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SKN Bentex (New Price List)
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SKN Bentex have released the new price list for previous year.
SKN Bentex have released the new price list for previous year.
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SKN Bentex (New Price List)
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SKN Bentex have released the new price list for previous year.
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SKN Bentex (New Price List)
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SKN Bentex have released the new price list for previous year.
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FE.) eS Cald © :) %, Electrical Division Time Time Again == Managing Director President - Apex Chambers of Commerce & Industry of NCT Delhi We are a shining example in the industry SKN-BENTEX Group's products are at the forefront of innovation in the field of electrical devices with latest international design and technology. SKN-BENTEX Group has a rich history of success, which has been achieved through enterprise, endeavors, dedication, team work and sinceriy of pride in result oriented performance. Our single motto is to manufacture quality product and ensure total customer satisfaction. The group companies have adopted International Standard and have been cerified for SO-9001 & ISO 14001 fion (BSI) accredited by RVA Dutch Council & UKAS Quality Standards In: from Bri ‘Management. Most of Producis are ISI marked. Our producis are being marketed all over India through 500 ; ~~ dealersnetwork. The products are being exported to many countries across the worldCrete Re eee CONTENTS SL.NO 1. Air Break Starter / Contactors 2.A.C. Contactors, Relays & Control Panels 3. L.T. Control Switches / AMP & VOLT Meter 4. Oil Immersed Motor Starters & OIL KING SERIES Starter 5. Single Phasing Preventor / Kit Set 6, Manually Operated O.|. Star Delta Starter 7..LT. Oil Circuit Breaker 8. Control Panel / Cubicle Fuse Switches 9. Oil / Control Panel with Sheet Stee! enclosure 9. Change Over Switches Double Pole Four Pole 10. Power Capacitors / Electric / Gas Geysers / Water Purifier 11. Ceiling Fan / Industrial Fan 12, Monobloc & Submersible Pumps, Plugs & Socket 13. M.C.B./ Distribution Board 14, RCCB / MCCB, MCB + ELCB, Change Over 15. Kwh Meters Static (Electronic) Meter, Starter Oil, Coolers PAGE NO. 2-3 5-8 10 "1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Page 1Coed SKN oe ee Uy ear een E53] sip BREAK DIRECT-ON-LINE TINY STARTER TYPE: BATS DESCRIPTION RANGE PRICEIUNIT (Rs.) MIN. PKG. a. TINY STARTER 0.25 HP to 3 HP (Single Phase) 510.00 20 BATS TYPE : BATS {HP to 10 HP (Three Phase) 510.00 20 EES) ig |REAK DIRECT-ON-LINE MINI STARTER TYPE: BAMS DESCRIPTION RANGE PRICE/UNIT (Rs.)_ MIN. PKG. MINI STARTER 0.25 HP to 3 HP (Single Phase) 735,00 20 (Air Broak Direct-on-tine without operating Coil) BAMS. TYPE: BAMS 1 HP to 10 HP (Three Phase) 736.00 20 AIR BREAK DIRECT-ON-LINE MOTOR STARTER TYPE: BDL ST DESCRIPTION RANGE PRICEIUNIT (Rs.) MIN. PKG. 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 3 HP. (Single Phase) 985.00 12 nme] 1, 2,3, 5,75, HP. (Three Phase) 985,00 12 Bo. 10 H.P. (Three Phase) 1075.00 12 oe EES) air BREAK MANUALLY OPERATED STAR-DELTA MOTOR STARTER TYPE: SDM = ) DESCRIPTION SDM PRICEIUNIT (Rs.) SOM (S)PRICE/UNIT (Rs.)_ MIN. PKG. |. 3, 5, 7.5, 10 H.P. 2375.00 1990.00 4 | os. 23 42.5, 15, 17.5, 20HP. 2485.00 2100.00 4 Pi 22.5, 25HP. 2540.00 2160.00 4 30H 2655.00 2270.00 4 ee 35H 2740.00 2375.00 4 <=...) FE] aie BREAK DIRECT-ON-LINE MOTOR STARTER (BSDL SERIES) DESCRIPTION RANGE PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) MIN. PKG. ‘ir Break Directon-line 0.25 to 3 HP (Single Phase) 1185.00 Motor Starter +10 7.5 HP (Three Phase) 1185.00 2 TYPE: BSDL. 10 HP (Three Phase) 1355.00 ‘SEMI / FULLY AUTOMATIC AIR BREAK STAR DELTA MOTOR STARTER DESCRIPTION RANGE PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) MIN. PKG. Semi-Automatic Air Break Star-Delta Motor Starter TAPE: BSDLSA 370 15HP 3300.00 2 Fully Automatic Air Break Star-Delta = Motor Starter TYPE : BSDLFA 370 15HP 3750.00 2 8 ¥ Fully Automatic Air Break Star-Delta Motor with Single Phasing Precentor & Phase Indicator TYPE : BSDLFA (P) 310 15HP. 4660.00 2 BSDLSAIFA Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 