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04 - FRM 25.2 Michael Ong, Internal Credit Risk Models (Ch. 5 Unexpected Loss)

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Unexpected Loss
In the previous chapter we observed that a bank which acts as a financial intermediary in the market must inevitably take
illiquid assets into its balance sheet. The accumulation of these risky assets in the bank's generic loan portfolio has at least
one unpleasant consequence: the bank expects, and will therefore anticipate, some level of deterioration in their value. The
risk of loss in the value of these risky assets should, therefore, represent the bank's cost of doing business.
As we have seen, the measure that quantifies the anticipated aspect of the loss on a risky asset is the so-called ''expected
loss". The expected loss was derived previously as that portion of the risky asset which the bank is exposed to, on
average, in the event of default and the loss of which the bank is expected to bear as a consequence of undertaking its
role as a financial intermediary in the market. Hence, as a first line of defence against insolvency, the bank should set aside
a loan loss reserve provision equal to the expected loss. In addition, any targets for returns on assets used by the bank to
measure the relative performance of its business units must be correspondingly increased by an amount equal to the
provision for expected losses.
The tone of the previous chapter also implied that there is an unanticipated loss in the value of the risky asset
corresponding to the anticipated loss in value. Indeed, there is. There we called the anticipated loss the expected loss,
and in this chapter we shall call the unanticipated loss the unexpected loss.
In fact, most of the time the obligor will probably not default and the actual realised loss from the risky asset will be zero,
which is less than the expected loss. In this satisfactory circumstance the

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cial services industry was able to maintain good profit margins. Because of this there was little need for turf-intrusion and
hostile competition. As rates rose, however, deposits began to move out of the rate-restricted banking institutions into
higher-yielding alternativesa phenomenon known as "financial disintermediation". Consequently, new forms of liabilities
(eg, jumbo CDs, NOW and money market accounts), as well as assets of increasingly lower quality, began to appear in
banks' balance sheets. The Federal Funds market, which had been absent since the 1920s, was revived and the
eurodollar market expanded rapidly outside of US regulatory constraints. The sudden abundance of funds provided
opportunities for yield-seeking investors and resulted in creative and aggressive banking in search of higher credit
volumes. On the cusp of the Bretton Woods collapse, banking in general had been transformed from conservative asset
management into aggressive liability management. By the end of the 1960s the managements of some major banks were
claiming that a bank could borrow its liquidity from the markets and that, effectively, it did not need any capital (Williams,
The old careful concern about asset quality, with deposits taken as a given, changed into the new aggressive
liability management dictating the acquisition of financial assets at higher rates to cover liability costs. This is a
traditional fault of the banking industry, forgetting that interest rates are not just a function of market conditions but
also of risk. To replace higher quality customers, who were now borrowing more cheaply in the commercial and
Eurodollar markets, many banks were reaching out for credits of lesser quality with higher risks to realize higher
returns. (Manuels, 1997)
In retrospect, the consequences of deregulation were predictable.
1980s and Afterwards:
A Period of Bank Failures 6
From 1965 to 1981 there were 135 bank failures in the United States, averaging about eight per year. Table 1.1 shows
that there was an increasingly distressed period in the banking industry, reaching a peak during the late 1980s.
The number of bank failures during this period was unprecedented since the Great Depression. The period of successive
bank failures in the mid-1980s has come to be known in the US as the "S&L crisis"the savings and loan crisis. In
response to concerns

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Figure 5.1
Expected loss and unexpected loss
bank can consider itself fortunate (or wise) in having decided to hold the asset, and the loan loss reserve previously set
aside can either be rolled over to the next analysis horizon if the asset has not yet matured or, if it has matured, declared
as income.
However, every so often, as market conditions or the business cycle head for a downturn, the obligor will default.
Depending on the amount of the outstandings and the usage given default of the commitments by the obligor, the actual
realised loss in value of the risky asset may be significantly larger than the expected loss. To protect itself from insolvency,
the bank needs to set aside sufficient capital for this uncertain event. Even though the realised loss is unanticipated, and
therefore unreserved for, the bank needs to be cognisant that under extreme market conditions a confluence of unforeseen
factors, including the intrinsic composition of the portfolio of which this risky asset is a part, can lead to losses far in
excess of what has been reserved for.
The situation can be summarised as shown in Figure 5.1, which shows the mean (or expected loss) of the possible losses
in the value of the risky asset over the analysis horizon as a single straight line. It is a straight line because, on average, the
losses over the horizon are represented by a constant number.

