Chemistry ....................................................................................................................... 2
Chemistry ....................................................................................................................... 2
Chemistry ....................................................................................................................... 2
Group III
CHEMISTRY ....................................................................................................................... 2
Paper 0620/01 Multiple Choice ..................................................................................................................... 2
Paper 0620/02 Core Theory.......................................................................................................................... 4
Paper 0620/03 Extended Theory .................................................................................................................. 9
Paper 0620/04 Coursework......................................................................................................................... 15
Paper 0620/05 Practical .............................................................................................................................. 15
Paper 0620/06 Alternative to Practical ........................................................................................................ 16
Paper 0620/01
Multiple Choice
General comments
The mean mark for this Paper was 30.0, with a standard deviation of 6.3. The reliability coefficient for the
items in the Paper was 0.85. All of these statistical parameters show that the Paper worked effectively in
discriminating between the candidates.
Questions 1 and 2 were both quite easy but this is in line with having straightforward easy starters to help
candidates settle down. Other questions found quite easy were 8, 13, 16 and 32. The most demanding
questions were 19, 24 and 34. Comments on these latter and other questions are given below.
Comments on specific questions
Question 4
The most popular incorrect choice was A. Perhaps these candidates did not read the question carefully
enough in that they may merely have associated paraffin with cracking.
Question 5
In this case, D was the most popular incorrect choice. Isotopes, of course, have equal numbers of protons,
not neutrons and candidates choosing D may be confused about which particle is which.
Question 6
A third of the candidates wrongly chose D. Was this because D was the odd man out in being an He atom
rather than an H atom? Response B also had a nucleon number to proton number ratio of 2. As in
Question 5, some candidates may be confused about the terms nucleon, neutron and proton and so failed
to make the necessary subtraction to identify the key.
Question 13
This item proved to be rather easy for this full subject syllabus in Chemistry.
Question 15
A third of the candidates chose B. Did they not realise that combustion is an exothermic process?
Question 18
This proved slightly harder than expected. The statistics hint at candidates either knowing the answer or
merely guessing.
Question 19
Candidates found this harder still than Question 18 but the guessing comment above may apply here as
well. This is somewhat surprising as the question is based on an identification test that is in the syllabus.
Question 20
About a quarter chose C. It is a common mistake made year by year that copper reacts with dilute mineral
Question 24
A hard question but one that discriminated well. A third chose A rather than B. Extra care is needed when
attempting to answer questions of the not variety.
Question 27
This question should have been one of simple recall but a third of candidates chose A.
Question 30
Candidates were not readily fooled by B but about 20% went for A and for C. The gas NO2 is a pollutant
present in car exhaust fumes but it comes from the reaction of nitrogen and oxygen due to the high
temperature of the fuel combustion but not from the fuel itself.
Question 34
Only 45% answered correctly and nearly as many chose C. This seems to suggest that many candidates do
not appreciate that acetylene is a hydrocarbon with a combustion product of carbon dioxide.
Paper 0620/02
Core Theory
General comments
Many candidates tackled the Paper well and there were many good answers showing a thorough grasp of
the subject matter. The rubric was generally well interpreted and few candidates misinterpreted the
instructions or did not read them carefully enough. However, a minority did not grasp exactly what was
required and, for example, wrote part symbol equations in place of word equations or explained things which
were unrelated to the question. A good example of not reading instructions arose in Question 3 (c)(ii),
where some candidates included fluorine or potassium in the list despite being instructed to choose from
bromine, chlorine and iodine. Molecular structure was generally well known even with low scoring
candidates but simple particle theory seemed to cause many problems. As has been commented on in
previous reports, there were a few instances where candidates disadvantaged themselves by giving multiple
answers e.g. Question 5 (f)(iii) and Question 6 (f)(iii). If candidates give one correct and one incorrect
answer, they will not get the mark because it indicates that they are hoping to get the correct answer by
chance. It was encouraging to note that the majority of candidates were able to write correct formulae in the
appropriate places and to name compounds correctly. Many candidates still appear to have difficulty in
answering, questions based on environmental problems associated with Chemistry, correctly e.g.
Question 5 (f)(iii). The quality of the answers to questions on organic Chemistry was disappointing and few
candidates seemed to be able to write a correct molecular formula. A significant minority of candidates
experienced difficulties with questions involving charged particles e.g. Question 2 (e) and Question 6 (f).