2 a nrrnrnnn Ierod a eet OLC MS ICA Se ae TUT Cee eae ee OVERLOAD REALYS (BSH SERIES) CONTROL PANEL THERMAL OVERLOAD RELAYS & AIR BREAK CONTACTORS (BSDL SERIES) errr mers DESCRIPTION RANGE PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) MIN. PKG. Thermal Over lod Relay of Air Break Starter (upto 910 18) 518.00 12 Thermal Over load Relay of ° ‘Ar Break Starter 15.24 Amp. 630.00 12 DESCRIPTION RANGE PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) MIN.PKG. | Temua.oveRLoADRELAY Air Break Contactor (BSL) Series 16 Amp. 630.00 2 Air Break Contactor (BSDL) Series 25Amp, 780.00 2 E53) asi serIes AIR BREAK MOTOR STARTER (BSH SERIES) DESCRIPTION TYPE RATING PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) DIRECT-ON-LINE-MOTOR BSH.OL 1,23,5,75,10 HP 1585.00 STARTER BSHOL 1sHP. +1855.00 BSDL SERIES (wth single phasing protection) —BSH-DL 175, 20HP. 2530.00 Joi) AIR BREAK AC CONTACTORS 3 PHASE 415 V 50 Hz EES] (surraBe FoR AIR BREAK SUBMERSIBLE CONTROL PANELS ) AC CONTACTORS 18A Rs. 1595/1PC. RELAYS 6-10 — Rs. 750/1PC. (3 PHASE, 415V, 50HZ) 25a Rs, 2115/1PC. 9-44 Rs, 750/1PC. 35A Rs. 2710/1PC. 13:21 Rs. 750/1PC 50A Rs. 3060/1PC. 20-32 Rs. 800/1PC. 28-42A Rs. 875/1PC. ‘AR BREAK CONTACTOR BOI CONTROL PANEL With Sheet Stee! Enclosure DESCRIPTION Range (HP) t Price q of Starter with 63A With 63A With 100A_—with 1008 CutOut = MCCB = Cut Out MccB 7.5HP 6670.00 7415.00 = 10-1 6810.00 7500.00 = BOI CONTROL PANEL BSA CONTROL PANEL With Sheet Steel Enclosure DESCRIPTION Range (HP) c poe 1 of Starter With 63 With 63A_—With 100A_—With 1008 CutOut = MCCB Cut Out MccB 10 HP, 15 HP 10450.00 1120000 = 20HP 10735.00 2 11430.00 25, 30, 35 HP - 11695.00 1240.00 eA COARDC PRL 40 HP 12180.00 12840.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 3eee eed —— LI. switches aS ee a rere mn eich E55) _.+. contRoL SWITCHES (REVERSING SWITCHES) . SINO. DESCRIPTION PRICE/UNIT(Rs.) PER 1 Reversing switch 25 A (with enclosure) 600.00 each eee 2 Change over switch 25 A (with enclosure) 600.00 each a a Reversing switch 25 A (without enclosure) 510.00 each 4 Star-Delta switch 25 A (without enclosure) 600.00 each Snede 5 Reversing switch 16 A (with enclosure) 300.00 each swireH 6 Change over switch 16 A (with enclosure) 300.00 each a (On-Off switch 16 A (with enciosure) 300.00 each : Reversing switch 30 A (with enclosure) each = 8 feversing switch 30 A (wit 650.00 J 8 Reversing switch 304 (without enclosure) 550.00 each UT CONTROL 10 On-Off switch 25 A (with enclosure) 535.00 each A) ees " On-Off switch 25 A (without enclosure) 430.00 each 12 1 220V on off / change over switch 16 A 270.00 each AMP METER & VOLT METER PRICEIUNIT (Rs.) RANGE ROUND PROTECTION ROUND FLUSH ROUND PEDESTAL SQUARE FLUSH Op 6" 72mm 96mm. 144 mm 0-1100-50A 208.00 282.00 101.00 204.00 330.00 237.00 366.00 160.00 282.00 0-60100-100A 250.00 330.00 115.00 242.00 374.00 264.00 396.00 166.00 326.00 0-160, 0.2008 271.00 380.00 - 292.00 398.00 330.00 449.00 - 380.00 455.00 0-250,0-300A 305.00 405.00 390.00 429.00 330.00 481.00 - 405.00 490.00 AMP, METER 0-400 361.00 469.00 - 385.00 490.00 385.00 550.00 - 468.00 550.00 0-500 400.00 508.00 449.00 528.00 449.00 614.00 - 06.00 $90.00 VOLT METER PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) RANGE ROUND PROTECTION ROUND FLUSH ROUND PEDESTAL SQUARE FLUSH a ast tot ar 72mm 96mm. 144 mm 0-10 to0-60V 184.00 290.00 101.00 202.00 330.00 209.00 366.00 146.00 290.00 380.00 VOLT METER, 0-75 t00-300V 215.00 330,00 113.00 242.00 338.00 243.00 398.00 177.00 323.00 385.00 0-500 to 0-600V 242.00 380.00 290.00 398.00 290.00 455.00 380.00 455.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 4Ceti CUS SS CORTES) ef. 1st April, 20 OIL KING MOTOR STARTERS DIRECT-ON-LINE PUSH BUTTONGETNMITE] OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER TYPE BOI-K 400V Three Phase 50 Hz AC (3 HP to 20 HP) RELY/ MOTOR AMPS. 4-5 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-32 25-35 HP. ats i7sieet0) 15 20 BOI-K 315/75 HP. Rs. 1620.00 10/12.5/15 HP, Rs. 1745.00 20 HP. Rs. 1820.00 Minimum Packing - 2 Pes. SEM AUTOMATIC STAR-DELTA RUTNITEY Ot IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER SHEET METAL BODY WITH IMPROVED TECHNOLOY TYPE BSA-K 400 V, Three Phase SOHs AC (5 HP to 40 HP) MOTOR CURRENT 6-10 10-17 10-17 15-24 22-35 39-54 33-54 33-54 50-70 RELAY AMPS. 4-65 6-10 