Directing and Controlling Lecture Notes
Directing and Controlling Lecture Notes
Directing and Controlling Lecture Notes
The implementation phase of the nurse BSN018 ⋆ Group
manager’s job.
Involves carrying out of plans, working on
the objectives to achieve the broader
3. 69- Change is integrated into
the present behavior and is no longer
purpose and goals of the organization questioned or criticized.
Is the issuance of orders, assignments & LEADING
instructions enables nursing personnel to Is defined as “to guide, to go before and
understand what are expected of them. show the way”
Nurses can maximally contribute to the Leadership is the art of developing people.
organization’s goals and to the nursing
service objectives. Leadership Activities
Actuates efforts to accomplish goals. 1. Actuating efforts to accomplish goals.
It is the connecting link between 2. Supervising or overseeing work of
organizing for work and getting the job employee.
done. 3. Coordinating or unifying personnel and
In nursing, directing is giving directions to services among others.
others to attain quality care.
Leadership Roles
CHANGE - Any alteration in status quo. ➢ Manager - Directs, supervises, and
- Occurs when there is imbalance coordinate the efforts of their
in the forces working toward maintaining subordinates.
the current situation and the forces ➢ Administrator - Concerned with the over-
working towards disrupting it. all planning and setting up objectives,
Status quo – the situation that exists at a developing and scheduling of programs,
particular time. budget proposals, and establishment of
E.G. – They want to keep the status quo. policies.
➢ Supervisor - Assumes the responsibility
Type of Change of managing nursing care and services in
1. Organizational or Institutional drift - two or more nursing units.
A person is a passive participant, people ➢ Headnurse - Responsible for the
respond to forces such as personalities, management and supervision of a
aging, financing or legislation without particular unit.
realizing that change is occurring.
2. Traditional Approach - Based on the Leadership Qualities
assumption that the ideas change the ✔ A leader possesses a striking physical
world and therefore the emphasis is personality and is energetic.
placed on direct teaching. ✔ A leader possesses a sense of purpose and
3. Planned Change - Involves a problem direction
solving process with specifically identified ✔ A leader has the power of ready speech.
elements. There is a deliberate ✔ A leader is enthusiastic about the purpose
collaborative action directed toward goal of the group and is devoted to its cause.
attainment ✔ A leader has a keen insight into human
4. Passive – remaining calm and showing no nature of people.
feeling when provoked ✔ A leader display courage and persistence
even in the face of opportunity.
Phases of Change ✔ A leader is decisive.
1. Unfreezing - Forces are mobilized in the ✔ A leader is cheerful and even-tempered.
direction of producing true change and ✔ A leader show technical mastery that
helping collaborative relationships are inspire above performance in their job.
formed. ✔ A leader is intelligent, versatile, and has
2. Movement - The problem is identified, sense of humor.
alternative solutions are explored, goals ✔ A leader has a moral vision, integrity, and
and objectives are set & mobilized in idealism.
producing true change and helping
collaborative relationships are formed. DELEGATING
- Identifying the problem Delegation
- Asses environment
The process by which a manager assigns 3. Evaluating the staff and/or taking
specific tasks to workers with necessary corrective disciplinary action.
commensurate authority to perform. 4. Responsibility for maintaining morale or
Trains & develops staff members who opportunity to say few words of
desire greater opportunities and encouragement to the staff especially the
challenges in their work making them new ones.
more committed and satisfied in their 5. Jobs that are too technical and those that
jobs. involve trust and confidence.
Disciplinary Approaches
1. A set of disciplinary rules
2. Disciplinary committee
3. Orientation program
4. Continuous communication