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However, over time the unanticipated losses are uncertain and may, therefore, deviate from the average or expected loss.
At each time point before the analysis horizon the losses can fluctuate about the expected loss (EL). The fluctuations may
be above or below the average loss, and they may be small or large. This deviation from the average is called the
unexpected loss (UL) and is represented in the diagram as a jagged line. Because it is an uncertain phenomenon, the
unexpected loss has a probability distribution, of unknown form, associated with it. We represent this as yet unknown
distribution by a hump. As we shall see in later chapters, establishing the shape of the loss distribution raises very thorny
theoretical and practical issues.
Building on our earlier discussion of the concept of expected loss, the primary goal in this chapter is, first, to quantify the
unanticipated risk of loss of a single risky asset in the event of default. This unanticipated risk of loss is represented by a
new measure, mentioned above, called the unexpected loss. Following on from the discussion here, the next chapter
focuses on the effect of a single risky asset on the bank's overall portfolio and then considers its relationship to extreme,
though not improbable, events.
We begin with a discussion of what causes uncertainty in the value of risky assets in a credit portfolio.
Causes of Unanticipated Risk
The uncertainty in the risk of loss at the horizon arises from the unanticipated change in the value of the risky asset. What
causes this unanticipated change in value?
There are two primary sources of unanticipated risk:
the occurrence of default; and
unexpected credit migration.
Historically speaking, even for assets ranked in the highest credit rating category, the occurrence of default, though
unlikely, is not an improbable event. This is demonstrated by very small probabilities of default, which are, nevertheless,
non-zero. And if default does occur, there is going to be a significant change in the terminal value of the risky asset at the
The extent of the change in asset value is the difference between the actual realised value and the expected value at the

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Default, of course, devalues the risky asset. Although it is not easy to predict the occurrence of default, a probability of
default or an expected default frequency can always be attached to the asset. This can be done either on the basis of
historical information (the route taken by rating agencies such as Standard & Poor's and Moody's) or through analytical
methods based on options theory (for example, the "value of the firm" class of models used by the KMV Corporation).
These alternatives were discussed at length in chapter 3. But, to recap briefly, rating agencies collect information on
publicly rated firms, stratify the sample, apply statistical techniques and estimate the firms' probabilities of default and
credit migration over a period of time. The analytical approach, on the other hand, is based on the theoretical premise that
a firm will default on its debt obligation if the value of its assets falls below a critical threshold level of the book value of its
The second cause of devaluation of a risky asset is an unanticipated change in its credit quality. This is known as "credit
migration". For instance, if an obligor undergoes financial crisis during the period up to the analysis horizon, this can cause
the credit quality of the asset to deteriorate. Such deterioration can significantly reduce the value of the asset, albeit not to
the same extent as default. Conversely, a significant improvement in the financial condition of an obligor can bring about a
dramatic increase in credit quality.
Unexpected Loss
The expected loss of an asset is the average loss the bank can expect to lose on its asset over the period up to a
specified horizon; during that time the asset can fluctuate in value due to the two main sources of unanticipated risk
mentioned above. The risk at the horizon can be conveniently measured using the standard deviation of the value at the
horizon. We shall call this quantity the unexpected loss. In other words, unexpected loss is the estimated volatility of the
potential loss in value of the asset around its expected loss.
As defined, the unexpected loss, UL H, of the asset value VH at the horizon t H is simply the standard deviation of the
unconditional value of the asset at the horizon:

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From hereon the subscript H will be omitted. It will be implicitly assumed that we are referring to the value at the horizon,
t H, and that our analysis covers the period up to the horizon, [t 0, t H], where default has some non-zero probability of
It is shown in Appendix A that the unexpected loss in the value of the risky asset is given by

where the variance of the default frequency, EDF, is given by

Equation (5.3) is simply the variance of a binomial distribution since the default process is assumed to be a two-state
event (ie, binomial in nature)that is, one consisting of default, D, or no default, D. Keep in mind that if we assume a multistate default process and allow the possibility of credit migration, the expression for the unexpected loss becomes much
more complicated. Appendix A of the epilogue (see pages 269-73) contains a brief discussion of the multi-state default
Observe in equation (5.2) that the unexpected loss of the asset is some fraction of the risky part (ie, the adjusted
exposure, AE) of the exposure amount V1, attesting to the fact that the uncertainty in the risk of loss, as captured by the
standard deviation of the asset value at the horizon, translates only to that portion of the adjusted exposure that could not
be recovered by the bank in the event of default. This observation is in keeping with the earlier formulation of expected
loss given by equation (4.7), as it should be.
Again, for consistency with the definition of expected loss given in the previous chapter and recognising that only the risky
portion of V1, ie, AE, is actually affected by default, we rewrite equation (5.2) more appropriately as

