Rebuttal Time: Alyssa Turk Ddix 2015

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REBUTTAL TIME Alyssa Turk DDIx 2015 * Rebuttals are the time for you to obliterate your opponents case. DEFENSE DEFENSE DEFENSE * Agood rebuttal should have offense sprinkled in as well. * The time to introduce new evidence, not just re-applying your case, but make sure to mention your arguments. * You can do this by cross-applying or weighing your arguments against theirs. CLASH CLASH CLASH The Purpose You get to spend all 4 minutes answering every argument your opponents have made * Both in case and in crossfire * The advantage: you can have so many responses on their case/arguments that it is almost impossible for the other team to respond to in their rebuttal. Go line by line; respond to individual arguments instead of contentions. * There are going to be multiple arguments per contention. Make sure to flow all of them. The First Rebuttal * You should spend 3 minutes responding to your opponents case and | minute going back and defending your own. * Still go line by line as much as possible. * GROUP GROUP GROUP. When your opponents cross- apply their case in rebuttal, respond to both the case argument and the response at the same time * The advantage: You get an extra 4 minutes to prep your rebuttal while your partner reads your case. * This is why it is important to have preflows so you don’t have to listen to your partner read the case The Second Rebuttal * You should have multiple responses per argument ¢ Having at least 3 different responses per argument makes it harder for your opponent to revive said argument. * You should be introducing bunches of new evidence. ¢ Ifyou are pressed for time, forgo the number of responses for the quality, pick your best ones. The Responses * Non-unique * No Solvency * No Impact * Turns * De-Linking * Contradictions Types of Responses * BUILDINGS DON’T WRITE PAPERS OR PERFORM STUDIES * Say your authors name and credentials * When extending: extend BOTH the author’s name and the warrant, but DON’T re-read the card. * Ifyou are reading conflicting evidence, give the judge a reason to PREFER yours over your opponents’. * Compile a brief/evidence packet. * DON’T read evidence you don’t have saved. * Dropbox, desktop folders, Google Drive. Storing Evidence

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