3-5 Support Document - Phase I

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3-5 Portion of the Mathematics Support Document

The chart below shows a possible sequencing of units by grades K-5 and unit titles. Those individual grade level units can be accessed by clicking on the units in the chart below
or through the Overview of Units. Each grade level has an Overview of Units which includes one possible way of clustering the SC College and Career Ready Standards for
Mathematics. (Among the Overview of Units document you will find possible clustered standards, links to individual units, links to clarification of the standards, and a unit focus
for individual grade levels.)


Grade Levels K-5







Overview of Units

Overview of Units

Overview of Units

Overview of Units

Overview of Units

Overview of Units

Unit 1

Counting and Cardinality

Composing and
Decomposing Numbers
Through 10

Place Value Concepts

Conceptual Understanding of
Multiplication & Division

Place Value, Addition, & Subtraction

with Whole Numbers

Expressions, Equations, & the

Coordinate Plane

Unit 2

Understanding Relationship
of Counting and Quantity

Addition and Subtraction


Developing Concepts
Addition/ Subtraction

Place Value

Algebraic Thinking

Place Value

Unit 3

Count and Compare

Understanding Place Value

Fluency and Word Problems

Addition/ Subtraction

Addition & Subtraction

Multiplication & Division of Whole


Operations with Whole and

Decimal Numbers

Unit 4

Composing and
Decomposing Numbers

Applying Place Value


Developing an
Understanding of

Application of Multiplication &


Fraction Equivalence

Adding and Subtracting Fractions

Unit 5

Addition and Subtraction

Comparisons and Data

Attributes Polygons and

Fractional Parts

Conceptual Understanding of

Adding, Subtracting, & Multiplying

with Fractions

Multiplying with Fractions

Unit 6

Patterns and Positions

Geometry and Equal Shares

Measurement Length

Data Analysis

Decimal Concepts

Dividing with Fractions

Unit 7

Two Dimensional and Three

Dimensional Geometry

Measurement, Time, and


Measurement Time and


Identification and Classification

of Geometric Shapes

Conversions & Problem Solving

with Measurement

Classifying 2D Shapes

Unit 8

Foundations of

Creating and Understanding


Problem Solving with


Geometric Classifications & Line


Perimeter, Area, and Volume

Unit 9

Understanding Graphs and


Fluency with Multiplication &


Angle Measurement

Converting Measurements within a

Single System

3rd Grade Unit 1

Conceptual Understanding of Multiplication and Division
Content Standards with Clarifying Notes
Open bullets indicate clarifying notes
3.ATO.1 Use concrete objects, drawings, and symbols to represent multiplication facts of two single-digit whole numbers and explain the
relationship between the factors (i.e., 0-10) and the product.
Develop conceptual understanding which means using concrete/hands-on methods to explore multiplication
Develop vocabulary for the terms in a multiplication fact.
3.ATO.2 Use concrete objects, drawings and symbols to represent division without remainders and explain the relationship among the whole
number quotient (i.e., 0 10), divisor (i.e., 0 10), and dividend.
Develop conceptual understanding which means using concrete/hands-on methods to explore division
Develop vocabulary for the terms in a division fact.
3.ATO.3 Solve real-world problems involving equal groups, area/array, and number line models using basic multiplication and related
facts. Represent the problem situation using an equation with a symbol for the unknown.
Develop conceptual understanding of how models and equations represent the problem situations.
New Academic Vocabulary for This Unit







Prior Knowledge Required for this Unit

In 2nd grade, students used repeated addition to find the total number of objects arranged in rectangular arrays and wrote expressions to express
the total as a sum of equal addends. (2.ATO.4) In this unit rectangular arrays are the basis for introduction to multiplication and division.

Subsequent Knowledge Related to this Unit

Students will use conceptual understanding of multiplication and division from this unit to determine unknown whole numbers in multiplication and
division fact equations, to understand the relationship between multiplication and division, and to solve problems related to multiplication and
division. In Unit 4 students apply conceptual understanding of multiplication and division by using properties of operations and other strategies to
solve problems and explain their reasoning. In Unit 8 students will use multiplication and division when solving problems with measurement. In

Unit 9, students extend their understanding when multiplying a single digit number by a multiple of 10. By the end of 3rd grade, students are
expected to demonstrate fluency with basic multiplication and division facts (3.ATO.7)
Relationship Among Standards in this Unit
Students develop conceptual understanding of what multiplication and division are, and explore the relationships between the two operations.
Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons
Teacher Note:
Students can more readily develop an understanding of multiplication concepts if they see visual representations of the computation
process. For example, they can picture students in a marching band arranged in equal rows or chairs set up in rows in an auditorium. Using
models can help students develop meaning for operations and lessen the abstraction of operations. Students can use various objects and
materials to make models that will help them make sense of operations, including the following: movable objects such as counters, craft
sticks, tiles, and containers to put them in; multicubes or other interlocking cubes; visual materials such as pictures; arrays (an arrangement
of rows and columns); base ten blocks; money (pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, dollars); grid paper; number lines; hundreds charts; and
tape diagrams. Models and representations can be used to help students understand what the symbols in operations mean. Students need
to work with representations that help them see the relationships between multiplication and repeated addition, and between
multiplication and division.

Introducing Arrays (3.ATO.1, 3.ATO.2, 3.ATO.3)

(Download the Module 1 lesson, topic A. )
This lesson focuses on understanding equal groups as multiplication. The Look especially at the activity sheets. The emphasis there is on
arrays as repeated addition which extends the 2nd grade introduction to arrays.
This video is designed for teachers not students. The video demonstrates an introduction to multiplication with arrays, and provides
suggestions as to how students might build models. Use the strategies introduced in the first 4 minutes 12 seconds of the video as
background teacher information to introduce multiplication with arrays.
(must set up a free account)
This student activity supports conceptual understanding of how to organize equal groups into an array and how multiplication and division
can be represented with arrays.

Relationship Between Multiplication and Division (3.ATO.3)

This lesson addresses the relationship between multiplication and division through the use of real-life problems.
Operations with Rectangular Arrays (3.ATO.1, 3.ATO.2, 3.ATO.3)
game with visual models
basic introduction to multiplication with rectangular arrays
math talk using arrays for multiplication
multiplication using an array
multiplication with arrays to find products and factors
research findings on student drawings of rectangular arrays
basic introduction to division with rectangular arrays

Operations with a Variety of Concrete Models (3.ATO.1, 3.ATO.2, 3.ATO.3)

Examples of Models
A Guide to Effective Instruction in Mathematics, Kindergarten to Grade 6 - Volume 5, pp 28-29 (Using Models to Represent Facts of
Multiplication and Division) gives examples of a variety of models to represent multiplication and division facts.
Hopping on a Number Line
In this interactive lesson, students generate products using the number line model. This model highlights the measurement aspect of
multiplication and is a distinctly different representation of the operation. The order (commutative) property of multiplication is also
introduced. Students are encouraged to predict products and to answer puzzles involving multiplication.
Using bar diagrams

Childrens Literature
Count on Pablo, by Barbara deRubertis (1999)
Pablo and his grandmother prepare and sell vegetables at an outdoor market. The story provides an exploration of 5 facts as Pablo and his
grandmother sell onions tied in pairs (2 facts), tomatoes in boxes of 10 (10 facts), and peppers in bags of 5 (5 facts). Pablo skip-counts to
determine the number of vegetables being prepared for market, but through classroom explorations, the story allows for an easy transition
from skip-counting to multiplication.
Amanda Beans Amazing Dream by Cindy Neuschwander
This book makes a convincing case to children about why they should learn to multiply. The story helps children see what multiplication is,
how it relates to the world around them, and how learning to multiply can help them. At the end of the story, the section titled For Parents,
Teachers, and Other Adults explains whats important for children to learn about multiplication and suggests three activities to extend
childrens learning.
The Hersheys Milk Chocolate Multiplication Book by Jerry Pallotta
This book uses the arrays in a chocolate bar to teach multiplication.

