Nine Principles of Wiccan Faith
Nine Principles of Wiccan Faith
Nine Principles of Wiccan Faith
VI. Virtue
Virtue is the system of self-governance
which we use to consciously help in the
perfection of our Soul, and which we use to
more successfully navigate the sea of
Karma. Virtue is the cultivation of good
character and right action. Virtue is the basis
of Wiccan morality. To the Wiccan morality
is about how you treat others and how you
conduct yourself in life. The highest
expression of Virtue is the Wiccan Rede:
And it harm none, do as you will, meaning
that the virtuous person does not treat
others badly or intentionally harm others.
The term Harm in the Wiccan Rede must
be understood in light of the ordinary
meaning of the word harm.
VII. Magic
We believe in magic, which is the conscious
use of the powers of the Soul, which owe
their ultimate origin to Deity. Magic is the
means through which Deity creates the
world, and we all take part in this process in
every moment of our existence at an
unconscious level. Learning to control this
process consciously is an important part in
the evolution of humankind. Magic is no
different than any other skill or ability and
once we have learned to use it consciously
it is incumbent upon us to use it with the
same attention to virtue that we would use
any other skill. Magic is neither greater nor
lesser than physical action, but rather is but
another tool in the human skill set.
VIII. Faces Of Deity
We believe that Deity uses many faces to
communicate with humankind. This is
because every person is different, and every
persons relationship to the Divine is
consequently individual. Because all things
are manifestations of Deity, anything may
serve as a face for Deity. All faces of Deity
are equally valid and equally unable to
capture the whole range of Divine Nature,
understanding. Ultimately communication
with Deity comes from within, and so Deity
uses those images and symbols which have
meaning to the person to facilitate this