resolved to a scalar value. If a tensor result has been selected for a
vector marker plot, it must be resolved to a vector value. The various resolutions
6. Optionally, for tensor or vector marker plots, change the form in which to display
the tensor or vector: as components, resultants or principal values. This is done in
the Show As pull-down menu at the bottom of the main Select Results form.
7. Optionally select the target entities, change display attributes, or invoke other plot
options by changing these settings using the three middle icons at the top of the
form. These are described in detail later in this chapter.
4 Results Postprocessing
8. If animations are desired, turn the Animate button ON in the main form where
results are selected and optionally change animation attributes with the right most
icon at the top of the screen. For detailed explanations of animation options see
Animation Options, 5 and Animation Control, 8
9. Press the Apply button when ready to create the marker plot.
To modify an existing marker plot, simply follow the above procedure with the Action set to Modify.
However, you must first select an existing plot using the Existing Scalar/Vector/Tensor Plots button on
the main form where results are selected. When an existing marker plot is selected, all results, attributes,
and options in the various widgets associated with that plot are updated to reflect that plot’s settings. You
may then proceed to modify the plot.
By default a marker plot with the name default_Scalar, default_Vector or
default_Tensor will be created unless the user specifically gives a different name. Multiple marker
plots can only be created and posted by giving separate names. Multiple marker plots can be posted to
the same viewport or to separate viewports. Each viewport can have its own set of marker plots or other
plot types posted. This is also true for animation of these plots. Only animation in the same viewport will
be synchronized.
Each plot can have its own attributes. Each plot can also target or be displayed on separate entities and
have its own associated options. These are detailed in the next sections.
Component selection is represented as XX, YY, and ZZ for the three component directions of any
coordinate system. These translate into r z and r for cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
Tensor Notes
By default tensors are displayed as vectors without arrow heads, each with its own color code and result
label (value). Traditional tensors with a box and vectors with arrow heads can also be created by changing
display attributes. For two dimensional tensors, the default plots are know as “Crow’s Feet” and display
two axial and one shear (coupled) component or the two principals (maximum and minimum). This
display is supported for running loads, moments, stresses, and strains. The results can be rotated to any
direction desired.
The tensor results for element strains are displayed at the mid-plane and outer fiber locations in two
different manners.
1. Three legged tensor display indicating axial and shear directions with the appropriate result
quantities labeled at the ends of the tensor.
2. From one to n number of axial strain values in directions relative to the requested orientation.
For anisotropic elements, the strain tensor directions will default to 0 90 45 . For elements that
reference a laminate, the default strain tensor directions will be 0, 90 and those directions corresponding
to each lamina’s orientation. The default angles can be modified and additional angles can be specified.
Chapter 6: Marker Plots 5
The principal results can also be displayed as principal components at the element centroid with the same
axes display.
Tensors can also be treated as two dimensional or three dimensional. The default is three dimensional,
however the generic method will look at the data to determine whether to use the 2D or the 3D
calculations. The 2D calculation method will ignore the YY, ZZ, and ZX components. The 3D method
will treat zero component values as significant.
6 Results Postprocessing
Target Entities
Toggles the form to select target display entities for marker plots.
The following table describes in detail which entities marker plots can be targeted.
Entity Description
Current By default all marker plots are displayed on all finite element nodes displayed in the currently
Viewport active viewport. Elemental based results are extrapolated out to the nodes and averaged.
Nodes Individual nodes may be selected on which to display the marker plot. You may type in any
node numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include
the word Node in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Node 1 5 55 100 etc.). To select
all elements use the syntax “Node 1:#.” Elemental based results are extrapolated to the nodes
and averaged.
Elements Individual elements may be selected on which to display the marker plot. You may type in any
element numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include
the word Elem in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.). To select
all elements use the syntax “Elem 1:#.” Results are plotted at the element centroid and summed
and averaged if necessary (for nodal results).
Groups Marker plots can be limited to only selected groups. A selected group or groups must have
elements or nodes in them otherwise the plot will not appear. A listbox allows selection of the
group(s) to which the marker plot will be applied. This is handy in that the same finite element
entities can belong to multiple groups. Only those groups selected will be displayed with a
marker plot while all other non-selected groups will remain unaffected and retain their own
display attributes.
Materials Marker plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain material
properties assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the materials for whose
elements will be targeted for a marker display.
Properties Marker plots can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain element properties
assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the properties for whose elements will
be targeted for a marker display.
Element Types Marker plots can be limited to only certain element types also.
In addition to targeting the entities, the marker plot can also be isolated to attributes of the entities as
described in the following table. When nodes and elements are specifically targeted for the plot these
Chapter 6: Marker Plots 7
Target Entities
choices are not available. However for any other target entities (groups, materials, properties, current
viewport, element types), these choices are available:
Attribute Description
Nodes By default all marker plots are posted on the nodes of the target entities, including
elemental based data. Elemental based data are extrapolated to the nodes, summed and
Free Faces Marker plots can be posted on to all free faces of the target entities. The markers are posted
at nodes on the free faces only. Elemental based data are extrapolated and averaged.
Free Edges This will display a maker plot on the edges that only have one common element. The
markers are posted at nodes on the free edges only. Elemental based data are extrapolated
and averaged.
Elements Marker plots may be posted at element centroids. Data are summed and averaged for each
element if necessary to produce a single data set for each element.
Corners This will display markers only at corners of the model on nodes only. Elemental based data
are extrapolated and averaged.
Target Deformations By default, marker plots that are to be displayed on the deformed shape will be displayed
on all deformation plots posted. You can select which deformation plots to target the marker
plot to by selecting deformation plots form this listbox. This listbox will only appear when
more than one deformation plot exists and is posted.
Important: Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for the marker plot until
the user physically changes it.
8 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
Toggles the form to change display attributes for marker plots with the method set to the type of desired
marker (scalar, vector, or tensor).
Table 6-1 describes in detail the marker plot attributes which can be modified. They differ for each type
of marker.
Table 6-1 Common Marker Display Attributes
Attribute Description
Spectrum / Constant This controls whether the marker colors (the vector arrows or other markers) are color coded
according to the spectrum bar and value ranges or whether they are simply assigned different
constant colors. If Constant is chosen you can select the colors for the resultant or
components for vectors and tensors.
Show Spectrum This toggle will remove or display the spectrum bar on the right of the current viewport. If
the spectrum does not disappear from the graphics screen when the toggle is OFF, make sure
other plots also do not have the spectrum turned ON.
Spectrum This button will bring up the Spectrums form from which you can set the spectrum for the
current viewport or create new spectrums. This form operates independently of the Results
application. Therefore you do not need to press the Apply button in the Results application
to effect changes in the spectrum. To learn more about changing the spectrum see
Display>Spectrums (p. 405) in the Patran Reference Manual.
Range This button will bring up a subordinate form for reassigning the range to the current
spectrum in the current viewport. See Display>Ranges (p. 408) in the Patran Reference
Manual for details. Also from this form you can invoke the Ranges form for creating and
modifying new ranges. To learn more about changing ranges see Display>Ranges (p. 408)
in the Patran Reference Manual.
Title Editor Selecting this button opens a form that allows the marker plot title to be edited. See Results
Title Editor, 37.
Show Title If this toggle is ON, then a title for the marker plot is displayed. Otherwise no title is
Lock Title If this toggle is ON, then the title for the marker plot is not modified by results form
selections. Otherwise some results form selections modify the title.
Show Max/Min If this toggle is ON, then the maximum and minimum values of the selected results set are
Label Display displayed in the viewport. Otherwise they are not displayed.
Show Scalar/Vector/ If this toggle is ON, then the marker label (value) will be displayed at each marker.
Tensor Label
Chapter 6: Marker Plots 9
Display Attributes
Important: Vectors and tensors will only animate properly if you set the Vector Length to Scaled.
Constant vector lengths will not animate. Only the labels and sign changes will change
during an animation. Also, once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target
entity for the particular marker plot until the user physically changes it.
12 Results Postprocessing
Plot Options
The following table describes in detail the marker tool options which can be modified:
Option Description
Coordinate Vector and tensor results to display marker plots can be transformed into any of the
Transformation following coordinate systems: any user defined local system (CID), the projection of any
CID, the Patran global system, a material coordinate system, element IJK coordinate system
or the nodal (analysis) coordinate system depending on the type of result (vector, or tensor).
See Coordinate Systems, 27 for a definition of each coordinate system. The default is no
transformation, which will plot data in the coordinate frame as stored in the database.
Typically the solver code will calculate results at nodes in the analysis coordinate system
specified by the user. These can vary from node to node. Element data can be stored from
the analysis code in any coordinate system. Note also that the analysis translators that import
the results data into the database can transform results. Check with the appropriate translator
Scale Factor This scale factor has the effect of simply scaling the results up or down by the specified
amount. This will have an effect on the fringe plot but will not effect the spectrum range
Filter Values By specifying a filter value, a gate will be used to keep values below a maximum, above a
minimum, between a certain range, or at the exclusion of certain values. The default is none.
If filtering is used, only elements which pass the filter gate will display a marker plot on
Averaging Domain For element based result quantities that must be displayed at nodes, an averaging domain
must be used since more than one result will exist for each node. There is a contribution
from each element attached to any particular node. By default all entities which contribute
are used. Alternatively you can tell the Results application to only average results from those
elements that share the same material or element property, are from the same target entities,
or have the same element type. For more detail see Averaging, 15.
Averaging Method The method in which certain results are determined can make a difference to the actual
displayed plot. This is important when derived results from element based tensor or vector
results are used such as von Mises stress or Magnitude displacements. For instance if you
average at the nodes first and then derive the desired quantity you may get a different answer
than if you derive first and then average. It is left up to the user to decide which is correct.
For more detail see Averaging, 15.
Chapter 6: Marker Plots 13
Plot Options
Option Description
Extrapolation Many times element based results that are to be displayed at nodes exist at locations other
Method than the nodes such as at integration points. Various methods are available to the user to
extrapolate these results out to the nodes. For more detail see Extrapolation, 21.
Complex No. as The Real component of a complex number is the default by which results will be
postprocessed. To force the postprocessor to use a different quantity such as Magnitude,
Imaginary, Phase, or Angle, set this option pull down menu. This option will only be
available if a complex result has been selected. It is not recommended to calculate invariants
(e.g., von Mises) from complex results because the phase is not accounted for.
Existing This listbox displays all existing marker plots. You may select one of these plots from the
Scalar/Vector/ Tensor listbox and all settings of that plot including display attributes, target entities, option, and
Plots selected results will be restored. This is an easy mechanism to help make many plots with
the settings of an existing plot without modifying the selected plot. When the Action is set
to Modify, this listbox appears under the Select Results display of the Results application
Save Marker plots can be saved by name and recalled later for graphical display. Multiple marker
Scalar/Vector/Tensor plots can be saved in the database and displayed simultaneously. Be aware that when
Plot As multiple marker plots are displayed simultaneously there could be some display problems if
they are displayed on the same entities. These marker plots can be posted/unposted and
deleted as explained in Post/Unpost, 29 and Delete, 32 respectively. Once a plot has been
created and named it retains all results, attributes, target entities, and options assigned to it.
If no plot name is specified a default is created called default_Scalar,
default_Vector or default_Tensor. As long as no plot name is specified, the
default name will be overwritten each time a plot is created or modified.
Important: Once plot options have been selected, they will remain in effect for the marker plot until the
user physically changes them.
14 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
It is generally best to turn the vector labels OFF when plotting on the
entire model. The display can get very cluttered with labels. This is done
by pressing the Display Attributes icon and turning OFF the Show Vector
Label toggle. Show Vector Labels
Figure 6-1 Resultant and Component Vector Plots of Displacement on Cantilever Plate
(constant vector lengths).
3. Select the Tensor Result (component stresses) from the next listbox.
4. (Optional) If more than one layer exists for these results, select the
Position...(at Z1)
layer using the result Position button.
5. Decide which principals you want to display in the tensor plot with the
Show As: Principal
Show As pull-down, and turning ON or OFF the desired components.
Max Mid Min
Chapter 6: Marker Plots 17
Examples of Usage
9. Select a global variable (time). Make any other optional modifications you
Animate by: Global Variable
10. Press the Apply button. This method also works with load steps, frequency
steps, or simply with multiple load cases that you may wish to animate. Apply
3. Type a name in the Save Scalar/Vector/Tensor Plot As databox. Save Vector Plot As:
4. Then press the Apply button.
Figure 6-4 Display of a Vector and a Tensor Plot in the Same Viewport.
5. Press the Apply button at any time to see the results of your
modifications. Apply
Cursor Plots
Overview 2
Target Entities 15
Display Attributes 16
Plot Options 17
Examples of Usage 19
2 Results Postprocessing
7.1 Overview
For an overview of how the Results Application works please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing,
1. Cursor plots interactively display labels of either scalar, vector or tensor results on the model. To
specifically make or modify a cursor plot select Create or Modify from the Action pull-down menu on
the Results Display form; and select Cursor from the Object pull-down menu. Then set the Cursor type
to Scalar, Vector or Tensor from the Method pull-down menu.
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 3
Application Form
4 Results Postprocessing
Method Scalar cursor plots display labels representing the scalar result value at the
selected entities. Vector cursor plots display three labels, one for each of the
vector components, in a column vector format. Tensor cursor plots display six
labels in the lower triangular portion of a 3x3 matrix. Typically results for tensor
cursor plots are stress components.
Attributes and Options
• Select Results This default setting establishes the application form to select the results used for
the cursor plot.
• Display Attributes Changes the application form to shows display attributes available.
• Plot Options Changes the application form to show the plot options available.
Select Result Case(s) Specifies a results case to use for the cursor plot.
Select Cursor Result Sets the result from the available scalar, vector, or tensor results list.
3. Select a result from the Select Scalar, Vector or Tensor Result listbox.
4. If more than one layer is associated with the results, select the layer (using the Position button)
you wish to plot. These can be top or bottom results of shell elements, beam locations or laminate
5. Optionally change the result Quantity. This is only possible if the selected result allows for this.
If a tensor result has been selected for a vector Cursor plot, it must be resolved to a vector value.
If a tensor or vector result has been selected for a scalar Cursor plot, it must be resolved to a scalar
value. The various resolutions are:
6. Optionally, change the target entity type. This is done in the Target Entity pull-down menu at the
bottom of the main Select Results form.
7. Optionally change display attributes, or invoke other plot options by changing these settings using
the two other icons at the top of the form. These are described in detail later in this chapter.
8. Press the Apply button when ready to create the Cursor plot.
9. The Apply button causes the Cursor Data form to be created and displayed. The user may now
select entities at which results values are desired. The result values are recorded in the spreadsheet
on the Cursor Data form.
To modify an existing Cursor plot, simply follow the above procedure with the Action set to Modify.
However, you must first select an existing plot using the Existing Cursor Plots button on the main form
where results are selected. When an existing Cursor plot is selected, all results, attributes, and options in
6 Results Postprocessing
the various widgets associated with that plot are updated to reflect that plot’s settings. You may then
proceed to modify the plot.
By default a Cursor plot with the name
default_Cursor will be created unless the user specifically gives a different name. Multiple Cursor plots
can be created by giving cursor plots unique names. Only one Cursor plot can be posted to the viewport.
Each viewport can have its own Cursor plot or other plot types posted.
Each plot can have its own attributes. Each plot can also target or be displayed on separate entities and
have its own associated options. These are detailed in the next sections.
Component selection is represented as XX, YY, and ZZ for the three component directions of any
coordinate system. These translate into r, ?, z and r, ?, ? for cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
this form is exited the cursor tool will no longer be active. If the user wishes to use select more entities
for an existing tool then the user must post the tool which will re-display this form.
Item Description
File Width Sets the number of characters that can fit in the width of a page including spaces. The
default is 128 characters.
Lines/Page Sets the number of lines per page. The default is 52 lines per page.
Top Margin Sets the number of lines used to form a top margin. The bottom margin is set by the
number of Lines/Page.
Left Margin Sets the number of characters used to make a left margin. The right margin is set by the
File Width.
Pagination If you wish to use pagination turn this toggle ON. The Page Number setting will appear
to set the beginning page number. No footer or header information will be printed.
Page Number Set the beginning page number with this option. This databox only appears if Pagination
has been turned ON.
Edit This is an option menu for editing the Title, Footer, or Header. No Footer or Header is
allowed if pagination is OFF. This text box below this menu will update to allow for
editing of the selected text.
Alignment Alignment of the report can be from the left margin, right margin or the report can be
Title/Header/Footer This textbox allows for inclusion and modification of a Title, Header or Footer. Which is
Text Format set for editing is determined by the Edit option menu above this text box. A %I% may be
placed in any of these text boxes to include the page number if Pagination has been
turned ON. A %rN% may also be included for adding additional blank lines. These
formatting characters are explained below.
Input Column/ This is a databox that becomes active to allow for changes in the actual Column Labels
Label/Format or Value Formats. Simply click on a cell in the spreadsheet that appears below this
databox and the databox will become active to allow you to change the cells contents.
Column This is the column number with its associated label and value format.
Column Label This is the label that appears above the column of results. By default it is the same as
results quantities selected. To change a label, select the cell and then change the value in
the databox above. Press the Enter or Return key to effect the change.
Value Format Results formats are listed in this column. They specify how the actual results values will
be formatted in the report. They consist of the format characters surrounded by
percentage signs. To change one of these formats, click on the cell that contains the
format to change and enter your changes in the databox above the spreadsheet. Press the
Enter of Return key to effect the change. The different characters and combinations
acceptable for these formats is explained in .
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 11
Format Strings
The format string is a description of how to convert integer, real, and string data to a formatted output. It
is necessary to use a format string in the Value Format column in the spreadsheet to specify how to format
the results values in the report. Some of these formats can also be used in the Title, Header and Footer.
The format string is a simple character string which contains both raw text to output, and format
specifiers, enclosed by a set of percent characters, which control how data items are formatted and output.
Upper case letters (I, F, E, etc.) are interpreted literally and lower case letters are to be substituted with
the appropriate values.
To change a value format simply click the mouse button with the cursor in the cell whose format you wish
to change. Then in the Input databox above the spreadsheet change the value format to what you want
and then press the Return or Enter key.
Table 7-2 Value Format Strings for Formatting Text Report Numbers
Format Description
%% The simplest form of format specifier is a double percent to produce a single percent in the final
output. Used if you want a percent character in the Title, Header or Footer.
%Im% Integer (I) specifier. This format specifier takes an integer value such as a node or element
(entity) ID or other integer result for formatting. The value of “m” is the minimum number of
characters to produce from the format. If “m” is omitted, then the exact number of characters
necessary to hold the integer is used. The exact format produced is an optional minus sign
followed by one or more digits. The default for integer data is %I6%.
%Fm.n% Fixed (F) float specifier. This format specifier takes a real results value for formatting in fixed
point notation. The value of m is the minimum number of characters to produce from the
format. If m is omitted, then the exact number of characters necessary to hold the conversion is
used. The value of n is the number of decimal digits to produce. If omitted, then all significant
digits will be produced. The exact format produced is an optional minus sign followed by zero
or more digits, a decimal point, and zero or more digits. At least one digit will precede or follow
the decimal point. The default for real data is %F12.6%.
%Em.n.p% Exponential (E) float specifier. This format specifier takes a real value for formatting in
scientific exponential notation. The value of m is the minimum number of characters to produce
from the format. If m is omitted, then the exact number of characters necessary to hold the
conversion is used. The value of n is the number of decimal digits to produce. If omitted, then
all significant digits will be produced. The value of p is the number of digits to display before
the decimal point, and defaults to one. If zero is specified, then a single zero precedes the
decimal point. The exact format produced is an optional minus sign followed by zero or more
digits, a decimal point, zero or more digits, a capital E, a plus or minus sign, and two decimal
digits. At least one digit will precede or follow the decimal point. The default value for read
data is the F format.
%Gm.n.p% General (G) float specifier. This format specifier takes a real value for formatting in either F or
E format. The format used depends on the value of the number to convert. In general, if the
exponent is small, the F format will be used, otherwise the E format is used. See the descriptions
of the F and E formats.
12 Results Postprocessing
%Sm% String (S) specifier. This format specifier takes the next string value from the character data
array for formatting. The value of m is the minimum number of characters to produce from the
format. If m is omitted, then the exact number of characters in the string is used. The default
value for string data is %S32%.
%rN% New (N) line specifier. This format specifier causes a new line to be started. The previous line
is output as is, and formatting starts at column one of the new line. The value of r is a repeat
count for skipping multiple lines. If output is to a string, then new line characters will be written
to the string. This is used in the Title, Header and Footer text.
Variables can be placed in titles, footers, or headers of reports. The variables available are shown in the
table below. Be sure to place the $ symbol in front of the variable otherwise it will not be recognized as
a variable.
Table 7-3 Value Format Strings for Formatting Text Report Numbers
Format Description
$LC_NAME This is the Result Case (load case) name.
$SC_NAME This is the subcase name.
$PRES_NAME This is the primary result name.
$SRES_NAME This is the secondary result name.
$LYR_NAME This is the result layer name.
$DATE The current date and time in the format dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss.
$PAGE The current report page number.
$NNODES The number of nodes in the report. Variable is printed in I9 format if left aligned. Valid for nodal
report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal (nod) result files.
$MAXNOD The highest ID of a node in the file. Variable is printed in I9 format if left aligned. Valid for nodal
report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal (nod) result files.
$DEFMAX The maximum value encountered within the file. Variable is printed in E15.6 format if left
aligned. Valid for nodal report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal
(nod) result files.
$NDMAX The ID of the node with the maximum value. Variable is printed in I9 format if left aligned. Valid
for nodal report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal (nod) result
$NWIDTH The number of columns in the file. This will be the number of results quantities output to the
report. Note that the Entity Id which is the first column of most reports by default is not included
in NWIDTH. It is actually the number of columns of real, floating point data. Typically this is
used to create Patran nodal (nod) and elemental (els) result files.
$DATA_TITLE The register title. You must use the built in function res_data_title() to set a title for your register.
Once this title is set, then it will show up when you use $DATA_TITLE.
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 13
Sorting Options
Results can be sorted in a report and sorting is controlled via this form which is available from the Cursor
Report Setup form by pressing the Sort button.
Ascending Descending
Sort By
Sorting can be done by comparing Algebraic Values which
Algebraic Value considers the sign of a value. A negative value will be treated
as less than a positive number. Or the Absolute Value of the
Absolute Value results can be used where sign is ignored, and the relative
size in magnitude is considered in the sort.
Sort Data By
Entity ID
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 15
Target Entities
Entity Description
Nodes Individual nodes may be selected on which to display the Cursor plot. You may type in any node
numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include the word
Node in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Node 1 5 55 100 etc.). Elemental based
results are extrapolated to the nodes and averaged.
Elements Individual elements may be selected on which to display the Cursor plot. You may type in any
element numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include
the word Elem in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.).Results are
plotted at the element centroid and summed and averaged if necessary (for nodal results).
Important: Once a target entity type has been selected, it will remain the target entity type for the
Cursor plot until the user physically changes it.
16 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
Toggles the form to change display attributes for Cursor plots with the method set to the type of
desired Cursor (scalar, vector or tensor).
Attribute Description
Title Editor Selecting this button opens a form that allows the cursor plot title to be edited. See
Results Title Editor, 37.
Show Title If this toggle is ON, then a title for the cursor plot is displayed. Otherwise no title is
Lock Title If this toggle is ON, then the title for the cursor plot is not modified by results form
selections. Otherwise some results form selections modify the title.
Label Style You can change the style of the numbers displayed on the Cursor label from the
subordinate form that appears when you press this button. Styles can be integer, fixed,
or exponential with specification of the number of significant digits. Also the label
color is controlled from this form.
Show on Deformed The Cursor plot will be displayed on the deformed shape of the model if a deformation
plot has also been posted to the current viewport. The
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 17
Plot Options
The following table describes in detail the Cursor tool options which can be modified:
Option Description
Coordinate Transformation Vector and tensor results to display Cursor plots can be transformed into any of the
following coordinate systems: any user defined local system (CID), the projection
of any CID, the Patran global system, a material coordinate system, element IJK
coordinate system or the nodal (analysis) coordinate system depending on the type
of result (vector, or tensor). The default is no transformation, which will plot data
in the coordinate frame as stored in the database. Typically the solver code will
calculate results at nodes in the analysis coordinate system specified by the user.
These can vary from node to node. Element data can be stored from the analysis
code in any coordinate system. Note also that the analysis translators that import
the results data into the database can transform results. Check with the appropriate
translator guide.
Scale Factor This scale factor has the effect of simply scaling the results up or down by the
specified amount.
Averaging Domain For element based result quantities that must be displayed at nodes, an averaging
domain must be used since more than one result will exist for each node. There is
a contribution from each element attached to any particular node. By default all
entities which contribute are used. Alternatively you can tell the Results
application to only average results from those elements that share the same
material or element property, are from the same target entities, or have the same
element type.
Averaging Method The method in which certain results are determined can make a difference to the
actual displayed result value. This is important when derived results from element
based tensor or vector results are used such as von Mises stress or Magnitude
displacements. For instance if you average at the nodes first and then derive the
desired quantity you may get a different answer than if you derive first and then
average. It is left up to the user to decide which is correct.
Extrapolation Method Many times element based results that are to be displayed at nodes exist at
locations other than the nodes such as at integration points. Various methods are
available to the user to extrapolate these results out to the nodes.
18 Results Postprocessing
Plot Options
Existing Cursor Plots This listbox displays all existing Cursor plots. You may select one of these plots
from the listbox and all settings of that plot including display attributes, target
entities, option, and selected results will be restored. This is an easy mechanism to
help make many plots with the settings of an existing plot without modifying the
selected plot. When the Action is set to Modify, this listbox appears under the
Select Results display of the Results application form.
Save Cursor Plot As Cursor plots can be saved by name and recalled later for graphical display.
Multiple Cursor plots can be saved in the database. These Cursor plots can be
posted/unposted and deleted respectively. Once a plot has been created and named
it retains all results, attributes, target entities, and options assigned to it. If no plot
name is specified a default is created called
Important: Once plot options have been selected, they will remain in effect for the Cursor plot until
the user physically changes them.
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 19
Examples of Usage
Method: Scalar
2. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Case from the first listbox. If more
than one subcase exists for a Result Case, turn the Abbreviate Subcases toggle OFF and then
select the Result Case.
3. Select the Stress Tensor from the Select Cursor Result listbox.
4. Select von Mises from the result Quantity menu.
5. Set the entity type from the Target Entity menu to Elements.
20 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
7. Once the Cursor Data Form is displayed the user may graphically select the desired entities. The
von Mises value will be displayed on the model.
Method: Vector
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 21
Examples of Usage
2. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Case from the first listbox. If more
than one subcase exists for a Result Case, turn the Abbreviate Subcases toggle OFF and then
select the Result Case.
6. Once the Cursor Data Form is displayed the user may graphically select the desired nodes. The
displacement components will be displayed on the model.
22 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
Method: Tensor
2. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Case from the first listbox.
Position...(at Z1)
5. Set the entity type from the Target Entity menu to Elements.
Chapter 7: Cursor Plots 23
Examples of Usage
7. Once the Cursor Data Form is displayed the user may graphically select the desired elements. The
stress components will be displayed on the model.
Report Setup...
