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Little Bloomsbury 4th Annual Celebration of Art, Literature, & Music!
Statewide Call for Artwork & Poster Competition!
LOGAN, UT - Sponsored by Cache Valley Visitors Bureau,
Little Bloomsbury Foundation issues a statewide, free-and-
open-to-all call for original creative works of all mediums
(e.g. art, music, poetry, fiction, plays, audio arts, short films)
for the 4th Annual Celebration to open on 23 – 25 April. All
subjects will be considered while there is a special interest in
entries that support the 2010 theme of “Shared Prosperity for
the Employment-Challenged” in inspiring solution and
planning for individuals and families facing employment
challenges or in motivating employment preparedness among
youth and careerists alike in an uncertain global economy.
The Foundation also announces the first annual poster
competition with a distinguished panel of judges for whom
pressing socioeconomic issues are at the forefront of their
lifelong philanthropic pursuits: Herm Olsen, Logan Municipal
Council Member, Utah Bar Commissioner & Utah Pro Bono
Attorney of the Year; Afton Smith, Feature Artist & Poet at
Little Bloomsbury’s 2006 inauguration; and Bart & Kathy !!!! TM
Cardon, humanitarians and honorary patrons of the art show.

! Scenic artist Anne Benson’s logo designs reflect the !

The poster competition requires artists to come out of their alternative views and range of statewide initiatives of
Little Bloomsbury Foundation in “promoting peace
comfort zone to collaborate with writers, poets, and/or other and hope in an uncertain world” via mass media, art,
artists and to develop empathy with on-the-ground research and culture education.
that involves reaching out to fellow citizens with
employment challenges and absorbing their realities like Teachers of art, music, and literature
actors would as an important part of their preparation for a are welcome to make the artwork
role. Top prizes include Power Lunch for four at Elements submission and/or poster competition a
and dinner or lunch for four at Jack’s Wood Fired Oven, all course assignment. Informal in-class
with gift cards from Fuhriman Framing and Smokin’ Blues. debriefing on the requirements may be
arranged with Little Bloomsbury
Dr. Brenda C. Sun, Executive Director of Little Bloomsbury Foundation at Tel: 435-787-1303, Email:
Foundation said, “We hope teamwork and empathy will [email protected]. For event
result from this exercise and that it will add momentum to the details and accommodation offer visit
annual festival as our statewide initiatives continue to place
an emphasis on community outreach and shared prosperity.”
A transition economist & China strategist and formerly The spring festival is free and open to
Assistant Professor of Global Business Strategy at USU, all ages, with a free workshop series on
Basil Blackwell Fellow at London School of Economics, and preventive mental health, career
Vice President of Marketing at Citicorp-Citibank, Dr. Sun planning, and self-employment in
stated that none but we citizens can bail us out of the current support of Bear River Mental Health,
recession, the most severe and longest of all nine recessions Cache Business Resource Center,
since WWII. “Of all Asian goods, there is one America has NAMI, Options for Independence,
yet to import and import urgently, and that is the time- Small Business Development Center at
honored Asian consumer model of reserve-accumulating (vs. USU, and USU Career Services. Little
debt-based) resource management,” she said. Bloomsbury is named after Bloomsbury
of London, which is notable for its
“The creation as well as appreciation of art can help enhance gardened squares and parks, U of 1

adaptation because it is ambiguity that heightens interest and London colleges, and literary
makes art intriguing,” Dr. Sun explained. The 2010 event is connections to the Bloomsbury Group
intended to awaken artists on "#"$%"&'('%)! "*#! +,-'"&'('%).! with writer Virginia Woolf, painters
"*#! /'+#,0! '*! &1'(#'*2! (,*23%450! 54+4564+! '*! %74'5! Roger Fry and Duncan Grant,
-"5445! "*#! ('84! $("**'*2.! "*#! '*! %15*! 7"64! %740! '*+$'54! psychologist Adrian Stephen, and
"*#!'*8(14*-4!%74!$1&('-!0'*#!/'%7!$,/45!,8!%74'5!"5%9 economist John Maynard Keynes.!

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