SUMMER '1990
Volume 26 No. 2
. ,I
Gem News
Book Reviews
Gemological Abstracts
ABOUT THE COVER: Blue sapphires, such as those in this sapphire and diamond necklace
and earrings, have been one of the most sought-after colored stones for centuries. Many efforts
have been n ~ a d eto produce this fine color, most frequently by heating colorless or light-colored
corundum. Diffusion treatment is a newer form of enhancement in which coloring agents are
used to create color at and just below the surface of a stone. In this issue, a team of GIA
specialists investigate blue diffusiorl-treated sapphires and describe the treatment techniques
used, identification o f the enhancement, and the durability of the treated stones.
The sapphire and diamond necklace (total weight of sapphires is 109 ct) and earrings (total
weight of sapphires is 18 ct) are courtesy of Harry Winston, Inc.
Photo 0 Harold el Erica Van PeltPhotographers Los Angeles, CA.
Typesetting for Gems & Gemology is by Scientific Cornposition, Los Angeles, C A Color
separations are by Effective Graphics, Compton, CA. Priming is by Waverly Press, Easton, IUD.
ISSN 0016-626X
Richard T. Liddicoat
Associate Editors
W i l l i a m E. Boyajian
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fohn Sinkankas
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Telephone: (800) 421 -7250 x25 1
Editor, G e m T r a d e Lab N o t e s
C. W. Fryer
Editor, Geiiiological A b s t r a c t s
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Editors, B o o k Reviews
Elise B. M i s i o r o w s k i
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Subscript i o n s
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N a n c y I<. H a y s
C o n t r i b u t i n g Editor
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Santa Monica, C A
E m m a n u e l Fritsch
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Santa Monica, C A
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C. W. Fryer
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Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
persons involved in the heat treatment of corundum in Thailand. Five of the heat treaters
returned the treated sapphires with very little or
no apparent improvement in color. The sixth
person, however, presented the Bangkok dealer
with the intensely colored blue sapphire rough
shown on either side of the untreated material in
figure 4. Elated over the apparently successful heat
treatment, the Bangkok dealer began organizing
the purchase of large quantities of Montana sapphire rough. When he cut a portion of the
treated rough, however, he discovered that the
blue color was confined to a very thin area near the
surface (R. K. Stevenson, pers. comm., 1984). In
June of 1990, Bob Crowningshield of the East Coast
GIA Gem Trade Laboratory reported seeing another lot of diffusion-treated Montana sapphire
rough that was being marketed as heat-treated
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
thickness of the diffusion color layer after repolishing, we sectioned and polished three blue diffusiontreated sapphires representing both early (Astrid
Corp.) and more recent (Rainbow Collection and
Gem Source) production (figure 9, top).
The polished sections revealed that most of the
treated zones consisted of two different levels of
color (figure 9, bottom), both of which we measured at the table edge on all stones. The blue
diffusion layer of the Astrid Corp. material measured 0.20 m m in total depth; the top portion of
this was a darker 0.07-mni primary layer. The blue
diffusion layer of the Rainbow Collection stone
measured approximately 0.15 m m in total depth,
of which 0.03 m m was a darker primary layer. The
blue diffusion layer of the Gem Source stone
measured a total depth of 0.42 mm; the darker
primary surface layer in this stone was 0.12 mm. In
Summer 1990
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Figure 9, To determine
the thickness of the diffusion color layer after repolishing, three representative samples were selected
(top): left, 2.24 ct, from
the Astrid Corp.; center,
2.22 ct, from the Rainbow
Collection; and, right, 1.45
ct, from Gem Source. All
show a dark outlining of
blue around the girdle
that is common in diffusion-treated stones. The
three samples were sawed
down the center and polished, producing sections
about 1.3 m m thick. As
seen here (bottom), i m mersed in methylene iodide over diffused transmitted light, the color
layer ranged from 0.15 to
0.42 m m thick. Note the
two layers of color in the
stones. In this limited
sample, the color layers
are thicker in the "deep"
diffusion-treated stone on
the far right. Photos by
Shane F. McChire.
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
TABLE 1. Examples of diffusion-treated corundum experiments cited in United States Patent 3,897,529, July 29,
1975, titled "Altering the Appearance of Corundum Crystals,"by R , R, Carr and S. D. Nisevich of the Union Carbide
Starting color
of corundum
(in wt.%)
and length
of heating
and color
Reddish purple
sapphire and ruby
with low color
saturation or
nonuniform color
6% chromium oxide,
24% titanium oxide,
and 70% alumina
Yellow sapphire
with nonuniform
color or too high
or too low a color
Yellow sapphire
with nonuniform
color or too low a
color saturation
3%-6% chromium
oxide, 24% titanium
oxide, and the
remainder alumina
Uniform "salmon
6% chromium oxide,
22% titanium oxide,
and the remainder
Uniform pink
10%-15% titanium
oxide and the
remainder alumina
0.1 %-0.5% ferric
oxide, 12%-18%
titanium oxide, and
the remainder
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
is consistent with that of natural-color and heattreated blue sapphires of comparable depth of color
even though the color is concentrated in a shallow
surface layer. This indicates that the diffusion layer
is crystalline, not amorphous. In addition, the
fashioned diffusion-treated sapphires studied varied from blue to violetish blue in moderate to very
dark tone, which overlaps the colors seen in both
natural and heat-treated sapphires.
However, when we examined these diffusiontreated sapphires with the unaided eye in sunlight
or overhead artificial illumination, we observed in
many of them a "watery" appearance, that is, a
decrease in transparency that was not caused by
visible inclusions. This is probably a result of the
concentrated diffusion of color-causing impurities
Summer 1990
In the course of this study, we also examined six blue
diffusion-treated sapphire "preforms" that were reported to contain varying amounts of cobalt. The
samples were obtained by one of the authors (R. Kane)
in Bangkok, where they reportedly were treated, in
The U.V-visible absorption spectrum of a cobaltdoped blue diffusion-treated sapphire is illustrated in
the accompanying figure for random orientation. The
color is mainly caused by three intense merging
absorption bands with apparent maxima at about
550, 590, and 620 nnl. Minor absorptions are present
at about 375, 388, 410, 450, and 479 nnl.
These bands correspond to those attributed to
cobalt in synthetic blue spinels by Anderson and
Payne (1937)and Webster (1983),and in natural blue
spinel by Shigley and Stockton (1984).Therefore, we
interpret this spectrum as being due to Co2+. Because
these absorption bands are not naturally occurring in
sapphire, when observed in c o r u n d u n ~they can be
considered diagnostic of cobalt diffusion treatment.
It is interesting to note that the diffusion process
introduces cobalt in the corundum lattice as Co2+,
although this element is incorporated as Co3+ in Codoped synthetic sapphires. Co2- has never been
reported in the spectrum of natural sapphire.
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Analysis no.
"Electron microprobe analyses were performed on a JEOL 733 microprobe operating at a beam accelerating potential 01 15 kV a current
of 35 nA. and spot size of between 10 and 25 u.. Entries indicated by "bdl" mere below the detection limits of the instrument (less than
0.01 wl.% oxide). The data were corrected using the program CITZAF (Armstrong, 1988). Analyst: Paul Carpenter, California Institute of
Technology. Specimen R302 was analyzed at three distinct locations on the table of the faceted stone, these three analyses are shown
along with an average analysis. The other lour samples consisted of polished sections cut perpendicular to the table of the faceted
stone. Each was analyzed at various locations below the surface of the table in order to document changes in trace-element chemistry
with increasing distance into the sample. At each of these locations, one analysis was performed.