Culminating Activity
sample explanation of multiplication
Go to Multiplication and Division links and select topics such as Creating Equations from Arrays, Rectangular Arrays, Writing Multiplication
Equations, Rewriting Addition to Multiplication, Multiplying with Arrays, Dividing with Number Lines, and No Remainder. This site now has
some interactive practice for use on the Promethean board.
Sample Formative Assessment Tasks/Questions
performance tasks

3rd Grade Math Unit 2

Place Value
Content Standards with Clarifying Notes
Open bullets indicate clarifying notes
3.NSBT.1 Use place value understanding to round whole numbers to the nearest 10 or 100.
Teacher Note: This is the first time students have been introduced to rounding.
3.NSBT.4 Read and write numbers through 999,999 in standard form and equations in expanded form.
3.NSBT.5 Compare and order numbers through 999,999 and represent the comparison using the symbols >, =, or <.
New Academic Vocabulary for This Unit
order numbers
(greatest to least and least to

benchmark numbers




Prior Knowledge Required for this Unit

In 2nd grade, students learned to read, write and represent numbers through 999 using concrete models, standard form, and equations in
expanded form (2.NSBT.3), compared three digit numbers (2.NSBT.4), learned place value through 999 (2.NSBT.1), and added 10 or 100 more or less
to a given number up to 1000 (2.NSBT.8). This is the students first introduction to rounding.
Subsequent Knowledge Related to this Unit
In fourth grade, students will use rounding as one form of estimation and round whole numbers to any given place value.
Relationship Among Standards in this Unit
Understanding place value and having the ability to demonstrate that understanding are vital in the development of mathematical thinking. In this
unit students will use place value concepts to round, read, write, order and compare numbers through 999,999.

Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons

Rounding: 3.NSBT.1
Teacher Note:
In Teaching Student-Centered Mathematics Grades 3-5 (2006), John Van de Walle explains that in our number system, some numbers are nice or
easy to think about and work with. What makes a number nice is sort of fuzzy. However, numbers such as 100, 500, and 750 are easier to use
than 96, 517, and 762. Multiples of 100 are very nice, and multiples of 10 are not bad either... Flexible thought with numbers and many estimation
skills are related to the ability to substitute a nice number for one that is not so nice. The substitution may be to make a mental computation easier,
to compare it to a familiar reference, or simply to store the number in memory more easily. You might say, Last night it took me 57 minutes to do
my homework or Last night it took me about an hour to do my homework. The first expression is more precise; the second substitutes a rounded
number for better communication.
In the past, students were taught rules for rounding numbers. Unfortunately, the emphasis was placed on applying the rule correctly (If the next
digit is 5 or greater, round up; otherwise, leave the number alone.) Knowing when rounding is appropriate/useful and understanding how the
thinking process works are important in making rounding a skill students can and will use.
A common roadblock in rounding numbers is that students cannot identify the number that is halfway between two consecutive tens or hundreds

(e.g., 35 is halfway between 30 and 40; 750 is halfway between 700 and 800.) A useful tool to address this concept is the number line.
A number line with nice numbers highlighted is the focus of the rounding strategies and activities in this unit.
Just Hanging A-Round
In this lesson, students will demonstrate knowledge of rounding in problem solving with or without the aid of a number line.

Reading and Writing Numbers: 3.NSBT.4

Teacher Note:
A common misconception in reading and writing larger numbers is that the student recognizes simple multi-digit numbers, such as 30 or 400, but
does not understand that the position of a digit determines its value. The student mistakes the numeral 306 for thirty-six or writes 4008 when asked
to record four hundred eight. Such errors are often due to a misunderstanding of zeros use as a place holder. Close monitoring of student
responses is necessary to identify and correct place value misconceptions. Another common error is the use of and when reading whole
numbers. A student might read 306 (three hundred six) as three hundred and six, or 2,478 (two thousand, four hundred seventy-eight) as two
thousand, four hundred and seventy-eight. The word and is used when reading decimal or mixed numbers only.
Place Value to 999,999
In this five-day unit, students use base-ten blocks and place value charts to describe place value in numbers up to 999,999. Standard form,
expanded notation, word form, and the value of each digit are investigated. Blackline masters of all support materials are included.
Expanded Form
changing numbers to and from expanded form.
Place Value to 100,000
reading and writing numbers
Place Value and Expanded Form
variety of practice

Number Boards
Both of these websites provide visuals to show place value and expanded form for given numbers
Order and Compare Numbers: 3.NSBT.5
unit on ordering greater numbers, including place value concepts
group activity to order large numbers
ordering numbers to 10,000s
small group activity for comparing numbers
visual of whole class activity
EngageNY Grade 3 Module 2: Place Value and Problem Solving with Units of Measure
Lesson plans, activities, assessment, and resources for place value (you will need to select the ones that address the standards).
Learn Zillion - Round Whole Numbers to the Nearest 10 or 100
3 LearnZillion lessons (similar to powerpoint) to help students round numbers
Strategy for rounding using a number line vs teaching tricks
Rounding Games
Teachers Pay Teachers Freebies - Center Games

Guess My Number
This activity allows practice with place value skills in a game-like challenge. Can be adapted to any level of learning or ability.

Childrens Literature
Coyotes All Around by Stuart J. Murphy
Clever Coyote thinks it's time for lunch and also time to show her friends how, with some simple rounding, she can add up numbers in her
head. The story is also filled with lots of coyote factoids. Suggested classroom activities are listed at the end of the book.
This lesson plan to from Tarleton State University supports Coyotes All Around and is written for 3rd Grade. An added plus, the
handouts are included at the end of the document.
Sir Cumference and All the King's Tens by Cindy Neuschwander
Understanding how numbers move in value from one place to the other is foundational for all other mathematical operations. Sir
Cumference and All the King's Tens helps students to visualize the value of each digit in the place value chart. Visitors to the Royal Palace are
grouped by tens and then by hundreds and ultimately by thousands. The illustrations and storyline help students to create a picture of how
grouping numbers by ten easily lends itself to counting large numbers and combining them in other mathematical operations.
A Place for Zero: A Math Adventure by Angeline Sparagna Lopresti
Zero is all alone in the land of Digitaria. He can't play addemup with the other numbers, because he has nothing to add. Join Zero as he goes
on a journey to discover his place. His quest takes him from the mysterious workshop of Count infinity to the palace of King Multiplus, where
Zero meets a stranger who looks surprisingly familiar.
How Much is a Million? by David Schwartz
A popular book for teaching very large numbers, filled with examples that kids will relate to. Schwartz uses a series of examples to
demonstrate how big a million is, then a billion, then a trillion.
Sample Formative Assessment Tasks/Questions
Rounding to the Nearest Ten and Hundred
https://grade3commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+3.NBT.1 (assessing for 3.NSBT.1)

4th Grade Math Unit 1

Place Value, Addition, & Subtraction of Whole Numbers
Content Standards with Clarifying Notes
Open Bullets Indicate Clarifying Notes
4.NSBT.1 Understand that, in a multi-digit whole number, a digit represents ten times what the same digit represents in the place to its right.
The focus of this standard is on the relationship between the value of digits rather than the place value itself.
4.NSBT.2 Recognize math periods and number patterns within each period to read and write in standard form large numbers through
When students understand math periods and the number patterns with each period, they can work with large numbers with greater
ease and flexibility.
4.NSBT.3 Use rounding as one form of estimation and round whole numbers to any given place value.
Do not just start with "the rule" when rounding. The number line is a great tool to introduce rounding and it will lead to students
discovering the rule on their own. Students may choose a vertical or horizontal line.
4.NSBT.4 Fluently add and subtract multi-digit whole numbers using strategies to include a standard algorithm.
Fluency means accuracy and efficiency (using a reasonable amount of steps and time), and flexibility (using a variety of strategies
such as the distributive property, decomposing and recomposing numbers, etc.)
New Academic Vocabulary for This Unit




Prior Knowledge Required for this Unit

In 3rd grade, students read and wrote numbers through 999,999 in standard and expanded forms (3.NSBT.4), rounded whole numbers to the
nearest 10 or 100 (3.NSBT.1), and added and subtracted numbers fluently to 1,000 (3.NSBT.2).

