Steps To Produce SLA For Payroll in R12
Steps To Produce SLA For Payroll in R12
Steps To Produce SLA For Payroll in R12
Items:(1) Formula:
AMB = JLD (= JLT + ADR + JED) + AAD + SLAM + Mapping Sets
Accounting Methods Builder Components
AMB = Accounting Methods Builder
AAD = Assign JLD to each event classes
SLAM = Sub-Ledger Accounting Method
JLD = Journal Line Definition; Assign ADR to each JLT
JLT = Journal Line Type; Creation of Debit and Credit information for each Event Classes
ADR = Accounting Definition Rules; To establish rule for CCID @ transaction level
JED = Journal Entry Description; Define Journal Header/Line Description
(2) Events Classes:
o Payroll Cost
o Payment Cost
o Estimated Cost
o Reversal Estimated Cost