Interference Analysis of A Total Frequency Hopping GSM Cordless Telephony System
Interference Analysis of A Total Frequency Hopping GSM Cordless Telephony System
Interference Analysis of A Total Frequency Hopping GSM Cordless Telephony System
Jürgen Deißner, André Noll Barreto, Ulrich Barth*, and Gerhard Fettweis
Endowed Chair for Mobile Communications Systems
Dresden University of Technology, D-01062 Dresden, Germany
Tel. +49-351-463-4660, Fax +49-351-463-7255
e-mail: {deissner | noll | fettweis}
* Alcatel Corporate Research Center, D-70499 Stuttgart, Germany
e-mail: [email protected]
In this paper we present an interference analysis which reveals
capacity reserves for a hierarchical GSM radio network. In the In [1] a new multiple access method, called Total Frequency
investigated concept a low-power Cordless Telephony System Hopping (T-FH), was presented for such a CTS system. It is a
reuses the frequencies of a cellular GSM system based on Total slow FH technique, which uses as much of the cellular GSM
Frequency Hopping (T-FH) multiple access. Based on a novel frequencies for FH in the CTS systems as agreed with the GSM
simulation method, which considers the dynamics of a T-FH operators and the regulator, ideally the whole GSM frequency
cellular network, we present results for different cordless user range (e.g. 124 frequencies in GSM900). The more frequencies
densities and numbers of T-FH frequencies which exhibit the are used the more obvious is the effect of averaging the CTS-
benefits of our CTS concept. Moreover, we show two possible caused interference over a lot of cellular GSM channels. In that
ways to further improve the CTS downlink performance in case paper it was concluded that cellular GSM and CTS systems can
of difficult scenarios. co-exist, if the GSM-to-CTS power ratio is well over or around
20 dB for 25 or 75 FH frequencies, respectively. However, the
I. INTRODUCTION assumed simulation environment does not represent a very dense
Solutions for hierarchical radio networks where different layers urban residential area, which we expect as a worst case as well
share the same channels were already discussed earlier, e.g. for as one of the first deployment scenarios. Furthermore, the
hot-spots. An application scenario for GSM radio networks applied Monte-Carlo simulation method with SIR values for
providing low-power cordless indoor coverage was introduced GSM bursts calculated for totally independent snapshots of the
as a home base station [1]. This culminated within ETSI into the system model does not allow for an analysis of the time
current standardization efforts on CTS. correlation of SIR values according to the dynamic environment.
Especially, neither the ability of a FH algorithm to avoid sequen-
A GSM Cordless Telephony System (CTS) [2,3,4] consists of a ces or accumulations of hits to the same frequency can be shown
low-cost GSM base station, the CTS Fixed Part (CTS-FP) and a nor the ability of a GSM receiver to recover from poor SIR
modified GSM mobile station, the CTS-MS which can work values in few bursts due to the deinterleaving and decoding gain.
either in the conventional cellular or in the new cordless mode.
The CTS-FP is connected to the fixed network like for example In [5] a FH algorithm is presented that is especially designed for
a DECT Fixed Part, however it uses GSM frequencies. the requirements of a T-FH GSM CTS system. Together with the
GSM CTS concept proposed by Alcatel [4], which incorporates
In order to convince a GSM network operator to share his the T-FH technique, this is the basis for our simulations.
spectrum for GSM cellular operation with GSM cordless
systems, our simulations have to reveal under which III. SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT
circumstances a GSM CTS system is able to perform well Our model of the cellular GSM radio network represents a dense
including: urban environment with a high traffic load, because this is likely
• a dense GSM macrocell structure and a tight reuse scheme, to be also an area of high GSM cordless user penetration. Our
• different CTS user densities, worst case assumptions are listed in the tables 1-6. As the result
• different numbers of reused frequencies or a small number of of the discussions within ETSI these assumptions were mainly
separate frequencies for CTS use only (e.g. for an agreed for their CTS simulation studies except for the BS-to-BS
introduction and test scenario), and distance (ETSI: 500m), the portion of GSM-MSs being indoor
• different GSM-to-CTS transmit power ratios.
This work was supported by Alcatel.
(50%), the BCCH timeslot consideration (not modelled), and the Table 5. Cellular GSM transmission characteristics
CTS transmit power (17dBm, not varied) [6]. GSM-BS GSM-MS
• transmit power: 33 dBm • transmit power: 33 dBm
• sector antenna with a horizontal pattern • omnidirectional antenna
A. Radio network configuration o
having a 3dB-beamwidth of 60 and a front-
to-back ratio of 40 dB
Table 1. System layout
• 54 dBm EIRP due to 21 dB max. gain
cellular GSM CTS (vertical pattern not considered)
• regular hexagonal cells • CTSs are generated within round buildings Furthermore, for cellular GSM and CTS we assume:
• 3/9 reuse structure with a radius of 20 m, which are uniformly • Neither power control nor DTX is applied.
distributed over the investigation area.