Write Report
Write Report
8.1 Overview
For an overview of how the Results Application works please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing,
1. To specifically make or modify a graph plot select Create or Modify from the Action pull-down menu
on the Results Display form; and select Graph from the Object pull-down menu. Presently only Y vs X
plots may be created.
Selecting Results, 15
Target Entities, 5.
Display Attributes, 8.
There is only a slight difference between Create and Modify. The main difference is that Create must be
used to make a new graph plot and Modify is used to change an existing one. If you try to modify an
existing plot with Create you will be asked for overwrite permission whereas Modify assumes that the
action is desired, so no overwrite permission is requested.
Toggles the form to select results for graph plots. This is the default mode of the Graph form.
For both Modify and Create the same basic operations and options are available. To create or modify a
graph plot the following basic steps must be followed:
3. Set the Y-axis value to either a Results value or a Global Variable if multiple Result
Cases are selected. The Global Variables available depend on the result type but are
generally time, frequency or load step. If a Result value is chosen, then select the result
from the Select Y Result listbox otherwise select a Global Variable. Global variables
will only be available if multiple Result Cases have been selected. Skip to step 5 if a
global variable has been set for the Y-axis.
4. For Result Y-axis values, if more than one layer is associated with the result, select the
layer (using the Position button) you wish to plot.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 3
5. For Result Y-axis values, optionally change the results Quantity. This is only possible
if the selected result allows for this. If a vector or tensor result has been selected for a
graph plot, it must be resolved to a scalar value. The various resolutions are:
Vector to Scalar: Magnitude, X Component, Y Component, Z Component.
Tensor to Scalar: von Mises, XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, XZ, Minor, Intermediate,
Major, Hydrostatic, 1st Invariant, 2nd Invariant, 3rd, Invariant,
Tresca, Max Shear, Octahedral. See Derivations, 8.
6. Set the X-axis value to either to Result, Global Variable, Coordinate Axis, Path Length
or Beams and select the necessary items as was done for the Y-axis values. More
detailed explanations of the X- and Y-axis types are given below. Path Lengths (points,
curves and element edges) and Beams are selected as target entities.
7. Select the target entities. For most plot types this is an optional activity but for a Graph
plot it is required unless the graph is a global variable versus another global variable.
To do this press the Target Entities, 5 button icon and select the nodes, elements, beams,
curves, or path for which you wish to create an Graph plot.
8. Optionally change any display attributes, or invoke other plot options by changing
these settings using the other two icon buttons at the top of the form. These are
described in detail later in this chapter. See Display Attributes, 8 and Plot Options, 10.
9. Press the Apply button when ready to create the graph.
To Modify an existing graph, follow the above procedure with the exception that you must first select an
existing plot using the Existing Graph Plots button on the main form where results are selected. When an
existing graph is selected, all results, attributes, and options in the various widgets associated with that
plot are updated to reflect that plot’s settings. You may then proceed to modify the plot.
By default a graph plot named default_Graph will be created unless the user specifically gives a
different name. Multiple graph plots can only be created and posted by giving separate names. Multiple
graph plots can be posted to the same XY window or to separate XY windows. Each XY window can
have its own set of graphs posted.
Each plot can have its own attributes. Each plot can also target or be associated with separate entities and
have its own associated options. These are detailed in the next sections.
The Results application, when producing a graph, actually is driving the XY Plot application by creating
XY windows and curves and setting display attributes. It is important to understand the interaction
between the XY Plot application and the Results application. Many more display attributes and other
options are available and modifiable from the XY Plot application than can be controlled from the Results
4 Results Postprocessing
application. Although a Graph plot can be posted/unposted and modified from the Results application,
more versatile controls are found under XY Plot.
Care should also be taken when naming Graph plots in the Results application since each graph can create
a new XY window with its own name. If two Graph plots share the same XY window, things may happen
that do not quite make sense until you understand the interaction between Results and XY Plot. See
Overview of the XY Plot Application (Ch. 1) in the Patran User’s Guide.
X or Y Value Description
Result A result value on the Y-axis can be plotted against another results value for the selected
target entities or it may be plotted against a global variable such as time, frequency, or load
step. A Y-axis result value may also be plotted against coordinate locations, or locations
along a curve or beam. To select a result you simply select the result from the listbox
presented whether it be for the X or the Y axis. A subordinate form will appear for the X-
axis result selection but functions identically to that for the Y-axis. Since only scale values
can be plotted, you must select resolved values if a tensor or a vector is chosen. If multiple
layers are associated with a result you must also select the desired layer such as top or
bottom stresses of a plate element.
Global Variable A global variable is a single value associated with a particular Result Case such as the time
of a time step, the frequency of a mode shape, or the load step number of a non-linear
analysis. These values can be plotted against result values (Y-axis) to give you transient type
graphs or they can be plotted against other global variables (X-axis).
Coordinate Result values (Y-axis) can be plotted against coordinate locations (X-axis). To choose the
X-axis coordinate, use the Select Coordinate Axis databox to graphically select the
coordinate frame and the desired direction (vector component-
Z Y Z ; R Z ; R ) or points that define a vector direction. This is useful for
plots such as a stress gradient as a function of distance from a hole.
Path Length / Beam You can define a geometric curve from which a graph may be generated where the X-axis
is defined as the distance along the curve. Use the Target Entities option to specify which
curve, points, or edges/beams will actually make up the path. See Target Entities, 5.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 5
Target Entities
Toggles the form to select target display entities for graph plots.
The following table describes in detail to which entities graph plots can be targeted. The entity types and
their entity attributes are of course dependent on the type of graph you want and what you have selected
as the Y-axis or X-axis quantity. Some combinations may not make any sense. For instance a global
variable plotted against another global variable does not need the specification of target entities.
However, results quantities versus anything will need target entities specified.
Entity Description
Nodes Individual nodes may be selected from which to create a graph. Nodes are selected graphically
from the screen and fill the databox. However, you may type in any node numbers manually. Be
sure to include the word Node in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Node 1 5 55 100 etc.).
Elemental based results are extrapolated to the nodes and averaged.
Elements Individual elements may be selected from which to create a graph. Elements are selected
graphically from the screen and fill the databox. However, you may type in any element numbers
manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include the word Elem in
front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.). With elemental data, values will
be extrapolated or averaged to the element centroid for reporting purposes.
Groups Graphs can be limited to entities (nodes or elements) within a selected group. A selected group or
groups must have elements or nodes in them otherwise the plot will not appear. A listbox allows
selection of the group(s). Since groups can contain either nodes or element it is therefore also
necessary to identify the entity attributes (nodes, element centroids, etc.) as explained in the
following table.
Materials As with groups, elements with certain material properties can be selected. As with elemental data,
values will be extrapolated or averaged to the element centroid for reporting purposes.
6 Results Postprocessing
Target Entities
Entity Description
Properties As with groups, elements with certain element properties can be selected. As with elemental data,
values will be extrapolated or averaged to the element centroid for reporting purposes.
Path A path can be defined in a variety of ways. The graph will be created by extrapolating results from
the elements that touch the path to points that lie on that path. The path can be defined as a
collection of points (geometric grids or nodes), curves, or edges of surfaces and elements. A select
listbox will appear to allow you to type in individual beams/curves/etc. or select them graphically
from the screen. When typing in individual beam element IDs make sure the word “Elem” is in
front of all the IDs, (e.g., “Elem 1 3 5 10 20:40 100:150:10.”). When a path is selected as the target
entity and that path is defined by curves or beams/element edges, you need to also specify in an
accompanying databox, the number of result locations to extract data from for the resulting plot.
This is referred to as Points Per Segment in the Target Entities form.
In addition to targeting the above entities for a graph plot, the graph must be isolated to attributes of the
entities as described in the following table. When nodes or elements are specifically targeted for the plot
these choices are not available. However, for group or path target entities, the following choices are
Attribute Description
Nodes Specifies the use of the nodes of the target entities for extraction of the results value. Elemental
based data are extrapolated to the nodes and averaged.
Element Specifies that results be extracted at the element centroids for the plot. Nodal based data are
Centroids summed and averaged at the centroid.
Points Per This is the number of points to be created for a graph using a Path as its Target Entity. The
Segment number of points generated in between selected nodes or curve end points is the number
specified less one. A point will always be created at node points and end points of curves or
element edges. The number of points can be one (1) to any positive number.
Points When a path is the target entity, Points specifies that results be extracted at geometric points
along that path. You can select these points graphically which can be made up of nodes, points,
intersections, screen positions, etc. If the Number of Segments is one (1), a point on the graph
will be created for each node. If two (2) is specified then an intermediate point will be created
between each node. The number of points per segment less one will be created (interpolated)
between points if greater than one (1). The path through the points will be piece wise linear
(PWL). See notes below.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 7
Target Entities
Attribute Description
Curves When a path is the target entity, specifies that path by the selection of geometric curves. These
curves can be lines or edges of surfaces and elements. The select mechanism gives you control
for defining all of these choices. If the Number of Segments is one (1), a point on the graph will
be created for each end point of selected curves. If two (2) is specified then an intermediate
point will be created between each end point. The number of points per segment less one will
be created (interpolated) between end points and evaluated at equal arc lengths along each
curve if greater than one (1). See notes below.
Edges/Beams When a path is the target entity, specifies that path as beams or element edges. The number of
points per segment less one (1) will be generated along each element edge. Midside nodes are
not used by necessity. The points are generated at equal parametric locations along the edge
using the order/geometry of the element to determine the locations. See notes below.
Important: Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for any graph until
the user physically changes it.
8 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
This section describes the graph plot attributes which can be modified. Only a limited number of display
attributes are actually available under the Results application for graph plots. Once a graph plot has been
created, you may make attribute changes to the curves, axis and other entities in the XY Window with
the XY Plot application (see Overview of the XY Plot Application (Ch. 1) in the Patran User’s Guide).
Attribute Description
Curve Fit Curve fit options are Linear, Scatter, Spline, and Least Squares. Linear is the default and
will connect adjacent points with a linear line between the two. Scatter does not put any line
on the plot at all but leaves just the points. Spline will connect the points with a curved and
continuous line. This results in a smooth line with no abrupt changes is direction. Least
Squares will do a least squares fit through all points to create one linear best fit line.
Curve Style Curves can be solid, dotted, dashed, or dot-dashed.
Show Symbol This toggle turns ON or OFF the display of symbols. The symbol used is the default symbol
of the XY Plot application (a yellow round dot).
Show X/Y Axis Label This toggle will display the X- or Y-axis label if ON.
X/Y Axis Label This databox allows for specification of the X- and Y- axis label.
X/Y Axis Scale The X- and Y-axis scales can be set to linear or log with this switch.
Label Style This button brings up a subordinate form to change the label style of numerical text such as
the numbers on the X- and Y-axes. The numerical format can be changed to integer, fixed,
or exponential with specifications of color, size, and significant digits.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 9
Display Attributes
Attribute Description
XY Window Name A XY Window name must be supplied in order to create a graph. This will be the name of
the separate graphical viewport for the graph that will appear on creation. Care should be
taken when creating multiple graphs not to become confused. Even though you can save a
graph plot with at specific name, (see Plot Options, 10), multiple plots can reference the
same XY window. Multiple plots will therefore appear in the same XY window even
though they are actually separate Graph plot tools. The default XY window name is
Append Curves in If this toggle is ON, then additional curves that may be created in the same XY Window
XY WIndow and associated to the same Graph plot as opposed to being overwritten. For instance, you
may put up a transient displacement plot of Node 101 and then decide it would be nice to
overlay the same results from Node 345 in the same plot. However, care should be taken in
that multiple graph plots can reference the same XY window and multiple curves in the
same XY window of different data and magnitude can significantly change the axis scales
and make plots unreadable.
Important: Once plot attributes have been selected, they will remain in effect for any graph plot until
the user physically changes them.
10 Results Postprocessing
Plot Options
The following table describes the graph options which can be modified:
Option Description
Coordinate Vector and tensor results for displaying graph plots can be transformed into any of the
Transformations following coordinate systems: any user defined local system (CID), the projection of any
CID, the Patran global system, a material coordinate system, element IJK coordinate
system or the nodal (analysis) coordinate system depending on the type of result (vector,
or tensor). See Coordinate Systems, 27 for a definition of each of these coordinate
systems. The default is no transformation, which will extract data in the coordinate frame
as stored in the database. Typically the solver code will calculate results at nodes in the
analysis coordinate system specified by the user. These can vary from node to node.
Element data can be stored from the analysis code in any coordinate system.
Scale Factor This scale factor has the effect of simply scaling the results up or down by the specified
amount. For results data this will scale both the x and y axes.
Filter Values By specifying a filter value, a gate will be used to keep values below a maximum, above
a minimum, between a certain range, or at the exclusion of certain values. The default is
none. If filtering is used, only those results which pass the filter gate will be used in the
graph plot. The filter values apply only to the Y-axis data.
Averaging Domain For element based result quantities that must be extracted at nodes, an averaging domain
must be used since more than one result will exist for each node. There is a contribution
from each element attached to any particular node. By default all entities which contribute
are used. Alternatively you can tell the Results application to only average results from
those elements that share the same material or element property, are from the same target
entities, or have the same element type. For more detail see Averaging, 15.
Averaging Method The method in which certain results are determined can make a difference to the actual
displayed plot. This is important when derived results from element based tensor or vector
results are used such as VonMises stress or Magnitude displacements. For instance if you
average at the nodes first and then derive the desired quantity you may get a different
answer than if you derive first and then average. It is left up to the user to decide which is
correct. For more detail see Averaging, 15.
Extrapolation Method Many times element based results that are to be extracted from the nodes exist at locations
other than the nodes such as at integration points. Various methods are available to the
user to extrapolate these results out to the nodes. For mode detail see Extrapolation, 21.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 11
Plot Options
Option Description
Complex No. as The Real component of a complex number is the default by which results will be
postprocessed. To force the postprocessor to use a different quantity such as Magnitude,
Imaginary, Phase, or Angle, set this option pull down menu. This option will only be
available if a complex result has been selected. It is not recommended to calculate
invariants (e.g., von Mises) from complex results because the phase is not accounted for.
Existing Graph Plots This listbox displays all existing graph plots. You may select one of these plots from the
listbox and all settings of that plot including display attributes, target entities, option, and
selected results will be restored. This is an easy mechanism to help make many plots with
the settings of an existing plot without modifying the selected plot. When the Action is
set to Modify, this listbox appears under the Select Results display of the Results
application form also.
Save Graph Plot As Graph plots can be saved by name and recalled later for graphical display. Multiple graph
plots can be saved in the database and displayed simultaneously. These graph plots can be
posted/unposted and deleted as explained in Post/Unpost, 29 and Delete, 32 respectively.
Once a plot has been created and named it retains all results, attributes, target entities, and
options assigned to it. If no plot name is specified a default is created called
default_Graph. As long as no plot name is specified, the default_Graph will be
overwritten each time a plot is created or modified.
Important: Once plot options have been selected, they will remain in effect for any subsequent
graph plot until the user physically changes them. Also for graph plots be aware that
although the name is saved in the database and all attributes attached to it, the user can
inadvertently delete or modify XY Windows, Curves, and other attributes associated
with a graph plot in the XY Plot application. This is because each graph plot creates a
XY Window and Curves which then become available in the XY Plot application. If
you delete a XY Window in the XY Plot application you will affect any graph plot
referencing that XY Window. See Overview, 2.
12 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
1. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Case
from the first listbox. If more than one subcase exists for a Result Case,
turn the Abbreviate Subcases toggle OFF and then select the Result
6. Use the Target Entities form to select the desired nodes. The nodes used
in this example are indicated on the beam shown in Figure 8-1.
X-Direction (Inches)
1. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Case from
the first listbox.
7. Similar to the Y-axis, you must select results for the X-axis. This is doneQuantity:
von Mises
in a subordinate form similar to selecting results for the Y-axis. Repeat
steps 3. through 5. for the X-axis.
Position...(at Z1)
1. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Cases
from the first listbox. You must select more than one Result Case. Use
the Select button if necessary or turn OFF the Abbreviate Subcases
8. (Optional) Use the Display Attributes form to make any changes to the
display attributes of the plot.
Time (Seconds)
1. Follow any previous example to create a graph. For the sake of this
example we will assume that another curve should be added to Figure 8-3
at another node. So first follow the example Graph of Results Versus
Global Variable (Transient Style), 15.
2. Go to Display Attributes.
5. Press the Apply button. The new curve will be added to the existing XY
Window retaining all previously created curves. All curves will be Apply
associated with the same Graph plot. In this case the default_Graph since
we did not specifically give it a name.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 17
Examples of Usage
1. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Cases
from the first listbox. You must select more than one or you will only get
one data point for your graph.
3. Select the Y-axis global variable from the Variable pulldown menu.
Variable: Design Var 1
7. (Optional) Use the Display Attributes form to make any changes to the
display attributes of the plot.
Design Iteration
1. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Case from
the first listbox.
8. Select the beams or element edges as target entities. Graphically select Select Path Edge/Beams
them from the screen. The target entities should be set to Path. The entity
display attributes should be Edges/Beams.
Additional Display Control
9. (Optional) Specify how many points (result locations) should be used per Points Per Segment
curve segment in the Points Per Segment databox. This will determine
how many data points will make up the resulting graph.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 19
Examples of Usage
10. (Optional) Use the Display Attributes form to make any changes to the
display attributes of the plot.
Path Distance
1. From the Select Results form (left most icon) select the Result Case from
the first listbox.
8. Graphically select them from the screen. The target entities should be set Select Path Curves
to Path. The entity display attributes should be Curves.
9. (Optional) Set the Points Per Segment up to a reasonable number to create Points Per Segment
points in between the end points of the curve(s). If set to one (1), only
results at the end points of the curve will be plotted.
10. (Optional) Use the Display Attributes form to make any changes to the
display attributes of the plot.
Path Distance
1. Set up the graph plot as explained in the above examples but do not press
the Apply button.
2. Before pressing the Apply button to create a plot or animation, press the
Plot Options icon button (fourth button from the left).
3. Type a name in the Save Graph Plot As databox. Save Graph Plot As:
4. Then press the Apply button.
Chapter 8: Graph (XY) Plots 21
Examples of Usage
Modify a Plot
4. Press the Apply button at any time to see the results of your modifications.
Displacement (Magnitude)
Frequency (Hz)
Overview 2
Animation Options 5
Animation Control 8
Animating Existing Plots 9
Examples of Usage 12
2 Results Postprocessing
9.1 Overview
Result animations are an integral part of understanding the behavior of a structure, especially those
subjected to dynamic forces. Animations in Patran are set up in a variety of ways. Most plots, once
created, can be animated. Or they can be animated at creation time. To successfully create an animation
it is important to first understand how to create a plot. For an overview of how the Results Application
works please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing, 1.
Chapter 9: Animation 3
To specifically create an animation of a given plot type at creation time, simply turn ON the Animate
button with the Object set to the desired plot type. The general steps to take when creating an animation
at plot creation time are:
Step 1: Set the Action to Create and select an Object (the plot
Action: Create type) from the Results application form.
Object: Deformation
Select Result Case(s) Step 2: Select a Result Case from the form for animation of
static results. Select multiple Results Case if a transient
Load Case 1, Static Subcase animation is desired.
Select Deformation Result Step 3: Select a result type from the form.
Applied Loads, Translational
Displacements, Translational
Displacements, Rotational
There are two aspects of animation: setting up the animation and controlling the animation once the
animation frames have been created. For most basic animations, the default settings will be appropriate.
However full control is given to the user to change animation options.
Animation options for any given plot type is controlled from the Animation Options form
which is accessible by pressing the right most button icon on the Results Application form
when the Object is set to a plot type. These options control things such as the number of
frames to be generated, the animation method (modal, ramped, global variable), starting and
ending values, 2D or 3D animation and interpolation methods. All settings are saved with a plot when it
is created whether animation has been enabled or not. An explanation of these settings is given in
Animation Options, 5.
Once an animation is in progress or the frames are being created, a form appears to control the animation.
Control is given over such things as stopping and starting, pausing, stepping, speeding up and slowing
down the animation. More detailed explanation of animation control is given in Animation Control, 8.
It is possible to save any result plots to the database with a specific name. In fact all plots are saved to the
database with default names if none is given. Any plot that has already been created and saved to the
database can be animated even though it was not animated when it was created. All attributes of that plot
have been saved such as the result or results associated with it, its display properties, target display
entities, and other options. Any animation attributes given to a plot is only active as long as the plot is
posted. They are not saved in the database. Animation of existing plots is done by setting the object in
the Results application to Animation and then selecting the plots to animate and those to remain static.
This is explained in detail in the next section.
Chapter 9: Animation 5
Animation Options
Action: Animations are initially set up using the Animation Options form
Create which is selectable for most plot types by selecting the right mos
Object: icon on the Results application form. Intelligent default options ha
Deformation been set making it unnecessary to enter this area unless options
need to be changed.
Animation Interpolation
To create the specified number of frames for any animation, the program will do interpolation of the data
because in most cases there will not be a one to one correspondence of frames to number of results cases.
The default is to use Linear interpolation.
The interpolation method has no effect on the animation of static data (mode shapes, deformed plots).
Each frame is determined using a simple harmonic or linear scale factor multiplied by the given static
For transient animation this is not the case. The interpolation method is used to determine how results are
calculated for frames which do not have exact results present. During transient animation, the selected
global variable is scaled linearly from its starting to ending value, evenly progressing between each
animation frame. If the Load Case Index is chosen, then a dummy variable is assigned to each specified
loadcase (1.0-n) and it is used as the interpolation basis (the independent variable). Once a global variable
value is determined from each frame, the result values are then calculated based on the available results
specified for the animation.
The following is a table of interpolation methods along with their descriptions:
Action Description
Linear This is the default interpolation function. The results for a given frame are determined
using linear interpolation which performs a weighted average of the two closest results
cases to the current frame.
Closest Value No interpolation is performed. Only results found in the analysis are used. The closest
results values associated to the current global variable are used for frame creation.
None No interpolation is performed. Only results found in the analysis are used. The None
interpolator will simply repeat the last usable data to fill the excess frames.
8 Results Postprocessing
Animation Control
Animation Control
Adjust the slidebar or enter a value for the current frame to
Pause Animation display a paused animation. Adjusting the slidebar or entering
a value in the databox will update the display accordingly.
1 15
1 14
Starting Frame Adjust the slidebars to set a value, or enter a value in the
appropriate databox, for the Starting Frame and Ending Frame
of the animation currently running. Changing these values will
2 15 skip the display of all the frames above or below the entered
values, respectively.
Ending Frame
Adjusts the speed at which the animation frames are played ba
Slow Fast
The Method of animation can be in software (2D) or hardware
(3D) mode. The main difference between these two are that
Action: Create hardware allows for dynamic rotation while animating in
software does not. Additionally, a Preview method can be used
Object: Animation to display each frame successively with no animation.
Method: 2D Graphics
Plots to Animate
Ramp-FRI_default_Fringe All posted plots appear in this listbox. One by one you will
Modal-TEN_default_Tensor indicate which to animate and how. This is done by first
GV-VEC_default_Vector selecting a plot. Its animation attributes will appear below. The
animation attributes are those that were originally set up when
creating the plot and can range from None to Ramped to
Modal to Global Variable (GV). Note that the animation
attribute is indicated next to the plot name for easy reference.
Select Global Variable These animation attributes are explained in Table 9-1.
Min: 0. Max: 2.
Interpolation Linear Creates the animation of the specified plots. The animation
control form will appear showing the progress of the creation
of the animation frames. This form is explained in Animation
Control, 8.
Chapter 9: Animation 11
Animating Existing Plots
The following table describes in more detail the different animation attributes that can be set when setting
up animation of several existing plots.
Table 9-1 Animation Attributes
Option Description
None If no animation has been initially set up when the plot was created, this is the animation attribute
that it will have. None indicates that this plot will not animate. If you do not wish for a plot to
animate, yet it is posted to the viewport, then this attribute must be set to None. The word None-
will be placed next to the plot name to indicate that no animation will occur for the plot.
Modal Setting a plot to Modal indicates that you want a modal style animation. This is common for
modal analysis results. Modal style animations oscillate from the maximum results value to the
negative of the maximum value, or in other words, it is like a fully reversed loading situation
that oscillates like a sine function. When specifying a modal animation you can also set an angle
offset. This sets up a phase shift in your animation. For example if you want to turn a sine wave
oscillation into a cosine oscillation, use an offset angle of 90 degrees. The word Modal- will be
placed next to the plot name to indicate that no animation will occur for the plot.
Ramped A ramped style animation is good for animating statically loaded structures. The oscillation will
proceed in a ramped form from a scale of zero to the maximum result value over the number of
frames indicated. That is it will deform or animate from its position in rest to its fully deformed
or stresses state (for deformation plots). The word Ramp- will be placed next to the plot name
to indicate that no animation will occur for the plot.
Global Variable This animation attribute can only be assigned to plots that have multiple Result Cases assigned
to it in the case of transient animation. In this case you must indicate which global variable to
use, and its start and end values. Animation frames will then be created from the results based
on an interpolation scheme selected by the user. By default linear interpolation is used. This is
the only animation attribute that uses interpolation. All others (Modal and Ramped) simply use
linear scaling since only one Result Case is ever involved. See Animation Interpolation, 7 for
more detail. The word GV- will be placed next to the plot name to indicate that no animation
will occur for the plot.
12 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
3. Turn ON the Animate toggle. If an Animate toggle is not present on the Animate
main Select Results form for the desired Object, then that plot type does
not support animation.
4. (Optional) Set any other options such as target entities, display attributes,
and plot options by changing the form and subsequent settings with the
button icons at the top of the form just below the Action and Object
5. Modal style animations are the default for static, single Result Case data.
For transient style animations, press the right most button icon Animate by: Global Variable
(Animation Options) to select a global variable (time, frequency, etc.).
This is necessary for determining proper interpolation of results for each
animation frame.
6. Press the Apply button.
If the Animate toggle was not turned ON, then no animation will result.
Instead the Results application will simply create a static plot of the
selected Result Case or a maximum plot of multiple Result Cases.
2. Set the Action to Create and the Method to Animation. Action: Create
Object: Animation
3. If necessary, set the Method to software (2D) or hardware (3D) mode Method: 2D Graphics
(hardware mode allows for dynamic rotation while animating in software
does not). Speed performance may also differ between the two methods.
4. From the Plots to Animate listbox, select a plot that you wish to animate.
5. Change the Animate By option pulldown menu to the desired animation
Animate by: Modal
attribute which can either be None, Modal, Ramped, or by Global
Variable. Global Variable is only selectable if the plot has been set up
with multiple Result Cases for a transient style animation.
6. (Optional) You may need to change other options such as the Angle
Offset for modal animations or global variable information for transient
7. Repeat steps 4. to 6. for each plot you want to animate (to not animate, but
still plot, set the attribute to None).
8. (Optional) Set any other animation options on this form as desired such as
Number of Frames: 15
the number of frames to create and interpolation method for transient
animations. Interpolation: Linear
Overview 2
Target Entities 6
Display Attributes 8
Report Options 14
Examples of Usage 16
2 Results Postprocessing
10.1 Overview
The Report object in the Results application allows for creation of text reports of any result that has been
imported into the database or created by any other means such as derivations or combinations from other
results quantities.
Selecting Results, 15
Target Entities, 6.
