Section Five Teacher Candidate Reflection

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Section Five

Teacher Candidate Reflection

This section of my portfolio project will highlight my teaching experiences thus far, both
in the classroom and in the teacher education program. While much of my experience so far in
teaching has been positive, Id also describe my time in both classrooms (as a student and a
teacher) as challenging. That however is not a negative thing. I enjoy being challenged and
having to make adjustments as they come. The portfolio project process has been both fulfilling
and difficult. Its been spectacular looking back on what Ive accomplished so far, what areas Im
strong in and which areas I need to improve. That is what teaching is all about, to me; personal
reflection to always get better. The portfolio project has done that for me. This section will
outline some of my specific learning experiences. This section will also address my readiness to
become a teacher. This program as a whole has made me realize that one of my best assets as a
teacher is my classroom management skills. The program has also made me realize how difficult
the curriculum(s) can be to navigate and how essential it is to justify everything you do with your
students in the classroom. From lesson plans to assessment, everything has a purpose and a
reason. The portfolio project has also made me realize how far Ive come. While submitting my
resume in section two, I realized that many of the volunteer positions and jobs Ive held have
centered on the same central theme: coaching or educating students.
The study of education and the evolution of pedagogy is a subject Im extremely
interested in. Not only are their countless talented theorists who present both valid and limited
claims but the study of education as a whole is forever evolving. This is one element that excites

me about education and the future. This is a field where you genuinely have the chance to change
the world.
My teacher education program has also made me realize not only that all students are
diverse, but so are teacher perspectives. Ive learned a ton from not only the Medaille professors
but my own colleagues as well. Each individual colleague brings their own expertise to the field
of education and Ive attempted to take a piece of everyones own skill set and transfer it over to
my own areas of both strength and weakness. Ive used my time at Medaille not only to learn,
but to grow, and I feel strongly as if Im a better person and educator because of my time spent at
Medaille College.

Portfolio Project/ Teacher Education Learning Experiences

My most profound experiences at Medaille College were the student teaching

opportunities that I had within 4 different schools. My venture into student teaching began at
Enterprise Charter School in Buffalo, New York, where I had the opportunity to observe best
teaching practices in a variety of classrooms throughout the day. What made Enterprise unique
was the high volume of African American students within the school. This is unlike more urban
areas of Ontario, especially Brantford, Ontario, where I have had the bulk of my educational
experience. I found it very rewarding and also eye opening, to see some of the trials and
tribulations that young black American students go through. Obviously a far cry from some third
world countries, but I found it amazing that many of these students werent given the basic
necessities prior to coming to school (breakfast, school supplies). These students were still
expected to perform at the same level as their peers across the State of New York, but were at an
obvious disadvantage from the onset. Enterprise also opened my eyes about how much students
truly do care and put in the effort. In my short time there, I witnessed students who could barely
string two sounds together, reading fluently by the end of a few months. Their faces lighting up
and seeing the progress, to me, is what this profession is all about.
My second very difficult learning experience during my time at Medaille College was
having a student teaching placement at Echo Place School in Brantford, Ontario. This was a
public school and the staff and students were great. What made this experience so profound was
the number of IEPs and students needing accommodation in this class. There were 18 students in
this class and 6 of the 18 were on some sort of IEP or behavioral modification plan. In working
alongside my associate teacher as well as the learning resource teacher, I was able to see firsthand the ground work that goes into implementing an IEP and also the work in the trenches (as
the teacher) to try to fulfill the IEPs to the best of your ability. This school made me realize IEPs,

504s and accommodations are not easy. They require a lot of work and a lot of knowledge. Im
very thankful to have had that opportunity because I think it showed me as an educator what it
takes to attempt to reach every students and how to use your colleagues and other resources as
both a sounding board for how you can help students even further and for support when things
may or may not be going according to plan.
My learning experience through Medaille College, both on the Medaille Campus
completing coursework and in elementary classrooms taught me the importance of being
flexible. Planning is great and a very crucial element to being a successful teacher. However
there is a constant balancing act between having a plan and being ready to juggle things as
unexpected events or circumstances arise throughout a day, week, semester or year. Its important
to understand that technology will fail you. There will be assemblies scheduled when youre
planning to have your most crucial lessons. Some days students will be generally disinterested.
In all of this, youve got to adapt and overcome. As a teacher you have to be able to break from
your routine and embrace change because if you dont youll be overcome with stress
immediately. No two days in teaching are the same. This is another thing I love about the
profession. You have to expect the unexpected.
My learning experience at Medaille has also taught me how important it is to be myself.
Students are a very good judge of character and its hard enough to get up in front of a group of
people and be you, let alone somebody youre not. If students feel as though they know your
personality and can relate to you and trust you, its my opinion that youll have a much easier
time connecting with them and facilitating their learning.