The difference between ions and electrons often seemed muddled in the minds of the candidates.
Questions of a more generalised nature, requiring a greater freedom of response, such as Questions 5 (e)(i)
and 5 (f)(ii) still pose a problem for some candidates. Many tended to respond rather vaguely. Most
candidates attempted every part of each question but some left spaces in places where it mattered e.g. in
Question 2(f), where both ticks and crosses were required. The Examiners cannot assume that the lack of
a tick means a cross. The standard of English was generally good, most candidates answering in whole
sentences where required.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
In general, this was a fairly high scoring question although few candidates scored full marks. The most
difficult parts seemed to be related to the properties of ammonia.
This was practically always answered correctly, even by the weakest candidates. Alkene was the
commonest mistake.
The formula for methane was well known and although a few candidates unnecessarily drew dot
and cross diagrams, a few of these were incorrect and so failed to gain the mark. A few candidates
drew the structure of ethane.
The required answer of natural gas, was given by about 60% of the candidates. Many candidates
were satisfied with vague answers such as the ground or thought, incorrectly, that most methane
came from petroleum or from cracking.
The correct percentage of nitrogen in air was not always well known, with many candidates
believing that the figure was around 60 or 70%. A not insignificant minority of candidates gave
values that were very low e.g. 20%, presumably mistaking it for oxygen.
Most candidates chose either oxygen or carbon but quite a few candidates incorrectly gave an
element in the same Group, phosphorus being the most common error. A number of candidates
appeared not to read the stem of the question and chose a metal rather than a non-metal.
It is encouraging that most candidates were able to define a catalyst in terms of a substance that
speeds up a reaction. However a handful of candidates still use the words alter the rate which is
not acceptable because of its vagueness. Negative catalysts are generally called inhibitors.
Most candidates realised that the rate of reaction increases when the temperature increases.
A considerable number of candidates did not answer this question, presumably because they
looked straight down to the first dotted line. Candidates should be encouraged to go through the
Paper checking off questions in order (a), (b), (c) etc, so that they do not miss short questions such
as this. Those who did answer this question, invariably got it correct, 3 being the commonest
incorrect answer.
Most candidates gave a good explanation of a reversible reaction or an equilibrium reaction.
The idea of the arrangement of the particles in a liquid was little known. It may be that some
candidates did not read the question properly and assumed that ammonia was in the gaseous
form. However, the wording of the question is unambiguous and further evidence suggests that
many candidates think, incorrectly, that the particles in a liquid are at least one molecules distance
apart. The evidence comes from the considerable number of candidates who annotated their
diagrams and put phrases such as liquid particles are apart from each other. Candidates should
be encouraged to draw particles in a liquid which are touching or much less than a molecules
distance apart as well as being randomly distributed.
Most candidates gave a correct test for ammonia but a few gave the incorrect colour changes or
suggested, incorrectly that a white precipitate (rather than white fumes) would be formed when
hydrogen chloride vapour is put near ammonia. The addition of sodium hydroxide and sometimes
aluminium was occasionally incorrectly included in the answers.
Many candidates gave a satisfactory answer to this question but, as is usual with environmental
type questions, some gave very vague answers such as for growth or so it gets the right
minerals. There was often a focus on the soil rather than on plant growth.
This question was surprisingly poorly done, the correct answer of sulphuric acid only being seen in
about 60% of the cases. Some candidates wrote hydrogen sulphate as a near approximation to
the correct name, but potassium sulphate, copper sulphate and sulphur and oxygen were
commonly seen incorrect answers.
Question 2
This question was the best answered on the Paper, most candidates scoring at least two thirds of the marks
available. The idea of filtration was well known and the equation in part (c) was usually balanced correctly.
The most problems were caused by part (a), where the concept of an ion was either little understood or badly
Many candidates gave good answers such as an atom or group of atoms which has lost or gained
electrons. Credit was given for the idea that an ion is a charged atom/molecule, even though
strictly speaking an atom or molecule is neutral. However, a large number of candidates merely
referred to charged particles, which could encompass electrons and protons as well as ions.
Indeed, some candidates thought that electrons were examples of ions.
About two thirds of the candidates correctly identified calcium as the positive ion with the highest
concentration. A large number of candidates failed to read the question carefully enough and did
not notice that the hydrogencarbonate ion is negatively charged.