Subsequent Knowledge Related to this Unit

In the Multiplication & Division of Whole Numbers Unit (Unit 3), students will use rounding to estimate products and quotients in order to check for
reasonableness. Furthermore, students will use their knowledge of place value to multiply and divide using various strategies. Later, when students
are introduced to decimals for the first time, they will extend their knowledge of the place value system to include tenths and hundredths.

Relationship Among Standards in this Unit

The primary focus of this unit is for students to develop fluency with addition and subtraction. First, students deepen their understanding of place
value with an emphasis on math periods within a number and the relationship to other periods in order to read and write large numbers. Next,
students use this understanding of the place value system when rounding numbers as a method for estimating, initially using number lines, with the
ultimate goal of moving away from the visual model. Finally, students apply their knowledge of place value, as well as estimating, to add and
subtract fluently and flexibly with any size number.
Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons
Teacher Note: 4.NSBT.1
This standard calls for students to extend their understanding of place value related to multiplying and dividing by multiples of 10. In this standard,
students should reason about the magnitude of digits in a number. Students should be given opportunities to reason and analyze the relationships
of numbers that they are working with (excerpt from KATM Grade 4 flip book). Students need to understand the relationship between the base
ten number system and place value so that they can explain that the value of a digit changes depending on its location in a number. Understanding
how the value of a digit changes depending on where it is located in a number is essential. Multiplying or dividing a number by 10 changes the
value of the digit by one whole place value position in our base ten number system.
While the focus of 4.NSBT.1 is on the multiplicative relationship between the place value of two digits in a number and will be dealt with more in
the multiplication and division unit (Unit 3), this standard is included in this unit to emphasize the importance of using place value as a strategy for
adding and subtracting.
Introductory Activities:
Learn Zillion - Multiply by Powers of 10
https://learnzillion.com/lessons/805-multiply-by-powers-of-10 and https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B2e1qHKMDxlgV012UTVlcEFoalE/edit
This lesson explores the relationship between numbers on a place value chart and the activity helps students apply their new knowledge.
Learn Zillion - Understand Relationships between Digits and their Place Value
This lesson explores the relationship between base ten blocks and numbers on a place value chart.

Teacher Note: 4.NSBT.2

Students worked with numbers within 1,000 in 2nd and within 1,000,000 in 3rd. In 4th grade, students should be able to apply what they learned in
those grades to work with larger numbers including billions. Contextual problems might include populations.
Provide multiple opportunities in the classroom setting and use real-world context for students to read and write multi-digit whole numbers
focusing on the periods within a number as the basis for reading and writing. Students also need to create numbers that meet specific criteria. For
example, provide students with cards numbered 0 through 9. Ask students to select 4 to 6 cards; then, using all the cards make the largest number

possible with the cards, the smallest number possible and the closest number to 5000 that is greater than 5000 or less than 5000.
There are several misconceptions students may have about writing numerals from verbal descriptions. Numbers like one thousand do not cause a
problem; however a number like one thousand two causes problems for students. Many students will understand the 1000 and the 2 but then
instead of placing the 2 in the ones place, students will write the numbers as they hear them, 10002 (ten thousand two). There are multiple
strategies that can be used to assist with this concept, including place-value boxes (see below) and vertical addition method (see below).

Another misconception is that students often assume that the first digit of a multi-digit number indicates the "greatness" of a number. The
assumption is made that 954 is greater than 1002 because students are focusing on the first digit instead of the number as a whole (excerpt from
KATM Grade 4 Flip Book). This most likely occurs because students have been taught to line up the digits to determine which is greater rather than
to focus on the place value of the digits in a number.
Introductory Activities:
Georgia Department of Education - Building 1,000
This activity could be used as a formative assessment task to determine students level of understanding on the 3rd grade concepts of place
Illuminations - Count on Math: Making Your First Million
In this activity, students attempt to identify the concept of a million by working with smaller numerical units, such as blocks of 10 or 100, and
then expanding the idea by multiplication or repeated addition until a million is reached. Additionally, they use critical thinking to analyze
situations and to identify mathematical patterns that will enable them to develop the concept of very large numbers.

Teacher Note: 4.NSBT.3

Rounding numbers should result in using number sense not just following a rule. Students should apply their understanding of number lines to help

them round numbers. When thinking about tens, numbers with the ones digit of 1,2,3, and 4 are closer to the lower multiple of ten. Numbers with
the ones digit of 6, 7, 8, and 9 are closer to the greater multiple of ten. Since 5 is equidistant from both multiples, it is rounded to the greater
multiple of ten. This same concept applies to rounding to the nearest hundred or thousand. When teaching rounding, it is helpful for students to use
a number line to visualize the process (John SanGiovanni, Howard County Schools). For example, if asked to round 1,768 to the nearest thousand,
draw a number line and label the endpoints 1000 and 2000. Have the students place the number 1,768 on the number line and point out that it is
closer to 2000 so 1,768 rounds to 2000.
Introductory Activity:
Illustrative Mathematics - Rounding to the Nearest Thousand
This task introduces students to rounding larger numbers using a number line.

Teacher Note: 4.NSBT.4

Students have had exposure to many ways of adding and subtracting whole numbers. The standard algorithm starts with adding the ones and
regrouping as necessary. Some students may be comfortable starting with the larger place value this should be permitted if it makes sense to
them. A mixture of problems requiring and not requiring regrouping should be given to students. Some students may use an open number line
when adding and subtracting and this should be permitted (John SanGiovanni, Howard County Schools). Students should be able to explain why
their algorithm works. When explaining, students should know that it is mathematically possible to subtract a larger number from a smaller
number, but that their work in 4th grade with whole numbers does not allow this as the difference would result in a negative number.
A crucial theme in multi-digit arithmetic is encouraging students to develop strategies that they understand, can explain, and can think about,
rather than merely follow a sequence of directions, rules or procedures that they don't understand. It is important for students to have seen and
used a variety of strategies and materials to broaden and deepen their understanding of place value before they are required to use standard
algorithms. The goal is for them to understand all the steps in the algorithm, and they should be able to explain the meaning of each digit. Start
with a students understanding of a certain strategy, and then make intentional, clear-cut connections for the student to the standard algorithm.
This allows the student to gain understanding of the algorithm rather than just memorize certain steps to follow. Sometimes students benefit from
'being the teacher' to an imaginary student who is having difficulties applying standard algorithms in addition and subtraction situations. To
promote understanding, use examples of student work that have been done incorrectly and ask students to provide feedback about the student
work. It is very important for some students to talk through their understanding of connections between different strategies and standard addition
and subtractions algorithms. Give students many opportunities to talk with classmates about how they could explain standard algorithms. ThinkPair-Share is a good protocol for all students.
Often students mix up when to 'carry' and when to 'borrow'. Also students often do not notice the need of borrowing and just take the smaller digit
from the larger one. Emphasize place value and the meaning of each of the digits. If students are having difficulty with lining up similar place values
in numbers as they are adding and subtracting, it may be helpful to have them write their calculations on grid paper or lined notebook paper with
the lines running vertical. This assists the student with lining up the numbers more accurately (excerpt from KATM Grade 4 Flip Book).

