10th Disclosure

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August 13, 2015

10th Grade | Room 209 | Preps: 3rd &9th periods

Mission Statement


Mr. Dewitts classes will instill in

students effective
communication skills to
enhance their ability to be
successful in interpersonal
relationships, postsecondary
goals, career leadership, and
community contribution.

Books We Will Read

I like to lean toward being positive. There are so many rules in

society, and rightfully so, but what if people just lived by good
values? Would there be a need to have so many rules? I dont
think so. One of my objectives as a teacher is to instill in students
a desire to be a good person rather than just behave well in my
classroom. This is why I have created a list of values that if the
students have and become, they will be successful in my class and
life. I have created my values on the spin of becoming a

Term 1: Night

P: Be persistent. Do not ever give up. You are amazing.

Term 2: Tuesdays with Morrie

A: Have a good Attitude. Be willing to smile and enjoy yourself

regardless of your circumstance. Find the good about every

Term 3: Touching Spirit Bear

Term 4: The Giver

1. Dont say I cant. It might be
more difficult for you than
others, but you can do it.
2. Expect Homework of some
kind each night.
3. Be willing to go beyond the
4. Communicate with me
about triumphs and
5. Must not fall behind.

N: No Excuses. Own what you do and live with the

consequences. Be accountable to yourself and others. You are not
a victim, others are not villains, and you are not helpless.
T: Be Teachable. Be willing to learn from me, your peers, your
greatest achievements, and even your mistakes. Successful people
are always willing to learn and take in wisdom.
H: Be Honest. Do your own work. Do it on time. Have high
character. Be the person you want to associate with.
E: Strive for Excellence. Do the very best you can in every
situation. Dont just settle for the base requirements. Do your
very best. Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of
self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best
you are capable of becoming -John Wooden-.
R: Be respectful. Respect yourself and others. Treat others as
your would want to be treated.
Become a PANTHER!

Disclosure Document


Mr. Dewitt

Classroom Rules:
There are have to be rules. Mine
Show up and be prepared.
Appropriate Language. All

words must build and inspire

themselves and others to
greatness. Let me do the
On Task/In Spot: It is almost

impossible to fail my class if

you keep this rule.
Produce your own work: Dont

silence yourself or set yourself

up for failure by cheating.
1. Verbal/written praise.
2. Sit where you want.
3. Possible extra credit.
4. Better Classroom Environment
1. Verbal/written reprimand.
2. Behavior Contract/Meeting
with parent.
3. Administration involvement.
* I reserve the right to skip any
step and go straight to the
administration based on the
students behavior.
* If any value,rule,policy, or
procedure is broken students
will fill out a resolution form.

Disclosure Document


August 13, 2015

Procedures and Policies:

Absent: First, make sure that you excuse the absence with the
attendance oce. Then, if you missed my class, please come and
talk to me about it at the end of class or another time of my
choosing. Please do not come up to me at the beginning of class
when I am trying to get the class started. The best time would be
to come in before or after school. You are responsible to get and
make up the work. You have three school days from the time you
were absent to get me the work or it is considered late.
Tardy: Please be on time. This is one of my pet peeves. It is
distracting and unfair to the other students when one shows up
late. If you are late please come in quietly and do not disturb
others by asking what are we doing. I will get you caught up when
there is a break in the instruction.
Electronics (Phones, iPads, iPods, etc): No electronic
devices are allowed in class. According to Washington County
School District: Any electronic device found on District property
is subject to search and confiscation. Please do not make me take
them from you and give them to the administration. If there is an
emergency, please contact the oce. (435)628.5255
Late Work: I detest late work. Yet, at the same time, I want
students to do the work because school builds upon itself.
Therefore, if a student wishes to turn in something late, they
must come into my classroom after school for a half hour per
assignment. There will be some assignments that cannot be
turned in late. I will communicate that with you.
Make-up Work: If a student or parent feels that the student
needs more time to make up work than I am currently giving,
then a student, parent, and teacher meeting will be scheduled to
come up with a reasonable way to make-up the work.
Participation: We will have a lot of class discussions. It is
important that you have an opinion and that you learn to voice
that opinion. There will be points in my class awarded based on


Mr. Dewitt

I will be following the Utah
Core found at: uen.org/core
The core is broken into the
following categories:


August 13, 2015

Grading Scale/Citizenship: I will follow the school grading
scale for letter and citizenship grades as found in the student
handbook. I grade in the following manner:
total points earned/total points possible.

Reading Literature: We will

read a variety of novels this year.
We will look at the key ideas and
details, craft and structure,
Integration of knowledge and
ideas, and increase of reading
Reading Informational
Texts: We will learn much of
the same things as literature, but
we will do so through nonfiction texts.
Writing: We will write a variety
of text types with dierent
purposes such as argumentative,
informative, narrative, etc. We
will produce a lot clear and
coherent writing pieces by
learning the writing process. We
will research dierent topics to
write developed pieces.
Speaking and Listening: We
will learn how to work with
others toward a common goal by
setting criteria to solve a
problem. Students will present
findings and creative pieces to
their peers in class through a
wide range of mediums.
Language: Students will
demonstrate a command of
conventions and vocabulary.

Disclosure Document

Types of Assignments:
Base Assignment: Students will be given a variety of smaller
assignments based on what is taking place in our novel or
informational text. Students will be given a variety of assignments
that will help evaluate their skills with English language
conventions. Being present and on time will be worth points.
Writing: There will be small writing assignments and really big
writing assignments. Be prepared to write everyday.
Journals: Some of the best thinking takes place when
connecting ideas to your own life. Journal writing gives you a
chance to do that. I will post journal prompts to my website over
the course of the term. You will need to write a minimum of 150
words per entry in a google doc that you will either share or email
to me. I will not share these with others, but I will read it.
Objective Sheets: I will communicate with students what they
are going to learn in class at the beginning of each class. They will
communicate privately to me whether they understood the
material through the responses on the objective sheet.
Tests/Quizzes: Students will be evaluated on their language
ability through the use of tests and quizzes. Hint: there will be
pop quizzes on the reading selection students should have done
as homework. before the current class period.
Extension Assignments: Students will be given a list of
assignments that they need to complete by the end of the term in
order to receive an A grade in class. These assignments will be
posted on my class website. You must complete two each term.
I will do my best to communicate these assignments to my class
website. Please look at the website first, then come to me with
questions you have about an assignment you have missed.


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