"Depth = Approximate depth below the surface of the table (in microns).
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Figure 21. These photos illustrate the differences observed when blue diffusion-treated sapphires are
immersed in different media and viewed with the unaided eye. The stones are, from left to right: 2.24
ct from tbe.Astrid Corp., 2.22 ct from the Rainbow Collection, and 1.45 ct from Gem Source. The stones
are place&table down i n an immersion cell over diffused transmitted illumination i n (A) air (R.I. 1.00);
(B) water (R.I. 1.33); (C) glycerine (R.I. 1.47); and (D) pure inethylene iodide (R.I. 1.75). In some stones, the
identifying features m a y be visible in air or while immersed in water; in others, methylene iodide is
necessary. Glycerine was found to be excellent for routine testing. Note that even with different orientations, k e y features are evident. Photos b y Shane E McClure.
99.87 99.05
0.12 0.15
0.02 0.01
0.04 0.01
0.02 0.03
- .-
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
0 .I .2 .3 A .S .6 .T
.8 .9 1.0
Figure 22. These four graphs illustrate the changes in iron (blue) and titanium (red) content noted
in the study samples with microprobe analysis o f areas at various depths below the surface of the table.
One of the first questions most jewelers and
gemologists ask about a gemstone enhancement is
how well it holds up to routine wear, jewelry
cleaning, and repair procedures. Therefore, we
conducted a number of tests on three faceted
diffusion-treated sapphires in order to determine
the durability and stability of this treatment under
a wide range of conditions to which sapphires
might routinely be subjected. The stones used
were (1)a 1.23-ct mixed-cut pear shape from Gem
Source, (2) a 1.21-ct oval mixed cut from the
Rainbow Collection, and (3) a 0.75-ct oval mixed
cut from Astrid Corp. To test this material under
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
Boiling in
Heat and
from jewelry
in 14K gold cast head; one prong tip removed by sawing;
stone and mounting fire-coated with boric acidlmethyl alcohol
solution and prong retipped with 14K yellow gold ball and 14K
yellow gold hard solder (flow point approximately 750C and
green flux
Wemaining three prong tips sawed off and retipped, care taken to
minimize contact of flux with stone's surface
^One prong tip removed by sawing; stone and mounting firecoated with boric acidlmethyl alcohol solution and prong retipped
with 14K yellow gold ball and 14K yellow gold hard solder (flow
point approximately 750Cand green flux
^Prong tips built up with 18K hard white gold solder (flow point
approximately 768OC). care taken to minimize contact of solder
with stone's surface
=Set in 14K gold cast head; four prong tips removed by sawing;
stone and mounting fire-coated with boric acidlmethyl alcohol
solution and prongs retipped with 14K yellow-gold ball and 14K
yellow-gold hard solder (flow point approximately 750Cand
green flux, care taken to minimize'contact of flux with stone's
No effect on treatment
No effect on treatment
No effect on treatment
No effect on treatment
No effect on treatment
thermal shock
'All tests performed by GIA Jewelry Manufacturing Arts stall members with exception of low temperaturelthermal shock
which was performed by the authors
" 1 23-ct pear-shaped mixed cut from Gem Source
c1 71-ct oval mixed cut obtained from the Rainbow Collection
"0 75-19 oval mixed cut purchased from the Astnd Corporation
e0 75-ct oval mixed cut (same as stone "d"above) mounted in used six-prong 14K while gold oval setting and attached
to a ring shank before this lest was performed
'All three stones in mountings when this test was performed
aAII three stones removed from mountings before this test was performed
hSurface etching may result in stone requiring repolishing, repolishing may partially or completely remove diffusion-induced color layer
This would be expected with any corundum-treated or untreated natural or synthetic-when so exposed to borax-containing chemicals
Summer 1990
The fact that more blue diffusion-treated sapphires
have entered the gem market than ever before has
increased the need for awareness on the part of the
gemologist. With this procedure, color-causing
chemicals are diffused into the surface of a stone
by high-temperature heat treatment for extended
periods of time, as long as a week or more.
Apparently, by using higher temperatures, longer
periods of heating, and/or multiple heatings, a
deeper diffusion layer can be produced. This was
evident in the one polished Gem Source stone in
which we actually measured the diffusion layer
and in the three Gem Source stones that were
chemically analyzed. Even so, although the surface color layer produced by diffusion is stable to
routine cleaning procedures, the shallowness of
the layer makes it susceptible to partial or complete removal if the stone is subsequently repolished or recut.
Diffusion treatment can best be detected by
examination of the stone while it is immersed in a
liquid such as glycerine or methylene iodide over
diffused transmitted illumination. In most cases,
the unaided eye is more effective than magnification.
The 1975 Union Carbide patent listed numerous
examples of the colors that could be produced in
corundum with diffusion treatment, including red
and orange. We have been told by Karla Brom (pers.
comm., 1990) that diffusion-treated rubies and
'padparadscha" sapphires have already been produced in Bangkok on a limited experimental basis;
a red-orange diffusion-treated sapphire was examined by Bob Crowningshield at the GIA Gem Trade
Laboratory in 1979. Inasmuch as large quantities
of blue diffusion-treated sapphires-from a variety
of treaters-are now being sold in the gem market,
it is possible that the trade will also begin to see
other colors of diffusion-treated corundunl in the
not-too-distant future. If procedures similar to
those described above are used to produce these
other colors, it is likely that they, too, will be
readily identifiable.
Summer 1990
Anderson B.W., Paync C.J.(1937)Magnesium-zinc-spinels from
Ceylon. Mineralogical Magazine, Vol. 25, No. 158, pp.
Armstrong J.T. (1988) Quantitative analysis of silicate and
oxide materials: comparison of Monte Carlo, ZAP and
a p z ) procedures. In D. E. Newbury, Ed., Microbeam
Analysis- 1988, San Francisco Press, San Francisco, pp.
Brauner Z. (1981) Coated sapphires. Diamant, pp. 50-86.
Burdick J.N., Glenn J.W. (1949) Developing asterism in star
corundum. United States patent 2,488,507, filed Deceinber 11, 1948, issued November 15, 1949.
Carr R.R., Nisevich S.D. (1975) Altering the appearance of
sapphire crystals. United States patent 3,897,529, filed
December 15, 1969, issued July 29, 1975.
Carr R.R., Nisevich S.D. (1976) Altering the appearance of
corundun~crystals. United States patent 3,950,596, filed
December 20, 1971, issued April 13, 1976.
Carr R.R., Nisevich S.D. (1977) Altering the appearance of
corundum crystals. United States patent 4,039,726, filed
December 20, 1970, issued August 2, 1977.
Crowningshield R. i1979a) Developments and highlights at
CIA'S lab in New York. Gems a ) Gemology, Vol. 16, No. 5,
pp. 147-154.
Crowningshield R. (1979b) Developments and highlights at
ClA's lab in New York. Gems Hi) Gemology, Vol. 16, No. 7,
pp. 194-202.
Crowningshield R. (1980) Developments and highlights at
CIA'S lab in New York. Gems &> Gemology, Vol. 16, No. 9,
pp. 315-323
Crowningshield R., Nassau K. (1981)The heat and diffusion
treatment of natural and synthetic sapphires. fournal of
Gemmology, Vol. 17, No. 8, pp. 528-54 1.