Introductory Activities:
Illustrative Mathematics - To Regroup or Not to Regroup
This is an instructional task that makes students think more deeply about the regrouping process used in some subtraction problems. Since
this task deals with three-digit numbers, it would be a good starting point to make sure students fully understand the subtraction concept
before moving on to larger numbers.
Georgia Department of Education - Making Sense of the Algorithm (Subtraction)
This task allows students to make sense of the standard algorithm for subtraction. It is important you allow them to grapple with the
strategies used by the student in the task. Through this grappling, students make sense of what she did to solve each problem. Through
classroom discussion, student understanding will be shared and developed.
Engage NY Grade 4 Mathematics Module 1
This module addresses Place Value, Rounding, Addition, & Subtraction. It includes math background, teacher notes, student activities,
practice pages, and a variety of assessments.
CCGPS Frameworks 4th Unit 1
This unit includes performance tasks and formative assessment lessons.
Interactive Sites for Education - Place Value
This site has multiple interactive games that students can use to practice place value skills.

K-5 Math Teaching Resources - Place Value Problems

This provides practice for students on 4.NSBT.1.
Howard County Schools Resources for 4.NSBT.1

This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.

How Much is a Million? by David Schwartz

This book helps children conceptualize complex numbers in a fun, humorous way.
How Big is a Million? by Anna Milbourne
This book helps children understand a million through the eyes of a penguin.
On Beyond a Million: An Amazing Math Journey by David M. Schwartz
Real-life examples provide plenty of fun facts, such as how much popcorn Americans eat in one year, or how many hairs are on a square inch
of a persons head. Along with the fun comes some learning, as this counting book helps kids understand our number system.
Count to a Million by Jerry Pallotta
Although some may have their doubts, by using basic math grouping skills, readers will find themselves counting higher than they ever
thought possible.
Howard County Schools Resources for 4.NSBT.2
This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources. Note that SC standards do not include
comparing numbers.
Bridges in Mathematics - Place Value to Millions
This provides practice for students on 4.NSBT.2.

National Library of Virtual Manipulatives - Place Value Number Lines

This virtual manipulative gives students practice with placing numbers on a number line, in preparation for using number lines for rounding.
Illustrative Mathematics - Rounding to the Nearest 100 and 1000
This task introduces students to rounding using a number line.

Bridges in Mathematics - Estimating to Add and Subtract

This provides practice for students on 4.NSBT.3 and 4.NSBT.4.
Howard County Schools Resources for 4.NSBT.3
This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.
Matific - Rounding up to 10,000
This provides practice for students on 4.NSBT.3.

Howard County Schools Resources for 4.NSBT.4

This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.
K-5 Math Teaching Resources - Adding and Subtracting Multi-digit Numbers
This provides practice for students on 4.NSBT.4.
Sample Formative Assessment Tasks/Questions
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.NBT.1 (Assessing 4.NSBT.1)
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.NBT.2 (Assessing 4.NSBT.2, but note that the SC standard does not include
comparing numbers.)
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.NBT.3 (Assessing 4.NSBT.3)
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.NBT.4 (Assessing 4.NSBT.4)

4th Grade Math Unit 2

Algebraic Thinking
Content Standards with Clarifying Notes
Open Bullets Indicate Clarifying Notes
4.ATO.1 Interpret a multiplication equation as a comparison (e.g. interpret 35 = 5x7 as a statement that 35 is 5 times as many as 7 and 7
times as many as 5.) Represent verbal statements of multiplicative comparisons as multiplication equations.
A multiplicative comparison is a situation in which one quantity is multiplied by a specified number to get another quantity (e.g., a
is n times as much as b). Students should be able to identify and verbalize which quantity is being multiplied and which number tells
how many times. Students should be given many opportunities to write and identify equations and statements for multiplicative
comparisons. (Excerpt from KATM Grade 4 Flip Book)
4.ATO.2 Solve real-world problems using multiplication (product unknown) and division (group size unknown, number of groups unknown).
Students should be exposed to all three types of problems.
4.ATO.3 Solve multi-step, real-world problems using the four operations. Represent the problem using an equation with a variable as the
unknown quantity.
4.ATO.4 Recognize that a whole number is a multiple of each of its factors. Find all factors for a whole number in the range 1 100 and
determine whether the whole number is prime or composite.
4.ATO.5 Generate a number or shape pattern that follows a given rule and determine a term that appears later in the sequence.
Third grade students identified a rule for patterns. Now, students will generate the pattern from the given rule.
Notice that the standard does not require students to infer or guess the underlying rule for a pattern, but instead asks them to
generate a pattern from a given rule.
In this unit, the focus will be on number patterns. Shape patterns will be addressed in Unit 8.
New Academic Vocabulary for This Unit
factor pairs

prime numbers

composite numbers

Prior Knowledge Required for this Unit

In third grade, students learned basic multiplication and division facts of products and dividends through 100 (3.ATO.7), used equations with
symbols for the unknown (3.ATO.4), solved two-step problems using multiplication and division (3.ATO.8), and identified a rule for an arithmetic
pattern (3.ATO.9).
Subsequent Knowledge Related to this Unit
In the later Multiplication & Division Unit, students will encounter multiplicative comparisons and real world problems with larger numbers.
Furthermore, they will learn algorithms for multi-digit multiplication and division. They will also generate numbers for more difficult patterns.
Students familiarity with multiplication concepts such as factors and multiples will also help them when working with division, equivalent fractions,
and measurement conversions.
Relationship Among Standards in this Unit
The primary focus of this unit is for students to extend their algebraic reasoning. First, students will learn about multiplicative comparisons and
how variables can be used within them. Next, students will gain familiarity with factors and multiples and then use this knowledge in problem
solving situations. Students will also examine multiplication and division patterns and how they relate to problem solving.
Throughout the unit, students need experiences with many different types of real-world problems, presented in a variety of ways, in order to
gain flexibility in problem solving. This work will continue in each of the math units throughout the school year.
Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons
Teacher Note: 4.ATO.1 - 4.ATO.3
Repeated addition and arrays are two ways of thinking about multiplication. Multiplication can also be thought about as multiple comparison
problems that involve a comparison of two quantities in which one is described as a multiple of the other. The relation between quantities is
described in terms of how many times larger one is than the other. An example of multiplicative comparison is a 10-foot alligator is five times longer
than a 2-foot alligator (John SanGiovanni, Howard County Schools).
Students need experiences that allow them to connect mathematical statements and number sentences or equations. This allows for an
effective transition to formal algebraic concepts. They represent an unknown number in a word problem with a symbol. Word problems which
require multiplication or division are solved by using drawings and equations.
Students need to solve word problems involving multiplicative comparison (product unknown, partition unknown) using multiplication or division
as shown in the Common Multiplication and Division Situations Table (http://www.cpalms.org/uploads/docs/standards/mafs_table2.pdf) . They
should use drawings or equations with a symbol for the unknown number to represent the problem.
Present multistep word problems with whole numbers and whole-number answers using the four operations. Students should know which
operations are needed to solve the problem. Drawing pictures or using models will help students understand what the problem is asking. They
should check the reasonableness of their answer using mental computation and estimation strategies (excerpt from KATM Grade 4 Flip Book).
Introductory Activities:
K-5 Math Teaching Resources - Multiplicative Comparison Problems
These practice cards help students link comparison sentences, models, and equations in multiplicative comparisons.