• BS-to-BS distance D = 750 m • The noise floor, including thermal noise and a noise figure, is assumed with -114 dBm.
• The number of occupied buildings
• cell radius R = 250 m
corresponds to the CTS density.
• all GSM-BS and GSM-MS are outdoor
• The CTS density [1/ km ] is a simulation
B. Propagation models2
• The position of a CTS-FP and a CTS-MS All propagation models are two-dimensional, statistical path loss
in “its” building upon generation is
R uniformly distributed over the building models and based on the assumption of a heterogeneous
• all CTS-MS and CTS-FP are indoor
environment. The shadowing S(σ) follows a log-normal
D distribution with standard deviation σ and is uncorrelated
between locations, but does not change as long as the position
Table 2. Frequency usage and traffic load remains the same3 (Table 6). In particular, the shadowing value
GSM CTS does not change during an interleaved block of 8 consecutive
• 3 transceivers per cell result in 27 • Total Frequency Hopping is applied
available frequencies ; no frequency • Every CTS user is provided with a unique
bursts in a certain channel (refer to IV.A).
hopping T-FH sequence.
• BCCH modelled by the continuous • The number of frequencies that are re- Table 6. Path loss equations
occupation of the downlink timeslot 0 at used by the CTS systems for T-FH is a GSM-BS - GSM-MS
one of the frequencies in every cell simulation parameter.
Walfish-Ikegami [03.30] with f = 900 MHz, hBS = 25 m, hMS = 1.5 m, hroof = 15 m, w = 20 m, b =
• SDCCH not considered, but handled like a • Each CTS-FP supports only 1 CTS-MS. 50 m, ϕ = 90
further TCH
• 0.1 Erlang per CTS-MS
• 23 available TCHs per cell 315. + 20 ⋅ lg(d / m) + S(8dB) for d ≤ 21m
• exponentially distributed call interarrival LGG =
• 15.3 Erlang offered traffic (corresponds to time; mean call arrival rate per cell: 7.7 + 38 ⋅ lg(d / m ) + S(8dB) for d > 21m
1.6% blocking probability and 65% mean 0.00083/s
load) GSM-BS - CTS-MS
• exponentially distributed call hold time;
• New calls that encounter 23 occupied mean value: 120 s LGC = LGG + Lindoor with Lindoor = 12dB
TCHs in their best-server-cell are blocked.
• exponentially distributed call interarrival
time; mean call arrival rate per cell: 0.17/s Walfish-Ikegami [03.30] with hBS = 4 m and Lindoor = 12 dB
• exponentially distributed call hold time; 315. + 20 ⋅ lg(d / m) + S(8dB) + Lindoor for d ≤ 23.5m
mean value: 90 s LCG =
−7.54 + 49 ⋅ lg(d / m ) + S(8dB) + Lindoor for d > 23.5m
evaluated cluster • CTS-FP transmit power between 13 and 38 dBm (sect. V.D),
7 1 4 7
• a reduced frequency list with 24 and 6 shared T-FH
7 1 4 7 1 4 7 1st tier of
interfering clusters frequencies (section V.E).
1 4 7 1 4 7 1 4
2nd tier
7 1 4 7 1 4 7
A. The reference scenario for comparison
3rd tier
1 4 7 1 4 7 1 4 Table 7 summarizes the results for our reference scenario. We
1 4 7 1 4 CTS evaluation area
observe the strongest influence in the outage probability of the
7 7
The interference performance at all 4 network element types, This is due to our model of the GSM-BS, which always transmits
GSM-BS, -MS, CTS-FP, -MS, can be studied in one and the with its maximum power without power control and DTX for
same simulation. We are always able to distinguish the interference reduction. The CTS downlink is effected so strongly
interference that is caused by the GSM cellular system from the
total interference, which includes the CTS- caused interference. 4
In the case of a cellular GSM 3/9 cluster with 3 frequencies per cell, we consider the reuse
of all those 27 GSM frequencies in the co-existing CTS as a worst case because the mutual
interference between the cellular and the cordless systems is the most.
Table 7. Performance results for 17 dBm CTS transmit power, 1500 CTS/km2, small set of frequencies. However, it can be a solution for the
and 27 shared T-FH frequencies
CTS introduction and for medium CTS densities.
Outage probability Frame Erasure Rate (FER)
total, with CTS GSM-caused part total, with CTS GSM-caused part
C. Different numbers of frequencies for T-FH in the CTS
GSM uplink 1.8 % 0.9 % 0.9 % 0.9 %
GSM downlink 0.9 % 0.7 % 0.7 % 0.7 % Fig. 2 illustrates the relation between the GSM performance and
CTS uplink 2.9 % 2.6 % 0.2 % 0.1 %
the number of T-FH frequencies for 17 dBm CTS transmit
CTS downlink 25.5 % 25.3 % 22.8 % 22.7 %
power and 1500 CTS/km2. As expected, the results reveal the
increase in the effect of interference averaging, when
because of the different power ratios of the base stations and of
considerably more than 27 GSM frequencies are used for T-FH
the handsets of both systems; the GSM-BS-to-CTS-FP ratio is
in the CTS.
