From Here To There
From Here To There
From Here To There
Project Idea:
SHIP4SPEED Transport Company specializes in transporting customers freight by truck, railcar and
plane in the most profitable and expedient manner. The SHIP4SPEED sales team has been working
overtime to bring new business to the company with great success! They were able to attract new
accounts of various products for the Charleston, W.V. to Charlotte, N.C. trucking route. The CEO of the
company needs to make a decision on the best allocation of company resources for future shipments.
Approaching your team of corporate salespersons, who have secured 10 different customers requesting
your companys services, the CEO has requested a presentation of secured accounts. It is your teams
corporate sales goal to prioritize the first three for shipment in order to maximize the companys
transportation sources. Included in your teams analysis must be a comparison of the actual cubic
capacity of the truck volume compared to the maximum combined cubic capacity of the selected items.
Your team will be responsible for designing the maximum amount of units placed for transportation
efficiency and speed. A diagram of detailing unit placement onto the truck for shipment will assist
truckloads. The route needs to be designed according to the product delivery including anticipated
delivery dates and times.
Entry Event:
Invite a representative from the trucking/railroad/barge industry; select a logistics planner, sales representative,
dispatcher or truck driver, who deals with shipping to discuss volume and payloads to stimulate interest by sharing
their knowledge regarding pricing, volume and transportation routes.
Arrange classroom seating in teams and post a variety of maps and world globes to highlight
transportation routes, include pictures of trucks, airplanes and railcars to emphasize the movement of
Bring examples of an HO railcar/boxcars, barge boats, model airplanes and toy trucks to class for
students to examine when introducing shipping and transportation. Inquire about what they may all have
in common. Answers may include Scale factor, Transportation, Shipping, Volume, Rectangles, and
Squares etc.
Standards &
Evidence of Success in
Achieving Identified Learning
Students will be able to complete 85%
the Vocabulary Similarity HO
Railcar Checklist using their own
definitions/drawings by the end of the
compare and contrast Euclidean
geometry to other geometries (i.e.
spherical, elliptic) using various
forms of communication such as
development of physical models,
21st Century
Information and
Euclidean geometry
Examine the differences between
Euclidean and non-Euclidean
Investigate the role of lines in
spherical geometry and develop a
written report
Investigate the role of perpendicular
lines in spherical geometry
Create a physical model of the
relationships between points, lines,
planes in non-Euclidean geometry
21C.O.9-12.1.LS1 - Student
recognizes information needed
for problem solving, can
efficiently browse, search and
navigate online to access
relevant information, evaluates
information based on
credibility, social, economic,
political and/or ethical issues,
and presents findings clearly
and persuasively using a range
of technology tools and media.
21C.O.9-12.1.TT5 - Student
uses advanced features of word
processing software (e.g.,
outline, table of contents, index
feature, draw tool, headers and
footers, track changes, macros,
hyperlinks to other file formats,
Evidence of Success
Thinking and
Reasoning Skills:
21C.O.9-12.2.LS4 - Student
visualizes the connection
between seemingly unrelated
ideas and independently
produces solutions that are
fresh, unique, original and well
developed. Student shows
capacity for originality,
concentration, commitment to
completion, and persistence to
develop unique and cogent
21C.O.9-12.2.TT2 - Student
collaborates with peers, experts
and others to contribute to a
Personal and
Workplace Skills:
21C.O.9-12.3.LS6 - Student
maintains a strong focus on the
larger project goal and frames
appropriate questions and
planning processes around goal.
Prior to beginning work, student
reflects upon possible courses of
action and their likely
consequences; sets objectives
related to the larger goal; and
establishes benchmarks for
monitoring progress. While
working on the project, student
adjusts time and resources to
allow for completion of a
quality product.
21C.O.9-12.3.TT8 - Student
uses technology to seek
strategies and information to
address limits in their own
and select the lesson Perimeter vs.
Area Connection.
In Drinking Water to Haiti, student
teams will devise a written report using
word processing featuring spherical
geometry research in a real-world
Students will investigate Euclidean and
non-Euclidean geometry research in
Modeling with String and write a
reflection using word processing based
upon the comparison of the models.
