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Team Sports Syllabus

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Team Sports

Coach Yow
Classroom Goal:
Physical Education classes are more than just playing games. My goal is to introduce students to healthy
lifestyle choices by showing different ways to be physically active and to help promote good character by
enforcing sportsmanship, fair play, teamwork, and positive attitudes.
All South Rowan High School rules will apply in our gym/weight-room. This includes NO CELLPHONES
and the dress code. Students are also expected to:
Respect all people and objects in our class at all times.
Participate every day.
When I am talking, I expect you to listen. You may miss something important if you are talking.
At the beginning of class:
1 Be in your assigned spot for attendance when the bell rings. If you are not in the right place when
the tardy bell rings, you will be counted tardy.
2 After attendance is taken, you will be dismissed to the locker rooms to change. You have 8
minutes to change and get back into the gym.
3 Once you get into the gym, start walking around the gym while waiting for the rest of your
classmates to get dressed. Once everyone is in the gym and ready, we will start our warm-up
During class:
1. You are expected to participate fully in all activities that we do in Team Sports. If you choose not
to participate, points will be taken off of your grade. YOU CANNOT GET THESE POINTS BACK!
2. I understand that you may not like each and every game that we play, but this class isnt just
about what you like. Our goal is to find a lifetime sport or activity that everyone can enjoy and
continue to play for a lifetime of fitness. Understand that you signed up for Team Sports so you
are expected to participate every day.
3. If you need to use the restroom while we are in the gym you will go to the Commons area to use
the restroom NOT the locker rooms. Locker rooms will be locked upon class starting and will not
open back up until class is dismissed.
At the end of class:
1. When there are 8 minutes remaining in class, you will be dismissed back into the locker rooms to
change and get ready for your next class or to go home.
2. Before the locker rooms are unlocked and students are dismissed to change, EVERYONE will be
responsible for cleaning up the equipment used in the gym for that day.
3. After you change, you will report back into the gym and stay there until the bell rings for dismissal.
Remember that 4 tardies equals one absence and more than 8 absences during the semester will
cause you to fail the course.
SRHS tardy policy applies. The following are consequences for classroom disruptions:
o 1st: warning
o 2nd: parent contact and detention (after school 15 minutes)
o 3rd: after school detention (30 minutes)
o 4th and beyond: control room

Team Sports:
You start out with a 100. You must dress out (T-shirt, shorts, sweatpants, wind-suit pants, tennis
shoes) and participate every day. If you are not dressed out, you cannot participate and you lose
points for the day (5 points the first time and 10 points every time after that).The 3 rd time you
come to PE and you arent dressed out, you will be sent to the control room and you will have
after school detention on that day. The 4th time and every time after you will be sent to the control
room and be given a Saturday School. If you attend detention and/or Saturday school AND I am
notified, then you can receive half of your points back. You are not allowed to wear Soffe shorts or
cheer shorts unless you wear leggings underneath. Shorts must meet school code or you will not
be allowed to participate.

You will lose points for walking during the warm up, not stretching properly, or sitting down instead
of participating. You will also lose points for complaining about our activity, rough play, goofing
around, horse-playing, and profanity.

Everyone must participate unless you have a doctors note. If you have a doctors note that keeps
you out for more than 3 days, you will have a written assignment to make up the points. If you sit
out without a note, you lose points for the day. The third time you sit out without a note (and every
time after that), you will be sent to the control room. Parent notes will be considered but may not
always be accepted. We will handle those on an individual basis.

Dress Out: 50%
Participation: 25%
Physical Performance/Test: 25%
Units Covered in Team Sports:
Indoor Soccer
Flag Football
Whiffle Ball
Team Handball
Physical Fitness Testing (Beginning of the semester, mid-way and at the end of the semester)
Beginning Weightlifting (Tuesdays and Thursdays Weight-room)

M = 7:00 Below
F = 8:00 Below
M = 90 110
F = 70 90
M = 4.8 Below
F = 5.0 Below
M = 4.5 - Below
F = 5.2 - Below
M = 35 Above
F = 20 Above
M = 50 Above
F = 50 Above

M = 7:01 8:00
F = 8:01 9:00
M = 70 89
F = 50 69
M = 4.9 5.1
F = 5.1 5.3
M = 4.6 4.9
F = 5.3 5.6
M = 34 30
F = 19 15
M = 49 45
F = 49 45

M = 8:01 9:00
F = 9:01 10:00
M = 50 69
F = 30 49
M = 5.2 5.4
F = 5.4 5.6
M = 5.0 5.3
F = 5.7 6.0
M = 29 25
F = 14 10
M = 44 40
F = 44 40

Below Average
M = 9:01 Above
F = 10:01 Above
M = 50 Below
F = 30 Below
M = 5.5 Above
F = 5.7 Above
M = 5.4 Above
F = 6.1 Above
M = 24 20
M = 39 35
F = 39 35


M = +7 Above
F = +8 Above

M = +6 +5
F = +7 6+6

M = +4 +3
F = +5 +4

M = +2 +1
F = +3 +2

Team Sports
Daily Routine

30 minute Run/Walk
Push-up Routine


Weight Room
Ab Work


Line/Agility Work (Full, backwards, side, carioca, shuffle, bear, crab, shuttles.)
Dot Drill (Feet together, one foot, figure 8, F-M-B-M turn)
Ladder Work
o Both feet in forwards
o Both feet in sideways
o Slalom
o Lateral Shuffle
o Carioca Forward
o Hop Scotch
o Knee Tuck
o Carioca Sideways


Weight Room
Ab Work


Jump Rope

Following the daily routine we will start our unit for the day. The longer it takes to get through the daily
routine the less time you will have to play the unit. We will complete the daily the routine before we move
on to anything else.

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