Jeffrey A Hubbell: Bioactive Biomaterials
Jeffrey A Hubbell: Bioactive Biomaterials
Jeffrey A Hubbell: Bioactive Biomaterials
Bioactive biomaterials
Jeffrey A Hubbell
The most important advances in the field of biomaterials over
the past few years have been in bioactive biomaterials.
Materials have been developed to incorporate bioactivity
through biological recognition, including incorporation of
adhesion factors, polyanionic sites that mimic the electrostatics
of biological regulatory polysaccharides, and cleavage sites for
enzymes involved in cell migration. Materials have also been
developed to be active in biological environments by
undergoing phase changes in situ, including transformations
from liquid precursors to solids and from soluble materials to
materials that are immobilised on tissue surfaces.
Department of Materials and Institute for Biomedical Engineering,
Swiss Federal Institute of Technology and the University of Zurich,
Moussonstrasse 18, CH-8044 Zurich, Switzerland;
e-mail: [email protected]
Current Opinion in Biotechnology 1999, 10:123129
Elsevier Science Ltd ISSN 0958-1669
Important advances have been made in the field of biomaterials over the past few years, and most of these have been
associated with rendering materials biologically active. It is
as logical to develop biomaterials that are bioactive as it is
to develop drugs that are bioactive. Pharmacological activity is based on the principles of biological recognition, for
example, to competitively inhibit receptors or enzymes, to
block binding sites, to regulate certain biological pathways,
and so on. One can, in most applications, consider the
function of a biomaterial-based device analogously to that
of a pharmaceutical. An example could be considered in
the context of the vascular graft. Certainly, the basic functions of the graft have nothing to do with biological
activity: it must carry blood flow, must resist the dilatory
pressures of the cardiovascular system, and must resist the
compressive and kinking forces of the tissues external to
the cardiovascular system. These goals can be met entirely in the absence of biological activity. Beyond these basic
performance goals, however, one may be well advised to
turn to bioactivity: to prevent coagulation, to encourage
endothelial cell attachment and retention, to promote capillary infiltration as a source of endothelial cells, to prevent
excessive smooth muscle cell proliferation and collagen
matrix expression. To turn to biological recognition to
accomplish these ends, for example, to incorporate biologically motivated, biomimetic adhesion-promoting sites or
to incorporate growth factors, is quite logically based on
the analogy of drug design. In addition to the highly
biospecific biological recognition phenomena described
above, some natural biological recognition proceeds by less
specific physicochemical interactions, such as binding of a
Biochemical engineering
Furthermore, specialised biomaterials have been developed to incorporate and modulate these important
biologically active molecules. For example, with the goal
of bone repair by delivery of the growth factor transforming growth factor , the affinity of the growth factor for
heparin has been exploited [20]. Many such growth factors bind heparin, as well as heparin sulphate
proteoglycans in the extracellular matrix. To exploit this
binding affinity, heparin was conjugated to collagen
matrices used in bone repair, and this immobilised
heparin served as an affinity site to bind and slowly
release the growth factor in the healing site. As an extension of this approach, the growth factor was chemically
conjugated to the collagen matrix via a poly(ethylene glycol) spacer. This growth factor was biologically active in
the immobilised state, presumably being able to bind to
the receptors on the surface of the cell and permit receptor dimerisation and signal transduction [21]. The
ability of immobilised growth factors to be biologically
active has also been demonstrated in the very well-characterised system of epidermal growth factor conjugated to
synthetic polymer surfaces, where it was shown to be
capable of directing hepatocytes to maintain their liverspecific morphology and function [22].
Biochemical engineering
Biological activity has played an important role in modern
biomaterials development, employing the principles of
biological recognition that are used so frequently in pharmaceutical design in addition to other more
material-centric principles, for example, those that permit
material to respond to external stimuli. Only recently have
these novel bioactive biomaterials begun to make clinical
impact, but given the relatively long cycle from concept to
clinic this is to be expected. Indeed, it is probable that the
concepts of bioactivity reviewed here, as well as others,
will make much more direct clinical impact in the culture
laboratory and clinic in the next few years. It is clear that
the expenses associated with development and regulatory
approval of products based on bioactive biomaterials will
be higher than that of products based on traditional biomaterials, and as such these development activities must
be targeted at economically important applications with
largely unmet needs, where advantages in safety and efficacy associated with bioactivity compensate favourably for
the higher cost of development and regulatory approval of
the bioactive product.
of special interest
of outstanding interest
Biochemical engineering
Palecek SP, Loftus JC, Ginsberg MH, Lauffenburger DA, Horwitz AF:
Integrinligand binding properties govern cell migration speed
through cellsubstratum adhesiveness. Nature 1997,
385:537-540. [Published erratum appears in Nature 1997, 388:210].