Know the vocabulary of numerical, analytical, graphical and verbal as it applies to data
representation as it applies to data predictio
in 2D/3D similarity
Know the dimensions used for the appropriate formula
Know the formulas for Area and Perimeter
Know the formulas for Volume
Know the formulas for Surface Area and the use of nets
Know not all geometries are Euclidean
Know the basic terms related to circles
Know the basic terms of point, line, parallel, perpendicular and plane in Euclidean geometry
Identify a situation involving similarity in 2D/3D using proportions
Establish a hypothesis and conclusion regarding similarity
Develop a presentation of the results that compares the hypothesis and conclusion
Be able to select the applicable formula for the given real-world problem
Examine the differences between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry
Investigate the role of lines in spherical geometry
Investigate the role of perpendicular lines in spherical geometry
Create a presentation of the relationships between points, lines, and planes in non-Euclidean
Compare perimeter vs. area graphically
Present the results by justifying your conclusions in Excel workbook
Explore volume as a comparison between two figures
Investigate surface area with nets
Develop multiple representations for solving geometrical relationships
Engage in collaborative learning relationships to achieve multiple learning strategies in problem
Implement technology tools in the collaborative learning environment
Driving Question:
Assessment Plan:
HO Railcar Presentation:
Your customer wants to see your fleet of rail cars. He is visiting you tomorrow for an inspection to insure
that his product can accommodate the volume of his shipments. Currently, all of your rail cars are in use
and unavailable. He has 10,000 skids of water treatment compounds manufactured in Charleston, WV.
They will be packaged on individual skids measuring 48 in by 48 in by 48 in. How could you meet his
wishes using an HO scale model of a corporate boxcar and develop a presentation to demonstrate the
internal capacity of an actual boxcar?
Drinking Water To Haiti:
Earthquake has struck Haiti! They need drinking water desperately and there are five desalination units
that convert salt water into fresh water for drinking use. Your sales team is assigned the logistics issue of
getting them to Haiti as quickly as possible. Desalination units in Tokyo, Japan; Beijing, China; Santiago,
Chile; Dubai, UAE and Miami, Fl are awaiting shipment to Port-au- Prince as quickly as possible.
With the globes legend, approximate the distances for the most concise flight path using string as a
manipulative tool for measurement. The team should be prepared to justify its calculations in a written
flight plan from each airport destination, include a description of spherical geometry, its use of lines and
how it relates to their solution.
Pick Three! Scenario Presentation:
The SHIP4SPEED sales team has been working overtime to bring new business to the company with
great success! They were able to attract ten new accounts of various products for the Charleston, W.V. to
Charlotte, N.C. trucking route. The CEO has requested that the team develop a presentation based on
the most efficient combination of three products for transportation. Each product must be used at least
twice in order to meet minimum capacity agreements with different retailers. Included in your teams
analysis must be a comparison of the actual cubic capacity of the truck volume compared to the maximum
combined cubic capacity of the selected items. Your team will be responsible for designing the maximum
amount of units placed for transportation loading efficiency and speed. A diagram of detailing unit
placement onto the truck for shipment will assist truckloads. The route needs to be designed according to
the product delivery including anticipated delivery dates and times.
Modeling with String:
For this investigation, you and your partner will need a spherical object, string or yarn, buttons/or stickers,
cardboard and scissors. Document your discoveries through drawings or photos and include evidence of
your written results in the final analysis. With your partner, investigate Euclids postulates regarding points
and lines using the resources as physical models to verify their construction. Develop a model of Euclids
fifth postulate. Students should be able to relate it to the projective lines axiom. Demonstrate projective
geometry through the origin using a plane, family of lines and a horizontal line for 3D imaging using the
materials provided. Students should be able to recognize the shifts that can occur with their model, and if
will it mimic any real world application. Compare parallel, perpendicular and intersecting lines in
non-Euclidean and Euclidean geometry using the materials provided. Compare and contrast your
investigations between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry discussing similarities and differences in
your reflection.
Discovering with Nets:
Students investigate nets using real objects found at home such as empty saltine, pizza and raisin boxes, etc. in order
to derive the relationship of perimeter, area and surface area in a rectangular prism. They will identify the edges,
vertices, bases, and lateral faces to their selected figure. Students develop a chart of separate 2D figures and calculate
their perimeter, area and surface area to derive the relationship between them. Next, they test various configurations
of net arrangements on dot paper, attempt to build their net and record their results on the data sheet provided.
Create A Blooms Ball:
Building upon the Vocabulary Formulas, Solids and Blooms Ball Checklist, students explore the
vocabulary through creating a regular dodecahedron. Each of the 12 circles drawn is related to a
vocabulary term or investigation. At the end of the activity, students will explore additional polyhedron
and consider its construction as well. Write a reflection on the dodecahedron that you have constructed
discussing its geometric components and explain at least one other regular polyhedron and its
construction. Provide a general overview of reflecting upon what you have learned during this experience.