Most candidates gained the mark for balancing the ionic equation.
This question was generally answered well by all but the weakest candidates. Although calcium
hydrogencarbonate would decompose on even gentle heating (there are even doubts about its true
existence as a solid), candidates are not expected to know this, so this compound was accepted as
well as the decomposition product (carbonate). The weakest candidates failed to realise what to
do in the question, despite the example and potassium compounds were occasionally seen
although there was no potassium in the table.
Only about 50% of the candidates obtained the mark for the correct formula, CaCl2. Candidates
who wrote an ionic form, invariably failed to gain the mark because of the incorrect ion e.g. Cl2which was written. Others just counted up the ions and either put a large number in front or did not
simplify the formula to its lowest possible ratio of calcium and chloride.
Most candidates obtained at least one of the two marks available. The most common mistakes
were to suggest that calcium liquid did not conduct electricity and that calcium chloride solid did
Most candidates scored all three marks. The standard of drawing was generally good and many
candidates took great care to explain the separation procedure. One of the most common
mistakes was to not mention the filter paper, some candidates suggesting that the funnel by itself
served as a filter.
Question 3
Most candidates scored at least half marks on this question but few scored full marks, each part of the
question posing its own problems for individual candidates. As has been stated in the General comments
section, many candidates do not seem to read the stem of the questions with sufficient care.
The four boxes were generally all filled in, but a few candidates appeared to miss out putting
colours on the left. The colour of chlorine was generally well known, although a few candidates
suggested that it was white, presumably because of its bleaching action. The colour of solid iodine
was less well known, purple (muddling with the vapour) or blue were common incorrect answers.
The states of fluorine and bromine were often not known and it appeared that many candidates did
not use the information from the melting and boiling points to help them. Many candidates thought,
incorrectly that bromine was a solid.
This was poorly done, many candidates suggesting negative boiling points. A wide range of values
was accepted around the actual boiling point (184oC) but despite having the value of the melting
point (114oC) in the table, a sizeable proportion, opted for values less than this. The candidates
who were most successful tended to compare the difference in the melting points and boiling points
and use the trend to calculate the boiling point of iodine. A number of candidates mistakenly
believed that iodine has no boiling point because they suggested that it sublimes. This is incorrect.
Careful heating of solid iodine results in a liquid that is clearly visible. The problem with the
sublimation idea arises from the fact that iodine crystals are seen to be formed directly from the gas
when iodine vapour condenses on the cold parts of the test tube after heating.
About two thirds of the candidates wrote the word equation correctly. Those who did not, either
rewrote one of the reactants as the products or used potassium iodide in place of potassium
bromide. Candidates should be advised not to write symbol equations where word equations are
requested. If the symbol equation is correct full marks are obtained, but candidates all too often
make mistakes in symbol equations such as Br instead of Br2 or KCl2. Such mistakes cannot be
given credit.
Most candidates were able to rank the halogens in order of their reactivity but a surprising number
placed fluorine or even potassium amongst the three requested or put two on one line.
Most candidates gained the mark for either disinfecting swimming pools or for water purification.
Candidates should note, however, that vague statements such as for cleaning or plastics will not
gain credit. Specific uses are always required e.g. for making PVC is a good answer.
About two thirds of candidates realised that hydrogen chloride is a covalently bonded molecule.
The most common incorrect answer was ionic.
Question 4
As stated in the General comments, many candidates found this question difficult and did not appear to
have a good grasp of Organic Chemistry. This has also been commented on in previous reports.
Many candidates had a reasonable idea of what constitutes an organic compound but often found it
hard to put into words. Many candidates disadvantaged themselves by claiming that organic
chemicals were hydrocarbon or contained carbon and hydrogen only. The definition as a
compound found in living things, although a 19th century definition, is rather too vague a statement
for modern Chemistry, in a world of synthetic polymers and man-made drugs.
Many candidates correctly identified the two carboxylic acids as belonging to the same homologous
series, but a surprising number gave incorrect combinations.
D (ethanol), was not always identified as the alcohol and E was a common incorrect answer here.
This question was surprisingly poorly done, many candidates thinking that D (ethanol), was formed
by cracking paraffins.
The term exothermic was generally explained by most candidates as a reaction which gives out
A wide variety of answers were given here. Many candidates only gained one mark here,
commonly for carbon dioxide and less often for water. A great number of candidates suggested
that hydrogen was a product of combustion or that carbon monoxide was formed, despite the stem
of the question mentioning excess air.