The Report application works much the same way as any other plot type in the Results application with
the only real difference being that a text report will be created as opposed to a graphical display. For an
overview of how the Results application works see Introduction to Results Postprocessing, 1
There is only a slight difference between Create and Modify. The main difference is that Create must be
used to make a report and Modify is used to change an existing one. If you try to modify an existing report
with Create you will be asked for overwrite permission whereas Modify assumes that the action is
desired, so no overwrite permission is requested.
Toggles the form to select results for reports. This is the default mode of the Report form.
1. Set the Action to Create, the Object to Report and the Method to the desired type.
This depends on whether the report is to be displayed in the invoking window or
written to a file. Preview will display the report in the invoking window, Overwrite
File will create a new file or overwrite an existing one by the same name. Append
File will append to an existing file.
2. Select a Result Case or multiple Result Cases from the Select Result Case(s)
listbox. The results that appear in the listbox can be filtered. See Filtering Results,
3. Select a result to report from the Select Report Result listbox.
4. If multiple layers exist for the selected result, select the layer positions that you
wish to include in the report using the Select Positions listbox.
Chapter 10: Reports 3
5. Specify the quantities associated with the selected result from the Select Quantities
listbox. Some logical defaults are usually selected such as the components of a
stress tensor or displacement vector. For explanations of derived results such as
von Mises see Derivations, 8.
6. At this point you could press the Apply button to create the report. By default the
report will be directed to the invoking window with the Method set to Preview.
However, you may wish to direct the report to a file and/or change the format of
the printed report using the Format button and its subordinate form. See Display
Attributes, 8.
7. If directing the report to a file, make sure to set the Method to the appropriate
selection, either Overwrite or Append mode. Specify a filename if not in Preview
mode or accept the default. The filename can be changed under Display Attributes.
Sorting options are also found there.
8. If you wish to report results for just a portion of the model, change the target
entities for which the report is to be written by pressing the Target Entities button
icon. See Target Entities, 6.
9. If other options are necessary to tailor the results report, such as coordinate
transformation, averaging and extrapolation methods, sorting options, results filter
values, or a scale factor then use the Options button icon. See Report Options, 14.
10. Press the Apply button to create the report.
Selected Quantities
The following table explains the different quantities that can be included in a report. For a more detailed
explanation of derived quantities see Derivations, 8.
Quantity Description
Scalar Value When a scalar result has been selected for a report this is the generic name of the quantity. It is
selected by default when a scalar value has been chosen for a report.
NSHAPE This is a variable that is used with elemental data and outputs an integer value indicating the
type of element the result is associated with (Bar=2, Tri=3, Quad=4, Tet=5, Pyr=6, Wed=7,
Hex=8). This variable is generally only used when outputting a scalar elemental Patran results
file. See Create a Patran .els Formatted File, 21.
Loadcase ID This is the internal Load Case or Result Case ID that is associated with the result quantity.
Generally this information is output with report summaries.
Subcase ID This is the internal subcase ID associated with the result quantity. Generally this information
is output with report summaries.
Layer ID This is the internal layer ID associated with the result quantity. Generally this information is
output with report summaries.
X/Y/Z Location The X, Y, or Z coordinate location in the Patran global coordinate system.
4 Results Postprocessing
Quantity Description
CID The coordinate system ID that the reported results are in.
Material ID The internal material ID of the region of interest (zero if none exists).
Material Name The material name currently assigned to the region of interest. If none exists then “ErrErr” will
be reported.
Property ID The internal property ID of the region of interest (zero if none exists).
Property Name The property name currently assigned to the region of interest. If none exists then “ErrErr” will
be reported.
ACID The analysis coordinate system attached to the entity ID (node) which is recovered from the
entity record in the database. Results from the analysis code are generated in the ACID system.
Magnitude The magnitude derived from a vector quantity.
X/Y/Z The X, Y, or Z components of a vector quantity or the X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, or ZX components of
XY/YZ/ZX a tensor quantity.
von Mises von Mises stress derived from a stress tensor.
Max/Mid/Min The maximum, intermediate or minimum principals derived from a tensor.
Hydrostatic The Hydrostatic stress derived from a stress tensor.
1st, 2nd, 3rd The 1st, 2nd, and 3rd invariant stresses derived from a stress tensor.
Tresca Tresca stress derived from a stress tensor.
Max Shear Maximum shear stress derived from a stress tensor.
Octahedral Octahedral stress derived from a stress tensor.
The following quantities are also reported dependent on the type of result selected and target entities.
Chapter 10: Reports 5
Quantity Description
Entity ID This is the ID of the Node or Element being reported. This Entity ID will always appear. The
only control you have over this, is in which column to display. See Report Format, 8.
Node ID When element nodal data is being reported this is a node number connected to the element
(Entity ID) for which results are being reported. For element nodal data, these node IDs appear
automatically so you may distinguish which element result row belongs to which node. Only
the column in which the node ID is displayed can be changed. See Report Format, 8.
Position ID When element Gaussian data is being reported this is a position ID of the element (Entity ID)
for which results are being reported. For element Gaussian data, these position IDs appear
automatically so you may distinguish which element result row belongs to which position.
Only the column in which the position ID is displayed can be changed. See Report Format, 8.
Element position number are internal IDs which are generally meaningless to users. However
-999 signifies centroidal data, and 0, -1, -2, ... signifies internal node (coincident not the nodes)
locations. Actual Gauss points will have their own internal IDs.
6 Results Postprocessing
Target Entities
The following is a description of all target entities and target entity attributes.
Entity Description
Current Viewport By default reports are created for all finite element entities displayed in the currently active
Nodes Individual nodes may be selected for which to create a report. You may type in any node
numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include the
word Node in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Node 1 5 55 100 etc.). To select all
nodes use the syntax “Node 1:#.”
Elements Individual elements may be selected for which to create a report. You may type in any element
numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include the
word Elem in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.). To select all
elements use the syntax “Elem 1:#.”
Groups Reports can be limited to only selected groups. A listbox will appear allowing selection of the
groups for generating a report. Only for entities belonging to those groups selected will a
report be generated.
Materials Reports can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain material properties
assigned to them. A listbox will appear allowing selection of the materials for whose entities
will be reported
Properties Reports can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain element properties
assigned to them. A listbox will appear allowing selection of the properties for whose entities
will be reported.
Element Types Reports can be limited to only certain element types also.
In addition to selecting the target entities from which to generate a report, it is also necessary in some
cases to specify the entity attributes to further define what data is to be reported. For target entities in the
Chapter 10: Reports 7
Target Entities
Current Viewport, Elements, Groups, Materials, Properties, and Element Types it is necessary to specify
where to report the values.
Attribute Description
Nodes Results data will be reported at the nodes only. This is most appropriate for nodal type data.
For elemental type data, the results will be extrapolated to and averaged at the nodes for
reporting single values at each node of the target entities.
Element Centroids Results data will be reported at the element centroids. This is most appropriate for element
centroidal type data. For nodal data, the values will be averaged from each contributing
node and reported as a single value at the center of each element of the target entities. The
same is true for elemental data with more than one value associated with each element
(element nodal data or element Gauss data).
Element Nodes Results data will be reported at the nodes for each element in the target entities. This is most
appropriate for element nodal data where results for every element exist at the nodes. This
is not appropriate for nodal type data at all. For element centroidal data and other element
data (such as at gauss points) the results will be extrapolated to the nodes. Results are
therefore reported by element followed by associated nodal results for the given element.
Element All Data Results data will be reported as is. This is most appropriate for element results at gauss
points. The data will be left as is. This is true also for element nodal and element centroidal
results but no indication of node numbers will be given, simply element positions as stored
internally in the database. This is inappropriate for nodal type data.
Important: Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for the report until
the user physically changes it.
8 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
Toggles the form to set display attributes and formatting options of reports.
Below are descriptions for all the fields and settings for formatting text reports.
Item Description
File/File Name Specify a file name to direct the report to. You can only specify a file name if the Method has been
set to Overwrite or Append File. A file browser is also available if you press the File button to
select an existing file. The default filename is patran.prt. This can be overridden with a
settings.pcl parameter:
See The settings.pcl file (p. 47) in the Patran Reference Manual.
Format... A subordinate form will appear to allow for report formatting. This is explained below in Report
Format, 8.
Sorting A subordinate form will appear to allow for selection of sorting options. This is described below
Options in Sorting Options, 13.
Report Type A full report includes summary and data. Only summary information such as load case and
max/min values can be requested as well as data only with no summary information.
Report Format
Below are descriptions for all the fields and settings for formatting text reports.
Table 10-1 Results File Format Options
Item Description
File Width Sets the number of characters that can fit in the width of a page including spaces. The default
is 128 characters.
Lines/Page Sets the number of lines per page. The default is 52 lines per page.
Top Margin Sets the number of lines used to form a top margin. The bottom margin is set by the number
of Lines/Page.
Left Margin Sets the number of characters used to make a left margin. The right margin is set by the File
Pagination If you wish to use pagination turn this toggle ON. The Page Number setting will appear to
set the beginning page number. No footer or header information will be printed.
Chapter 10: Reports 9
Display Attributes
Important: The order in which the quantities are arranged in the spreadsheet of the Format form is
dependent on the order in which you selected them from the Select Quantities listbox.
Select them from the list box in the order in which you wish them to appear in the report.
Use the Control key for discontinuous selections.
Format Strings
gives a description of output format strings used to convert integer, real, and string data to a formatted
output. It is necessary to use these strings in the Value Format column in the spreadsheet to specify how
to format the results values in the report. Some of these formats can also be used in the Title, Header and
Footer. The format string is a simple character string which contains both raw text to output, and format
specifiers, enclosed by a set of percent characters, which control how data items are formatted and output.
Upper case letters (I, F, E, etc.) are interpreted literally and lower case letters are to be substituted with
the appropriate values.
To change a value format simply click the mouse button with the cursor in the cell whose format you wish
to change. Then in the Input databox above the spreadsheet change the value format to what you want
and then press the Return or Enter key.
Table 10-2 Value Format Strings for Formatting Text Report Numbers
Format Description
%% The simplest form of format specifier is a double percent to produce a single percent in the final
output. Used if you want a percent character in the Title, Header or Footer.
%Im% Integer (I) specifier. This format specifier takes an integer value such as a node or element (entity)
ID or other integer result for formatting. The value of “m” is the minimum number of characters
to produce from the format. If “m” is omitted, then the exact number of characters necessary to
hold the integer is used. The exact format produced is an optional minus sign followed by one or
more digits. The default for integer data is %I6%.
%Fm.n% Fixed (F) float specifier. This format specifier takes a real results value for formatting in fixed
point notation. The value of m is the minimum number of characters to produce from the format.
If m is omitted, then the exact number of characters necessary to hold the conversion is used. The
value of n is the number of decimal digits to produce. If omitted, then all significant digits will be
produced. The exact format produced is an optional minus sign followed by zero or more digits, a
decimal point, and zero or more digits. At least one digit will precede or follow the decimal point.
The default for real data is %F12.6%.
Chapter 10: Reports 11
Display Attributes
Table 10-2 Value Format Strings for Formatting Text Report Numbers (continued)
Format Description
%Em.n.p% Exponential (E) float specifier. This format specifier takes a real value for formatting in scientific
exponential notation. The value of m is the minimum number of characters to produce from the
format. If m is omitted, then the exact number of characters necessary to hold the conversion is
used. The value of n is the number of decimal digits to produce. If omitted, then all significant
digits will be produced. The value of p is the number of digits to display before the decimal point,
and defaults to one. If zero is specified, then a single zero precedes the decimal point. The exact
format produced is an optional minus sign followed by zero or more digits, a decimal point, zero
or more digits, a capital E, a plus or minus sign, and two decimal digits. At least one digit will
precede or follow the decimal point. The default value for read data is the F format.
%Gm.n.p% General (G) float specifier. This format specifier takes a real value for formatting in either F or E
format. The format used depends on the value of the number to convert. In general, if the exponent
is small, the F format will be used, otherwise the E format is used. See the descriptions of the F
and E formats.
%Sm% String (S) specifier. This format specifier takes the next string value from the character data array
for formatting. The value of m is the minimum number of characters to produce from the format.
If m is omitted, then the exact number of characters in the string is used. The default value for
string data is %S32%.
%rN% New (N) line specifier. This format specifier causes a new line to be started. The previous line is
output as is, and formatting starts at column one of the new line. The value of r is a repeat count
for skipping multiple lines. If output is to a string, then new line characters will be written to the
string. This is used in the Title, Header and Footer text.
Variables can be placed in titles, footers, or headers of reports. The variables available are shown in the
table below. Be sure to place the $ symbol in front of the variable otherwise it will not be recognized as
a variable.
Table 10-3 Value Format Strings for Formatting Text Report Numbers
Format Description
$LC_NAME This is the Result Case (load case) name.
$SC_NAME This is the subcase name.
$PRES_NAME This is the primary result name.
$SRES_NAME This is the secondary result name.
$LYR_NAME This is the result layer name.
$DATE The current date and time in the format dd-mmm-yy hh:mm:ss.
$PAGE The current report page number.
$NNODES The number of nodes in the report. Variable is printed in I9 format if left aligned. Valid for nodal
report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal (nod) result files.
12 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
Table 10-3 Value Format Strings for Formatting Text Report Numbers (continued)
Format Description
$MAXNOD The highest ID of a node in the file. Variable is printed in I9 format if left aligned. Valid for nodal
report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal (nod) result files.
$DEFMAX The maximum value encountered within the file. Variable is printed in E15.6 format if left
aligned. Valid for nodal report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal
(nod) result files.
$NDMAX The ID of the node with the maximum value. Variable is printed in I9 format if left aligned. Valid
for nodal report only, sorted by Result Case. Typically used to create Patran nodal (nod) result
$NWIDTH The number of columns in the file. This will be the number of results quantities output to the
report. Note that the Entity Id which is the first column of most reports by default is not included
in NWIDTH. It is actually the number of columns of real, floating point data. Typically this is
used to create Patran nodal (nod) and elemental (els) result files.
$DATA_TITLE The register title. You must use the built in function res_data_title() to set a title for your register.
Once this title is set, then it will show up when you use $DATA_TITLE. See the Data Register
Definition Functions (p. 1453) in the PCL Reference Manual.
$PRODUCT The Patran product/version.
$DB_NAME The name of the current database.
$JOB_NAME The name of the analysis job.
$CODE_NAME The name of the analysis code as set under Preferences/Analysis.
$GV:<name> The name and value of an associated global variable such as time, frequency, eigenvector, etc. If
a global variable is one word then all that is needed is to specify that global variable after the
colon, i.e., $GV:Time. However, if a global variable name has a space in it or, that is, consists of
more than one word, you must surround the name with single quotes, i.e., $GV:’Design Cycle.’
Failing to do this will results in the variable picking up only the first word and will not find the
correct global variable and will report garbage. Using this variable in the header and footer when
multiple results cases (multiple GVs) will only use the first global variable encountered.
$LEFT Aligns the current line of text to the left, overriding the global page alignment.
$MIDDLE Aligns the current line of text to the middle, overriding the global page alignment.
$RIGHT Aligns the current line of text to the right, overriding the global page alignment.
Chapter 10: Reports 13
Display Attributes
Sorting Options
Results can be sorted in a report and sorting is controlled via this form which is available from the Report
Options form by pressing the Sorting Options button.
Ascending Descending
Sort By
Sorting can be done by comparing Algebraic Values
Algebraic Value which considers the sign of a value. A negative value
will be treated as less than a positive number. Or the
Absolute Value Absolute Value of the results can be used where sign
is ignored, and the relative size in magnitude is
considered in the sort.
Sort Data By
Entity ID
X Component
Y Component
Z Component This listbox displays the result entity by which the sort
XY Component is based. By default sorting is always done and is
YZ Component based on the Entity ID. This would be a node or
element number in general.
The following table describes the report plot options which can be modified:
Option Description
Coordinate Vector and tensor results can be transformed into any of the following coordinate systems:
Transformations any user defined local system (CID), the projection of any CID, the Patran global system,
a material coordinate system, element IJK coordinate system or the nodal (analysis)
coordinate system depending on the type of result (vector, or tensor). See Coordinate
Systems, 27 for a definition of each of these coordinate systems. The default is no
transformation, which will plot data in the coordinate frame as stored in the database.
Typically the solver code will calculate results at nodes in the analysis coordinate system
specified by the user. These can vary from node to node. Element data can be stored from
the analysis code in any coordinate system. Note also that the analysis translators that
import the results data into the can transform results. Check with the appropriate translator
Scale Factor This scale factor has the effect of simply scaling the results up or down by the specified
Filter Values By specifying a filter value, a gate will be used to keep values below a maximum, above a
minimum, between a certain range, or at the exclusion of certain values. The default is
none. If filtering is used, only those elements which pass the filter gate will be reported.
Averaging Domain For element based result quantities that must be displayed at nodes, an averaging domain
must be used since more than one result will exist for each node. There is a contribution
from each element attached to any particular node. By default all entities which contribute
are used. Alternatively you can tell the Results application to only average results from
those elements that share the same material or element property, are from the same target
entities, or have the same element type. For more detail see Averaging, 15.
Averaging Method The method in which certain results are determined can make a difference to the actual
displayed plot. This is important when derived results from element based tensor or vector
results are used such as VonMises stress or Magnitude displacements, For instance if you
average at the nodes first and then derive the desired quantity you may get a different
answer than if you derive first and then average. It is left up to the user to decide which is
correct. For more detail see Averaging, 15.
Extrapolation Many times element based results that are to be displayed at nodes exist at locations other
Method than the nodes such as at integration points. Various methods are available to the user to
extrapolate these results out to the nodes. For more detail see Extrapolation, 21.
Chapter 10: Reports 15
Report Options
Option Description
Complex No. as The Real component of a complex number is the default by which results will be reported.
To force the report to use a different quantity such as Magnitude, Imaginary, Phase, or
Angle, set this option pull down menu. This option will only be available if a complex
result has been selected. It is not recommended to calculate invariants (e.g., von Mises)
from complex results because the phase is not accounted for.
Existing Reports This listbox displays all existing reports. You may select one of these from the listbox and
all settings of that report including format attributes, target entities, option, and selected
results will be restored. This is an easy mechanism to help make many reports with the
settings of an existing report without modifying the selected report much. When the Action
is set to Modify, this listbox appears under the Select Results display of the Results
application form.
Save Report As: Reports can be saved by name and recalled later. These reports can be deleted as explained
in Delete, 32 respectively. Once a report has been created and named it retains all results,
attributes, target entities, and options assigned to it. If no name is specified a default is
created called default_Report. As long as no name is specified, the default name will
be overwritten each time a report is created.
Important: Once report options have been selected, they will remain in effect for the report until the
user physically changes them.
16 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
2. Select a Result Case from the first listbox. Method: Overwrite File
7. In the Sorting Options form change the Organized By switch from Load Organized By:
Case to Entity.
Load Case Entity
8. Press the Apply button accepting all format defaults and other option
defaults. Apply
The report should look somewhat similar to Figure 10-2. Each line corresponds to the next time step for
each entity ID. The title contains the names of each Result Case which is given a source ID. From the
source ID you can determine from the result data which source it is from.
18 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
1. Set the Method to Overwrite File. By default, a new file will be created Method:
Overwrite File
called patran.prt.1. The name will be changed later.
2. In Select Results mode, select the Result Case from the first listbox.
12. Make the Title Alignment Left, clear the Title textbox and enter these four
Alignment: Left
separate lines for the title:
Of course you can substitute anything you want for TITLE, SUBTITLE1
13. Turn OFF Display Column Labels. Display Column Labels
1 Entity ID %I8%
14. Now in the spreadsheet, click on the Value Format cell for Entity ID.
Change the format to %I8%. You do this by changing the data in the Input
databox above the spreadsheet and pressing the Enter or Return key to
accept the data.
15. For all other results quantities click on their respective Value Format cells OK
and change the formats to %E13.7%. (If you have more results quantities
than will properly fit in 80 columns, then put a %E13.7%%1N% in any
that extend beyond 80 columns to force it to start on a new line.) Press the
OK button on this form.
16. In Display Attributes also set the Report Type to Data Only. Report Type: Data Only
17. (Optional) Change to Target Entities. Select any specific target entities
you may want in the report but more importantly for this example make
sure that Entity Attributes (Display Control) is set to Nodes.
Additional Display Control
18. (Optional) Since this example requires a fair amount of setup it would be
wise to save this report with a specific name if necessary to recall it later
for making more .nod files. Do this in Plot Options. Enter a name for the
report like nod_file. Save Report As:
19. Press the Apply button.
Chapter 10: Reports 21
Examples of Usage
810 1468 -2.524668e-03 257 3
1 2.2122014E-4-2.1767017E-4 5.1733572E-3
2 2.3673585E-4-2.1802561E-4 5.1421551E-3
3 2.5836058E-4-2.1974165E-4 5.1010177E-3
4 2.8729768E-4-2.2396364E-4 5.0501702E-3
5 3.2454749E-4-2.3185805E-4 4.9901465E-3
6 1.9807677E-4-1.9593856E-4 5.1675760E-3
7 2.1360462E-4-1.9616591E-4 5.1363972E-3
8 2.3523276E-4-1.9754541E-4 5.0952709E-3
9 2.6418973E-4-2.0135389E-4 5.0444230E-3
10 3.0147523E-4-2.0885997E-4 4.9843905E-3
11 1.7493652E-4-1.7423423E-4 5.1618074E-3
12 1.9049116E-4-1.7429129E-4 5.1305941E-3
1. Set the Method to Overwrite File. By default, new file will be created Method:
Overwrite File
called patran.prt.1. It will be changed later.
2. In Select Results mode. Select the Result Case from the first listbox.
1 Entity ID %I8%
2 NSHAPE %I8%%1N%
14. Now in the spreadsheet, click on the Value Format cell for Entity ID.
Change the format to %I8%. You do this by changing the data in the Input
databox above the spreadsheet and pressing the Enter or Return key to
accept the data.
15. Change the Value Format for NSHAPE to %I8%%1N%.
16. For all other results quantities click on their respective Value Format cells OK
and change the formats to %E13.7%. (If you have more results quantities
than will properly fit in 80 columns, then put a %E13.7%%1N% in any
that extend beyond 80 columns to force it to start on a new line.) Press
OK when done.
17. In Display Attributes also set the Report Type to Data Only.
Report Type: Data Only
18. (Optional) Change to Target Entities. Select any specific target entities
you may want in the report but more importantly for this example make
sure that Entity Attributes (Display Control) is set to Element Centroids
since only one value per element can be output to a proper .els file.
Additional Display Control
Element Centroids
19. (Optional) Since this example requires a fair amount of setup it would be
wise to save this report with a specific name if necessary to recall it later
for making more .els files. Do this in Plot Options. Enter a name for the
report like els_file. Save Report As:
20. Press the Apply button.
24 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
1 4
-8.3064389E-1-9.9953584E-2 0.0000000E+0 1.6953596E-1 0.0000000E+0 0.0000000E+0
2 4
-7.7712482E-1 1.5068005E-1 0.0000000E+0 1.2687577E-1 0.0000000E+0 0.0000000E+0
3 4
-8.5500902E-1 9.5036231E-2 0.0000000E+0 1.5014736E-3 0.0000000E+0 0.0000000E+0
4 4
-5.8506662E-1-3.0595655E-2 0.0000000E+0 1.1098222E-2 0.0000000E+0 0.0000000E+0
5 4
1.7681476E-1 1.2351368E-1 0.0000000E+0 1.2829211E-1 0.0000000E+0 0.0000000E+0
1. Select a single Result Case and result quantities for a report as explained
in previous examples.
Chapter 10: Reports 25
Examples of Usage
2. Under Display Attributes, press the Format button and in the Title, Header,
or Footer textbox include the variable $GV:<name>, where <name> is the
name of the global variable you wish to output. (If you are not sure what
the available global variable names are you can always set the Object to Format
Graph, select a few Result Cases and then you can see a list of global
variables in the option pull down at the bottom of the form with X or Y
value set to Global Variable.)
3. Press the Apply button and your global variables will be reported in the
Title, Header, or Footer of your report. Apply
Figure 10-5 Global Variables Reported in Title for a Single Result Case
for you. This will also work if you wish to see the actual values at quadrature points (gauss points) inside
the element.
3. Go to Display Attributes. Press the Format button. You will note that in the
columns to be reported are the Node ID as well as the Entity ID. The entity
ID will be the element number and the Node ID will be the node ID to
which a particular row of results is associated for that element ID. If results
are at gauss or quadrature points, the Node ID will be reported as Position
ID instead which is an internal ID to Patran. (Target entity display must be
set at Element All Data for Position IDs.)
4. Press the Apply button to generate the report.
Create Results
Overview 2
Combined Results 4
Derived Results 7
Demo Results 16
Examples of Usage 17
2 Results Postprocessing
11.1 Overview
For an overview of how the Results Application works please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing,
1. Results can be derived, combined or created in a variety of ways.
Results Display
Action: Create
Object: Results
Create Results - to create results set the
Method: Combine Method to the desired type. Results can
be Combined and Derived or fictitious
New Result Case Name results can be created for demonstration
and testing purposes.
Combined Results: This Method allows for the scaling and combining of selected Result Cases. This is
most commonly used for linear superposition of subcases. Although most analysis codes feature subcase
superposition, this operation can also be done in Patran while the analysis code solves for only the
individual subcases. Combining results using this method is limited to scaling each selected Result Case
and then adding together the individually selected Results Cases to create a new Result Case and subcase.
Common results quantities must be selected for the combination and each Result Case must be associated
with the same finite element entities. A detailed explanation of this Method is described in Combined
Results, 4.
Derived Results: This Method can be set to Maximum, Minimum, Sum, Average, and PCL Function to
allow for derivation of results quantities in a variety of different manners. New results may be derived
Chapter 11: Create Results 3
from maximum/minimum values from selected Result Cases and/or layer positions or results may be
used in a PCL expression to derive a new result quantity. Derived results differ from combined results in
two ways: (1) results to be derived may belong to different sets of nodes or elements which may or may
not be disjointed whereas results to be combined must belong to exactly the same entities; and, (2)
derived results are computed by varying procedures whereas combined results are computed by linear
combinations (sum of scaled values). A detailed explanation of these Methods are described in Derived
Results, 7.
Demo Results: This capability is more meant for simple creation of results for demonstration and testing
purposes when no results are available. See Demo Results, 16.
4 Results Postprocessing
Combined Results
Results Display
Action: Create
Object: Results
Method: Combine
Step 1: Enter a name for the combined New Result
New Result Case Name Case Name that will be created. This can be an existing
Results Case Name.
When a Result Case is selected in the listbox a subordinate form appears. This is a simple form to specify
the scale factors to be applied to each selected Result Case and for specifying which results associated
Chapter 11: Create Results 5
Combined Results
with the Result Cases will be combined into the new Result Case, subcase. Once the Apply button is
pressed the new Result Case, subcase will be available to postprocess.
To change the scale factor of one of the Results Cases, first select the Factor cell and then
type an new factor in the Input Scale Factor databox. Press the Enter key to acceptance the
new scale factor.
Load Case 1, Subcase 1 1.0
Select Results
Bar Stresses, Compression Safety Margin
Bar Stresses, Maximum Axial
Bar Stresses, Minimum Axial
Displacements, Translational
Stress Tensor,
Select the Result or Results associated with these Result Cases that you wish to
retain in the new combined Result Case.
6 Results Postprocessing
Combined Results
To add or remove Result Cases from this form simply select or deselect the Result Cases from the listbox
on the main Results application form. As you do this, rows will be added or deleted from the spreadsheet
on this form. Press the OK button when everything is set as desired. Press the Apply button on the main
form to create the new results. If you need to change scale factors or the selected results to retain, select
or deselect a Result Case and this form will reappear allowing for changes.
