Dated: 18-1-2015 Computer Concepts: Q.NO.1:-Define Computer Software?

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Dated: 18-1-2015

Computer Concepts

Q.NO.1:- Define Computer Software?

Ans:- A set of instructions given to computer to solve a particular problem is called
Computer Software. It is also known as Program. A computer works according to
the instruction written in software.
Q.NO.2:- Name different Application Software?
Ans:- Different application softwares are

Word processing software

Spread sheet software
Database software
Graphic software

Q.NO.3:- Define User Interface?

Ans:- A user interface is used to interact with computer. It controls how the user
enters data and instructions and how information appears on screen.
Q.NO.4:- Define System Software?
Ans:- System software is a set of programs to control and manage the actual
operation of computer hardware. It controls the usage and allocations of different
hardware components.
Q.NO.5:- Define Operating System?
Ans:- An operating system is a set of programs that manages all computer
components and operation . An operating system consists of different programs.
These programs provide an environment in which other programs and computer
system can be used effectively.
Q.NO.6 :- Define Computer Network?
Ans:- A computer network is a set of two or more computers connected together in
order to share information and other resources.

Q.NO.7:- What is the difference between Sender and Receiver?

Ans:- Sender is a device that sends the data message. It is also called source.
Sender is normally a computer. Receiver is a device that receives message. It can
be computer, printer, or another computer related devices. The receiver must be
capable or accepting the message.
Q.NO.8:- What is Bluetooth?
Ans:- Bluetooth is an example of short-range, road cast radio communication. It
uses short-range radio waves to transmit data. It is used in personal computers, fax
machine and printers.
Q.NO.9:- What is Local Area Network (LAN)?
Ans:- LAN stands for local area network. It is a type of network in which computer
are connected together to cards. It is the most common type of network. It covers a
small area.
Q.NO.10:- Explain Wide Area Network (WAN)?
Ans:- WAN stands for wide area network. It prefers to a network that covers a
large area. WAN connects computer in different cities, countries and continents.

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