Illustrative Mathematics - Comparing Money Raised

The purpose of this task is for students to solve three comparisons problems that are related by their context but are structurally different
(product unknown, group size unknown, number of groups unknown).

Teacher Note: 4.ATO.2

When solving problems, students may use drawings and equations with a variable (a letter standing for the unknown quantity) for the unknown to
represent the problem. Students should solve equal group problems and comparison problems that involve the unknown in all locations product
unknown (multiplication), group size unknown (partition division), how many in each group (division), number of groups of unknown (measurement
division), how many groups (division) and area problems that involve product unknown (multiplication) and side dimension unknown (division).
Teachers should reference Common Multiplication and Division Situations Table (see Teacher Note above for link).
Introductory Activities:
Thinking Blocks - choose Compare Quantities (One Step Model)
This site has a tutorial on using the Thinking Blocks and then allows students to build models based on story problems.
K-5 Math Teaching Resources - Multiplicative Comparison Problems 2
These practice cards take the previous cards a step farther and introduce word problems involving multiplicative comparisons.

Teacher Note: 4.ATO.3

Solving multi-step word problems requires the students to read and understand the context of the problem. Focus should be on the information
given and what the problem is asking. Focus should not be on finding KEY words to indicate the four operations. When the focus is on key words,
students tend to overlook the entire problem. They may misinterpret the problem because of the key word and use the incorrect operation (John
SanGiovanni, Howard County Schools).
Students need multiple experiences to solve multi-step, real-world problems, using all four operations. Students should discuss and then use
various strategies. To check for reasonableness, they should also use various estimation strategies.
Literature Connection:
Math Curse by Jon Scieszka
This book talks about the daily math problems that are encountered in everyday life and would be a great starting point for getting students

thinking about real world problems.

Introductory Activities 4.ATO.3:
North Carolina Department of Education - Multistep Multiplication
This lesson involves students estimating and solving two-step word problems using various strategies.

Teacher Note: 4.ATO.4

Students need to develop an understanding of the concepts of number theory such as prime numbers and composite numbers. This includes the
relationship of factors and multiples. Multiplication and division are used to develop concepts of factors and multiples. Division problems resulting
in remainders are used as counterexamples of factors. Review vocabulary so that students have an understanding of terms such as factor, product,
multiples, and odd and even numbers.
Multiples: Multiples can be thought of as the result of skip counting by each of the factors. When skip counting, students should be able to identify
the number of factors counted e.g., 5, 10, 15, 20 (there are 4 fives in 20). To determine if a number between 1-100 is a multiple of a given one-digit
number, some helpful hints include the following:
all even numbers are multiples of 2
all even numbers that can be halved twice (with a whole number result) are multiples of 4
all numbers ending in 0 or 5 are multiples of 5
Factors: Provide students with counters to find the factors of numbers. Have them find ways to separate the counters into equal subsets. For
example, have them find several factors of 10, 14, 25 or 32, and write multiplication expressions for the numbers. Another way to find the factor of
a number is to use arrays from square tiles or drawn on grid papers. Have students build rectangles that have the given number of squares.
Knowing how to find factors for a number assists in developing reasonableness when dividing, problem solving, and simplifying fractions.
Prime and Composite: Definitions of prime and composite numbers should not be provided, but determined after many strategies have been
used in finding all possible factors of a number. A common misconception is that the number 1 is prime, when in fact; it is neither prime nor
composite. Another common misconception is that all prime numbers are odd numbers. This is not true, since the number 2 has only 2 factors, 1
and 2, and is also an even number. Students investigate whether numbers are prime or composite by
building rectangles (arrays) with the given area and finding which numbers have more than two rectangles (e.g. 7 can be made into only 2
rectangles, 1 x 7 and 7 x 1, therefore it is a prime number)
finding factors of the number
Students should develop a process for finding factor pairs so they can do this for any number 1 100 with efficiency.
Example: Factor pairs for 96: 1 and 96, 2 and 48, 3 and 32, 4 and 24, 6 and 16, 8 and 12.

Starting with a number chart of 1 to 20, use multiples of prime numbers to eliminate later numbers in the chart. For example, 2 is prime but 4, 6, 8,
10, 12 . . . are composite. After working with the numbers 1 to 20, consider using a hundreds chart and have the students color code multiples of
numbers. The color will help students see emerging patterns which they can discuss.
Encourage the development of rules that can be used to aid in the determination of composite numbers. For example, other than 2, if a number
ends in an even number (0, 2, 4, 6 and 8), it is a composite number (excerpt from KATM Grade 4 Flip Book).
Introductory Activities 4.ATO.4:
Sieve of Eratosthenes
The first link is a lesson in which students use color coding on a hundreds chart to identify the prime numbers between 1 and 100. The
second link is a virtual sieve that is also color coded.
Understanding Factors and Multiples (and Determining Prime and Composite Numbers)
11 LearnZillion lessons (similar to powerpoint) that provide strategies for students working with factors and multiples, prime and composite
Factor Game
This partner game from Math Solutions is good for practice in identifying factors of given numbers.
Illustrative Mathematics - The Locker Game
The purpose of this instructional task is for students to deepen their understanding of factors and multiples of whole numbers.

Teacher Note: 4.ATO.5

Students need to recognize patterns, extend patterns, describe patterns, and create patterns. Repeated patterns have a part or a core that repeats
over and over. Examples of repeated patterns can include using shapes and numbers. You can describe a pattern by stating the rule it is following.
Number Changing patterns are examples of number sequences. A sequence is a set of numbers that are arranged in a certain order. Each number in
the sequence is called a term.
Repeating pattern: 1,4,7, 1,4,7, 1,4,7, 1,4,7, 147, 1,4,7, 1,4,7
Changing pattern: 1,4,7,10,13,16,19,22,25,28,31,34,37 (John SanGiovanni, Howard County Schools).

In order for students to be successful later in the formal study of algebra, their algebraic thinking needs to be developed. Understanding patterns
is fundamental to algebraic thinking. Students have experience in identifying arithmetic patterns, especially those included in addition and
multiplication tables. Contexts familiar to students are helpful in developing students algebraic thinking.
Students should generate numerical or geometric patterns that follow a given rule. They should look for relationships in the patterns and be able to
describe and make generalizations.
As students generate numeric patterns for rules, they should be able to undo the pattern to determine if the rule works with all of the numbers
generated. For example, given the rule, Add 4 starting with the number 1, the pattern 1, 5, 9, 13, 17, is generated. In analyzing the pattern,
students need to determine how to get from one term to the next term. Teachers can ask students, How is a number in the sequence related to
the one that came before it?, and If they started at the end of the pattern, will this relationship be the same? Students can use this type of
questioning in analyzing numbers patterns to determine the rule.
Often, students think that results are random. There is no pattern. Another common misconception when students are working with repeating
patterns is that they will often repeat what is given rather than looking at what chunks or part of the pattern is actually being repeated. Example:
Given the pattern 6,9,12,6,9,12,6,9, If the student is asked what is the next number in the pattern, they may respond with 6 because they are
returning to the beginning of the given pattern and repeat it from there. Students should be encouraged to look for the repeating set (excerpt
from KATM Grade 4 Flip Book).
Introductory Activities 4.ATO.5:
Number and Shape Patterns
9 LearnZillion lessons (similar to powerpoint) that provide a variety of strategies and activities involving patterns.
Developing Algebraic Thinking Using Manipulatives
Students use pattern blocks as a tool to explore patterns that grow and solve problems. Using the contexts of trees and fish that grow in
consistent and predictable ways, students build, extend, describe, and represent patterns.
CCGPS Frameworks 4th Unit 2
Parts of this unit include performance tasks and formative assessment lessons.