In keeping with the poor performance of some candidates in part (ii), many candidates suggested,
incorrectly, that carbon dioxide is formed when organic compounds are combusted incompletely.
Some candidates failed to gain the mark because they put down two compounds, one of which was
not a carbon compound.
Only about one third of the candidates wrote the molecular formula correctly, and a considerable
number of half structural and half molecular formulae were seen. A minority of candidates even
wrote full displayed formulae.
The correct answer for the relative molecular mass was 88, and some candidates, despite writing
the correct molecular formula, missed off 1 or 2 hydrogen atoms in their calculations. Candidates
should also be advised that relative molecular mass does not have a unit because it is a ratio.
Chromatography was correctly identified by the majority of the candidates as the method for
separating coloured pigments. The most common mistake was to suggest that distillation or
filtration could be used. Spelling of chromatography was often poor but a reasonable allowance
was made for this.
Question 5
This question posed a number of problems for the candidates in terms of the understanding of terminology in
parts (a), (c)(ii) and (d)(ii) and in their ability to explain processes in terms of particle (kinetic) theory.
Although many candidates scored half marks for this question, very few obtained high marks.
The idea of a metal ore was not well understood, the commonest suggestion being that it was just
a compound or a form of metal. Marks were gained by those candidates who suggested some link
with rocks or the earth.
Limestone was almost always seen as the (correct) answer. Limewater was the most common
incorrect answer.
Many candidates found the word equation unexpectedly difficult. The most common mistake was
to suggest that CO is carbon dioxide. This, together with the evidence from Question 4 (f)(ii) and
(iii) suggests that candidates are unsure of the difference between these two gases. Candidates
should be reminded that putting numbers as well as words in a word equation is unacceptable it
is neither one thing nor another. A large number of candidates failed to gain the mark by incorrect
copying of the (III) in the iron(III) oxide, this being replaced by a (II). Similarly, a large number of
candidates disadvantaged themselves by putting iron(II) as a product rather than simply iron.
Candidates should be advised to simply write out the word equation without the oxidation states if
they are not sure what they mean.
Although many candidates had a reasonable grasp of the term reduction, there were some very
vague or contradictory answers. An answer such as removal of oxygen and loss of electrons will
not score any marks because of the contradiction. Candidates would be advised to stick to one
answer, preferably the most straightforward. A number of candidates failed to gain the marks for
removal of oxygen because the oxygen was being removed from an element.
There were a wide variety of answers here, but it was encouraging to note that a good proportion of
the candidates obtained the mark for this question, where the answer was not immediately obvious.
More candidates had difficulty in describing endothermicity than exothermicity, but most candidates
gained this mark.
There were a variety of answers accepted here and most candidates obtained at least one mark.
Some candidates failed to get the marks because they described the processes in the blast furnace
rather than those in the oxygen converter.
Most candidates gave a suitable answer here, most choosing the use for making car bodies.
Although some candidates gave full answers, many did not access the question and concentrated
on the acidity, failing to mention the pH. The candidates were expected to make a correlation
between pH and corrosion and if this was not done, the mark was not gained. It was clear that
many candidates did not realise that a higher pH meant greater acidity. Candidates should also be
encouraged to write answers in the form : the .. the pH the . the corrosion, otherwise it is not
clear what relationship is being considered. An answer such as the corrosion increases is not
acceptable, as no relationship is obvious.
More candidates gained this mark in comparison with part (i) but a considerable number tried to tie
in pH with temperature, which resulted in confused answers. For the explanation most candidates
gained at least one of the two marks, but some showed a lack of thought in suggesting that it was
the steel particles which moved faster as the temperature rose (as opposed to vibrate faster).
Many candidates failed to access the marks through not choosing a gas. Sulphuric acid, nitric acid
and lead were incorrect answers which were often seen. Candidates should be advised to choose
a specific source for their answers rather than rely on vague answers such as factories.
Question 6
This was one of the best attempted questions on the Paper apart from part (f), which posed conceptual
problems (see General comments above). Most candidates scored at least two thirds of the marks
Most candidates correctly wrote distillation. The commonest answer which was judged incorrect
was condensation.
Most candidates recognised the flask, although there were many variants on this e.g. conical,
Buchner, volumetric. Candidates should be advised to stick to the simplest single word.
