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BC-72, BC-82 Manual English & Portuguese Version PDF

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BOOSteE? (OSOMPERFEITO SISTEMA DE FILTROS SEPARADORES ELECTRONICOS DE8 CANAIS BC-72 www.boosteraudio.com MANUAL DO USUARIO norenen ee ROOSTER... (csstenas plicdoer ican momaomorel OSC PERT EITO| ‘Bee BC72e um sims cpr de su ubwoe one mo pasage as ‘ns de deer alr se sso 1s est manuel ckthsunere ara qe pos esabelcer um stems sso {Clecundo 9-73 no con dos ste tapi de ern hae ‘Stes de ao roprcona un pea repasie de Son. “CARACTERISTICAS & ESPECIFICAGORS Ena cto 62 vg Subwoofer lao Ex tren Sv ~~ Sabor Sone Motos ass Abo Benn Convenor de coments DC Para BC “Cantina ite! de a parca anal eno ‘otons de sumootraral 0-1 sa Can ebcotr 8/807 190/ 200 Varig ese de scefer 0-10 gras Intra ESTERED MONO de Suber IneaperdeON / OFF da ext de sbwooter {Camis sles de sagen ded 1001 130/200/Bemola2k/5k/5k/ i eu inal a Ruo> 908 Dis: menos de 002 Foe eae: 12:16V DC, Neg, Ga cme OOSTER ‘esque a cones (psi, remo) eis deat, ‘ergs no cato tera en concn coment 2 INDICADOR DE ACENDIMENTO LED NO ACENDE: 4 DISTORCAO DE SOMA NIVEL BAINO DE VOLUME: 4 NIVEL DE SoM E BAIXO: ‘estigaeo conte de GANHO decd cmp som i ose. ‘esis scons RCA exo wor ou cote conecanet ‘SUM CHADO FODE SER OUVIDO PELOS ALTO-FALANTES A NIVEL DE. ‘VOLUME BAIXO F COMO MOTOR EM MARCHA, ‘Vergata levee temeo el one ontanent decline, ‘terse se op stra tem sm fom conto com 9 shai ADVERTENCIA ‘esque eguema de seu suomével clearness Syria oe ‘aes Teta cso soba pro dengue gins, ris © concn io eo apie pen er sta Fe ‘tin feat no stoméve prs reve ane epeciene ret ‘ao monte sstema ce contd ao ete ese pt ot ‘pera oa danes pr abjatas prximes Oras eee 12 DC ev sr ido ‘tema postive Jecoset ater [tes deconect 0 Serr cnet coer a terial de nc oie, Sepa oa #12V no exe da ba, Cru eqs io ase ot ‘soreness de dno ens ‘Src bir fel, ba sme am um fie iso 20 roprciona com sem Uliano um el de diet poo sega sr rlarem ano exe sistema ue 0s ela gat <=" BOOStET 660060 1, SELECTOR DE ONTO DE CONVERGENCIA SUBWOOFER) — 4. CONTROLE DE GANHO DE GRAVES ot requis o reco 4p seraupentnon min de +108, §, SELECTOR DE ESTEREOMONO (SUBWOOFER) ‘Aus elector « MONO pra qe saad stbwootr sea monotaic 6 CONTROLE DE-GANHO DO CANAL REMOL Giese comole em seni boii paar oe cana em 1. SELECTOR DE PONTO DE. CONVERGENCIA DE SONS MEDIOS ‘de convergéncia bane, 2 fequéncia baina(2.5k-3 5K 58.Bemoll deve combina com ‘pound convergence a, 9. CONTROLE DE-GANHO DE SONS MEDIOS Cie este cole em sentido basi ss nesta ove! de sans mo 10, SELECTOR DE VARIAGAO DE FASE (PASSAGEM ALTA) ema dene ae temp cnet 11. SELECTOR DE PONTO DE CONVERGENCIA DE PASSAGEM ALTA Cots id pape alge 2S, 3k Sh 12, CONTROLE DE GANHO DE PASSAGEM ALTA. 1A NDICADOR DE ACENDIMENTO OLED sesamin usd una gata ie conncronsa _ eae fone let 1 Conecronas