Howard County Schools Resources for 4.ATO.1

This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.

Howard County Schools Resources for 4.ATO.2

This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.

Howard County Schools Resources for 4.ATO.3

This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.
Math Playground - Solve it Math!
This site offers numerous multi-step problems for students to solve and then gives step by step video solutions. This site is best suited for
struggling students.
Math Playground - Word Problems with Katie
This game gives the student multiplication and division single and multistep word problems to solve. This site is best suited for struggling
Math Playground - Algebra Puzzles
Students use multiplication and division skills to determine the value of the objects. This is a great way to practice multi-step problems
solving and writing equations. Students can choose two different levels (beginner or advanced).
North Carolina State Department of Education - Problem Solving Decks
http://mathlearnnc.sharpschool.com/UserFiles/Servers/Server_4507209/File/Problem%20Solving%20Decks%20%28K8%29/Problem%20Solving%20Deck%20B%20Student%20Sheets.pdf (student copy for showing work)
These cards offer wonderful opportunities for thinking and solving problems.
Port Angeles School District - Practice Problems and Strategies
This site has numerous problem-solving strategies and sample problems for each strategy.

Howard County Schools Resources for 4.ATO.4

This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.
BBC Skillswise - Factors and Multiples
This site has a video, games and practice sheets that can be printed out, and interactive quizzes.
Bridges in Mathematics - Primes, Composites, and Common Factors

This is two lessons, with student practice sheets, on identifying prime and composite numbers, as well as finding factors of numbers
between 1 and 100.
Illuminations - Factorize
This interactive tool allows students to build arrays in order to identify all the factors of a number.
BrainPop - Sortify with Multiples and Factors
This interactive game gives students number tiles and asks the student to sort them based on categories that the students choose.
Math Live from Learn Alberta - Multiples, Factors, Primes, and Composites
This is an interactive tutorial that also includes an activity sheet and assessment.
Crickweb - Venn Diagram Comparing Multiples
This interactive tool allows students to sort multiples of different numbers using a Venn Diagram.
Calculation Nation - Factor Dazzle
This game gives students practice with identifying factors.
You Can Count on Monsters by Richard Evan Schwartz

This book presents the concepts of prime numbers and factoring in a novel and colorful way.

Howard County Schools Resources for 4.ATO.5

This page includes lesson plans, print resources, LearnZillion video links, and web resources.
Sample Formative Assessment Tasks/Questions
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.OA.1 (assessing 4.ATO.1)
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.OA.2 (assessing 4.ATO.2)
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.OA.3 (assessing 4.ATO.3)
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.OA.4 (assessing 4.ATO.4)
https://grade4commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+4.OA.5 (assessing 4.ATO.5)

5th Grade Math Unit 1

Expressions, Equations, and the Coordinate Plane
Content Standards with Clarifying Notes
Open bullets indicate clarifying notes.
5.ATO.1 Evaluate numerical expressions involving grouping symbols (i.e., parentheses, brackets, braces).
Include the use of all four operations
5.ATO.2 Translate verbal phrases into numerical expressions and interpret numerical expressions as verbal phrases.
This standard does not include the use of variables
Include the use of all four operations
5.ATO.3 Investigate the relationship between two numerical patterns.
a. Generate two numerical patterns given two rules and organize in tables;
b. Translate the two numerical patterns into two sets of ordered pairs;
c. Graph the two sets of ordered pairs on the same coordinate plane;
d. Identify the relationship between the two numerical patterns.
5.G.1 Define a coordinate system.
a. The x- and y- axes are perpendicular number lines that intersect at 0 (the origin);
b. Any point on the coordinate plane can be represented by its coordinates;
c. The first number in an ordered pair is the x-coordinate and represents the horizontal distance from the origin;
d. The second number in an ordered pair is the y-coordinate and represents the vertical distance from the origin.
5.G.2 Plot and interpret points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane to represent real-world and mathematical situations.
New Academic Vocabulary for This Unit

first quadrant

coordinate system
coordinate plane
ordered pair


Prior Knowledge Required for this Unit

In this unit, students extend their work from grade 3 (3.ATO.5) and grade 4 (4.ATO.3) where students start learning the conventional order when
simplifying numerical expressions. In addition, students apply their reasoning of the four operations as well as place value while describing the
relationship between numbers.
This unit extends the work from grade four, where students generate numerical patterns when they are given one rule. In grade five, students are
given two rules and generate two numerical patterns. Additionally, this is the first time students are introduced to the coordinate plane. Students
will define a coordinate system, plot, and interpret points in the first quadrant.
Subsequent Knowledge Related to this Unit
Students need multiple experiences with expressions that use grouping symbols throughout the year to develop understanding of when and how to
use parentheses, brackets, and braces. First, students use these symbols with whole numbers (extending beyond basic facts.) Then, the symbols
can be used as students add, subtract, multiply and divide decimals and fractions throughout the year. In grade 6, students will be formally
introduced to the Order of Operations and (6.EEI.1). Additionally, students translate between verbal phrases and numerical expressions. These
standards are the foundation for writing and evaluating numerical and algebraic expressions that will include whole-number exponents in Grade 6
(6.EEI.1, 6.EEI.2, 6.EEI.3 and 6.EEI.4).
In science units (Force and Motion), students will apply their understanding of the coordinate plane. Students will extend their understanding to
graphing in all four quadrants in grade 6 as well as (6.NS.6 and 6.NS.8).
Relationship Among Standards in this Unit
Once students have had rich learning experiences with numerical expressions and the coordinate plane, students apply these skills to model
numerical expressions within the coordinate plane. (5.ATO.3)
Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons
Teacher Note: 5.ATO.1 and 5.ATO.2
Students may believe the order in which a problem with mixed operations is written is the order to solve the problem. The use of the mnemonic
phrase Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally to remember the order of operations (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication, Division, Addition,
Subtraction) can also mislead students to always perform multiplication before division and addition before subtraction. To correct this thinking,
students need to understand that addition and subtraction are inverse operations and multiplication and division are inverse operations, as in they
have the same impact. At this level, students need opportunities to explore the impact of the various operations on numbers and solve
equations starting with the operation of greatest impact. This standard also calls for students to verbally describe the relationship between
expressions without actually calculating them. 5.ATO.2 calls for students to apply their reasoning of the four operations as well as place value while
describing the relationship between numbers. The standard does not include the use of variables, only numbers and signs for operations. (Excerpt
from KATM Grade 5 flip book)
Possible Strategies:
Why Do We Need an Order of Operations? (5.ATO.1)

The purpose of this task is to help students think about the reason for the mathematical convention known as the "order of operations."
However, formal instruction of Order of Operations should not be taught in grade 5.
Video Game Scores (5.ATO.2)
This task requires students to write and interpret numerical expressions. The focus of this problem is not on numerical answers, but instead
on building and interpreting expressions that could be entered in a calculator or communicated to another student unfamiliar with the
The next three activities are similar. All challenge students to reach a target number with a given set of numbers (rolled dice or other random
method) by using any operation and including parentheses as needed (5.ATO.1)
Bowling for Numbers https://www.illustrativemathematics.org/content-standards/tasks/969.
Clear the Board http://mathsolutions.com/wp-content/uploads/0-941355-75-6_L.pdf
Target Number Dash http://www.k-5mathteachingresources.com/support-files/target-number-dash.pdf

