Sample Questionnaire
Sample Questionnaire
Sample Questionnaire
Instruction: Please put check mark (√) on the space provided that coincides with
B. Age:
C. Religion:
____ Catholic
D. Occupation:
____ Employed
____ Unemployed
Listed below are cultural beliefs involved in maternal and newborn health
care. The following cultural beliefs are grouped into three: a) During pregnancy
and b) During child delivery and c) After child delivery
Extent of Practice
(√) Beliefs:
1 2 3
1. When labor pains starts, she must walk around and
keep herself busy to keep off her mind from the
2. When the labor is too much prolonged and difficult,
a traditional healer (insup - ok) will be called.
3. Traditional midwife will be called to help the
mother deliver the baby. The traditional midwife
and the giving birth mother are the only ones
allowed to stay in a room where the mother feels
she is comfortable to give birth.
4. The farey (placenta) should be wrapped with cloth
or be placed in a container and will be buried on the
left hand side of the doorway facing outside if the
child is a girl. If it is a boy, the placenta will be
buried on the right hand side of the doorway.
5. The position of the child when it came out should
be noted.
( Extent of Practice
) Beliefs:
1 2 3