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-32 20-32 20-32 30-42 HP. isdaoal Tig Ogu gag 20 a 5 pula [os aE 0 BSAK 5/7 S/0/12.5/15 HP. Rs. 3560.00 20H. Rs. 3780.00 25/30/35 HP, Rs. 3996.00 40HP. Rs. 4280.00 Minimum Packing - 2 Pes. FULLY AUTOMATIC STAR-OELTA JMTUINGH OI IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER SHEET METAL BODY WITH IMPROVED TECHNOLOY TYPE FAB-K 400 V, Throo Phase 50Hz AC (5 HP to 40 HP) MOTOR CURRENT 6-10 10-17 10-17 15-24 22-35 33-54 33-54 33-54 54-70 RELAY AMPS 4:65 6-10 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-3220-32 20-32 30-42 HP. 5 75 10 18 20 25 90850 FAB-K 57.5/10/12.5/15 HP Re, 3925.00 20HP Rs. 4145.00 25/30/35 HP Rs. 4360.00 40 HP Rs. 4660.00 Minimum Packing - 2 Pes. Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Bana es Page 5Pri SKN CE Y cane. et WTC Mia ty aS BOI sere se Bol BSA FAB eure nin DIRECT-ON-LINE PUSH BUTTON OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER TYPE BOI, BOI (S-CLASS) 220V AC, SINGLE PHASE 50Hz (1 HP TO 10 HP) ety eras 6.10 og 13-21 13.21 25-35 30-42 42-54 HP 10 15 2.0 3.0 50 78 10.0 Rs. 1860.00 Rs. 1860.00 Rs. 1860.00 Rs. 1860.00 Rs. 1960.00 Rs. 2060.00 Rs. 2526.00 DIRECT-ON-LINE PUSH BUTTON OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER ‘TYPE BOI, BOI (S-CLASS), BOI (N-CLASS) 400V, Three Phase, 50 Hz, Ac (3 HP to 20 Hp) RELY/MOTORAMPS. 4-5 6-10 9-14. 13-21 20-32 25-35 HP, 3 5 PS eaee10 1520 BOI'S-CLASS) With Extra Long Life Contact 3517.5 HP. Rs. 1690.00 2340.00 10/12.5/15 HP. Rs. 2036.00 2485.00 20HP. Rs. 2160.00 2600.00 ‘SEMI AUTOMATIC STAR-DELTA OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER (Cast Iron Body/Sheet Metal Body) TYPE BSA 400V, There Phase, 50 Hz, AC (5 HP to 40 HP) MOTOR CURRENT 6-10 10-17 10-17 15-24 22-35 33-§433-54 33-54 54-70 RELAY AMPS. 4-656-10 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-32 20-32 20-32 30-42 He, 5 75 10 15 2 2 30 3 40 BSA (Cast ron Body) __-BSA(S) (Sheet Metal Body) With Extra Long Life Contact 5/7 5/10/12.5/15 HP. Rs. 4390.00 5740.00 20 HP. Rs. 4675.00 6025.00 25/30/35 H.P. Rs. 4950.00 6300.00 40 HP, Rs. 5310.00 6660.00 50 HP = Rs. 11980.00 - §5/60 HP. ~ Rs. 12350.00 - FULLY AUTOMATIC STAR-DELTA OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER (Cast Iron Body/Sheet Metal Body) TYPE FAB, 400 V, Three Phase-SOHz, AC (5 HP to 40 HP) MOTOR CURRENT 6-10 10-17 10-17 15-24 22-96 33-64 33-54 33-54 50-70 RELAY AMPS, 4-656-10 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-3220-32 20-32 30-42 HP. 5 75 10 1 2 2 3 35 40 FAB (Cast ron Body) FAB (Shoot Metal Body) ih tra Lon Life Contact 5/7.5M1012.5/18 H.P. Rs, 5005.00 Rs, 4840.00 6190.00 20HP. Rs, 5295.00 Rs. $125.00 6475.00 25/90/95 H.P. Rs, 5560.00 Rs. 400.00 6750.00 40 HP. Rs. 5935.00 Rs, 5760.00 7110.00 50 HP Rs,12430.00 55/60 HP. Rs.12800.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 6PRT Ra STS SS aU aa eT DIRECT-ON-LINE PUSH BUTTON OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER TYPE BSOI & SOI (S-CLASS) With Thermal Dash bot Relay, 400V Three Phase 50 Hz AC (3 HP to 20 HP) RELY/MOTORAMPS. 4-5 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-32 25-35 HP. . 305 75 10 15 20 BSOI(S-CLASS) 9/5/75 HP. Rs. 2085.00 10/12.5/15 HP. Rs. 2255.00 20 HP. Rs, 2375.00 Minimum Packing - 2 Pcs. ES] sew AUTOMATIC STAR-DELTA OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER SHEET METAL BODY WITH IMPROVED TECHNOLOY TYPE BCSA 400 V, Three Phase SOHz AC (5 HP to 40 HP) MOTOR CURRENT 6-10 10-17 10-17 15-24 22-35 33-54 33-54 33-54 50-70 RELAY AMPS, 4-656-10 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-3220-32 20-32 30-42 HP. 5 75 10 15 20 2 30 35 40 BCSA 517 5/10/12.5115 HP. Rs. 4760.00 20 HP. Rs. 5045.00 25/30/35 H.P. Rs. 5325.00 40 HP. Rs. 5700.00 Minimum Packing - 2 Pes. FULLY AUTOMATIC STAR-DELTA OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER SHEET METAL BODY WITH IMPROVED TECHNOLOY TYPE BCFA 400 V, Three Phase 50Hz AC (5 HP to 40 HP) MOTOR CURRENT 6-10 10-17 10-17 15-24 22-35 33-54 33-54 33-54 54-70 RELAY AMPS, 4-656-10 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-32 20-32 20-32 30-42 HP. 5 75 10 15 2 2 30 35 40 BCFA 917.5/10/12,5/15 HP Rs. 5210.00 20 HP Rs, 5495.00 25/30/35 HP Rs, 5775.00 40 HP Rs. 6150.00 Minimum Packing - 2 Pes. MANUALLY OPERATED STAR-DELTA OIL IMMERSED STARTER TYPE : BMD400 V, Three