Chapter 11: Create Results 7
Derived Results
Selecting Results, 15
Derived results can only be created. There is no Modify function for derived results.
Toggles the form to select results for derivations when the Method is set to Maximum, Minimum,
Average, Sum, or PCL Function.
1. Set the Action to Create, the Object to Results and the Method to the function you wish to
perform. Is it the extraction of max/min values, averaging or summing, or a more
complicated expression that will have to be define with a PCL function? Set this with the
Method pulldown at the top of the form.
2. Select a Result Case or Cases from the Select Result Case(s) listbox. See Selecting Results,
15 for a detailed explanation of this process as well as Filtering Results, 20.
3. Define a new name for the derived result. Default names can be accepted and no action is
4. Select a Result from the second listbox. It is important to understand that whatever result
type is selected, the same result type will be created. That is if the result type is scalar, vector
or tensor, then the newly derived result will be either a scalar, vector or tensor, respectively.
8 Results Postprocessing
Derived Results
5. For Average, Sum, and PCL Function derivations skip to step 6. Otherwise select the
Quantity for comparison purposes, such as von Mises, from the Quantity option pulldown
menu. The following quantities are available from vector and tensor data.
Vector to Scalar. Magnitude, X Component, Y Component, Z Component.
Tensor to Scalar. von Mises, XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, XZ, Minor, Intermediate, Major,
Hydrostatic, 1st Invariant, 2nd Invariant, 3rd Invariant, Tresca, Max Shear, Octahedral. See
Derivations, 8.
For vector or tensor result types a resolution to the selected scalar quantity is made for
comparison purposes only. The resulting result remains a vector or tensor.
6. If more than one layer is associated with the selected result, select the layer(s) from which
you wish to derive results using the Position button.
7. Skip this step unless a PCL Function derivation is requested. If the function is the derivation
of results based on a PCL function, then determine what the type of the new derived result
will be. That is, will it be a scalar value, a vector, or a tensor? Then define the PCL
expression. This is explained below in PCL Expressions, 9.
8. Optionally you can select target entities from which to derive results if you wish to limit
where the new results are calculated. By default all entities associated with the selected
Result Cases will be targeted. However you may limit it to only particular selected entities
as explained in Target Entities, 13. Target entities are specified by pressing the second
button toggle on the top of the form.
9. Optionally you can set comparison criteria (Algebraic or Absolute) and other optional result
manipulations such as scaling and coordinate transformations. This is explained in Result
Options, 14.
10. Press the Apply button when ready to create the derived result.
Once the Apply button is pressed, the following internal operations occur:
1. Any operations under Plot Options are performed. This includes coordinate transformations, scale
factors, etc.
2. The scalar Quantity is derived from vector or tensor data. For scalar results, this step is not
3. The maximum or minimum comparison is done for each target entity based on the derived scalar
result Quantity for vector/tensor data or the scalar result itself for scalar data.
4. What is kept from the comparison is not the Quantity itself, but the scalar, vector, or tensor values
based on the Quantity comparison for each entity. The new results are stored in the database in
the same form as the originally selected results. That is, nodal data remains nodal, element
centroidal data remains as element centroidal, and element nodal or element gauss data remain as
is. A single new Result Case of maximum or minimum data is created from this operation.
Chapter 11: Create Results 9
Derived Results
Once the Apply button is pressed, the following internal operations occur:
1. Any operations under Plot Options are performed. This includes coordinate transformations, scale
factors, etc.
2. The individual components of the selected result type are summed separately for all selected
Result Cases and layers. For vector data, the X, Y, and Z components are summed separately. For
tensor data, the XX, YY, ZZ, XY, YZ, and ZX components are summed separately.
3. For the Average method, the sum of each component is then divided by the number of
occurrences. For example, if at a particular node six Result Cases contain results, the average will
be computed by adding the six together and dividing by six. It is possible to have a different
number of results existing at different target entities.
4. The new results are stored in the database in the same form as the originally selected results. That
is, nodal data remains nodal, element centroidal data remains as element centroidal, and element
nodal or element gauss data remain as is. A single new Result Case of averaged or summed data
is created by this operation.
PCL Expressions
Once a PCL expression has been defined and the Apply button is pressed, the following internal
operations occur:
1. Any operations under Plot Options are performed. This includes coordinate transformations, scale
factors, etc.
2. The PCL expression is applied to all results in the selected Result Cases and/or layers.
3. The new results are stored in the database in the form as indicated by the New Result Type setting.
Note that nodal data remains nodal, element centroidal data remains as element centroidal, and
element nodal or element gauss data remain as is. A new Result Case is created for every selected
Result Case and a new layer for every selected layer.
The PCL Expression builder form is shown below. You may type in your own PCL equation but for most
operations, the PCL expression can be built simply by pressing the arithmetic operator buttons and
selecting intrinsic functions and/or independent variables from the listboxes. No typing is required unless
10 Results Postprocessing
Derived Results
you need to reference user defined PCL functions. For detailed information on how to write your own
PCL functions see Chapter 1: Introduction to Customization (p. 1) in the .
The variables used in the PCL expression must begin with the $ sign, (i.e., $SCALAR). The variable
simply signifies that when the expression is evaluated for a particular entity (say at a node), the results
value for that entity will be used in the variable to derive the new result and this will be the case for every
entity selected for the derivation.
Vectors require three function definitions. Tensors require six. These function definitions are separated
by semi-colons (example: $XX; $YY; $ZZ/2).
The Independent Variables available for use in the PCL equation are dependent on what results type you
have asked to derive. For derivations from scalar values, the only variable available is $SCALAR.
However when vector results have been selected you have the choice of these variables:
Vector to Scalar: $MAG (magnitude), $XX (X component), $YY (Y-component.), $ZZ (Z-
component.). See Derivations, 8.
Chapter 11: Create Results 11
Derived Results
Function Description
ABS(value) Returns the absolute value of the result argument.
ACOSD(value) Returns the angle in degrees which corresponds to the trigonometric cosine of the result
contained in the argument.
ACOSR(value) Returns the angle in radians which corresponds to the trigonometric cosine of the result
contained in the argument.
ASIND(value) Returns the angle in degrees which corresponds to the trigonometric sine of the result
contained in the argument.
ASINR(value) Returns the angle in radians which corresponds to the trigonometric sine of the result
contained in the argument.
ATAND(value) Returns the angle in degrees which corresponds to the trigonometric tangent of the result
contained in the argument.
ATANR(value) Returns the angle in radians which corresponds to the trigonometric tangent of the result
contained in the argument.
ATAN2D(x, y) Returns the angle in degrees to the trigonometric tangent represented by the specified x
and y components in the argument.
ATAN2R(x, y) Returns the angle in radians which corresponds to the trigonometric cosine of the result
contained in the argument.
COSD(angle) Returns the trigonometric cosine value of the result argument specified in degrees.
COSR(angle) Returns the trigonometric cosine value of the result argument specified in radians.
EXP(value) Returns the power function of natural logarithm base, e to the x, where x is the result value
LN(value) Returns the natural logarithm of the result argument.
LOG(value) Returns the common logarithm (base 10) of the result argument.
SIND(angle) Returns the trigonometric sine value of the result argument specified in degrees.
SINR(angle) Returns the trigonometric sine value of the result argument specified in radians.
SQRT(value) Returns the square root of the result argument.
TAND(angle) Returns the trigonometric tangent value of the result argument specified in degrees.
12 Results Postprocessing
Derived Results
Function Description
TANR(angle) Returns the trigonometric tangent value of the result argument specified in radians.
User Defined Any user defined function that can accept a scalar, vector, or tensor array may be used. For
example you might have function defined in Patran called my_result_function. You would
then type it in manually and enter one, or more of the independent variables separated by
commas, i.e., my_result_function($XX, $YY, $ZZ). Inside your function $XX, $YY, and
$ZZ are defined as REAL variables. For vector and tensors, the function parameters must
be defined as REAL 3x1 and 3x3 dimensioned variables respectively. The return value
must be the same as the type of new result being created: scalar, vector, or tensor. See User
Defined PCL, 12.
All intrinsic function accept a single scalar quantities as input, e.g., SIND($XX) except ATAN2D and
ATAN2R. Also note that PCL derived results from as-is coordinate systems results in a new result in an
undefined coordinate system. The new result can there for not be transformed into any other coordinate
system. To avoid this it is suggested to derive the new results in a know, consistent coordinate system
such as the Global system.
Function Description
LN($SCALAR) Would generate the natural log of the variable $SCALAR when
deriving a new scalar result.
$XX;$YY;$ZZ Would generate a vector replicating the input result.
$XX+$YY;$YY+$ZZ;0.0 Would generate some sort of user modified result with the Z
component of the vector set to 0.0.
$ZX;$YZ;$XY;$ZZ;$YY;$XX Would swap the order of the components in a tensor.
P\)XQFWLRQ ;; << ==
The contents of your PCL functions might look something like:
Chapter 11: Create Results 13
Derived Results
)81&7,21 P\)XQFWLRQ [ \ ]
5($/ [ \ ] WKHVH DUH UHDO
5(7851 [ \ ] PXVW UHWXUQ D
(1' )81&7,21
To use this function, enter it as you would a variable (no $ sign however). Examples:
Function Description
LN(myFunction($XX, $YY, $ZZ)) Would generate the natural log of the returning value form myFunction
when deriving a new scalar result.
myFunction($XX, $YY, $ZZ);2.0;2.0 Would generate a vector with the returning value of myFunction as the
first component and the second and third set to 2.0.
For more information on how to create and compile PCL functions see The PATRAN Command
Language (PCL) Introduction (Ch. 2) in the PCL and Customization.
Target Entities
Similar to the other graphical plot tools in the Results application, derived results can be limited to
various entities via the Target Entities options.
Toggles the form to select target entities for creating derived results.
You may wish to derive results for only a few elements or nodes or those entities associated with a group
or group of groups.
The following table describes in detail to which entities derived results can be targeted:
Entity Description
Entire Model This is the default option where derivations will be performed for all entities (nodes or
elements) associated with the selected results. No consideration or selection of any graphical
entities is necessary.
Current Viewport The derived results can be limited to only the entities (nodes or elements) associated with
everything in the currently active viewport.
Nodes Individual nodes may be selected from which to create a graph. Nodes are selected graphically
from the screen and fill the databox. However, you may type in any node numbers manually.
Be sure to include the word Node in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Node 1 5 55
100 etc.). Elemental based results are extrapolated to the nodes and averaged.
14 Results Postprocessing
Derived Results
Entity Description
Elements Individual elements may be selected for which to derive results. Elements are selected
graphically from the screen and fill the databox. However, you may type in any element
numbers manually or by selecting them graphically from the screen. Be sure to include the
word Elem in front of the IDs you type in manually, (i.e., Elem 1 5 55 100 etc.). With elemental
data, values will be extrapolated or averaged to the element centroid for reporting purposes.
Groups Derived results can be limited to only selected groups. A selected group or groups must have
nodes or elements in them otherwise the derivation will not work. A listbox allows selection
of the group(s) for which the derived results will be calculated.
Materials Derived results can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain material
properties assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the materials for whose
elements will be targeted.
Properties Derived results can be targeted at only those finite elements which have certain element
properties assigned to them. A listbox appears allowing selection of the properties for whose
elements will be targeted for a fringe display.
Element Types Derived results can be limited to only certain element types also.
Important: Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for derived results
until the user physically changes it.
Result Options
Derived results have various options that are available for specifying how and what operations are to be
Result Options selection button. Toggles the form to select Results options for derived results.
Chapter 11: Create Results 15
Derived Results
The following table describes in detail the Derived results options which can be modified:
Option Description
Coordinate Vector and tensor results can be transformed into any of the following coordinate systems:
Transformations any user defined local system (CID), the projection of any CID, the Patran global system,
a material coordinate system, element IJK coordinate system or the nodal (analysis)
coordinate system depending on the type of result (vector, or tensor). See Coordinate
Systems, 27 for a definition of each of these coordinate systems. The default is no
transformation, which will derive data in the coordinate frame as stored in the database.
Typically the solver code will calculate results at nodes in the analysis coordinate system
specified by the user. These can vary from node to node. Element data can be stored from
the analysis code in any coordinate system.
Scale Factor This scale factor has the effect of simply scaling the results up or down by the specified
amount before derivation.
Comparison Criteria When doing maximum or minumum comparisons this toggle indicates the type of
comparison to be made. Algebraic will consider the sign, negative numbers being less
than positive numbers. Absolute will ingnore the sign and compare only the relative
magnitude. Example: Comparing -6 to 5 algebraically will render 5 larger than -6, yet
absolutely, -6 is larger than 5.
Save Derived Results If this toggle is OFF, then no new Result Case and/or subcase will be created. The new
result will simply be stored in a results register. This is not too terribly useful unless you
are doing PCL programming and understand the use of registers.
Important: Once plot options have been selected, they will remain in effect for the derivation until
the user physically changes them.
16 Results Postprocessing
Demo Results
Results Display
Action: Create
To create Demo results on models that have no results
Object: Results associated with them for testing or demonstration purposes
set the Method to Demo.
Method: Demo
Scale Factor 1.0 Identify what type of data to be created (Scalar, Vector,
Derive the Maximum von Mises Stress from Multiple Layers and Subcases
This example assumes you have multiple Result Cases and that there are layers of results (such as top
and bottom surface stresses) associated with each. The goal is to produce one result of the maximum von
Mises stress from any given load case and layer.
3. Enter a new name for the derived result if desired or accept the default. New Result Case Name:
Derived Results
4. Enter a new Subcase name or accept the default. New Subcase Name:
5. Select either a stress tensor result or a scalar von Mises result from the
second listbox.
6. If you selected a stress tensor, also change the result Quantity to von Quantity: von Mises
7. Select all the layers from which you want to extract the maximum values
Position...(at Point C...)
using the Positions button. The ellipses after the position name indicate
that more than one layer is selected.
8. (Optional) Change the mode of Results Application to the Result Options
form (press the right most button icon). Make any option changes
9. Press the Apply button.
20 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
3. Enter a new name for the derived result if desired or accept the default. New Result Case Name:
Derived Results
4. Enter a new Subcase name or accept the default. New Subcase Name:
5. Select Stress Tensor result from the second listbox.
6. Select all the layers from which you want to average using the Positions
Position...(at Point Z1..)
button (Z1 and Z2). The ellipses after the position name indicate that
more than one layer is selected.
7. (Optional) Change the mode of Results Application to the Result Options
form (press the right most button icon). Make any option changes
8. Press the Apply button.
9. Go to Create/Fringe and select the new Result Case and the new result and
Action: Create
plot von Mises stress.
von Mises stress was not actually calculated or derived until the fringe Object: Fringe
plot was made. The averaging was done over the components of the
tensor only and the derived results were stored as a tensor. von Mises
stress was derived from the tensor when the fringe plot was made. This
mode of averaging is different than the Averaging technique available
from the option pulldown menu in the Positions form where the actual
von Mises stresses would have been calculated and then averaged as
opposed to averaging the stress tensor components first. These two
methods of averaging can result in vastly different numbers being
reported. See Figure 11-3. The average von Mises stresses at the neutral
ply in pure bending should be close to zero with the component based
averaging as done in this example. The scalar based averaging will
produce almost the same von Mises stress as seen in the top or bottom
22 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
Component Scalar
Top Layer- Z1 Bottom Layer - Z2 Based Based
Averaging Averaging
from Create/Results from Positions Form
3. Enter a new name for the derived results or accept the defaults. New Result Case Name:
Derived Results
4. Enter a new Subcase name or accept the default. New Subcase Name:
5. Select the result of interest from the second listbox, in this case a tensor
6. Change the New Result Type to Scalar.
New Result Type: Scalar
7. (Optional) Select a layers from which you want to derive results if
Position...(at Z1..)
Chapter 11: Create Results 23
Examples of Usage
5. Enter a new name for the derived results or accept the defaults. New Result Case Name:
Derived Results
6. Enter a new Subcase name or accept the default. New Subcase Name:
7. Select the result of interest from the second listbox, in this case a tensor
8. Change the New Result Type to Scalar.
New Result Type: Scalar
9. (Optional) Select a layers from which you want to derive results if
Position...(at Z1..)
24 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
10. Press the Define PCL Expression button. A subordinate form will
Define PCL Expression
appear. This time you will enter your PCL function as:
P\)XQFWLRQ ;; << ==
You must type this into the textbox at the top of the form, however you
can enter the variables by selecting the appropriate ones from the
Independent Variables listbox.
11. (Optional) Change the mode of Results Application to the Result
Options form (press the right most button icon). Change any result
option that are necessary.
12. Press the Apply button.
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots
Results Postprocessing
Freebody Plots
Overview 2
Select Results 8
Target Entities 10
Display Attributes 12
Create Loads or Boundary Conditions 14
Tabular Display 16
Examples of Usage 19
2 Results Postprocessing
12.1 Overview
This application allows for quick and easy graphical display of freebody diagrams. Also the individual
components that make up a freebody diagram can be plotted independently such as reaction forces,
applied loads and internal/external loads. This application is extremely useful for graphical display of
these quantities, checking for equilibrium and creating loading or boundary conditions. Once a plot is
displayed, it can be converted into an equivalent load or boundary condition set for subsequent use in
another analysis.
For an overview of how the Results Application works please see Introduction to Results Postprocessing,
1. To specifically make freebody plot, select Create from the Action pull-down menu on the Results
application form; and select Freebody from the Object pull-down menu. The requirements and options
available for a freebody plot are different than other plot types in the Results application. It is suggested
that you fully read this overview and subsequent section carefully to understand how freebody plots are
created in Patran.
Select Results, 8
This feature has been tailored specifically after data available from the Grid Point Force Balance Table
produced from a MSC Nastran analysis with the case control request GPFORCE = ALL. Once the results
data has been loaded into the Patran database, they are treated generically. However, only MSC Nastran
results are currently supported for this feature as far as results import is concerned.
To create a freebody plot the following basic steps must be followed:
4. For freebody and interface load plots select a Result Type from the second listbox.
5. Optionally change the summation point and transformation options if necessary.
6. Select target entities. That is, define the freebody by selecting a portion of the
model. More detail on this operation can be found in Target Entities, 10.
7. If necessary, change any display attributes of the freebody vector plots. See Display
Attributes, 12.
8. Press the Apply button when ready to create the freebody, interface, or displacement
plot. Apply
9. Open the tabular display for freebody load information if necessary for checking
force and moment summation and equilibrium. Tabular Display, 16.
10. Finally if you wish to create a load or boundary condition from the resulting plot,
do so with the Save Data option. See Create Loads or Boundary Conditions, 14.
Important: The behavior of this plot type is somewhat different than other plots in that it cannot be
saved or recalled (posted) at will. It is meant for interactive use within this Freebody
application only. Once you leave this application, the freebody plots will be cleared from
the screen.
4 Results Postprocessing
The following form is a general appearance of the Freebody plot form with a brief description. There are
certain requirements that must be met in order for any results to be present in the listboxes on this form.
Object: Freebody
These icons change the display of the form to present
Method: Loads different options for each Type. The first icon (default)
displays the form as shown for Select Results, 8. The
second is for selecting finite element Target Entities, 10.
The third allows for modification of Display Attributes, 12.
The forth is to Create Loads or Boundary Conditions, 14
Select Result Case and the fifth brings up a spread sheet for Tabular Display,
Load Case 1 (1 subcases) 16 of results.
Load Case 2 (1 subcases)
Load Case 3 (2 subcases)
Load Case 4 (5 subcases)
Select Subcase
Static Subcase -- (2.2)
Displays any Result Cases that have Grid Point Force data
Static Subcase -- (2.4)
associated with them. If listbox is empty, either no results
exist in the database, or no grid point force data exists in the
Result Case(s). If more than one subcase is associated with
a Result Case, then another listbox will appear below this
one to allow selection of the desired subcases to process.
Select Result Type
Freebody Loads
Applied Loads The different result types can be Freebody, Applied,
Reaction Loads
Internal Loads
Reaction, External, Internal, or Other loads. Pressing Apply
Other Loads will display the loads, in vector form, on the model currently
displayed. This listbox is not presented when the Method is
forced Displacements.
Summation Point
Moments and Forces are summed about a specific point. By
[0 0 0] default this point is the origin, however it can be set to any
geometric point, node or screen location using the select
Transform Results mechanism. Results can also be transformed to any other
Select Coordinate Frame coordinate frame.
Coord 0
Pressing the Apply button will display the plot in the current
Reset Plot Defaults
viewport. The other two buttons will reset (erase) the plot and
restore the default setting of the current display of the form.
Note: The Free body Loads combine operation will work only if GP force balance has been
requested on all the nodes
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 5
1. The MSC Nastran analysis must be run with a GPFORCE=ALL entry in the case control called
out for all subcases. (Also PARAM,POST,-1 must appear in the case control or bulk data section
of the input file to ensure that the Grid Point Force Balance Table (GPFB) is written to an
OUTPUT2 file. This is taken care of automatically when Patran is used to create the input deck.)
2. The results in the OUTPUT2 file must be loaded into the Patran database. Results are generally
in the analysis coordinate system of the nodes as specified in the MSC Nastran input deck,
however they will be converted to the basic coordinate system when used in this application.
3. Eight (8) separate vector results are loaded into the database from the GPFB table. The labels of
these results can be seen in the general Results application when the Object is set to anything other
than Freebody. They must not be altered or deleted or the Freebody Results application will not
recognize them and therefore will not display them. In certain cases, not all these results will be
present. They will be treated as zero quantities in subsequent freebody calculations if certain
results do not exist such as when no applied loads actually exist. The labels are:
Grid Point Forces, Elements
Grid Point Forces, Applied Loads
Grid Point Forces, Constraint Forces
Grid Point Forces, Total
Grid Point Moments, Elements
Grid Point Moments, Applied Loads
Grid Point Moments, Constraint Forces
Grid Point Moments, Total
• Grid Point Forces/Moments, Total - These are the total nodal equivalenced loads at each node
of the model. They are vector data stored at the nodes. Normally they should all be zero when
equilibrium exists. However, there are occasions when these values are not zero. This typically
happens when multipoint constraints and rigid elements exist in the model since they are not
taken into account in MSC Nastran Grid Point Force Balance Table.
Freebody Loads This is by far the most interesting and important vector display. It consists of determining the
total internal loads for all externally exposed nodes on the model (these are determined by
selecting target finite elements or by using what is displayed on the screen) and displaying
them along with any applied and reaction loads. For equilibrium to exist all of these vector
loads should add up to zero in each component direction. Occasionally this is not the case since
MPC and rigid element contributions are not taken into account. This can be checked visually
or via the freebody load spreadsheet available by picking the right most button icon on the
parent form where a force and moment summation is presented.
Applied Loads By selecting this result type, the nodal equivalenced applied loads of the model will be plotted
in vector form on the displayed model. Similar operations can be done with Marker (Vector)
plots with these data.
Reaction Loads By selecting this result type, the nodal equivalenced reaction loads of the model will be plotted
in vector form on the displayed model. Similar operations can be done with Marker (Vector)
plots with these data.
Internal Loads By selecting this result type, the nodal equivalenced total internal loads of the model will be
plotted in vector form on the exposed nodes of the displayed model. The model can be cut up
and different target finite elements may be selected to view the internal loads anywhere in the
External Loads By selecting this result type, the nodal equivalenced total of all loads associated with those
elements attached to the freebody (but not part of the freebody) along the boundary will be
plotted in vector form.
Other Loads The total loads (Applied + Reaction + Internal) will not sum to zero if rigid elements, MPCs,
thermal loads, or other external influences not accounted for are present. By selecting this
result type, these external influences are displayed.
Displacements For forced displacements, the results are plotted as vector displacement data only on the
external nodes of the freebody.
All vector values from all of the above results types are also reported tabularly to a spreadsheet including
the summation of forces and moments to calculate totals and check equilibrium.
Three types of graphical display are possible each available as a Method of the Freebody application.
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 7
• Freebody Loads - This type will allow for graphical vector display of freebody loads at all
external (exposed) nodes of the target entities (elements) selected - that is, a freebody diagram.
In order for this type to be graphically displayed, a freebody should be defined as a group of
elements called the target entities. If no target entities are specified, the target entities will default
to all displayed elements in the current viewport. In addition, each individual nodal equivalenced
load type (applied, reaction, internal, external, other) that make up a freebody diagram can also
be plotted in vector form on the exposed nodes of the displayed freebody. The model can be cut
up and different target elements may be selected to view these anywhere in the model. Moments
and Forces will be summed about the specified Summation Point and will be transformed to
another coordinate system if requested. By default all graphical displays are presented in the
Global coordinate system unless a transformation is requested, even if the results are stored in
the database in their analysis coordinate systems. If a new load condition is created from this, it
will consist of a new force and/or moment field which will be referenced by the force and/or
moment load.
• Interface Loads - This type allows for the calculation of the total forces and moments acting
across a boundary. Graphically this displays a single vector quantity at the summation point due
to the loads from selected nodes in the freebody. Target entities in this case are the elements
making up the freebody and the nodes in the freebody that are to be used in calculating the
interface load. Both must be selected. There is no default and an error will be issued if no target
entities are selected. For example, you may wish to know the total equivalent force and moment
at a location across a boundary interface (such as where a wing intersects a fuselage). Therefore
you would select the node or location at which to sum the forces and moments (the Summation
Point) and then select the nodes along the interface and the elements to which those nodes
belong as the target entities. Generally the summation point will also belong to the target entities
but this is not a requirement. Results belonging to nodes not associated to the target elements
will be ignored in the calculations. The reason for selecting nodes and elements is that the nodal
forces and moments are used at the selected nodes and the internal elemental forces and
moments from the selected elements. If a new load condition is created from this, it will consist
of a new force and/or moment load at the node (summation point). If the location is something
other than a node, you will be prompted if you would like to create a node at that location.
• Forced Displacements - This type of freebody plot simply displays displacement results at the
external edges of the freebody in the form of vector quantities. The vectors are shown along the
edges of the selected elements when the display attribute for displaying on free edges only is
turned ON. The displacements can be saved as an enforced displacement boundary condition and
then subsequently used in a local analysis of the freebody which will reproduce the exact
displacement conditions.
8 Results Postprocessing
Select Results
Toggles the form to select results for freebody plots. This is the default mode of the Freebody form.
The following table describes each widget entity in the freebody Select Results mode of the form:
Entity Description
Select Result Case Select a Result Case from this listbox. If nothing appears in this listbox, be sure that
the results have been imported and that Grid Point Force results exist as described in
the previous section. See Requirements, 4. The number of subcases for the displayed
Results Cases is displayed to the right of the title. Multiple Result Cases may be
selected, but be aware that the display will cycle through them one at a time. Selecting
multiple Result Cases makes the most sense when creating multiple loading
conditions or automatic multiple hardcopy plots.
Select Subcase If more than one subcase is associated with a Result Case, then another listbox will
appear below this one to allow selection of the desired subcases to process. Again
multiple subcases can be selected. The behavior of selecting multiple subcases is
multiple plot displays.
Select Result Type The different result types can be Freebody, Applied, Reaction, External, Internal, or
Other loads. Pressing Apply will display the loads, in vector form, on the model
currently displayed. This listbox is not presented when the Method is forced
Displacements. An explanation of each of these plot types can be found in
Requirements, 4.