This paper provides very convincing evidence of a direct link between cell
adhesion strength and cell migration rates, providing for the biomaterials engineer important guidance that too much of a good thing (e.g. an adhesion ligand) can be bad (e.g. if cell migration was an important performance criterion).
10. Massia SP, Hubbell JA: Vascular endothelial cell adhesion and
spreading promoted by the peptide REDV of the IIICS region of
plasma fibronectin is mediated by integrin a4b1. J Biol Chem
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11. Bearinger JP, Castner DG, Healy KE: Biomolecular modification
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12. Meinhart J, Deutsch M, Zilla P: Eight years of clinical endothelial
cell transplantation. Closing the gap between prosthetic grafts
and vein grafts. ASAIO J 1997, 43:M515-521.
This clinical study with endothelial cell seeded vascular grafts demonstrated that graft performance in high flow regions (where stresses on the
attached endothelial cells were greatest) was better when the biomaterial
matrix included the adhesion protein fibronectin. Although the study was
performed with a complete protein, rather than an engineered peptide, it
provides direct clinical evidence of the need, and probability of success,
of such approaches.
13. Elbert DE, Hubbell JA: Surface treatments of polymers for
biocompatibility. Annu Rev Mater Sci 1996, 26:365-394.
14. Cook AD, Hrkach JS, Gao NN, Johnson IM, Pajvani UB,
Cannizzaro SM, Langer R: Characterization and development of
RGD-peptide-modified poly(lactic acid-co-lysine) as an
interactive, resorbable biomaterial. J Biomed Mater Res 1997,
15. Borkenhagen M, Clemence JF, Sigrist H, Aebischer P: Three
18. Zarge JI, Huang P, Husak V, Kim DU, Haudenschild CC, Nord RM,
Greisler HP: Fibrin glue containing fibroblast growth factor type 1
and heparin with autologous endothelial cells reduces intimal
hyperplasia in a canine carotid artery balloon injury model. J Vasc
Surg 1997, 25:840-848.
19. Haller MF, Saltzman WM: Nerve growth factor delivery systems.
J Controlled Release 1998, 53:1-6.
20. Schroeder-Tefft JA, Bentz H, Estridge TD: Collagen and heparin
matrices for growth factor delivery. J Controlled Release 1997,
The investigators employed the affinity of the important growth factor
transforming growth factor for heparin to develop clinically relevant
bioactive biomaterials for bone regeneration. Heparin, grafted to the collagen substrate, served as a docking and release site to provide for
delayed release. When cells migrate into such matrices, they may also
release the growth factor by local enzymatic action, as occurs naturally in
the extracellular matrix.
21. Bentz H, Schroeder JA, Estridge TD: Improved local delivery of
TGF-b2 by binding to injectable fibrillar collagen via difunctional
polyethylene glycol. J Biomed Mater Res 1998, 39:539-548.
This report, along with [22], provides evidence that covalently immobilised
growth factor, in this case transforming growth factor , can be presented to
cells in a bioactive manner. This was not clear a priori, in that the ligandbound receptors must presumably dimerise in the plane of the membrane in
order to express biological activity.
bioactive peptide signals, by using bi-domain peptides, one peptide containing a substrate site for the coagulation transglutaminase factor XIIIa and
the other containing a bioactive peptide of interest. This opens a fascile
route to make fibrin clots with customised biological activity.
36. West JL, Hubbell JA: Polymeric biomaterials with degradation sites
for proteases involved in cell migration. Macromolecules 1999,
This report, although preliminary in nature, provides an example of a totally
synthetic biomaterial gel that can be degraded by cell-associated proteases.
Given that adhesion ligands can also be incorporated into this material [37],
this opens the door for synthetic materials that can be invaded and remodelled by cells in a healing response, in complete analogy with the way tissues
are naturally remodelled.
46. Jeong B, Bae YH, Lee DS, Kim SW: Biodegradable block
copolymers as injectable drug-delivery systems. Nature 1997,