Educ 5324-Technology Plan

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Indiana Math and Science Academy


North American University
Education Department
M.Ed. in Educational Leadership & M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction
Name:_Mustafa Yazici___________

Date: __07/18/2015___________________

The plan should guide the LEAs use of education technology for the next three

Provide a brief overview of the LEA, its location and demographics and/or share
a link to the LEAs website
This Tech Plan is in effect from 7/1/2015 to 6/30/2018.
Indiana Math and Science Academy is a K-8 tuition free college preparatory charter school,
which is funded by public sources. IMSA is operated independently by a board of trustees under a charter
granted by the Mayors office of Indianapolis. It is located north-west of Indianapolis about

miles away from the center of downtown. It is located in good position which
makes school very accessible from different places/directions. And average
enrollment this school year is 515 students. It is a public school where open
enrollment is a must which whoever comes to your door you have to admit them
to your school. Here is the demographics below based on the 2014 data(taken
from Indiana Department of Education)
63%: African American/Black
27%: Hispanic
5%: White
3%: Multiracial
2%: Other
IMSA West website:

Describe how a variety of stakeholders from within the LEA and the communityat-large participated in the planning process.
I was the only person who come up with this technology plan.

Summarize the relevant research and describe how it supports the plan's
curricular and professional development goals.
Summarize the plans major curricular and professional development outcomes
that are supported by research.
Describe and cite the relevant research that supports the plans outcomes.
Describe the connection between the research and the plans goals.
Describe information gathered from site visits, including best practices.
One of the most important findings from my review of the current literature
hasbeen the debate about the usefulness of institutionally controlled
virtuallearning environments (VLE) when compared to personal
learningenvironments (PLE) that are created through various platforms and
servicesin order to meet the needs of specific cohorts and individual learners.
Sclater outlines some of the advantages to the VLE such as control of
intellectualproperty, community building and security, and enhanced services
anddelivery (2010:11). Attwell describes PLEs as spaces in which people
interactand communicate and whose ultimate result is learning and the
developmentof collective know-how (2010). This debate will only gain
momentum asinstitutions invest in e-learning tools and users/students continue
to haveincreasing power to create content that contributes to their
learningexperience. Of course, the cost of providing e-learning tools will play a
major part in the outcome of this debate.Anderson also highlights the issue of the
expectations of digital natives:
The Plan must establish clear goals and realistic strategy for using
telecommunications and information technology to improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe teachers' current access to instructional technology and current use of

digital tools.
Question & Answer 1: Teachers have desktops in their classroom connected to
Mimio (kind of smart board) and there is one document camera assigned to each
grade level. They have access to color and black/white copier and scanner.
Question & Answer 2: Teacher desktops have all the Microsoft office programs:
Microsoft word, excel, power point, publisher, except Microsoft outlook

Basic Adobe reader program

Mimio Tool program(for their smart interactive board)

Describe students' current access to instructional technology and current use of

digital tools. Include a description about the LEA policy, practices, and/or
replacement policy that ensures equitable technology access for all students.
Question & Answer 1: There two hours of computer technology instruction for
each grade level from basic usage of computer skills to Microsoft office
Question & Answer 2: There are two computer labs for student use. They are
even accessible before and after school for student as long as they make
arrangement ahead of time. School is responsible to replace any technology
failure regardless of students fault/accidents or not and they deal with this issue
later on. Students are responsible for everything including any computer devices
they use if things happen due to reckless use of school property.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, for using
technology to improve teaching and learning. Describe how these goals align to
the LEA's curricular goals that are supported by other plans. Describe how the
LEA's budget (LCAP) supports these goals, and whether future funding
proposals or partnerships may be needed for successful implementation.
The goals within these three years to provide at least one (device)technology to
each student in core courses. It could be Kindle for reading books, Ipads for IXL,
NWEA, ECA practices, Mimio smart response devices for multiple choice
questions in the classroom, and putting another computer room for students
along with laptops which extends technology usage without space issues.
There are 22 sections of classroom in the building. If you disregard elective
courses school needs at least 16 sets of device to use throughout the daily
instruction. There are two computer rooms to use as a result other sets will be
5 class sets of Kindle(low cost devices)
4 class sets of Ipad
3 class sets of laptop
2 class extra sets of Mimio response.(low cost devices)
Goal 1: Since Indiana passed the law that state tests will be administered
computer based by the end of 2017. It will give ample time to our school have the
technology and practice it before the real computer state test will be taking place
in 2018.
Goal 2: Implement new computer, media, and technology curriculum
Goal 3: Students need different learning ways and computer provides