Phase,50 Hz, AC (5 HP to 40 HP) MOTOR CURRENT 6-10 10-17 10-17 15-24 22-35 33-54 33-54 33-54 RELAY AMPS. 4-656-10 6-10 9-14 13-21 20-32 20-32 20-32 HP. 5 75 10 15 2 2 30 35 BMD 5/7.5110/12.5/15 HP Rs. 4315.00 20 HP Rs. 4590.00 25/30/35 H Rs. 4870.00 40 HP Rs, 5245.00 Minimum Packing - 2 Pes. Bentex Control & Switchgear Company BSOI BCFA Page 7cod Po a ee Ud E55] maNUALLY OPERATED STAR-DELTA OIL IMMERSED STARTER (HEAVY DUTY) TYPE: BSD & BSD-P 400 V, Three Phase, 50 Hz, AC (5 HP to.40 HP) AMPS RELY/ MOTOR AMPS. 14-18 21-26 25-35 33-42 41-52 48-57 53-64 60-72 70-80 78-98 HP. ho fis [20 [26 [90 [35 (40 ‘45 [50 [60 BSD eo) 10/15/20 HP. Rs, 8965.00 25130 H.P. Rs, 9670.00 35/40 HP, Rs, 10365.00 45/50/60 Rs. 11070.00 Minimum Packing - 1 Pes. MANUALLY OPERATED AUTO TRANSFORMER OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER STARTER TYPE, BAT & BAT-P 400 V, Three Phase, 50 Hz, AC (10 HP to 60HP) AMPS. RELY/ MOTOR AMPS. HP. 10 15 «620 2 30 35 40 45 50 60 BaT 10/15/20 HP. Rs. 28600.00 25/30 H.P. Rs. 30100.00 35/40 HP, Rs. 34510.00 45/50 H.P. Rs. 38320.00 55/60 HP, Rs. 41056.00 12-18 20-26 25-35 33-42 41-53 45-55 55-64 61-72 66-76 78-98 Minimum Packing - 1 Pos. E51 purty avromanic AUTO TRANSFORMER OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER Deas aa ne tata necenmacoey AMPS 1218 20-26 25-35 33-42 40-53 45-55 55-64 61-72 66-76 78-98, BATFA, 45/50 HP. 55/60 H.P. Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Rs. Rs. 7175.00 ‘9240.00 BAT HP. 10 15 «20 25 30 35 40 45 50 60 BATFA 10/15/20 HP. Rs. 39685.00 each 25/30/ HP, Rs, 41085.00 each 35/40 HP. Rs, 50636.00 each each each Minimum Packing - 1 Pes. *'P' means respective starter with Single Phasing Preventor. Page 8eee! SINGLE PHASING PREVENTOR / LUI area ean SKN SINGLE PHASING PREVENTOR TYPE : BSP. 850,00 ‘Sensing Negative Sequence Voltage Components Protection against Single Phasing, Reverse Phasing, Unbalanced Voltage, Under Voltage & Over voltage condition 2) AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL GUARD. TYPE : BLG (Single Point Level Control) 850.00 [] AUTOMATIC WATER LEVEL CONTROLLER TYPE : BLC (Tow Point Level Control) 980.00 EES] SINGLE PHASING PREVENTOR WITH AUTOMATIC OPERATION S.P. PREVENTOR TYPE : BAP 980.00 TYPE : BAP (SD) 1070.00 EG] SINGLE PHASING PREVENTOR WITH WATER LEVEL GUARD TYPE : BPG 1070.00 TYPE : BAPSD (N) 990.00 mpi _ S.P. PREVENTOR KIT SETS SUITABLE FOR BO/FAB/BSA DESCRIPTION PRICE (Rs.) PER BeneX-{5i) New Kit Set Set Upto 15 HP (Type A) 20000 moving + 6 x contacts i Bewrex-EE) New Kit Set set KIT SET 20 HP to 35 HP (Type B) 240.00 3 moving + 6 fix contacts ae Extra long life Kit (up to 40 hp) 565.00 3 moving+ 6 fix contacts KIT SET Type (C) set a BewreX-E New kit Set pares Heavy Duty (Type D) 182.00 3 moving + 6 fix contacts BewreX-EiS New Kit Set set * i = Kit Set 2001 (Type E) 240.00 3 moving + 6 fix contacts KIT SET BewreX-EE) New Kit Set Set Spa EHD (Type F) 270.00 3 moving + 6 fix contacts KIT SET Only for old starters BSA (S) 50 HP-6OHP Kit Set 2730.00 3 moving + 6 fix contacts — KIT SET, Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 9 =—_Beare POT ied eae elas eet ULE Maite Daa E23] MANUALLY OPERATED OIL IMMERSED STAR-DELTA MOTOR STARTER TYP! so * DESCRIPTION HP. PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) SKN Heavy Duty Ol Immersed 0-20HP 8965.00, Manully Operated Star-Delta Motor Strater 21-30 9425.00 Type : SSD (Single Contact) 3140 9685.00 $80 (€) 4150 10080.00 ssD EEE] MANUALLY OPERATED OIL IMMERSED STAR-DELTA MOTOR STARTER TYPE:SSD-S Dx AND SSD-THERMAL DESCRIPTION HP. PRICE/UNIT (Rs.) SKN Manually Operated Oil Immersed Upto 20 1125500 Star-Delta Motor Starter 21-30 +2305.00 (wth Single Contect) 31-40 4+3220.00 Type : S80-S. Dx 41.60 414195.00, SKN Manually Operated Oil Immersed 4180 20160.00 Star-Delta Motor Starter (with Double Contact) 61.80 21465.00 Type : SS0-S. Dx 81-100 2421500 ‘SKN Heavy Duty with Double Contact 101-125 26968.00 ‘Strip Wound Overload Coil & 126-150 33120.00 eco atne Cable Entry Box Type : SSD -S. Dx 451-200 39660.00 OIL INMERSED MANUALLY OPERATED AUTO TRANSFORMER MOTOR STARTER TYPE : SAT DESCRIPTION HP. PRICEIUNIT (Rs.) SKN Oil Immersed Manually Operated Upto 20 42970.00 Auto Transformer Motor Starter 21-30 46115.00 With Single Contact 31-40 51455.00 41-60 62540.00 SKN Heavy Duty with Double 41-50 64736.00 Contact & Stip