Teacher Note: 5.G.1 and 5.G.2

Students need to understand the underlying structure of the coordinate system and see how axes make it possible to locate points anywhere on a
coordinate plane. This is the first time students are working with coordinate planes, and only in the first quadrant. It is important that students
create the coordinate grid themselves. This can be related to two number lines, perpendicular lines, and reliance on previous experiences with
moving along a number line.
Possible Strategies:
Multiple experiences with plotting points are needed. Provide points plotted on a grid and have students name and write the ordered pair.
Have students describe how to get from the origin to the location of the plotted points . Encourage students to articulate directions,
attending to precision as they move and/or plot additional points.
Present real-world and mathematical problems and have students graph points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane. Gathering and
graphing data is a valuable experience for students. It helps them to develop an understanding of coordinates and what the overall graph
represents. Students also need to analyze the graph by interpreting the coordinate values in the context of the situation. For example,
students may gather and analyze data comparing speed of a student made vehicle to the height of a ramp. The ordered pair (5, 20)
represents a in 5 seconds the vehicle traveled 20 feet.
Students may think the order in plotting a coordinate point is not important. Have students plot points so that the position of the positive
coordinates is switched. For example, have students plot (3, 4) and (4, 3) and discuss the order used to plot the points. Have students create

directions for others to follow so that they become aware of the importance of direction and distance. (Excerpt from KATM Grade 5 flip
Meerkat Coordinate Plane Task (5.G.1 and 5.G.2)
This task presents a real-world mathematical problem that requires students to answer questions by drawing and interpreting the meaning
of points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane.
Culminating Activity for 5.G.1 and 5.G.2:
Graph Points on a Coordinate Grid Using Ordered Pairs (5.G.1 and 5.G.2)
This lesson LearnZillion lesson builds on students' understanding of coordinate grids and locations of points on a plane by introducing
ordered pairs as a more specific way of identifying points.

Teacher Note: 5.ATO.3

Students have experienced generating and analyzing numerical patterns using a given rule in Grade 4. Now in 5th grade, given two rules with an
apparent relationship, students should be able to identify the relationship between the resulting sequences of the terms in one sequence to the
corresponding terms in the other sequence. For example, starting with 0, multiply the next digit by 4 and starting with 0, multiply the next digit by 8
which generates each sequence of numbers (0, 4, 8, 12, 16, ...) and (0, 8, 16, 24, 32,...). Students should see that the terms in the second sequence
are double the terms in the first sequence, or that the terms in the first sequence are half the terms in the second sequence.
Based on data generated in the above bullet, have students form ordered pairs and graph them on a coordinate plane. Patterns can be also
observed from the graphs. The graph of both sequences of numbers is a visual representation that will show the relationship between the two
sequences of numbers. Encourage students to represent the sequences in T-Charts so they can see a connection between the graph and the
sequences. (Excerpt from KATM Grade 5 flip book)
Possible Strategies:
Generate numerical patterns by examining the context of real-world scenarios (5.ATO.3)
The goal of this LearnZillion lesson is to build understanding of numerical patterns in the context of real-world problems.
Compare Corresponding Terms in Numerical Patterns by Using Line Graphs on the Coordinate Grid (5.ATO.3)
This LearnZillion lesson uses science data to show the math skills. Includes student practice, too.

This game involves filling in missing operators so each expression equals its target number. (5.ATO.1)
Bracket Basics
This game involves filling in given numbers so that the expression equals a target number. (5.ATO.1)

The Fly on the Ceiling by Dr. Julie Glass

Literature connection; introduces students to Rene Descartes and the history of the coordinate plane
EngageNY 5th grade Module 6 - Problem Solving with the Coordinate Plane
In this unit, students define a coordinate system for the first quadrant of the coordinate plane and use it to solve problems. This unit
includes math background, teacher notes, student activities, practice pages, and a variety of assessments.
Dino Dig
This game involves selecting points to identify locations of dinosaur bones. (5.G.1, 5.G.2)
Billy Bug
Interactive game for finding points in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane. (5.G.1, 5.G.2)
Sample Formative Assessment Tasks/Questions
Performance Task for 5.G.2
Grannys Balloon Trip
This task challenges a student to use knowledge of scale to organize and represent data from a table on a graph.
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.OA.1 (assessing 5.ATO.1)
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.OA.2 (assessing 5.ATO.2)
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.OA.3 (assessing 5.ATO.3)
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.G.1 (assessing 5.G.1)
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.G.2 (assessing 5.G.2)

5th Grade Unit 2

Place Value
Content Standards with Clarifying Notes
Open bullets indicate clarifying notes
5.NSBT.1 Understand that, in a multi-digit whole number, a digit in one place represents 10 times what the same digit represents in the

to its right, and represents 10 times what the same digit represents in the place to its left.
5.NSBT.2 Use whole number exponents to explain:
a. patterns in the number of zeroes of the product when multiplying a number by powers of 10;
b. patterns in the placement of the decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10.
5.NSBT.3 Read and write decimals in standard and expanded form. Compare two decimal numbers to the thousandths using the symbols >,
=, or <.
5.NSBT.4 Round decimals to any given place value within thousandths
New Academic Vocabulary for This Unit

power(s) of


Prior Knowledge Required for this Unit

In 4th grade, place value of whole numbers focused on understanding math periods and the patterns found in those periods. (4.NSBT.1). In 5th
grade, students apply the same pattern (math periods) while working with decimal numbers, using whole number exponents to when multiplying
and dividing by a power of 10. This is the first time students have been introduced to the use of whole number exponents to denote powers of 10.
Students extend their understanding of the base-ten system to how numbers compare and how numbers round for decimal numbers to
Subsequent Knowledge Related to this Unit
In Unit 9, students will use these skills when converting units within the metric system. As the year progresses, having a solid understanding of
decimal numbers will strengthen their flexibility when working with fractions, decimals, and percents in problem-solving situations.
Students need to have a firm grasp of place value (whole numbers and decimal numbers) for future work with computing with numbers, exponents
and scientific notation.
Relationship Among Standards in this Unit
The standards included in this unit provide students with a foundation to work flexibly within the base ten place value system.

Potential Instructional Strategies/Lessons

Teacher Note: 5.NSBT.1 and 5.NSBT.2
Standard 5.NSBT.1 calls for students to reason about the magnitude of numbers. Students should work with the idea that the tens place is ten
times as much as the ones place, and the ones place is 10th the size of the tens place. In fourth grade, students examined the relationships of the
digits in numbers for whole numbers only. This standard extends this understanding to the relationship of decimal fractions. Students use base ten
blocks, pictures of base ten blocks, and interactive images of base ten blocks to manipulate and investigate the place value relationships. They use
their understanding of unit fractions to compare decimal places and fractional language to describe those comparisons. Before considering the
relationship of decimal fractions, students express their understanding that in multi-digit whole numbers, a digit in one place represents 10 times
what it represents in the place to its right and 10of what it represents in the place to its left. (Excerpt from KATM Grade 5 flip book)
Example: (from KATM Grade 5 flip book)
To extend this understanding of place value to their work with decimals, students use a model of one unit; they cut it into 10 equal pieces, shade in,
or describe10 of that model using fractional language (This is 1 out of 10 equal parts. So it is10 . I can write this using10 or 0.1). They repeat the

process by finding10of a10 (e.g., dividing10 into 10 equal parts to arrive at100or 0.01) and can explain their reasoning, 0.01 is10of10 thus is100 of the
whole unit. In the number 55.55, each digit is 5, but the value of the digits is different because of the placement.