Ferguson J., Fielding EE. (1971) The origins of colours of the
yellow, green, and blue sapphires. Chen~icalPhysics Letters, Vol. 10, No. 3, pp. 262-265.
Fryer C.W., Crowningshield R., Hurwit K., Kane R. (1981)Gem
trade lab notes: Induced surface coloration of natural
sapphires. Gems d Gemology, Vol. 17, No. 1, p. 46.
Fryer C.W, Crowningshield R., Hurwit K., Kane R. (1982a)Gem
trade lab notes: Natural sapphire with heat-induced star.
Gems <ii) Gemology, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 106.
Fryer C.W, Crowningshield R., Hurwit K., Kane R. (1982b)Gem
trade lab notes: Treated synthetic sapphire. Gems a)
Gemology, Vol. 18, No. 2, p. 107.
Graziani G., Martini M., Ponzano S. (1981)General remarks on
thermodiffusion treated corundun~s.Associazione Orafa
Valenzana, Valenzci, Italy (unpublished paper).
Hanni H.A. (1982) Zur erkennung diffusionsbehandelter Korunde. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemmologischen Gesellschafl, Vol. 3 l, No. 112, pp. 49-57.
Herzberg C. (1981) Importers group warns of color-diffused
sapphires. National Jeweler, October 16, pp. 43 and 65.
Hughes R.W (1987) Gemological developments in BangkokNew treatments, techniques, etc. Collected abstracts,
21st Internalionil! Cemmolosical Conference.
Diffusion-Treated Sapphires
Summer 1990
By David Hargett
Guatemalan Jadeite
Summer 1990
Guatemalan Jadeite
Summer 1990
Figure 2. Jadeite has been
rediscovered in
Guatemala, near the
small town of Manzanal,
in the valley of the
Motagua River. Artwork
by Carol Winkler.
Guatemalan Jadeite
Summer 1990
Figure 3. Prospectors in
Guatemala uncovered
this field o f eluvial
(weathered tectonic
block) jadeite on the
northwest side of Cerro
Colorado, near the town
of La Palmilla. To the
north can be seen Siena
de las Minus. Photo
courtesy of George
translucent to opaque; coarse texture with eyevisible single crystals of allanite or jadeite (figure
6, top).
White: Slightly variegated with brown and gray
(again, see figure 4); semitranslucent; coarse
texture with eye-visible single crystals. This is
the most abundant color (J. Ridinger, pers. comm.,
"Black": Actually very dark green, as is readily
apparent when viewed with transmitted light
through a thin section; uniform color; opaque;
fine texture; potentially commercially important
(figure 6, left; figure 8).
1 polished
Figure 4. This streamboulder of
white jadeite was found
in one of the small rivers
(Rio La Palmilla, a tributary of the Motagz~a
River) in the department
of Zacapa, Photo courtesy of George Harlow
Guatemalan ladeite
Figure 6. The jadeite found to date in the Motagua River Valley occurs in many different "varieties. " Shown here are: top, variegated green;
left, "black" (actually, very dark green); right,
pyrite bearing; bottom, green. The largest piece
(top) is 24.04 x 17.12 x 5.29 mm. Photo 0
Tino Hammid.
The author performed standard gemological tests
on 43 pieces of jadeite from this locality: two
green, one "blue," 28 variegated green, four white,
four black, and four pyrite bearing. The gemological properties of the various colors were remarlzably similar. Also, despite the higher content of
diopside in Guatemalan jadeite, the gemological
properties are the same as for jadeite from other
localities with the exception of the coarse granular
crystalline structure. Table 1 compares the gemological properties of Guatemalan jadeite to those
of jadeite from Burma (now Myanmar).
The refractive index (spot or shadow) of the
Guatemalan material ranged from 1.65 to 1.67, but
was usually 1.66. The specific gravity of the
material tested was within the normal range for
jadeite, from as low as 3.20 to, more commonly,
approximately 3.34. Most stones showed the 437nm absorption line in the Beck hand-held spectroscope. Several of the green stones also showed
chromium-related bands at about 630, 660, and
690 nm. Although the "black" material did not
show the 437-nm line, X-ray diffraction analysis
proved it to be jadeite. Incidentally, X-ray diffraction analysis also proved that the yellow mineral
found in some Guatemalan jadeite is, indeed,
pyrite. The color filter reaction was inert for all but
the bluish green material, which was faint red.
Guatemalan jadeite contains about 10% diopside, which is significantly more than the 1%-2%
found in Burmese material (Foshag, 1957).Chemical analyses of various specimens of jadeite from
the earlier Manzanal discovery as well as from
archeological finds in Guatemala were performed
and compared to the theoretical composition of
pure jadeite by McBirney et al. (1967);their results
are reproduced here as table 2, and include Foshag's
Summer 1990
index (spot
or shadow)
Color filter
Granular appearance
with eye-visible
crystals; pyrite
inclusions; greasy
Black" (very dark
green); bluish green;
white; variegated
green, dark green;
Semitranslucent to
Individual crystals
rarely visible; no
pyrite; greasy to
vitreous luster
Green; white;
brownish orange;
lavender; "moss in
Semitransparent to
1.65- 1 67
Negative except for
the bluish green
material, which
shewed faint red
Approx. 7
Guatemalan Jadeite
Summer 1990
1 . Theoretical composition of pure jadeite.
Guatemalan Jadeite
Summer 1990
Mesoamerican jadeite was mined, fashioned, revered, and worn for thousands of years in preColumbian civilizations. Although "lost" for hundreds of years, deposits of jadeite were "rediscovered" in Guatemala in 1974 and are presently
being mined by very elementary techniques at
sites near the small town of Manzanal.
Crowningshield G.R. (1973)Wearability of jadeite versus nephrite. Gems 01 Gen~ology,Vol. 14, No. 6, p. 175.
Desautels D.E. (1986) The lade Kingdom. Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., New York.
Easby E.K. (1968)Pre-Columbian Jade from Costa Rica. Andre
Emmerich, New York.
Foshag W.F. (1955) Chalcliihutl-A study in jade. American
Mineralogist, Vol. 40, pp. 1062-1070.
Foshag W.F. (1957) Mineralogical studies on Guatemalan jade.
Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections, Vol. 135, No. 5,
pp. 7, 17, 19.
Harlow G.E. (1986)Jadeites and their fluid inclusions from Rio
Motagua, Guatemala [abs.). International Mineralogiccil
Association Abstracts with Program, Mineralogical Society of America, Washington, DC, p. 119.
Harlow G.E. (in press) Middle American jade: Geological and
petrologic perspectives on its variability and source. In
Guatemalan Jadeite
Sunimcr 1990
By Robert E. Kane, Anthony R. K a m p f , and Horst K m p p
Green grossular garnet crystals o f fine form and clurity have been found recently in Tanzania, at the Karo
pit of the tanzunite mining belt. Although the crystals tend to be relatively light in color, they are
consistent in gemological properties and composition
with the grossular variety popularly 1<11ownas
tsavorite. The very distinct and complex morphology
of these crystals is remarkable. Eight different crystallographic forms have been identified, including
one that has never before bean recognized for any
member o f the garnet group.