differentiation of learning to students.

Goal 4: Maximizing project based learning with the use of technology.
Goal 5: Improve Students and teachers collaboration via technology.
Goal 6: Access for independent learners
Goal 7: Improve teachers collaboration on lesson plans and alignments to
State has entitled funding for school of their approved technology plan.

Describe goals and an implementation plan, with annual activities, to address

Internet Safety and the appropriate and ethical use of technology in the
Goal 1: Since Indiana passed the law that state tests will be administered computer
based by the end of 2017. It will give ample time to our school have the technology and
practice it before the real computer state test will be taking place in 2018.
Implementation year 1: Once tech plan is approved by the Indiana Department of
Education, they are to release the funding for reimbursement. As a result, school
business manager will be shopping around for the best deal.
Goal 2: Implement new computer, media, and technology curriculum
Implementation: At the end of each year, students in grades 1,3,5, and 7 will take exit
assessment so that teachers could see and use results what needs to be improved in
the curriculum and instruction styles
Goal 3: Students need different learning ways and computer provides differentiation of
learning to students.
Implementation: Students will have variety of technology that they feel more comfortable
to learn with.
Goal 4: Maximizing project based learning with the use of technology.
Implementation: With the revised curriculum to make sure that students are assigned at
least one computer based project in each semester that they use technology as part of
their curriculum.
Goal 5: Improve Students and teachers collaboration via technology.
Implementation: Explore and use more often Web 2.0 digital technologies
Goal 6: Access for independent learners
Implementation: Having all technology available to students with the choice of their own.
Goal 7: Improve teachers collaboration on lesson plans and alignments to standards.

Implementation: Having a system for teachers where they collaborate more for
cross curriculum activities via tech. Having a lot of interdisciplinary lesson plans
between core courses.


The Plan must have a professional development strategy to ensure that staff
understands how to use these new technologies to improve education services
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Summary of the teachers' and administrators' current technology proficiency and

integration skills and needs for professional development.
Provide throughout the school year ongoing workshops for 21 st century skills
for everyone in the building where they can create more around project
based lesson plans that requires technology use along with teachers


The Plan must include an assessment of the telecommunication services,
hardware, software, asset management, and other services that will be needed to
improve education services.
(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the existing hardware, Internet access, electronic learning resources,

technical support, and asset management already in the LEA that will be used to
support the Curriculum and Professional Development Components of the plan.
Existing hardware currently mentioned above. There are good devices installed
around the building so that there is minimum down-time for internet access.
Within school network, there are teachers resourced upload to Z-folder so that
every faculty have an access to it easily. This resource includes all lesson plans
of all teachers so that they could access the fellow teachers lesson plan
especially reflections of the lesson units.
On-going workshops for each level of learners either for beginner, refreshment
and advancement.


The plan must include an evaluation process that enables the school to monitor
progress toward the specific goals and make mid-course corrections in response

to new developments and opportunities as they arise.

(Answer at least 2 questions for each subsection below)

Describe the process for evaluating the plan's overall progress and impact on
teaching and learning.
At the end of each year, students in grades 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th will take exit
assessment so that teachers could see and use results what needs to be
improved in the curriculum and instruction styles

Describe the schedule for evaluating the effect of plan implementation, including
a description of the process and frequency of communicating evaluation results
to tech plan stakeholders.
Same exit test analysis will take at the end of each year so that teachers can
improve/revise their plans according to test results.

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