HO Railcar Presentation
Drinking Water To Haiti
Pick Three! Scenario Presentation
Modeling w/ String
Discovering with Nets
Create A Blooms Ball
Written Communication
Model with String Rubric
Blooms Ball Writing Rubric
Drinking Water to Haiti Rubric
Practice Presentations
Pick Three Practice
Presentation Checklist
HO Railcar Practice
Presentation Checklist
Vocabulary Formulas, Solids
and Blooms Ball Checklist
Vocabulary Non-Euclidean,
Euclidean and Great Circle
Vocabulary Similarity and HO
Railcar Checklist
Final Project Self-Evaluation
X Notes
Individual student notes
Peer Evaluation
X Checklists/Observations
Peer Evaluation PowerPoint
Vocabulary Formulas, Solids
Final Project Group Evaluation
and Blooms Ball Checklist
Vocabulary Non-Euclidean,
Euclidean and Great Circle
Vocabulary Similarity and HO
Railcar Checklist
Group Observation Checklist
Concept Maps
Focus Group
Discovering Nets
HO Railcar
X Other
Already Have
Before the
During the
School-based Individuals:
Technology Integration Specialist
Computers with Internet Access/Java Enabled
Word Processing Software
Spreadsheet Software
Powerpoint Software
Flash Drives
Graphing Calculators
Lessons & Applets: applet exploring scale factor between two figures Lesson comparing volume of two prisms and two
cylinders Exploring why 2D
features are important in 3D figures Exploring Nets Perimeter vs. Area Connection great circle distance calculator applet Globe applet applet for creating nets
Other Online Resources: comparison of non-Euclidean and Euclidean geometry assorted 2D maps learning styles inventory, KWL, Blooms Ball The Buck Institute for Education
Local Transportation representative from the trucking/railroad/barge industry
Logistics planner
Sales representative
Dispatcher or truck driver of various business agencies
Boxes (various shapes and sizes such as cereal, saltine, raisin and pizza)
Poster Board/Oaktag Manila Paper/Cardstock
Spherical Object for model
World Globes
Rectangular dot paper or graph paper
Colored chalk or markers
Manage the
Prepare all student documents for task management by either creating student team portfolios, a
management resource center for all documents to be placed or accessed or uploading electronic files on
the school server from which copies can be accessed as needed. Items needed for task management will
include student rubrics, Final Self-Evaluation, Final Group Evaluation, KWL Chart, Group
Observation Checklist, Weekly Group Learning Log and Peer PowerPoint Evaluation. Instructors
may find the Pick Three! and HO Railcar Storyboards useful in planning their PBL implementation.
Getting Started
Student teams will be needed for the PBL and these can be created in using a variety of methods
depending upon your classroom setting. One method would be for students to take a learning styles
inventory from the Teach 21 Website. Team member development can be based upon the results of
compatible learning styles. Another method would be to allow students to have self-selection in the team
creation process. Again, team development is critical to the collaborative nature of PBL learning so it is
important to establish effective teams. This project suggest teams of four but teams can be adjusted for
inclusion classes or differentiated for learning needs. The Team Roles can be modified accordingly by
redistributing the tasks if smaller groups are needed or the addition of a marketing manager if necessary.
Teams should agree to individual roles and acceptance of responsibilities in the form of a team contract.
Ask the teams to design their own contracts of responsibilities for the duration of the PBL. If the class is
unfamiliar with or new to this type of learning experience, the instructor should be prepared to recommend
students searching the internet for examples of student contracts or provide an example from The Buck
Institute for Education. The Teach21 Strategy Bank website provides tools such as learning styles
inventories or getting to know one another icebreakers for students to use in deciding the best placement
of team members in various roles.
Entry Event
Invite a representative from the trucking/railroad/barge industry; select a logistics planner, sales representative,
dispatcher or truck driver, who deals with shipping to discuss volume and payloads to stimulate interest by sharing
their knowledge regarding pricing, volume and transportation routes. Introduce the Driving Question for the PBL.
Arrange classroom seating in teams and post a variety of maps, in addition, world globes to highlight
transportation routes include pictures of trucks, airplanes and railcars to emphasize the movement of
Bring examples of an HO railcar/boxcars, barge boats, model airplanes and toy trucks to class for
students to examine when introducing shipping and transportation. Inquire about what they may all have
in common. Answers may include Scale factor, Transportation, Shipping, Volume, Rectangles, and
Squares etc.
Project Scenario
Announce the Driving Question How can efficient applications of geometry affect transportation?