MEER N Be NGOS IK. CONECTORES DE SAIDA DE ALTIFALANTE DE MEDIOS 19, CONECTORES DE SAIDA DE ALTIFALANTE DE AGUDOS CONEXOES ELECTRONICAS & INSTALAGAO ELECTRICA Bs (12V) Conecte un cabo vermetho (pelo mens cle 1012) hae owe eos. -REMOTO: Conic um cabo anno cabo de sia rem (12V DC) do ‘stro de wtrnve ou equa GND: Const um cab pre (pelo menos decal 1012) 20 chasis do amine pa soneno er ° Alimentast0 www.boosteraudio.com BooSte? THe PERFECT SOUND 8 CHANNEL ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER NETWORK SYSTEM BC-72 OWNER'S MANUAL SSAC ryt yeoman aber ‘irc on cry oyu cen ew satay ‘Sean Tne cee a your hace you e FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS “nou na — Sawer argai ont ce be camara sonra : nen erin Of rovers 210 0 Neg. Gr me BOOSTER ‘Sack algore poste rrctaresmnecn Eek at gout ope) comes 2. LED POWERONINDICATORNOT GONGON: ‘Sane ar sgn tnesy Sabutlvinotsteorey, ‘hac raed th psd meen ory oe tae ané aun nes ata gpo rath asa WARNING Invert ely our aon ey ee Slinger cing ay aes. ‘ort ose te overage sri ach ya sree noble ‘Sivan aan ni fn ac bonis ‘mst sect The 12 owe wouter! FUNCTIONS. q © 660 e606 6 “= EIOOSTET ‘Troe ga Booste? THE PERFECT SOUND, HIGH PERFORMANCE CAR AUDIO. MODEL:BC-82 8 CHANNEL ELECTRONIC CROSSOVER NETWORK SYSTEM INTRODUCTION ‘This 8-82 isan Electron Crossover Network with which you can instal ‘vaous ypes of multichannel amplifier systems ina ca. This BC-82 is channel crossover system (Subwoofer, Mid-ange, High-pass and Fat), Botore designing and insaling your system. Pease read tis manual carefully so that you can setup the system that practical suits you. Geiting the 80-82 Inthe center of your mutiampitir car stereo system Your car stereo system wil provide you withthe utimate sound reproduction FEATURES & SPECIFICATIONS + 2Way stooo input. SubwoofeFront “4-Wiay steeo ouput. SubwooterMa-range/Migh Passat ‘#0C ta DC conver power supa * Individual output level conto for each stereo channel. ‘Variable subwoofer boost 0 1008 at 40H ' Subwoofer channel 45!80150200Hs, *% Subwoofer phase shi 0-180 degree. + Subwoofer STEREOIMONO swteh 4 Submooter input ONOFF switch + Selectable band pass charne! 100/150/200/Flatto 24/3 SX/SK7K + Signal o Noise rato 9038. {Distortion : ess than 0.02% Powersupply :12-1BV DC, Neg. Gra “TROUBLE SHOOTING SECTION _ ] 1. SIGNAL PROCESSOR DOES NOT TURN OW: Check al uses. "Check al poweriposive remoe) wire connections Check that grouna wire is properly connected. 