Summation Point Moments and Forces are summed about a specific point. By default this point is the
origin, however it can be set to any geometric point, node or screen location using the
select mechanism.
Transform Results Results can also be transformed to any other defined coordinate frame. Turn this
toggle ON if you wish to do a coordinate transformation.
Select Coordinate Frame When the Transform Results toggle has been turned ON, this widget will appear.
Simply select the coordinate system graphically from the screen or type in the name
of an existing coordinate frame such as “Coord 1.”
Reset Plot This will remove any freebody plot from the graphics screen.
Defaults This will reset all widgets to their default values and will remove any plot.
Press Apply at any time to create the desired vector plot. If no target entities have been selected, the
default display is what is currently displayed on the screen except for Interface Loads which must have
target entities selected. See Target Entities, 10. Any display attributes and target entities previously set
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 9
Select Results
are retained when the Apply button is pressed. Reset Plot will erase all vector displays from the screen
and Defaults will set the form back to its default settings.
Important: Once a results are selected and any other settings set, they will remain until the user
physically changes them, the Default or Reset buttons are pressed or the
Action/Object/Method is changed. This will clear the plot and set the settings to defaults.
10 Results Postprocessing
Target Entities
Toggles the form to select target display entities for freebody plots.
This form creates a list of elements and/or nodes for defining the freebody for the freebody diagram or
other vector display. The following table describes the widgets on this form and how to properly select
target entities:
Entity Description
Select By Elements and nodes may be selected individually or by association to groups, material and
element properties or adjacent elements. Set this pulldown to indicate which type of entity is
to be selected. For freebody plots only elements are involved. For Interface Load plots both
elements and nodes need to be selected which causes this to be a two step process. First select
the nodes and then select the elements on one side or the other which will contribute to the
determination of the interface load. For Forced Displacement plots, only elements are
necessary to define except when bar elements are involved. Then it is necessary to define the
outer edge with node picks since the selecting algorithm uses free edges as its criteria. Bar
elements do not have free edges. The Adjacent Elements pick is convenient for adding layers
or subtracting layers of elements.
Auto Add/Remove If this toggle is set to either Auto Add or Auto Remove then whenever you graphically select
an entity or pick from a listbox, all entities are automatically added or removed from the
listbox that displays the freebody entities on this form.
Select/Entities This is the listbox that will display the freebody definition. This definition will be made up
of a list of entities (nodes and/or elements). The textbox can be edited manually but this is not
recommended in case the syntax is not followed properly. It is best to fill the textbox by
graphically selecting entities or selecting entities from a listbox of groups, materials, or
properties. If nothing is in this listbox when Apply is pressed, the Freebody Load plot will be
applied to whatever is visible in the current display. The Interface Loads require that you pick
both target nodes and entities (see Description of Freebody Tool Plots, 6 for an explanation.
Forced Displacements requires only elements except for bar elements which require nodes.
Add/Remove Press the Add or Remove buttons to add entities into the freebody entities listbox. You only
need to do this if you have not turned on either Auto Add or Auto Remove or that option is
not available to you. (You cannot remove adjacent bar elements).
Undo Undo clears out the last operation done and reverts to previous selected entities. Multiple
undoes are possible.
Clear Clear will clean out the Freebody Entities listbox completely and two Clears will clear the
Undo memory dimming the Undo button.
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 11
Target Entities
Entity Description
Show Selected When switched ON, the viewport displays only what is in the Freebody Entities listbox. The
Elements freebody or other vector plot can be displayed on the freebody with only the freebody
displayed or with the entire posted model displayed.
Show All Posted If ON, the entire posted model will be displayed. The freebody or other vector plot can be
FEM displayed on the freebody with only the freebody displayed or with the entire posted model
Create New Group Turn this toggle ON if you wish to create a group from the selected target entities that define
the freebody.
Include Nodes If this toggle is ON the nodes of the target entity elements will be included in the new group.
Overwrite Specifies whether you wish to overwrite the group if it already exists, otherwise you will be
prompted for overwrite permission is the group already exists.
Group Name The default name for the new group to be created will be Fbdy_Group. Change it if desired.
Create Group of Press this button to actually make the group.
Reset Plot This will remove any freebody plot from the graphics screen.
Defaults This will reset all widgets to their default values and will remove any plot.
When Apply is pressed, the display will update using the new entities and will retain whatever results
and display attributes have been selected previously.
Important: Once a target entity has been selected, it will remain the target entity for the freebody plot
until the user physically changes it or he changes the Action/Object/Method or presses the
Default or Reset buttons. This will reset the target entities selection to its default and clear
the plot.
12 Results Postprocessing
Display Attributes
The following table describes in detail the freebody display attributes which can be modified:
Attribute Description
Show: For freebody plots you can display Forces, Moments, or Forces and Moments
simultaneously. This is also true for interface loads. For forced displacement plots
these choices are Translational, Rotational or both simultaneously.
Display As: For all three types of freebody plots, the resulting vectors can be plotted as either
components or resultants.
Dimensions: This option is an easy way to display only the components that you want. By
default, vectors in three dimensions will be displayed. You can constrain this to
particular planes with respect to the global coordinate system. Only those
components will be displayed or, if a resultant display is requested, the resultant
will be calculated with respect to that plane only.
Color/Components You can turn ON or OFF the display of any component or resultant and change
their colors with these toggles and color widgets.
Display Free Edges Only Only vectors of freebody or forced displacement plots on free edges of the model
will be displayed if this toggle is ON. This essentially will eliminate any internally
applied loads or internal reaction loads from the display. This type of display will
not work for bar element models.
Display Nodal Contributions For Interface Loads only the contributions from each individual node can be
plotted simultaneously as well as the total interface load if this toggle is turned ON.
Scale Arrows / Constant If the Scale Arrows toggle is turned ON then vector lengths will be scaled relative
to one another based on their magnitudes. Constant will keep all vector arrows the
same length. Both are scaled relative to the a percentage of the screen size.
Length This is a scale factor to be applied for sizing the vector arrow lengths. By default
it is set to 10% of the screen size.
Hide Results Near Zero If you wish to see all results whether they are zero or not, turn this toggle OFF.
Zero Tolerance Sometimes it may appear that some vectors of the freebody plot are not being
displayed. This could be because the Hide Results Near Zero toggle is ON and the
Zero Tolerance is set too high. Change this tolerance if necessary to view or not to
view vectors below this gate value.
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 13
Display Attributes
Attribute Description
Display Values Turn this toggle ON or OFF depending on whether you wish to see the values
associated with the vector. You also have control of the display of these values.
Exponential /Fixed Values on vectors can be displayed as either fixed (real) values or in exponential
Significant Digits You may also set the number of significant digits of the vector label values.
Display Title Turn this title on if you wish to display a title with the plot. For more versatile title
display, use the Titles utility from the main Display>Titles (p. 403) in the Patran
Reference Manual.
Color / Title Titles can be colored and specified in the textbox. If no title is supplied but the
Display Title toggle is ON, a default title will appear.
Font / Location You may create a title to display in the upper or lower left corners of the screen and
specify the font size.
Automatic Print When toggled ON, a hardcopy print command will be generated and sent to the
currently selected printer definition under the Print application. If multiple results
are selected, then multiple plots will be sent. This does not work when Patran is
run in batch mode with no graphics.
Text Report If this toggle is turned on the data associated with this plot will be dumped to a file
called <db_name>_freebody_data.dat.
Append If this toggle is ON then the text report will append to any already existing file.
Display via Session File This option will put the session file call to create the freebody plot in the Patran
command line. The plot will not be created until you issue a RETURN from the
keyboard with the cursor control in the command line. This is useful if you wish to
look at multiple plots sequentially. Select all the Result Cases and/or subcases
and/or result types, then turn this toggle on. Each time you want to see the
subsequent plot press the RETURN key when the focus is in the command line.
This will also create a session file called <db_name>
Reset Plot This will remove any freebody plot from the graphics screen.
Defaults This will reset all widgets to their default values and will remove any plot.
When Apply is pressed, the display will update using the target entities and results which have been
selected previously and the new display attributes. Defaults will set the form back to its default settings
and Reset Plot will erase the vectors from the screen.
Important: Once display attributes have been selected, they will remain in effect for the freebody
plot until the user physically changes them or the Action/Object/Method is modified.
14 Results Postprocessing
Create Loads or Boundary Conditions
Toggles the form to create loads and boundary conditions from freebody plots.
Creating loads and boundary conditions from freebody plot displays is a two step process. First a field is
created for the appropriate type such as force, moment, or displacement. Then the fields are assigned to
a Load Case. Only what is graphically displayed on the screen is actually created in the fields. The
following table explains each option.
Attribute Description
Create Create both a force and a moment field or one or the other (translational and rotational
Force/Moment fields for forced displacements). What is displayed graphically is what is created in the
Displ/Rotational new field. You must create at least one field in order to create a load set. Once fields are
created you may use them as you would any other field. Then access them and modify or
delete them from the Fields application. The fields are created in the coordinate system
specified as the transformation coordinate on the main (Select Results) form, otherwise
they will be written in the global system. For Interface loads, the display attribute “Display
Nodal Contributions” must be on in order to create fields for this type of plot.
Assign Fields to LBC Toggle ON to assign the fields to a new LBC set (load set). Then enter a name and assign
it to a load case. Once a load set has been created you may access, modify, or delete it from
the Loads/BCs application. The same naming convention is used here as is used when
creating fields. If the Type is Interface Loads, then only this option is presented since only
at a single node will force and moments be created. No fields will be created. Therefore,
no fields are necessary.If you wish you may assign a new load case name and a new load
case will be created. For Interface loads only the “Total Load” is assigned to the LBC, not
the fields.
Overwrite / Increment When multiple results are selected for display, multiple fields and LBC set names will be
created. The names of the fields and LBC set names will be augmented by appending a
version on the end of them if Increment is selected (e.g., Fbdy_Force.001,
Fbdy_Force.002, etc.). You can overwrite or increment the names.
Field Name The default name for a field is Fbdy_<type> where the type can be Force, Moment,
Translation, or Rotation. Change it if desired.
LBC Name The default LBC name is Fbdy_LBC or Fbdy_Disp_LBC. Change it if desired.
Load Case Assignment When creating a new LBC you can select to which Load Case it is assigned from this
listbox. The default is the Default load case.
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 15
Create Loads or Boundary Conditions
Attribute Description
Insert / Increment This works similar to Overwrite/Increment with field names. For Load Case names
however the option is to either insert the new LBC into the currently selected Load Case
or to create a new Load Case with the name incremented with a version number (e.g.,
LBC.001,LBC.002, etc.).
LC Name You can type in a new Load Case name here is you wish or select an existing one from the
Load Case Assignment listbox.
Reset Plot This will remove any freebody plot from the graphics screen.
Defaults This will reset all widgets to their default values and will remove any plot.
Pressing Apply here will create the specified fields and load set for the currently displayed plot for access
and assignment in a subsequent finite element analysis. Defaults will set the forms back to their default
settings and Reset Plot will erase the vectors from the screen.
Some consideration to be aware of when creating fields and LBC sets.
• If a planar display is plotted of three dimensional data, then the appropriate column is zeroed in
the field.
• The display attribute “Display Free Edges Only” can limit the amount of information that is
placed in a field for Freebody and Displacement plots.
• The display attribute “Display Nodal Contributions” for Interface loads must be on in order to
create fields. Only the “Total Load” will be written to the new LBC set, not the fields.
• The display attribute “Hide Results Near Zero” affects the amount of data written to the fields for
Freebody Loads and Interface Loads but not Displacement. All displacement data is written no
matter how small since all the data is necessary for a re-analysis. Zero displacement is a
necessary boundary condition.
• Once a new LBC is created or an existing one is modified, you must make sure that the LBC is
the current LBC in order to visualize the LBC markers on your model. This is done in the
Loads/BCs application.
16 Results Postprocessing
Tabular Display
This spreadsheet will fill itself with result values for each node that has a vector plot summarizing the
loads or displacements whether they be internal, reaction, applied or other. It also summarizes the totals
for equilibrium checks and other purposes. Only the nodes of the currently displayed freebody plot will
be reported in the spreadsheet. Also the spreadsheet will be cleared and redisplayed each time a new plot
is created. You may bring up and close down the spreadsheet and the data will remain intact until a new
plot is created.
The labels on the spreadsheet above will change to displacements when the Forced Displacement method
is displayed.
The totals for each component are reported at the bottom of the spreadsheet. When Freebody Loads are
plotted on the graphics screen, these totals should be zero (equilibrium should exist). If not, then other
unaccounted load contributions must exist, such as those from rigid element, MPCs and externally
coupled stiffness matrices. You may also click the mouse on each cell to get more detailed information
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 17
Tabular Display
in a text box below the spreadsheet. Also if the Method is set to Interface Loads, contributions from all
nodes specified as target entities will be displayed even though graphically only the summation point
displays the vector plot.
A Report button is also available from this spreadsheet that will write its contents out the a file called
<db_name>_freebody_data.dat where <db_name> is the name of the database.
A special utility PCL function can be used in conjunction with the freebody spreadsheet to interact in
almost any way imaginable. If you define the function below and compile it into Patran with a!!input
<function_name> before the spreadsheet is opened, then anytime you click on a cell in the
spreadsheet this call back function is called. Please see The PATRAN Command Language (PCL)
Introduction (p. 5) in the PCL and Customization for details on how to program in PCL.
This is a call back function that is called anytime a cell or group of cells is selected in the freebody
spreadsheet. The arguments to the function are all inputs supplied by the callback function of the
spreadsheet. The function must be defined by the user and compiled into Patran before the freebody
spreadsheet is opened. The contents of this function are left up to the user’s imagination.
widget spreadsheet_id This is the widget ID of the spreadsheet. Knowing the widget ID you
have full control over it and can make modification to the spreadsheet
such as adding or removing rows or columns.
widget textbox_id This is the widget ID of the textbox on the bottom of the form under
the spreadsheet. Knowing the widget ID of the textbox you have full
control over it such as adding and removing text from the textbox.
INTEGER segment_id This is the graphics segment ID. Knowing the segment ID into which
the freebody plot has been graphically written (the vectors and labels)
you have full control over them such as deleting, modifying or adding
to the graphics already in that segment.
INTEGER from_column This is the first column in the range of selected cells from the
INTEGER from_row This is the first row in the range of selected cells from the spreadsheet.
INTEGER to_column This is the last column in the range of selected cells from the
INTEGER to_row This is the last row in the range of selected cells from the spreadsheet.
18 Results Postprocessing
Tabular Display
A good example of usage of this PCL utility is the highlighting of nodes when a cell or
range of cells is selected. For example, say that you wish to know graphically which
node a particular value in the spreadsheet referred to. Although the node ID is indicated
in the spreadsheet, with a little programming, a user could create a function that when a
cell or cells are selected, the corresponding node(s) is/are highlighted graphically on the
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 19
Examples of Usage
5. Press the Apply button to display the nodal equivalenced applied loads.
6. To change any display attributes of the vector plot, press the Display Attributes button
icon. Press the Apply button again to affect any additional changes.
In Figure 12-1, the two nodal forces appear. The gravity load in this case is
concentrated at a single node. Had the gravity load been applied as a MSC Nastran
GRAVity force, equivalent nodal forces would have been distributed at all node
points. In this case it was not necessary to select Target Entities. The whole model was
used by default.
107.1 107.1
Figure 12-2 Example Plot of Reaction Loads at the Wall for the Continuous Truss Example.
Both Resultant and Component Displays are Shown.
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 21
Examples of Usage
7. To change any display attributes of the vector plot, press the Display Attributes button icon. Press
the Apply button to affect any changes.
23.50 23.50
9.81 9.81
107.08 107.08
Figure 12-3 Example Plot of the Total Freebody Diagram for the Continuous Truss Example.
Both Resultant and Component Displays are Shown.
5. Select the Target Entities button icon and select target entities as required. This is
required for internal load display unless only a portion of the model is posted via
6. Press the Apply button to display the internal loads plot.
7. To change any display attributes of the vector plot, press the Display Attributes button
icon. Press the Apply button to affect any changes.
23.50 23.50
9.81 9.81
107.08 112.14
107.08 107.08
Figure 12-4 Example Plot of Internal Loads for the Continuous Truss Example. Both
Resultant and Component Displays are Shown.
7. Enter a field name for the forces, a field name for the moments, a load set name or
assign them to an existing load case. Or you can simply accept all the defaults.
8. Press the Apply button. Loads and fields will be created for whatever results type is
currently displayed on the screen. Apply
The newly created fields and load set can be modified, viewed, deleted or otherwise
manipulated from the Field and Loads/BC applications respectively. They can also be
re-assigned to other load cases via the Loads/BC and Load Cases applications.
3. Select the Result Case and subcase if necessary and Freebody Loads as the Result Type.
4. Select a node or location to act as the Summation Point or accept the origin as the
5. Select target entities. Press the Target Entities icon. The target entities must be all the
nodes along an interface boundary for which you are interested in calculating the total
load. In addition you must select the element on one side or the other of the nodes that
define the interface line. This is a two step process. You must first select the nodes by
changing the Select By pull-down menu to Node, select the nodes, then change the pull-
down to Element, and select the elements.
24 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
7. Press the Apply button. A single component vector will be displayed on the screen.
In Figure 12-5, we have selected nodes 3 and 1 to be the interface line. There are
element contributions from elements 3, 20, and 7, therefore these elements must be also
selected as target entities. The summation point is node 2. A single vertical force of 23.5
and z-moment of 94.0 are the total interface loads experienced internally by cutting the
model at this interface boundary.
6. Press the Apply button. Component or resultant vectors will be displayed on all exposed
nodes of the freebody (along the free edges of the model) by default. Apply
Chapter 12: Freebody Plots 25
Examples of Usage
8. Enter a field name for the translational displacements, a field name for the rotational
displacements, and a load set name or assign them to an existing load case. Or you may
simply accept all the defaults.
9. Press the Apply button. Enforced displacement boundary conditions and fields will be
created for the currently displayed plot on the screen.
The newly created fields and load set can be modified, viewed, deleted or otherwise
manipulated from the Field and Loads/BC applications respectively. They can also be
re-assigned to other load cases via the Loads/BC and Load Cases applications.
26 Results Postprocessing
Examples of Usage
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods
Results Postprocessing
Numerical Methods
Introduction 2
Result Case(s) and Definitions 3
Derivations 8
Averaging 15
Extrapolation 21
Coordinate Systems 27
2 Results Postprocessing
13.1 Introduction
A result in Patran is an array of one, three, or six numbers that represent a physical results quantity
associated with finite element entities. These results are computed by the analysis program and loaded
into or referenced by the Patran database by an application interface which translates the results.
Results can be retrieved only after the following questions are resolved:
• What Result Case does it belong to? See Result Case(s) and Definitions, 3.
• Are the results a scalar, vector, or tensor quantity? See Data Types, 3.
• In what coordinate system do the results belong? See Coordinate Systems, 27.
• Are the results associated with nodes or elements? See Target Nodes and Elements, 6.
• Are the results complex or single valued? See Numerical Form, 5.
• What layer or position do the results belong to? See Layer-Position, 6.
• For element results, where in the element are they computed? See Element Position, 7.
Each question involves an attribute which characterizes the result and differentiates it from other results.
Every result must have all of these attributes defined before it can be retrieved from the database. This
chapter dedicates itself to explaining these attributes and the internal workings of the program when these
attributes are modified and manipulated.
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 3
Result Case(s) and Definitions
The Patran result postprocessor treats all Result Cases on an equal basis. There is no distinction between
a static, nonlinear analysis, transient, or modal analysis except as indicated in its title. A result type can
exist in one or more Result Cases. Once a group of Result Cases are selected, the associated result types
are retrieved from the database. Duplicate and conjugate (for complex results) result types are removed.
The result type labels are listed in the Result listboxes. An item in a result listbox may represent one or
more result types in the database.
The Patran results postprocessor has no pre-defined result types. The tool attaches no internal
significance to the labels of the result types. Result processing is completely based on the result attributes.
The external translators that import results determine which labels to assign to which results from the
analysis program output. Once translated and stored in the Patran database, the source of these results are
transparent to the results postprocessor.
The Patran results postprocessor allows for selection of multiple Result Cases for processing. This
functionality is important for animation, xy plots, load case combination, and finding the
maximum/minimum of results across load cases. More information about result data types is presented
Data Types
Results may be scalar, vector, or tensor quantities. The data type of each result is determined and set by
the result translator. Scalar results have no coordinate system attributes, but vector and tensor results are
always associated with some coordinate system. A tensor is defined as a symmetric matrix of rank 2
which is stored as six associated values (xx, yy, zz, xy, yz, zx). Unless otherwise noted, vectors and
tensors always denote the components that represent them in a certain coordinate system. See Coordinate
Systems, 27.
4 Results Postprocessing
Result Case(s) and Definitions
The plot types are associated with the data type and the associativity of the results as follows:
Tensor Node Report, Tensor, Animation, Combine & Derive Results
The data type of the results can be changed to make its associated plot type available for plots. This
change may involve a derivation and/or coordinate system definition. See Derivations, 8.
From To System Remark
Scalar Vector Yes Scalar value inserted into the specified component. Other
components = 0.
Tensor Yes Same as Scalar to Vector above.
Vector Scalar Yes/No The data system is the system as defined in the database. You can
specify the output system. Only vector components need
coordinate systems.
Tensor Yes The data system is the system as defined in the database. You can
specify the output system for the tensor. A vector component can
be inserted into a tensor component.
Tensor Scalar Yes/No Coordinate system is required if the scalar is one component of the
tensor. Principal values are invariant with respect to coordinate
systems. Only tensor components need coordinate system.
Vector Yes The data system is the system as defined in the database. You can
specify the output system for the vector. A tensor can be reduced
to its principals in vector form.
Results are associated with either nodes or elements, but not both. This associativity characterizes the
result type. If a particular result exists both as a nodal result and an element result (e.g., energy), the result
translator must create two result types with distinct result labels.
You cannot change this associativity and, once defined, the attribute along with the data type determines
the available plot types. Some plot types only deal with a particular associativity (e.g., deformed plot only
for nodal vector results, tensor plot only for element tensor results) but other plot types deal with both
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 5
Result Case(s) and Definitions
(e.g., fringe plot, xy plot, report). Some processing methods are only applicable to either nodes or
elements, whereas other methods are applicable to both.
If a processing method involves elements, but results are associated with nodes, the results at these nodes
will be assigned to the elements sharing the common nodes. Interpolation functions are then used to
compute results at any point within the element from the results at element nodes. See Averaging, 15.
The converse is also true. If a processing method involves nodes, but results are associated with elements,
the results within the elements will be extrapolated out to the nodes. See Extrapolation, 21. To report
results at the nodes from elemental data, the contribution at a node from each surrounding element is
averaged to a single scalar value (or vector or tensor depending on the data type). When derived results
are requested from vector or tensor data, the order in which averaging and derivation are done is
important. Control of this order is given to the user which can give different answers.
Numerical Form
The Patran Results Processor can process complex results. Each result type has an attribute to indicate
its numerical form:
Other Single
Imaginary Real Complex
Other Single
Magnitude Phase (radians) Complex
Other Single
Phase (radians) Magnitude Complex
Other Single
If results are complex, the option to display the values as real, imaginary, magnitude, or phase are
computed (in temporal space) at a particular phase angle.
The result at any angle is:
where = 0 corresponds to purely real results and = 90 corresponds to purely imaginary results.
6 Results Postprocessing
Result Case(s) and Definitions
Magnitude and phase of complex results are computed from real and imaginary result pairs as
Phase = tan– 1 -------------------------------
For plate or shell elements, results can be computed at a particular location through the thickness. For
composite elements, results can be computed for a particular layer, and/or at a particular location in the
thickness of a layer. These two through-thickness positions are collapsed into an attribute called layer
position. Each layer position specifies a unique layer ID (0 for homogeneous elements) and a unique
location within the layer (labelled NON-LAYERED for solids). The labels for layer positions created by
the results translators indicate the actual location of the output points.
For homogeneous beams or bars, each layer position corresponds to an output location in the beam
section. The layer position attributes contain the actual physical coordinates of the output points. All
other layer position coordinates are dimensionless parametric coordinates. For layered beams/bars, the
results are treated like plates and shells. The labels for layer positions in beams indicate the actual
locations of the output points.
For homogeneous beams or bars, a dummy layer-position is created so that it has a layer position ID for
access. Composite solids are treated as composite plates/shells.
The Patran Results Postprocessor only uses the ID of the layer position to retrieve its associated results.
The labels for layer position are transparent to the processor.
Results in the database can belong to a superset or subset of these ID lists, but only the results that belong
to the elements/nodes effected by the intersection of these lists are able to be displayed.
Element Position
Element results can be computed at any point in the element. The location of the output point is part of
an attribute called element position. The element position contains, among other things, the parametric
coordinates of the output. The result translators create these attributes and assigns them to the element
results. It makes no difference to the Patran Results Processor if this point is one of the element nodes,
the element faces, the element edges, the Gaussian quadrature points, or the element centroid. The
coordinate system type depends on the element topology.
Topology System Type Coordinates
Bar/Beams Parametric s1
13.3 Derivations
Prior to Patran Version 9.0, the results processor attempted to recognize whether a stress or strain tensor
was 2D (e.g. Plane Stress: iz = 0 and Plane Strain: iz = 0 for i = 1, 2, 3) or 3D and then calculate
principal values based either a 2D or 3D formulation respectively. Starting with Patran Version 9.0 the
user must choose to use either the 2D or 3D formulation. The mechanism that is provided to allow the
user to choose a specific formulation is to either select the derived quantity that includes “2D” as part of
its name, which will cause the 2D formulation to be used, or to choose the quantity that does not contain
“2D” as part of its name, which will cause the 3D formulation to be used. This change was motivated by
requests from our customers who wanted to control which formulation they wanted to apply.
Examples of these 2D or 3D tensor quantities are shown below.
For 2D tensors Patran uses the two in plane principal values as the maximum and the minimum regardless
if both of their values are either greater or less than zero. Patran calculates the maximum shear stress to
be one half the difference between the maximum and minimum principal values. A consequence of this
formulation is that for the cases where both in plane principal values have common signs the maximum
shear stress can be under calculated. Similarly, Tresca stress could be under calculated, as shown in the
following example.
Smajor = 30Sminor = 10 where Smajor and Sminor are the maximum and minimum 2D in-plane Principal
Stresses respectively.
Using a 2D tensor, ”Tresca 2D” will be 30-10 = 20.
Using a 3D tensor, ”Tresca” will be 30 – 0 = 30 (Sminor = 0)
Derivation Definitions
The following table provides additional definitions for the selected result derivations. These include
tensor to vector, tensor to scalar, and vector to scalar resolutions.