Handout the Memo from the CEO requesting the following scenario:
The SHIP4SPEED sales team has been working overtime to bring new business to the company with
great success! They were able to attract ten new accounts of various products for the Charleston, W.V. to
Charlotte, N.C. trucking route. The CEO has requested that the team develop a presentation based on
the most efficient combination of three products for transportation. Included in your teams analysis must
be a comparison of the actual cubic capacity of the truck volume compared to the maximum combined
cubic capacity of the selected items. Your team will be responsible for designing the maximum amount of
units placed for transportation efficiency and speed. A diagram of detailing unit placement onto the truck
for shipment will assist truckloads. The route needs to be designed according to the product delivery
including anticipated delivery dates and times.
Deadlines for scaffolded projects and the project scenario should be provided for student planning.
Teams may find it helpful to enter the dates into a school planner or a blank calendar sheet for
organization purposes.
Discuss the KWL Chart - other variations for classroom modification are located at the WV Teach21
website. Students should be encouraged to use this instrument as a source of communication and
self-assessment in managing their learning. Teachers can learn gain valuable feedback by reading these
as a guided journaling tool either as individual or whole group instruction. It will assist in overall
development of the PBL progression of skill comprehension and provide assistance if adjustments to
learning need to occur. A large classroom chart placed on the wall or in a prominent position used with
students adding to it throughout the course of the PBL. The teacher can address topics as needed or at
the beginning/end of class.
Non-Euclidean, Euclidean and Circles Vocabulary Checklist
The Individual Student Vocabulary Checklist provides a tool to review and assess student vocabulary
knowledge necessary for the scaffolding activities on Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. Student
instruction can be modified and adjusted according to the responses provided on the checklist prior to
beginning the Model with String Lab and Drinking Water To Haiti.
Model with String Lab
Students are investigating the differences between Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry. With one of
the spherical objects in the classroom, inquire about How should the distance between two points be
measured on the object? What would provide the shortest distance? Using a lab handout, students
must first determine exactly what are Euclid Postulates, Euclidean Plane geometry and non-Euclidean
geometry. It is important to have plenty of resources for students to manipulate such as spherical objects,
string or yarn, buttons/or stickers, cardboard and scissors. They will also need to have access to text,
internet, word processing, digital cameras or other media if they decide to extend their investigative
reporting. In designing their physical models, the classroom instructor will need to listen and watch
carefully for student errors. The classroom KWL Chart can be used to assist the investigation and correct
student misconceptions.
Drinking Water To Haiti
Instructors will need enough world globes for each student team to use in their investigation. Please read
the globes before using to make sure that the legends are clearly visible and all cities can be located on
the globes. If the selected cities in the Academic Prompt question are not identifiable on the globe, you
may need to adapt the cities according to those available. It will be important to encourage all team
members to participate in the measurement process. Students may need a short sample lesson on
reading a globes legend if they have not had geography or unit conversion depending on instructional
need. It would also be a good time to review the student vocabulary checklist for related terms and the
KWL Chart. Remind student of the differences between a non-Euclidean and Euclidean definition of
distance with a simple explanation. Possible applets to be used for distances can be easily found
using the internet; some suggested sites and a globe applet to demonstrate
great circle paths
Vocabulary Formulas, Solids and Blooms Ball Checklist
The Individual Student Vocabulary Checklist provides a tool to review and assess student vocabulary
knowledge necessary for the scaffolding activities on perimeter, area, surface area, volume and nets.
Student instruction can be modified and adjusted according to the responses provided on the checklist
prior to beginning the Discovering Nets and Create a Blooms Ball.
Create a Blooms Ball
As students work together in their groups to investigate the various meanings of the vocabulary, consider
the method of jigsaw instruction where the original team is numbered one through four, assigned three
sections of the topic to become expert on new groups are then recreated within the classroom to learn
the assigned knowledge at an expert level- they return to their original team to teach and share what
they have learned. Student access to the internet is very helpful for research and word processing.
Students write an individual reflection at the end of the activity describing their experience and what they
have learned in the jigsaw learning and construction of their Blooms Ball.
This is a subscription service available to all West Virginia teachers. It requires a login and password to
gain access.
Perimeter vs. Area Connection is a mathematics selection, found under the Enrichments tab, where
students are given the challenge to find the relationship between the perimeter and area of a rectangle.
Using several different randomly generated rectangle dimensions, students will calculate the perimeter
and area for each rectangle in an excel spreadsheet, graph perimeter vs. area and investigate the
graphical relationship including viewing the curved boundary. Differentiation: Students will compare
circles in order to examine the relationship between circumference and area to extend the application of
the learning knowledge. In addition, it may be necessary to create student partners during the entire
lesson by questioning students to find out who has not had experience with Excel spreadsheet with those
who have experience.
