Word List CAT Wordpandit

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Wordpandit words

Anguish: Extreme mental distress

Complicity: the state of being in partnership or involvement in
Confection: the process of preparing something
Cravat: necktie
Deleterious: Injurious to health
Dereliction: the act of abandoning something
Despair: A state in which all hope is lost or absent
Desperation: A state in which all hope is lost or absent
Dismal: Lack of skill
Dived: to plunge into water
Elite: the best of things considered collectively, as of a group
Elusive: Difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze
Emboldened: to make something bold
Endure: to hold out against something
Erroneous: containing errors, mistakes
Hawkish: threatening diplomatic policy
Hostile: characteristic of an enemy
Hysterical: uncontrollably emotional
Inebriated: to make drunk, intoxicate
Innate: In-born
Intrepid: Invulnerable to fear or intimidation
Jingoism: the practice of jingoes
Lurch: an instance of swaying abruptly
Mallets: a wooden implement used for striking a surface
Mandible: bone of the lower jaw
Misnomer: misappropriate name or designation
Misogyny: hatred of women
Morph: a species that occurs in two or more forms
Mumbo-jumbo: Language or ritual causing, or intending to cause,
Nonchalance: lack of concern
Nugget: A lump of a precious metal
Petition: a formally drawn request to the person in authority for mercy

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Placebo: An innocuous or inert medication; given as a pacifier or to the

control group in experiments on the efficacy of a drug
Pogrom: an organized massacre
Prognosis: a forecast
Punitive: inflicting punishment
Ratified: to confirm by expressing approval
Refinement: process of refining
Replicated: Reproduce or make an exact copy of
Riot: public disorder caused by a group of persons protesting against
Sciatica: Neuralgia along the sciatic nerve
Shire: the counties in the Midlands in which hunting is popular
Silos: a pit for storing grains
Sluggish: lacking energy
Sluggish: lacking energy in actions
Surge: a rushing forward movement
Thwart: to oppose successfully
Veered: to change the direction
Abatement: termination
Abysmal: extremely hopeless
Acumen: keen insight
Ambit: boundary or limit
Anonymity: the state or quality of being anonymous
Arid: extremely dry
Caveat: a warning or caution
Chicanery: deception by sophistry
Clemency: the act of showing mercy
Compliance: the tendency to yield
Consortium: combination of financial institutions working together
Contentious: quarrelsome
Curb: anything that controls
Custom duty: a tax levied on the imports
Deficit: Expenses minus incomes
Docile: easily managed
Erroneous: containing errors
Evoke: to call up or cause to appear
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Exacerbated: aggravate
Exacerbates: to aggravate
Expedient: tending to promote some proposed object
Foisted: impose fraudulently
Formidable: causing fear
Hassle: a disorderly dispute
Herald: a royal or official messenger
Immediacy: the quality of being immediate
Incursion: invasion of a place or territory
Inevitable: that cannot be avoided
Intrusion: illegal act of entering
Jeopardize: hazard or risk
Lethal: deadly
Lust: Intense sexual desire
Murmur: a low continuous sound of distinct voices
Neonatal: pertaining to newborn children
Obviate: to prevent or eliminate
Orgy: wild, drunken activity
Pioneer: a person who is among those who first enter or settle a region,
thus opening it for occupation and
development by others.
Pivot: the end of a shaft
Plum: a fruit or a tree
Probation: the act of testing
Proficiency: skill or expertness
Rein: controlling or directing power
Ruse: a trick
Sacked: a large bag for storing grain
Shrink: to contract or lessen in size
Sordid: dirty or filthy
Stalling: shed for accommodation of an animal
Sympathy: sharing feelings of another person
Synapse: a region where impulses are received and transmitted
Torpedoed: s self-propelled missile containing explosives
Untenable: incapable of being defended
Vague: not clearly stated
Verdict: a judgment
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Whack: to strike with a smart blow