Tensor to Tensor
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 9
Important: These equations for calculating invariants are not recommended for complex results
since phase is not taken into account.
x – y 2 + y – z 2 + z – x 2
= ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- + 3 xy
2 + 2 + 2
yz zx
10 Results Postprocessing
Example: The elements shown below have the following stress contributions:
E9 E10
E1 E2
N1 N2 N3
Elem. ID Node ID x y z xy yz zx
The von Mises stress calculated at node 11 when nodal averaging is done first due to the contribution
from each element is 78.96. When the von Mises derivation is done first and then averaging at the nodes
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 11
takes place, the calculated von Mises stress is 79.02. Thus a difference can arise depending on whether
the averaging is done first or the derivation. This can be true for all derived results.
von Mises
Node 11 x y z xy yz zx Stress
E1 68.37 12.16 0.00 -19.73 0.0 0.0 71.82
E2 59.37 10.16 0.00 -20.73 0.00 0.00 65.68
E9 67.37 11.16 0.00 -18.73 0.00 0.00 70.45
E10 100.37 14.16 0.00 -30.73 0.00 0.00 108.10
Average 73.87 11.91 0.00 -22.48 0.00 0.00 79.02
Average then Derive 78.96
Derive then Average 79.02
Important: It must be noted also that for von Mises and other derived results, the calculations are
generally valid only for stresses. Although these operations can be performed for any
valid tensor or vector data stored in the database, quantities such as tensor strains are
not appropriate for von Mises calculations. To calculate a true von Mises strain the
strain tensor must be converted to engineering strains by multiplying the shear
components by a factor of two.
x – y 2 + y – z 2 + z – x 2 + 6 xy 2 + 2 + 2
oct = ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
yz zx
From the von Mises example above the octahedral shear stress is:
Hydrostatic Stress
Hydrostatic stress is calculated from the following equation:
x + y + z
= ------------------------------
12 Results Postprocessing
From the von Mises example above the hydrostatic stress is:
Invariant Stresses
1st, 2nd, and 3rd invariant stresses are calculated from the following equations:
1st = x + y + z
2 2 2
2nd = x y + y z + z x – xy + yz + zx
3rd = x y z – yz + xy xy z – yz zx + zx xy yz – x zx
From the von Mises example above the invariant stresses are:
Invariant Stresses (Node 11) 1st Invariant 2nd Invariant 3rd Invariant
Average/Derive 85.78 374.44 0.00
Derive/Average 85.78 373.38 0.00
Principal Stresses
Principal stresses are calculated from either a Mohr’s circle method for 2D tensors
z = yz = zx = 0 or from a 3x3 Jacobian Rotation Eigenvector extraction method for a 3D
tensors. The User Interface allows for either a tensor-dependent derivation, or a 2D calculation. The
tensor-dependent calculation will choose either a 2D or 3D calculation depending on values of each
tensor encountered. A 2D calculation will be used when the ZZ, YZ and ZX are exactly zero (which is
the case when the analysis code does not calculate these values), otherwise the full 3D tensor will be
considered. Both the magnitudes of the principals and their direction cosines are calculated from these
The magnitudes of the two principal stresses from the 2D Mohr’s circle method are calculated according
the following equations:
2 2
major = ave + x – ave + xy
2 2
minor = ave – x – ave + xy
x + y
ave = -----------------------
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 13
The direction cosines for the 2D Mohr’s circle method are calculated by assembling the following 3x3
transformation matrix:
cos sin 0 atan -----------------------
x – a ve
– sin cos 0 where = -----------------------------------------
0 0 1
From the von Mises example above the principal stresses are:
Also the principal stress determinant is the product of the three principals and the major, minor, and
intermediate principal deviatoric stresses are calculated from:
where major and minor are calculated as mentioned under Principal stress derivations above.
From the von Mises example above the Tresca shear stress is:
major – minor
= -------------------------------------------
where major and minor are calculated as mentioned under Principal stress derivations above.
From the von Mises example above the Tresca shear stress is:
Magnitude (vector length) is calculated from the components with the standard formula:
magnitude = x2 + y2 + z2
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 15
13.4 Averaging
For Fringe and other plots and reports that must display or report values at nodes from elemental data
regardless of where the element results are computed, must be converted to results at element nodes. The
interpolation functions are then used (e.g., by the graphics module for fringe plot and other operations)
to compute the results at any point within the element. The interpolation functions may or may not be the
shape functions that were used by the analysis program to compute the element results.
As a rule, each element sharing a common node has its own result values. To compute results for
continuous fringe plots, these values need to be averaged and distributed to the sharing elements. The
options for the averaging process are described below:
No Averaging Each element retains its value at the element nodes. Or in other words, each
element is its own averaging domain. This selection from the Averaging Domain
pull down is called None. The fringe plot will have jumps (not continuous
regions) at element boundaries.
Averaging Based on All All elements will contribute to the sum and will receive the averaged result
Entities regardless of whether only certain entities have been selected for the display of
the fringe plot. All surrounding elements will contribute to the averaging process.
Averaging Based on Target Only the elements defined as the target entities will contribute to the sum and will
Entities receive the averaged result. Surrounding elements that are not part of the target
entities will not contribute to the averaging process.
Averaging Based on Materials Elements with the same material IDs will contribute to the sum and will receive
the averaged result. The fringe plot will have jumps at material boundaries.
Averaging Based on Properties Elements with the same property IDs will contribute to the sum and will receive
the averaged result. The fringe plot will have jumps at property boundaries.
Averaging Based on Element Elements of the same type will contribute to the sum and will receive the
Types averaged result. The fringe plot will have jumps at element type boundaries.
Difference The minimum and maximum results from the elements sharing a common node
are computed. The difference is determined as the delta between the maximum
and minimum contributor to each node. The fringe plot of this max difference
indicates the quality of the mesh and the location where this mesh needs to be
refined by comparing its values with the actual values of the results. Nodal results
will have zero max-difference.
Sum The sum of all contributing nodes will be displayed. This step skips the
Below are some examples of the averaging techniques. The model in Figure 13-1 is used for illustration
purposes. It consists of 8 QUAD4 elements and 4 TRI3 elements with a total of 17 nodes.
16 Results Postprocessing
The above model is also broken up into various material and property sets as such:
domain and will therefore cause a plot discontinuity across boundaries. See Figure 13-2 for visual effects
of averaging domains.
Table 13-1 Averaging at Nodes from Element Centroidal Results
Averaging Domain
Node Element Strain Energy All Property Material None Type Target
1 1 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01 3.01
2 1 3.01 3.89 3.89 3.89 3.01 3.89 3.89
2 4.78 4.78
3 2 4.78 3.97 3.97 3.97 4.78 3.97 3.97
3 3.16 3.16
4 3 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16 3.16
5 1 3.01 8.04 3.01 3.01 8.04 3.01
4 13.06 13.06 13.06 13.06
6 1 3.01 4.24 3.89 2.04 3.01 6.95 2.63
2 4.78 4.78
4 13.06 13.06 13.06 13.06 6.67
10 0.10 0.19 2.04 0.10 0.19 2.63
13 0.27 0.27 6.67
7 2 4.78 2.09 3.97 2.04 4.78 3.42 2.09
3 3.16 3.16
6 2.31 2.31 2.04 2.31
10 0.10 0.11 2.04 0.10 0.11
11 0.11 0.11
8 3 3.16 2.74 3.16 3.16 3.16 2.74 2.74
6 2.31 2.31 2.31 2.31
9 4 13.06 12.10 12.10 12.10 13.06 12.10 12.10
7 11.13 11.13
10 4 13.06 5.95 12.01 12.01 13.06 9.74 5.95
7 11.13 11.13
8 5.02 5.02 5.02 5.02
12 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27 0.27
13 0.27 0.27
18 Results Postprocessing
13.5 Extrapolation
When element results are provided to Patran at quadrature points, it is necessary to extrapolate the results
from the quadrature points to the nodes of the element and to the element centroid. Similarly, when results
are provided at the element nodes or the centroid, it is necessary to interpolate/extrapolate the results to
the centroid or nodes respectively.
Patran has three basic methods to perform this interpolation/extrapolation:
• By parametric mapping method.
• By solving a set of equations.
• By averaging.
The User Interface allows for four basic methods in which the user can control extrapolation methods.
These are explained below and examples given.
Shape Function
If the arrangement of node/quadrature points corresponds to an element type in Patran, the shape
functions are known, and a parametric mapping is used. This is the preferred method, and is the most
accurate representation. The parametric mapping method involves mapping the output positions to an
element topology that interpolation functions of that topology can be used to compute results at the
nodes. As an example, if there are 27 results output at 27 quadrature points inside a hex/20, then these 27
quadrature points can be considered as 27 vertices of a hex/27 element. Results at hex/20 nodes are then
computed by the interpolation function of the hex/27, even though these nodes are located outside the
element formed by the 27 quadrature points. Once the nodal results of the hex/27 are available, results at
the nodes of the hex/20 can be computed by interpolation. These results will be stored in a 20x27 matrix
of coefficients. This method only works if there exists an element topology in the library that coincides
with the output pattern after being parametrically mapped.
If the arrangement does not correspond to a Patran element type, a system of equations is constructed and
solved for the unknown nodal and centroidal values. The equations are set up such that if the interpolation
functions of the element topology are used with the unknown nodal values, they will generate a unit value
at each quadrature point. This method only works if there exists an element topology in the library that
has the same number of nodes as the number of quadrature points. If Shape Function is set in the User
Interface ,the shape functions or a set of equations will be used to extrapolate results as explained above.
Only if these two methods fail will averaging take place.
If both previous methods fail, results in the element are averaged and each node of the element will
assume this averaged value. Or, alternatively, if the results are provided at nodes, the nodal values would
be averaged and assigned to the centroid.
Averaging is also used at element boundaries. In these cases, when extrapolation from different elements
yields different result values at the same node, the different results are averaged and assigned to the node.
22 Results Postprocessing
For degenerate elements, the extrapolation is performed on the parent element topology, and the results
at the duplicated nodes in the degenerate element are then averaged.
The User Interface allows for a forced average extrapolation method to be used. The following scenarios
can exist.
• Nodal values to centroid
• Gauss values to nodes
• Centroidal values to nodes
A forced extrapolation of the analysis results to the element's centroid can also be set in the User Interface
which will be performed relative to where the results are initially located. Shown below are several
different cases that can occur. Once each centroid value is established it is then used to render the results
• Centroid values to element centroid
• Nodal values to element centroid
• Gauss values to element centroid
The Min/Max method searches each element's results and finds the minimum/maximum value contained
within the element. The element then assumes a constant value (including its nodes). For example if the
analysis result values are know at the elements Gauss points the minimum/maximum value is used as a
constant value across the element. This method has no effect for results that already exist at the element
centroid or the nodes.
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 23
Examples are given below for each extrapolation technique using a simple 4 node QUAD element with
four interior Gauss points. The Gauss points are located in parametric space at +/- 0.5773502692 (as per
theory). In p/q parametric space, where the extrapolation occurs, would look something like Figure 13-3.
q axis
Grid 11 Grid 14
Grid 12 Grid 13
The element will have a simple set of linear shape functions described by
N1 = – p – 1 q + 1
N2 = p – 1 q – 1
N3 = – p + 1 q – 1
N4 = p + 1 q + 1
Using these shape functions, the results at any point in the element would be found as
Result p q = N i p q Resulti
where i runs from 1 to 4 for the four Gauss or grid points.
24 Results Postprocessing
Note that the shape functions vary by element type and element order. The function shown in these
examples are not necessarily the functions used in any particular element formulation; they are to
illustrate the extrapolation methods only.
The stress values at the Gauss points will be extrapolated to the grid locations. To do this, the Gauss
points are assigned parametric locations of 1.0. The location of the grids will be at parametric locations
of 1/0.5774 or about +/-1.7319 with respect to the Gauss points.
The stress at grid 14, located in parametric space at x/y coordinates of (1.7319, 1.7319) will be calculated
1 1 1
– --- 1.7319 – 1 1.7319 + 1 10 + --- 1.7319 – 1 1.7319 – 1 15 + – --- 1.7319 + 1 1.7319 – 1 20
4 4 4
+ --- 1.7319 + 1 1.7319 + 1 15 = 15.00
The stresses at the rest of the grids would be as follows:
1 1 1 1
– --- 0 – 1 0 + 1 10 + --- 0 – 1 0 – 1 15 + – --- 0 + 1 0 – 1 20 + --- 0 + 1 0 + 1 15 = 15.00
4 4 4 4
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 25
The value at the centroid is then calculated using the shape functions, just as in Example 2 above:
1 1 1 1
– --- 0 – 1 0 + 1 10 + --- 0 – 1 0 – 1 15 + – --- 0 + 1 0 – 1 20 + --- 0 + 1 0 + 1 15 = 15.00
4 4 4 4
Note that this gives the same results as in the previous example.
10 + 15 + 20 + 15 4 = 15.00
Element 1 Element 2
Grid Point Stress Grid Point Stress
11 6.340499 13 27.50
12 15.00 14 17.50
13 23.65950 15 10.00
14 15.00 16 9.50
where v is a vector referenced in the local coordinate system defined by the rotation matrix [R], each row
of which defines a unit vector in the global system. U is a vector referenced in the global system. For
example, if the global system is rotated about the z axis, the rotation matrix of the new system is:
cos sin 0
R = – sin cos 0
0 0 1
which transforms a vector result defined in the [R] system to the global system, since [R] is an
orthonormal matrix by definition.
Similarly, the tensors are transformed as:
= R S R
where S is a tensor in the global system, and is the tensor in the [R] system.
The inverse tensor transformation is:
S = R R
Global System
This is the Patran global or default rectangular coordinate system. For MSC Nastran users, this is the
same as the MSC Nastran basic coordinate system. Most alternate coordinate systems use the global
system as a basis.
Local Systems
These are Patran local coordinate systems specifically created by the user within Patran. They can be
either rectangular, cylindrical, or spherical. These are the same as MSC Nastran global coordinate
systems in MSC Nastran terminology. Do not be confused by this terminology. Just remember that user
defined systems in Patran are called local systems and user defined systems in MSC Nastran are called
global systems. The default coordinate system in Patran is called the global system and the default system
in MSC Nastran is called the basic system.
Reference Systems
These are local systems or the global system by which geometric definitions are defined. For instance the
coordinates locations of a finite element node is defined by referring to a reference system, either local
or global.
Analysis Systems
These are the local systems in which results at finite element nodes will be calculated by the analysis
solver. Nodes can be defined in one system (the reference system) but results calculated in another (the
analysis system). In general, when nodal results are imported into the Patran database, they will be stored
in the analysis systems.
Unknown Systems
These are systems which are unknown to Patran and therefore must remain in these systems when
postprocessing. No transformation are allowed.
Element Systems
These are coordinate systems local to each specific element. There are many types of element coordinate
systems. Suffice it to say here, that when elemental based results calculated in an elemental system are
imported into the Patran database, the coordinate systems in which they are stored vary from element to
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 29
Coordinate Systems
element. This makes meaningful graphical visualization of these results quite difficult. Many times a
coordinate transformation is required to convert all results into a consistent coordinate system. Once this
is done then operations such as nodal averaging and scalar results derivations (von Mises) can be
performed correctly and meaningfully.
Projected Systems
These are systems like the projected global system but instead project other coordinate systems other than
the global onto the elements. An example is the shell p-elements of MSC Nastran which use a convective
system which is a project of a coordinate system onto the element (plus an optional flip and rotation):
j = k P axis
i = j k
30 Results Postprocessing
Coordinate Systems
If projected axis is parallel to element normal, the axis of greatest projection is used.
P Paxis
k j
i = V1
k = V1 V2
j = k i
V1 = V1 – 2
V2 = V1 – 3
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 31
Coordinate Systems
v - determined by property for beam or V1 x {Global y | Global x | Global z},based on least difference V1
4 3
Quad 3
v Bar Tri
1 V2 V2 6
V1 1
1 2 4
V1 5
8 Wedge
Hex 7
5 6
3 V2 3
4 V2
1 2
V1 1
1 V1 2 V1 2
i = V1 + V2
j = V1 – V2
k = i j
32 Results Postprocessing
Coordinate Systems
4 j
k i
out of plane
Material Systems
These are element coordinate systems based on a material definition and angle. These exist for QUAD
and TRI elements only. Material coordinate systems are defined as follows:
i = V 1 rotated about k
which is rotated around a degrees about k. a is from the material property record.
j = k i
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 33
Coordinate Systems
The k vector is the same as that for bisector (QUAD element) or IJK (TRI element).
j 3
Tri Quad
k - out of plane
k - out of plane V1
t 1 = tangent 1 t 2 = tangent 2
Use bisections:
b1 = t1 + t2
b2 = n + b1
i = j k
j = b1 + b2
34 Results Postprocessing
Coordinate Systems
k = n
4 7
8 6
5 2
t 1 = tangent 1
i = t1
j = n i
Chapter 13: Numerical Methods 35
Coordinate Systems
k = n
14.1 Overview
The purpose of this chapter is to demonstrate the correctness of result postprocessing plots, graphs,
reports, and result combinations and derivations in Patran. A number of representative models are used
to illustrate this validation and verification. In most cases very simple models are used for simplicity and
clarity. Many of these models have closed form solution which are compared to the finite element
solutions as displayed in Patran. The main purpose of this chapter, however, is to show that Patran
correctly displays results as reported and calculated by the finite element solver. It is not to prove that any
particular finite element solver calculates the correct answers.
Care has been taken to ensure that as much functionality as possible is covered by these examples. As
new postprocessing capabilities are added to Patran from release to release, this chapter will increase its
scope. Each problem gives a description of pertinent information that any engineer should be aware of
when postprocessing results. These include:
• Solver and solution type
• Element type
• Model and result descriptions
• Postprocessing features covered
All problem files have been provided with the Patran delivery and are indicated with each problem if the
user wishes to investigate them personally. below gives a brief description of each problem. These files
are located in a directory in the main Patran installation directory called:
Table 14-1 V&V Problems
Problem Description Features Validated
Problem 1: Linear Statics, Rigid Frame MSC Nastran, Solution 101, Linear Statics, prob001.bdf
Analysis Deformation and Fringe Plots of Displacement prob001.op2
Problem 2: Linear Statics, Cross-Ply MSC Nastran, Solution 101, Linear Statics, prob002.bdf
Composite Plate Analysis Fringe Plots of Cross-Ply Stress Results with prob002.op2
Coordinate Transformation to Global System.
Problem 3: Linear Statics, Principal MSC Nastran, Solution 101, Linear Statics, prob003.bdf
Stress and Stress Transformation Fringe and Tensor Plots of Stress Tensor and prob003.op2
Principal Stresses in Beam.
Problem 4: Linear Statics, Plane Strain MSC Nastran, Solution 101, Linear Statics, prob004.bdf
with 2D Solids Displacement Plots and Fringe Plots of Stress prob004.op2
and Displacement with Local Coordinate
Problem 5: Linear Statics, 2D Shells in MSC Nastran, Solution 101, Linear Statics, prob005.bdf
Spherical Coordinates Deformation and Fringe Plots of Stress with prob005.op2
Spherical Coordinate Transformations.
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 3
Roark, R.J., and Young, W.C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975,
pp. 122-126.
Problem Description:
A rigid frame with uniform properties is subjected to a concentrated force midspan of the top horizontal
member. One end of the frame is fixed while the other is free. Find the horizontal and vertical
displacements as well as the rotation at the free end of the frame.
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 7
Validation Problems
Engineering Data:
l 1 = 7.0in E = E 1 = E 2 = E 3 = 10 psi
v = 0.3
l 2 = 10.0 in
l 3 = 4.0in I = I 1 = I 2 = I 3 = 0.0052083 in
a = 2.0in W = 100.0lbf
Theoretical Solution:
Upon substitution of the engineering data into the equations below, the following results are obtained:
l2 l1 2
HA = – W --------- 2l 1 – l 2 l 3 – a + --------- l 3 – a = – 0.10368in
2 3 2
l2 l3 l 3 l2 l 3 l 3 a
VA = – W -------- + --------- – a -------- – --------- + --------- = – 0.16640in
l2 1 2
A = – W ------ l 33 – a + --------- l 33 – a = – 0.0422403radians
Source HA A
*MSC Nastran results have opposite sign due to the reversal of the direction of x and z axes of the global
coordinate frame relative to the theoretical results coordinates.
The corresponding deformed shape plot that was made for the rigid frame is shown in Figure 14-2 where
the deformed shape has been superimposed upon the undeformed mesh. Fringe plots for the x, y, and z
components of the translational displacements that were generated with Patran are shown in Figure 14-3,
8 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
Figure 14-4 and Figure 14-5, respectively. The fringe plot for the rotation about the z axis is shown
plotted in Figure 14-6. All fringe plots are displayed on the fully deformed structure. Examination of
these fringe plots near the free end of the frame clearly shows that the Patran results are identical to the
preceding MSC Nastran results.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob001.bdf, prob001.op2
Figure 14-1 Basic FE Model of Rigid Frame with Load and BCs.
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 9
Validation Problems
Jones, R. M., Mechanics of Composite Materials, Hemisphere Pub. Corp., 1975, pp. 198-201.
12 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
Problem Description:
A flat rectangular plate is made from a cross-ply 0/90/0 degree ply stacking. Assuming that the plate is
cured at 270o F, find the stress in each of the plies once the plate is cooled down to 70o F.
Engineering Data:
length = l = 3.0in 6
E 1 = 7.8 10 psi
width = w = 2.0 in 6
E 2 = 2.6 10 psi
N x = 200lb f in 2 = 11.4 10
Theoretical Solution:
Only the stresses in plies 1 and 2 are shown since the laminate is symmetric about its midplane. Hence,
ply 1 is identical to ply 3. In the expressions below, T refers to the temperature difference between the
curing temperature for the laminate and its final operational temperature. In this particular example, T
would equal -200o F. Because of the absence of any localized restraint to thermal shrinkage coupled with
isotropic thermal expansions, the stresses in each ply are uniform. The predicted stresses are as follows
for N x = 200lbf in , T = – 200F and t = 0.55 in:
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 13
Validation Problems
x 1 = 2.27 ------ + 35.5T ------- = – 6274.55psi
t F
y 1 = 0.12 ------ – 16.0T ------- = 3243.64 psi
t F
x 2 = 0.75 ------ – 7.1 T ------- = 1692.73psi
t F
y 2 = – 0.024 ------ + 3.2T ------- = – 648.73psi
t F
xy 1 = xy 2 = 0
Using this model, the following results were obtained with MSC Nastran.
Table 14-3 Ply Stress, x
1 2 3
Source x x x
The corresponding fringe plots that were generated with Patran for the x-, y- and xy shear stress
components in each of the plies are shown in Figure 14-8 through Figure 14-16. A comparison of these
plots with the preceding MSC Nastran results clearly shows that the two are identical. Layer 1 and 3 were
plotted in the element coordinate system; layer 2 was plotted in the Global coordinate system. You must
read in the .bdf file below to be able to perform the correct coordinate transformation to reproduce the
layer 2 plots.
Files:<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob002.bdf, prob002.op2
Basic Model
XX Stress - Layer 1
YY Stress - Layer 1
XY Stress - Layer 1
XX Stress - Layer 2
YY Stress - Layer 2
XY Stress - Layer 2
XX Stress - Layer 3
YY Stress - Layer 3
XY Stress - Layer 3
Popov, E.P., Introduction to Mechanics of Solids, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1968, pp. 337-340.
Roark, R.J., and Young, W.C. , Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975, pp. 62,
93 - 96, 101.
20 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
Problem Description:
A weightless rectangular beam spans 40 inches and is loaded with a vertical downward force W = 18.44
kips at midspan. Find the principal stresses at points a, b, c, b’ and a’.
W=18.44 kips
y 20”
b 6”
x 5.75”
Engineering Data:
Length = l = 40in 3 4
I 1 = dh 12 = 221.04 in
Height = h = 12in 3 4
I 2 = hd 12 = 3.617in
Depth = d = 1.535in 7
E = 3 10 psi
v = 0.318
Theoretical Solution:
Reaction Loads:
W 18.44
R A = ----- x – a = ------------- 40 – 20 = 9.22kips
l 40
R B = Wa 18.44 20
-------- = ------------------------- = 9.22kips
l 40
V = R A – W x – a = R A = 9.22 kips
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 21
Validation Problems
0 xa
where x – a 0 = 1 xa
undefined x=a
MA = MB = 0
M x = R A x – W x – a x – a
M 10 = R A 10 = 92.2 Kips – in
where x – a = 0 since x = 10 a = 20
My R A – W x – a x – a y
x y = ------------- = ------------------------------------------------------------------
xy = ---------------
Here A’ is the area of that part of the section above (or below if the point of interest is located below the
beam’s neutral axis) the point of interest and y’ is the distance from the neutral axis to the centroid of A’
as shown below.
Stress at a:
– R A xy – 9.22 10 6
10 6 = ---------------
- = -------------------------------------- = – 2.50 ksi
I 221.04
xy 10 6 = 0.0
22 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
Stress at b:
– R A xy – 9.22 10 5.5
10 5.5 = ---------------
- = ------------------------------------------- = – 2.29 ksi
I 221.04
Stress at c:
10 0 = 0.0
Stress at b’:
– R A xy – 9.22 10 – 5.5
10 – 5.5 = ---------------
- = ---------------------------------------------- = 2.29ksi
I 221.04
Stress at a’:
– R A xy – 9.22 10 – 6
10 – 6 = ---------------
- = ------------------------------------------ = 2.50ksi
I 221.04
xy = 0.0
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 23
Validation Problems
Based upon these fiber and shear stresses, the following principal stresses are calculated:
The Patran fringe plots that were made of the x-, y- and xy- stress components are shown in Figure 14-18,
Figure 14-19, and Figure 14-20 respectively. In addition, the orientation angle for the max principal
stress, or zero shear angle, has been plotted in Figure 14-21. To better show the stress state at each of the
designated stress recovery points, tensor plots were made of the fiber stress as well as the principal stress
at each position, starting with a and proceeding onto a’. These are shown in Figure 14-22 through
Figure 14-26. Examination of the Patran tensor and fringe plots reveals that they are identical to the
preceding MSC Nastran results.
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 25
Validation Problems
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob003.bdf, prob003.op2
Basic Model
Figure 14-17 Basic Beam Model with Loads and Boundary Conditions.
YY Stress
XY Stress
Roark, R. J., and Young, W. C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975, p. 504.
Problem Description:
An infinitely long, thick walled, cylinder is subjected to a uniform internal pressure. Assuming near
incompressible material behavior, find the radial displacement as well the radial and hoop stress at the
inner diameter (ID) and outer diameter (OD) of the cylinder.
Engineering Data:
E=1000. psi
v = 0.4999
a = 9.0 inches
b = 3.0 inches
q = 100. psi
Theoretical Solution:
For the case of an internally pressurized thick walled cylinder, the displacement and stresses at the inner
and outer radius are given by the equations below. Upon substituting the assumed values for
E a b and q , the following displacements and stresses are calculated:
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 31
Validation Problems
1 = 0
2 2 2 2 2
qb a + r
2 = -------------------------------- = 25.00psi , r=a
a +b
max 2 = q -----------------
- at r=b
2a – b
2 125.00psi , r=b 2
a –b
2 2 2 max 3 = – q at r=b
qb a – r =
3 = –---------------------------------- 0 , r=a
2 2 2 – 100.0p si , r=b
r a – b
q 2ab
a = --- ----------------
- = 0.2250inches qb a 2 + b 2
E a2 – b2 b = ------ ------------------ + v = 0.5250inches
E a2 – b2
Using the aforementioned model, the following results were obtained for each of the various element
Table 14-11 Displacement, a
MSC Nastran* .1370 .1690 .1680 .1689 .1755 .1726
Theory .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250 .2250
%, Difference -39.11% -24.89% -25.33% -24.93% -22.00% -23.29%
* Represents average of all edge nodal values with nodal values averaged across adjacent elements.