It was pleasing to note that even many of the weakest candidates obtained both marks here.
Most candidates realised that the pH of pure water was 7, the commonest error being to think that
it was 6 or 1!
Most candidates obtained the mark here, although a few omitted the units and thus forfeited the
The correct answer (24g) was given by about 70% of the candidates. A not inconsiderable number
of candidates multiplied by 6 and got the incorrect answer 1080 or made incorrect mathematic
calculations to get 18g.
A wide variety of responses were elicited. Those candidates who knew the test for calcium
generally gained all three marks. A good number of candidates failed to select the correct
precipitating agent, silver nitrate being a common example. Some candidates disadvantaged
themselves by selecting sulphuric acid as an agent to dissolve the calcium sulphate.
Fewer than half the candidates obtained both marks here, common mistakes being the idea of
electrons carrying the charge and the lack of statements about the movement (of the ions).
Many candidates identified chlorine as a product at the positive electrode but fewer identified
sodium as being formed at the anode in the absence of water. Many candidates failed to realise
that the melt was not a solution and so put hydrogen as a cathode product.
Most candidates identified carbon or platinum as suitable electrodes, although a large minority
incorrectly suggested that iron or copper would be suitable.
Paper 0620/03
Extended Theory
General comments
Teachers might like to pass to their candidates the following general advice, none of which is new, but every
year some candidates fail to act in accordance with these constructive suggestions and consequently do not
realise their full potential in terms of marks and grades.
The request to complete the following equations implies in the same format as the part equation that has
been written on the Paper. Word equations should be completed by writing the names of the other reagents
or products, similarly a symbol equation must completed by writing formulae and then balanced. Hybrid
equations, that is names and formulae, should be avoided.
At this level, it is not acceptable to omit hydrogen atoms from structures, neither is an isolated hydrogen
atom, that is one in the appropriate position but without a bond between hydrogen and carbon, considered to
be correct.
Probably the oldest piece of advice offered to examination candidates throughout the ages is read the
question, think what is required and read the question again to be certain of the type of response that will be
awarded the marks and only then start to write.
It is essential that if a candidate redrafts the answer on the blank pages, then the original answer must be
deleted and reference made to new version. These blank pages can be used for rough work or for redrafting
answers, the candidate must make it clear which answer is to be marked.
The advice about handwriting remains unchanged, if the Examiner cannot decipher poor handwriting then
the marks cannot be awarded. The writing on some scripts seems to deteriorate at the point when the
candidate is uncertain about the Chemistry, Examiners will not interpret uncertainties in meaning due to
writing bordering on illegibility, in favour of the candidate.
In every year since the inception of this examination, for some candidates who have been entered for Paper
3, it presents an inappropriate test of their skill and knowledge and they attain very low marks or hand in
blank scripts. From 2004, candidates can only be entered for Paper 2 or Paper 3 and not both as in the
past. In the future, candidates should be entered for Paper 3 only if they expect to achieve grade D or
higher. Being entered for this higher and more demanding Paper could reduce an individuals chances of
attaining their optimum grade, as Paper 2 is designed to allow candidates expected to gain a C or below to
show their skills better and to concentrate on core concepts. Candidates who are correctly entered should
find preparing for and sitting the examination a more positive and rewarding experience that best allows
them to demonstrate their abilities to the full.
Most candidates could recall the correct temperature, that is one in the range 300 to 600oC, and
many knew that the catalyst was vanadium(V) oxide. The marking scheme did not require the
oxidation state to be correct. Few gave an appropriate value for the pressure and even fewer could
quote the volume ratio for the reacting gases, that is 2:1 sulphur dioxide to oxygen or possibly a
slight excess of oxygen compared with the stoichiometric ratio.
A common error was to confuse this process with the Haber Process and name the catalyst as iron
and quote a pressure of hundreds of atmospheres.
Many thought that the yield of sulphur trioxide would increase with increasing temperature and tried
to justify this incorrect belief by a discussion of reaction rate. Those who answered the question
correctly usually followed the conventional argument an increase in temperature favours the
reaction that takes in energy/heat, that is the back reaction, the endothermic one. The position of
equilibrium moves to the left decreasing the yield. The introduction of a discussion of relative rates
only served to confuse the candidate.
