Director of Lands vs. Iacdocx

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IAC, 146 SCRA 509 (1986)

FACTS: The Tambac Island in Lingayen Gulf is situated in the Municipality of Bani, Pangasinan,
which consists of more or less 187,288 square meters. The initial application for registration was
filed for Pacific Farms, Inc. under the provisions of the Land Registration Act (496).
The Director of Lands opposed the application alleging that the Pacific Farms, Inc. does not
possess a fee simple title to the land nor did its predecessors possess the land for at 30 years
immediately after filing the application. In an amended application, Pacific Farms, Inc. filed a
manifestation-motion to change the applicant from Pacific Farms, Inc. to J. Antonio Araneta.
Despite the supposed amendment, there was no republication. So, the Director of Lands
alleged that the land is within the unclassified public land and inalienable.
ISSUE: Whether or not the land known as "Tambac Island" can be subject to registration.
HELD: The amendment of the application from the name of Pacific Farms Inc. to the name of J.
Antonio Araneta Inc. was a mere attempt to evade disqualification. Our Constitution prohibits
private corporations or associations from holding alienable lands of the public domain except by
lease. The court ruled to release the subject property from the unclassified category, which is
beyond their competence and jurisdiction. They reiterate that the classification of public lands is
an exclusive prerogative of the Executive Department of the Government and not of the Courts.
In the absence of such classification, the land remains unclassified until released and rendered
open to disposition.

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