Wound Overload Coil 51-80 70626.00 81-100 75135,00 SSKN Heavy Duty with Double Contact 101-125 +12100.00 Sip Wound Overioad Coil & 126-150 124400.00 Ae Cable Entry Box Type: SSD - 8. Dx 451-200 147800.00 (101 to 200 HP Starters are required wih cable box, Rs, 1200- willbe charged extra) Bentex Control & Switchg: Page 10Lea er ours ad oe SPSL Cy E55] maNUALLY OPERATED L. 7, OIL CIRCUIT BREAKER NON DRAW OUT TYPE: SOCB - N DESCRIPTION RATING BREAKING —_PRICE/UNIT (R: AMP CAPACITY SKN Manually 100 5 24085.00 Operated L.T. Oi 200 5 25725.00 Circuit Breakers 300 5 4480.00 Non-Drow Out Type 400 15 45705.00 TYPE : SOCB - N 600 25 62130.00 800 25 85680.00 1250 25 110430.00 Interlocking Charges Rs. 2026/-per OCB extra SOCB-N MANUALLY OPERATED L. T. OIL CIRCUIT BREAKER DRAW OUT TYPE: SOCB- D DESCRIPTION RATING BREAKING —PRICE/UNIT (Rs AMP: CAPACITY. ‘SKN Manually Operated 400 25 123855.00 LT. Oil Circuit Breakers 600 25 131375.00 Draw out Type 800 25 198430.00 TYPE : SOCB -D 1250 25 287385.00 SOCB-D OIL IMMERSED MANUALLY OPERATED SLIPRING MOTOR STARTER (COMBINED STATOR- ROTOR STARTER) SHEET STEEL CLAD WALL MOUNTING 400-440 VOLTS 3 PHASE 50Hz TYPE: SOSR DESCRIPTION He. PRICE/UNIT () SKN Slipring Oil Immersed Combined Upto 20 23085.00 Stator-Rotor Starter 21-30 24905.00 TYPE : SOSR (A) Three numbers magnetic overload releases with oil dashpot time lags. (8) One numbers under voltage release. (C) One numbers stop leve. 31-40 2795.00 se SOSR MANUALLY OPERATED OIL IMMERSED FLOOR MOUNTING STATOR- ROTOR STARTER WITH SKN OIL CIRCUIT BREAKER TYPE :SOSR (H D) DESCRIPTION H.P. RATINGOF COMPLETE STATORIROTOR PRICEIUNIT (Rs) RATING — SOCB ‘STATER WITH OCB (Rs) (Rs) ROTOR ONLY RATCHED TYPE SOSR (HD) Up to 75 OCB 100AMP 47215.00 2585.00 SOSR (HD) 76-150 SOCB 200AMP 5965.00 33390.00, ROTARY TYPE SOSR (HD) 151-200 SOCB 300AMP —_—_115915.00 70485.00 'SOSR (HD) 201-250 SOCB400AMP ——_135480.00 8925.00 'SOSR (HD) 251-300 OCB 400AMP —_—_150535,00 104280.00 SOSR (HD) 301-350 SOCB600AMP ——_174620.00 112215.00 NOTE: WHILE PLACING ORDER OF SOSR STARTERS, PLEASE INFORM R'VIRA OF THE MOTOR SOSR (HO) Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 11Ce ee a PU CRS te Se Ut) EES] SINGLE PHASE OIL IMMERSED SUBMERSIBLE PANEL BO! SPP DESCRIPTION Price / Unit (Rs.) Oy a BOI(S) SP-SP Panel With Condensors 1,23 HP 3105.00 ay 8OI(S) SP With Condensors + OIL. Relay 1.23 HP 3220.00 = SHP 4690.00 One a0) 7.5 HP 5140.00 2] BOI OIL CONTROL PANEL DESCRIPTION Range (HP) a 7 of Starter With 63A —- With63A_—- With 100A_—s With 100A v ‘Cut Out MccB Cut Out MCCB BOI(S) 3-7.5 HP Rs. 4525.00 Rs. 5265.00 - ‘BOI CONTROL PANEI BOI(S) 10-15 HP Rs. 4660.00 Rs. 5360.00 E53] BSA (S) FAB(S) BCSA BCFA OIL CONTROL PANEL DESCRIPTION Range (HP) ie ee el of Starter With 63A With 63 With 1008 With 1008. CutOut = MCCB.= Cutout’ «== MCB { BSA(S) 15HP Rs, 7230.00 : Rs, 8490.00 { 20 HP Rs. 7515.00 Rs.8060.00 Rs. 8760.00 25-35 HP Rs.8475.00 Rs. 9175.00 40 HP Rs.8900.00 Rs, 9595.00 FAB(S) 15 HP Rs. 7730.00 - Rs. 8970.00 20HP. Rs. 7980.00 s.8575.00 Rs. 9226.00 25-95 HP Rs.8970.00 Rs, 9655.00 40 HP s.9380,00 Rs.10075.00 BCSA 18HP Rs. 7600.00 : 20HP Rs, 7925.00 - - Ince CONTROL PANEL 25-35 HP Rs.8865,00 Rs. 9560.00 40 HP s,9965.00 Rs.10000.00 BCFA 15HP Rs, 7925.00 . = 20HP Rs, 8185.00 = = 25-35 HP ,9175.00 Rs. 9875.00 4oHP Rs,9615.00 Rs.10330.00 All the above Modals are without Preventors. \KVAR CONTROL PANEL| For Control Panel with BSA(S) / BCSA with Preventor : Rs.1070/- will be charged extra. For Control Panel B:O\(S) /BCFA with Preventor : Rs. 980/- will be charged extra. Rs. 180/- Per KVAR will be charged extra, If Required. Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 12,cod SKN oR meer) —— OIL / CONTROL PANELS with Aa md SKN AIR BREAK SUBMERSIBLE CONTROL PANEL CONTACTOR WITH MCB-SP PHASE INDICATOR WITH AMMETER & VOLTMETER DESCRIPTION Price / Unit (Rs.) sMct 05 TO2HP. 220V240V 2995.00 Siig AIR BREAK DIRECT ON LINE AUTOMATIC SUBMERSIBLE CONTROL PANEL WITH SINGLE PHASING PROTECTION TYPE : BADL - 415 V, AC, 3 PHASE 50HZ HP [7s [1 [15 | 20 R.RANGE INAMPS | 9-14 | 13-21 | 20-32 | 25-35 7.5HP Rs. 4995.00 10 HP Rs, 4995.00 15HP Rs, 5495.00 20 HP Rs, 7095.00 TYPE : BASP & BAFP (FULY AUTOMATIC STAR DELTA SUBMERSIBLE CONTROL PANEL, 415 V, AC, 3 PHASE 50HZ) 7.5HP TO 40HP [he 75 [10 [| 1 [2 [os | oo [| os [| R.RANGEINAMPS | 6-10 | 9-14 | 13-21 | 20-32 | 20-32 | 20.92 | 20-32| 26-42 | BAF ASP a 7.510 HP Rs, 12100.00 75/10 HP Rs. 1100.00 15HP Rs, 13260.00 15HP Rs. 12250.00 20/25 HP Rs. 16250.00 2025 HP Rs. 14250.00 30/88 HP Rs. 18650.00 30/85 HP Rs. 15660.00 SonP Re. 17150.00 4oHP. Rs. 16160.00 aii AIR BREAK SINGLE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE PANEL WITHOUT CONTACTOR WITH-MCB-SP ‘Type : SMC-1 AC-90V to 240V (For oil filled submersible pump) HP Max. Overload MRP R: 0.5 HP 7Amp. Rs. 1225.00 1.0 HP 10 Amp, Rs, 1225.00 1.5HP 12Amp, Rs. 1285.00 20HP 16 Amp, Rs. 1370.00 AIR BREAK SINGLE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE PANEL WITHOUT CONTACTOR WITH-MCB-SP EES Type: SMC-2 AC-90V to 240V (For ol filled submersible pump / Water filled) HP Max. Overload MRP Rs. 0.5 HP 7Amp. Rs, 1680.00 1.0 HP 10 Amp, Rs. 1750.00 4.5HP 12Amp. Rs. 1900.00 2.0HP 16 Amp, Rs. 1950.00 Hy AIR BREAK SINGLE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE PANEL WITH CONTACTOR WITH-MCB-SP ‘Type : SMC-3 AC-90V to 240V (For water filled submersible pump) HP Max. Overload MRP Rs. 1.0 HP 10.Amp, Rs, 2400.00 1.5HP 12.Amp, Rs. 2580.00 2.0HP 16 Amp. Rs. 2925.00 3.0HP 27 Amp. Rs. 3300.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear CompanyCe eed aad reamed) DCH | CU a a te) Carer a TYPE BCO + BDO nou, CHANGE OVER SWITCHES [DOUBLE POLE / FOUR POLE) WITH SHEET METAL Eg] ENCLOSURE PROCELIN TYPE - SIDE HANDLE OPERATE: (Conforming to IS : 13947 (Part 3) 1993 - IEC 947 ( Part 3) Cat Volts Price / Unit (Rs.) . BDO 32 32 OP 240 1165.00 Procelin Type Change Over Switches BDO 63 32 OP 240, 2940.00 Procelin Type DoublefFour Pole BcO 32 32 FP 415 1930.00 Procelin Type BCO. cd 63 FP 415 3860.00 Procelin Type CO 100 100. FP. 415 7050.00 Procelin Type TYPE BCO sin CHANGE OVER SWITCH (FOUR POLE KNIF TYPE WITH OFFLOAD FIBRE GLASS STRIP) WITH SHEET METAL ENCLOSURE SIDE HANDLE OPERATED (Conforming to IS : 13947 (Part 3) 1993 - IEC 947 (Part 3) Cat Ref Amp Volts Price / Unit (Rs.) a 8co +100 100 FP 415 7610.00 Knit Type i 8cO 200 200 FP 415 +10005.00 Knif Type Bco 300 300 FP 415 14230.00 Knif Type BcO +400 400 FP 415 18530.00 Knif Type BcO 600 600 FP 415 4350.00 Knit Type 8cO 800 800 FP 415 48725.00 Kit Type Change Over Switches | 8cO +000 1000 FP 415 0535.00 Knit Type Four Pole Kf Type CO 1500 1500 FP 415 152640.00 Knit Type CO 2000 2000 FP 415, 221256.00 Knit Type EEG] Bus BAR CHARMERS 3 PHASE 4 BAR HEAVY DUTY COPPER BAR ‘Type Amps. Volts Price / Unit (Rs.) 8B 63a 4r5y 2345.00 8B +008 aisy 2860.00 8B 200 aiev 5636.00 2) main switcHEs Double | Tripple Pole Triple Pole with Neutral, Side Handle Operated Rewirable Main Switches (conforming to 1S:13947 (Part 3) 1993-IEC 947 (Part 3) Type-BSP/BSG with Sheet Metal Enclosure Type Ref, ‘Amps Volts Price / Unit (Rs.) BSP. 32 32 240 op 1835.00 BSG 16 16 415 1P ‘940,00 BSG 16N 16 415 TP&N 950.00 BSG 32 32 415 TP 1265.00 asc 32N 32 415 TP&N 1290.00 BSG 63 63 415 P 2600.00 Bsc. 63N 63 415 TRAN 2655.00 Bsc 100 100 415 we 4990.00 ‘DOUBLES TRIPLE POLE asc 100N 100 415 TRAN 5085.00 MAIN SWITCHES BSG 200 200 415 P 7160.00 BSG 200N 200 415 TRAN 7250.00 BSG 300 300 415 e 1010.00 BSG 300N 300 415 TP AN 10100.00 yes, HRC-CUM-REWIRABLE FUSE SWITCH UNIT/MAIN SWITCH (WITHOUT HRC FUSE) [EQ] 1p AND TPN SIDE HANDLE OPRATED WITH SHEET METAL ENCLOSURE TYPE: BSGIHRC-CONFORMING TO IS : 13974 (PART-3) 1993-IEC947 (PART-3) Type Amps Volts. TPITPN.—Price/Unit (Rs.)_Price/Unit (Rs.) (without HRC FUSE) (with HRC FUSE) BSGIHRC 3A, a5 P 2600.00 2970.00 BSGHRC 63 415 TPN 2655.00 3030.00 BSGHRC 100A 415 e 4985.00 5550.00 BSGIHRC 100 15 TPN 5085.00 5650.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 14CeCe BS eae TL) —— POWER CAPACITORS & PRC aha Care a DOUBLE BREAK COMBINATION FUSE SWITCH UNIT FOR HRC FUSE E52] (without HRC Fuse) ‘TPN, SIDE HANDLED OPERATED WITH SHEET METAL ENCLOSURE Type BFS, (Conforming to IS : 13974 (Parti) 1993, IS/IEC 60947 Part 3 Type = Amp Volts: Price / Unit (Rs.) (Without HRC Fuse) = BSF 1008 415 8250.00 BSF 200A, 415 10960.00 BSF 300A 415 1750.00 BSF 4008 415 14870.00 BSF 600A 415 1740.00 BSF 800A 415 24635.00 ove.e sna E53) capacitor FoR FANS, PUMPS & MOTORS CAPACITANCE Price / Unit (Rs.) INMFD +5% RATED VOLTAGE DRY 2.0 440V 24.00 2.25 440V 26.00 25 440V 28.00 315 440V 30.00 4 440V 38.00 6 440V 52.00 a 440V 67.00 10.0 440V 78.00 [ES] (7 sunt CAPACITORS FOR POWER FACTOR ENVIRONMENT (KVAR) AGRICAP (1-10 KVAR ONLY) (For Submersible Pumps) 440V 180.00 per KVAR DOUBLE DIE-ELECTRIC 3T 440V 535.00 per KVAR (4-25 KVAR ONLY) For Heavy Industries 1KVAR to 25 KVAR 415V___180.00per KVAR - do —— OIL 415V 280.00 per KVAR 2 KVAR to KVAR (Heavy industries) 3T (SUPER MODEL) 415V 225.00 per KVAR ELECTRIC WATER HEATER (M.R.P) (Stainless Stee! Tank) tur, 6Li, — 10Ltr.15Lte 25 Ltr 1 Standard Mode! 4060/- 4620/- §525/- 6170/- (Gtandard Steel & S.S. Tank) (Colour- 2. Dwarf Model Steel Body + §.S. = 6150/- 6380/- Tank & Stee!