The majority were able to describe how sulphur trioxide was changed into sulphuric acid. Typical
errors were to give dilute rather than concentrated sulphuric acid or to imagine that the conversion
was carried out using just water.
sodium carbonate or hydroxide or hydrogen carbonate sodium metal or sodium oxide was
the most frequent mistake.
zinc oxide or hydroxide or carbonate quite a range of errors, zinc salts, such as sulphate,
and zinc metal, this reaction is redox not neutralisation.
any soluble barium salt, such as chloride or nitrate or even barium hydroxide which is
sufficiently soluble to participate in a precipitation reaction.
Most could answer this part copper(II) sulphate or anhydrous copper(II) sulphate. Some ignored
the instruction to name the powder and gave its formula. The term unhydrated was frequently
used instead of anhydrous, it was accepted but hopefully the correct word anhydrous will get
greater emphasis in the future.
Almost the entire entry realised that the mixture would turn blue.
The black powder was correctly recognised by most of the candidates as being copper(II) oxide, a
minority thought it was carbon or soot.
Question 2
hard metal
Magnesium instead of manganese was the only systematic error. Most candidates were able to
give this word equation.
Very few gave both manganese(III) oxide and manganese(IV) oxide. Many recognised that the
amphoteric oxide would react but did not realise that the acidic oxide also reacted with the alkali.
The majority gave increase presumably confusing the volume of the gas with the rate of reaction.
A typical response was at first the rate of reaction increased then it levelled off and stayed
constant. There were other erroneous ideas the reaction stopped because the catalyst was used
up. The required comments were that the rate decreased with time because the concentration of
the hydrogen peroxide was decreasing; partial credit was gained by the comment the hydrogen
peroxide was being used up.
Whereas most correctly sketched the graph with a higher initial slope, only a few realised that the
final volume of oxygen would be doubled.
This question had to address the shape of the graph, many gave information that was correct but
did not relate their answer to the shape of this new graph. Its initial gradient would be less but the
final volume of oxygen would be the same.
It seems from the evidence derived from the attempts at answering this question that many
candidates cannot relate the theory of reaction rates to the interpretation of graphs of this type.
Future candidates could well be advised to practise this type of question.
Question 3
Many did not understand the term oxidation state and attempted to explain its increase in terms of
reactivity rather than the number of electrons in the outer energy level.
Most realised that these atoms gained electrons hence the negative charge but ignored the rest of
the question and failed to explain why the oxidation state decreased. The required response was
the number of electrons in the outer level increased so the atoms across the period needed to gain
fewer electrons to complete the level. In fairness, some candidates produced excellent answers to
these two parts.
This question was well answered, candidates usually had both formulae correct. Typical mistakes
were to try to include oxygen or to think that the valency of phosphorus is 5 and that the formula for
silicon phosphide is P4Si5 .
Candidates did not realise that the choice of element had to confined to Period 3. Most of the
candidates gained at least some marks for this part, a significant proportion were awarded the
three marks.
Silicon(IV) oxide could not be accepted although it has the requisite structure it is not an element.
Most knew that the element was sodium, others offered potassium or less understandably
magnesium. Although this element is in Period 3 it certainly does not react violently with cold
All that was needed was argon is unreactive. There are more sophisticated reasons that relate to
the choice of argon, a gas is needed in the bulb, if it were evacuated this would promote the
sublimation of the filament but the basic reason remains the low reactivity of this gas.
In recent years there has been a marked improvement in the standard of these diagrams.
However this year there has been a relapse, the overall quality was disappointing. Many thought
that the compound was covalent, others did not represent the formula as Na3P but the biggest
problem was to offer a jumble of diagrams that might include all the marking points. All the
necessary information can be included in a single diagram.
It is not necessary to include diagrams of the separate elements or details of the inner energy
levels. The unnecessary detail greatly increases the risk of error and ambiguities. When
answering questions of this type, candidates should be advised to include the stoichiometric ratio,
the ionic charges and the arrangement of valency electrons around the anion.
Question 4
There are relatively few uses of copper metal. Many of the uses given by the candidates were of
alloys coinage, door knobs, ornaments etc. Acceptable uses of this metal are wires or cable,
pipes, utensils, for roofing, bimetallic strips. The statement a good conductor, does not
characterise a use but rather a property, similarly electric wires and telephone cables can only
count as one use.
