Marketing Mix PDF
Marketing Mix PDF
Marketing Mix PDF
Marketing Mix
22.1 Introduction
The basic task of marketing is the delivery of product(s) to consumers
so that their needs are fulfilled and organisational objectives are also
achieved. This involves several important decisions, e.g. deciding about
the product or products which should be offered for sale, price of the
product, markets where products may sell and the means of
communication with the consumer for the sale of the product. All these
decisions form part of marketing-mix. In this lesson we shall study
about the concept of marketing mix, its components and the relationship
among various components of marketing mix.
22.2 Objectives
After studying this lesson, you will be able to :
Marketing Mix :: 21
Product refers to a physical product or a service or an idea which a
consumer needs and for which he is ready to pay. Physical products
include tangible goods like grocery items, garments etc. Services are
intangible products which are offered and purchased by consumers.
Services may involve also an innovative idea on any aspect of operation.
Products is the key element of any marketing mix. The decisions
concerning product may relate to a)
Product attributes
Product mix.
Product attributes refer to the quality, features and design of the product.
A product should serve the purpose for which it is made, in terms of
utility and quality. In a competitive market, products are differentiated
on the basis of certain features or design. For example, in the whirlpool
washing machine.Agitate wash is the distinctive feature.
Branding is a crucial decision. In a competitive market, many products
are sold by brand names. You might have come across Indian brand
names, like Maruti, HMT, Godrej, TATA. Amongst foreign brand names
Sony, Samsung are well known. Brand is an identification of product.
It plays an important role in creation of demand while branding a
product, it should be ensured that the name is simple, easy to read and
pronounce and if possible, it should have an appeal.
Marketing Mix :: 23
Price is the amount charged for a product or service. It is the
consideration paid by consumers for the benefit of using any product
or service. Price fixation is an important aspect of marketing. Pricing
decisions of a company are affected by both internal as well as external
Internal Factors
Cost of the product
Marketing objectives
Marketing mix strategy
Organisation for pricing
External Factors
Nature of market
or demand for product
Competitors' costs and
price offers.
Other environmental
factors like economy,
governments policies,
Internal factors :
Internal factors, affecting the price of a product, are many. Cost of the
product sets the floor. Any company would like to charge a price
which covers the cost of the product and a fair rate of return.
Cost of the product means total cost i.e., fixed plus variable costs.
Fixed costs do not change with the change in volume of production
upto a certain level. Variable costs change proportionately. In the period
Marketing Mix :: 25
External factors
Besides internal factors, external factors also influence the pricing
decision of a company. These factors are called environmental factors.
Nature of demand, competitors costs, price offers and government
policy are very important factors to be considered while fixing prices.
The relationship between price and demand should be analysed properly.
No company can ignore the costs, prices and offers of substitute items
from competitiors. Economic factors, like rate of interest, state of
industry (boom or recession), inflation, etc. affect the price-fixing
decision. In case of certain products, e.g. products which fulfil basic
needs, government may impose price control. Thus, it would also affect
price of the product.
There may be two methods of price-fixation:
Cost-based approach
Competition-based approach
Cost-based approach :
This is the simplest method of pricing. Generally companies add a
certain percentage of Profit, to the total cost of the product. The total
cost of the product is calculated after taking all types of costs into
consideration. While following this approach, no other factors e.g. prices
of substitute goods, nature of demand, etc. are considered.
Competition-based approach :
In competitive market, cost-based approach is not always practicable.
The prices are determined on the basis of conditions in the market.
Companies may follow any one of the following three approaches.
Marketing Mix :: 27
State which of the folllowing statements are true and which are
Promotion refers to using methods of communication with two
objectives : (i) informing the existing and potential consumers about a
product, and (2) to persuade consumers to buy the product. It is an
important element of marketing mix. In the absence of communication,
consumers may not be aware of the product and its potential to satisfy
their needs and desires. Various tools of communication form part of
promotion mix. Companies must decide which tool(s) should be used
for larger sales and in what proportion. The tools should be combined.
These decisions are known as promotion-mix decisions.
There are four components of promotion-mix i.e., advertising, personal
selling, sales promotion and public relations. Thus, promotion mix is
a companys total communication programs which consists of different
blends of its components and which is used to achieve the companys
marketing objectives.
Tools of Promotion-mix
Advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and publicity are the
major tools. The marketing manager must recognise the characteristics
of each tool and costs involved while deciding on the promotion-mix.
Advertising is an impersonal form of communication for which the
seller pays in order to promote a physical product or service. It may
be in print form as in newspapers and magazines, or in audio form as
on the radio and other similiar methods, or in audio-visual forms as on
the Television, cinema screen, etc.
The merits of advertising is that it reaches a larger number of people,
the message can be repeated, its cost is not high, and with the
development of art and computer graphics, simple statements can be
transformed into forceful messages.
The other side of advertising is that it doesnot provide any feed back,
it is not as forceful as personal selling, it is not flexible, and good
advertisements cost a lot.