The fringe plot that was generated for the radial displacement is shown in Figure 14-29. Fringe plots for
the radial and hoop stress are shown in Figure 14-30 and Figure 14-31. Here the stresses have been plotted
with an adjusted scale that better shows the stress gradient present in each of the segments. All plots have
been transformed into the cylindrical coordinate system defined in the problem. A comparison with the
preceding tabular results clearly shows that Patran is accurately reproducing the MSC Nastran results.
The preceding results clearly demonstrate the wide degree of variability in the result attributable to
element topology as well as formulation. Consistently, the higher order CQUAD8 and CTRIA6 elements
gave superior performance compared to their linear counterparts. Similarly, in this application where
cylindrical geometry was involved, a triangular element gave far more accurate results then compared to
a quadrilateral element. Only by adopting the revised formulation of a CQUADR could acceptable results
be obtained with a quadrilateral element. This would not be unexpected since the removal of any
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 33
Validation Problems
membrane-bending coupling produces far less sensitivity to extreme values in Poisson’s ratio as in this
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob004.bdf, prob004.op2
Radial Displacments
Radial Stresses
Hoop Stresses
Roark, R. J., and Young, W.C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975, p. 451.
Problem Description:
A section of a thin, spherical shell is internally pressurized. The free edge of the shell is restrained in the
meridional direction. Find the stresses and displacements of the shell.
Engineering Data:
t = 0.05 in
R2 = 10.0 in
q = 200.0 psi
= 45.0 degrees
Theoretical Solution:
For the case of an internally pressurized spherical shell tangentially supported, the predicted stresses and
displacements are, after substituting the assumed values for E t and R 2 :
1 = 2 = --------2- = 20 000.psi
qR 2 1 – v
R 2 = --------------------------
- = 0.013340in
qR 2 1 – v 1 – cos
y = ------------------------------------------------------
- = 0.003907in
qR 2 1 – v sin
R = --------------------------------------
- = 0.009433in
The corresponding fringe plots for the radial displacement and the x-displacement in global coordinates
are shown in Figure 14-33 and Figure 14-34. The radial displacement plot gives R 2 whereas the max
value shown on the x-displacement plot corresponds to R . In Figure 14-35, the y-displacement in
global coordinates is plotted. The difference between the maximum and minimum y-displacements
corresponds to y above, or the change in vertical height for the shell. Fringe plots for the radial,
meridional and circumferential stresses are shown in Figure 14-36 through Figure 14-38. A
comparison of the Patran fringe plots with the MSC Nastran results shows an exact correlation between
the two.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob005.bdf, prob005.op2
Basic Model
Radial Displacements
Global X Displacements
Global Y Displacements
Radial Stresses
Meridional Stresses
Circumerential Stresses
Roark, R. J., and Young, W. C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975, pp.
Problem Description:
A thick walled cylinder with thick end caps is subjected to a uniform external pressure. Determine both
the radial and hoop displacement and stress state at the mid plane of the cylinder.
Engineering Data:
a = 6.0 in
b = 4.0 in
l = 11.0 in
t = 0.5 in
q = 1000.0 lb/in2
Theoretical Solution:
For the case of an externally pressurized thick walled cylinder with thick end caps, there is no closed form
solution. The nearest solution corresponds to a capped thick walled cylinder where the restraint afforded
by the end caps to radial and hoop contraction is ignored. The presence of the thick end caps would
necessarily reduce the radial and hoop displacement at the mid plane of the cylinder, resulting in lower
axial and hoop stresses. Only the radial stress would be left unaltered at the mid plane. However, a
substantial gradient in all of the stress components should be observed near the ends of the cylinder due
to bending of the end caps. Nevertheless, the classical closed form solution is useful in bounding the
actual displacements and stresses and is as follows. For the assumed values for E a b and q , the
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 43
Validation Problems
following results are obtained for an externally pressurized thick walled cylinder with negligible end
– qa
1 = ----------------- = – 1800 psi
2 2
a –b
2 2 2
qb a + r
2 = -------------------------------- = – 2600 psi at r = a = 6.0inches
2 2 2
r a – b
2 2
a +b
max 2 = q -----------------
- = – 3600 psi at r = b = 4.0inches
a –b
2 2 2
– qb a – r
3 = ---------------------------------- = 0 psi at r = b = 4.0inches
2 2 2
r a – b
2 2
– qa a 1 – 2v + b 1 + v
a = --------- --------------------------------------------------------
2 2
- = – 0.001006inches
E a –b
– qb a 2 – v
b = --------- ----------------------
- = – 0.001202inches
E a2 – b2
– ql a 1 – 2v -
l = -------- ------------------------- = – 0.000673 inches
E a2 – b2
a b l a b l
The fringe plots created of the radial displacement are shown in Figure 14-40 and Figure 14-41. The
range has been adjusted to better show the displacement at the center of the cylinder. Similarly, the radial
stress distribution is shown in Figure 14-42 and Figure 14-43; the hoop stress in Figure 14-44 and
Figure 14-45; and the axial stress in Figure 14-46 and Figure 14-47. A comparison of the Patran fringe
plots with the preceding tabular results clearly reveals that the MSC Nastran results are being accurately
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 45
Validation Problems
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob006.bdf, prob006.op2
Basic Models
One 3 Noded
One 6 Noded
Radial Displacement
6 Noded CTRIAX Elements
Radial Displacement
3 Noded CTRIAX Elements
Radial Stresses
6 Noded CTRIAX6 Elements
Radial Stresses
3 Noded CTRIAX ELements
Hoop Stresses
6 Noded CTRIAX Elements
Hoop Stresses
3 Noded CTRIAX Elements
Axial Stresses
6 Noded CTRIAX Elements
Axial Stresses
3 Noded CTRIAX Elements
Roark, R.J., and Young, W. C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975, pp.
Problem Description:
This is a repeat of Problem 6: Linear Statics, 2D Axisymmetric Solids, 42 with the exception that the
cylinder and end caps are entirely modeled with MSC Nastran 3D solid HEX8 elements. In addition, all
analytical results are recovered in a global cylindrical coordinate frame. This should produce results that
are identical to those recovered with CTRIAX6 2D axisymmetric solid elements.
50 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
Engineering Data:
a = 6.0 in
b = 4.0 in
l = 11.0 in
t = 0.5 in
q = 1000.0 psi
Theoretical Solution:
See Problem 6: Linear Statics, 2D Axisymmetric Solids, 42 for derivation and theoretical results.
Once again, the analytical results demonstrate the expected behavior. Namely, the presence of the end
caps reduces the inward radial contraction at the center of the cylinder. This reduces the predicted hoop
stress relative to the theoretical value. The only stress components that are unaffected are the radial stress
at the ID and OD of the cylinder and the axial stress at the mean radius of the cylinder. The percent error
that occurred relative to the theoretical values for the radial and axial stress are shown below. For
comparative purposes, the results that were obtained for a three noded CTRIAX6 element have been
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 51
Validation Problems
included, illustrating the excellent degree of correlation that exists when using either element type to
model axisymmetric structures.
Table 14-23 Radial Stresses, 3 *
a b l a b l
The corresponding fringe plots that were generated for the radial and axial displacement are shown in
Figure 14-50 and Figure 14-51. Similarly, fringe plots for the radial, hoop and axial stress are shown in
Figure 14-52, Figure 14-53, and Figure 14-54, respectively. In each of the fringe plots, the range has been
purposely adjusted to better show the gradient in displacement and stress that exists at the middle of the
cylinder. In addition, all stresses and displacements have been transformed to a cylindrical coordinate
52 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
frame. If the boundary conditions were properly applied, then an axisymmetric response should be
present, which is evident in each of fringe plots.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob007.bdf, prob007.op2
Basic Model
Figure 14-48 Solid Model of Thick Walled Cylinder with End Caps.
Applied Loads
and BCs
Radial Displacement
Axial Displacement
Radial Stresses
Hoop Stresses
Axial Stresses
Przemieniecki, J.S., Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1968, p. 155.
Problem Description:
A pinned joint truss is loaded with a force at one end and one of the components is heated uniformly to
an elevated temperature. Considering thermal effects, find the displacements of the truss joints and the
forces and stresses in each of the axial elements.
56 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
Engineering Data:
E = 1.0 10
= 1.0 10 / Deg F
A 1 = 1.0""in (Elements 1,3,5 and 6)
A 2 = 0.7071068""in Elements 2 and 4 u1
T = 100.Deg F (Elements 3 only) 3
F = 1000.0lb. T
6 v2
l =
5 u2
Theoretical Solution:
The theoretical solution was calculated by using the matrix equation on page 159 of the reference using
the values listed above for F and T . The results are as follows:
–3 –4
u 1 = – 1.272727 10 in u 2 = +7.272727 10 in
–3 –3
v 1 = +6.363636 10 in v 2 = +3.636364 10 in
Element Forces:
P i = ------- u i
Element Stresses:
2 2
1 = P 1 / A 1 = – 636.36 lb/in 4 = P 4 / A 2 = – 727.27 lb/in
2 2
2 = P 2 /A 2 = +1272.73 lb/in 5 = P 5 /A 5 = +363.64 lb/in
2 2
3 = P 3 /A 1 = +363.64 lb/in 6 = P 6 /A 6 = 0. lb/in
The corresponding color fringe plots that were made in Patran of the x- and y-components of
displacement are shown in Figure 14-56 and Figure 14-57, respectively. For the purposes of these plots,
the target entity was set to nodes and the averaging domain was specified as all entities. The rod forces
58 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
and stresses that were predicted by MSC Nastran are shown in Figure 14-58 and Figure 14-59,
respectively. Unlike displacements, it was necessary to set the target entity to elements and the averaging
domain to individual. This avoided having any averaging across adjacent elements which otherwise
would have given an inaccurate representation of the actual results. A closer inspection of these plots
reveals that the results that are being shown are in fact identical to those predicted by MSC Nastran.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob008.bdf, prob008.op2
Basic Model
with Loads and BCs
X Displacements
Y Displacements
Rod Forced
Rod Stresses
Timoshenko, S., and Woinowsky-Krieger, S., Theory of Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1959, p.
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 61
Validation Problems
Problem Description:
A square plate with clamped edges is loaded uniformly such that the center deflection exceeds the plate
thickness. Considering large deflection effects (small strain theory), find the deflection at the center of
the plate.
a = b = 100.0
h = 1.0
E = 2.0 10
v = 0.3
q = 2.0 10
Eh 10
- = 1.83 10
d = -------------------------
12 1 – v
Theoretical Solution:
The following diagram summarizes the theoretical solution for the case when large deflection effects are
both considered and ignored.
w max h , w max h ,
Element Type (Theory) (MSC Nastran) % Difference
QUAD4 1.20 1.26 5.0%
QUAD8 2.208 2.21 .091%
It should be noted that although both analyses were conducted using MSC Nastran, Solution 106 with
large deflection effects included, the analysis performed with CQUAD8 excluded any geometric
nonlinearities since this type of element has no finite strain formulation. This illustrates the care that must
be exercised when performing a nonlinear statics analysis with mixed element types. The same problem
exists for CTRIA3 and CTRIA6 elements.
CQUAD4 Model
with Loads and BCs
CQUAD8 Model
with Loads and BCs
Timoshenko, S., and Goodier, J. N., Theory of Elasticity, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1951, pp. 401-403.
Problem Description:
Six cubes are subjected to three independent linear temperature gradients in the
x-, y- and z- directions. The cubes are meshed with either HEX8, HEX20, WEDGE6, WEDGE15, TET4
or TET10 elements. Each cube is mounted on a weak elastic foundation so that the resultant thermal
expansion is unrestrained. Compute the Von Mises stress in each of the cubes.
Theoretical Solution:
In general, when the applied temperature is a linear function of x, y and z, the strain induced by free
thermal expansion is:
x = y = z = T x = y = z = 0 (a)
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 65
Validation Problems
x – T = --- x – v y + z
y – T = --- y – v x + z
z – T = --- z – v x + y
xy yz zx
xy = ------- , yz = ------- , zx = ------- ,
Equations (c) are not affected by temperature since free thermal expansion does not produce angular
distortion in an isotropic material. The remaining stress-strain relationships given by equations (b) can
only be satisfied after substitution of the strains due to free thermal expansion if
x = y = z = 0
Thus, a linear temperature gradient should produce no apparent stress, provided the expansion is
completely unrestrained.
The corresponding deformed shapes and von Mises stress contours that were generated using Patran are
shown in Figure 14-66 and Figure 14-67, clearly showing the high residual stresses that were generated
in both the degenerate WEDGE6 and TET4 elements. The peak values for the von Mises stress shown
are somewhat less than those shown in due to the nodal averaging of results at adjacent elements.
Ideally, the presence of a weak elastic support should have provided minimal restraint to thermal
expansion, resulting in a near zero stress state. This behavior was observed in both the HEX8 and HEX20
elements as well as the higher order TET10 and WEDGE15 elements. The extremely high stresses
observed with TET4 and WEDGE6 elements would not be unexpected since these elements tend to be
excessively stiff resulting in a loss of accuracy. Consequently, the results illustrate the care that must be
exercised when modeling with the solids and the need to avoid excessive use of degenerate elements,
especially in areas where high stress gradients are predicted to occur, such as at the vertices of the cubes
in this particular problem.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob010.bdf, prob010.op2
Deformed Shapes
Ugural, A.C., Stresses in Plates and Shells, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1981, pp. 41-42.
Roark, R.J., and Young, W.C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1975, p. 338.
Problem Description:
A flat annular plate is subjected to a uniform pressure. The inner edge is free and the outer edge simply
supported. Determine the maximum deflection of the plate.
Theoretical Solution:
The resultant deformation for a simply supported annular plate can be derived by summing the
deformations obtained for a flat circular plate subjected to the same pressure load, an annular plate
carrying along its inner edge a shear force per unit circumferential length of p o b/2 and an annular
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 69
Validation Problems
2 2
plate with a distributed radial bending moment of p o 3 + v a – b /16 . All of the plates have the
same outer radius and the both annular plates have the same inner radius.
According to reference (2), the maximum deflection occurs at the inner radius and is given by the
– p o a C 1 L 17
w max = -------------- --------------
- – L 11 (14-1)
D C7
C 1 = ------------ ln b
--- + 1 – v- a
----------- ---
--- – b (14-2)
2 a 4 b a
1 b 4 b 2 a
L 17 = --- 1 – ------------ 1 – --- – --- 1 + 1 + v ln ---
4 4 a a b
1 b 2 b 4 b 2 b 2 a
L 11 = ------ 1 + 4 --- – 5 --- – 4 --- 2 + --- ln --- (14-5)
64 a a a a b
D = -------------------------
- (14-6)
12 1 – v
70 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
For the purposes of this problem, models of a flat circular and annular plates where created in Patran
using the following dimensions, applied loading and material properties:
a = 8.0 in 7
E = 1.0 10 psi
b = 4.0 in v = 0.33
Due to axisymmetric response of the plate, all deformations are principally confined to the vertical, or z-
direction. The resultant vertical displacements as well as the hoop and radial stresses that were computed
for each of the three different subcases are shown in Figure 14-71 through Figure 14-79. The
displacement and stress contours have been superimposed upon an exaggerated deformed shape. The
resultant displacements and stresses that were derived by combining the results from each of the separate
subcases are shown in Figure 14-80 though Figure 14-82. An examination of Figure 14-80 indicates that
a maximum deformation of -0.8799 inches occurs at the inner radius of a flat annular plate subjected to a
uniform pressure of 50 psi. Note that for the combined stress plots, the averaging was set to Target Entities
to remove the influence of the stresses from the CTRIA3 elements.
Substitution of the model parameters into equations (14-1) through (14-6) yields a maximum deflection
at the inner radius of
w max = -0.8839 in
The value derived within Patran was -.8799 in, or a deviation of approximately 0.69% from the
theoretical value
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 71
Validation Problems
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob011_A.bdf, prob011_A.op2,
prob011_B.bdf, prob011_B.op2, prob011_C.bdf, prob011_C.op2
Annular Plate
with Edge Shear
Annular Plate
with Edge Moment
Timoshenko, S. P., and Gere, J. M., Theory of Elastic Stability, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1961, p. 48.
Problem Description:
Find the displaced position of a post-buckled column, fixed at one end with an applied axial load at the
other end.
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 79
Validation Problems
Engineering Data:
l = 20.0 inches
h = 1.0 inch o
d = 0.05 inch
E = 1 10 psi
v = .333 l
= 60 x2
3 –3 4
I 1 = 1/12 dh = 4.20 10 in
3 –5 4
I 2 = 1/12 hd = 1.04 10 in A
Theoretical Solution:
The post-buckled beam end coordinates and critical buckling load are given by the equations below. The
integrals K p and E p are known as the complex elliptical integral of the first and second kind,
respectively. Their values are typically listed as a function of sin-1(p). For a known deflection angle of
=60 , the required the load and tip deflection can be derived as shown here
2 2
x a = --- E p – l = ---------------- 1.4675 – 20 = 14.8161 in
k 0.0843
y a = 2p 2 0.5
------ = ---------------- = 11.8624 in
k 0.0843
2 2 8 –3
EI 1 10 4.2 10
P cr = ------------ = ------------------------------------------------------------ = 2590.77 lb
2 2
4l 4 20
--- 2
2 –1
Ep = 2
1 – p sin d = E sin p = E 30 = 1.4675
80 Results Postprocessing
Validation Problems
1 1 –1
k = --- K p = ------ 1.6858 = 0.0843 in
l 20
0 --------------------------------------
Kp = 2
d = K sin p = K 30 = 1.6858
1 – p sin
p = sin ---
sin p = /2=30
Source xa ya
The corresponding Patran fringe plots that were made of the horizontal and vertical displacements are
shown in Figure 14-84 through Figure 14-85. Deflection plots were set to True Scale as opposed to a
percentage of the model. The rotation about the global z-axis given in radians is shown in Figure 14-86.
For the purposes of evaluating the accuracy of these plots, it is necessary to use the following conversions:
x = y a
y = x a – 20.
where x and y are the MSC Nastran horizontal and vertical nodal displacements, respectively. Vector
plots of the translational and rotational displacements are shown in Figure 14-87 and Figure 14-88. After
making the appropriate conversions, it is apparent that the Patran results are identical to those obtained
with MSC Nastran.
Chapter 14: Verification and Validation 81
Validation Problems
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob012.bdf, prob012.op2
Horizontal Deflection
Vertical Deflection
Rotational Displacement
Tip Translations
Tip Rotations
McCormac, J.C., Structural Analysis, 3rd ed., New York: Intext Educational Publishers, 1975, p. 323, ex.
Problem Description:
A simply supported beam is hinged at one end and supported by lifting rollers at two other locations.
Allowing for lift-off to occur, determine the vertical deflections under the load points.
Engineering Data:
6 2 P 1 = 40000 lb
E = 29. 10 psi A = 83.3 in
4 P 2 = 10000 lb
l 1 = 15 ft I zz = 1000.0 in
l 2 = 10 ft I yy = 334.0 in
Theoretical Solution:
(Lift-off occurs at point D only)
Point B: U y = – 1.01 in
Point D: U y = +0.546 in
Chapter : Verification and Validation 2
The corresponding fringe plot that was made of the displacements with Patran is shown in Figure 14-2.
Here the fringe plot for displacements has been superimposed upon an exaggerated deformation plot. In
addition, the maximum and minimum values for the vertical displacements are shown at the nodes where
they occur. These values are clearly identical to the MSC Nastran results.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob012.bdf, prob012.op2
Lift-off Deflection
Blevins, R.D., Formulas For Natural Frequency and Mode Shape, Kreiger Publishing Co., 1984, p. 50.
Problem Description:
Four equal masses are linked by five equal springs. Assuming that all motion is confined to the linear
axis of the springs, determine the natural frequencies for the first four modes.
Engineering Data:
k = 100 -----
Chapter : Verification and Validation 4
lb – sec
M = 2.0 ----------------------
Theoretical Solution:
For a system consisting of four equal masses and five springs, the natural frequencies of and mode are
given by the equations below. Substituting in the values for the mass and spring constants yields the
following natural frequencies for the first four mode shapes:
4 i k 1/2 f 1 = 0.6955 Hz
f i = ---------- ----- ; i = 1, 2, 3, 4
2 M
f 2 = 1.3230 Hz
i f 3 = 1.8209 Hz
4 i = 2 sin --- ---
5 2
f 4 = 2.1406 Hz
f1 f2 f3 f4
MSC Nastran 0.6955 1.3230 1.8209 2.1406
Theory 0.6955 1.3230 1.8209 2.1406
%, Difference 0.0% 0.0% 0.0% 0.0%
Due to the fact that all of the mode shapes merely involve horizontal displacements of the four masses,
the mode shapes cannot be readily discerned by making combined fringe and deformation plots of the
translational displacements associated with each eigenvector. Instead, vector plots were made of the
translational displacement that were superimposed upon the deformed shape of the eigenvectors. In this
way, the vectors would be drawn at the displaced position of each node, or mass. The eigenvectors and
natural frequencies that were generated by Patran for the first modes are plotted in Figure 14-4 through
Figure 14-7. Note that the natural frequencies recovered through Patran are identical to those obtained
with MSC Nastran.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob014.bdf, prob014.op2
Basic Model
Mode 1, Freq=0.6955 Hz
Blevins, R.D., Formulas For Natural Frequency And Mode Shape, Kreiger Publishing Co., 1984, p. 240.
Problem Description:
Find the natural frequencies and mode shapes for a simply supported flat circular plate.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 8
Engineering Data:
a = radius = 4.0 inches
h = thickness = 0.25 inches
E = elastic modulus = 107 psi
–5 2 3
= weight per unit area = 6.5 10 lb-sec / in
Theoretical Solution:
For simply supported flat circular plate, the natural frequencies are given by the following expression:
2 1/2
i j Eh
Natural Frequency (hertz), f ij = ------------2 -----------------------------
;i = 0 1 2,...; j = 0, 1, 2,...
2a 12 1 –
j 0 1 2
0 4.977 13.94 25.65
1 29.76 48.51 70.14
2 74.20 102.8 134.3
3 138.3 176.8 218.2
The natural frequencies for various modes are listed and shown below.
f 00 = 734.53 hz
f 20 = 3785.55 hz
f 01 = 4392.13 hz
f 02 = 10950.81 hz
f 00 f 10 f 20 f 01 f 11 f 02
Theory 734.53 2057.33 3785.55 4392.13 7159.35 10950.81
MSC Nastran 721.37 2034.82 3713.55 4238.06 6941.60 10125.20
%, Difference -1.79% -1.09% -1.90% -3.51% -3.04% -7.54%
The corresponding combined fringe and deformation plots that were made for each of these modes are
shown in Figure 14-10 through Figure 14-13 where the corresponding mode number and frequency have
been clearly labeled.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 10
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob015.bdf, prob015.op2
Basic Model
Blevins, R.D., Formulas For Natural Frequency and Mode Shape, Kreiger Publishing Co,. 1984, p. 240.
Problem Description:
This is a repeat of Problem 15: Normal Modes, Shells and Cylindrical Coordinates, 7 which is to find the
natural frequencies and mode shapes for a simply supported flat circular plate. In this instance, however,
perform the calculation using cubic shell p-elements.
Theoretical Solution:
See Problem 15: Normal Modes, Shells and Cylindrical Coordinates, 7.
modes. The lack of an appropriate number of degrees of freedom necessarily precluded capturing some
of the higher modes which typically exhibit considerably more complex shapes.
The following natural frequencies were calculated for some of the various modes.
f 00 f 10 f 20 f 01 f 11 f 02
Theory 734.53 2057.33 3785.55 4392.13 7159.35 10950.81
MSC Nastran 726.71 2037.80 3736.80 4377.78 7259.80 11178.31
%, Difference -1.06% 0.95% -1.29% -0.33% 1.40% 2.08%
The corresponding combined fringe and deformation plots that were made with Patran for each of these
modes are shown in Figure 14-16 through Figure 14-20 where the mode number and frequency have been
clearly labeled. A comparison of these figures with the figures of Problem 15: Normal Modes, Shells and
Cylindrical Coordinates, 7 clearly shows that the predicted mode shapes are being accurately predicted by
MSC Nastran and displayed with Patran. In addition, it is interesting to note that the use of higher order
pshell elements gives comparable accuracy for the first couple of primary modes but gives noticeably
more accurate results for the higher order modes, the error being typically about one-fourth or less.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob016.bdf, prob016.op2
Roark, R.J., and Young, W.C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill, Book Company,
1975, p. 556.
Problem Description:
Find the critical buckling pressure for a thin wailed cylinder with closed ends subjected to a uniform
external pressure both laterally and longitudinally. Assume the endcaps and cylinder have the same
thickness and that the ends are held circular.
Engineering Data:
E = elastic modulus = 1 10 psi
l = length = 20 inches
q = pressure
Theoretical Solution:
For a thin walled cylinder with closed ends subjected to a uniform external pressure both axially and
longitudinally, the critical buckling pressure is given by the following expression:
2 2
r 2 2
- 1 + ------
r 1 n t
q crit = ---------------------------2- --------------------------------------- + -------------------------------
1 r 2 2 2 2 nl
1 + --- ------ n 2 1 + ------ 12r 1 –
2 nl r
where n equals the number of lobes formed by the tube when it buckles.
Upon substitution of the engineering design parameters into the preceding equation, it can be shown that
the minimum buckling pressure corresponds to a three lobed buckling mode shape. This occurs at a
critical pressure equal to:
The corresponding mode shape was plotted with Patran and is shown in Figure 14-23. The mode shape
clearly shows two distinct lobes present on the half of the cylinder that was modeled, with an additional
lobe present on the other half that was not included due to symmetry.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob017.bdf, prob017.op2
Roark, R. J., and Young, W. C., Formulas For Stress and Strain, 5th ed., McGraw-Hill Book Company,
1975, p. 551.
Problem Description:
A simply supported flat rectangular plate is subjected to a uniform compressive edge load. Find the
critical buckling edge load and corresponding buckling mode shape.
Engineering Data:
E = elastic modulud = 1 10 psi
t = thickness = .1 inches
a = length = 16 inches
b = width = 4 inches
Theoretical Solution:
For a simply supported plate subjected to edge pressures x and y , the critical edge pressure required
to induce buckling is given by:
2 n
2 2 2 2
m n E
x crit ------2 + y crit ----2- = 0.823 --------------2- t m
------ + -----
a b 1– a 2
Here m and n signify the number of half-waves in the buckled plate in the x and y directions respectively.
Assuming that:
x crit = y crit =
m = n = 1
Substitution of the design parameters for the plate yields a critical edge pressure of:
= 6133.13 psi
shapes were calculated. Lastly, compressive edge pressures were modeled as distributed edge loads equal
to the edge pressure multiplied by the plate thickness. Using this model, MSC Nastran calculated the
critical edge pressure to be:
Table 14-7 Critical Edge Pressure
Theory = 6133.13 psi
MSC Nastran = 6133.25 psi
%, Difference 0.002%
The corresponding buckling mode shape that was plotted using Patran is shown in Figure 14-25. The
mode shape plot clearly reveals the presence of a half-sine wave in either the x or y directions, which
would correspond to m = n = 1.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob018.bdf, prob018.op2
Element Type:
CHEX8, Standard Formulation
Crandall, S. H., Dahl, N.C., and Lardner, T.J., An Introduction to the Mechanics of Solids, 2nd ed., Mc-
Graw Hill Book Company, 1972, pp. 293-297.