2. LED POWER ON INDICATOR NOT GOING ON: "= Same assign remedy. ‘3, SOUND DISTORTION AT LOW VOLUME LEVEL: % Output level not st corect 4 LEVEL OF SOUND IS LOW: Check input gan contol match o deck output ‘Check the AC patch cords for loose or misconnected ables, 5. AWHINING SOUND CAN BE HEARD THROUGH THE SPEAKERS ‘AT LOW VOLUME LEVEL WITH RUNNING ENGINE: # Chock he power iceredwth good connection direct tothe battery and ground pot must make goed cocact with chassis grouns | _" [ ELECTRONIC CONNECTIONS & WIRING | + Signal connection [FUNCTIONS ] eo 6 6 B® @ CROSSOVER POINT SELECTOR (SUBWOOFER) Contos the subwoote output frequency at 45,80,150,200Hz @ SUBWOOFER INPUT SWITCH ‘When your ea radio has subweefer output to connect the unit's subwooer Input Push the wt to the “OFF” Position. your car radio onty has tine outpt to connactthe unit's in input; Push the swith to to “ON' Position Res @ PHASE SHIFTER SELECTOR (SUBWOOFER) ‘Alows you to change the phase ol your subwoofer from Oo 180 degrees to help compensate fr timing diferences between divers, @ BASS BOOST CONTROL (40H2) Frequencies around 40Hz can be boosted atthe maximum af +1038. ® STEREOIMONO SELECTOR (SUBWOOFER) Set the selector to MONO to make subwoote output monaural. @ FLAT CHANNEL GAIN CONTROL, By turing his conto! clockwise you int @ SUBWOOFER GAIN CONTROL By turning this control clockwise you increase subwooter channel evel @MIDDLE RANGE CROSSOVER POINT SELECTOR ‘The high Pass frequen 100, 150 200Hz Fla shoud match the ow ross lover pont, the low Hequency(2.5k.3.5k.5k Fatshould match the high, crossover point. @ MIDDLE RANGE GAIN CONTROL By furrng this contol eocnise you increase mide range channel oval ® PHASE SHIFTER SELECTOR(HIGH PASS) ‘Allows you to change the phase of you high pass rom 0 o 180 degrees, to help compensate for timing differences between drivers, @ HIGH PASS CROSSOVER POINT SELECTOR Control the high pass output at 2.5% 9.554.7K. @® HIGH PASS GAIN CONTROL, By turning this contol clockwise you increase high pass channel @ POWER ON INDICATOR ‘The LED light up when the unt is powered on 120 flat channel evel FUNCTIONS _ @ SUBWOOFER INPUT CONNECTORS (FRONT INPUT CONNECTORS: (@ FLAT OUTPUT CONNECTORS {® SUBWOOFER OUTPUT CONNECTORS (MIDDLE RANGE OUTPUT CONNECTORS (@HIGH PASS OUTPUT CONNECTORS ELECTRONIC CONNECTIONS & WIRING Power connection +8. (12V) Connect ated wire(at last 1012 gauge}to the car batlery or other power source “REMOTE ‘Connect an orange wire to remote actvaing(2V DC)wire of car stereo or equalzer. "GND Connect a biack wie(tloastl0-12 gauge} the car chassis for ‘g10und connection BooSte? MANUAL DO USUARIO BC-82 SISTEMA DE FILTROS SEPARADORES ELECTRONICOS www.boosteraudio.com DE 8 CANAIS eerex - BOOStE? BOOStE? [CONENOES ELECTRONICAS& INSTALACAO ELECTRICA Tan) 609000 sts rorro pe comctne gor pcan ee ecm eee seeitpesaaat See ee enero ‘Se seu atomovel em sud emits pra comet serra ina da wie: Prestone inemapsrs pose "ON" BooSte? smite cio de sed seu subcodes 180 gas para compensa plas ‘Meenas de sara cae conrtasres Freguénsiaeanredor des podem ser aumentado tum maximo de +1048. 