100 Business Ideas
100 Business Ideas
100 Business Ideas
Copyright by Mr. X
The author and and distributor individually or corporately, do not accept any
responsibility for any liabilities resulting from the actions of any parties
This ebook will give you 100 business ideas. You'll get ideas for broad
business niches, specific business ideas for those niches and
location/building ideas for your businesses. It can give you business start
up ideas and more businesses ideas to add to your existing income
13) Provide a cell phone business. It could be a cell phone store, cell
phone service provider, cell phone accessories store, etc. Your business
might be in a street marketing.
16) Set up a plant company. It can be a plant nursery, flower shop, flower
delivery service, flower wholesaler, etc. Your business might be on a blog.
17) Mobilize a farm business. It could be a plant crop farm, dairy farm,
livestock/meat farm, poultry farm, etc. Your business could be on a web
22) Run a rental company. It can be for computer rentals, furniture rental tv
rentals, lawn equipment rental, etc. Your business might be franchised.
34) Institute a dvd company. It can be a dvd stores, dvd player store, dvd
repair/duplication service, etc Your business might be a mail order one.
37) Undertake a radio business. It could be a radio music station, talk talks
show station, radio dj service, etc Your business might be in a business
41) Run a garden business. It could be for garden tools, plant seeds, rototiller, service, weeding etc. Your business could be in a flea market.
42) Begin a government company. It can be for public safety, fire fighting,
police, politician, defense, etc. Your business may be in a bureau.
44) Buy a health company. It can be a health equipment store, health food
store, health consultant, home remedies, etc. Your business could be in a
trade show.
45) Purchase a gifts business. It could be a holiday gift store, nick knack
gift shop, collector shop, etc. Your business may be in a convenience store.
49) Introduce a safety business. It could be for safety product store, safety
training service, safety prevention, etc. Your business might be in a booth.
53) Institute a singles business. It could be a dating web site, dating, how
information, singles bar, etc. Your business could be a restaurant.
55) Mobilize a self help business. It might be for hypnosis, neuro linguist
programming, law of attraction, etc. Your business might be a major chain.
60) Run a tattoo company. it can be a tattoo shop, body piercing, body
painting, etc. Your business may be web based.
61) Begin a hair business. It could be for hair care product, hair styling
business, barber, etc. Your business might be a manufacturing plant.
62) Create a legal company. It can be a law firm, lawyer/attorney/ court and
judge, legal consultant etc. Your business could be out of town.
63) Buy a insurance business. It might be for life, health, vehicle, home,
business, identity theft, etc. Your business may be on a cart stand.
69) Present a babies business. It could be a baby store, baby day car
serves, toy store, baby furniture, nursery decorations, etc Your business
may be in an online catalog.
70) Provide a toy company. It can be a toy store, outdoor party toys, toy
manufacture, toy rentals, etc. Your business might be a dealership.
73) Set up a child care business. It could be a baby sitter, day care, Nanny,
kid's private school, kid camp, etc. Your business might be in a business
80) Begin a real estate company. It can be a for homes, businesses, land,
foreclosures, trailers, time shares, etc. Your business could be search
engine based.
90) Furnish a energy company. It can be gas station, electricity service, oil
service, propane service, etc. Your business may be a faculty.
94) Undertake a off road company. It can be for four-wheel deals, dirt
bikes, atv, go carts, dune buggies, etc. Your business might be in a
95) Own a beach business. It could be for swimsuits, sun glasses, shorts,
tanning water vehicles rentals, surfing instruction, etc. Your business could
be an institution.
97) Open a tools business. It could be for hammers, drills, specialty tools,
air tools, saws, etc. Your business might be in an online mall.
100) Create a drink company. It could be a bar, specialty offer shop, wine
tasting, tropical fruit juices, etc. Your business might be in a gas station.