General Requirements
General Requirements
General Requirements
Personal appearance
Confirmed appointment
Birth Certificate (BC) in Security Paper (SECPA) issued by the National Statistics
Office (NSO) or Certified True Copy (CTC) of BC issued by the Local Civil Registrar (LCR) and duly
authenticated by NSO. Transcribed Birth Certificate from the LCR is required when entries in NSO
Birth Certificate are blurred or unreadable. (Report of Birth duly authenticated by NSO if born
No need to submit a passport size photo
Valid picture IDs and supporting documents to prove identity (Please refer to List of
Acceptable IDs and List of Supporting Documents)
Apply for the delayed registration of birth at the local civil registry office located at the place of
birth of applicant
Submit authenticated Birth Certificate from NSO and supporting public document/s upon the
discretion of the processor or Consular Officer, with correct date and place of birth (i.e. Form 137,
Voters Registration Record, Baptismal Certificate with readable dry seal or National Commission on
Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) / Office on Muslim Affairs (OMA) Certificate with photo and readable dry
seal for Muslim applicants).
If born before 1950 and below (December 31, 1949 and below):
Any public document/s with correct full name, date and place of birth (i.e. Baptismal Certificate
with readable dry seal or NCMF / OMA Certificate with photo and readable dry seal for Muslim
Call (02) 737-1111 for your NSO Birth Certificate
Certificate of Tribal Affiliation from the National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF)
Annotated Birth Certificate (BC) in Security Paper (SECPA) issued by the National Statistics
Office (NSO) bearing the Muslim name
National Commission on Muslim Filipinos (NCMF) or Office on Muslim Affairs (OMA) Certificate of
Voters ID
NSO Marriage Contract
Land Title
Seamans Book
Elementary or High School Form 137 or Transcript of Records with readable dry seal
Government Service Record
NBI Clearance
Police Clearance
Barangay Clearance
Old documents issued at least one year prior to date of application that show correct name, date
and place of birth, picture and signature of applicant such as the following:
Voters Certification, List of Voters and Voters Registration Record (for newly issued