5. SELECTOR DE ESTEREOMONO SUBWOOFER) 6 CONTROLE DE GANHO DO CANAL BEMOL, Gig este contol em senior prs amare sel Jo cal bra 1. CONTROLE DE GANHO DO SUBWOOFER Gre este conto sentido tro para amar onvel do cal suhwoote, {SELECTOR DE PONTO DE CONVERGENCIA DE-SONS MEDIOS ‘ comergénin hun, elncia ana 25353 emol Seve cmb om ‘Spams de comergeca ao. 9. CONTROLE DE. GANHO DE SONS MEDIOS ‘Giese coal seni Hoo pra incementaro nel sons ms 10, SELECTOR DE VARIAGAO DE FASE (PASSAGEM ALTA) ‘emt cin eine dp a 9 pra pacar 11. SELECTOR DE PONTO DE CONVERGENCIA DE PASSAGEM ALTA, Conus i passage lem 23,3 Sk Te 12, CONTROLE DE GANHO DE PASSAGEM ALTA neo sont esnips neementar aie Se pase, BOOStE? 11. CONECTORES DE ENTRADA DE SUBWOOFER 15. CONECTORES DE ENTRADA DIANTEIRA. {6 CNECTORES DE SAIDA HEMOL, 19, CONECTORES DE SAIDA DE SUBWOOFER. 1 CONECTORES DE SAIDA DE ALTIFALANTE DE MEDIOS. 1, CONECTORES DE SAIDA DE ALTIFALANTE DE AGUDOS (CONEXOES ELECTRONICAS & INST LAGRO ELECTRICA Comex Eetscn Br 12¥) Coste um cabo vermeil mens de care 10:12) tera 08 fone de neg REMOTO: Conese un abo Iai 0 co de atagdo emt (12V DC} do ‘to de atone on egealaatr, ‘GND: Const um ao pret pk mo ec 10-12) chasis do atoms pa comeo era “were BOOStE? ivrnoDucio Ete BC-2¢ um Fit Sepa lesen om 0 lv poe nal virion pos ‘de sstemus splices cal num aon ue BC 2 ¢ om sox sear dvs toot, ons mis pss al Beno ‘Ames de desea ina se stn, {is ese manual cidsanere pr que pos esl um sis sisi, {Close BCA? no om do essen maple cere es ‘ren de to it ropa a seems repos de ‘CARACTERISTICAS & ESPECIFICACORS ad io de 2 as Subwoofer Danis Ena wo de an Sunol! Sone Main Ps Ao Ba ‘Cone decent DC Para BC Coles inal nel de ida parca aa too ‘mend cbt varie! uib8 se (na bwcofer 8/90/10 208 era de aed rater 0180 rae Inemapor ESTEE / MOND de Sbter (Carat lesion de ego eas 100/ 150/200 Bem 24/38 Ski 4 Reta Sin Rao» 9048 1 Disogmins dene 1 Pot eames: 1-16V BC, Neg. Git BOOSte? LOCALIZAGAO DE AVARIAS. 1, OPROCESSADOR DE SINAL.NKO ACENDE: Vergata os tse Verge tos cones (posto, ems) d cabo 2 INDICADOR DE ACENDIMENTO LED NiO ACENDE: Sits mesos pss que wi ._ DISTORCAO DESOM A NIVEL BAIXO DE VOLUME: ‘ate de sins est asad conectaent, 4 NIVEL DE SoM EmarX ‘erie o conte de GANHO decd, parte cm a aa do sem ‘erie sor bos RCA se wr on conadoe nconecunene ‘SUM CHIADO FODE SER OUVIDO PELOS ALTO.FALANTES A NIVEL DE. NOLUME RAINO COMO MOTOR EM MARCHA ‘eau sco elec (een es cones earecamen dieu ‘Stent seo pone stra tem um om cnt om shai INsTALAcao =! BoOoSte? sls) meses senso que 3 meron eforem {Ero au aires drntlahararor do roduota ov am pa sues BOOSzE? modeo Nr desenie( , BooSte? ‘B00Si=T Wireshorreacn ste careon be ete mechani sie chrgewpreler ne eS ‘Beads show bow ite copy ett pursan so ‘> crameernthae en outdo anager. 2 Crmoarthatar ben eu ered pen cow Oat BOOSEY errs erie Sao ‘anageoyalcorimpeprin ola. “> banage yor pwning by tag nt Torscove ne peneo ie waranty ose 2 Shipuntvis UPS or Pact Potions conpany as «nce US03 00 atupnape anh Purchases Dato, L BOOS Mode! | Apply |

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