Wrath: fierce anger
Askance: with suspicion
Bizarre: weird, unusual
Breach: violation
Brutal: cruel or inhuman
Clutch: to hold tightly
Codification: the process of arranging in a systematic form
Commemorative: to honor the memory of someone
Console: to lessen the grief
De facto: in fact
Decelerated: to decrease the velocity of something
Dichotomy: division into parts
Dismantle: to disassemble
Egress: an exit
Emulate: to try to equal or excel
Entrenched: establish firmly
Enunciate: to pronounce in a particular manner
Expulsion: the act of expelling
Extremist: supporter of extreme doctrines
Fragile: delicate
Frill: affectation of manner, style
Fumbling: to fell about clumsily
Glumly: dejected
Hordes: a large group
Hostile: not friendly or generous
Ideologues: a person who zealously advocates an ideology
Impede: hindrances, obstruction
Imponderable: that cannot be precisely determined
Indicted: to charge with an offence
Innumerate: unfamiliar with mathematical concepts
Legitimate: according to the law
Lethal: causing death
Misdemeanour: instance of misbehaviour
Mortal: deadly
Mourning: period of grieving
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Naysayer: person who habitually expresses negative views

Ominous: threatening
Perpetual: continuing forever
Perversely: persistent in what is wrong
Plead: to use arguments
Prodded: to poke with something pointed
Reminiscent: suggestive
Repatriation: to return to ones own country
Resilient: rebounding
Retrospective: directed backwards
Robust: vigorous
Sabotaged: interference as by enemy agents
Scandal: an offence caused by fault
Scion: a descendant
Sheer: unqualified, utter
Skimpily: lacking in size, fullness
Slaughter: brutal killing
Sleuths: private investigator
Solidarity: community of feelings and interests
Tantalise: tease by arousing expectations
Tumultuous: highly agitated
Tycoon: a businessperson with great power and wealth
Unleash: set loose
Venture: a business undertaking
Vexing: to irritate or annoy
Vigilant: alert
Affront: a personal offensive act
Aficionados: an ardent devotee
Agglomeration: cluster of varied parts
Apostates: A disloyal person who betrays or deserts his cause or
religion or political party or friend etc.
Arbitrary: Based on or subject to individual discretion or preference or
sometimes impulse or caprice
Articulate: Speak, pronounce, or utter in a certain way
Avenue: a wide street
Battered: Damaged by blows or hard usage
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Brevity: the quality of expressing much in a few words

Charade: blatant deception
Cheekily: insolent
Clientele: followers
Collateral: Serving to support or corroborate
Concede: to acknowledge as true
Connived: to cooperate secretly
Contemporary: Characteristic of the present
Credence: belief as to the truth of something
Cryptic: puzzling
Curdled: Transformed from a liquid into a soft semisolid or solid mass
Demographic: A statistic characterizing human populations (or
segments of human populations broken down by age or sex or income etc.)
Detriment: loss or damage
Eccentric: not situated in the center
Envisage: to visualize
Expedited: to speed up the process of something
Hagiography: A biography that idealizes or idolizes the person
(especially a person who is a saint)
Ideology: body of doctrine or belief
Imminent: Close in time; about to occur
Impassioned: Characterized by intense emotion
Incestuous: guilty of incest
Indigenous: native
Inevitable: Incapable of being avoided or prevented
Intransigence: refusing to compromise
Litigation: a lawsuit
Logjam: an immovable pile of logs
Logjam: Any stoppage attributable to unusual activity
Magnanimous: Noble and generous in spirit
Mandate: a command on a public issue
Mandated: Assign under a mandate
Massacred: Kill a large number of people indiscriminately
Melancholic: gloomy
Mogul: A very wealthy or powerful businessman