Throughout my tenure in the Medaille College Faculty of Education, I feel as though Ive
met and exceeded the TEAC Claims. Through both practicum and classroom hours, Ive
acquired the skills needed through TEAC to become a valuable teacher to a school board. In
reference to TEAC Claim 1.1 Subject matter knowledge; I was given extremely positive reviews
by both my associate teacher and student teaching college professor. I feel as though knowing a
lot of information about a vast majority of subjects is strength of mine. Through classes such as
Foundations of Education, Ive gained a wealth of pedagogical knowledge, directly aligning with
TEAC Claim 1.2 Pedagogical knowledge. Ive demonstrated this through the completion of
DASA as well as through accommodations provided to students throughout student teaching.
Claim 1.3 teaching skill askes that educators be prepared and knowledgeable in
technology and Ive met this TEAC Claim through the use of the Smart Notebook software at
both of my student placements as well as the completion of EDU 571: Technology for the
Elementary Classroom. As an educator I feel very prepared and comfortable in the usage and
implementation of technology in my classroom. Lastly in relation to TEAC Claim 1.3 teaching
skill Im a caring educator. I attempt every day to bring life into a classroom and understand that
every student, no matter the skill level or behavior, deserves my best effort and the utmost
respect, and in doing so I feel as though theyll reciprocate the same to me.

Readiness to Become a Teacher

Throughout my time at Medaille College Ive come to the realization that Im prepared to
become a very strong educator. I believe I initially came to this conclusion when I was student
teaching at my first placement a few weeks into the placement. One moment that stood out to me

was when a student with a long history of behavioral issues was refusing to leave the gymnasium
after gym with the prep teacher and my teacher was going to get administration or a longer
tenured teacher with a history of being a disciplinarian to go get this student from the gym.
Rather than sit back and watch this unfold, I decided to volunteer to attempt to get the student to
return to class myself. Within seconds of entering the gym, I had the student returning back to
class with me, much to the delight of the teacher. I believe around this moment was when I
started to realize the students trusted me, and that I had strong classroom management skills.
Through the implementation of several lesson and unit plans that Ive created both at
Medaille and in the classroom, Ive also learned that I have strong planning skills. I have the
ability to not only plan, but to adjust on the fly with lessons and units, allowing for easy
transitions from class to class.
Technology integration was an aspect of teaching that I had to pick up immediately as the
Smartboard was an integral part of both of the placements that I had and the teachers strongly
suggested I implement them in my lessons as well. I often came in early every morning to
construct morning work on the Smartboard.
I have a strong understanding of both New York State Core Curriculum as well as Ontario
expectations. Ive gained this knowledge through navigating both the online documents as well
as the hard copies. These documents were a constant reference point for lesson and unit plans as
well as assisting me in developing IEP specializations throughout my Medaille tenure. This
document has also allowed me to further my own personal growth in continuing and striving to
be a culturally responsive teacher. I believe because culture is constantly evolving, so too does
the idea of being culturally responsive.

My time spent at Medaille College has helped cater both my personal and professional
growth throughout my 16 months here. The knowledge and ideas that Ill be leaving with far
exceed the nave and close-minded views that I began here with. Im extremely glad to have
chosen Medaille College as the place to continue my education and the background information
Ive received here will be the foundation for my personal and pedagogical growth for years to
come. In creating a welcoming, diverse and informative program here at Medaille College in
Buffalo, New York, Medaille has not only bettered this Canadian student, but the educational
world as a whole.

This section outlines and highlights some of my major accomplishments, experiences and
provides personal insight on what I believe makes me prepared to become a teacher. Through
various assignments and practical classroom application, Ive had to opportunity to grow both on
a personal and professional level in attempting to constantly adjust and improve my teaching
practices. This program has taught me what Im good at, and which areas that I need to improve.
Ive also been fortunate enough to be surrounded by well-rounded colleagues and professors who
have given me additional ideas, motivation and perspective which will help shape my

educational beliefs and practices for years to come. Im very thankful for my time at Medaille
College as this institution has catered to both my educational and personal needs and given me
the tools needed to be a successful educator.

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