Press Release.3
Press Release.3
Press Release.3
Little Bloomsbury 4th Annual Celebration of Art, Literature, & Music!
Statewide Call for Artwork & Poster Competition!
LOGAN, UT - Sponsored by Cache Valley Visitors Bureau,
Little Bloomsbury Foundation issues a statewide, free-and-
open-to-all call for original creative works of all mediums
(e.g. art, music, poetry, fiction, plays, audio arts, short films)
for the 4th Annual Celebration to open on 23 – 25 April. All
subjects will be considered while there is a special interest in
entries that support the 2010 theme of “Shared Prosperity for
the Employment-Challenged” in inspiring solution and
planning for individuals and families facing employment
challenges or in motivating employment preparedness among
youth and careerists alike in an uncertain global economy.
The Foundation also announces the first annual poster
competition with a distinguished panel of judges for whom
pressing socioeconomic issues are at the forefront of their
lifelong philanthropic pursuits: Herm Olsen, Logan Municipal
Council Member, Utah Bar Commissioner & Utah Pro Bono
Attorney of the Year; Afton Smith, Feature Artist & Poet at
Little Bloomsbury’s 2006 inauguration; and Bart & Kathy !!!! TM
Cardon, humanitarians and honorary patrons of the art show.
adaptation because it is ambiguity that heightens interest and London colleges, and literary
makes art intriguing,” Dr. Sun explained. The 2010 event is connections to the Bloomsbury Group
intended to awaken artists on "#"$%"&'('%)! "*#! +,-'"&'('%).! with writer Virginia Woolf, painters
"*#! /'+#,0! '*! &1'(#'*2! (,*23%450! 54+4564+! '*! %74'5! Roger Fry and Duncan Grant,
-"5445! "*#! ('84! $("**'*2.! "*#! '*! %15*! 7"64! %740! '*+$'54! psychologist Adrian Stephen, and
"*#!'*8(14*-4!%74!$1&('-!0'*#!/'%7!$,/45!,8!%74'5!"5%9 economist John Maynard Keynes.!