3 - Papanicolao~~,
4 - Karo, 5 - Georgi,
and 6 -De Souza pit no. 2. The complex tsavori te
crystals discovered at the Karo pit are particularly
noteworthy for the perfection of their external
crystal form (again, see figure 1). Previously,
tsavorite found here and elsewhere was almost
exclusively massive (front portion of figure 4).
Occasional incompletely developed crystals with
extremely crude faces had also been recovered
(back specimen in figure 4), but e ~ ~ l ~ e dcrystals
were virtually unknown.
During a recent visit to Moshi, Tanzania (about
70 lzm east of the Merelani Hills), one of the
authors (H. Krupp) obtained a number of wellformed tsavorite crystals. The largest of these
[figure 1)weighs 14 grams and is only very slightly
Summer 1990
1 Figure 1. Well-formed
Summer 1990
Figure 2. This general overview shows a small section of the 4 x 1 k m tanzanite mine belt in the
Merelani Hills, south of Arusha in Tanzania. Photo by Horst Krupp.
Summer 1990
Summer 1990
crystals. They did not provide information regarding the quantity or quality of these crystals. Yet no
other mining area has produced well-formed, gemquality crystals of tsavorite.
The well-formed tsavorite crystals examined by
the authors were free of matrix. Only traces of
graphite were noted still adhering to the crystals;
it is not known whether tanzanite was found in
direct association with the tsavorite crystals.
The gemological properties of the 6-gram crystal
(figure 61 and the 10.75-ct faceted stone from the
Karo pit are summarized in table 1. These properties are generally consistent with those of other
tsavorites from various localities in Kenya and
Tanzania (Manson and Stockton, 1982).
The most noteworthy characteristics of these
tsavorites are their weak orange transmission
luminescence and their dull chalky orange fluorescence to both short- and long-wave ultraviolet
radiation. In the authors' experience, this behavior
is not often observed in tsavorite; when it is, it is
generally restricted to material with a light to
medium-light tone similar to the Karo-pit crystals.
Although these tsavorite crystals are notable for
their high degree of clarity, we did observe a
number of internal features, none of which is
unusual for tsavorite (see, e.g., Gubelin and Koivula, 1986). These include straight and angular
growth features, as well as graphite inclusions.
Refractive index
Polariscope reaction
Optical absorption
Chelsea color filter
Fluorescence to
U.V. radiation
Phosphorescence to
U.V. radiation
Specific gravityc
Summer 1990
The composition of tsavorite from Kenya and
Tanzania has been studied by many workers
(Switzer, 1974; Gubelin and Weibel, 1975; Amthauer, 1975; Schmetzer, 1978; Bank et al., 1979;
Manson and Stockton, 1982; Schmetzer and Bank,
1982). All have reported a composition close to
that of pure grossular, but with significant quantities of V2O3 and, usually, lesser quantities of
Cr203.The green color has been attributed to V3+
and/or Cr3+, and it has been observed to vary in
intensity with the amounts of these chromophores
Analysis of the 6-gram crystal on an electron
microprobe yielded the chemical composition
shown in table 2. This is similar to those determined for tsavorites by the other researchers cited
above. The amounts of Cr203 and V203 determined, 0.05 and 0.19 wt.%, respectively, are toward the low end of the ranges reported in the other
studies. This is consistent with the relatively light
tone exhibited by the cut stone and crystals
The most remarkable aspect of the tsavorite crystals described here is the perfection of their faces
Figure 7. In this top view o f the 14-gram tsavorite crystal shown in figure 1, all 39 of the faces
measured on this crystal-and labeled in the accompanying crystal drawing-can be seen. The
crystal forms noted are: d {Oil},e {012},g {023},1 {035}, {045},n {112},s {123},and IT {I-10-16}.
Photo 0 Harold &> Erica Van Pelt.
Summer 1990
Amthauer G. (1975)Zur Kristallchen~icund Fal-be griiner und
brauner Grossularc aus Tansania. Zeitschrift tier dent^
schcn Gemnwiogishen Gesellscl~aft,Vol. 24, No. 2, pp.
Armstrong J.T. 11982) New ZAP and a-factor correction procedures for the quantitative analysis of individual microparticles. In K. F. J. Hcinrich, Ed., Microbeam Analysis1982, San Francisco Press, San Francisco, CA, pp. 175-1 80.
Armstrong J.T. (19881 Quantitative analysis of silicate and
oxide materials: Comparison of Monte Carlo, ZAP and
(fr(pz) procedures. In D. E. Newbury, Ed., Microbeam
Analysis- 1988, San Francisco Press, San Francisco, CA,
pp. 239-246.
Bank H., Schmetzer K., Probst S. (19791 Vanadiumgross~~lare
mit hoher Lichtbrcchung liiber 1.750). Zeitschrift der
Deutschen Ce~n~nologische~i
Gesellsclidfl, Vol. 28, No. 2,
pp. 70-72.
Bridges C.R. (19741 Green grossular garnets ("tsavorites"] in
East Africa. Gems ed Gemology, Vol. 14, pp. 290-295.
Bridges C.R. (1982) Gemstones of East Africa. In D. M. Eash,
Ed., International Gemological Symposium Proceedings.
Gemological Institute of America, Santa Monica, CA, pp.
Summer 1990
tweezers during testing did not reveal any significant difference in grip from the standard type.
Although the tweezers were designed for use
with small diamonds, it would not be unusual for
someone to forget, once the tweezers were in the
workplace, and use them to manipulate other
gems as well. Given that diamond is the hardest
naturally occurring substance known, what is the
risk of using these tweezers to handle colored
stones such as sapphires, rubies, or emeralds? Also,
diamond has directional hardness. And it is reasonable to assume that if the diamond grit was
randomly implanted into the tips of the tweezers,
some of the grains would be oriented so that their
hardest directional surfaces were at the gripping
surface of the tweezers. Wouldn't this present a
hazard even to diamond?
To answer these questions, we decided to test the
tweezers with regard to their potential for damage
to synthetic ruby (Mohs hardness 9) and diamond
(Mohs hardness 10) round brilliants. If either of
these materials was damaged by the tweezers, all
Summer 1990
Rubies and sapphires are correctly considered
hard, durable gems. Yet the diamond-impregnated
tweezers easily produced significant surface damage to the table facet of the synthetic ruby tested. If
the tweezers can do this amount of damage to such
a relatively hard gemstone, it is reasonable to
expect that they would be even more destructive to
softer gem materials such as alexandrite, garnet,
tanzanite, tourmaline, and the quartz varieties. A
cursory examination of a hardness comparison
table in any standard gemological reference (e.g.,
Liddicoat, 1989; Webster, 1983) reveals that the
majority of gemstones are notably lower in Mohs
hardness than diamond and corundum.
While rather extreme handling was necessary to
produce the damage shown in figure 6, the fact
remains that the diamond-impregnated tweezers
do have the potential to scratch even diamond.
And a single scratch is all that is needed to remove
a diamond from the flawless category. Because the
Summer 1990
Figure 3. This photomicrograph shows the condition o f the table facet on the 2.39-ct synthetic
ruby before it was handled with the diamoii~iimpregnated tweezers. Photomicrograph b y
John I. Koiviila; magnified 5 x .
Figure 4. This photomicrograph shows the condition of the table facet on the 0.21-ct diamond
before i t was handled with the diamond-impregnatcd tweezers. Photomicrograph b y John I.
Koivula; magnified 12 x .