(Colour - 3. ABS Body 3175)- 7350/- 7950/- GAS WATER GEYSER (MRP) S.No. Model Capacity Price 1 ‘SKN -| Standard Steel Metallic Finish tr. 4095.00 7 STAGE WATER PURIFIER (E-ON Series) a 1 GALAXY 15 Ltr, 1490.00 2. W-KOOL 18 Ltr. 1790.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 15Cea Cues a Come UL GL — CEILING FAN a Product Name ‘Sweep Colour MRP - DYNAMIC (Hi-Speed) 600mm (24") White & Mat Brown 1360.00 - Four Blades pmawic || eacerorcor | RACER DECOR (Hi-Speed) 600mm (24") White & Mat Brown 1640.00 (HSPEED) (HSreeo) Four Blades HI FLOW 800mm (36") White & Brown 1370.00 ry 1050mm (42") White & Brown 1400.00 ~ WINSOME 1200mm (48") White, Brown & Ivory 1450.00 aves ora PRIMA 120mm (48") White, Ivory & Mat Brown 1640.00 GRACIA 1200mm (48") White, Ivory & Mat Brown 1875.00 MARVEL 1200mm (48°) White, Ivory & Mat Brown 1850.00 FLORA 1200mm (48") White, Ivory & Mat Brown 2025.00 a SALCON 1200mm (48°) Siver-Biue, Pearivory,Beige-Brown 2060.00 iv WINSOME 1400mm (56") White & Brown 1780.00 rams sees PRIMA 140mm (56") White & Mat Brown 1900.00 SAMRAT 1200mm (48") Mat Siver-Biue Mat Beige-Srown 2290.00 = PRIMAPS-50 (5 Star) 1200mm (48") White, Mat Brown 1875.00 INDUSTRIAL EXHAUST FAN (HEAVY DUTY) 1 Model ‘Sweep RPM MRP esa pea DELUXE 300mm (12") 1400 RPM 3260.00 DELUXE 380mm (1 1400 RPM 3570.00 DELUXE 450mm (18") 1400 RPM 4415.00 DELUXE 600mm (24") 900 RPM Model ‘Sweep RPM MRP. VENUS 300mm (12") 1400 RPM 2890.00 VENUS 380mm (15 1400 RPM 3240.00 VENUS 450mm (18") 1400 RPM 3670.00 VENTILATING FAN (LIGHT DUTY) 210mm (8") 1460.00 260mm (10°) 1590.00 mesh ane an (us DUT) FRESH AIR (Light Duty), CAPACITOR TYPE 225mm (S*) 1240.00 300mm (12") 1365.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company Page 16eed Ra) Se ee aS Te PS aH ae renee meen 3) ‘SELF PRIMING MONO BLOCK PUMP SET (All Aluminium Body) Range / Model Performance Data RP H.P. Fantom Total Head: 90ft/ 27 mts 2) Fant Max, Disch. : 2400 LPH ee 0.5 HP. Regular Total Head: 1008/30 mis. 3885.00 Max, Disch. : 2700 LPH xtra Flow Total Head: 1208/36 mis Ce eae Max, Disch. : 3050 LPH oo 4.0 HP. Fantom Total Head: 1408/42 mis, OT Max. Disch. = 2900 LPH. Total Head: 160ft/ 48 mis, 1.0H.P. Regular hes pee soon Ue 6090.00 Suction Lift = 28ft/ 8.5 mts, 1.0 HP. Shallow well Fotal Head | 100/30 mis. 7455.00 super-suction Max. Disch. 4000 LPH SINGLE PHASE SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS (OUTLET SIZE 32MM (1.25 INCH) EES] (230v, SINGLE PHASE, SUITABLE FOR 100MM BOREWELL-B4) WATER FILLED AND OIL FILLED TYPE POWER NO.OF DISCH. 65LPM —MRPISET MRPISET (HP) STAGE (RS) (RS) HEAD INMTRS. OIL FILLED WATER FILLED BS-8 1.0 8 27 8500.00 : Bs-10 10 10 34 2000.00 10000.00 Bs-12 15 12 40 9750.00 1070.00 BS-15 18 15 50 1650.00 12550.00 SINGLE PHASE ELECTRIC MOTOR FES] 220,50 H2/AC, SINGLE PHASE, INDUCTION MOTOR POWER HP / KW RPM MRP (RS) / UNIT SOHP/225KW 1440 13800.00 ES) ues « sockets meTaL CLAD er Socket Price Rs.) Set Price (Rs, DP 190A 250 29.00 29.00 198.00 DP20A 250 415.00 41500 230.00 TP20A 250 460.00 460.00 320.00 E25 pues « sockers IN SHEET STEEL ENCLOSURES WITHOUT MCBS Type Rating Volts Price / Unit BPSD / SP 10A 450.00 BPSD / SP 20A 49500 BPSD TP 208 200 00 BPSD TP 30A 112500 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company ono moceruNe ft Ain il ii sneer ECTIC WoTOR < PLUGS & sockETS ver a— PLUGS & sockeTs Witn SHEET STEEL. Page 17ns) rere) PIT) =) a B TYPE (L SERIES) MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKERS (M.C.B.) 240/415V A.C. 50Hz CURRENT TYPE B (LSERIES) PRICE/ UNIT (Rs.) RATING SP ‘SPN oP 1P TPN FP 6A-32 100.00 235,00 265.00 385.00 526.00 585,00 408, 440.00 285.00 335.00. 