Workshops and Community Events
Workshops and Community Events
Workshops and Community Events
Below is a description of several workshops that educators, administrators, counselors, and other
school staff members can attend to gain knowledge on how to incorporate specific programs, on
how to approach students with specific needs, and on how to be more successful in educating and
supporting students. Also, there is a discussion of a few programs that can be implemented to get
community members more involved and engaged in the school and the educational process.
This workshop is put on by solution-focused brief therapy proponent, Linda Metcalf. The
workshop is presented to students, parents, school counselors, and staff, and it focuses on how to
choose a school, how to apply, what to say to make their application noticeable, how to write a
resume, conduct an interview, gather recommendations, how to write an essay, scholarships,
F.A.F.S.A. and work-study programs. Dr. Metcalf is also available to provide solution-focused
workshops and training for teachers, school counselors, and mental health practitioners.
Community Involvement Ideas
Idea #1: Students could spend a semester shadowing business leaders and working some days in
their company. As a result, companies tend to be more interested in funding other school
programs and activities.
Idea #2: Offer or host after-school programs for adults to learn new skills.
Idea #3: Allow members of the community to attend meetings with school leaders who are
deciding on the school budget. Community members voice their opinions and offer various
insights and suggestions. These community members may be more supportive of their school
because they feel like they know where their money is going and how it is being spent.
Idea #4: Create an electronic database of volunteers willing to assist schools with mentoring,
computer installation, sponsoring, networking, chaperoning, software updating, web designing,
troubleshooting, and training.
Idea #5: Encourage teachers, administrators, and counselors to bring community leaders in as
guest speakers and expert advisors. Also, give them resources on ways for students to share their
work with the community.