Liddicoat R.T. (1989) Handbook of Gem Identification, 12th
ed., 2nd rev. printing. Gemological Institute of America,
Santa Monica, CA.
Webster l<. (1983) Gems: Their Sources, Descriptions and
Identification, 4th eel. Revised by B. W Anderson, Butterworth and Co., London.
Summer 1990
Back Issues of
Limited quantities of these issues are still available.
Fall 1986
Winter 1983
Engraved Gems: A Historical Perspective
Gem Andradite Garnets
The Rubies of Burma: The Mogok Stone Tract
Induced Fingerprints
Cobalt Glass as a Lapis-Lazuli Imitation
Summer 1984
Gem-Bearing Pegmatites: A Review
Gem Pegmatites of Minas Gerais. Brazil: Exploration,
Occurrence, and Aquamarine Deposits
The First-Order Red Compensator
Winter 1986
The Gemological Properties of the Sumitorno GemQuality Synthetic Yellow Diamonds
Art Nouveau: Jewels and Jewelers
Contemporary Intarsia: The Medvedev Approach
Fall 1984
Summer 1987
Gemstone Durability, Design to Display
Wessels Mine Sugilile
Three Notable Fancy-Color Diamonds: Purplish
Red, Purple-Pink, and Reddish Purple
The Separation of Natural from Synthetic Emeralds
by Infrared Spectroscopy
The Rutilated Topaz Misnomer
Summer 1986
The Coscuez Mine: A Major Source of Emeralds
The Elahera Gem Field in Central Sri Lanka
Some Unusual Sillimanite Cat's-Eyes
An Examination of Four Important Gems
Green Glass Made of Mount Saint Helens Ash?
Fall 1986
Spring 1987
'Modern" Jewelry: Retro to Abstract
Infrared Spectroscopy in Gem Identification
A Study of the General Electric Synthetic Jadeite
A New Gem Material from Greenland: Iridescent
Fall 1987
Summer 1989
Filled Diamonds
Synthetic Diamond Thin Films
Grading the Hope Diamond
Diamonds with Color-Zoned Pavilions
C. W. Fryer
Gem Trade Laboratory, West Coast
Robert Crowningsliield
Gem Trade Laboratory, East Coast
Karin N. Hurwit
Gem Trade Laboratory, West Coast
Robert E . Kane
Gem Trade Laboratory, West Coast
David Hargett
Geni Trade Laboratory, East Coast
At the February 1990 Tucson Gem
and Mineral Show, several staff
members saw a number of concretions that had been found during the
harvest of cultured black pearls from
Pinctada margaritifera mollusks in
the South Seas. These concretions,
which averaged approximately 12
m m in diameter, were a fairly even
dark brown, to black in color, but
lacked any nacreous deposits. The
client asked us to investigate why in
these instantes the mollusk did not
produce the expected cultured pearl
hut rather a concretion.
With magnification, all of the samples showed a cellular structure in
the dark surface areas (figure 1) that
is characteristic of most calcareous
concretions. In one of the samples, we
also noticed an underlying lighter
colored area that had no structural
characteristics (figure 2). This area
Summer 1990
Etch Channels in
Etching of a diamond crystal by
chemical dissolution can take any of
several different forms. The appearance of trigons was discussed in the
Lab Notes section of the Spring 1990
issue of this journal, while the Winter 1988 Lab Notes mentioned laminar dissolutions on octahedral faces.
Recently, the East Coast laboratory
observed etch channels along the
edges of octahedral faces on a 3.57-ct
rough diamond (figure 4).
As stated in Orlov's Mineralogy of
Diamonds (J.Wiley & Sons, New
York, 1973, p. 82): "The internal
structure of the crystal has consider-
Figure 6. This infrared absorption curve shows that the purple diamond seen in figure 5 is a type IaA diamond.
Summer 1990
Gray Baroque Cultured Pearl
The dark gray baroque cultured pearl
in figure 9, grown in a Japanese salt-
"Well-Worked" Pearl
The 22.70 x 15.60 m m natural baroque pearl recently seen in the East
Coast laboratory (figure 11) is securely held in a custom-designed
gold pendant that appears to be old. It
Summer 1990
Unusual Gem-Quality
Summer 1990
in Period Jewelry
Summer 1990
The photomicrographs in figures 1, 2 and 8
are the work of John I. Koivula. Figures 3 ,
14, and 15 are by Robert Weldon. Dave
Hargett is responsible for ligure 4. Vincent
Cracco took the photo for figure 5. The I.R.
spectrum in ligure 6 was produced by Ilene
Reinitz. Nicholas DeIRe provided figures 7,
9, 11-13, and 16-18. The X-radiographs
reproduced in figure 10 were taken by
Robert Crowningshield.
Highlights from the ;em Trade Lab 25, 15, and five years ago
The New York lab commented on
seeing for the first time a gray-blue
kornerupine set in jewelry. They also
mentioned a color-change sapphire,
two cat's-eye apatites, and a number
of painted diamonds that were being
fraudulently sold as natural color by
a 47th-Street jeweler.
The Los Angeles lab reported on a
beautiful aquamarine that was faceted on the pavilion but had a buff top
carved with the head of a lady who
was wearing a heavy bead necklace
and a hair ornament. They also described and illustrated a badly damaged diamond ring. T h e owner
remembered hitting the side of the
swimming pool a few times with it,
but didn't realize the damage caused.
The stone had chips extending from
the girdle to the culet on all four sides
between the prongs of the setting.
Several examples of very beautiful
Summer 1990
Scientists research material as hard as diamond. Using
principles based on the calculated compressibility of a
hypothetical solid composed of carbon and nitrogen,
scientists at the Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory investigated the possibility of synthesizing new materials with
a hardness comparable to diamond. Physicist Marvin
Cohen and Berkeley graduate student Amy Liu used a
combination of a simple empirical model and a quantum-mechanical "first principals" computer calculation
to test their hypothesis. Experiments were performed on
silicon-nitride, in which the silicon was substituted
with carbon. Results found that a carbon-nitrogen conipound would have a bulk n~odulusof 4.3 megabars,
compared to the 4.4 megabars of a diamond. [A megabar
is one milliop times atmospheric pressure at sea level.)
A material with a hardness comparable to diamond
would be valued in industry for use in cutting tools and
as a wear-resistant protective coating.
Malaysia diamond plant. According to the Bernama
news agency, a new diamond-processing plant opened
this past March at Ipoh, 190 knl north of Kuala Lumpur
in Malaysia. The plant, a joint venture between two
Belgian companies (Schongut and Tache], is said to have
an annual capacity of 900,000 processed diamonds, with
a work force of 250.
Botswana beats target. Botswana produced 13 million
carats of diamonds in the first three quarters of 1989,
which betters the production target of 12.6 million
carats, according to the minister of Finance Development Planning. The minister added that an $87 million
crushing plant was scheduled for completion in April at
Debswana's Jwaneng diamond mine near the city of
Kanye, about 100 k m southwest of Gaborone. He speculated that diamonds produced at Jwaneng in the future
would be smallerand of lower value than those presently
mined, although total carat output would remain at the
current level. [Mining lournal, March 23, 1990)
Soviet-Singapore joint venture. lntraco of Singapore, a
government-linked trading firm, announced plans for a
joint trading venture with Almazjuvelirexport (Almaz),
which is currently the exclusive producer and exporter
of diamonds for the Soviet Union. The joint venture,
which began operations in April 1990, is called
Ccm News
Summer 1990
Gem News
Summer 1990
Apatite "from Paraiba" and apatite purchased as emerald. Among the colors seen in the Paraiba tourmaline
that has recently emerged from Brazil is a saturated
bluish green similar in appearance to what some in the
trade call "light emerald." Also seen at the February
Tucson Show were parcels of greenish blue to bluish
green apatitethat reportedly came from Madagascar; at
least one exhibitor was offering apatite in this color
range as "~araibaapatite," while another was selling
virtually identical material labeled simply "Paraiba." To
our knowledge, no apatite comes from Paraiba.
