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Siop Language Arts

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Teacher: Mayt Cotton

Grade: 2nd
School: Harrand Creek Elementary
Date: June 23, 2015
Start Time: 8:15a.m.
End Time (45 min. later): 9:00
Number of Students: 13
Number of ELLs: 13
Number of of NEPs:
Other aspects worth mentioning: This is an ESL group of students who scored at level 3 on the ACCESS

UABs SIOP Lesson Plan

Subject: Language Arts/Reading and Science
Unit Theme: From Field to Table
Lesson Topic: The Cycle of the corn plant- from seed to plant to tortilla
Alabama COS [Give code number(s) and standard(s).]
Content Objective(s): Academic Achievement
How ELLs are expected to (partially) meet the AL COS:
RL. 2.1. Key Ideas and Details: Ask and answer
such questions as who, what, where, when, why,
and how to demonstrate understanding of key
1. Student will be able to make predictions using
details in a text.
prior knowledge, textual story clues, and picture
RL. 2.7. Integration of Knowledge and Ideas: Use
information gained from the illustrations and
words in a print or digital text to demonstrate
2. Students will identify plant parts, where seeds
understanding of its characters, setting, or plot.
come from and how they grow.
SC (2) Identify the relationship of structure to
function in plants, including roots, stems, leaves,
and flowers.
TESOL Standards [Underline the targeted standard(s)]
Language Objective(s): Academic Language
To meet the content objective(s), ELLs will learn to use English in one or
more of the following ways: discourse functions, grammar, vocabulary,
#1Communicate for social, intercultural & instructional
pronunciation, and/or skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing):
purposes within the school setting; and/or
#2, #3, #4, or #5Communicate information, ideas, and
1. Students will orally describe the parts of a corn plant
concepts necessary for academic success in the content area
of (underline): #2language arts, #3math, #4science, or 2. Students will write short sentences presenting key
#5social studies.
information about the story

3. Students will listen to a read-aloud and retell the story

to a partner

SEQUENCE (Order of activities planned for this 45-minute lesson)

The actual amount of numbered points may vary. This depends on the amount of different activities that are planned.

BEGINNING (5 to 10 minutes)

MOTIVATION or hook activity

Refer students to the board and review the content and language objectives for the day.
Display a picture/poster containing a poem about corn. Have the students in group 1 read the first line,
group 2 reads the second line, and group 3 the third line. All the students read the last line. Say corn is a
vegetable. People grow it and use it to make many different things, such as tortillas.
Have the students face their partner and name other products made from corn.
Have the students share with the entire class their answers.
The teacher will ask students the following questions:
o How many of you eat tortillas with your meals?
o What are tortillas made from?
o Who makes tortillas and where are they made?
MIDDLE (If this takes longer than expected, skip certain parts in order to review during the last 5 minutes.)

PRESENTATION of new knowledge and/or skills

Before reading the book The Tortilla Factory, teacher will pre teach vocabulary by using the following method:

Teacher will display an ear of corn and teach the different parts of the corn.
o This is the husk. It is green and stiff. It crackles when I peel it back. This is the silk. It is yellow
and soft. These are the kernels. They are sweet and juicy.
Next, teacher will distribute an ear of corn to each student. Ask:
o What color is the husk? Touch it. What does it feel like? Peel it back. What does it sounds like?
What color is the silk? Touch it. What does it fell like? What color are the kernels? What do they
taste like? Smell the ear of corn. What does it smell like?
Ask students to record their observations about the ear of corn on the 5 senses flip book.
Have the students join you on the carpet for a Picture Walk
o Say lets look at the front cover
o What do you think this story is about?
o What do you see in this page?
o What do you think is happening?
o What do you think will happen next?
o We are almost at the end of the book?
o How will the story end?
After the picture walk have the students write a short sentence about their book prediction.
Next, teacher will read the book to the students and explain each page so students can fully comprehend
the language of the book.