Problem Description:
A thick walled cylinder is subjected to a sudden internal pressure of 10 psi. Find the peak radial
displacement in the cylinder due to the sudden application of the pressure.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 24
Engineering Data:
ri = 6.0 inches
r0 = 12.0 inches
h = 8.0 inches
E = 30.0 x 106 psi
= .28 lbs / in
= 0.0
P = 10.0 psi
Theoretical Results:
For a single degree-of-freedom system, an instantaneously applied load will give a maximum
displacement that is twice the static displacement at the same applied loading.
0 7 10
1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9
t (microseconds)
Using the same model, a static analysis was performed with a constant internal pressure of 10.0 psi. The
results for both the static and transient analysis are summarized below.
Table 14-8 Transient vs. Static Results
Displacement Peak Transient Displacement
–6 –6
Position x10 x10 Ratio Transient/Static
ri 3.325737 6.534348 1.965
An XY Plot that was generated by Patran of the transient radial displacement at inner, mean, and outer
radius is shown in Figure 14-28. In this figure nodes 120, 123 and 126 correspond to the inner, mean and
outer radius, respectively. The results clearly show the expected oscillatory behavior characteristic of an
undamped response. The corresponding static results are shown in Figure 14-29 where the radial
displacement has been plotted against radius.
A fringe plot of the static radial displacements is shown in Figure 14-27. Both the fringe and xyplots
clearly show peak values that agree with he preceding MSC Nastran results.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob019_T.bdf, prob019_T.op2,
prob019_S.bdf, prob019_S.op2
MSC.Nastran Demonstration Problem Manual, Version 65
Problem Description:
The transient response is required of a two dimensional truss mounted on an elastic foundation and
subjected to a time dependent base excitation. The truss is shown below and consists of bars of varying
Chapter : Verification and Validation 28
cross-section with localized concentrated masses. The horizontal acceleration that is applied to the base
is shown plotted in Figure 14-30.
16 18 17
13 14
XB 9 10
6 4 5 7
2 3
Engineering Data:
Table 14-9 Bar Properties Foundation Stiffness
Bar ID Area I1
1 36.91371 2549.353
2 through 5 30.63052 1456.865
6,7,13,14 266.83900 47701.650
8 30.63052 1456.865
6 through 12 24.34734 731.942
15, 18 147.65490 40789.650
16, 17 162.57740 24234.200
19, 20 537.21123 22965.830
Theoretical Solution:
For this particular problem there exists no simple closed form solution. The only real means of
ascertaining the accuracy of a MSC Nastran analysis model is to ensure that the base acceleration
matches the intended profile of the applied excitation. This is a basic check that should always be
performed, especially when using the large mass method to simulate an enforced base motion.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 30
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob020.bdf, prob020.op2
Timoshenko, S., and Goodier, J. N., Theory of Elasticity, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1951, pp. 492-
Juvinall, R.C., Engineering Consideration of Stress, Strain and Strength, McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1967,
pp. 185-188.
Problem Description:
A rod of uniform cross section is fixed at one end and a constant force is suddenly applied to its free end.
A stress wave results that propagates along the length of the rod. Determine the stress history at both the
free and fixed ends of the rod as well as the displacement history at the free end.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 34
Engineering Data:
L = rod length = 100.0 m A = cross-sectional area of the rod = 1.0 m2
E = elastic modulus = 103 N/m2 = Poissons Ratio = 0.3
= mass density = 0.1 kg / m c = E/ = 100.0 m/sec = stress wave velocity
Theoretical Solution:
Due to the constant force, F, applied at the free end of the rod, the stress at the free end remains constant
and is simply equal to
= –F
--- = – 1000.0 N/m +
Before the stress wave first reaches the fixed end, the stress at the fixed end is zero. As soon as the stress
wave arrives at the fixed end, it is reflected and produces a stress equal to 2 at the fixed end. The stress
remains unchanged until the wave front returns to this point. The compressive wave leaves the fixed end
and upon reaching the free end it is once again reflected, but this time as a tensile wave. When this tensile
wave arrives at the fixed end and is reflected, the stress at the fixed end becomes zero. This zero stress
state will again remain unchanged for another complete cycle of the stress wave motion.
The displacement time history at the free end can be expressed as
L x t
ut = 0 ----------------
, u t = –----------
t for 0 t 2
– FL
u t = u t = 2 + ---------- t – 2 for 2 t 4
Thus, the displacement at the free end is a linear function of time during each interval it takes the stress
wave to completely traverse the rod.
t = -----------------------
4 n max
where n ma x is the highest natural frequency in cycles per second of all of the modes of interest in the
model. In this instance, this would mandate that modal frequencies be at least greater than the frequency
associated with one complete cycle for the stress wave to completely traverse the rod, or 0.5 cycles per
second. For the purposes of this analysis, an integration time increment of 0.025 seconds was used. In
addition, a slight amount of damping was introduced to reduce the overall occurrence of any oscillations
in the solution.
Stress history plots that were made with Patran of the MSC Nastran results are shown in Figure 14-37
and Figure 14-38 for the fixed and free ends of the rod, respectively. The displacement history at the free
end of the rod is shown plotted in Figure 14-39. Despite the presence of the damping, the results do
exhibit some slight oscillations, especially whenever a stress wave is reflected as well as upon initial
application of the loading. However, these oscillations are rapidly attenuated. Overall, the results
demonstrate the correct periodicity of the stress and displacement at both the fixed and free ends of the
Table 14-12 Maximum Displacement, t=2 Seconds
Theory 200.00 m
MSC Nastran 200.98 m
%, Difference 0.49%
MSC Nastran – 2264.6 N / m
%, Difference 13.23%
Chapter : Verification and Validation 36
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob021.bdf, prob021.op2
Figure 14-37 Stress History Plot at Element 20, the Free End.
Timoshenko, S., and Goodier, J.N., Theory of Elasticity, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1951, pp. 497-
April 1986 Application Note, Application Manual Section 5.
Problem Description:
A rod with a fixed end is struck by a moving mass at its other end. Let v 0 be the initial velocity of the
mass prior to impact. Consider the mass of the body to be infinitely rigid and the velocity at the free end
of the rod at the instant of impact to also be equal to v 0 . Determine the time history of stress and
displacement at the free end of the rod as well as the duration of the impact and the maximum stress in
the rod.
Engineering Data:
L = rod length = 100.0 m 2
A = cross-sectional of the rod = 1.0 m
3 2 = Poissons Ratio = .3
E = elastic modulus = 10 N / m
= 0.1 kg / m
m = rod mass = AL = 10.0 kg
Rod mass = m
Theoretical Solution
At the instant of impact, an initial compressive stress is generated at the free end of the rod equal to:
0 = v 0 E
or upon substitution:
0 = – 1.0 N / m
After impact, the resistance of the bar will cause the velocity of the moving body to decrease and hence
the pressure on the bar will decrease as well, causing a reduction in the compressive stress in the bar.
Thus, there exists a compressive wave characterized by a decreasing compressive stress traveling along
the length of the bar. The change in compressive stress with time can easily be determined from the
equation of motion of the body. Letting denote the variable compressive stress at the free end of the
bar and v the variable velocity of the body yields:
M ------ + = 0
or upon substituting
= -----------
----------- d
------- + = 0
E dt
from which
t E-
= 0 e
The instant when the stress at the free end of the rod becomes zero indicates the end of impact. In general
the duration of the impact increases as decreases. Calculations of Saint-Venant give the following
values for impact duration:
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob022.bdf, prob022.op2
Thomson, W. T., Theory of Vibration with Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972, pp. 45-52.
Problem Description:
A spring mass system is constrained to move in the vertical direction and is excited by a rotating machine
that is unbalanced as shown below. The unbalance is represented by an eccentric mass, m, with
eccentricity, e, which is rotating at an angular velocity, . Determine the undamped resonant frequency
as well as the amplitude at this frequency when the damping is varied.
Engineering Data:
k = spring constant = 1000.0 lbf / inch
c = 2.5, 10.0 or 30.0 lbf-sec / inch
e = 0.1 inch
m = eccentric mass = .0633 lb-sec / inch
M = total mass = .25 lb-sec / inch
----- -
MX n
----- --- = -------------------------------------------------------------------
me 2 2 2
1 – ------ + 2 ------
n n
X = -------
lb-sec2/inch. The ends of the rod were constrained to move in the y, or vertical, direction only. The ends
of the rod were attached to grounded springs, each with a stiffness of 500 lbs/inch. The center of the rod
was attached to a grounded damper. In addition, at the center of the rod, the force due to the rotation of
the eccentric mass was applied. A plot of the applied force versus frequency is shown in Figure 14-44.
Using this model, a frequency response analysis was performed whereby the frequency and rotational
loading was varied over a range of 0 to 30 hertz. The displacement at the center of the rod was recovered
and is shown plotted in Figure 14-45. Here the MSC Nastran results have been plotted with the aid of
Patran for each of the damping ratios that were examined. The magnitude of the complex results is
plotted. The results clearly reveal the presence of a resonant spike occurring at about 10 hertz that
becomes rapidly attenuated as the damping is increased. At the highest damping level, a critically
damped response is highly evident that is characterized by the absence of any amplification in the
displacement at the resonant frequency.
Table 14-15 Amplitude at Resonant Frequency
Source = 0.0790569 = 0.0400509 = 0.948683
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob023_1.bdf, prob023_1.op2,
prob023_2.bdf, prob023_2.op2, prob023_3.bdf, prob023_3.op2
Thomson, W.T., Theory of Vibration with Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972, pp. 45-49.
Problem Description:
A long thin cantilevered plate has a concentrated mass suspended from its free end by two parallel
springs. The base of the plate is excited by a sinusoidal excitation producing a peak unit acceleration.
Find the resultant acceleration response of the suspended mass and the tip of the plate over a frequency
range of zero to 100 hertz.
Engineering Data:
l = 12.0 inches
w = 2.0 inches
t = 0.5 inches
k = 50 lbf / inch
E = elastic modulus = 10 psi
= mass density of plate = 0.026 lbf-sec / inch
4 t
m = end mass = 0.5 lbf-sec / inch
= critial damping ratio = 0.1
Theoretical Solution:
For the cantilevered plate and suspended mass, the application of a sinusoidal base excitation will
produce a resonant spike at each of the mode shapes associated with the end mass and with the tip of the
plate. The amplitude induced at resonance will be a function of the amount of damping present. To
determine where the expected resonant points occur, it is first necessary to estimate the natural
frequencies for the end mass and plate.
First consider the end mass. This mass is suspended by two parallel springs whose total combined
stiffness is simply the sum of the two. However, this combined spring is in series with another spring
determined by the stiffness of the plate. For a cantilevered plate, the spring stiffness is given by:
k plate = ---------
The total effective combined stiffness of the plate and the end springs is given by
2k k pla te
k total = -------------------------- = 78.34 lbf / inch
2k + k pla te
1 k
f mas s = ------ ---- = 1.993 hertz
2 m
f i = ----------2- ---------------
EI 1/2
m plate
1 = 1.875 2 = 4.694
Since there exists a single resonant frequency associated with the motion of the end mass that lies within
the frequency range of interest, the application of a unit base acceleration should cause a resonant
response only at frequencies in the vicinity of 1.933 hertz. In contrast, for a point situated on the end of
the plate, two additional resonant spikes will occur at frequencies near 10.99 hertz and 68.89 hertz.
For a harmonically excited damped oscillator, the width of the resonant spike is expressed by the factor
Q which is defined as:
1 n
Q = ------ = -------n- = -------------------
2 1 – 2
where 1 and 2 refer to those frequencies above and below n where the response is approximately 70
percent of the response that occurs when = n . These frequencies are referred to as the half power
points. If the damping remains fixed over the entire frequency range of interest, then the bandwidth about
Chapter : Verification and Validation 48
the resonant points must be noticeably greater at the higher natural frequencies. Thus, a very narrow band
response should be observed at low frequencies becoming increasingly broadband at the natural
frequencies associated with the higher modes.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob024_1.bdf, prob024_1.op2,
prob024_2.bdf, prob024_2.op2
MODE 1, Freq.=2.0054 Hz
MODE 2 Freq.=12.84 Hz
MODE3, Freq.=71.134 Hz
Figure 14-50 Acceleration Responses of Plate Tip, End Mass, and Base.
Thomson, W.T., Theory of Vibration with Applications, Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1972, pp. 41, 108, 158.
Problem Description
This is a repeat of Problem 24: Modal Frequency Response, Enforced Base Motion with Modal Damping
and Rigid Body Elements, 46 with the exception that cubic QUAD16 pshell elements were used to model
the plate. See this problem for a description of the model and all relevant engineering data.
Theoretical Solution
See Problem 24: Modal Frequency Response, Enforced Base Motion with Modal Damping and Rigid Body
Elements, 46
frequency range of interest, or zero to 100 hertz. As before, base masses were chosen that were on the
order of 106 times the mass of the plate and the suspended end mass. This would ensure that the desired
enforced motion was being imparted at the base of the plate. In addition, a constant 10% critical modal
damping was assumed.
Using the preceding model, a modal analysis was performed to determine all of the relevant modes that
existed in the frequency range between zero and 100 hertz. The results of this analysis showed the
existence of three distinct modes at the following frequencies:
Table 14-16 Predicted Natural Frequencies
Mode Number Natural Frequency (Hertz)
1 2.009
2 12.984
3 72.613
The corresponding mode shapes were identical to those shown in Figure 14-47 through Figure 14-49 of
Problem 24: Modal Frequency Response, Enforced Base Motion with Modal Damping and Rigid Body
Elements, 46. In addition, the predicted natural frequencies closely matched those that were obtained
with linear CQUAD4 elements, which were 2.0054, 12.840 and 71.134 hertz. The results of a frequency
response analysis are shown in Figure 14-52. Here the predicted accelerations at the base and tip of the
plate and as well as at the suspended mass have been plotted versus frequency. The results show the
correct response. Namely, resonant spikes are clearly evident at each of the predicted natural frequencies.
The acceleration plot for the end mass shows a single resonance point since only one modes exit below
100 hertz. In contrast, the acceleration plot for the plate tip shows three distinct resonance peaks that
correspond to the three predicted modes. A constant unit acceleration is predicted at the base of the plate,
indicating that a large enough mass was used when modeling the base in order to impart the desired
enforced motion. A comparison of the acceleration profiles plotted in Figure 14-47 with those shown in
Figure 14-50 of Problem 24, clearly indicate that nearly identical results were obtained when using either
QUAD4 elements with a standard h-shell formulation or QUAD16 cubic elements with a p-formulation.
The actual peak accelerations that were obtained with both element types are summarized below.
Table 14-17 Peak Accelerations for Suspended Mass
Element Type Peak Acceleration, Mode 1
QUAD4 2.798
QUAD16 2.795
%, Difference -0.107%
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob025.bdf, prob025.op2
Figure 14-52 Acceleration Responses of Plate Tip, End Mass, and Base.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 54
Thompson, W.T., Theory of Vibration With Applications, Prentice-Hall,1972, pp. 23-27.
Blevins, R.D., Formulas For Natural Frequency And Mode Shape, Kreiger Publishing Co., 1979, p. 77.
Problem Description:
Three equal masses are each supported by a massless pendulum. Each pendulum is in turn coupled to the
other two pendulums by a linear spring. In addition, there is a rotational damper located at the pivot point
for each pendulum. Assuming that each damper has a different strength, determine the complex modes
and natural frequencies for this coupled spring-mass system.
Engineering Data:
L = 5 inches
a = 5 inches
k = 500 lbf / inch
M = 0.01 lbf - sec 2 / inch
C1 = 120 lbf - sec
C2 = 60 lbf - sec
C3 = 20 lbf - sec
Theoretical Solution:
For the undamped case, there are three modes associated with the angular displacements for each
pendulum. The relative angular displacement for each mode are as follows:
1 1 1 1
2 = 1 , 0 , –2
3 1 –1 1
1/2 1/2
1 g 1/2 1 ka
1 2
f 1 = ------ --- , f 2 = ------ --g- + ----------
- , f 3 = ------ --g- + 3ka
2 L 2 L ML 2 2 L ML 2
where g refers to gravitational constant, or 386.4 inches/sec2. Substituting in the assumed engineering
values yields the following undamped natural frequencies:
When damping is present, the damped natural frequency is given by the expression:
d = n 1 –
d = n 1 –
= critial damping ratio = ----------
c crit
and ccrit is the critical damping required to just suppress any oscillatory motion. For a simple pendulous
mass, ccrit can be expressed as:
c crit = 2ML n
To estimate the natural frequencies for the three damped oscillators, the average critical damping ratio is
120 + 60 + 20
c = ---------------------------------- = 66.67 lbf - sec
For the first mode, all of the masses are moving in unison. Thus, the most highly damped pendulum
would dominate. However, since this pendulum has a damping rate of 120 lbf - sec, this yields a value of
1 , indicating that an overdamped situation should exist so that a non oscillatory mode with essentially
zero frequency should result.
Similarly, the second pendulum has a damping rate of 60 lbf - sec which is approximately equal to the
average overall damping. Thus, 1 when the second oscillator dominates. When the is equal to one,
a critically damped situation exists which is once again characterized by non-oscillatory motion. Thus,
there should be a second damped mode characterized by a natural frequency essentially equal to zero.
In the case of the second undamped mode, the motion is confined principally to the first and third
pendulums. The lack of motion at the center pendulum effectively isolates the more lightly damped
pendulum, thereby permitting an oscillatory motion to occur. Estimating the critical damping on the basis
of the second undamped natural frequency gives:
c crit = 2ML 2f 2 = 111.891 lbf - sec
Chapter : Verification and Validation 56
c 66.667
---------- ------------------- 0.595
c crit 111.891
This gives an estimated damped frequency for the second mode that is equal to:
f d mode 2 f 2 1 – 28.626 hertz
c 66.667
---------- ------------------- 0.344
c crit 193.891
f d mode 3 f 3 1 – 57.896 hertz
The corresponding mode shapes were plotted using Patran and are shown in Figure 14-54 through
Figure 14-57. Because of the presence of nonuniform damping, animation of any one of these modes will
show a distinct phase difference in the motion of the individual pendulums.
The complex modal frequencies agree quite closely with the estimated values. As expected, the first two
modes involve motion of all three pendulums. The higher damping associated with two of the pendulums
produces an overdamped condition which results in a modal frequency of essentially zero. The third
mode primarily involves motion of the outermost pendulums, which corresponds to the second
undamped mode shape. The predicted value of 27.129 hertz for this mode agrees very closely with the
estimated value of 28.626 hertz. Similarly, the fourth mode is characterized primarily by motion at the
center pendulum which corresponds to the third undamped mode. The predicted modal frequency of
55.802 hertz once again agrees very favorably with the estimated value of 57.896 hertz.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob026.bdf, prob026.op2
Basic Model
Mode 1
Freq = 1.9947E-20 Hz
Mode 2
Freq = 4.776E-12 Hz
Mode 2
Freq = 27.129 Hz
Mode 4
Freq =55.802 Hz
MSC Nastran Thermal Analysis User’s Guide, Vol. 68, pp. 154-158.
Problem Description:
Four parallel plates radiate to each other and to the external ambient environment, assumed to be a perfect
blackbody at a temperature of zero degrees K. If one of the plates is held at a constant temperature of
2000 K , find the temperature of the other three plates.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 60
Engineering Data:
A = area of plates = 1.0 meters
T = 0.0 K
–8 4
= 5.67 10 W / m K
Theoretical Solution:
For the four parallel plates, the theoretical value of the view factor, F, between successive plates is F = 0.2
1 = 5.0
1 - = ------
--------------------- 1 - = 1.25
A1 – F 0.8
T 1 = 2000.0 K
= 1.0
1 – - = 0.0
4 4 4 4
T 1 T 1 – T 2 T 1
- = ------------------------------
- + -----------
1.0206 5.0 1.25
4 4 4 4 4
T 1 – T 2 T 2 – T 3 T 2
------------------------------- = ------------------------------
- + ------------
5.0 5.0 0.625
4 4 4 4 4
T 2 – T 3 T 3 – T 4 T 3
------------------------------- = ------------------------------
- + ------------
5.0 5.0 0.625
4 4 4
T 3 – T 4 T 4
------------------------------- = -----------
5.0 1.25
T 2 = 1127.57 K
T 3 = 637.28 K
T 4 = 426.18 K
Source T2 T3 T4
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob027.bdf, prob027.op2
Temperature, Deg K
MSC.Nastran Thermal Analysis User’s Guide, Vol. 68, pp. 188-191.
Problem Description:
A cube of water is exposed to an ambient environment that is below the freezing point of water. In
addition, the water is at an uniform initial temperature that is above the freezing point. Forced convection
occurs along the lateral faces of the cube. Determine the time it takes for freezing to first occur as well
as the total time required for all of the water to freeze.
Engineering Data:
l = 0.1 meter
h = convective film coefficient = 100 W/m C
L = latent heat of formation = 3.34 10 J / kg
T c = freezing poing = 0 C
T = 2.0 C = temperature range for freezing
Theoretical Solution:
If no phase change occurs, the heat balance equation is:
c p V ------ = – hA T – T
c p Vln T – T / T 2 – T = hA T 2 – T 1
The elapsed time required for complete freezing to occur is calculated from the following expression:
t c = V L + c p T / hA T c + 0.5T – T
2 3
A = 0.06 m V = 0.001 m T c = 0.0 C T = 2.0 C,
5 2 3
L = 3.34 10 J / Kg, h = 100.0 W/ m w = 1000.0 Kg / m
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob028.bdf, prob028.op2
Chapman, A.J., Heat Transfer, 3rd ed., New York, MacMillan Publishing Co., Inc., 1974, p. 76.
Problem Description:
A fin of circular cross section is maintained at 250 o F at one end. The fin extends into air at an ambient
temperature of 70 o F. Assuming a material conductivity of 132 Btu /hr-ft-oF and a surface convective
film coefficient of 1.6 Btu / hr-ft 2-o F, determine the steady state temperature distribution along the
length of the rod.
Engineering Data:
L = 1 ft
d = diameter = 0.04167 ft TBASE = 250 oF TFLUID = 70 oF
Tfluid = 70 o F
Theoretical Solution:
Assuming only 1D heat transfer along the length of the fin as well as no convective heat loss at the tip,
the theoretical temperature distribution is
cosh ml – x
T = T base – T fluid ---------------------------------
cosh ml
4h 4 1.6
m = ------ = ---------------------------------
kd 1
0.63 ---------------
2 12
= 1.079 ---
Substituting for m, gives the following steady state temperatures at four positions along the fin.
X/L T (o F)
.25 217.0243
.50 196.0559
.75 183.7156
1.00 179.7002
Using the model shown in Figure 14-64, the nodal temperatures were computed. A fringe plot of the
steady state temperature distribution that was generated by Patran is shown in Figure 14-65. Here the
fringe labels have been included to better show the actual nodal values.
Table 14-22 Temperatures Along Cooling Fin
Source .25 .50 .75 1.00
Theory 217.0243 196.0559 183.7156 179.7002
MSC Nastran 217.7879 196.3183 184.0306 180.0316
%, Difference 0.035% 0.013% 0.172% 0.184%
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob029.bdf, prob029.op2
Przemieniecki, J.S., Theory of Matrix Structural Analysis, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1968, p. 155.
Problem Description:
A pinned joint truss is loaded with a force at one end and one of the components is heated uniformly to
an elevated temperature. Considering thermal effects, determine the freebody loads for each of the
members in the truss.
Chapter : Verification and Validation 70
Engineering Data:
This is a repeat of Problem 8: Linear Statics, Pinned Truss Analysis, 55 except that the freebody forces
will be plotted.
E = 1.0 10 F
= 1.0 10 / Deg F 2
A 1 = 1.0 in
(Elements 1, 3, 5 and 6) 6
3 T
A 2 = 0.7071068 in
(Elements 2 and 4) 5 4
T = +100. Deg F (Elements 3 only)
F = 1000.0 lb.
l = 20. in
Theoretical Solution:
See Problem 8: Linear Statics, Pinned Truss Analysis, 55.
File(s):<install_dir>/results_vv_files/prob030.bdf, prob030.op2
Basic Model
with Loads
and BCs
Freebody Force
Bar 1
Freebody Force
Bar 2
Freebody Force
Bar 3
Freebody Force
Bar 4
Freebody Force
Bar 5
Freebody Force
Bar 6
Results Postprocessing
animation, 6, 2, 4, 6, 1 data types, 3
2D, 8, 6 default settings, 23
3D, 8, 6 definitions, 5
bounce, 8 other, 10
cycle, 8 plot attributes, 8
deformed shape, 8 plot targets, 9
frames, 8, 6, 8 plots, 6
fringe plot, 8 results, 5
modal, 8, 6 deformation, 2, 4
pause, 8 deformation plots, 6, 1
ramped, 8, 6 delete
stop, 8 plots, 32
transient, 6 results, 34
animation options, 4, 7, 5, 8 demo results, 16
applied loads, 6 derive, 11
associativity, 4 derive results, 1
averages, 7 display attributes
averaging, 11 deformations, 6
freebody, 12
B fringes, 6, 5
beam plots, 1 graphs, 8
markers, 8, 16
reports, 7, 8
C tensors, 8, 16
capabilities, 12 vectors, 8, 16
combine results, 1, 3 display attributes, scalars, 16
complex numbers, 5
complex results
theory, 5 E
coordinate systems, 2 element position, 6, 7
global projected, 2
coordinate tranformation, 11
load & BCs, 14
create results, 13
cursor plots, 1
77 Results Postprocessing
examples, 9 M
animation, 12, 10, 11, 17, 12 magnitude, 9, 14
beam plots, 18 marker plots, 6, 1
combined plot, 10, 11, 10, 18, 23 maximum shear stress, 9, 13
deformation, 10 maximums, 7
freebody, 19 minimums, 7
fringe, 9, 10, 9 modal animation, 8, 6
graphs, 12 modify results, 27
max/min extraction, 19
quick plot, 9
reports, 16
numerical forms, 5
subcase superposition, 17
vector, 15, 20
external loads, 6 O
extrapolation, 10 octahedral shear stress, 9, 11
other loads, 6
overview, 2
filter results, 20
formatting reports, 7, 8 P
freebody, 6 PCL expressions, 9
freebody loads, 6 PCL functions, 7
freebody plots, 1 plot attributes, 8
freebody results, 2 plot definitions, 6
fringe, 2, 4 plot options
fringe plots, 6, 1 deformations, 8
fringes, 8, 7
graphs, 10
G markers, 12, 17
global variables, 5, 3
tensors, 12, 17
graph plots, 7
vectors, 12, 17
graphs, 1
plot options, scalars, 17
plot targets, 9
H plots
hydrostatic stress, 9, 11 animation, 6
deformation, 6
I freebody, 6
internal loads, 6 fringe, 6
interpolation, 11, 7 graph (XY), 7
invariant stresses, 9, 12 marker, 6
tensor, 6
vector, 6
L post/unpost results, 29
layer position, 6, 19, 6
posting ranges, 31
limitations, 12
primary results, 5
load cases, 5, 3
principal stresses, 9
scalar results, 5
theory, 3
select results, 15
freebody, 8
results, 14, 13
sums, 7
target entities, 6
deformations, 4
derived results, 13
freebody, 10
fringes, 4
graphs, 5
markers, 6, 15
reports, 6
tensors, 6, 15
vectors, 6, 15
79 Results Postprocessing