Interestingly, about a month after the Tucson Show, we
received International Colored Gemstone Association
(ICA] Laboratory Alert No. 35, "Bluish Green Apatite
Rough as Emerald." The report, which originated with
Yehuda Yacar of the Gemological Institute for Precious
Stones and Diamonds Ltd. i n Ramat-Gan, Israel, documented the gen~ologicalproperties of a 230-gram parcel
of bluish green apatite that was purchased in Kenya as
emerald and was said to have come from Madagascar.
Brazilian chrysoprase. Chrysoprase is one of the more
popular gem varieties of chalcedony. The best known
locality for this yellowish green material is Australia,
and it is often given the misnomer "Queensland jade."
Recently, Douglas M. Henrique of Huntington Park,
California, showed us some rough specimens of an
attractive light yellowish green material that he described as Brazilian chrysoprase. According to Afranio
Moreira, of Brasil Conlercio de Pedras Preciosas, in
Governador Valadares, the material is found in a galena
mine near Niquelandia, in the Brazilian state of Goias.
According to Mr. Moreira, only 30% of the material
recovered is green, with the rest white.
We subsequently had two oval single cabochons and a
preform cut from one of the pieces of rough (donated by
Mr. Moreira) and subjected these to testing to confirm
the identity. One of the cabochons, together with a piece
Gem News
Summer 1990
Gem News
Summer 1990
Unusual pseudomorph. Some of the most unusual unfashioned specimens of gem minerals are silica pseudomorphs after various organic materials. Included
among these are petrified wood and silicified coral, as
well as opalized wood, shells, and even lizards.
Recently, an unusually fine fossilized cryptocrystalline quartz pine cone [figure 5 )that dates back to
the Jurassicperiod was brought to our attention by David
Humphrey. The pine cone, Aura Caria Mirabilis, was
reportedlyiftund in the Cerro Cuadrado Petrified Forest,
Gem News
Summer 1990
Gem News
Summer 1990
Gem News
Summer 1990
Gem News
Summer 1990
Gem News
Summer 1990
Gem News
Summer 1990
2nd Edition, December 1989
Book Reviews
Summer 1990
By Dr. Jean-Paul Lintilhac, photographs by Aloin Durond, 116 pp.,
illus., pub], by Royal Tahitian Pearl
Book, Papeete, Tahiti, 1987.
The subject of black pearls is of
growing interest worldwide, and this
boolz has something for everyone,
from the casual tourist to the serious
pearl dealer. The information is well
ordered, beginning with a data sheet
on the islands of paradise to whet the
appetite of any traveler. This is followed by a brief but concise history
of the discovery of the many islands
comprising French Polynesia and the
politics involved in their development.
While dispelling the myth of
glamour surrounding the South Seas
pearl diver, the narrative provides an
instructive description of the pearling industry, from the production of
mother-of-pearl with the pearl as a
by-product to the eventual creation
and production of the cultured black
pearl. Dr. Lintilhac then describes
the locations and culturine
- methods
used by many of the farmers to bring
Book Reviews
By Antoinette L. Matlins and A. C.
Bonanno, 270 pp., illus., publ. by
Gemstone Press, South Woodstock,
VT, 1989. US$29.95'
This book serves as an introduction
to gem identification for readers with
little or no gemological background.
Matlins and Bonanno begin by recommending gemological i n s t r u ments they feel are essential to setting up a small identification lab,
with emphasis placed on the loupe,
dichroscope, Chelsea filter, refractometer, ultraviolet lamp, and microscope. The function, proper use, and
limitations of each piece of equip-
ment are discussed in a comprehensible manner using informative illustrations. The authors focus on observations that can be made with the
various instruments, rather than on
scientific explanations, and supply
numerous examples of separations
and identifications that can be accomplished with each. The examples, however, are somewhat limited
in their completeness. Grouped at
the back of the book are a number of
tables of gem properties and lists of
sources for further information, including magazines, gemological associations, and gem identification
The biggest drawback of this book
is that it oversimplifies gem identification. By saying that approximately 85% of the commonly encountered gemstones can be positively identified using a loupe, dichroscope, and Chelsea filter, the
authors are making gem identification sound deceptively easy and failing to emphasize and explain how
complex an issue it can be. 111 most
cases, a confident separation between yellow sapphire and citrine or
yellow beryl could not be made using
only those three instruments. In addition, several commonly encountered gems have sophisticated synthetic counterparts. If one were to
make natural vs. synthetic separations using only a loupe, dichroscope, and Chelsea filter, costly errors could result. However, the authors do acknowledge that it is important for a person to recognize his
or her limitations and employ the
services of a professional gemologist
or laboratory for verified identifications. Overall, although they fall
short of discussing the more complex
identifications, Matlins and Bonanno
have assembled a good introductory
guide to gem identification.
Resident Colored Stones/
Gem Identification
GIA, Santa Monica
Summer 1990
Dona M . Dirlam, Editor
Barton C. Curren
Topanga Canyon. Calilon
Stephanie L. Dillon
San Clemente. Calilornia
Bob F. Effler
GIA. Santa Monica
Emmanuel Fritsch
GIA. Santa Monica
Patricia A. S. Gray
Venice, Calilornia
Mahinda Gunawardene
Idar-Oberslein Germany
Gary S. Hill
GIA, Santa Monica
Karin N. Hurwit
Gem Trade Lab. I n c . Santa Monica
Robert C, Kammerling
GIA. Santa Monica
Neil Letson
Palm Beach. F/orida
Shane F. McClure
Gem Trade Lab. Inc , Santa Monica
Gemological Abstracts
Elise B. Misiorowski
GIA, Santa Monica
Gary A. Roskin
GIA, Santa Monica
James E. Shigley
GIA. Santa Monica
Carol M. Stockton
Los Angeles. Calilornia
William R. Videto
GIA, Santa Monica
Robert Weldon
GIA. Santa Monica
Summer 1990
Gemological Abstracts
Brilliance in Tilt. E. S. Love, Lapidary Journal, Vol. 43,
No. 9, December 1989, pp. 90-94.
This rigorous mathematical exercise explores theoretical aspects of the concept of brilliance-in-tilt. This
concept presupposes that a standard round brilliant
Summer 1990
optimized for combined face-up brilliance and tilt brilliance is preferable to one optimized for face-up brilliance only.
According to Love, brilliance-in-tilt is best achieved
through solutions developed for analyzing satellite communications and detections by light rays and optical
sensors. Such solutions, known as the L-solutions, embrace single and combined tilting about all three axes.
The body of this article consists of tabulated data
illustrating the effects of fluctuating values on brilliance. These data are based on comparative studies, and
no examples of successful applications of this theory are
included with the article.