25 dB depending on the angle to the main lobe of a GSM-BS
antenna, whereas the GSM-MS-to-CTS-MS ratio is only 16 dB.
Outage Probability
The results for zero density represent the GSM-caused part of
interference. In the range of 750 to 5000 CTS/km2, which
range of 0.9% to 4.4%, the FER only in the range of 0.9% to Fig. 2. GSM outage probability for 13..124 T-FH frequencies.
D. Different CTS-FP transmit powers
Table 8. Outage probability (Pout) and frame erasure rate (FER) without CTS
and for densities between 750 and 5000 CTS/km2 In this scenario with increased CTS-FP transmit power we ex-
CTS density [1/km ] 0 750 1500 3000 5000 pect similar results like in a scenario with interference reduction
GSM uplink Pout 0.9 % 1.4 % 1.8 % 2.8 % 4.4 % features at the GSM-BS. Fig. 3 shows an exchange of perfor-
GSM uplink FER 0.9 % 0.9 % 0.9 % 0.9 % 1.2 %
mance between GSM-MS and CTS-MS for increasing transmit
GSM downlink Pout 0.8 % 0.9 % 1.0 % 1.2 % 1.5 %
powers, where the reduction of outage probability and FER at
GSM downlink FER 0.7 % 0.8 % 0.7 % 0.7 % 0.8 %
CTS uplink Pout 2.5 % 2.6 % 2.9 % 3.2 % 3.6 %
the CTS-MS is considerably stronger than the increase at the
CTS uplink FER 0.1 % 0.1 % 0.2 % 0.2 % 0.4 % GSM-MS. This indicates that we can reach a reasonable perfor-
CTS downlink Pout 25.3 % 25.4 % 25.5 % 26.0 % 26.2 % mance in the CTS downlink by means that reduce the GSM-BS
CTS downlink FER 22.7 % 23.0 % 22.8 % 23.4 % 23.7 % transmit power in relation to the CTS-FP transmit power.
The CTS results also show the poor CTS downlink performance. 10
However, we can still learn from the CTS uplink performance, GSM downlink outage probability
GSM downlink FER
CTS downlink outage probability
which shows only a CTS-caused change in the total outage CTS downlink FER
Outage probability or Frame Erasure Rate
results exhibit a linear increase of the outage probability in both, Fig. 3. GSM downlink performance for CTS-FP transmit powers of 13..38 dBm.
CTS uplink and downlink, in the range of 1.3 % to 8.6 % at
750 .. 5000/km2. Using only 3 frequencies shows that the main
T-FH advantage of interference averaging is not gained at this
E. A reduced frequency list for T-FH Facing the poor CTS downlink performance in our reference
scenario, we showed that the GSM-BS-to-CTS-FP power ratio
A further way to improve the CTS performance is to exclude the
should be taken into consideration. As a way for improvement, a
frequencies of the strongest interferers from the list for T-FH and
reduced frequency list was proposed. First simulations with such
thus to prevent both, the generation and the reception of
a list indicate a considerable decrease in interference.
interference on these frequencies. However, the less frequencies
are available for T-FH the smaller is the interference averaging Therefore we will further investigate the gain that can be
effect. achieved by a reduced frequency list. Results for the
consideration of a GSM microcell layer can be found in [10].
Possible strategies for a reduced frequency list are to exclude:
• all frequencies of the potential serving cell, VII. CONCLUSIONS
• all BCCH frequencies of the potential serving and their We presented an interference analysis of a hierarchical GSM
neighbor cells (expecting that the other frequencies are not radio network which reveals capacity reserves in the GSM for
occupied with the maximum BS transmit power due to CTS or GSM picocells. The investigated CTS concept benefits
downlink power control), from the Total Frequency Hopping multiple access technique,
• all BCCH frequencies (as before) and all further frequencies which allows for low-cost CTS Fixed Parts that make use of
of the potential serving cell, GSM handset chipsets with only modified software and
• all frequencies of the potential serving and their neighbor protocols. The simulation results revealed poor CTS downlink
cells, performance for the assumptions of our reference scenario due to
• the frequencies of the strongest interferers due to not modelled interference reduction features. However, for
measurements. improvement we proposed a separate consideration of the
transmit power ratios in uplink and downlink and a reduced
For the latter two cases (18 from 27 available GSM frequencies
frequency list.
excluded due to measurements and 21 frequencies excluded due
to the frequency plan) we already carried out simulations for the It is reasonable to assume that these observations are not only
scenario with 17 dBm CTS transmit power and 1500 CTS/km2. GSM-specific. Therefore, a similar hierarchical concept should
The results presented in Table 9 indicate a considerable early be considered in the UMTS standardization efforts.
performance improvement already for reduced frequency lists.
But as expected, the interference portion that is caused by other REFERENCES
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