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As evident from this equation, the multiplier, given by

is dependent on the probability of default, EDF, and the loss given default, LGD, and their corresponding variances,

. If there were no uncertainty in default (ie,

) and no uncertainty in the recovery rate (ie,

), both of these variances would be identically zero, rendering UL also zero. In this case there is no uncertainty
in the value of the asset at the horizon.
Explicit in the derivation of unexpected loss above is the assumption that the random risk factors contributing to an
obligor's default (resulting in the default probability, EDF) are statistically independent of the severity of loss (as given by
the loss given default, LGD). The reader is referred to Appendix A at the end of the chapter for clarification on this point.
If the risk factors contributing to the expected default frequency and loss given default were not independent, the multiplier
in equation (5.4b) would contain covariance cross-terms owing to the nature of the variance calculation. However, in
practice it is not clear whether or not the assumption of statistical independence is well justified. Our conjecture is that
statistical dependence would require only a small corrective modification to the expression for unexpected loss.
We have reached the point where a simple example is necessary. The following example continues from the one in
chapter 4, where the expected loss was calculated numerically (page 103).
ExampleCalculation of Unexpected Loss
Consider a one-year loan facility, internally rated as risk class 3 (equivalent to a Standard & Poor's senior unsecured debt
rating of BBB), with the characteristics listed in Table 5.1.
In contrast to the expected loss example considered in the

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Table 5.1 Calculation of unexpected loss

Internal risk rating
UGD Unused draw-down on default for RC = 3
Adjusted exposure on default
AE = OS + (COM - OS) UGD
EDF 1-year default probability for RC = 3
EDF Standard deviation of EDF
LGD Loss given default for non-secured asset
LGD Standard deviation of LGD
Unexpected loss

1 year

previous chapter, there are now two new items in the model: the standard deviation of EDF and the standard deviation of
LGD. With a simplistic two-state default process, calculation of the former is trivial; however, the same cannot be said of
the standard deviation of LGD. For illustrative purposes, we use LGD = 25% in this example.
The calculated unexpected loss is $178,511 or 2.16% of the adjusted exposure. An unanticipated loss of 216 basis
points for just one facility is no laughing matter. Just imagine the cumulative loss from thousands of such facilities whose
defaults are correlated to some degree. The unexpected losses can accumulate at a very rapid pace to the detriment of the
In contrast, the expected loss for the same facility is only $6,188 or 0.075% of the adjusted exposure. This example
draws attention to how the unexpected loss can significantly exceed the expected loss and should therefore be a cause for
concern in credit portfolio management.
Economic Capital and Unexpected Loss
If the unexpected loss is the uncertainty or unanticipated change in the value of the asset at the horizon, what then is the
relationship between unexpected loss and economic capital?

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Since the unexpected loss is the estimated volatility of potential loss in the value of the asset around its expected loss, it is
imperative that the bank, which owns this asset, put aside sufficient capital to sustain the uncertain and potential loss and
thereby be in a position to conduct business as usual should this loss in value be realised. The required capital
reservewhich acts a buffer against insolvency for the bank in the event of default by an obligoris known as economic
capital. In the context of a risk-adjusted performance measure, it is also the issues surrounding economic capital that we
are most concerned with when dealing with unexpected loss.
Observe from the foregoing discussion that the unexpected loss fluctuates with the value of the risky asset, so it stands to
reason that the economic capitalas a measure of capital adequacy for the bankwill also fluctuate with the market value of
each and every single risky asset held by the bank in its portfolio.
We shall return to this important topic when we address in detail the issues surrounding loss distribution and extreme value
theory in chapters 8 and 10.
Appendix A
Derivation of Unexpected Loss (UL)
Let the stochastic loss variable be distributed according to some density function f( ). At this point we do not need to
know what the density of loss is. We shall, however, need to estimate its shape (more specifically, its tail) when it comes
to determining the economic capital requirement. This will be discussed in more detail in chapters 8 and 10.
The following general statements are true:

Using the relationships above, we derive

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Note that the decoupling of EDF from the integral is possible only if one assumes that the random risk factors contributing
to the default process are independent of the loss variable . The same assumption is made in the derivations that follow
Similarly, we have

Thus, the variance of the terminal asset value, VH, is given by

using the fact that the default process is assumed to be a two-state

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binomial process and that its variance is given by

Hence, we have that the standard deviation of the terminal value of the asset is given by

This, as explained in the main text and illustrated in Figure 5.1, is the unexpected loss.

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