Paris A. Walker
How to value irradiated diamonds. C. Altobelli, Jewelers'
Circular-Keystone,Vol. 161, No. 3, March 1990, p.
This brief but concise article gives pertinent information on how to value irradiated diamonds by using the
"market data approach," or the use of conlparables.
Dealers who have sold treated stones in the past would
be good sources of information on the wholesale costs of
diamonds that match the cut, color, clarity, and carat
weight of your stone.
Altobelli.describes a formulaic approach that may be
used when $eternlining a broad estimate for insurance
replacement cost, and is used when market data are
unavailable. First assign an arbitrary GIA color grade as a
good repre<entative for the stone. Then set a clarity and
cut grade for that weight and shape diamond, and add the
cost of treatment to get your wholesale value. If the
appraisal is for insurance purposes, add the markup for
retail replacement. Also, make note of the type of
treatment and method used in determining the markup
for retail replacement. When using the formulaic approach, you must state that it was used, why it was used,
and any limitations on accuracy that occurred from its
T h e customer should be made aware of the fact that if a
replacement is needed, an untreated dianlond of the
same value may be chosen. In most cases, the insurance
company would not object-their main concern is the
replacement cost. However, most insurance adjustors
deal with replacement companies that offer "at wholesale" prices, If another type of stone is being considered,
the insurance company and the customer should have an
agreement on the different options available through the
specific policy.
Karen B , Stark
Secret of Indian success being emulated by other centers.
New York Diamonds, No. 7, 1990, pp. 58-64.
India's ever-growing diamond industry has contributed
to an expanded world market for diamond jewelry,
mainly by manufacturing smaller, lower-quality, lowpriced stones. This has caused a reclassification of
diamonds (gem, near-gem, and industrial), with more
Gemological Abstracts
Some aspects of pearl production with particular reference to cultivation at Yangxin, China. E. A. Jobbins
and K. Scarratt, Journal of Gemmology, Vol. 22,
NO. 1, 1990, pp. 3-15.
This well-illustrated article by Messrs. Jobbins and
Scarratt is the result of a recent trip by those authors to a
Chinese pearl farm. As background, they describe the
major sources of natural and cultured pearls. Historically, the most significant source of natural pearls has
been the Persian Gulf. However, changing economics
and politics, pollution, and over-fishing have reduced
pearl production in this region to a trickle. A11 interesting discussion of natural pearl fishing in Scotland
provides insight into that little-known source.
Since the 1920s, Japan has dominated the pearl market
through its production of cultured pearls in enormous
quantities and a full range of qualities. The original type
of cultured pearl is formed around a mother-of-pearl
bead nucleus. The developnlent in the 1950s of "non-
Summer 1990
nucleated" (mantle-tissue nucleated) freshwater cultured pearls, originally from Japan's Lake Biwa, represented a new phase in both pearl marketing and identification.
The Chinese adopted this technique as suitable for
their own freshwater mussels. They began marketing
cultured freshwater pearls in the early 1980s. Eventual
flooding of the market dropped prices for lower-quality
strands radically. However, fine-quality Chinese culturecl pearls are also produced.
In May 1989, the authors visited one of the Chinese
pearl farms at Yangxin, Hubei Province. The mussels Cristaria plicata-grow as long as 20 c m and are
cultivated for about 40 pearls at a time. The farms
include nursery ponds, spat sheds, producing ponds, and
cultivatingsheds. When spats reach 8 c n in
~ length, each
is implanted with 40 squares of mantle tissue (from
another mussel of the same type) and is placed in a net in
a maturing pond.
Nineteen black-and-white and two color illustrations-mostly locality photographs-accompany this
very readable and altogether too short article. It is an
excellent summary, especially for the jeweler looking for
basic information.
Wave Hill prehnite. H. Bracewell, Australian Gemmologist, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1989, pp. 127-129.
Wave Hill Station, 940 k m south of Darwin and 1,230
lim northwest of Alice Springs, is located in one of the
most isolated regions of Australia's Northern Territory.
Here, prehnite is collected from two distinct areas, one
that produces opaque greenish material froni pebble to
small boulder size, while the other yields small, facetable nodules in colors ranging from "whitish to pale
green and greenish hues through to a clear yellow."
Four faceted prehnites from the second area, ranging
from 7.35 to 31 ct, were examined by the author, with
properties determined to be as follows: appearancesemitransparent, slightly grayish green with a slightly
fibrous texture; Mohs hardness-6 to 7; mean refractive
indices-a = 1.614, B = 1.620, -y = 1.637; mean
biregringence -0.023; dichroism-slight, in pale to dark
green hues; long-wave U.V fluorescence-dull brown;
absorption spectrum-vague band at 440 nm. Magnification revealed very distinct radiating fibers in the
largest specimen, while in the smaller three stones the
fibers had a parallel orientation. The author speculates
that this latter structure raises the possibility of cat'seye stones being cut from the material.
The article is nicely illustrated with seven color
Gemological Abstracts
Zeitschrift der Deutschen Gemrnologischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 38, No. 213, 1989, pp. 63-84.
This is the latest article by Dr. Ponahlo on gemstone
cathodol~iminescence,with a focus this time on the
en~issionspectra of various gem materials. After a brief
description of the homemade experimental set-up he
uses, the author reports on the cathodoluminescence spectra of natural and synthetic rubies, emeralds, padparadscha sapphires, alexandrite chrysoberyls, diamonds, and lapis lazuli. A general rule of thumb valid for
the first four is that the cathodoluminescence of natural
and synthetic gem materials are mostly similar in
spectrum shape, but that the synthetic materials typically luminesce more strongly than their natural counterparts (although there is some overlap.).
For rubies, a slight difference in the shape of the
emission spectra of natural and synthetic stones seems
to help the separation, Also, it seems that cathodolun~inescencecould provide an indication of heat
treatment, although more research is needed. This
technique seems to be helpful, too, in the detection of
oiling of emerald. Growth features that help separate
natural from synthetic padparadscha sapphires and diamonds are emphasized under the electron beam.
The author pays a great deal of attention to good
calibration procedures, and uses a large enough sample
size (up to 76 samples for alexandrite] to propose
significant results, which are illustrated with numerous
color photographs and spectra. Dr. Ponahlo's spectra
would be even more useful if he would publish all of
them within scale (many spectra are cut off at the top]
and provide the curve of his photomultiplier's sensitivity over the m a x i n ~ u nrange
used, as luminescence
spectra are known to be instrument-dependent.
Reconnaissance d'un diamant de svnthese De Beers
parmi d'autres gemnies grace la cathodoluminescence (Separation of a De Beers synthetic diamond
froni other gems using cathodoluminescence). C .
Bille, R. Chapoulie, J. Dorbes, and M. Schvoerer,
Revue de Gemrnologie a.f.g., No. 100, 1989, pp.
This study provides cathodoluminescence spectra of
four groups of samples: small faceted natural diamonds,
synthetic diamond powder from De Beers, a YAG crystal,
and a zircon crystal from Spain. The purpose of the
article and the principles of catliodoluminescence are
briefly stated, and the three different instruments used
are mentioned. This method is nondestructive only for
small samples (less than 1 c d ] .