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Nepotism: Favoritism shown to relatives or close friends by those in

power (as by giving them jobs)
Paradigm: A standard or typical example
Pariah: A person who is rejected (from society or home)
Pillage: The act of stealing valuable things from a place
Pious: showing respect, devotion towards God
Pitched: to fix in a definite place or location
Plausible: having the appearance of truth
Pragmatism: The attribute of accepting the facts of life and favoring
practicality and literal truth
Ravage: A destructive action
Reminiscent: Serving to bring to mind
Revive: to activate
Savvy: to understand
Scrutiny: investigation
Serenaded: Sing and play for somebody
Shoved: to move along by force
Slain: Kill intentionally and with premeditation
Spiels: a high flown speech
Swathe: to wrap
Tumultuous: highly agitated
Unrepentant: Stubbornly persistent in wrongdoing
Vanity: excessive pride in ones appearance
Allegiance: loyalty or devotion of a person
Amok: a psychic disturbance characterized by depression
Anodyne: a medicine which relieves pain
Anonymity: the state of being unknown
Anthropogenic: Of or relating to the study of the origins and
development of human beings
Awash: covered or crowded
Balustrade: a railing with supporting balusters
Bawdy: indecent
Benign: Pleasant and beneficial in nature or influence
Boasted: to speak with pride
Brandished: Exhibit aggressively
Bristles: short, coarse hairs of animals
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Clamour: any loud, continued noise

Clergy: group of ordained persons in a religion
Cognitive: perception
Collegial: involving shared responsibility
Comatose: lacking alertness or energy
Compassion: feeling of deep sympathy
Conundrum: anything that puzzles
Debunking: expose the falseness of something
Despotism: absolute power or control
Distortion: something that is distorted
Ensconced: hide securely
Enshrined: to cherish as scared
Existential: Derived from experience or the experience of existence
Extolling: praise enthusiastically
Fragility: easily broken or damaged
Harping: talking about something persistently
Hindrance: Something immaterial that interferes with or delays action
or progress
Horrifically: To an appalling extent
Iconoclasm: action of iconoclasts
Inflicting: to impose something
Islam phobia: Prejudice against Muslims
Kneejerk: A reflex extension of the leg resulting from a sharp tap on
the patellar tendon
Legitimate: according to the established law
Loftily: arrogant
Lopsided: leaning to one side
Magniloquent: expressed in a lofty style
Minaret: tower attached to a mosque
Mired: wet, swampy ground
Orthodox: customary
Paranoia: excessive suspicion of the motives of others
Plenary: Full in all respects
Posterity: descendants of a person
Pow-wow: a quick private conference
Predatory: preying upon other animals for food
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Profusion: abundance
Putatively: supposed
Relented: become less severe
Reluctance: unwillingness
Reluctance: unwillingness
Replicate: an exact copy
Resilience: power to recover
Rigor: harshness
Sanctity: scared
Scarcity: A small and inadequate amount
Scuttling: to run with hasty steps
Sneak: to act in furtive manner
Stagnant: dull and inactive
Statute: enactment made by formal legislature
Trumped: to excel
Ungrudgingly: In a generous and ungrudging manner
Veracity: truthfulness
Vicious: unpleasantly severe
Wracking: damage or destruction
Absurdity: something senseless, illogical
Accusation: Imputation of guilt
Accused: charged with a crime or fault
Affidavit: a written declaration made before an authorized official
Agitation: urging of a cause before the public
Anachronism: Something located at a time when it could not have
existed or occurred
Anemic: lacking power, vitality
Arbitration: settling of a dispute
Articulate: capable of speech
Barbaric: uncivilized
Barrack: large building for lodging soldiers
Bilateral: affecting two sides
Bilking: to fraud or cheat
Brazen: shameless
Callous: insensitive and indifferent
Cognizance: awareness
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Cohesion: act of uniting

Compliance: cooperation or obedience
Conniving: to cooperate secretly
Coyness: shy or modest
Custodial: pertaining to custody
Daft: Informal or slang term for mentally irregular
Delineate: to trace the outline of
Demeanor: behavior
Dissident: disagreeing in opinion
Dubious: doubtful
Dugout: a kind of a boat
Elite: best of something considered collectively
Embroiled: conflict
Encumbered: to hamper or hinder
Genome: a set of chromosomes
Herald: an official messenger
Imposition: the laying on of something as a burden or obligation
Inferior: lower in rank or degree
Irrevocable: Incapable of being retracted or revoked
Isolation: complete separation from others
Juggernaut: an overpowering force
Litigation: a lawsuit
Mephitic: poisonous
Nullifying: Declare invalid
Obscured: vague or uncertain
Outcry: a strong public expression of protest
Outrageous: grossly offensive
Pervasive: Spreading or spread throughout
Potshot: an aimless shot
Provoke: to anger, exasperate
Purportedly: reputed or claimed
Repentant: Feeling or expressing remorse for misdeeds
Seized: to grasp
Sobering: Tending to make sober or more serious
Sordid: Morally degraded
Spurious: not genuine
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Suffice: Be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity

Summitry: the act of holding a meeting
Tainted: Touched by rot or decay
Undermining: Destroy property or hinder normal operations
Viciousness: without any content
Alacrity: willingness
Allegiance: loyalty of a citizen towards the government
Allots: to divide or distribute
Amputations: to cut off by surgery
Anarchic: lawless
Beacon: a warning signal
Biomass: organic matter that is converted into fuel
Canny: cautious
Chafing: to wear by rubbing
Chopper: a person or thing that chops
Chunks: a thick lump of anything
Contentious: quarrelsome
Corrugated: to draw or bend into folds
Covenants: a formal agreement
Crux: a vital point
Dalliance: a trifling away of time
Debilitating: to make weak
Dichotomy: dividing equally into two parts
Envisage: to visualize
Erotic: arousing sexual desire
Evacuate: vacate
Facade: The front side of a building
Ferry: a commercial service for transporting persons using boats and
Frosty: freezing
Haystack: a stack of hay
Hooked: hook-shaped
Imbecile: a blockhead
Intrepid: fearless
Litany: a ceremonial form of prayer
Lunacy: insanity
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Mimic: to imitate
Monologues: comedic solo
Precarious: uncertain
Queenly: suggestive of a queen
Receding: to move away
Resonance: echoing
Scavenging: to gather from discarded material
Shtick: routine business inserted to gain attention to oneself
Shun: to keep away from something
Skein: a length of thread wound on a reel used in manufacturing
Sluggish: lacking in energy
Stack: orderly pile
Stumbled: to strike foot against something
Suffused: to overspread with something
Tactful: skill in dealing with situations
Unscathed: without suffering any injury or harm
Venerable: commanding respect
Wading: to walk in water
Wielding: to use as a weapon
Windfall: unexpected gain
Accredited: officially recognized as meeting the essential requirements
Aerosol: colloidal particles dispersed in smoke
Apparent: readily seen
Augment: enlarge in size
Bedlam: a state of wild uproar
Belching: to eject gas from the mouth noisily
Benign: gracious
Boulders: a large worn rock
Brutish: cruel
Conduit: a pipe or tube for conveying water
Culinary: used in cooking.
Cusp: a pointed end
Demise: death or decease
Denigrate: defame
Discern: recognize or apprehend
Discotheque: a kind of a night club
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Eclectic: choosing from various sources

Elite: the best of anything taken collectively
Emanating: proceed
Envy: a feeling of discontent with regards to anothers advantages
Ethos: spirit of a culture
Euphoria: state of intense happiness
Exclusion: blocking the entrance
Expatriate: to withdraw from his own country
Explicit: clearly demonstrated
Fazed: to cause to be disturbed
Fervent: enthusiasm
Foment: to promote the development of something
Fragile: easily broken or damaged
Fudged: foolishness
Futile: ineffective
Grapple: to hold something fast
Heresy: accepted doctrine especially of a religious system
Incongruent: not agreeing
Lexicon: a dictionary
Litigant: person engaged in a lawsuit
Lucrative: profitable
Mural: a large picture painted directly on the wall
Nugget: a lump of a precious metal
Oblige: to bind morally or legally
Onerous: troublesome
Opacity: the state of being opaque
Panacea: a remedy for all diseases
Pedagogy: a function of a teacher
Plausible: having an appearance of truth or reason
Pragmatic: pertaining to a particular point of view
Precinct: a district or city marked out for governmental or
administrative purposes
Precursors: a predecessor
Presage: a warning indication
Proponent: the person who puts forward the proposal
Rampant: violent in action
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Raptors: a raptorial bird