The 5 that the arrow points to is10of the 5 to the left and 10 times the 5 to the right. The 5 in the ones place is10of 50 and 10 times five tenths.

The 5 that the arrow points to is10of the 5 to the left and 10 times the 5 to the right. The 5 in the tenths place is 10 times five hundredths.

Standard 5.NSBT.2 calls for students to have multiple experiences working with connecting the patterns in the number of zeroes of the product
when multiplying a number by powers of 10. In addition, students should have multiple experiences exploring patterns in the placement of the
decimal point when a decimal is multiplied or divided by a power of 10.

2.5 103 = 2.5(10 10 10) = 2.5 1,000 = 2,500. Students should reason that the exponent above the 10 indicates how many places the decimal
point is moving (not just that the decimal point is moving but that you are multiplying or making the number 10 times greater three times) when
you multiply by a power of 10. Since we are multiplying by a power of 10 the decimal point moves to the right.

This will relate well to subsequent work with operating with fractions. This example shows that when we divide by powers of 10, the exponent
above the 10 indicates how many places the decimal point is moving (how many times we are dividing by 10 , the number becomes ten times
smaller). Since we are dividing by powers of 10, the decimal point moves to the left.

Students should be able to use the same type of reasoning as above to explain why the following multiplication and division problem by powers of
10 make sense.
523 103 = 523,000 The place value of 523 is increased by 3 places.
5.223 102 = 522.3 The place value of 5.223 is increased by 2 places.
52.3 101 = 5.23 The place value of 52.3 is decreased by one place.
(Examples from KATM Grade 5 flip book)
Possible Strategies:
Use a place value chart to show how place value increases to the left in a multi-digit number (5.NSBT.1)

In this LearnZillion lesson, students work with the idea that the tens place is ten times as much as the ones place, and the ones place is
1/10th the size of the tens place.
Understand how place value decreases with each shift to the right in a multi-digit number by using a place value chart (5.NSBT.1)

In this LearnZillion lesson, students will work with the idea that the ones place is 1/10 of the place to its left.

Kiptons Scale (5.NSBT.1)

This task is set in the context of weighing objects and bundles of 10, 100, and 1,000 objects, it helps students visualize that bundling 10 units
of a given place value will create 1 unit of the next highest place value.
Multiply whole numbers by powers of 10 (5.NSBT.2)

In this LearnZillion lesson, students learn to use whole number exponents to denote powers of ten.
Use place value to explain the pattern when a decimal is divided by a power of 10 (5.NSBT.2)

In this LearnZillion lesson, students divide powers of ten with decimal numbers. Students need to be provided with opportunities to explore
this concept and come to this understanding; this should not just be taught as a procedure.
Multiplying Decimals by 10 (5.NSBT.2)
The purpose of this task is to help students understand and explain why multiplying a decimal number by 10 shifts all the digits one place to
the left.
Martas Multiplication Error (5.NSBT.2)
This task highlights a common misconception among students deriving the rules for multiplying a number by a power of 10.

Teacher Note: 5.NSBT.3 and 5.NSBT.4

Standard 5.NSBT.3 requires students to read and write decimals in standard and expanded form including fractions. Students should build on their
work from Fourth Grade, where they worked with both decimals and fractions interchangeably. Expanded form is included to build upon work in
5.NSBT.1 and 5.NSBT.2 and deepen students understanding of place value. Students build on the understanding they developed in fourth grade to
read, write, and compare decimals to thousandths. They connect their prior experiences with using decimal notation for fractions and addition of
fractions with denominators of 10 and 100. They use concrete models and number lines to extend this understanding to decimals to the
thousandths. Models may include base ten blocks, place value charts, grids, pictures, drawings, manipulatives, technology-based, etc. They read
decimals using fractional language and write decimals in fractional form, as well as in expanded notation. This investigation leads them to
understanding equivalence of decimals (0.8 = 0.80 = 0.800). (Excerpt from KATM Grade 5 flip book)
Example: Some equivalent forms of 0.72 are:

Standard 5.NSBT.4 requires students to round decimals to any given place value within thousandths. Students should go beyond simply applying an
algorithm or procedure for rounding. The expectation is that students have a deep understanding of place value and number sense and can explain
and reason about the answers they get when they round. Students should have numerous experiences using a number line to support their work
with rounding. When rounding a decimal to a given place, students may identify the two possible answers, and use their understanding of place
value to compare the given number to the possible answers. (Excerpt from KATM Grade 5 flip book)
Example: Round 14.235 to the nearest tenth.
Students recognize that the possible answer must be in tenths thus, it is either 14.2 or 14.3. They then identify that 14.235 is closer to 14.2 (14.20)
than to 14.3 (14.30).

Possible Strategies:
Compare two decimals using a number line and comparison symbols (5.NSBT.3)
In this LearnZillion lesson, students will use their understanding of place value to order and compare decimal numbers using a number line.

Drawing Pictures to Illustrate Decimal Comparisons (5.NSBT.3)

The purpose of this task is for students to compare decimal numbers using pictures or diagrams.
Comparing Decimals on the Number Line (5.NSBT.3)
This task involves using number lines to compare decimal numbers. The numbers selected in this task are purposefully chosen to target
student misconceptions.

Placing Thousandths on the Number Line (5.NSBT.3)

This task primarily deals with comparing decimal numbers on a number line. It also requires students to draw upon what they know about
the base ten system.
Place Value Game (Greg Tang Math) (5.NSBT.3)
In this online game, students match numbers to their place value. You can choose two different difficulty levels with whole numbers or
Write decimals in expanded form (5.NSBT.3)

In this LearnZillion lesson students will learn how to read and write numbers to the thousandths in expanded notation using base ten blocks.
Are these equivalent to 9.52? (5.NSBT.3)
The purpose of this Illustrative Math task is to help students develop the understanding that a single base-ten number can be represented in
many different ways.
Round Decimals to Any Place Using Number Lines (5.NSBT.4)
3 LearnZillion lessons (similar to powerpoint) focusing on rounding decimals to the nearest tenth and hundredth using number lines.
Rounding to Tenths and Hundredths (5.NSBT.4)
The purpose of this task is for students to use the position of a number on the number line to round the number without knowing its exact
EngageNY Grade 5 Module 1: Place Value and Decimal Fractions
In this unit, students understanding of the patterns in the base ten system are extended from Grade 4s work with place value of multi-digit
whole numbers and decimals to hundredths to the thousandths place. This unit includes math background, teacher notes, student activities,
practice pages, and a variety of assessments.
CCGPS (Georgia) 5th Grade, Unit 2 Decimals

Georgias Decimal unit. Includes many activities, math background, and assessments.
Rounding Decimals (5.NSBT.5)
Colorful, interactive, step by step directions for rounding decimals from Scholastic Study Jams. Includes a brief assessment after the lesson.
Sample Formative Assessment Tasks/Questions
Decimals Performance Assessment Task (5.NSBT.3 and 5.NSBT.4)
This task challenges a student to use knowledge of place value system to represent and compare rational numbers. A student must use place
value understanding to justify or explain how to order a set of decimal values. A student must be able to make sense of rational values to
generate numbers falling between two values.
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.NBT.1 (assessing 5.NSBT.1)
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.NBT.2 (assessing 5.NSBT.2)
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.NBT.3 (assessing 5.NSBT.3)
https://grade5commoncoremath.wikispaces.hcpss.org/Assessing+5.NBT.4 (assessing 5.NSBT.4)

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