Discovering Nets
This is designed to be a hands-on student investigation to introduce nets, 2D and 3D geometry. Students
can be asked to bring in a paper example of a rectangular prism such as a pizza, raisin or cereal box to
use in the exploration. The goal is to create classroom discussion while students explore features of
2D/3D geometry. In All Nets Are Not Created Equal, student teams will be asked to draw nets of four
given solid figures, keeping all attempts for later evaluation; test the drawings to see if they can be folded
into the desired solids; and determine the number of ways a net can be drawn for each given figure.
Students can access this activity at
(Mathematics-Geometry-3D Figures-Classroom Activity 1042) Upon completing the activity, students
respond and reflect to a series of questions regarding their learning. The response activity can be used as
a formative assessment.
Differentiated Assignment: It can be adapted as an expanded written reflection in a word document or in
an informal classroom discussion depending upon student needs. Further investigations for students who
are having trouble visualizing nets can be developed with Teacher Tool: Illuminations Java Applet for Nets . This is a teacher tool to create nets for paper
use or generate as a technology tool for demonstration and discussion.
SAS Activity Why are 2D are features important when studying 3D solids?
(Mathematics-Geometry-3D Figures-Web Inquiry 111) Students explore the characteristics of 2D and 3D
figures in a web inquiry on surface area and volume to determine their relationship. Differentiation: The
research/response sheet can be adjusted for use as an individual, partner or team activity depending upon
instructional need. The response activity can be used as a formative assessment.
Vocabulary Development Checklist Similarity
The Individual Student Vocabulary Checklist provides a tool to review and assess student vocabulary
knowledge necessary for the scaffolding activities on scale, similarity, proportion, and volume. Student
instruction can be modified and adjusted according to the responses provided on the checklists prior to
beginning the activities of HO Railcar, and Pick Three!
Explore Popcorn
In their teams, students can work as pairs or teams to investigate the relationship between dimension and
volume in prisms and cylinders. They will design and fill their containers with popcorn to determine the
resulting volume. The concepts of student created conjectures developed throughout the lesson result in
a comparison of square vs. rectangular prism volumes. Students develop conjectures regarding the
radius and circumference to the base of a cylinder in terms of its dimensions when determining volume.
The response activity sheet and models created are handed in for evaluation. Alternative options for
assessment and extensions for the lesson are included in the Instructional Plan.
HO Railcar
Student teams prepare a presentation on the cubic capacity of a boxcar using similarity between two
figures (a boxcar and HO boxcar). They can research the information readily on the internet for
dimensions in order to devise a solution. In planning their presentation, student teams should be
encouraged to utilize a planning guide such as the HO Railcar Storyboard in the preparation of a
presentation. Student
teams can use the HO Railcar Presentation Checklist as a template for designing the necessary
mathematics in preparation for their presentations. Instructors should use the Content Presentation Rubric
to assist students in their development. The teams may want to use the following applet for their
investigation or instructors may need to demonstrate it in the classroom depending on the KWL
Chart regarding scale factor . For the instructors convenience, a Sample Solution is provided along
with a Cube Calculator for generating cubic capacity. The instructor may choose to use the provided
Oral and Content Presentation rubrics for assessment.
Pattys Paper
Differentiation: Instructors may decide to use this additional academic prompt for the teams or individuals
who need to extend the learning or provide additional instruction if necessary. Students will create a
shrink-wrapped box for Pattys Paper to pack its customized stationary by designing the net and providing
its volume calculations.
Pick Three!
Students explore the combination of Three Products using volume and surface area to derive a solution.
In planning their presentation, student teams should be encouraged to utilize a planning guide such as
Pick Three Storyboard in the preparation of a presentation. Working in collaborative teams, they will
develop a presentation of the Project Scenario. Student teams can use the Pick Three! Presentation
Checklist as a template for designing their mathematical solutions. This is a wonderful opportunity to
share the classroom experiences by inviting parents, other teachers and members of the community to
watch the presentations. Instructors may want to consider inviting a panel of judges to assist in grading
the presentation. Instructors my also choose to use the provided Pick Three! Oral and Content
Presentation rubrics for assessment.
Project Evaluation: Students will complete a final self-assessment/reflection on the end of the project upon its completion.
They will also meet in their student teams to discuss and develop Group Final Evaluation/Reflections.
The information gathered will assist the instructor to improve the learning experience and adjust future
PBL implementation.
Resource Files
Resource Files