Resonates: to resound
Restitution: reparation made by giving compensation for a loss
Retellings: updated version of a story
Savvy: to understand
Soothe: to relieve
Trump: a fine person
Vague: no clearly stated
Affluent: wealthy
Albeit: a conjunction meaning although, even if
Amass: to come together
Ambiguity: uncertainty of intention
Anachronistic: something or someone that is not in its correct
chronological time
Assert: to state with confidence
Assertion: a positive statement or declaration
Commendable: worthy of praise
Competence: sufficient quantity
Dazzle: to impress deeply
Dearth: lack of something
Decipher: to make out the meaning of something
Despotism: Absolute power or control
Doggedly: persistent in effort
Doled: distributing in charity
Dragnet: a network for finding someone
Drape: to cover with fabric gracefully
Environs: outskirts of a city
Envisage: to visualize
Envision: to mentally picture a future event
Ephemera: anything short-lived
Epileptic: a disorder of the nervous system
Evangelize: to preach the gospel to
Evocative: tending to evoke
Fledgling: an inexperienced person
Hogwash: worthless stuff
Impede: obstruction or hindrance
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Intervene: to come between disputing people

Intriguing: to arouse the curiosity
Intrusion: illegal act of taking possession of anothers property
Lexicon: The vocabulary of a particular language
Maestro: an eminent composer of music
Olfactory: pertaining to the sense of smell
Panoptic on: a building so designed that the interiors are visible from a
single point
Paranoia: a mental disorder
Plunge: to bring suddenly into action
Profane: not devoted to holy
Reckon: to calculate in numbers
Reify: to regard something as concrete
Rendition: translation
Resurrected: to bring back to life
Sagging: to hang loosely
Serf: a slave
Subversion: to overthrow
Suffrage: the right to vote
Tantamount: equivalent in value or force
Troves: a collection of objects
Vigorous: energetic and forceful
Wane: to decrease in strength or intensity
Ambiguous: having several possible meanings or interpretations
Amenable: willing to answer or act
Amplification: to make larger, extend
Anomaly: a deviation from the common rule
Archive: documents or records of data
Attrition: a reduction or decrease in numbers
Beleaguered: to surround with military forces
Bout: period or session
Concomitant: accompanying
Conscientious: something that is done according to ones inner sense
of what is right
Corpus: a complete collection of writings
Crunches: to crush with the teeth
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Defaced: disfigure
Dexterity: skill, agility
Dystopian: a society characterized by human misery
Efficacy: capacity of producing a desired result
Emulate: to try to equal or excel
Enamored: to be inflamed with love
Encryption: to encode
Exhorts: to give urgent advice
Hinted: an indirect but helpful suggestion
Hitchhiked: to travel by standing on the side of the road and soliciting
rides from passing vehicles
Hubristic: having excessive pride or self-confidence
Humbled: not proud or arrogant
Indignant: expressing strong displeasure
Infuse: to introduce
Intervene: to come between disgusting people
Introvert: a shy person
Labyrinth: a combination of paths or passages
Malfeasance: performance by a public official of an act that is legally
Mandarins: a member of any of the nine ranks of public officials
Meanders: taking an indirect course
Muddle: to jumble up
Nettle: any of the allied or similar plants
Nuanced: a very slight difference or variation
Outlast: to last longer than
Pellets: a small rounded body
Persevered: to persist in anything undertaken
Precarious: uncertain
Pretension: the laying of claim to something
Punitive: inflicting punishment
Rampant: Violent in action
Ratify: to confirm by giving approval
Rebuffing: an abrupt rejection
Reneging: to go back on ones word
Robust: strong and vigorous
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Severance: the state of being severed

Shielding: a broad piece of armor
Solitude: the state of living alone
Spiel: a high-flown talk or speech
Sprawling: to be spread out in an ungraceful manner
Staggering: tending to overwhelm
Tandem: one following or behind the other

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