A simple diagram was expected that included circles of a different sizes to represent two metals,
these arranged in a pattern and some indication of the presence of delocalised electrons. The
latter was almost invariably omitted.
Usually correct.
Most of the candidates could write this equation. The most frequent mistake was to include an
extra 2.
Cu2+ + 2e = 2Cu
The colourless gas was often identified as hydrogen and the solution was described a colourless,
this was a repeat of the information given in the question.
All parts of this question were answered poorly, the majority of candidates could not recall these
equations and resorted to futile guessing.
This equation has to be learnt, relatively few could recall the correct version. Some of the attempts
included some very strange chemicals CO2, SO2, N2O3, Cu(NO2)2. The nearest many got to the
actual equation was the following popular but incorrect version Cu(NO3)2 = Cu + 2NO2 + O2
Question 5
Many candidates gained their highest mark for this question. On most scripts the standard attained in this
question was higher than that in the other questions.
Those who chose C4H8, C4H10 or C4H9OH had a reasonable chance of being awarded 3 marks.
Unfortunately a significant proportion chose molecular formulae that did not have isomers, such as
C3H8 and C3H6. A very common mistake, particularly with the alkenes, was to draw pentavalent
carbons in the structure.
The corresponding difficulty with alkanes was the belief that an additional right angle in the chain
represented another isomer.
There were some surprising, but acceptable examples. Chloroalkanes, dichloroethenes and cyclic
A few gave ethanoic acid but in general the addition product was correctly identified as ethanol.
Writing the formula was more challenging, hydrogen atoms were omitted giving rise to a trivalent
carbon atom.
Well answered, on most scripts the formula and the name were correct. A few thought that the
product was a type of margarine.
There was a lack of precision in some of the explanations of the term polymerise. A large number
of simple molecules, monomers, joined together to form a large complex molecule or
macromolecule or chain. Those ideas or their equivalent were sufficient to be awarded both marks.
The essential difference between addition polymerisation and condensation polymerisation is that
addition produces only one product, the polymer, but condensation produces the polymer and
eliminates a simple molecule, usually water or hydrogen chloride. A popular misconception was
that addition polymerisation only involved one monomer, co-polymerisation by addition involves two
different unsaturated monomers. Similarly the idea that condensation must involve two different
monomers is not correct, nylon 6 is produced from one monomer. The underpinning Chemistry
that justifies the above criticism of the candidates responses is above IGCSE Level but the above
description of the difference between the two types of polymerisation is not. Candidates should
have been able to recall this straightforward description and not try to offer incorrect alternatives.
The skill of deriving the structure of the polymer from that of the monomer was possessed by most
of the candidates. Those who experienced difficulties either did not show continuation of the chain
or drew the two chlorines on adjacent carbon atoms.
Provided the candidate addressed the nature of the polymer rather than the underlying steel, it
proved relatively easy to make an acceptable suggestion non-biodegradable or unreactive or
impervious or flexible. The comment it did not corrode was not awarded the mark; only metals
can experience corrosion.
Most gave the obvious, but correct reason, the iron is now exposed to air and water.
There are three reasons why galvanising is so effective at reducing the rate at which iron or steel
The first is the strength of the metallic bond between zinc and the underlying iron. In this question,
it is given that the layer of zinc has been broken so this is not a pertinent issue. The other aspect
of this metallurgical reason is that at the interface there are iron/zinc alloys, the removal of the zinc
layer does not necessarily expose steel. However these points are only peripheral to this question.
The second reason is that corrosion produces a coherent layer of zinc compounds that continue to
offer the steel a degree of protection. Typical compounds that act in this way are zinc hydroxide
and basic zinc carbonate, 2ZnCO3.3Zn(OH)2; the former is slowly removed by leaching by rain
water and the latter is removed by acid rain. Both zinc compounds can be replaced by the
formation of zinc ions by the anodic reaction. The initial formation of these compounds and the
maintenance of the protective layer is due the zinc acting as the sacrificial anode.
The third reason is sacrificial protection. Zinc, the more reactive metal, acts as an anode and zinc
ions enter the water.
Zn = Zn2+ + 2e
The electrons pass through the metals on to the iron/steel. It becomes the cathode (so it cannot be
oxidised by electron loss) and at this electrode, hydroxide ions are formed.
2H2O + O2 + 4e = 4OHThe water now contains Zn2+ and OH- , and depending on the humidity and ambient pollution
levels, these ions can form;
ZnO or Zn(OH)2 or 2ZnCO3.3Zn(OH)2.