530.00 660.00 690.09ewe eae Rad RCCB/MCCB, MCB + ELCB, cere Peto ES) vourpen case ciRcUIT BREAKERS TYPE: MCCB TYPE AMPS POLE BREAKING CAPACITY Price (Rs.) BM-30 15,30 1P 2.5KA/1.5KA 1335.00 BM-100 40,50,60,75,100 TP 25 KAI 10 KA 1690.00 BM-250 125,150,175 TP 25KA/ 15KA 4345.00 BM-250 200, 225,250 TP 25KA/ 15KA 4785.00 BM-400 300, 400 TP. 35KA/ 22KA 12370.00 BM-600 500,600 1? 42KA/ 30KA 20935.00 BM-800 700,800 P 42KA/ 30KA 2625.00 BM-100 (FP) 100 FP 35KA/ 25KA 2815.00 BM-250 (FP) 125, 150,175 FP. 35KA/ 25KA 7205.00 8M-250 (FP) 200, 225,250 FP 35KA/ 25KA 7915.00 Adjustable : current adjustment 80% it FES] esinvaL CURRENT CIRCUIT BREAKERS (ELECTROMECHANICAL) (RCCB/ELCB) CURRENT DOUBLE POLE PRICE (Rs.) FOUR POLE PRICE (Rs.) RATING ‘30 mA/100 mA/300mA. 30 mA/100 mA/300mA 164, 1080.00 1495.00 258 1130.00 1530.00 32a 1160.00 1580.00 408 1205.00 1660.00 63A 1270.00 1780.00 100A 1520.00 2575.00 Enclosure Plastic 46.00 105.00 EES] canri LEAKAGE CIRCUIT BREAKER WITH MINIATURE CIRCUIT BREAKER (MCBVELCB) ‘CURRENT DOUBLE POLE PRICE (Rs.) FOUR POLE PRICE (Rs.) RATING ‘30 mA/100 mA/300mA, 30 mA/100 mA/300mA 164 805.00 1320.00 258 830.00 1320.00 32A 870.00 1375.00 40A 920.00 1485.00 63A 1125.00 1730.00 100 1690.00 3236.00 Enclosure Plastic 107.00 210.00 EE] chance over (240/415 VOLTS, AC soHz) RATING AMPS Type Double Pole Four Pole 25A- 408 BL (CIO)-40 480.00 1205.00 Bentex Control & Switchgear Company etree mee RCCBIELCE st MCB+ELCB CHANGE OVER Page 19Cer SKN Kwh METERS, STATIC (ELECTRONIC) METER SU es Sait Serre men EES) kwh METERS (SINGLE PHASE) AAC Single Phase 2 Wire Static Meter 250A S200, 5-20, 10408 EM-124 405.00 65000 545.00 846.00 10804 EW-126 535.00 780.00 698.00 1015.00 AC Single Phase 2 Wire Static Meter Mattunction Meter 210A 520A, 520A, 10408 EMNI24 : 1996.00 410-60 EMN-126 2090.00 AC Three Phase 4 Wie Static Meter 5:208,10408 BLSM-T44 1510.00 2130.00 1860.00 2745.00 Dual Static Meter Suitable for Group staric Stale Housing Socily and Comm. Complex AAC Single Phase 2 Wire Static Meter EM-124 - 3360.00 4350.00 5-208, 10-408, [AC Tivee Phase 4 Wie State Meter BLSMT-44 = 4625.00 --- 5995.00 5-208, 104081608 =f = ys EEG] motor STARTER OIL FOR OIL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTER 4B DESCRIPTION Price / Unit (Rs.) & Motor Starter Oil 1 Ltr. 204,00 per bottle 1.8L. 306.00 per botle STARTER OIL = FEE] aie cooLeRs with Submersible Pump Even Operates on Invertor. (Warranty 2 Months) Model ley Cool Snow Cool Price 115001- 6450)- Air Delivery (in MO/Ht) 590x570x890 40M. 570x490x560 25f. Cooling Area (Sq. Ft.) 950.00 550.00 Louver Movement Auto Swing Auto Swing Max. Voltage (in Watts) 230 W 88 W. Water Tank Capacity 80 Lis. 45 Lis. Ice Chamber Yes Carten Dimensions 690x580x950 609x558x558 Wheel Whee! Trolley General Terms & Conditions 1, Prices are subject to change without notice & those preva ‘will be applicable, Prices are inclusive of excise duty, Prices of other spares will be sent on demand. ‘Sales Tax as applicable will be charged extra Prices are F.O.R. Delhi ‘This price list supercedes all our previous price lists 19 atthe time of dispatch Page 20OUR PRODUCT RANGE Ed STARTERS (PROTECTION & CONTROL) sa p= 4 soe to) DIRECT ON LINE OIL IMMERSED STAR DELIA OIL IMMERSED _ MANUALLY OPERATED OL IMMERSED MOTOR STARTERS. ‘SEMI AUTOMATIC MOTOR STARTERS STARDELIA MOTOR STARTER SUP RING MOTOR STARTERS a, ¢ Bw (AIR REAK MANUALLY OPERATED SIAR DEUA STARTERS ‘Alf BREAK DOL MIM STARTER ot staRrER caso Ac CONIACTOR SINGLE PHASE PREVENTOR —__801/ SA CONTROL PANEL Moror STARTER OM. SWITCHES (PROTECTION & CONTROL) ‘REWIRABLE SWITCHES CHANGEOVER SWITCH REVERSING SWITCH (CHANGE OvER swiTcH MCB+MCCB - L.T. DISTRIBUTION BOARD / PLUG & SOCKET (LT DISTRIBUTION - PROTECTION & CONTROL) saat eee 4 = Tae (ener ce (Mc® DISTRIBUTION BOARD rcs ; a“ ce ce + £1CB ccs Pues & socKeT ‘PUGS & SOCKET DISTRBUTION BOARD Ror is bs CONID. BACK PAGESada G. ROU Pp Electrical Division : gar ure @ A Ha TES a | . . 4 i EN Hare Taree oor ean meter indent Wats ctr = re a pees eae SI B-63-65/3, NARAINA INDUSTRIAL AREA, PHASE-II, NEW DELHI - 110028 Ph.: 011-45698100 ( 30 Lines) Fax : 011-25707556 E-mail: in, or else for further information, visit us at http:// AUTHORISED DISTRIBUTOR : KALRA SALES 45/593, Block No. II, Ambala Cold Storage Complex, Treasury Road, Ambala City (Haryana) Ph.: 0171-2530583, 2530584 M.: 09896 166337 E-mail :
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Estimation of 11 KV Lines or HT Line or High Tension Line
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