All natural diamonds studied showed a blue cathodolun~inescence,centered around 450 nm. The synthetic diamonds showed a yellowish green cathodoluminescence, mostly due to a broad band peaking at
about 520 nm. The YAG crystal showed a pink to violet
luminescence (depending on the experimental condi-
Summer 1990
Accelerator-based spectroscopy techniques for analysis
of archaeological gold jewelry. G. Demortier, Spectroscopy. Vol. 4, No. 6, 1989, pp. 35-40.
Demortier describes work in the conlpositional analysis
of archaeological gold jewelry performed at the Laboratory for Analysis by Nuclear Reaction (LARN)in Belgium by particle induced X-ray emission (PIXE),particle
induced gamma-ray emission (PIGE), and nuclear reaction analysis [NRA]. These are non-destructive, accurate, and sophisticated (but extraordinarily expensive)
Gemological Abstracts
The items discussed include a gold Byzantine cruciform reliquary, a terminal or connecting end from a
Roman necklace, and a Byzantine bead shown to have
been made with a cadmium-copper solder. The last item
supports earlier work of Demortier's showing that the
presence of cadmium is not necessarily a sign of modern
manufacturing (Gold Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1984;
abstracted in Gems es) Gemology, Summer 1984). He
proposes that the ancient meaning of chrysocolla (a
mineral salt used in some ancient soldering techniques)
was cadmium sulphide (greenoclzite).Interestingly, he
gives the modern meaning of chrysocolla as copper
carbonate, rather than hydrated copper silicate. Other
ancient bonding processes, including sintering of the
reliquary and solid-state diffusion bonding (the process
used in Etruscan granulation work) of the necklace
terminal, are also discussed.
Meredith E. Mercer
Digging a mile deep. L. J. Fisher, Earth Science, Vol. 42,
NO. 1, 1989, pp. 12-13.
The United States uses 2.5 million troy ounces of
platinum per year, 93% of which is imported from South
Africa, the Soviet Union, and Canada. With the renewed
interest in the Stillwater Con~plex,located in the Beartooth Mountains southwest of Billings, Montana, the
percentages of imported platinum and palladium should
decrease. Although platinum was found in the conlplex
in the 1920s) at the it time was considered economically
unfeasible. Today, more than 780 tons of platinum and
palladium ore are mined daily, and yield approximately
20 tons of ore concentrate; after refining, the result is
160 oz. of platinum and 480 oz. of palladiunl. The
expected annual metals yield of the mine is 225,000 oz.
The author points out that, although this is a mere
fraction of world demand, an advantage is that the mine
is "not subject to political problems associated with
importing minerals from South Africa and the Soviet
Rose Tozer
Summer 1990
Effect of solvent metals upon the morphology of synthetic diamonds. H. Kanda, T. Ohsawa, 0 .
Fukunaga, and I. Sunagawa, Journal of Crystal
Growth, Vol. 94, 1989, pp. 115-124.
Synthetic diamond crystals up t o 3 n1n1 in diameter have
been grown in a hydrous environment from various
metal solvents to study the effect of those metals on
diamond morphology. The growth features were analyzed by etching and various surface microscopy techniques. Only octahedral { l 1 l} and cube {loo} faces are
seen in diamond grown in pure Ni. The dodecahedra1
{ l lo} and trapezoliedral {113} faces appear only when
using Ni alloyed with other transition metals. This is
attributed to the strong affinity of those metals for
nitrogen, which can lead to a modification of the metaldiamond interface conditions during growth, thus producing different crystal faces.
The octahedral and cubic faces grow sn~oothlyin
successive layers that are thinner than 3 0 A and are
persistent throughout the growth, with the octahedral
face dominating the morphology. The dodecahedra1 and
trapezohedral faces, which are transient and minor on
the final morphology, have a hopper growth, in which
growth proceeds from the edges inward, resulting in
raised edges. A perturbation in the growth parameters
indicates a distinct growth band on the cubic sector.
The presence of cubic faces in synthetic diamonds is
attributed to a surface reconstruction of the cubic face,
which might be prevented in nature by the silicate
magma in which the diamond grows.
How secret GE recipe for making diamonds may have
been stolen. L. Ingrassia, Wall Street Journal,
Wednesday, February 28, 1990, pp. A1 and A4.
This front-page article relates the circunistances surrounding lawsuits filed by General Electric, a major
synthetic diamond producer, and Norton, a major diamond tool nlanufacturer, against one of their former
en~ployees,Mr. Chien-Min Sung. The two con~panies
suggest that Mr. Sung may have sold vital industrial
secrets on how to grow high-quality industrial diamonds
to China, a South Korean company, and, perhaps, even
the USSR.
Inamori stones' rough (some observations and speculations). J. Snow and G. Brown, Australian Gemnwlogist, Vol. 17, No. 4, 1989, pp. 132-136.
Beginning with a brief review of the Kyocera Corporation's manmade gem products, the authors proceed to
describe their examination of unfashioned specimens of
several of these materials.
The synthetic corundun~ examined included rodshaped single crystals of synthetic ruby, star ruby, and
orange-red sapphire. These crystals were oriented with
the c-axis parallel to their length and had rounded,
Gemological Abstracts
niachine-ground external surfaces; the authors speculate from the latter that the crystals originally had
somewhat irregular external forms. All of the crystals
examined contained great numbers of bubbles in basically three configurations: (1)a central mass of bubbles
in various sizes and shapes; 12) randomly scattered
bubbles; and (3)fine, radially arrayed stringers of bubbles
near external surfaces. Based on these observations, the
authors hypothesize that the materials may have been
grown by a zonal melting technique. Additional features
noted were severe surface crazing on the synthetic
orange-red sapphire, cloud-like swirls found predominantly toward the periphery of the crystals, and extremely fine exsolved rutile in the synthetic star ruby.
Synthetic chrysoberyl crystals examined included
both alexandrite and cat's-eye alexandrite. The former
had a distinct purplish red to grayish green color change,
were transparent, contained gas bubbles and smoky
swirls and, based on their pleochroism, were possibly
grown on a seed plate cut at right angles to the a-axis. The
chatoyant crystals had a similar but weaker color
change, were translucent, had a slightly undulating
parallel banding parallel to the c-axis and were possibly
grown on a seed plate cut perpendicular to the c-axis.
1<yocera1sopaque black and transparent colorless opal
products were also studied. The authors observed one
previously unrecorded feature: a bronze luster on the
base of the black opal rough,
This well-illustrated report provides some very useful
information on the visual characteristics of these manmade gems.
An investigation of three imitation opalized shells. J. I.
I<oiviila and R. C. Kammerling, Australian Gemn~ologlst,Vol. 17, No. 4, 1989, pp. 148-152.
Opal pseudomorphs after shell are an unusual and
comparatively rare form of precious opal. This wellillustrated article reports on three imitations that had
been represented as natural opalized n~olluskshells,
including a clam shell, a mussel shell, and a turban snail
shell. Each exhibited a patchy play-of-color pattern
coming from what appeared to be distinct breccia of
white opal. A number of other visual inconsistencies
were noted, but magnification revealed the true nature of
the deceptions. Each "shell" was seen to be composed of
many small chips of white opal, boulder opal, and a
limonitic matrix rock, bound together with a transparent, colorless material. The binding agent contained
numerous spherical gas bubbles, while flattened bubbles
were observed at some interfaces between the binder and
opal fragments.
Gemological testing for microhardness, reaction to a
thermal probe, R.I., U.V. fluorescence, and hydrophobic
reaction led the authors to conclude that the binding
agent was a plastic.
Summer 1990