Personal selling
Personal selling is a personal communication with one or more
prospective buyers for the purpose of selling a product or service.
These days, personal selling is considered to be the most effective tool
because of various characteristics which are listed below:
Marketing Mix :: 29
Sales Promotion
Sales promotion means the use of short-term incentives which are
designed to encourage immediate purchase of a product or service by
the buyer. It may includes offer of discounts, free gifts, free sample,
coupons, demonstration, store display, etc. One tooth brush free with
one 100gm. Close-up dental cream is an example of sales promotion.
Generally this tool supplements the efforts made through personal selling
and advertisement.
Most of the sales promotion activities come in the form of some
incentive for the buyer; hence sales generally increase immediately.
Big business enterprises use sales promotion tools while introducing a
new product. It adds to the effectiveness of total promotional efforts of
a company.
Sales promotion has certain demerits e.g. it does not leave a lasting
effect. Some customers also feel that sales promotion schemes are
launched to clear old stocks.
Publicity :
Publicity takes place when a favourable presentation is made through
mass media about a product or service. People believe more on such
news than in advertising. It covers people who do not entertain personal
selling and sales promotion approaches. It is a non-paid form of
communication but sometimes it is not regarded as a promotional tool
within the reach of a company. Very few products or services are
covered by publicity.
Nature of product
Different types of products require different promotion mix. In
case of consumer goods, advertisement is considered to be the
most important because the goods are non-technical and produced
on a large scale. But for industrial goods personal selling is
regarded as the most important tool because the products are
technical in nature, costly and persuasion is considered essential
for their sale.
Marketing Mix :: 31
Funds available for promotion also decide promotion mix, e.g.
advertisement is a costly tool. If sufficient funds are not available
this tool may not be adopted. Personal selling involves continuous
spending. Thus, budget is a deciding factor for promotion-mix.
Place is another important element of marketing mix. Once the goods
are manufactured, packaged, priced and promoted, they must be made
available to the consumers. Activities related to placing the products
are covered under this element of marketing-mix. It consists of decisions
relating to channels of distribution and physical distribution. Channels
of distribution refer to the individuals and organisations which facilitate
moving the goods from manufactures to consumers. It is important that
regular and smooth flow of goods is maintained so that products are
not spoiled and supplies are not delayed. To ensure this, various
facilitating services need to be arranged like transportation, warehousing,
inventory control, and order processing. These are known as components
of physical distribution. Let us now study the two sub-elements of
Channels of distribution
Physical distribution
Channels of Distribution :
Channel 1
Channel 2
Channel 3
Channel 4
Marketing Mix :: 33
Nature of product
For perishable goods, shorter channel is preferred whereas for
durable goods channel 3 is more popular. If goods are made to
order, direct selling may be effected. For technical products and
costly products, manufacturers generally go for direct selling
through agents specially hired for this purpose.
Nature of market
If the market is concentrated and not scattered, producers may
go for direct selling but for scattered market, middlemen are
involved. If there are more buyers, there may be a need to include
more middleman. For consumer product market retailers are
essential but in case of industrial products a shorter channel is
preferred, hence middlemen may be eliminated.
Middlemen who can provide desired marketing services are given
preference. The availability of middlemen also affect channel
decision. The middlemen must be co-operative and honest. The
channel which generates largest sales volume at lower unit cost
will be given priority.
Marketing Environment
During recession or depression shorter channels are preferred
because of being less costly. In times of prosperity a wide choice
is available. Technological inventions also have an impact e.g.,
distribution of perishable goods to distant places has become
possible due to cold storage facilities in warehousing and
transporting. Such facilities have expanded the role of intermediaries.
Channels of distribution used by competitors also influence this
decision. Some organisation may like to follow the same chains
as used by competitors. On the other hand, some organisation
may avoid channels already customary. They may have their
own decisions.
Physical Distribution :
Order Processing:
Physical distribution begins with customers order. Both the
Marketing Mix :: 35
Every company must store goods to maintain a proper flow.
Storage facilities are important because production and
consumption cycles generally do not match. Companies need to
decide the number, space and location of warehouses. The cost
of these should be in balance with customer service. Companies
may own warehouses or take them on rent.
Inventory level also affects customer satisfaction. Marketers would
like that company having enough stock to ful fill all customers
order immediately. But it involves heavy cost. Companies should,
therefore, carefully plan when to order and how much to order.
Transportation has infact, facilitated the physical distribution of
goods and services over a larger area. Modes of transportation
may include road, rail, water, air, etc. The choice of mode of
transport affects the pricing and condition of goods. Hence this
is an important decision and requires lot of thinking.
(a) Middleman/Intermediary
Manufacturer to Consumer
Person/Agent between
manufacturer & consumer
Highest Reach
Most persuasive
personal selling
No cost involved
Sales promotion
Marketing Mix :: 37
The price element deals with the factors related to price fixation,
methods of price fixation, etc.
Terminal Exercise
Give the names of any three products for which you think personal
selling will be most suitable. Give reasons for your answer.
22.3 (A)