PRACTICE/APPLICATION of new knowledge and/or skills

After the presentation of concepts, students will work with a partner to make and show a filmstrip.
Students will tell their partners how tortillas are made.
During this activity the teacher will circulate the room and assist students who are at a lower English
language proficiency.
END (final 5 minutes)

Teacher observations
Quick writes-complete prediction worksheet and check students group work
Review content and language objectives
Show a movie about how tortillas are made in a tortilla factory.
Now list and/or explain how this lesson plan will meet each of the 8 SIOP components and their features:
I. PREPARATION: List and/or explain how you plan to do the following
Content Objectives & Language Objectives (students oral interaction): Content and language objectives need
to be clearly defined, displayed, and reviewed with students. Students should state at the end of the lesson if the
objectives were met.
Appropriate Content Concepts: Age appropriate for the age and educational background of students
Supplementary Materials needed: Book The Tortilla Factory by Gary Paulsen, ears of corn, worksheets, poem
poster, and video.
Ideas for Content Accommodations: Different kinds of grouping, give instructions orally, incorporate visuals,
gestures, graphic organizers, poem, and realia.
Meaningful Activities planned: Before reading the book The Tortilla Factory

Teacher will display an ear of corn and teach the different parts of the corn.
o This is the husk. It is green and stiff. It crackles when I peel it back. This is the silk. It is yellow
and soft. These are the kernels. They are sweet and juicy.
Next, teacher will distribute an ear of corn to each student. Ask:
o What color is the husk? Touch it. What does it feel like? Peel it back. What does it sounds like?
What color is the silk? Touch it. What does it fell like? What color are the kernels? What do they
taste like? Smell the ear of corn. What does it smell like?
Ask students to record their observations about the ear of corn on the 5 senses flip book.
Have the students join you on the carpet for a Picture Walk
o Say lets look at the front cover
o What do you think this story is about?
o What do you see in this page?
o What do you think is happening?
o What do you think will happen next?
o We are almost at the end of the book?
o How will the story end?
After the picture walk have the students write a short sentence about their book prediction.
Next, teacher will read the book to the students and explain each page so students can fully comprehend
the language of the book. After the presentation of concepts, students will work with a partner to make
and show a filmstrip. Students will tell their partners how tortillas are made.

II. INSTRUCTION: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you plan to do them.
These 6 components are not in a fixed order. They occur in a cyclical manner, often simultaneously, throughout a SIOP lesson.

Links to Students Cultural Backgrounds: Use the book The Tortilla Factory (Hispanic Heritage)
Links to Students Prior Knowledge: Use realia, photos, poem, and illustrations.
Key Vocabulary emphasized (visible, oral, interaction): Display key vocabulary and use TPR to review
Appropriate Speech: Speak clearly and repeat often
Academic Tasks Explained Clearly: Emphasis on key words during instruction
Techniques to Clarify Content Concepts: Use pictures, realia, interactive activity, modeling, hands on materials,
and gestures.
Opportunities for Students to Use Strategies: Students will use strategies such as Cognates and Use
background knowledge
Scaffolding Techniques: Allow students the wait time they need to process information in English, use visual
aids (gestures, body language, charts, and pictures), content reduced text
Question Types to promote higher-order thinking: Use open ended questions
Meaningful Interactive Peer-to-peer Oral Techniques (name at least 4 different IPOTs): Turn and Tell,
Poem, manipulatives, and group brainstorm.
Multiple grouping configurationspairs & new pairs (name the IPOTs), triads, groups, full class: Pairs,
groups, and full class
Sufficient wait time: Give students extra time to respond or come back to them later with the same question.

Clarification of key concepts in L1 (if needed): Use Spanish when necessary to explain concepts and
vocabulary. Encourage the use of cognates.
Hands-on materials to practice new concepts: Ears of corn, 5 senses flip book, and filmstrip to identify steps in
a process (making tortillas)
Activities to apply content and language knowledge: Filmstrip- show and tell a partner how tortillas are made.
Activities that integrate all 4 language skills (list below after the following feature) ****
Ample opportunities to practice each of 4 literacy domains (list several activities after each skill):
Listening: Small group discussion and Read-Write-Pair-Share
Speaking: Small group/whole group discussion and turn and talk
Reading: Book, poem, and individual chart
Writing: Quick write, partner work, and group chart
Support of content objectives: Through repeated instruction and model instruction
Support of language objectives: Through Think-Pair-Share activity and writing activity
All students engaged 90% of time: Through activities such Read-Write-Pair-Share
Appropriate pacing: No down time managing time carefully, but allowing extra time for certain activities due to
ability levels.
III. REVIEW/ASSESSMENT: Give names of specific techniques for each feature & explain how you plan to do them
Review of key vocabulary and language: Class discussion, realia, activities that target all four language
domains, review key vocabulary
Review of key content concepts: Class discussion
Ongoing feedback to students regarding language production and the application of new content concepts: Give
oral or writing feedback, facial expressions and body language such a nod or smile.
Formal & informal assessment of student progress (formative & summative) in meeting lesson objectives:
Individual oral or written responses, thumbs up/thumbs down or dry-erase boards for group responses.

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