Acceptable responses to this question must derive from the fundamental reaction that is anodic
protection. The explanation can range from zinc is the more reactive metal so it will react with
oxygen/water in preference to steel reacting to ideas described above in the more sophisticated
model of cell action.
Paper 0620/04
General comments
There was only one Centre submitting coursework for this session. The practical assessment tasks selected
by the Centre were largely appropriate to the skills being assessed and the standards applied were also
There were some problems in selecting an appropriate sample of coursework. Centres are reminded that
the instructions in the syllabus referring to samples from low, middle and high achieving candidates apply to
standards within the Centre not to the whole range of marks. Thus low refers to the lowest marks scored in
that skill by candidates in the Centre. In all cases 27 pieces of coursework should be submitted for
moderation. No samples of candidates work are required for skill C1 only detail of how marks were awarded.
Paper 0620/05
General comments
The majority of candidates successfully attempted both questions. The importance of Supervisors supplying
results cannot be over emphasised. These results are taken into consideration when marking the scripts. A
minority of Centres did not include Supervisors results. A significant number of Centres did not include the
results for Question 2. Some excellent scripts were seen. However, some very poor scripts indicated a lack
of preparation by some candidates for this practical exam.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
The majority of candidates completed the table of results. However the quality of answers showed
significant variations. Many candidates did not describe all of their observations e.g. many did not record the
result of testing the gas in Experiment 3.
In (a) two different reasons were required in part (ii). Experiment 5 was generally well carried out.
Observations were often vague and the question discriminated well. Part (c) required reference to
displacement or redox. Many vague descriptions of exothermic reactions were common. Part (d) was
generally well answered though some candidates reversed the order of reactivity.
Question 2
Liquid F was cyclohexane and liquid G was aqueous potassium iodide.
In part (a) frequent reference to clear or transparent was penalised. The correct description is colourless.
Some candidates referred to the smell of liquid G, which is actually odourless.
In (b) only the better candidates referred to the dissolving of the crystal.
In (c) descriptions were often vague. Only the more able candidates described the flame in (i).
In (d) and (e) some candidates are still referring to milky, cloudy etc instead of giving the colour of the
In (f) credit was given to mention of organic or hydrocarbon. A number of candidates wrote at great length
about alcohols, acids or esters.
Iodine or chloride were incorrect answers in (g). Iodide or I- gained credit.
Paper 0620/06
Alternative to Practical
General comments
The vast majority of candidates attempted all of the questions. The Paper discriminated well and a range of
marks was seen. However, poor scripts were rare this year. Centres are carrying out relevant practical work
to support candidates doing this written Alternative to Practical Paper.
Comments on specific questions
Question 1
In (a) many candidates were unable to identify the spatula A many references to spoons. C was often
described as a filter. In (c) the pH range was 6 to 7.
Question 2
Generally well answered. Discriminated well. Vague answers in (c) referred to masks and not touching the
concentrated acid.
Question 3
Discriminated well. In (a) smooth line graphs were rare. A common answer in (c) referred to chemicals
used up and did not mention evolution of gas. Only the more able candidates suggested the purpose of the
wool was to prevent loss of acid spray. Many referred to prevention of gases entering or leaving the flask.
Question 4
In (a) a significant number of candidates did not complete the results table from the diagram. Part (c)
discriminated well. Only the better candidates referred to displacement or redox.
Question 5
The quality of answers varied. More able candidates realised the liquid F was organic and probably a
Question 6
This question discriminated well. In (a) reference to beakers and measuring cylinders was common. Pipette
or burette was the required answer. In (b) Universal Indicator was a common incorrect answer. Colour
changes for a named indicator were frequently incorrect.
Part (c) discriminated well. Better candidates realised that the hydrochloric acid was more concentrated
because less was used. Other candidates assumed that as the acid was dilute it was less concentrated than
the alkali.
Knowledge of crystallisation procedure varied widely in (d). Many candidates heated the solution to dryness.
Question 7
Discriminated well. A wide range of answers. Good answers referred to measuring the mass of fertiliser,
volume and temperature of water with a method that worked. Other answers included reference to named
fertilisers, observing the growth of plants and incorrect methods.
Units were often confused i.e. weigh 10g/100cm3 of fertiliser.